Friday, February 18, 2022

Ukraine : «Si la guerre a lieu, elle sera d'une très haute intensité, avec un recours extrêmement violent à l'artillerie»

Photo prise au cours d'exercices militaires conjoints entre la Russie et la Biélorussie, le 17 février 2022. BELTA / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : ENTRETIEN - L'art de la guerre consiste à accroître le plus possible sa liberté d'action, rappelle le politiste et spécialiste de stratégie militaire Joseph Henrotin. Il estime que le déploiement des forces russes par le Kremlin n'a répondu qu'à cette seule logique: si la guerre éclate, celle-ci sera violente, prédit-il.

Joseph Henrotin est rédacteur en chef de la revue Défense et sécurité internationale et chargé de recherche au Centre d'analyse et de prévision des risques internationaux. Il est notamment l'auteur d'un Précis de stratégie militaire (ISC, 2018). » | Par Paul Sugy | Publié : jeudi 17 février 2022 ; mis à jour : vendredi 18 février 2022

On Contact with Chris Hedges: Richard Wolff & the Precarious State of the US Economy

Feb 13, 2022 • On the show, Chris Hedges interviews economist Richard Wolff on the precarious state of the U.S. economy and its consequences.

Times Have Never Been Better for Billionaires.

Feb 16, 2022 • These are very difficult times for working families. But for billionaires and the CEOs of large corporations, times have never been better. I’m on the Senate floor to explain why.

Ocasio-Cortez Asked If US Will Be a Democracy in 10 Years. Hear Her Answer

Feb 15, 2022 • In an interview with David Remnick of "The New Yorker," Rep. Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) says there's a "very real risk" the United States will not still be a democracy in a decade.

There's a Sickness at the Heart of British Democracy & It's Called Oligarchy | Peter Jukes

Nov 16, 2021 • Tory Corruption if just the tip of the iceberg...

Vladimir Putin: Crafty Strategist or Aggrieved and Reckless Leader?

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Analysts puzzling over the Russian leader’s intentions say that his troop buildup around Ukraine could be a convincing bluff, but also posit that he could have fundamentally changed during the pandemic.

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia marked the 78th anniversary last month of the end of the Leningrad Siege in St. Petersburg. | Alexander Demianchuk/TASS, via Getty Images

MOSCOW — At this moment of crescendo for the Ukraine crisis, it all comes down to what kind of leader President Vladimir V. Putin is.

In Moscow, many analysts remain convinced that the Russian president is essentially rational, and that the risks of invading Ukraine would be so great that his huge troop buildup makes sense only as a very convincing bluff. But some also leave the door open to the idea that he has fundamentally changed amid the pandemic, a shift that may have left him more paranoid, more aggrieved and more reckless.

The 20-foot-long table that Mr. Putin has used to socially distance himself this month from European leaders flying in for crisis talks symbolizes, to some longtime observers, his detachment from the rest of the world. For almost two years, Mr. Putin has ensconced himself in a virus-free cocoon unlike that of any Western leader, with state television showing him holding most key meetings by teleconference alone in a room and keeping even his own ministers at a distance on the rare occasions that he summons them in person.

Speculation over a leader’s mental state is always fraught, but as Mr. Putin’s momentous decision approaches, Moscow commentators puzzling over what he might do next in Ukraine are finding some degree of armchair psychology hard to avoid. » | Anton Troianovski | Friday, February 18, 2022

Ukraine Crisis: Corruption Alert over Russians with £1.5bn of British Property

Igor Shuvalov has two properties in Whitehall Court through a Russian business he co-owns with his wife | ALAMY

THE TIMES: UK property worth £1.5 billion was bought by Russians with links to the Kremlin or accused of corruption, according to newly released figures.

Nearly £430 million of the property is in Westminster in London, and more than half is held by companies in Britain’s overseas territories and crown dependencies.

Transparency International, the campaign group that unearthed the figures, said the findings exposed how Britain had become a “global hub for money laundering”. It identified 2,189 companies registered in the UK, Britain’s overseas territories and crown dependencies that have been used in 48 Russian money-laundering and corruption cases.

In total, these cases involved funds worth more than £82 billion diverted from “rigged” procurement, bribery, embezzlement and the unlawful acquisition of state assets, Transparency International said. » | Matt Dathan, Home Affairs Editor | Friday, February 18, 2-22

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The ultra-rich Tory donors with access to Boris Johnson’s tope team: In return for a £250,000 donation to the Conservatives, multimillionaires are being ushered into the heart of government as part of a secret ‘advisory board’ »

Six Tory donors given top cultural posts since Boris Johnson became PM: Conservative party is shown to have been given more than £3m by appointees to roles at museums and galleries »

Storm Eunice: Millions across UK Told to Stay Home as Severe Winds Hit

A screenshot from the accompanying article. | Getty Images

BBC: Millions of people have been told to stay at home as one of the worst storms in decades, Storm Eunice, hits the UK.

Rare red weather warnings - meaning there is a danger to life from flying debris - have been issued by the Met Office covering much of southern and eastern England, and south Wales.

On the Isle of Wight, exposed gusts of up to 122mph have been recorded.

Hundreds of schools are closed and travel networks are experiencing cancellations and major disruption.

Power cuts have left more than 50,000 properties in south-west England and south Wales without power.

BBC Weather said Eunice "could well be one of the worst storms in three decades". » | Malu Cursino & Adam Durbin | Friday, February 18, 2022

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Elon Musk Criticised for Likening Justin Trudeau to Adolf Hitler in Tweet

THE GUARDIAN: Auschwitz museum says using photo of dictator is exploitative and ‘disrespects memory of all victims’

The American Jewish Committee said Elon Musk’s tweet was ‘unacceptable’ and demanded he apologise. Photograph: Susan Walsh/AP

Elon Musk has been criticised by the Auschwitz-Birkenau museum for comparing the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, to Adolf Hitler.

The chief executive of Tesla tweeted a meme that showed a photo of Hitler with the words “Stop comparing me to Justin Trudeau” above the image and “I had a budget” below. The tweet was later deleted.

Musk’s use of Hitler’s image “disrespects the memory of all victims and hurts many people”, said the Auschwitz-Birkenau museum, which is on the site of the Nazi concentrate camp where 960,000 people were killed.

“Using the image of Adolf Hitler & therefore exploiting the tragedy of all people who suffered, were humiliated, tortured & murdered by the totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany created by him is sad & disturbing,” the museum tweeted in reply to Musk.

The American Jewish Committee said the billionaire’s tweet was unacceptable and demanded he apologise. “Once again, Elon Musk has exercised extremely poor judgment by invoking Hitler to make a point on social media. He must stop this unacceptable behaviour,” it said.

“Musk may believe posting a meme comparing Justin Trudeau to a genocidal dictator who exterminated millions is an appropriate way to criticise policies he disagrees with. It is not. It never is. Musk must apologise and find other ways to voice his displeasure.” » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Thursday, February 17, 2022

Gay : Mixed Reports / Gemischte Meldungen / Rapports mitigés

Image: Adobe Stock

Kuwait overturns cruel anti-trans law in ‘major breakthrough’ – but the fight is far from over: A court in Kuwait has struck down a law that criminalised trans people by forbidding the “imitation of the opposite sex”. »

TV has never been so queer, eye-opening GLAAD study finds: LGBT+ representation on broadcast TV is at an all-time high, a new GLAAD report has found. »

Gay bears struggling with internalised fatphobia and beard envy, groundbreaking research finds: In 2015, Nick McGlynn took his top off at a bear night for the first time – and he still remembers how amazing it felt. »

Don Lemon’s Sexual Assault Case Is Moving Forward — Here’s What We Know: This week, a federal judge set a date for a jury trial. »

Im epischen Rechtsstaat-Streit mit der EU erleiden Polen und Ungarn eine Schlappe

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Das oberste Gericht der EU hat entschieden: Brüssel darf Mitgliedsstaaten Haushaltsgelder kürzen, wenn bei deren Verwendung rechtsstaatliche Grundsätze verletzt werden. Ob und wann das entsprechende Verfahren angewendet wird, ist aber noch fraglich.

Die Begeisterungsstürme liessen nicht lange auf sich warten. Von einem «historischen Erfolg» wollte die konservative Europaabgeordnete Monika Hohlmeier sprechen, als der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) sein Urteil in den Rechtssachen C-156/21 und C-157/21 verkündete. Hier habe das oberste Gericht der EU ein «starkes Signal für Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit» gesetzt, freute sich die grüne Abgeordnete Terry Reintke.

Die Freude im EU-Parlament ist gross, dass die Luxemburger Richter am Mittwoch ein Verfahren für rechtens erklärt haben, mit dem zum ersten Mal Verstösse gegen die Rechtsstaatlichkeit finanziell geahndet werden können. Gemeint ist die sogenannte «Verordnung über die Konditionalität der Rechtsstaatlichkeit» – auch Rechtsstaatsmechanismus genannt –, die seit gut einem Jahr in Kraft ist. » | Daniel Steinvorth, Brüssel | Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022

Dem Brüssel-Korrespondenten Daniel Steinvorth auf Twitter folgen.

Aus dem Donbass kommen beunruhigende Zeichen der Zuspitzung

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Entlang der Frontlinie im Donbass intensivierten sich die Schusswechsel. Russische Truppen rücken in grenznahe Stellungen vor. Auch in der Diplomatie sendet Moskau wenig ermutigende Signale.

Russische Kampfpanzer bei Manövern in der Nähe der ukrainischen Grenze. | AP

Entlang der Frontlinie, welche die von Kiew kontrollierten Gebiete in der Ostukraine von den beiden durch Russland unterstützten Separatistengebieten Donezk und Luhansk trennt, scheint sich die Lage erheblich zuzuspitzen. Das ist heikel, weil aufgrund der militärischen Bereitschaft die Lage sehr schnell ausser Kontrolle geraten kann – mit unkalkulierbaren Folgen bis hin zum direkten Eingreifen russischer Truppen.

Die beiden Seiten beschuldigten einander, für die Verletzung der Waffenruhe verantwortlich zu sein. Die Lautstärke, mit der die Anführer der beiden «Volksrepubliken» die Kiewer Regierung beschuldigten, und das Gewicht, das der Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow diesen Entwicklungen zuschrieb, waren auffällig. Vonseiten der ukrainischen Regierung hiess es, in Stanizja Luhanska, direkt an der Frontlinie zu Luhansk, sei ein Kindergarten beschossen worden. Bilder in ukrainischen Medien zeigten ein Loch in der Aussenwand und Trümmerteile in einem Spielzimmer. Es sollen zwar keine Kinder, wohl aber Erzieherinnen verletzt worden sein. » | Markus Ackeret, Moskau | Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2022

L’essor mondial des cryptomonnaies inquiète les pays du G20

La valorisation des milliers de différents cryptoactifs en circulation dans le monde a ¬atteint 2600 milliards de dollars en 2021, dont 1200 milliards pour le seul bitcoin. 150108898/rcfotostock -

LE FIGARO : La valorisation de ces nouveaux actifs volatils est telle qu’ils peuvent fragiliser le système financier traditionnel

Les cryptomonnaies se sont invitées à la table du G20. Les ministres des Finances et les banquiers centraux de ces 20 pays qui pèsent 80 % du PIB mondial sont réunis jusqu’à ce vendredi, les uns en visioconférence, les autres à Djakarta, sous présidence indonésienne. Outre les préoccupations sur la croissance, menacée par les tensions russo-ukrainiennes, la distribution des vaccins anti-Covid dans le monde et le financement des pays en développement, les risques liés aux cryptoactifs figurent à l’ordre du jour.

L’inquiétude «porte aujourd’hui sur la hausse très rapide et importante du marché des cryptomonnaies», résume-t-on à Bercy. La valorisation des milliers de différents cryptoactifs en circulation dans le monde a plus que triplé pendant l’année 2021. Elle a atteint 2600 milliards de dollars, dont 1200 milliards pour le seul bitcoin, le plus connu et le plus puissant des «cryptos». La volatilité de ces actifs virtuels utilisant la technologie des registres décentralisés de la blockchain est telle qu’après le pic de l’automne, ils ne pèsent «plus que» 1500 milliards de dollars environ. » | Par Fabrice Nodé-Langlois | jeudi 17 février 2022

Réservé aux abonnés


Qui sont les détenteurs de cryptoactifs en France? : ANALYSE - Une étude passe au crible ces investisseurs particuliers et fait l’état des lieux de l’industrie. »

2021, l’année où les cryptomonnaies ont séduit le grand public : DÉCRYPTAGE - Les cryptos ont changé de dimension en 2021. Adoubée par les grands acteurs du paiement traditionnels, leur utilisation connaît une forte croissance. »

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.2, Op.18 - Anna Fedorova | Complete Live Concert | HD

Orchestra: Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie
Conductor: Martin Panteleev
Piano: Anna Fedorova
Place and Date of Recording: Het Zondagochtend Concert, 1 september 2013 in het Koninklijk Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

Mit dem Zug durch die Algarve | Doku HD | ARTE

Feb 12, 2022 • Abseits der bekannten Traumstrände liegt das größte natürliche Riff Portugals. Aus dem traditionellen Rohstoff Kork werden Taschen und Schuhe produziert. Überall an der Algarve spielt Wind eine Rolle, sei es als Freund oder als Feind. Von Vila Real de Santo António an der spanischen Grenze geht es mit dem Zug über Faro bis nach Lagos.
Mit der Bahn durchstreifen wir die Algarve. Abseits der bekannten Traumstrände liegt das größte natürliche Riff Portugals. Aus dem traditionellen Rohstoff Kork werden Taschen und Schuhe produziert. Und überall spielt Wind eine Rolle – als Freund oder Feind.

Von Vila Real de Santo António an der spanischen Grenze geht es über Faro und Tunes bis nach Lagos im Westen. In der Algarve fahren 60 Jahre alte Dieseltriebwagen der portugiesischen Staatsbahn CP, die andernorts längst ausrangiert worden sind. Sie verbreiten einerseits eine gute Portion Nostalgie, stellen andererseits aber eine ordentliche Herausforderung für die Lokführer dar, die die Fahrzeuge unterwegs schon mal notdürftig reparieren müssen. Mindestens drei Stunden brauchen die betagten Züge für die 140 Kilometer lange Strecke, genügend Zeit, um ein Gefühl für die Landschaft der Algarve zu entwickeln, der südlichsten Region Portugals.

Der flache Osten ist geprägt durch Sonne, Sand und Salz, der felsige Westen durch Wald, Wind und Wellen. Die Einheimischen nutzen, was sie haben. Castro Marim ist bekannt für vorzügliches Meersalz und Santa Luzia für köstliche Kraken. Herzmuscheln gedeihen in der Laguna Formosa, einem 60 Kilometer langen Naturpark vor der Sandküste östlich von Faro. Sandstein kommt in unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen vor, von weich an der spektakulären Felsküste westlich von Faro bis vergleichsweise hart, verbaut in der Burg von Silves.

Städte wie Silves, Tavira, Faro und Lagos erzählen von Blütezeiten im Mittelalter, sowohl als in der Algarve Muslime herrschten als auch später, als portugiesische Seefahrer von dort zu Entdeckungsreisen aufbrachen.

Dokureihe, Regie: Kirsten Ruppel (D 2020, 52 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 10/05/2022

French Cooking Academy with Stephane: French Cabbage Soup with Croutons

Soupe au choux et croutons

Get the recipe here.

Stephane’s ‘French Cooking Academy online store at Amazon here.

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – February 17, 2022

Joe: Trump Has Been Lying about Money for 40 Years. It's All "Catching Up to Him"

Feb 17, 2022 • As the New York Attorney General is firing back at Trump's defense of financial records, the former president is continuing to inflate his financial records saying his company is 'far more valuable than what was listed in our Financial Statements.' The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Biden befürchtet russischen Einmarsch in den nächsten Tagen

Der amerikanische Präsident Joe Biden | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Biden sagte, die Gefahr einer Invasion sei „sehr hoch“. Seiner Einschätzung nach könne es „in den nächsten paar Tagen“ dazu kommen.

Der amerikanische Präsident Joe Biden befürchtet trotz aller Beteuerungen aus Moskau einen russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine in den nächsten Tagen. Biden sagte am Donnerstag in Washington, die Gefahr einer Invasion sei „sehr hoch“, und nach seiner Einschätzung könne es „in den nächsten paar Tagen“ dazu kommen.

Nach Berichten über eskalierende Kämpfe in der Ostukraine hatten die Vereinigten Staaten zuvor vor einer russischen Provokation gewarnt. „Wir sagen bereits seit einiger Zeit, dass die Russen solch ein Vorgehen nutzen könnten, um einen militärischen Konflikt zu rechtfertigen“, sagte US-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin zum Abschluss eines zweitägigen NATO-Treffens in Brüssel.

Die Berichte über zunehmenden Beschuss seien deshalb „beunruhigend“, betonte Austin. Die Ukraine und die pro-russischen Separatisten in der Ostukraine hatten sich zuvor gegenseitig vorgeworfen, die Kämpfe in dem Konfliktgebiet anzufachen. » | Quelle: dpa/AFP/Reuters | Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2022

In Medieval Europe, a Pandemic Changed Work Forever. Can It Happen Again?

Max Löffler


THE NEW YORK TIMES: In the wake of a devastating pandemic, millions of people are dead and many more have had their lives upended. Many of those who survive, worn down by a sense of futility in their work and by the impassable gap between the wealthy and everyone else, refuse to return to their old jobs or quit en masse. Tired of being overworked and underpaid, they feel they deserve a better life.

This could be a story about today, but it is also the pattern that emerged across Europe in the aftermath of one of the deadliest pandemics in recorded history, the Black Death.

The struggles over wages and the value of labor that defined the post-plague years were in some ways as dramatic as the pandemic itself. Eventually, Europe erupted into violence. Given where we are right now, it’s worth paying attention to the chain of events that led, link by link, from pandemic to panic to bloody uprising.

The Black Death, as we now call it, burned its way across the Eurasian continent from 1347 to 1351. Arab historian Ibn Khaldun recalled with horror, “Civilization both in the East and the West was visited by a destructive plague which devastated nations and caused populations to vanish. It swallowed up many of the good things of civilization and wiped them out.’’ » | M.T. Anderson * | Wednesday, February 16, 2022

* Mr. Anderson is the author of “Feed” and “Landscape With Invisible Hand.”

BBC’s Sarah Smith Relieved to Escape Scottish ‘Bile and Hatred’

THE GUARDIAN: Former Scotland editor says she repeatedly experienced gendered abuse while doing her job

Sarah Smith was recently appointed as North America editor for BBC News. Photograph: Alan Peebles/BBC

Sarah Smith, the BBC’s former Scotland editor, has said she feels relieved to have left the country after enduring years of misogynistic “bile and hatred” while covering Scottish politics.

Smith, the recently appointed North America editor for BBC News, said she repeatedly experienced gendered abuse while doing her job, which led her to significantly reduce her use of Twitter and to fear she had become a visible target.

Born and educated in Edinburgh, she said she believed much of the abuse came from nationalists because her father was John Smith, the UK Labour party leader who died in 1994. He was a notable critic of Scottish independence.

In remarks published by the Reuters Institute, Smith said: “He was a very well known politician, he was a unionist, people like to therefore assume that my politics must be the same as my father’s, despite me being, one, a different person, and him having been dead for 27 years.” » | Severin Carrell, Scotland editor | Thursday, February 17, 2022

Storm Eunice Looms as Storm Dudley Clear-up Continues

A screenshot from the accompanying video: 'A lorry is flipped over by strong winds'

BBC: Travel disruption and power cuts are continuing across parts of the UK, as the country braces itself for a second storm.

Storm Dudley left thousands of people in north-east England, Cumbria, North Yorkshire and Lancashire without power.

In Scotland, all trains were cancelled on Wednesday evening but most lines were back up and running by 10:00 GMT.

More severe weather is expected on Friday, with an amber warning for wind in place for Wales and much of England.

The Met Office is warning of significant disruption and danger to life from Storm Eunice, with gusts of up to 80mph.

Around the coasts of west Wales and south-west England, gusts of up to 100mph are possible, the Met Office said. Such strong winds are very unusual for these parts of the UK.

The amber warning is in place from 03:00 GMT until 21:00 on Friday and goes as far north as Manchester.

With the possibility of such high wind speeds, BBC Weather presenter Simon King said the warning could be upgraded to red - the highest level - if the Met Office's confidence that these speeds will be reached increases. » | Becky Morton, BBC News | Thursday, February 17, 2022

Funding of Prince Andrew’s Settlement to Be Raised in Parliament

THE GUARDIAN: Labour’s Andy McDonald said he will seek assurances public money will not be used when MPs return next week

Andrew will have to pay a settlement of up to £12m, according to speculation. Photograph: Will Oliver/EPA

A Labour MP intends to seek assurances in parliament that public money will not be used to pay for the Duke of York’s settlement with Virginia Giuffre.

An out-of-court settlement for an undisclosed sum, reportedly as high as £12m, was reached with Giuffre, who was suing the Queen’s son claiming he had sexually abused her after she was trafficked by his friend and convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein.

Andrew, 61, announced a “settlement in principle” with Giuffre, 38, on Tuesday in a joint statement that made no admission of guilt over the allegations which he has always denied.

Andy McDonald, the MP for Middlesbrough, said he would raise the issue when MPs return to Westminster next week after their half-term break. » | Nadeem Badshah | Thursday, February 17, 2022

Schweiz hebt fast alle Corona-Maßnahmen auf


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Schweiz hebt die meisten Corona-Einschränkungen auf, obwohl die Inzidenzrate höher ist als in Deutschland. Der Gesundheitsminister begründet das mit der geringen Zahl an schweren Verläufen.

Die Schweizer Regierung hat am Mittwoch beschlossen, die allermeisten Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor dem Coronavirus kurzfristig aufzuheben. Von diesem Donnerstag an muss in der Schweiz niemand mehr ein Impfzertifikat vorweisen, wenn er ein Restaurant, ein Fitnessstudio oder ein Theater betreten will. Auch das Verbot für Ungeimpfte, an privaten Treffen mit mehr als zehn Personen teilzunehmen, fällt weg. Die Maskenpflicht hat der Bundesrat, wie die Regierung in der Schweiz heißt, entschärft. Sie gilt jetzt nur noch im öffentlichen Verkehr und in Gesundheitseinrichtungen. Wer einen Einkaufsladen oder ein Kino betritt, muss nicht mehr zwingend eine Maske über Mund und Nase tragen. Auch am Arbeitsplatz ist das nicht mehr vorgeschrieben. » | Johannes Ritter, Zürich | Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022

Julio Iglesias, Stevie Wonder : My Love

Views on YouTube: 11,820,311 v

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Orbán spricht von „rechtsstaatlichem Dschihad“

Viktor Orbán am 12. Februar 2022 in Budapest. | Bild: AP

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die ungarische Regierung ignoriert Korruption und Rechtsstaatsmängel als Ursache von Kritik. Lieber nennt sie die Familienpolitik als eigentlichen Stein des Anstoßes – auch nach dem Urteil aus Luxemburg.

Viktor Orbán hat sich über den Ausgang des Verfahrens keine Illusionen gemacht. Wohl deshalb gab der ungarische Ministerpräsident am vergangenen Wochenende in einer Grundsatzrede, mit der er die heiße Phase des heimischen Wahlkampfes einläutete, vorsorglich seine Lesart vor. Die Erfahrung der kommunistischen Diktatur und deren Überwindung durch Nation, Gottesglaube und Privateigentum, so sagte Orbán, unterscheide die Mitteleuropäer fundamental vom Westen. „Deshalb kommen wir auch nicht zu einem Konsens in der Frage der Rechtsstaatlichkeit und der Demokratie.“ Der Westen führe „einen Heiligen Krieg, einen rechtsstaatlichen Dschihad“. Aber er, Orbán, führe nun die „Reconquista“. » | Stephan Löwenstein, Politischer Korrespondent mit Sitz in Wien. | Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022

Bislang, sollte es uns Europäern schon klar sein, daß Polen unter der Führung dieses unaufgeklärterten Mannes, Orbán, nicht mehr der Europäischen Union gehört. Sei entscheidungsfreudig! Werfen Sie die Polen raus, bis sie sich entschieden haben, einen vernünftigen und fortschrittlichen Führer in ihr Parlament gewählt haben. Eine andere sinnvolle Lösung gibt es gar nicht. Orbáns Ideen gehören im Müll der Geschichte! – © Mark

Young Men Sharing Love. A Hell of a Sight Better Than Sharing Bullets!

Junge Männer teilen Liebe. Ein verdammt schöner Anblick, als Kugeln zu teilen! / Jeunes hommes partageant l'amour. Un sacré spectacle de mieux que de partager des balles !

Many thanks to This Is What Makes Us Boys on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

Economic Update : Fascism

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about the US' 2021 trade deficit and its implications, the FED's inflation policy dilemma, and the political economy of the Baltimore and Bronx fires. In the second half of the show, Wolff uses the actual history of fascism in Italy, Germany and Spain to analyze the positions and prospects of fascism in the US today.

No! I am NOT a fan of Marxism, but I am a fan of listening to the arguments from ALL sides. It is only if we give ALL sides a chance to air their views can we ever hope to solve our ever-mounting economic problems. Moreover, Dr Richard Wolff is a brilliant, Ivy-league-educated man, who always explains problems so clearly for all to understand. Do yourselves a favour and listen to what he has to say. Keep an open mind: He will surely enlighten you! – © Mark

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – February 16, 2022

L'ex-président hondurien arrêté pour trafic de drogues

L'ex-président Juan Orlando Hernandez a été arrêté par la police hondurienne à l'aube à son domicile de Tegucigalpa. HONDURAS NATIONAL POLICE / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : Juan Orlando Hernandez pourrait être extradé vers les États-Unis qui l'accusent d'avoir exporté depuis le Honduras 500 tonnes de cocaïne pendant ses 8 ans de mandat. Son frère purge déjà une peine de prison à vie pour le même délit.

Mardi matin, Juan Orlando Hernandez, qui a laissé sa place de président du Honduras le 27 janvier dernier à Xiomara Castro, s'est finalement rendu aux forces de l'ordre qui encerclaient depuis quelques heures son domicile de Tegucigalpa, la capitale du pays. Cette arrestation, ordonnée par la Cour suprême de justice (CSJ), répondait à une demande d'extradition émise par les États-Unis. Il est accusé d'avoir pendant ses huit ans de mandat participé à l'exportation vers les États-Unis de 500 000 kilos de cocaïne. Les 14 pages de la demande d'extradition dénoncent sa politique qui a permis d'éliminer les cartels concurrents et de bâtir un monopole du trafic de stupéfiants. C'est un « trafic de drogue dirigé par l'État » qui est décrit dans le document. Son arrestation a été saluée par des cris de joie et des tirs de feux d'artifice dans la capitale et à San Pedro Sula, seconde ville du pays. » | Par Patrick Bèle | mercredi 16 février 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Vom Palast in den Knast? Honduras’ Ex-Präsident Hernández droht die Auslieferung an die USA: Ende Januar hat Juan Orlando Hernández das höchste Staatsamt in Honduras an seine Nachfolgerin übergeben. Nun haben die USA seine Auslieferung beantragt, um ihm wegen Drogenhandels den Prozess zu machen. Sein Bruder sitzt dort bereits lebenslänglich. »

Phil Collins : Do You Remember? | Remastered 2016

Jan 25, 2020 • Provided to YouTube by Laika Network | Views on YouTube: 20,267,087

«Nous, Européens, devons bâtir de grands projets de lanceurs», assure Emmanuel Macron

Une capture d'écran d'Emmanuel Macron de la vidéo.

FIGARO / LIVE : Après une réunion des ministres des 27 pays de l’Union européenne lors d'un sommet spatial à Toulouse, le président de la République, Emmanuel Macron, a tenu une conférence de presse. «Nous, Européens, devons bâtir de grands projets de lanceurs» a-t-il affirmé. Regarder la vidéo » | mercredi 16 février 2022

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video

May 10, 2014 • "When You Believe" by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey from The Prince of Egypt | Views on YouTube: 366,264,431

Bryce Cook | Understanding the History: Homosexuality and the LDS Church

Jul 10, 2019 • If you’re a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and navigating a journey to understand the intersection of religion and sexual orientation, we invite you to join us for this Latter Gay Stories episode.

Bryce Cook is an active Latter-day Saint, father of two gay sons and the author of “What Do We Know of God’s Will For His LGBT Children? An Examination of the LDS Church’s Position on Homosexuality.”

In this episode, Bryce Cook and Kyle Ashworth fairly and candidly breakdown the history of LGBT discussion within the Church, changes within the policies and doctrines, social impacts and what the future might look like for the LDS and LGBT communities.

I have absolutely no connection with the Mormon Church, but I must commend Kyle Ashworth on his series of discussions on LGBT issues in the LDS Church, because he always takes a deep dive into the topic being discussed and makes the discussions so very interesting. Further, through listening to many of these discussions, I have learnt more about the Church of Latter-day Saints than I ever knew before. Kudos! – © Mark

Jugend will weg aus der Türkei


WIENER ZEITUNG: Fast drei Viertel der 18- bis 25-Jährigen denken laut Umfrage ans Auswandern.

Istanbul. Ein Großteil der jungen Menschen in der Türkei wünscht sich einer Umfrage zufolge eine Zukunft im Ausland. Fast drei Viertel (72,9 Prozent) der befragten 18- bis 25-Jährigen würden die Türkei gern verlassen, wie aus einer am Dienstag von der deutschen Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung veröffentlichten repräsentativen Umfrage hervorgeht.

Ein knappes Drittel würde am liebsten in europäischen Ländern wohnen, weil sie dort unter anderem bessere Arbeitsbedingungen, mehr Freiheiten und Menschenrechte sowie einen höheren Lebensstandard erwarten. Nur gut 27 Prozent der Befragten sagten, sie würden weiterhin in der Türkei leben wollen. » | Wiener Zeitung | Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022

Why the Panic among Boris Johnson’s Allies? Because They Know Brexit Is Unravelling

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: There is an air of desperation in attacks from those on the right and their supporters in the press. They fear if Johnson falls, the Brexit deception will crumble too

‘We all have a clear memory of the Brexit campaign and what was said.’ Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Did something change this month? Having proclaimed the Brexit referendum triumph of 2016 as the unique achievement of Boris Johnson and praised his historic success in the election three years later with the slogan “get Brexit done”, did the wreckers of the European dream slowly begin to realise that if Johnson goes, it shifts the sands from beneath their feet?

I’m the president of European Movement – Andrew Adonis is chair – and between us we agreed that this link needed a public airing. Learning from the direct and simple messaging of the anti-European newspapers, we felt the phrase: “If Boris goes, Brexit goes” said it clearly enough. Adonis duly tweeted it,to the horror of the pro-Brexit press.

The past few weeks have been a torrid time for the prime minister. He designed a set of restrictions he said were of critical importance for our safety and for the ability of the NHS to cope with the pandemic. He was right to do so. But disclosures since give the clearest impression that he not only broke the rules, but that he also misled parliament.

Johnson said he would accept the findings of Sue Gray’s inquiry, in stark contrast to his treatment of Sir Alex Allan’s report into the home secretary’s behaviour in 2020. » | Michael Heseltine * | Wednesday, February 16, 2022

* Lord Heseltine was the deputy prime minister under John Major and a member of Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet from 1979 until 1986

Met Investigating Cash-for-honours Claims Linked to Prince’s Foundation

THE GUARDIAN: Metropolitan police have launched investigation into allegations linked to Prince Charles charity

Prince Charles, who established the Prince’s Foundation charity. Photograph: Reuters

Scotland Yard has launched an investigation into cash-for-honours allegations linked to the Prince of Wales’s charity the Prince’s Foundation.

In a brief statement, the Metropolitan police said it had launched the investigation after media reports alleging offers of help were made to secure honours and citizenship for a Saudi national.

In September last year, the Sunday Times published claims that the billionaire Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin Mahfouz paid tens of thousands of pounds to fixers with links to Prince Charles who had told him they could secure the honour.

Bin Mahfouz was awarded a CBE at a private ceremony at Buckingham Palace in November 2016. » | Jaimie Grierson | Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Prince Andrew facing fresh calls to be stripped of Duke of York title: Growing calls for royal to lose title after agreeing settlement with Virginia Giuffre, who accused him of sexual assault »


La police britannique ouvre une enquête sur un scandale lié à une fondation du prince Charles : Des dons à la fondation du prince Charles auraient été récompensés par des titres honorifiques et auraient servi à appuyer une demande de naturalisation d'un homme d'affaires saoudien. »

Queen’s Jubilee Year Just Started, but Bad News Hasn’t Stopped for Royals: A day after Prince Andrew settled a sexual assault lawsuit, the police announced they were investigating a charity led by Prince Charles. »

French Cooking Academy: Sautéd Chicken with Paprika Sauce

Poulet au paprika (Poulet à la hongroise)

A simple chicken recipe which requires few ingredients and can be made quickly.

Get the recipe here.

Don’t Wish for a Post-Pax Americana

Kenny Holston for The New York Times


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Who knows, at this writing, what Vladimir Putin will decide to do with the forces he’s massed along Ukraine’s borders?

If Putin backs down, maybe thanks to some face-saving diplomatic formula, the Biden administration will deserve full credit for masterly crisis management: whipping into line our European allies, particularly Germany; thwarting Russian covert operations by leaking details to the media; expanding America’s military presence in frontline NATO states; working on ways to supply Europe with liquefied natural gas; refusing to negotiate at Ukraine’s expense; threatening sanctions against Moscow that, for once, have real teeth.

If Putin doesn’t back down, these were still the right and necessary steps. They just weren’t sufficient.

Either way, the crisis should serve as a tutorial on what the so-called post-Pax Americana world will look like. In a fantasy version of that world — a world in which American power isn’t constantly being called upon to address faraway crises or reassure nervous allies — the United States trades the burdens of being a superpower for the modest but more manageable, affordable and humane ambitions of a normal country. » | Bret Stephens | Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Truth to Power: Why Tory Brexit Britain Has No Influence over Russia/Ukraine

Feb 16, 2022 • At the time of recording, an invasion of Ukraine was looking imminent. A Brexiteer friend of mine asked if I would be making a video saying that it’s all because of Brexit. Well, maybe not ALL to do with Brexit, but in this video, I WILL be looking at the hidden connections between Russia, the threat to Ukraine, Brexit, and the British Conservative party.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Why Andrew Had to Settle with Virginia Giuffre: Lawyers Say He Had Little Choice

THE GUARDIAN: Agreeing a payout estimated to be at least $10m spares the duke from the risk of a poor performance on the witness stand

The agreed statement between the parties stated that Prince Andrew ‘accepts that [Virginia Giuffre] has suffered both as an established victim of abuse and as a result of unfair public attacks’. Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The weakness of Prince Andrew’s legal position and fears over his own performance in the witness stand left his legal team with few options other than reaching a settlement with Virginia Giuffre that is likely to cost him $10m (£7m) or more, according to several international lawyers.

Ann Olivarius, the senior partner of the McAllister Olivarius law firm who has acted in cases on both sides of the Atlantic, said she expected Prince Andrew’s settlement to be worth at least £10m ($13m), based on previous cases settled with wealthy individuals.

“The size of the compensation is probably massive by any British standards, and it’s probably very substantial by American standards – and American standards are very high,” Olivarius said.

“You can anticipate this would be probably in excess of £10m, even £20m perhaps. I don’t know what it is for a fact but as someone who does these agreements all the time it could easily be up there. And frankly it could be far higher.”

Mark Stephens, an international lawyer at Howard Kennedy and expert in reputation management, said he expected Prince Andrew’s settlement to reach around $10m after paying for his own legal fees, using the proceeds from the prince’s recent sale of a Swiss chalet, initially valued at $25m but which Stephens believes was sold for a “fire sale” $18m. » | Richard Adams | Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Prince Andrew’s payout to Virginia Giuffre ‘is worth its weight in gold’ for Queen: Experts suggest duke could pay about £10m after pressure from the royal family »

Prince Andrew Settles US Civil Sex Assault Case with Virginia Giuffre - BBC News

Feb 15, 2022 • Prince Andrew has settled a civil sexual assault case brought against him in the US by Virginia Giuffre.

Ms Giuffre had been suing the Duke of York, claiming he sexually assaulted her on three occasions when she was 17, allegations he has repeatedly denied.

A letter filed to the US district court on Tuesday said the duke and Ms Giuffre had reached an out-of-court settlement.

It said the duke would pay an undisclosed sum to Ms Giuffre.

His representatives said he had no comment beyond what was said in the document filed to the court.

Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the settlement.


Prinz Andrew kauft sich frei: In ihrem Jubiläumsjahr bleibt der Queen ein Missbrauchsprozess in der Familie erspart: Erst wollte sich Prinz Andrew persönlich vor Gericht verteidigen, jetzt gibt er klein bei. Das Ende des Streits mit Virginia Giuffre soll ihn bis zu 12 Millionen Pfund kosten – aber angeblich hilft die Kasse der Monarchin, die auf noch mehr Unruhe verzichten kann. »

Chopin: Piano Concerto No 3, Played by Daniel Barenboim | Staatskapelle, Berlin

Russia Does Not Want War, Putin Says - BBC News

Feb 15, 2022 • Vladimir Putin has said that "of course" Russia does not want war in Europe, but that his security concerns must be addressed and taken seriously.

The Russian president's comments came as the military said that some troops were withdrawing from the border near Ukraine - the first sign from Moscow of a possible de-escalation of tensions. However Western leaders say there is no evidence of the withdrawal yet.

Stupidity and Arrogance Have Cost Prince Andrew Everything

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: He was never going to win, and now he has struck a settlement that will stand as a stain on his reputation, and that of the monarchy

Prince Andrew during Armed Forces Day, Guildford, Surrey, in June 2015. Photograph: David Hartley/Rex/Shutterstock

It was always going to come to this. Prince Andrew’s American lawyer’s statement in New York this afternoon announcing the agreed settlement with Virginia Giuffre sets the seal on the prince’s humiliation over his association with the convicted sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein and his friend, the woman who procured girls for him, Ghislaine Maxwell.

It has cost the prince his much-prized royal position on palace balconies, his perks – all those helicopter flights to golf matches at public expense, all those private flights across the world to shake hands with sheikhs – and all his military ranks, titles and honorifics. No more honorary colonelcies: colonel of the Grenadier Guards, commodore-in-chief of the Fleet Air Arm, to say nothing of the colonelcy of the New Zealand Army Logistic Regiment and the Princess Louise Fusiliers of Canada. All gone. Strangely, he remains a vice-admiral, but the full admiral title will now for ever elude him. He may be a duke, but he is no longer an HRH. The retreat is complete.

Perhaps the mystery is why it has taken so long. But Andrew has always been cloth-eared about public opinion. The tales of his private boorishness are common, but his insouciance and disdain for what others thought, most obviously on display in his disastrous television interview with Emily Maitlis in November 2019 – which he characteristically thought he’d handled rather well – meant that he has been slow to wake up not only to what was happening to his own reputation, but to its disastrous effect on the monarchy itself. No wonder they’ve cut him off and he’s left dependent at the age of 61 on Mummy’s largesse. She’ll be doubtless paying for the settlement too. » | Stephen Bates * | Tuesday, February 15, 2022

* Stephen Bates is a former Guardian royal correspondent

New Zealand Bans Dehumanising Conversion Therapy in Landslide Vote

New Zealand passes conversion therapy ban while UK continues to delay (Mark Mitchell-Pool/Getty Images)

PINK NEWS: New Zealand’s parliament has near-unanimously passed legislation that bans LGBT+ conversion therapy, with a government minister stating that it marks a “great day for New Zealand’s rainbow communities”.

Reuters reported that the bill passed on Tuesday (15 February) with 112 votes in favour and eight votes opposed.

“This is a great day for New Zealand’s rainbow communities,” minister of justice Kris Faafoi said.

“Conversion practices have no place in modern New Zealand.”

Under the legislation, it will be an offence to perform conversion therapy where the practices have caused “serious harm”, and offenders can be subject to up to five years imprisonment.

When the victim is a child or young person aged under 18, or someone with impaired decision-making capacity, conversion therapy will automatically be an offence, and will be subject to up to three years imprisonment.

The ban on conversion therapy follows recent comprehensive bans in France, Canada, and Albania, while campaigners in the UK pushing for an end to conversion therapy have been met with years of delays. » | Emily Chudy | Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Praise Ye the Lord! Enlightenment in the English-speaking world has had to come from the Antipodes! Kudos to Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister of New Zealand. BoJo, take some lessons!

That the so-called civilized world has tolerated this barbaric and extremely cruel nonsense for so long is an absolute disgrace. No civilized person worth his salt would endorse such a barbaric practice!

If, indeed, there is a need for any ‘conversion therapy’, it is for the need to bring straight people into line with the Enlightenment! If anyone needs conversion therapy, it is these ignorant, backword, cruel and insensitive people; indeed, perhaps they need to be brainwashed of their backward ideas and thoughts!

Sensible people, whether gay or straight, should celebrate this legal decision in New Zealand. The New Zealanders have done the civilized world a great favour: They have brought enlightenment into a world in which the lights are dimming by the day. Bravo, Jacinda Ardern! – © Mark

Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares for Me | Special Extended ‘Smoochtime’ Version

Nina Simone was an American singer, songwriter, pianist, arranger, and civil rights activist widely associated with jazz music. She worked in a broad range of styles including classical, jazz, blues, folk, R&B, gospel, and pop.

The sixth child of a preacher's family in North Carolina, Simone aspired to be a concert pianist.[1] Her musical path changed direction after she was denied a scholarship to the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, despite a well-received audition. Simone said she later found out from an insider at Curtis that she was denied entry because she was black.[2] So as to fund her continuing musical education and become a classical pianist, she began playing in a small club in Philadelphia where she was also required to sing. She was approached for a recording by Bethlehem Records, and her rendering of "I Loves You, Porgy" was a hit in the United States in 1958.[1] Over the length of her career Simone recorded more than 40 albums, mostly between 1958, when she made her debut with Little Girl Blue, and 1974.

Her musical style arose from a fusion of gospel and pop songs with classical music, in particular with influences from her first inspiration, Johann Sebastian Bach,[3] and accompanied with her expressive jazz-like singing in her characteristic contralto voice. She injected as much of her classical background into her music as possible to give it more depth and quality, as she felt that pop music was inferior to classical.[4] Her intuitive grasp on the audience–performer relationship was gained from a unique background of playing piano accompaniment for church revivals and sermons regularly from the early age of six years old.[5] | Views on YouTube: 16,337,487

Nina Simone : I Put a Spell on You

Jun 14, 2009 • Jazz•Street / Nina Simone - I put a spell on you | Views on YouTube: 36,893,933

Prince Andrew Settles Virginia Giuffre Sexual Assault Case in US

THE GUARDIAN: Duke of York promises to make ‘substantial donation’ to Giuffre’s charity, court documents show

Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre. The duke accepted that Giuffre had ‘suffered as an established victim of abuse’. Photograph: US district court - Southern Dis/AFP/Getty Images

Prince Andrew has reached a settlement in the civil sexual assault claim filed by Virginia Giuffre in the US.

The unexpected development was disclosed in a document submitted to court on Tuesday. Andrew has agreed to make a “substantial donation” to a charity, and has accepted that Giuffre “suffered as an established victim of abuse”. He commended Giuffre’s bravery.

The document added that the prince also regretted his association with the financier Jeffrey Epstein, who killed himself in prison while facing trial for sex crimes.

The move is a remarkable turnaround for the Duke of York, who had pledged to fight to clear his name in court. He has always denied having a sexual relationship with Giuffre when she was 17.

The court document said: “Virginia Giuffre and Prince Andrew have reached an out of court settlement. The parties will file a stipulated dismissal upon Ms Giuffre’s receipt of the settlement (the sum of which is not being disclosed).

“Prince Andrew intends to make a substantial donation to Ms Giuffre’s charity in support of victims’ rights. » | Harriet Sherwood and agency | Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The original court document can be viewed here.


Prince Andrew Settles Sexual Abuse Lawsuit With Virginia Giuffre: Financial terms of the settlement, which was announced in a federal court filing in Manhattan on Tuesday, were not revealed. »

Affaire Epstein : le prince Andrew trouve un accord avec son accusatrice, Virginia Giuffre, pour éviter un procès : L’Américaine de 38 ans accusait le deuxième fils de la reine Elizabeth II de l’avoir agressée sexuellement en 2001, alors qu’elle était mineure. Les termes financiers de l’accord n’ont pas été dévoilés. »

Prinz Andrew erzielt Einigung mit Klägerin Giuffre: Im Missbrauchsverfahren hat Prinz Andrew eine außergerichtliche Einigung mit der Klägerin Virginia Giuffre erzielt. Das geht aus einem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Gerichtsdokument hervor. »

Missbrauchsvorwürfe gegen Prinz Andrew: Einigung auf Vergleich mit Klägerin Virginia Giuffre: Nach dem Tod von Jeffrey Epstein und dem Schuldspruch von Ghislaine Maxwell rückt nun der Sohn der Queen in den Fokus. Prinz Andrew droht wegen Vorwürfen des sexuellen Missbrauchs ein Prozess. »

Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre Reach Out-of-court Settlement in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Feb 15, 2022 • Prince Andrew has settled a civil sexual assault case brought against him by Virginia Giuffre.

A letter filed to the US district court on Tuesday said the Duke of York and Ms Giuffre had reached an out-of-court settlement.

She had previously claimed Andrew sexually assaulted her on three occasions when she was 17, allegations he has repeatedly denied.

The letter added that the Duke "never intended to malign Ms Giuffre's character" and that he recognised she had "suffered both as an established victim of abuse and as a result of unfair public attacks".

Bitcoin – Eine neue Weltordnung? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Feb 14, 2022 • Geld regiert die Welt. Doch was, wenn das Wesen des Geldes sich fundamental verändert? Wie revolutionär sind Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin wirklich? Ein Gespräch mit dem ETH-Informatiker Roger Wattenhofer und dem Philosophen Ijoma Mangold über die Utopien und Gefahren des digitalen Goldes

Eine Welt ohne nationale Währungen, ohne Zentralbanken, ohne Wechselkurse, ohne Inflation – ja ohne Geldinstitute im bekannten Sinne? Glaubt man den immer zahlreicheren Anhängerinnen von Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin, ist solch eine Welt nicht nur theoretisch möglich, sondern konkret im Entstehen. Ihre Anhänger verbinden mit dieser neuen, auf der sogenannten Blockchain-Technologie basierenden Währung nicht weniger als eine Revolution der politischen und ökonomischen Verhältnisse auf diesem Planeten. Kritikerinnen hingegen sehen in Bitcoin ein anti-staatliches, zu Illegalität neigendes und ökologisch verheerendes Spekulationsobjekt digitaler Eliten. Wolfram Eilenberger spricht über das «digitale Gold» mit dem Informatiker und ETH-Professor Roger Wattenhofer sowie dem Kultur-Philosophen Ijoma Mangold («Die Zeit»)

Sternstunde Philosophie vom 13.02.2022

Crise en Ukraine : la Russie annonce un début de retrait de ses soldats massés à la frontière, les Occidentaux restent prudents

LE MONDE : Moscou assure qu’il s’agit d’un « processus normal », prévu dans le cadre de l’achèvement des exercices militaires à la frontière. L’OTAN a accueilli l’annonce avec un « optimisme prudent », « aucun signe de désescalade » n’étant, pour l’instant, constaté sur le terrain, selon son secrétaire général.

La Russie a envoyé, mardi 15 février, les premiers signaux d’une détente dans la crise autour de l’Ukraine qui dure depuis la fin de l’année 2021. Des forces russes déployées depuis des semaines près de la frontière ukrainienne ont commencé à retourner dans leurs garnisons respectives, a annoncé Moscou. Alors que Vladimir Poutine a assuré vouloir poursuivre les négociations avec les Occidentaux, Paris a dit attendre « des actes ».

Moscou annonce un début de retrait des soldats à la frontière ukrainienne

Le ministère de la défense russe a annoncé, mardi, le retour à leur garnison de soldats qui avaient été postés à la frontière ukrainienne.« Les unités des districts militaires du Sud et de l’Ouest, qui ont achevé leurs tâches, ont déjà commencé à procéder au chargement sur les moyens de transports ferroviaires et routiers et commenceront à retourner vers leurs garnisons aujourd’hui », a détaillé le porte-parole du ministère, Igor Konachenkov, cité par les agences de presse russes. Il n’a, cependant, donné aucune indication sur le nombre des forces concernées alors que plus de 100 000 soldats russes ont été déployés le long de la frontière avec l’Ukraine. La Russie poursuit, en outre, ses manœuvres en Biélorussie, voisine de l’Ukraine, jusqu’au 20 février. » | Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters | mardi 15 février 2022

Krise um die Ukraine: Beim Treffen in Moskau warnt Scholz vor einem Unglück – Putin vermisst «konstruktive Antworten» und spricht von Völkermord

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Bereits zum zweiten Mal innerhalb eines Jahres löst Russland mit einem Truppenaufmarsch nahe der Grenze zur Ukraine grosse Besorgnis aus. Was ist über die Lage bekannt, und welche Interessen verfolgt Moskau? Ein Überblick.

Der deutsche Kanzler Olaf Scholz und Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin an der Pressekonferenz in Moskau. | Sputnik via Reuters / Sergey Guneev


Der deutsche Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz zeigt sich weiter zuversichtlich, auf diplomatischem Weg eine Lösung für den Konflikt zwischen Russland und der Ukraine zu finden. «So schwierig und ernst die derzeitige Lage auch scheint – ich weigere mich, sie als aussichtslos zu beschreiben», sagte Scholz am Dienstag (15. 2.) nach seinem Gespräch mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin in Moskau. Allen Europäern und der Nato sei klar, dass nachhaltige Sicherheit nur gemeinsam mit Russland erreicht werden könne. Er sehe allerdings keinen vernünftigen Grund für den russischen Truppenaufmarsch. Deswegen sei nun Deeskalation gefragt. Scholz begrüsste Berichte über einen ersten Truppenabzug. «Es ist unsere verdammte Pflicht und Aufgabe, als Staats- und Regierungschefs zu verhindern, dass es in Europa zu einer kriegerischen Eskalation kommt», sagte Scholz weiter. «Lassen Sie uns diese Dinge im Wege des Dialogs weiter bereden. Wir dürfen nicht in einer Sackgasse enden, die wäre ein Unglück.» » | Andreas Rüesch | Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022

Trump gibt französischem Rechtsextremisten Wahlkampftipps

Der damalige amerikanische Präsident Donald Trump im Oktober 2020 im Weißen Haus während eines Telefonats mit israelischen und sudanesischen Regierungsvertretern | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Donald Trump hat mit dem französischen Rechtsextremisten Eric Zemmour telefoniert. Man habe über Migration, Sicherheit und Wirtschaft gesprochen, teilt Zemmour mit. Ob Trump ihn offiziell unterstützen werde, sei noch offen, heißt es.

Der rechtsextreme französische Präsidentschaftskandidat Eric Zemmour hat mit dem ehemaligen amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump nach eigener Aussage ein „langes und herzliches Gespräch“ geführt. Ein Thema sei „die Rekordzahl an Stimmen für einen scheidenden US-Präsidenten 2020“ gewesen, teilte Zemmour am Dienstag auf Twitter mit, nämlich „12 Millionen mehr als 2016“. Damit lässt Zemmour Trumps Behauptungen anklingen, die Präsidentenwahl sei manipuliert worden, wofür es jedoch keine Belege gab.

Sie hätten sich außerdem über Migration, Sicherheit und die Wirtschaftslage unterhalten, die Lieblingsthemen beider Politiker. Schließlich hätten sie die Gründe von Trumps Wahlerfolg 2016 erörtert. „Donald Trump möchte, dass die USA die USA bleiben. Eric Zemmour möchte, dass Frankreich Frankreich bleibt“, resümierte der Kandidat. » | Quelle: AFP/Reuters | Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022

Éric Zemmour claims Donald Trump backs him after ‘long and friendly’ call »

Crise ukrainienne : la fragile unité des Européens face à la Russie

Le Haut représentant de l'Union pour les Affaires étrangères, Josep Borrell, et le secrétaire d'État, Antony Blinken, lors d'une conférence de presse, le 7 février, à Washington. POOL / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : Certains États membres de l'UE redoutent le coût économique des mesures actuellement en discussion entre Bruxelles et Washington.

Correspondante à Bruxelles

Tous unis face à Moscou ? Depuis le début de la crise ukrainienne, les Européens s'en tiennent vaille que vaille à cette ligne. C'est encore le message qu'ils ont souhaité adresser à Sergueï Lavrov. Alors que Moscou s'entête à ne pas vouloir discuter avec l'UE, le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères avait fait le choix d'envoyer des lettres séparées aux États membres pour leur demander de préciser leur position sur l'« indivisibilité de la sécurité » - un concept que Moscou invoque à l'appui de ses revendications. » | Par Anne Rovan | lundi 14 février 2022

A World Away from Ukraine, Russia Is Courting Latin America

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Ukraine crisis has revived a struggle over Latin America between the U.S. and Russia, as Vladimir V. Putin seeks greater influence in the region.

An aerial view above Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in October. | Lucas Dumphreys/Associated Press

RIO DE JANEIRO — In the midst of his brinkmanship over neighboring Ukraine in recent weeks, President Vladimir V. Putin has also been busy trying to expand Russia’s influence thousands of miles away: in Latin America.

He spoke to Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua’s strongman president, for the first time since 2014. He also called the leaders of Venezuela and Cuba. He hosted the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, who vowed during a Kremlin visit to reduce his country’s reliance on the United States.

And on Wednesday — the same day that American officials have said could be the start of a Russian invasion — Mr. Putin is scheduled to meet with President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. Mr. Bolsonaro is flying to Moscow despite repeated entreaties from American officials in recent weeks that he postpone his trip as the West scrambles to pressure Mr. Putin over Ukraine.

The flurry of personal diplomacy directed at Latin America by Mr. Putin during the most high-stakes period of his tenure often builds on ties that go back to the Cold War and sheds light on the global nature of his ambitions: to exert influence even on faraway regions. He is stepping up engagement and building ties to an expanding swath of the Western Hemisphere — including to countries, like Brazil and Argentina, that have traditionally been close to Washington. » | Jack Nicas and Anton Troianovski | Tuesday, February 15, 2022