Showing posts with label oligarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oligarchy. Show all posts

Sunday, March 09, 2025

Bernie Sanders Continues Fight Against Oligarchy in Kenosha

Mar 9, 2025 | It wasn’t a campaign rally or an election pit stop, but once again, Wisconsinites packed an arena to see a politician speak Friday night.

It was Bernie Sanders, who was in Kenosha as part of his national Fighting Oligarchy tour. Around 3,500 people came to see the Vermont senator and former Democratic presidential primary candidate.

Another 500 were turned away after the University of Wisconsin-Parkside’s basketball stadium reached capacity.

This is the gentleman who should be POTUS, not Trump! – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Bernie Sanders: A Sad Moment in American History

Feb 20, 2025 | We are witnessing a very sad moment in American history. The President of the United States is aligning himself with the dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin, to undermine the independence of Ukraine and its democracy. Here are my thoughts:

Isn’t Trump’s behaviour the very definition of treason? – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Thom Hartmann: America Fought a Revolution to Stop Kings! Trump Just Gave Oligarchs Their Throne Back

Feb 4, 2025 | America was built to reject kings, theocrats, and the morbidly rich — It’s the same playbook, different century…

The author of the Declaration of Independence were explicitly rejecting “three historic tyrannies”: kings, autocrats, theocrats and popes, and the morbidly rich oligarchs.

Now in the first hundred days of Donald Trump's second term - he has given the oligarchs their throne back.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Trump: The End of Democracy? Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize Winner

Jan 20, 2025 | In this previously unpublished interview, Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, denounces the decline of freedom in the United States and the rest of the world. Trump, a creature of neoliberalism, will continue to destroy democratic institutions. By destroying institutions, neoliberal policies have enabled populists to emerge in Europe, South America and the United States.

In a previous book, The Price of Inequality, Joseph Stiglitz warned of the risk of populists seizing power.

Interview by Maxime Thuillez in Paris

Greenletter Club can be supported here.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Joe Biden Warns ‘Oligarchy Is Taking Shape in America’ in Farewell Address

THE GUARDIAN: President sounds alarm about growing power of ultra-wealthy before handing presidency back to Trump

Joe Biden’s final address to the nation struck an ominous tone after warning of the growing power of America’s ultra-wealthy, and cautioning that an emerging oligarchy threatens the foundations of US democracy.

The Wednesday prime-time Oval Office speech came as Biden prepares to hand the presidency back to Donald Trump, who he defeated in 2020 only to see return to power after Biden’s own dramatic exit from politics last summer.

“Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead,” Biden said. » | Joseph Gedeon in Washington | Thursday, January 16, 2025

America is ALREADY an oligarchy, Mr President. Oligarchy has been in the making for a very long time. America has been governed for the benefit of the rich for years. Trump has dotted all the 'i's' and crossed all the 't's'. He's completed the task.

Lincoln’s famous phrase, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ is passé now. Trump has changed all that. And it hasn’t taken him long to do so, either. From here on in, it’s ‘government of the superrich, by the superrich, for the superrich’. “The people” will get the crumbs that fall under their masters’ tables – if the are lucky!

The American political system has been usurped and poisoned, probably forever. Democracy has been supplanted by oligarchy. You call it oligarchy; I prefer to call it plutocracy, since it is a more accurate nomenclature.

In any case, darkness has befallen your nation, Mr President. America is no longer a “City upon a Hill” as has so often been quoted by many a president or a president-elect; it is no longer a beacon – a shining light in the distance; rather, it is a source of darkness in the distance. And that dark shadow will surely now be cast upon the rest of the free world. Enlightened thinking is already in the process of being replaced by benighted thinking. Ignorance is taking hold. It is already discernable right across the free world. Even here in Europe. Gee! Thanks America! You've done the free world proud. – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Kyle Kulinski Obliterates Elon and the Oligarch's Plot to Rob Us Blind

Jan 15, 2025 | n this fiery video, Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk explains how Elon Musk and the other oligarchs and plutocrats plans to rob us blind. On his show, Kyle Kulinski points out Professor Scott Galloway's appearances on CNN and Morning Joe.

Kyle Kulinksi and Scott Galloway describe just how disgusting Elon and the other figures in Trump's upcoming administration are. Scott Galloway does something that is rarely done on mainstream news - he says that being rich doesn't make you any happier. Kyle Kulinski provides his analysis of what Galloway revealed. It's Kyle Kulinski's assertion that things could get very bad in our country from an economic standpoint, and people will start to fight back.

This is a must-watch to understand what Kyle Kulinski and Scott Galloway had to say!

The USA has been turned into a sewer. Unfortunately, dumb Westerners continue to look up to the country and its corrupt ways.

They need to avert their gaze eastwards! America can no longer teach the West anything of value. The big idea for the West is democracy. America is no longer a democracy; rather, it is a plutocracy. Some prefer the term oligarchy. Whichever term you prefer, one thing is for sure: it is far away from democracy. America is now ruled by the rich, for the rich, and for the exclusive benefit of the rich. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Friday, January 03, 2025

Thom Hartmann Program: Trump's Fascist Plan: Turning Democracy to Oligarchy Isn't Enough for the Rich

Jan 3, 2025 | Donald Trump isn't just transforming America from a democracy into an oligarchy... he is transforming it into something much, much worse...

The US political system is totally corrupt and disgusting. It is no longer an example for any other Western country to follow. Turn your sights away from America! Rather direct your sights eastward to Europe. It's the UK's destiny. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, December 29, 2024

MUST-SEE: Jamie Raskin Takes On Elon Musk

Dec 25, 2024 | INTERVIEW: Brian interviews Congressman Jamie Raskin about Elon Musk's takeover of the GOP and his ascent to ranking member of the Judiciary Committee.

I don't know why they keep on using the term oligarchy when the word plutocracy would be far more appropriate. – © Mark Alexander

Please check this out on the difference between an oligarchy and a plutocracy.

Bernie Sanders Issues Dire Warning about State of US as 2024 Draws to a Close

Dec 28, 2024 | In a video released to social media, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) warned that the US is veering into an oligarchy controlled by billionaires.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Senator Bernie Sanders: We Hear All the Time about Putin's Oligarchy in Russia. News Flash: America Has an Oligarchy, Too.

Dec 16, 2024

More power to Bernie Sanders. A very decent gentleman who has the courage to stand up to the autocrat-elect and the fawning grifters that are kissing his arse. – © Mark Alexander

Senator Bernie Sanders: Oligarchy Is Not Just a Russian Phenomenon. It Exists Right Here in the USA.

Dec 13, 2024

This is the man who should be president, not Trump. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Democracy Now! "Open Celebration of the Oligarchy": Both Dems & GOP Sucked Up to Billionaires in 2024 Election

Nov 8, 2024 | In the wake of the reelection of Donald Trump, some of the richest people in the world saw their net worths soar as stock prices rapidly shot up. "What was different about this election was how central billionaires were in the entire political discourse," says The Lever's David Sirota, who joins Democracy Now! to discuss the outsized role of the super-rich in U.S politics, pointing out that both Trump and Kamala Harris campaigned heavily with billionaires, including Elon Musk and Mark Cuban. "These people are not giving money simply out of the goodness of their hearts. They want things. They have policy demands," Sirota says. "The investors, the donors, like billionaires, are looking for a return on their investment." Sirota, who previously worked as a communications adviser and speechwriter for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, also explains how Elon Musk's influence on Trump's campaign is a preview of the power he could wield if he ends up appointed to the Trump administration.

Democracy Now! can be supported here.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Musk's Twitter Takeover: A Win for Oligarchy

When billionaires like Musk justify their motives by using 'freedom,' beware. They want to use their vast fortunes to do whatever they please – unconstrained by laws or regulations, shareholders, or even consumers. This is not a win for free speech. It’s a win for oligarchy.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Times Have Never Been Better for Billionaires.

Feb 16, 2022 • These are very difficult times for working families. But for billionaires and the CEOs of large corporations, times have never been better. I’m on the Senate floor to explain why.

There's a Sickness at the Heart of British Democracy & It's Called Oligarchy | Peter Jukes

Nov 16, 2021 • Tory Corruption if just the tip of the iceberg...

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Corrupt Crony Oligarchy: Ivanka Trump at Meeting with Japanese Prime Minister

As a relative of the President-elect, Ivanka Trump is banned from being part of her father's administration, yet a disturbing picture has surfaced of her meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe