Showing posts with label Olaf Scholz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olaf Scholz. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

German Government to Face Confidence Vote | BBC News

Dec 16, 2024 | The German parliament is due to hold a vote of confidence in the government of chancellor, Olaf Scholz, which is expected to lose.

Scholz requested the vote and wants to lose it because he currently runs a minority government, which means he cannot do anything without the Conservative opposition who are not willing to help him, he claims.

This comes after Scholz’s coalition collapsed in November 2024, effectively over the country’s budget.

The one way Germany can get an effective functioning government is by dissolving the current parliament and stage new, early elections in February 2025.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Olaf Scholz Condemns Far-Right Plan to Deport Millions of Immigrants

THE TELERAPH: German chancellor says proposal, which would also expel German citizens, was drawn up by ‘fanatics with assimilation fantasies’

Mr Scholz warned German security services would investigate anyone 'who opposes our free democratic order' CREDIT: CLEMENS BILAN/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Olaf Scholz has strongly condemned a secret meeting at a mansion outside Berlin where far-Right groups drew up plans for deporting millions of immigrants, including German citizens.

The plan, revealed by the German investigative group Correctiv, has sent shockwaves across Germany given its echoes of Nazi ideology, notably the expulsion of those of non-German ethnic origin.

Mr Scholz, the German chancellor, said in response to the plan: “We protect everyone – regardless of origin, skin colour or how uncomfortable someone is for fanatics with assimilation fantasies.”

He also warned that the German security services would investigate anyone “who opposes our free democratic order,” adding that “the fact we learn from our history is not just lip service”. » | James Rothwell, Berlin Correspondent | Thursday, January 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Italian PM ‘Astonished’ at Germany Paying Charities for Refugee Rescues

GUARDIAN EUROPE: In stern letter to Olaf Scholz, Giorgia Meloni criticises support provided for saving people in the Mediterranean

Italy’s far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. Photograph: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Italy’s far-right prime minster, Giorgia Meloni, has written a stern letter to the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, telling him she was “astonished” to learn that Berlin was paying charities to rescue people in the Mediterranean.

The row between Italy and German broke out after the Catholic charity Sant’Egidio said it had signed a fresh deal with Berlin to fund activities assisting refugees in Italy.

A spokesperson for the German foreign ministry said his government had implemented a “financial support programme” worth €790,000 (£685,000) to support the German NGO SOS Humanity in carrying out search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean. Saving people at sea was a “legal, humanitarian and moral duty”, the spokesperson added. » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday, September 25, 2023

Warschau wirft Scholz Einmischung vor


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Laut Justizminister Ziobro will der deutsche Bundeskanzler den polnischen Oppositionsführer Tusk im Wahlkampf unterstützen. Scholz hatte am Wochenende von Polen Aufklärung in der Visa-Affäre verlangt.

Die polnische Regierung wirft Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz wegen Äußerungen zur Visa-Affäre eine Einmischung in den Wahlkampf vor. „Die Zuständigkeit des Bundeskanzlers betrifft eindeutig nicht das laufende Verfahren in Polen“, schrieb Außenminister Zbigniew Rau am Sonntagabend auf der Plattform X. „Äußerungen in diesem Zusammenhang deuten auf einen Versuch hin, sich in die inneren Angelegenheiten des polnischen Staates und den laufenden Wahlkampf in Polen einzumischen.“ » | Von Niklas Zimmerman | Montag, 25. September 2023

Sunday, June 04, 2023

German Chancellor Scholz Throws Angry Response at Chants of 'Warmonger' | DW News

Jun 4, 2023 | In Germany a video has gone viral showing Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a rare outburst of anger, shouting at protesters who attacked his government's military support of Ukraine.

Scholz was at a gathering of his party near Berlin when a group of protesters disrupted his speech, shouting slogans like 'Make peace without weapons' and calling him a warmonger.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Observer View on Germany’s Response to the War in Ukraine

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: German timidity is driven by self-interest as much as caution

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz addresses a press conference following a meeting with the state leaders on Ukraine in Berlin. Photograph: John MacDougall/AFP/Getty Images

Days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, Olaf Scholz delivered a bombshell of his own. Addressing an extraordinary session of the Bundestag, Germany’s chancellor declared his government would boost defence spending by €100bn (£84bn), suspend the prized Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia and reverse a long-standing ban on transferring arms to conflict zones in order to help Ukraine.

The shock announcements, termed a “revolution”, were seen as evidence that Germany, and especially Scholz’s centre-left Social Democratic party (SPD), was definitively turning away from its postwar pacifist tradition. The fact Scholz also pledged to meet Nato’s 2% of GDP defence spending obligation was cited as further proof of a historic shift in Berlin’s thinking about its role in the world.

The resulting satisfaction, bordering on smug self-congratulation, evident in Washington, London and Warsaw, was compounded by the ensuing German debate about how to deal with Russia. Leading figures on the left and right conceded the post-Soviet policy of conciliating Moscow, rooted in the SPD’s famed cold war era Ostpolitik, had been fundamentally misconceived.

As millions in Ukraine flee merciless bombardment, and incontrovertible evidence emerges of war crimes by Vladimir Putin’s troops, this changed belief that Russia cannot be treated as a normal country with which it is possible to do business as usual is now widely accepted. Yet at the same time, Scholz’s revolutionary fervour seems to be waning. » | Editorial | Sunday, April 24, 2022

Monday, March 28, 2022

Guerre en Ukraine : Emmanuel Macron et Olaf Scholz prennent leurs distances après les propos de Joe Biden

LE MONDE : Le président français et le chancelier allemand veulent maintenir un canal de communication avec Vladimir Poutine dans l’espoir de négocier la fin du conflit par la voie diplomatique.

Livraisons d’armes à l’Ukraine, rôle de l’OTAN en Europe centrale, sanctions concertées et démonstration d’unité, la visite de Joe Biden à Bruxelles et à Varsovie avait jusqu’ici convaincu les Européens du réengagement des Etats-Unis face à la Russie. Mais les petites phrases improvisées par le président américain lors de son passage en Pologne, samedi 26 mars, les ont mis dans un embarras certain, alors que la guerre en Ukraine entre dans son deuxième mois. » | Par Philippe Ricard | lundi 28 mars 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Krise um die Ukraine: Beim Treffen in Moskau warnt Scholz vor einem Unglück – Putin vermisst «konstruktive Antworten» und spricht von Völkermord

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Bereits zum zweiten Mal innerhalb eines Jahres löst Russland mit einem Truppenaufmarsch nahe der Grenze zur Ukraine grosse Besorgnis aus. Was ist über die Lage bekannt, und welche Interessen verfolgt Moskau? Ein Überblick.

Der deutsche Kanzler Olaf Scholz und Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin an der Pressekonferenz in Moskau. | Sputnik via Reuters / Sergey Guneev


Der deutsche Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz zeigt sich weiter zuversichtlich, auf diplomatischem Weg eine Lösung für den Konflikt zwischen Russland und der Ukraine zu finden. «So schwierig und ernst die derzeitige Lage auch scheint – ich weigere mich, sie als aussichtslos zu beschreiben», sagte Scholz am Dienstag (15. 2.) nach seinem Gespräch mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin in Moskau. Allen Europäern und der Nato sei klar, dass nachhaltige Sicherheit nur gemeinsam mit Russland erreicht werden könne. Er sehe allerdings keinen vernünftigen Grund für den russischen Truppenaufmarsch. Deswegen sei nun Deeskalation gefragt. Scholz begrüsste Berichte über einen ersten Truppenabzug. «Es ist unsere verdammte Pflicht und Aufgabe, als Staats- und Regierungschefs zu verhindern, dass es in Europa zu einer kriegerischen Eskalation kommt», sagte Scholz weiter. «Lassen Sie uns diese Dinge im Wege des Dialogs weiter bereden. Wir dürfen nicht in einer Sackgasse enden, die wäre ein Unglück.» » | Andreas Rüesch | Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022

Friday, December 31, 2021

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Urges Solidarity in His First New Year’s Address | DW News

Dec 31, 2021 • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who succeeded Angela Merkel as chancellor in early December, calls for the public to stand together in the fight against the pandemic and support his government's planned renewal of the country in his first new year's address to the nation.

The new Chancellor appealed to all Germans to get vaccinated amid a massive fifth wave of infections in the country driven by the Omicron coronavirus variant.

Scholz asked for understanding regarding the significantly tightened restrictions that have just come into force in Germany, including the limits on private gatherings.

Other than tackling the pandemic, the biggest challenge was to lay the foundation for Germany's continued advancement, Scholz continued. "The 2020s will be a decade of new beginnings," he said. Scholz also said that his centre-left coalition government intended to transform the German economy. "We will be able to master the great changes of our era collectively and communally, if we stick together as a society," Scholz concluded.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

La vie après la chancellerie: le dilemme d’Angela Merkel

Madame la chancelière – son titre reste inchangé – a toujours gardé secrète sa vie privée. Christoph Soeder/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

LE FIGARO : À 67 ans, celle qui va quitter le pouvoir après l’avoir exercé pendant 5860 jours semble hésiter sur son avenir.

Une dernière réunion de son cabinet, une ultime séance au Bundestag, et Angela Merkel quittera le pouvoir, mercredi 8 décembre, après 5860 jours passés à l’exercer. La chancelière transmettra officiellement le témoin à Olaf Scholz et une longue page de l’histoire politique allemande se tournera, même si le record de longévité appartiendra encore, avec neuf jours de plus, à son mentor, feu Helmut Kohl. Les compliments vont pleuvoir. Son successeur social-démocrate a déjà salué une «chancelière qui a réussi» et est «restée fidèle» à elle-même. » | Par Pierre Avril | lundi 6 décembre 2021

Olaf Scholz elected to succeed Angela Merkel as German chancellor: Former Hamburg mayor secures 395 of 736 delegates’ ballots in parliamentary vote »

Steinmeier ernennt Scholz zum Bundeskanzler: Nachdem der Bundestag Olaf Scholz zum neuen Bundeskanzler gewählt hat, ernennt ihn der Bundespräsident formal. Nach der Vereidigung des Kanzlers müssen noch die neuen Minister ernannt werden. »

Germany's Olaf Scholz takes over from Merkel as chancellor: Olaf Scholz has been confirmed as Germany's new chancellor, bringing to an end Angela Merkel's historic 16 years as leader. »

Kühler Pragmatiker mit grosser Mission: Wer ist der neue Kanzler Olaf Scholz?: Nach sechzehn Jahren unter Merkel steht ein SPD-Politiker an der Spitze der Regierung. Scholz startet mit grossem Selbstbewusstsein. Die Pandemie aber, Konflikte mit der FDP und nicht restlos aufgeklärte Vorwürfe gegen ihn könnten den Start erschweren. »