Tuesday, August 30, 2022

‘People Are Tired of Being Ignored While the Rich Get Richer’: Bernie Sanders on Anger and Hope in the US and UK

‘Why, with all this new tech, are we not seeing an improved standard of living?’ … Bernie Sanders at a unionisation rally in Richmond, Virginia. Photograph: Julia Rendleman/Reuters

THE GUARDIAN: The Vermont senator rose from the political margins to become hugely influential within the American left. As he prepares to speak at a London rally, he explains why unions on both sides of the Atlantic must reassert their power

Both are unlikely political sensations who were long consigned to the fringes: Bernie Sanders, an octogenarian US senator who inspired an army of voters far younger than himself; and Mick Lynch, a former blacklisted construction worker and child of Irish immigrants who, as the leader of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers union (RMT), shot to national prominence when he humbled hostile but underinformed broadcast journalists. “I think Lynch is touching a nerve,” Sanders says.

The de facto leader of the US left has swung his considerable political heft behind a new campaign – Enough Is Enough – launched to fight Britain’s mounting cost of living crisis, which was founded in part by Lynch and the RMT. It has certainly touched a nerve: at a recent rally in Clapham, south London, many of those who had queued around the block were turned away for lack of space. “‘Enough is enough’, funnily enough, is an expression we use a lot here,” Sanders says. “People are sick and tired of often working longer hours for low wages; sick and tired of their kids having a lower standard of living than them; and they’re sick and tired of billionaires getting richer and richer while they fall behind.

“Why, with all this new tech out there, are they not seeing an improved standard of living? Why not more equality, rather than less equality? Why are living standards deteriorating, not improving? Lynch is asking that, Enough Is Enough is asking that – and it’s hitting a nerve, because people are tired of being ignored while the rich get richer.” » | Owen Jones | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

More than 40% of Americans think civil war likely within a decade: More than half of ‘strong Republicans’ think such a conflict is at least somewhat likely, poll finds »

Monday, August 29, 2022

Jung und verliebt | Reupload

Young and in love / Jeunes et amoureux

Ich bedanke mich bei “Gay kiss“ auf Pinterest fürs schöne Bild.

‘Gay Conversion Therapist’ Comes Out: Exclusive Interview | Reupload

Jan 31, 2019 He was a leader of the controversial 'gay conversion therapy' movement in the United States - so it came as a shock when David Matheson publicly came out as gay.

For decades, Mr Matheson - a Mormon - ran retreats offering therapy to suppress or manage sexuality, - claiming to help people live as straight men rather than gay.

In an exclusive interview with this programme he's now conceded that the practice, which almost 700,000 Americans have undergone, is not only built on a harmful philosophy but should be banned.

We are also joined from New York by Chaim Levin, who twice attended retreats co-founded by David Matheson.

Is 10% of the Population Really Gay?

THE OBSERVER: Drawing on the widest survey of sexual behaviour since the Kinsey Report, David Spiegelhalter, in his book Sex By Numbers, answers key questions about our private lives. Here he reveals how Kinsey’s contested claim that 10% of us are gay is actually close to the mark

For a single statistic to be the primary propaganda weapon for a radical political movement is unusual. Back in 1977, the US National Gay Task Force (NGTF) was invited into the White House to meet President Jimmy Carter’s representatives – a first for gay and lesbian groups. The NGTF’s most prominent campaigning slogan was “we are everywhere”, backed up by the memorable statistical claim that one in 10 of the US population was gay – this figure was deeply and passionately contested.

So where did Bruce Voeller, a scientist who was a founder and first director of the NGTF, get this nice round 10% from? To find out, we have to delve back into Alfred Kinsey’s surveys in 1940s America, which were groundbreaking at the time but are now seen as archaic in their methods: he sought out respondents in prisons and the gay underworld, made friends with them and, over a cigarette, noted down their behaviours using an obscure code. Kinsey did not believe that sexual identity was fixed and simply categorised, and perhaps his most lasting contribution was his scale, still used today, in which individuals are rated from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual on a scale of 0 to 6.

Kinsey’s headline finding was that “at least 37% of the male population has some homosexual experience between the beginning of adolescence and old age”, meaning physical contact to the point of orgasm. He claimed that 13% of males were predominately homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55 (scoring at least 4) and that 4% of males were exclusively homosexual all their lives (scoring 6). For 30-year-old US men, he estimated that 83% would score 0 (totally heterosexual), 8% would be 1 or 2 on the scale, and 9% would be at least a 3. He acknowledged that people could move on the scale during their lifetime, and indeed Kinsey himself is said to have moved from a 1 or 2 when younger to a 3 or 4 in middle age. » | David Spiegelhalter | Sunday, April 5, 2015

Gay Britain: what do the statistics say?: How many people in the UK are gay, lesbian or bisexual? The Office for National Statistics reckons it's 1.5% while the Kinsey report says it's 10%. Who's right? »

WIKIPEDIA: Kinsey scale.

Holy Smoke

Quand fumer devient sacré. / Wenn das Rauchen heilig wird.

Many thanks to Yahoo News on Pinterest for this delightful photo.

The Guardian View on Broken Markets: Time to Take Back Control

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The need to rebalance the public and private sectors, and rein in market excess is becoming the new common sense in UK politics

When a poll finds that almost half of Conservative voters favour taking the energy industry into public ownership, and a former adviser to Tory governments describes the privatisation model for energy and water as broken, it seems fair to surmise that a laissez-faire economic orthodoxy that has lasted more than 30 years is on the ropes.

The scale of the looming energy catastrophe, as bills rise to unaffordable levels for households and small businesses, has been primarily driven by the external shock of Russia’s war in Ukraine. But as Sir Dieter Helm, professor of economic policy at Oxford University, argued in an interview with the Financial Times on Monday, the crisis has exposed the deficiencies of a market that was not, in any case, fit for purpose. Energy and water, he said, are “too essential to be treated like another commodity, as some of the architects of the privatisation, liberalisation and competition paradigm believed”. » | Editorial | Monday, August 29, 2022

The Tobacco Conspiracy : Documentary

Nov 26, 2018 This France-Canada co-production goes behind the scenes of the huge tobacco industry, whose economic power has been expanding for five decades at the expense of public health. A gripping investigation covering three continents, Nadia Collot's film exposes the vast conspiracy of a criminally negligent industry that conquers new markets through corruption and manipulation. To confront the tobacco cartel, anti-smoking groups are organizing and scoring points, but the fight remains fierce. With ist diverse viewpoints, shocking interviews and riveting images, The Tobacco Conspiracy deftly defines the issues in a complex situation where private interests and the public good collide. Enlightening and engrossing, this documentary is a hard-hitting critique of an industry gone mad.

The Seductive Power of Red I ARTE.tv Documentary

Aug 29, 2022 Lipstick has been around since the dawn of time. It is often a symbol of power and rebellion. Across the centuries, queens, politicians, workers, actresses, geishas, drag-queens, rock stars, and make-up lovers all over the world have called upon its ability to flatter and enhance. In the modern age of the beauty influencer, this ancient beautification trick is more popular than ever.

The Seductive Power of Red I ARTE.tv Documentary
Available until the 28/09/2022

Israelis: What Do You Think of Gay People?

You can donate to this project here.

German Cardinal Calls for Change in Church Teaching on Homosexuality

German Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising speaks in front of a rainbow flag during a service marking the 20th anniversary of the LGBTQ community at St. Paul's Church in Munich March 13, 2022. (CNS photo/Lukas Barth, Reuters)

NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER: HAMBURG, GERMANY — Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has called for a change in Catholic teaching on homosexuality, reported the German Catholic news agency KNA.

"The catechism is not set in stone. One may also question what it says," Marx told the weekly magazine Stern in an interview published March 31.

"Homosexuality is not a sin. It corresponds to a Christian attitude when two people, regardless of gender, stand up for each other, in joy and sorrow," he said. The value of love was also shown in "not making the other person an object, not using him or her or humiliating him or her."

Marx added: "LGBTQ+ people are part of creation and loved by God, and we are called upon to stand against discrimination." He also said, "Those who threaten homosexuals and anyone else with hell have understood nothing."

Earlier in March, at a Mass celebrating the 20th anniversary of "queer services" in Munich, Marx apologized for the church's discrimination against homosexuals. In his sermon, the cardinal promoted an "inclusive church."

The cardinal told Stern that only 10 years ago he could not have imagined holding such a service. » | Catholic News Service | Thursday, March 31, 2022

Der Münchner Kardinal Marx will die katholische Kirche für queere Menschen öffnen: "Homosexualität ist keine Sünde": Er gilt als Vertrauter des Papstes und doch fordert er das Ende des Pflichtzölibats und der Ausgrenzung von Homosexuellen aus der Kirche. Ein Gespräch mit Kardinal Reinhard Marx. »

Gay Commercials 2009 - 2019 | Parts 1, 2 & 3

Dimitra’s Dishes: Greek Summertime Vegetable Stew: Soufiko

Get the recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 29, 2022

Scottish Independence: Could Britain Break Up? | Reupload

Apr 18, 2021 The union between the nations of the United Kingdom is looking increasingly fragile, thanks to Brexit. If Scotland were to break away from Britain it would face an uncertain future—as would the rest of the union.

What's behind Turkey's Ballooning Trade Deficit | DW Business

Aug 29, 2022 As Russia's invasion of Ukraine grinds on, its impact continues to be felt far beyond Ukraine's borders. In Turkey, the war has cast a shadow over President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's economic ambitions.

Turkey's trade deficit has ballooned over the last seven months on the back of rising commodity prices. In July, the monthly gap reached almost 11 billion dollars, which is a record level. The imbalance between imports and exports from January through July was 144 percent higher than a year earlier, according to Turkey’s state statistics agency. Add to that the rapid depreciation of the lira, and Turkey's problems don't look set to end soon.

Lebanon: A Cultural Melting Pot - Mediterranean Journey | DW Documentary

Aug 14, 2022 Six million people live in the cultural melting pot that is Lebanon. Muslims and Christians coexist here, although not always without conflict. Journalist Jaafar Abdul Karim shows colleague Sineb El Masrar the nation where he grew up.

For our 10-part series, Sineb El Marar and Jaafar Abdul Karim toured 10 nations in two years. Some of these countries underwent political and economic upheaval during this period. One of these was Lebanon, the homeland of Jaafar Abdul Karim.

In the first episode of "Mediterranean Journey”, the presenter invites his colleague Sineb El Masrar to the Beirut studio where he records his program "Jaafar Talk". He takes Sineb along on a tour of the city. It is a place that still bears the scars of civil war: Christians against Palestinians, both of these groups against Arab nationalists and all of them against Israel. The journey continues to the north of the country to Tripoli, where Jaafar meets the activist Lea Baroudi, initiator of the reconciliation project "March”.

Jaafar spends the night at the eco-lodge "Beit Al Batroun", not far from Byblos. The small estate is a slice of heaven; a dream realized for owner Colette Kahil. Back in Beirut, Jaafar meets the journalist Joumana Haddad, who runs support groups addressing the societal taboo of homosexuality.

He also meets with Zeina Hawa from the initiative "Chain Effect". She and her fellow cyclists are campaigning to make the Lebanese capital better for bikes. Together with Sineb, Jaafar explores Beirut on two wheels. The next stop on his trip is the Beqaa Valley, where he meets Syrian refugee women making clothes for the fair-trade project "Master Peace”.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Why Richard I Shared His Bed with the King of France

THE GUARDIAN: For the past half-century, Richard the Lionheart - that buff, bronzed warrior who hardly saw his wife and had no children - has been something of a gay icon. As a presence on the silver screen (most famously in the shape of the young Anthony Hopkins in The Lion in Winter) his homosexuality has rarely been in doubt.

English history isn't short of gay or bisexual monarchs - Edward II, James I, possibly William II - but the historical evidence for counting Richard I among their number rests on one contemporary document concerning his relationship with King Philip II of France. In 1187, a chronicler reports, the two men were so close that "at night the bed did not separate them".

Now, however, as the BBC prepares to air a new Lionheart docu-drama, the king's biographer, Professor John Gillingham, has pointed out that Richard's ostentatious bed-sharing with the French king was the product of a political alliance rather than a lovers' tryst. » | Helen Castor | Wednesday, March 19, 2008

« Ne payez pas vos factures d’énergie » : au Royaume-Uni, colère et mobilisation contre les prix du gaz et de l’électricité

LE MONDE : En octobre, les factures moyennes vont augmenter de 80 % par rapport à avril, soit un triplement en un an. Des dizaines de milliers de Britanniques menacent de ne pas payer.

Des manifestants protestent contre la hausse des prix, à Londres, le 12 février 2022. FUTURE PUBLISHING VIA GETTY

Anne Vivian-Smith passe son temps à vérifier son compteur électrique, « de façon obsessive ». Elle a toujours fait attention à sa consommation, mais depuis quelques mois, elle mesure le moindre de ses gestes : elle se fait moins de boissons chaudes, évite d’allumer la télévision, éteint au maximum les lumières.

Vivant à Nottingham, dans le nord de l’Angleterre, sévèrement handicapée par une maladie dégénérative, cette ancienne magistrate ne peut pas travailler et dépend des aides sociales, qui n’ont pas augmenté depuis trois ans dans son cas. Son mari, qui est employé dans une université, touche environ 1 000 livres sterling (1 200 euros) par mois et n’a obtenu qu’une augmentation de 1,5 % cette année, bien inférieure à l’inflation. Leur facture de gaz et d’électricité, en revanche, a fait un bond en avril, passant de 82 livres à 145 livres par mois. « Au début de l’année, on n’était pas riches, mais ça allait. Maintenant, notre vie a rétréci. » » | Par Eric Albert (Londres, correspondance)| dimanche 28 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Finding Shelter within Israel's Gay Community as Gay Palestinians | Real Stories

Jun 19, 2022 Persecuted in Palestine and called criminals in Israel, gay Palestinians are the silent victims of the conflict. Louie has been hiding in Tel Aviv for ten years, Abdu was tortured and accused of espionage for his relationships with gay Israelis; and Louis was almost killed by his family. Wherever they go, they live in fear of discovery. Only in Israel's gay underground are they at home. Eye-opening and revelatory. From The Invisible Men

What Life Is Like for LGBT People in Brazil | 2016

Aug 16, 2016 Filipe Techera, a gay resident of Rio, explains what life is like for LGBT people in Brazil.

Argentina : LGBTQ Tango : BBC Travel Show

Sep 4, 2019

Climate Change: Europe's First Heat Officer | DW Documentary

Aug 8, 2022 Eleni Myrivili has the mammoth task of ensuring the survival of Athens. As the city's newly appointed "chief heat officer," she is working on ways to prepare the Greek capital for the consequences of climate change. That's no small feat: The city has 3 million residents — and is almost unbearable in summer.

One possible solution to the heat problem dates all the way back to antiquity: Hadrian's Aqueduct, a subterranean tunnel constructed under Roman rule stretches nearly 20 kilometers (12 miles) under Athens. Water from this tunnel will be used to irrigate parks across the city, creating a cool green corridor. But Eleni Myrivili's tasks are not limited to city planning. She is also responsible for providing emergency aid for people directly affected by the heat. Despite the ever-worsening situation, she has observed a worrying trend: Many people in Athens still accept the heat and climate change as fate. Can Myrivili change people's perceptions? A report by Gunnar Köhne.

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Arabian Chicken & Rice Upside-down Recipe: Maklouba / Maqluba | مقلوبة

Views on YouTube: 5,788,449 | Subtitles for all languages are available for this video. They can be activated on the video itself.


Cooking oil
Onion (120g)
Bay leaves
Cinnamon stick
Cardamom, cloves, and one tsp of coriander seeds
1 whole chicken, cut up
1 tbsp of salt, half a tsp of black pepper, and one fourth [a quarter] of a tsp of turmeric
Potatoes (650g)
Eggplant [aubergine] (650g)
Onions (250g)
For the rice:
One and half tsps of salt
Three cups of washed and soaked basmati rice
Half a tsp each of black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and turmeric
For the garnish:
Coriander and fried onions


In a pot add a little cooking oil
Sauté chopped onions (120g)
Then add the following ingredients:
Bay leaves, cinnamon stick, cardamom, cloves, and one tsp of coriander seeds
Add one whole chicken cut up with the skin removed
Add the following ground spices:
1 tbsp of salt, half a tsp of black pepper, and one fourth [a quarter] of a tsp of turmeric
Then, cover the chicken with hot water
Cook on high heat for 20 minutes
While the chicken is cooking, prepare the vegetables:
Fry the cut potatoes (650g)
Fry the cut eggplant (650g)
Fry the onions (250g)
After 20 mins, remove the chicken and strain the broth
Place a piece of parchment paper on the bottom of a non-stick pot
Add the following ingredients, in order:
Place the chicken in the pot first, then the fried potatoes, then the fried eggplant, then the fried onion
In a separate bowl, add three cups of washed and soaked basmati rice (soaked for 20 minutes)
Add one and half tsp of salt, half a tsp each of black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and turmeric
Mix everything and place the mixture in the pot on top of the other ingredients.
Add the strained chicken broth
Cook on high heat until the amount of water decreases. Then, on low heat for 30 minutes
Carefully flip it into a serving tray and let it stand for 5 minutes before removing the pot
Carefully remove the pot
Garnish with coriander and fried onions

To get the recipe in Arabic and to give feedback, click here.


Serbia Cancels EuroPride amid Rightwing Threats, Says President

THE OBSERVER: Aleksandar Vučić admits ‘violation of minority rights’ while citing fears of clashes at LGBTQ+ event in Belgrade

People taking part in the Belgrade Pride march in September last year Photograph: Andrej Isaković/AFP/Getty Images

Serbia will not allow a pan-European LGBTQ+ Pride event to take place in Belgrade next month, the president has said, citing threats from rightwing extremists and fears of clashes.

The Serbian president, Aleksandar Vučić, announced the decision to cancel the EuroPride celebration on 12-18 September during a news conference where he also proposed extending the term of Serbia’s prime minister, who identifies as a lesbian.

Members of the European Pride Organisers Association (EPOA) chose Serbia’s capital three years ago to host the annual event. Vučić said a crisis with neighbouring Kosovo and various economic problems were among the reasons why the Balkan country’s authorities did not think they could handle EuroPride, which features a Pride parade.

“This is a violation of minority rights, but at this moment the state is pressured by numerous problems,” he said. » | Associated Press in Belgrade | Saturday, August 27, 2022

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Maurizio Pollini : Frédéric Chopin : Nocturnes

Face To Face | Carl Gustav Jung (1959) HQ

Oct 11, 2017 Professor Jung is interviewed at his home in Switzerland by John Freeman.

Mystal: "What Does Trump Have to Do to Go to Jail?"

Aug 27, 2022 In the wake of the release of the affidavit at the center of the search of Donald Trump's golf course Mar-A-Lago, Dr. Jason John and Elie Mystal query, "why ain't this dude in jail?"and discuss the national security implications connected with this breach.

Hear! Hear! – Mark

CALLEkocht: So machst Du das perfekte Steak für Dein Steak-Sandwich

Aug 26, 2022 Bestes Steak rosa gebraten von der Hüfte als Sandwich in selbst gebackenen Brot. Warum solltest Du jetzt noch zu SUBWAY? Dieses Rezept ist besser.


400 g Steak Hüfte
BBQ Soße


Wie im Video gezeigt wird.

Michael Lambert : 'Puppet' of the Right Deluded Liz Truss Prepares to Lead the Nation

Aug 27, 2022 It seems almost certain that Liz Truss will become Prime Minister of the UK on a 5th September having defeated Rishi Sunak in a race that will have been decided by 150,000 mostly elderly prosperous and white members of the Conservative party.

Throughout the campaign, and throughout her career, Truss has been inconsistent, from being a Liberal Democrat to becoming a Tory, from being extremely pro-Remainer to becoming an arch-enemy of the EU, she has flipped and U-turned whenever it has suited her political ambitions.

In a dull and tedious campaign to become leader of the Tory Party, she has changed her mind on several major issues and, whenever challenged, has said she had been 'misinterpreted'. Truss appears to have little political wit or skill, almost no firm principles, and is likely to succumb to pressures from the right of the Tory party once elected. In effect she will be a puppet of the right-wing whilst the country faces the biggest crises it has faced since the Second World War.

An excellent synopsis, as usual. I dislike using ad hominem attacks on anyone, but I must make an exception for this woman—I have started calling her 'Ms Trust' (a play on the word mistrust)—as each time I see her, she reminds me of Minnie Mouse. She is NO Mrs Thatcher! Maggie, whether people loved her or loathed her, had stature and gravitas. The last words that would come to mind when thinking of Liz Truss are 'stature' and 'gravitas'. – © Mark Alexander

Réalités Biomédicales : que de la médecine et de la biologie, mais sous un autre angle

LE MONDE – Le blog de Marc Gozlan : Un patient contracte simultanément le monkeypox, la Covid-19 et la syphilis, tandis qu’un autre présente une co-infection par monkeypox, SARS-CoV-2 et VIH

Alvaro Vives A, et al. Research Square. Posted Date: August 23rd, 2022.

Deux études indépendantes, espagnole et italienne, rapportent, chez un homme ayant des relations avec des hommes, une co-infection par le virus monkeypox (« variole du singe ») et d’autres agents infectieux.

L’équipe espagnole a publié le 23 août 2022, sous forme de preprint sur le site Research Square, le cas d’un individu de 56 ans ayant des relations avec des hommes. Cet homme, VIH négatif, est sous PrEP (prophylaxie pré-exposition). Utilisée avant un rapport sexuel à risque, la PrEP permet d’empêcher la contamination par le virus du sida (VIH).

Cet individu s’est présenté aux urgences pour un ulcère génital non douloureux apparu deux jours auparavant, sans autre symptôme associé. Il n’avait jamais contracté dans le passé d’infection sexuellement transmissible. Six mois plus tôt, il avait été testé négatif pour le VIH et la syphilis. Dépressif et diabétique, il recevait un traitement approprié. » | Le blog de Marc Gozlan,journaliste médico-scientifique | vendredi 26 août 2022

The Most Beautiful Gay Kiss on the Web! | First Kiss | Reupload

First Kiss is a 84-minute kissing video between the artists Idan Bitton and Alfredo Ferran Calle. While the camera is still, the kiss is in motion, provoking the viewer to stay and watch.

Idan and Alfredo do not interact with the viewer, but offer a peek into their intimate moments of commitment.

This long lasting, present and unapologetic kiss defines our current gay rights momentum. We are here, we love each other, and this is what it looks like.

By: Idan Bitton (idanbitton.com)
Performed: Idan Bitton & Alfredo Ferran Calle
Video: Runn Shayo

Alas, this video cannot be embedded on external websites; it must therefore be viewed on YouTube itself. Click here to watch the most sublime and longest gay kiss on the Web. – © Mark Alexander

As I Said: Who Needs Netflix Now?


It’s Absolut. o’Clock ! It Will Soon Be Sundowner Time. Why Wait for the Sun to Go Down Anyway ? | Reupload


Rwandan Woman Faces up to 2 Years in Jail for 'Indecent' Dress | DW News

Aug 27, 2022 In Rwanda, a woman is facing two years in jail for what authorities call 'indecent' dressing. Liliane Mugabekazi was arrested in early August after a photo of her wearing a transparent dress in public went viral. Police then held her for 12 days until she was granted bail. Her court hearing is expected soon.

Julio Iglesias : Moonlight Lady

Jan 3, 2017 Provided to YouTube by SMI Artist

Michael Beschloss: We Have Never Seen Anything Close to This from Any President

Aug 27, 2022 After the redacted affidavit in the Mar-a-Lago search was unsealed, Presidential historian Michael Beschloss talks about the uncharted territory America has entered.

Stocks Plunge after Fed Chair Warns of ‘Pain’ from Inflation Fight

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The S&P 500 fell 3.4 percent, its worst daily showing since mid-June, after the Federal Reserve chair spoke about the path ahead for monetary policy.

Wall Street recoiled on Friday, after the head of the Federal Reserve delivered a stern warning that the central bank’s campaign to lower inflation by raising interest rates is “unconditional” even if it leads to pain for households, businesses and in turn stock prices.

The S&P 500 fell 3.4 percent, its worst daily showing since mid-June, taking its losses for the week to 4 percent. The slump was broad, with every sector of the index lower.

Bond investors also quickly adjusted for more rate increases from the Fed, with the two-year Treasury yield, which is sensitive to rising interest rates, moving close to its highest level of the year at 3.44 percent, before easing back to 3.38 percent.

“While higher interest rates, slower growth and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflation, they will also bring some pain to households and businesses,” Jerome Powell, the Fed chair, said during a speech at the Kansas City Fed’s annual conference in Wyoming. “These are the unfortunate costs of reducing inflation. But a failure to restore price stability would mean far greater pain.” » | Joe Rennison | Friday, August 26, 2022

Daily Business Briefing.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Lawrence: Trump Is Living the Worst Post-Presidency Life Ever

Aug 26, 2022 MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains how the release of a redacted version of the affidavit that convinced a federal judge to sign off on a search warrant of Donald Trump’s Florida home is going to make tomorrow the worst day of Trump’s life, so far.

« Ami ou ennemi » ? Emmanuel Macron répond à Liz Truss que « le Royaume-Uni est une nation amie, quels que soient ses dirigeants »

LE MONDE : Candidate favorite pour succéder à Boris Johnson au poste de première ministre, Liz Truss avait refusé de dire si le président français était « ami ou ennemi » de son pays, alors que plusieurs dossiers de contentieux existent entre la France et le Royaume-Uni.

Candidate à la succession de Boris Johnson, la ministre britannique des affaires étrangères, Liz Truss, lors d’une réunion électorale du Parti conservateur à Birmingham, le 23 août 2022. GEOFF CADDICK / AFP

« Le Royaume-Uni est une nation amie, forte et alliée, quels que soient ses dirigeants », a déclaré le président français, Emmanuel Macron, depuis Alger, vendredi 26 août, après que la ministre britannique des affaires étrangères candidate favorite au poste de première ministre, Liz Truss, a refusé de dire si le président français était « ami ou ennemi » de son pays.

Interrogée jeudi soir lors d’une réunion électorale du parti conservateur à Norwich (sud-est du Royaume-Uni), celle qui brigue la succession de Boris Johnson avait refusé de se prononcer sur les qualités du président français, affirmant qu’elle le jugerait « sur ses actes ». Quand la journaliste animant la soirée lui a demandé : « Macron, ami ou ennemi ? », Liz Truss a répondu que « le jury est toujours en train de délibérer », provoquant des rires dans la salle. « Si je deviens première ministre, je le jugerai sur ses actes et pas sur ses mots », a-t-elle ajouté. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 26 août 2022

Martin Lewis Issues a Stark Warning as He Calls for the Government to Help with Energy Price Hikes | Good Morning Britain

Aug 26, 2022 Martin Lewis explains what the rise in the energy price cap means. Broadcast on 26/08/22

Homosexuality in the Islamic World | Al Muqaddimah

In this video, we’re gonna talk about homosexuality in the Islamic World. While today, the Islamic World and homosexuality don’t seem to go together, in the past, there was a rich tradition of homosexuality being expressed through stories and poetry. While it was never completely allowed, it did become an open secret. So, without further ado, let’s get to it.

Further reading and sources: Islamic:

Homosexualities by Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe
Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World by Khaled El-Rouayheb
Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature by J. W. Wright and Everett K. Rowson
Homosexuality in the Middle East and North Africa by Vincenzo Patanè

The word 'Al Muqaddimah', or 'the introduction' (المقدمة), comes from the Arabic verb 'to inroduce' (يقدم) [he introduces].

The book referred to is usually 'Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun' (مقدّمة ابن خلدون), details of which can be found on Wikipedia

Meet One of the Middle East's First Openly Gay Celebrities — Internet Without Borders

Jan 19, 2017 Egyptian gay rights activist Omar Shariff, Jr. is working to ensure that the media that reaches the televisions and smartphones of Egyptians reflects not only the diversity of Egypt, but the broader international community.

We visited Omar at the 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum to discuss Egypt's cultural revolution, and how the LGBTQ community will play a role.

internet Without Borders, made in partnership with the Oslo Freedom Forum, is a four-part video series exploring how technology is being used to defend human rights.

Activists Discuss Being LGBTQ+ in the Arab World | NowThis | Reupload

Jul 15, 2018 ‘There was nothing wrong with me. It was the people around me that were wrong.’ — These LGBTQ+ Arabs want others like them to know there is hope.

These LGBT activists want other Arabs who happen to be gay, lesbian, transgender or trans, bisexual, queer, pansexual, intersex, gender non-conforming, non-binary, or questioning their gender or sexuality in general, to know that they are not alone.

These LGBT advocates encourage others to take pride in their sexuality and gender, providing LGBT advice, and reminding all people that LGBT rights matter because they are HUMAN rights.

France, a Land of Freedom for LGBT Arabs

Nov 29, 2019 Since most Arab countries criminalise homosexuality, same-sex unions are only possible in some countries abroad. Here in France, an imam has been offering his blessings to same-sex marriages for four years now. Among these couples, many are of Arab origin and some have travelled or emigrated to the country to benefit from France's law legalising same-sex unions. Thameen Kheetan reports.

The Hunt for Dubai's Best Shawarma

Aug 26, 2022 We reviewed your 9 top-voted shawarma spots in Dubai to find the Best Shawarma, highlighting the unique features of each shawarma spot along the way.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 26, 2022

Donald Trump Is Not Above the Law

Damon Winter/The New York Times


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Over the course of this summer, the nation has been transfixed by the House select committee’s hearings on the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and how or whether Donald Trump might face accountability for what happened that day. The Justice Department remained largely silent about its investigations of the former president until this month, when the F.B.I. searched his home in Palm Beach, Fla., in a case related to his handling of classified documents. The spectacle of a former president facing criminal investigation raises profound questions about American democracy, and these questions demand answers.

Mr. Trump’s unprecedented assault on the integrity of American democracy requires a criminal investigation. The disturbing details of his postelection misfeasance, meticulously assembled by the Jan. 6 committee, leaves little doubt that Mr. Trump sought to subvert the Constitution and overturn the will of the American people. The president, defeated at the polls in 2020, tried to enlist federal law enforcement authorities, state officials and administrators of the nation’s electoral system in a furious effort to remain in power. When all else failed, he roused an armed mob that stormed the Capitol and threatened lawmakers.

The Justice Department is reportedly examining Mr. Trump’s conduct, including his role in trying to overturn the election and in taking home classified documents. If Attorney General Merrick Garland and his staff conclude that there is sufficient evidence to establish Mr. Trump’s guilt on a serious charge in a court of law, then they must indict him, too. » | The Editorial Board | Friday, August 26, 2022

Macron Responds to Truss Saying 'Jury's Out' on Whether French President Is Friend or Foe

Aug 26, 2022 French president Emmanuel Macron has said Britain and France will maintain friendly ties irrespective of who becomes prime minister. 'If we are not able, between the French and British, to say whether we are friends or enemies – the term is not neutral – we are headed towards serious problems' said Macron during a state visit to Algeria.

Macron responded to a remark by the foreign secretary, Liz Truss, at hustings in Norwich in which she cast doubt on whether she considered Macron a friend or foe of the UK. 'If I become prime minister, I'll judge him on deeds not words,' she said.

‘Serious problem’ if France and UK can’t tell if they are friends or enemies, says Macron. Liz Truss criticised for saying ‘jury’s out’ on Emmanuel Macron being friend or foe

What a stupid bloody woman Liz Truss (Ms Trust) is! Such an injudicious comment on our closest neighbour and our friends’ president. This woman is unfit for the office she is running for. – © Mark Alexander

Literary Community Rallies for Salman Rushdie

The Tories Banned Us from Their Leadership Debate Last Night

Aug 26, 2022 CCHQ said they don't like our reporting and therefore wouldn't let us into their leadership debate in Norwich last night. So we're trying out something new today.

Zu Tisch ... Vaucluse - Frankreich | ARTE

Jul 30, 2022 Im Süden Frankreichs ist sie weder von den Märkten noch aus der sommerlichen Küche wegzudenken: die Melone. In der Region von Cavaillon in der Provence werden sie seit dem 15. Jahrhundert angebaut. David Biscarrat kultiviert auf 150 Hektar Freiland-Melonen. Seine Frau Laetitia zaubert aus ihnen herzhafte Gerichte wie Tatar mit Zucchini und Avocado oder serviert sie gekocht.

Im Süden Frankreichs ist sie weder von den Märkten noch aus der sommerlichen Küche wegzudenken: die Melone. Im 15. Jahrhundert brachten die Päpste von Avignon Melonen-Samen aus Italien als Gastgeschenk in die Provence, wo sie seitdem in der Region von Cavaillon angebaut werden. Dank mehr als 3000 Sonnenstunden im Jahr finden sie ideale Bedingungen zum Reifen und entwickeln ihren besonders süßen, fruchtigen Geschmack.

David Biscarrat baut die Pflanzen auf 150 Hektar in Freilandkultur an, wo sie auch extremen Wetterbedingungen trotzen müssen. Davids Frau Laetitia findet immer neue Varianten, die Melonen in der Küche zu verarbeiten. Sie zaubert aus ihnen herzhafte Gerichte wie ein Tatar mit Zucchini und Avocado oder serviert sie gekocht als Melonenkompott mit angebratenen Krustentieren.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Alix François Meier (D 2021, 32 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 28/09/2022

Truss and Sunak Clash on Energy Costs at Penultimate Tory Hustings

THE GUARDIAN: Truss remained loath to ‘bung money’ at those struggling to afford spiralling bills, Sunak said millions may be forced into destitution

The frontrunner Liz Truss took shots at her rival Rishi Sunak, as well as the BBC and the French president, Emmanuel Macron, at the hustings in Norwich. Photograph: Composit

Liz Truss has doubled down on her reluctance to “bung more money” at those who will struggle to afford spiralling energy costs this winter while Rishi Sunak said millions may be forced into destitution without extra support, as the pair clashed at the penultimate hustings of the Conservative leadership race.

With energy regulator Ofgem expected to raise the price cap to £3,500 a year from October for the average dual-fuel tariff, Truss warned the issue of spiralling fuel costs was not a short-term one. “If people think this problem is going to be over in six months they are not right. This is a long term problem,” she told the audience in Norfolk.

But Sunak said her planned tax cuts would fail to help pensioners and those on lower incomes, and added that extra support for businesses struggling with energy bills was “clearly something the new prime minister will have to look at”.

The two candidates’ economic plans were the focus of Thursday night’s hustings given the threat of a worsening cost of living crisis.

But Truss appeared more at ease, given she is comfortably the frontrunner in polls of Conservative members, and confidently took shots at Sunak, the BBC and the French president, Emmanuel Macron.

The foreign secretary said she would prefer Boris Johnson to be prime minister over her rival in the leadership race. When asked if Macron was a friend or foe, she said: “The jury’s out. If I become PM, I’ll judge him on deeds not words.” And she said anybody who thought the BBC was neutral is “kidding themselves”. » | Aubrey Allegretti | Thursday, August 25, 2022

Liz Truss? A better name for that bloody woman would be Mis[s]Trus[t], or Ms Trust! She is clearly a heartless woman. Even Margaret Thatcher was known to have a heart (sometimes).

How and why the Tories want this woman, this turncoat, to lead the Party and the country is beyond my comprehension. She will take the country to the brink of disaster. I dare say that there could even be social unrest in the months to come. We will also have discord with the EU–the last thing we need in this crisis–if she is to be our ‘Führerin’. So a trade war with Europe will likely ensue. In my opinion, Sunak would be a far better choice.

As for her remarks on Emmanuel Macron, they are despicable. (As were her remarks on Nicola Sturgeon.) I, for one, would far prefer Emmanuel Macron to lead my country than this heartless woman. To me, Emmanuel Macron comes over as a thoroughly decent gentleman. By contrast, Ms Trust doesn’t display much decency at all. She comes over as being heartless to the point of being cruel. – © Mark Alexander

Au Royaume-Uni, les tarifs réglementés de l’énergie vont augmenter de 80 % à partir d’octobre : Les prix du gaz et de l’électricité ont flambé depuis le début de la guerre en Ukraine. D’après l’université de York, les deux tiers des ménages au Royaume-Uni seront plongés dans la précarité énergétique d’ici à janvier 2023. »

A Romantic Gay Wedding on a Rooftop. | Reupload

Eine romantische schwule Hochzeit auf einem Dach. / Un mariage gay romantique sur un toit.

Many thanks to Roy van der Wens Wedding Photo & Film on Pinterest for this delightful and elegant photo.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Not A Still Life | Gay Jewish Documentary Portrait | Reupload

Aug 13, 2018 • In this documentary portrait, a charismatic older, gay, Jewish man undergoes an evolution of awareness amid the joys and sorrows of his wild and fully lived life. In revealing his “naked truth,” he offers viewers an opportunity for reflection about the complexity of human identity.

In the words of the film’s spirited subject, “This is the story of a gay, Jewish, animal rights, vegetarian, recovering alcoholic ... individual.” Steve Stone is an ebullient, extroverted character and an engaging storyteller with a life full of captivating tales. He is also not unlike many gay men of a certain age who were almost brought to extinction with the AIDS epidemic of the 80’s. In that sense, this film, a portrait of a man, is also a chronicle of a time that was.

This one man’s story, his struggles with sexual orientation and various addictions, love and loss, taps into themes that encompass all our lives. His quirky and entertaining reflections come from a unique perspective. We cannot help but see ourselves in, and be inspired by, his distinctive outlook because for all the ways that we may not share his “outside the box” personality, his evolution, his journey through life and his deep desires are ours. They exemplify the conflicts and complexities in every human heart.

Not a Still Life punctuates the stories of Steve’s personal journey through the decades with a judicious use of title graphics to reflect key aspects of gay social history in America. His is the tale of a man who, in the homophobic period of the 50s, was ridiculed and dismissed as a child which led his irreverence, hyperactivity and rebelliousness. Determined to be himself rather than conform to social mores that made him uncomfortable, he came out to everyone in the early 60’s at the age of 17. Eight years before the Stonewall Rebellion, this was a brave move. Steve Stone has been openly gay for fifty years!

Viewer discretion is advised. Warning: Not suitable for children! – @ Mark Alexander

Who Needs Netflix Now?


Just Married!

Gerade geheiratet! / Tout juste marié !

Many thanks to photostockeditor.com on Pinterest for this delightful image.

Dimitra’s Dishes : Greek Tiropita horiatiki with Homemade Phyllo: Cheese Pie

Χωριάτικη τυρόπιτα / Country-style cheese pie

Get the recipe here.

WIKIPEDIA: Tiropita.

Theresa May Says Brexit Won't Cause Environment Standards to Fall in Resurfaced Clip

Aug 25, 2022 A resurfaced clip from 2019 in parliament shows former prime minister Theresa May saying to Zac Goldsmith that Brexit won't cause environmental standards in the UK to slip.

"Can the PM be absolutely clear that when we leave the EU, our environmental standards will rise, not fall?" Goldsmith is heard asking.

May said: "We're committed to ensuring that our environmental standards do not fall,

" The clip resurfaced online after raw sewage was pumped into the UK's waters. The Tory government have received backlash for polluting UK beaches and the subsequent environmental impact of this action.

What a load of BULLSHIT! Under the Tories, especially the Brexit-loving Tories, this country is becoming the SHITHOUSE of the world: a CESSPIT! Our environmental standards, as well as our food standards, have already gone down in this short time; and they will continue to go down and down and down in the future. The Tories have reduced us Brits to SHAME. Kick these BASTARDS out of office ASAP! – © Mark Alexander

Whitney Houston with Enrique Iglesias - Could I Have This Kiss Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 131,071,284

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Light and Crunchy Falafel | فلافل خفيفة ومقرمشة

How to make a light and crunchy falafel recipe for the best falafel sandwich. Crunchy vegetarian chickpea balls.


Two cups of chickpeas
Soak in water for 12 hours or longer.
Drain the water.
One fourth [a quarter] of a cup of parsley [and] coriander
Four sliced garlic cloves
Mix it! Blend ! Adding a little water.
1 tsp of coriander
1 tsp of cumin
One fourth [a quarter] of a tsp of baking soda
Salt to taste
Mix everything!
Shape the falafel, using a mold or hands, press ing on the sides
Poke a hole in the center
Use hot cooking oil on medium heat


As shown in the video.

For the recipe and cooking instructions in Arabic, click here.

La faiblesse de l’euro, symbole d’une économie en plein ralentissement

LE MONDE : Alors que la monnaie unique est passée sous la parité avec le dollar, le 22 août, pour la première fois depuis 2002, une récession apparaît probable.

Pour la troisième journée consécutive, l’euro est resté sous la parité avec le dollar, mercredi 24 août. A 99 centimes de dollar pour 1 euro, la monnaie unique est à son plus bas niveau depuis 2002. Au-delà du symbole, il s’agit d’un recul de 13 % depuis le début de l’année. Cela tombe au plus mauvais moment. La majorité du pétrole et du gaz s’échange en dollars. Le recul de l’euro renchérit d’autant les importations d’énergie, dont les prix flambent depuis l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie, le 24 février.

Comme toujours, la reculade de la monnaie unique est largement une histoire de banques centrales. La Banque centrale européenne (BCE) vient seulement de commencer à relever son taux d’intérêt, alors que la Fed américaine a débuté dès mars. L’écart entre le taux directeur des deux régions est passé d’un demi-point au début de l’année à deux points au 25 août. » | Par Eric Albert(Londres, correspondance) | jeudi 25 août 2022

Read in English.

Article réservé aux abonnés

Ex-Muslims of North America: Why Salman Rushdie Was Stabbed: The Satanic Verses Affair

Aug 25, 2022 The attempted murder of acclaimed author Salman Rushdie on August 12, 2022 sent an earthquake through civil society and the literary world—but it was more than three decades in the making, originating with accusations of blasphemy against Islam in his 1988 novel The Satanic Verses. In the 34 years since, a conflict between fundamentalism and secularism has roiled liberal societies, culminating in this gruesome attempt on Rushdie's life. The "Rushdie affair" is not over—and it won't be over for a long time to come.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 25, 2022

Islam Unveiled | Religion Documentary | Real Stories

Can Islam ever truly become part of the modern world?

Why is a religion that claims over a billion followers across the globe now seen as the world’s greatest bastion of sexism and misogyny? And is this true?

This major series takes the viewer on a dazzling ride across four continents and fourteen centuries, embarking both on a journey of the heart and a quest of the intellect. It is a quest that reveals surprising truths about women’s lives in the Muslim world today, and traces back to their cultural roots beliefs and practices that to many Westerners seem cruel and archaic.

Sewage in Sea: French Appeal to EU over UK Discharges of Waste

A file photo shows untreated sewage flowing into a river | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: The UK is threatening health and marine life on the French coast by allowing raw sewage to be dumped in the Channel and North Sea, say three Euro MPs.

Pollution warnings have been issued for almost 50 beaches in England and Wales, after heavy rain caused sewage overflow to be diverted into rivers and the sea.

The French MEPs accuse the UK of neglecting environmental commitments and risking marine life and fishing.

British water companies have said they are investing in solving the problem.

Since its departure from the European Union, the United Kingdom had neglected its environmental commitments, the MEPs said in a letter calling for legal or political action from the European Commission.

A UK government spokesperson said their allegation was "simply not true".

Despite no longer being bound by EU laws, the UK was still a signatory to relevant United Nations conventions on protecting shared waters, the MEPs argued. » | Elsa Maishman, BBC News | Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Invisible Man: Uncovering a Global Online Romance Scam

Nov 3, 2019 W5 investigates romance scams and reveals a global criminal organization behind the ripoffs and tragic consequences.

Zu Tisch ... Marokko | ARTE

Aug 6, 2022 Karge Landschaften und Arganbäume prägen den Südwesten von Marokko. Bei andauernder Trockenheit können die dornigen Bäume ihr Wachstum mehrere Jahre einstellen. Aus den Samen ihrer Früchte wird das wertvolle Arganöl gepresst. Typisch marokkanische Gerichte werden in der Region mit dem Öl zubereitet: Tajine mit Ziegenfleisch, Leberspieße, Couscous und Auberginensalat.

In der Provinz Tafedna, 150 Kilometer nördlich von Agadir, werden Arganbäume kultiviert. Sie gehören zu den ältesten Pflanzen der Erde und wachsen nur auf wenigen Landstrichen in Marokko. Bei andauernder Trockenheit können die dornigen Bäume ihr Wachstum mehrere Jahre einstellen. Aus den Samen ihrer Früchte wird das wertvolle Arganöl gewonnen. Typisch marokkanische Gerichte werden in der Region mit dem Öl zubereitet: Tajine mit Ziegenfleisch, Leberspieße, Couscous und Auberginensalat. Für die Arganproduktion schließen sich viele Frauen in Kooperativen zusammen – das macht die Arbeit effizienter. Vor sechs Jahren ist Halima Errachidi aus Casablanca in die Provinz gezogen und leitet seitdem die örtliche Kooperative. Beim gemeinsamen Abendessen testet Halima dann gerne ihre neuesten Ideen – zum Beispiel ein Kräuterpeeling – mit den Resten aus der Arganöl-Produktion.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Silvia Palmigiano (D 2019, 27 Min)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Patagonien - Land der Extreme | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Aug 24, 2022 Hier und da prägen Gebirge die unendlichen Weiten Patagoniens, das ungefähr zur Hälfte auf chilenischem und zur Hälfte auf argentinischem Staatsgebiet liegt. Die natürliche Grenze Patagoniens sind der Pazifik im Westen und der Atlantik im Osten. Von Nord nach Süd erstreckt sich ein 400 Kilometer langes Inlandeisfeld.

Hier und da prägen Gebirge die unendlichen Weiten Patagoniens, das ungefähr zur Hälfte auf chilenischem und zur Hälfte auf argentinischem Staatsgebiet liegt. Die natürliche Grenze Patagoniens sind der Pazifik im Westen und der Atlantik im Osten. Von Nord nach Süd erstreckt sich ein 400 Kilometer langes Inlandeisfeld. In Chile stürzen die Eisriesen der gigantischen Eiswüste direkt ins Meer. Auf argentinischer Seite münden die Gletscher des südpatagonischen Eisfelds in die großen Seen, die der Pampa, wie die Einheimischen die endlose Steppe nennen, Wasser spenden.

Einsame Granitfelsen ragen seit Urzeiten zwischen Wüste und endlos scheinendem Gletscher in den Himmel. Die beeindruckenden Gebirge dienen zugleich als Kulisse und Protagonisten dieser Dokumentation. Der junge Bergsteiger Matteo Della Bordella, der mit seinen spektakulären Aufstiegen weltweit berühmt wurde, begleitet das Team auf seinem Abenteuer. Doch es sind die Einwohner dieser unwirtlichen Region mit ihren zahllosen Kanälen, schier unendlichen Eisfeldern und großen Seen, die die Geschichte Patagoniens erzählen.

Dokumentation von Fulvio Mariani (F/CH 2019, 44 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 28/09/2022

Queer Cops / Queer Qops

Schwule Polizisten / Flics homosexuelles

Many thanks to Lys Assia on Flickr and Pinterest for this delightful photo.

Apple Pie / Apfelkuchen: This Is How Easy My Grandmother Makes It. It’s Elegant and Delicious

Aug 24, 2022 That's how easy my grandmother makes apple pie. Elegantly tasty and fast A simple and delicious cake recipe that you will love, a combination of delicious apples and fluffy dough.


4 eggs
200g sugar (1 cup)
pinch of salt
1 vanilla bean
1 tspn baking powder
50ml cooking oil (3 tbsp + 1 tsp)
125g yoghurt (½ cup + 1 tbsp)
340g all-purpose flour
3-4 apples
butter for greasing the baking pan


As show in the video.
Bake 180°C / 356°F for 40 minutes on top shelf/bottom heat
Baking pan diameter: 21 cm x 29 cm

James Taylor : You've Got a Friend | 2019 Remaster

Mar 26, 2020 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Warner Records

George Michael : One More Try | Official Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 151,414,882

In Moskau fehlt es an fast nichts

Badende in Moskau: Der Krieg ist im Alltag weit weg. | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In Russlands Hauptstadt spürt die Bevölkerung kaum etwas von den Sanktionen des Westens. Nur wer hinter die Fassaden blickt, merkt: Es herrscht Krieg.

Am Roten Platz wirkt auf den ersten Blick alles wie immer. Scharen von Touristen schlendern an diesem heißen Augusttag über das Kopfsteinpflaster zwischen Kremlmauer und Luxuskaufhaus Gum, fotografieren einander vor den bunten Zwiebeldächern der Basiliuskathedrale, essen Eis, sind guter Laune.

Auch das Gum selbst, ein reich verzierter Prachtbau mit filigranem Glasdach von 1893, wirkt unverändert: In den Schaufenstern werben westliche Luxusmarken mit Haute Couture, davor blühen üppige, bestens gepflegte Blumenbeete.

Doch wer genauer hinsieht, bemerkt selbst hier, rund um die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Hauptstadt, die der Stolz des ganzen Landes sind, die Folgen seines Krieges gegen die Ukraine: Weil selbst aus Asien inzwischen kaum noch Touristen kommen, wehen an den Stäben der Reisegruppenleiter nur noch kleine russische Flaggen. Und in manchen Schaufensterscheiben des Gum sind bloß die Spiegelbilder der Menschen auf dem Roten Platz zu sehen, weil die Vitrinen dahinter leer sind. » | Von Katharina Wagner, Wirtschaftskorrespondentin für Russland und die GUS mit Sitz in Moskau | Mittwoch, 24. August 2022

Um den ganzen Artikel lesen zu können, muss man abonniert sein. Zur Zeit hat FAZ ein Sonderangebot: Zugang zu allen Artikeln ist für 30 Tage kostenfrei, und ist mit einem Klick kündbar. Um zu profitieren, klicken Sie hier.

Liz Truss Plan to Divert NHS Funds to Social Care Is ‘Robbing Peter to Pay Paul’

THE GUARDIAN: Health expert says NHS needs money too and diverting promised £13bn is not a sustainable solution

Liz Truss said in 2009 that the health service ‘cannot not be put on a pedestal’. Photograph: Jane Barlow/PA

Liz Truss would be “robbing Peter to pay Paul” if she diverted £13bn of funding for the NHS to deal with a Covid backlog in social care, experts have said.

The Conservative leadership frontrunner told a hustings on Tuesday night that she would spend the £13bn earmarked for the NHS to catch up on delayed treatment after Covid on social care instead.

She said: “I would spend that money in social care. Quite a lot has gone to the NHS. I would give it to local authorities. We have people in beds in the NHS who would be better off in social care. So put that money into social care.

“We put the extra £13bn in and what people who work in the NHS tell me is the problem is the number of layers in the organisation they have to go through to get things done, the lack of local decision-making. That’s what people are telling me is the problem, rather than a lack of funding.” » | Rowena Mason, Deputy political editor | Wednesday, August 24, 2022

This woman is out of her depth. Further, she is just plain silly. She's making up policy as she goes along, on the hoof. Heaven forfend that she should become prime minister! – © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 24, 2022

Under-fire Finnish PM Sanna Marin Says Even Politicians Need Fun

THE GUARDIAN: Leader says week in she was forced to defend her private life has been ‘difficult’

Finland’s prime minister, Sanna Marin, at a meeting of her Social Democratic party on 24 August 2022. Photograph: LEHTIKUVA/Reuters

Sanna Marin has insisted she works hard as Finland’s prime minister but should also be entitled to a private life, after a photograph taken at her residence of two topless women kissing sparked renewed criticism of her partying.

“I am human,” Marin told reporters on Wednesday at the conference of her Social Democratic party, describing the past week as “quite difficult”. On the verge of tears, she said she too sometimes longs “for joy, light and fun amidst the dark clouds”.

The 36-year-old, the world’s youngest head of government when she was elected in 2019, added: “I haven’t missed a single day of work. I want to believe people will look at what we do at work rather than what we do in our spare time.”

She said she had not left “a single task undone – and I won’t leave this one in the middle either. I’m learning. But I am doing my job as well as I have been up to now. I’m thinking about Ukraine, I’m thinking about you, and I’m doing my job.”

On Tuesday, Marin apologised for the photograph, which first appeared on the TikTok account of the model and influencer Sabina Särkkä. It shows her and another woman – not Marin – kissing and lifting up their tops, with a “Finland” sign over their breasts. » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent | Wednesday, August 24, 2022

50 Teenager randalieren bei McDonald’s

Aug 24, 2022 Ein McDonald’s in Nottingham wird von etwa 50 Jugendlichen überfallen. Das schockierende Video vom Wochenende zeigt den Mob in der McDonald’s-Filiale.

Die jungen Leute schreien, schlagen wild um sich und greifen Mitarbeiter an. Einige filmen mit ihren Handys. Andere stürmen hinter die Ladentheke, schnappen sich Softdrinks und Burger aus der Küche. Es wird geklaut, was gerade da ist. Die Mitarbeiter stehen verzweifelt in der Ecke und wissen nicht so recht, wie ihnen geschieht. Nach ersten Informationen soll sich um eine Bande handeln. Die Polizei fahndet nun nach den Jugendlichen.

Nottingham McDonald's stormed by gang of youths: A group of youths stormed a McDonald's restaurant in Nottingham city centre, jumping over the counter to steal food and drink. »

Les amputés de la guerre en Ukraine

LE MONDE : FACTUEL | Le nombre de soldats ayant perdu un membre n’est pas rendu public de peur de « démoraliser les Ukrainiens ».

Les deux hommes se sont liés d’amitié en réapprenant à marcher. Aleksandr vient de Kiev, Yevgen de Tchernihiv. Ils ne se connaissaient pas, n’ont pas combattu ensemble, mais ont tous deux perdu une jambe au mois de mars, quelques jours après le début de la guerre. « Aleksandr m’a proposé de rester chez lui le temps des soins », raconte Yevgen, qui a préféré ne pas donner son nom, tout comme son acolyte. « En échange du loyer, je lui ai demandé de faire la vaisselle et le ménage », blague Aleksandr.

Depuis que leurs plaies ont cicatrisé, les deux pères de famille se rendent chaque jour dans les locaux du centre de rééducation Bez Ozmezhen (« sans limites »), un petit bâtiment dans la banlieue de Kiev. Entre les ateliers de confection des prothèses temporaires, le long d’un couloir, les hommes marchent et effectuent des exercices sous l’œil attentif d’un médecin. Depuis le 24 février, le jeune patron de l’entreprise, Andriy Ovcharenko, dit avoir reçu plus de 50 Ukrainiens gravement blessés, certains avec plusieurs membres sectionnés. » | Par Thomas d'Istria | mardi 23 août 2022

Read in English

Réservé àux abonnés

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Chicken with Eggplant | دجاج مع باذنجان

Aug 24, 2022 Cooking chicken with eggplant [aubergine] in this easy way makes it very tasty. Everyone loved it.

Ingredients and step-by-step instructions:

Start by searing the chicken in vegetable oil.
Then add the following ingredients:

150g onion
Salt to taste
1 tbsp each of cumin, paprika, and coriander
1 tsp each of black pepper, chili pepper, and turmeric
Bay leaves


Pour enough hot water over the chicken to cover it. Cover the pot and let it cook over high heat for 30 minutes.
Fry three eggplant (500g) in hot vegetable oil.
Fry the potatoes (500g) in the same cooking oil.
Place tomato slices on the bottom of a deep oven-safe pan.
Remove the chicken from the heat and add it to the pan.
Stack the eggplant, bell peppers, and potatoes, and place them around the chicken.
Mix the following ingredients in a bowl with three cups of the chicken broth: 50g tomato paste; 1 tsp each of salt, cumin, paprika, coriander, and half a tsp of black pepper.
Place in a pre-heated oven at a temperature of 400°F, 200°C.
Bake the chicken with the vegetables for 30 minutes.

For the recipe and cooking instructions in Arabic, click here.