Saturday, May 21, 2022

Truth to Power: Boris Johnson: A Russian Asset

May 21, 2022 • While Brexit gets more and more disastrous every day, and while political commentators across the board say that the Met police appear to have completely bungled the Partygate investigation, there is another story that I believe is even more important this week, for 630,225 reasons. According to the New York Times, that’s the amount of money, in US dollars, from a Russian bank account that helped propel Boris Johnson to power in 2019. So, here’s the question. Is Boris Johnson a Russian asset?

Friday, May 20, 2022

Cosmopolitan No More: Russians Feel Sting of Cultural and Economic Rift

THE GUARDIAN: Magazines, production lines and consumer choices suffer as isolation from the west bites

A trip to the mall in Russia is a different experience today than it was just a few short months ago.

“When I had my first child, there was all this choice. Mothercare, Zara, you name it,” said Evgenia Marsheva, a 33-year-old architect. But when she went shopping in Moscow this month for her newborn, many of those large retail brands had been shuttered.

“Now, I can only find very cheap or extremely expensive Russian products. I was brought up with tales of the limited choices that my parents had during the Soviet Union. I never thought that would come back.” » | Pjotr Sauer | Friday, May 20, 2022

Elon Musk bezeichnet die US-Demokraten als Partei des Hasses

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Mit konspirativen Aussagen bewegt sich der Tesla-Chef Elon Musk politisch gegen rechts. Er wettert über die Partei des Präsidenten Joe Biden und kündigt an, künftig für die Republikaner zu stimmen.

Elon Musks neueste Tweets sorgen politisch für Aufsehen. | John Raoux / AP

(dpa) Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk offenbart immer mehr Ansichten, die ihn mit dem rechten politischen Spektrum in den Vereinigten Staaten in Einklang bringen. So schrieb er am Mittwoch bei Twitter, die amerikanischen Demokraten seien zur «Partei der Spaltung und des Hasses geworden». Deshalb werde er künftig für die Republikaner stimmen.

Auch wetterte der 50-jährige Chef des Elektroauto-Herstellers Tesla gegen die Elite-Uni Yale als «Epizentrum des geistigen Woke-Virus, das versucht, die Zivilisation zu zerstören». Über die sogenannte «Woke»-Kultur zu schimpfen, bei der es im Kern um den Kampf gegen Diskriminierung und Ausgrenzung geht, gehört zum festen Repertoire der Erzkonservativen in den Vereinigten Staaten. » | dpa | Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2022

Pelosi: London riskiert möglichen Handelspakt

Nancy Pelosi am 17. Mai 2022 in Washington | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Sprecherin des amerikanischen Repräsentantenhauses warnt Großbritannien vor einer Eskalation des Streits über Brexit-Regeln für Nordirland. Ein erklärtes Ziel der Johnson-Regierung stehe auf dem Spiel.

Die Sprecherin des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, hat die Regierung in London gewarnt, mit einer einseitigen Eskalation des Streits über Brexit-Regeln für Nordirland einen Handelspakt mit den USA zu riskieren. Wenn London sich entscheide, dieses Abkommen zu unterlaufen, werde der US-Kongress kein bilaterales Freihandelsabkommen mit Großbritannien unterstützen, schrieb Pelosi am Donnerstag in einer Erklärung. Das sogenannte Nordirland-Protokoll schütze die wichtige Stabilität in der ehemaligen Bürgerkriegsregion, die der als Karfreitagsabkommen bekannte Friedensvertrag gebracht habe.

Ein weitreichender Handelspakt mit den USA gilt als erklärtes Ziel der Brexit-Befürworter um Premier Boris Johnson, das jedoch aktuell noch in weiter Ferne liegt. » | Quelle: dpa | Freitag, 20. Mai 2022

S&P 500 Falls into Bear Market Territory, Down 20% from January High: Live Updates

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Stocks have slipped for seven consecutive weeks, their worst stretch since 2001. The Federal Reserve’s attempts to bring inflation under control are a big reason stock prices are falling.

Stocks dropped on Friday, pushing the S&P 500 into a bear market for the first time since early in the pandemic, as investors feared the effects of higher inflation, rising interest rates and the risk of a recession.

The S&P 500 was down about 1.6 percent in intraday trading, pushing the benchmark index into bear market territory, a Wall Street term for a 20 percent decline from a recent peak — in this case, since Jan. 3. It is a symbolically important marker of investor pessimism, and the index would have to close the day at this level to officially enter a bear market.

The S&P 500 is also on track for its seventh consecutive weekly decline, an unusually long losing streak.

The pessimism in Wall Street has been prompted by fears about stubbornly high inflation and the Federal Reserve’s plans to increase interest rates in response, which could tip the economy into recession. The pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and lockdowns in China have added to these concerns. Stocks cross grim threshold after a long slide. » | Jason Karaian and Coral Murphy Marcos | Friday, May 20, 2022

Big Tech Is Getting Clobbered on Wall Street. It’s a Good Time for Them.:Flush with cash, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Google are positioned to emerge from a downturn stronger and more powerful. As usual. »

A Weak Euro Heads to an Uncomfortable Milestone: Parity With the Dollar: The euro hasn’t fallen below the one-to-one exchange rate with the U.S. dollar for two decades. But as economic risks grow, more analysts predict deeper lows for the shared currency. »

The Billionaire Class: A Threat to Democracy? | Business Beyond

May 20, 2022 • There are just a few thousand billionaires in the world. But their number is rising. And combined, they control a vast chunk of the entire wealth of the planet. They are also getting wealthier. According to Oxfam, the 10 richest in the world have doubled their collective wealth since the start of the coronavirus pandemic - helped by soaring stock markets and our increased reliance on technology.

In this edition of Business Beyond, we'll look at what it takes to become a billionaire in the countries which produce the most. We'll even speak with one. And we'll ask a key question: should billionaires be allowed to exist?

Ask Prof Wolff: Economic Implications of Abortion Access

May 20, 2022 • A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Can you talk about the economics of planned parenthood and abortion?

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – May 20, 2022

Hitler privat: Der Soldat (1) | SPIEGEL TV

May 20, 2022 • "Das war die schönste Zeit meines Lebens", sagte Adolf Hitler später über seine Jahre als Soldat im Ersten Weltkrieg. Diese Dokumentation von SPIEGEL-TV-Autor Michael Kloft unternimmt einen Versuch, dem "Monster der Geschichte" näher zu kommen - mit seltenen und bisher unveröffentlichten Dokumenten.

Stanley Johnson Becomes French to Keep Link with EU


BBC: Boris Johnson's father Stanley says he has become a French national, telling a Belgium news website he wanted to keep "a link" with the EU after Brexit.

Mr Johnson, whose mother was French, told BFMTV getting citizenship was "something precious" and allowed him to "claim part of my identity".

Unlike his son, who led the campaign to leave the EU, Mr Johnson voted Remain in the 2016 Brexit referendum.

However, he later changed his mind saying "the time has come to bail".

Between 1979 and 1984, Mr Johnson was as a member of the European Parliament representing Wight and Hampshire East.

Downing Street said his decision to accept French citizenship was "a personal matter for the prime minister's father".

Mr Johnson announced he would be seeking French citizenship in December 2020 - a month before the UK fully left the EU.

Speaking on Friday, he said he was "very happy", adding: "I count myself once again as a European Union member, that's very good." » | BBC | Friday, May 20, 2022

PM’s father Stanley Johnson ‘secures French citizenship’: Johnson campaigned for UK to remain in EU in 2016 but has since expressed support for Brexit »

Le père de Boris Johnson, Stanley, obtient la nationalité française : Le père du premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson, Stanley, 81 ans, a obtenu mercredi la nationalité française, a-t-on appris jeudi 19 mai auprès du ministère français de la Justice. »

Such hypocrisy! These entitled dudes want all the privileges themselves, but have been absolutely determined to strip such privileges away from the ‘little people’! Fie on them; and fie on this hypocritical dude, too! This is truly sickening. He’s got a face of brass, that’s all I can say. – © Mark

Podcast: How the Clash of Sex and Religion Spawned America’s Abortion Saga

Joshua Prager, author of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize finalist for non-fiction ‘The Family Roe,’ dissects potential fallout of a leaked Supreme Court decision overturning Roe V Wade

The Russian Psyche | Konstantin Kisin

Apr 29, 2022 • John is joined by Konstantin Kisin, himself Russian by descent, for a conversation about the Russian mindset, popular support for President Putin, the Western response to and coverage of the conflict in Ukraine, Western resilience, the role of satire in public discourse, and much more.

Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British comedian, podcaster, writer and social commentator. He made international headlines in 2018 by refusing to sign a university “behavioural agreement form” which banned jokes about religion, atheism and insisted that all humour must be “respectful and kind”.

Konstantin is a regular contributor to BBC, ITV and TalkRadio. Frequently described as an "objective voice from the centre of the political spectrum", he regularly writes for a wide range of publications, including the Telegraph, Spectator and Quillette. He is also the creator and co-host of the TRIGGERnometry YouTube show where 2 comics interview economists, political experts, journalists and social commentators about interesting, controversial and challenging subjects.

Konstantin's first book, 'An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West', will be released on July 14th 2022

Spain Braces for Heatwave of ‘Extraordinary Intensity’

THE GUARDIAN: Country warned of risk of orange dust storms as forecasters predict France will see hottest May on record

Temperatures in parts of southern Spain are forecast to exceed 42C on Saturday as a heatwave of “extraordinary intensity” brings dusty skies, a heightened risk of forest fires and blistering conditions more usually seen in high summer than mid-May.

The Spanish government activated its national plan for excess temperatures on Thursday evening after the state meteorological agency, Aemet, warned that Spain was facing “one of the hottest Mays in this country in recent years”.

Aemet said a mass of hot, dry air is blowing in from Africa, carrying with it dust from the Sahara and “exceptionally high” daily temperatures that are between 10C and 15C above the seasonal average.

“The last updates to the meteorological models confirm the extraordinary intensity of this heatwave,” said Rubén del Campo, a spokesperson for Aemet. » | Sam Jones in Madrid and Jon Henley in Paris | Friday, May 20, 2022

La majorité de la France menacée de sécheresse cet été »

Tucker Carlson Tried to Use Hunter Biden to Get His Son into Georgetown

THE GUARDIAN: Emails reveal the ‘extent’ which Carlson was willing to turn on Biden’s son since the 2020 election, Washington Post says

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, speaks to guests during the White House Easter Egg Roll on 18 April. Photograph: Andrew Harnik/AP

As Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for help getting his son into an elite Washington university in 2014, the Fox News host’s wife, Susie, reportedly wrote in an email: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”

Since the 2020 election, however, Carlson has fueled rightwing attacks on Joe Biden’s son, particularly over business affairs in which he allegedly benefited from his father’s position.

The existence of emails about getting Buckley Carlson into Georgetown has been known for some time, thanks to a laptop once owned by Hunter Biden that was obtained by Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and pushed to media in 2020.

On Thursday the Washington Post revealed new emails and said analysis by security experts confirmed their authenticity.

The emails, the Post said, “reveal the extent to which Carlson was willing to turn on a former associate as he thrives in a hyper-partisan media world in which conservatives have made Biden a prime target for attack.”

“They also show how Carlson once sought to benefit from the elite political circles in Washington that he now regularly rails against as the ‘ruling class’.” » | Martin Pengelly | Friday, May 20, 2022

Elon Musk Denies He Sexually Harassed Attendant on Private Jet in 2016

THE GUARDIAN: Billionaire says report is ‘utterly untrue’ after allegation he paid $250k in 2018 to settle claim

Elon Musk arrives for the 2022 Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York earlier this month. Photograph: Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images

Elon Musk has denied claims in a news report that he sexually harassed a flight attendant on a private jet in 2016, calling the accusations “utterly untrue”.

Business Insider reported earlier on Thursday that the billionaire’s SpaceX paid $250,000 (£200,000) in 2018 in a severance settlement following a sexual misconduct claim to an unnamed private jet flight attendant who accused Musk of exposing himself to her.

The article quoted an anonymous person who said she was a friend of the flight attendant. The friend had provided a statement as part of the private settlement process, according to the article.

“I have a challenge to this liar who claims their friend saw me ‘exposed’ – describe just one thing, anything at all (scars, tattoos, …) that isn’t known by the public. She won’t be able to do so, because it never happened,” Musk tweeted. » | Dan Milmo and agencies | Friday, May 20, 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Lord Browne : BBC World interview

Jun 23, 2014 • Lord John Browne sits down with BBC World to discuss his new book, "The Glass Closet".

EuroMillions: Lottery Winners Scooped £184m with Lucky Dip Ticket

BBC: The UK's biggest EuroMillions lottery winners have been revealed as a couple from Gloucester who scooped £184m with a lucky dip ticket.

Joe and Jess Thwaite won a record-breaking £184,262,899 - making them richer than Adele - last week.

Mrs Thwaite, 44, who has two children with her 49-year-old husband, said the win will give them "time to dream".

The previous record was held by an anonymous winner who banked £170m in October 2019.

After being introduced by TV presenter Dermot O'Leary at a glitzy ceremony on Thursday, Mr Thwaite confirmed that he had already left his job as a communications sales manager.

His wife is also "considering" what to do about her role in a hairdressing salon she runs with her sister. With video » | BBC | Thursday, May 19, 2022

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George Michael : One More Try

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Amazing Gay Wedding | Villa Vizcaya Museum & Garden Miami, FL | Hernan & William

May 27, 2016 • Same-sex wedding video @ Vizcaya Garden in Miami, FL Dream Light Visuals offers destination wedding photography & wedding videography, We also service all South Florida for Wedding Photography & Videography. For more information contact us at Location: Villa Vizcaya | Miami, FL Email: Tel # : 305.741.3693

Please note that this video, and others like it, are not paid ads. I am placing these videos up here on this website as a courtesy only. – Mark

We Should Say It. Russia Is Fascist.

Illustration by The New York Times; Photography by Clive Rose, Alexander Nemenov, and Kirill Kudryavtsev, via Getty Images


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Fascism was never defeated as an idea. As a cult of irrationality and violence, it could not be vanquished as an argument: So long as Nazi Germany seemed strong, Europeans and others were tempted. It was only on the battlefields of World War II that fascism was defeated. Now it’s back — and this time, the country fighting a fascist war of destruction is Russia. Should Russia win, fascists around the world will be comforted.

We err in limiting our fears of fascism to a certain image of Hitler and the Holocaust. Fascism was Italian in origin, popular in Romania — where fascists were Orthodox Christians who dreamed of cleansing violence — and had adherents throughout Europe (and America). In all its varieties, it was about the triumph of will over reason.

Because of that, it’s impossible to define satisfactorily. People disagree, often vehemently, over what constitutes fascism. But today’s Russia meets most of the criteria that scholars tend to apply. It has a cult around a single leader, Vladimir Putin. It has a cult of the dead, organized around World War II. It has a myth of a past golden age of imperial greatness, to be restored by a war of healing violence — the murderous war on Ukraine. » | Timothy Snyder * | Thursday, May 19, 2022

* Dr. Snyder is a professor of history at Yale University and the author of many books on fascism, totalitarianism and European history.

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Tucker Carlson Backtracks after Peddling a Conspiracy Theory Cited by NY Mass Shooting Suspect

May 19, 2022 • Fox News host Tucker Carlson has pushed the racist “great replacement theory” on television more than 400 times. But after the conspiracy theory was cited by the Buffalo shooting suspect in his online manifesto, Carlson now insists that he does not know what the conspiracy is and that “the left” is responsible for pushing it. In this special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber calls Carlson out for his hypocrisy, pointing to footage from Carlson’s own show as evidence, and highlights the double standard in his reporting of incidents of gun violence.

„Jetzt platzt die Blase“

Ein Händler an der New Yorker Börse | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: An der Börse fallen die Kurse rasant. Manche Investoren sehen darin aber eine Chance – sie nutzen die aktuelle Situation, um zuzukaufen. Geht ihre Wette auf?

Es ist das Jahr 1999, die Börse, und vor allem die Technologiewerte, kennen kein Halten mehr. Vom September 1998 bis zum März 2000 steigt der Index der Technologiebörse Nasdaq um 170 Prozent. Kein Unternehmen ist zu teuer, keine Idee zu pompös. Der Börsenrausch inmitten der Dotcom-Krise brachte viele Gewinner hervor – und noch mehr Verlierer. Denn was danach kam, wissen deutsche Börsianer: der dramatische Zusammenbruch des Neuen Marktes.

Der Nasdaq erreichte erst 14 Jahre später seinen damaligen Punktestand wieder. Heute steht er mehr als 200 Prozent über dem Höchststand der Dotcom-Hausse. Seit dem vorläufig schwindelerregenden Hoch am Ende des vergangenen Jahres haben der Nasdaq und die darin enthaltenen Titel schon 29 Prozent an Wert eingebüßt – bei einem Minus von 20 Prozent beginnt üblicherweise der Bärenmarkt. Allein am Mittwoch verlor der breite US-Index S&P-500 4 Prozent, der Nasdaq-100 5 Prozent. Vor 20 Jahren erreichte der technologielastige Index seinen Tiefpunkt erst nach zwei Jahren mit einem Minus von 74 Prozent. » | Von Antonia Mannweiler, Redakteurin in der Wirtschaft | Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2022

Global stocks fall, with the S&P 500 nearing bear market territory: The S&P 500 was down 0.9 percent in early trading after falling 4 percent on Wednesday. Stocks in Europe were also sharply lower. »

The Dirty War: The Horrors of the Argentine Dictatorship | Messenger on a White Horse | Timeline

May 15, 2022 • Argentina's 1976-83 dictatorship was one of Latin America's most gruesome. Under the guise of a war on communism, the ruling Armed Forces tortured and "disappeared" thousands of young left-wing students, activists and militants, leaving a trail of devastation that would haunt the country for decades. But a soft-spoken journalist named Robert Cox had the courage to speak out.

You can sign up to History Hit, the “world's best history documentary service” and get 50% off using the code 'TIMELINE' here.

Nina Khrushcheva: Talks to End War in Ukraine Are Collapsing as US Seeks Regime Change in Moscow

May 19, 2022 • As the United Nations warns about the devastating global impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, talks to negotiate a peace settlement appear to have collapsed. Russian President Vladimir Putin appears determined to push forward despite a more resilient Ukrainian defense than expected, as both sides seem to be fixated on gaining military and territorial victories. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to pour millions of dollars in weapons into Ukraine. “It does seem that the United States thinks that Ukraine should be supported in its war effort, not its negotiation effort, until the very end,” says Nina Khrushcheva, professor at The New School and the great-granddaughter of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. She also speaks about the current climate of civil society within Russia and the faulty intelligence that led Putin to decide to invade Ukraine.

The Coup in the Kremlin: How Putin and the Security Services Captured the Russian State »

La majorité de la France menacée de sécheresse cet été

LE MONDE : Le ministère de la transition écologique publie une carte des risques de pénuries estivales en eau : 76 zones sont classées en alerte, et 26 en alerte renforcée.

Du Nord jusqu’à la Corse, aucun territoire n’est assuré d’échapper au manque d’eau cet été. C’est ce qui ressort de la carte des risques de sécheresse, publiée mercredi 18 mai par le ministère de la transition écologique. Afin de dessiner une géographie des pénuries auxquelles s’attendre dans les trois prochains mois, l’infographie agrège différentes données, par exemple sur la baisse des niveaux des rivières et des lacs observée localement par les agents de l’Office français de la biodiversité. Elle repose surtout sur l’état actuel des nappes souterraines et de l’humidité des sols. » | Par Martine Valo | mercredi 18 mai 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 19, 2022

Why Did Pope Benedict XVI Really Leave The Vatican? | The Great Conclave | Parable

Apr 29, 2022 • When Pope Benedict XVI resigned in 2013, it sent shockwaves around the world. In this unflinching two-part mini-series, we find out why Benedict XVI exited the Vatican and discover the extraordinary conclave and election of Pope Francis. Including rare footage from inside Vatican City during the Conclave preparations, it features interviews with Cardinals who experienced these turbulent years first-hand.

You can sign up to History Hit, the “world's best history documentary service” and get 50% off by using the code 'PARABLE' here.

US Stock Markets Fall Sharply as Investors Worry about Recession

THE GUARDIAN: Dow Jones sinks more than 1,100 points as S&P closes down 4%, its largest fall since June 2020, and Nasdaq loses 4.7%

The wild ride on the US stock markets continued on Wednesday with the Dow Jones Industrial Average sinking more than 1,100 points as investors worried about a looming recession.

All of the major US markets fell sharply, with the S&P closing down 4%, its largest fall since June 2020, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq losing 4.7%. » | Dominic Rushe in New York | Thursday, May 19, 2022

US Stocks Worst Day since 2020 amid Recession Worries

THE GUARDIAN: Recession fears are swirling through the markets again, as rising inflation and snarled supply chains hit economies, driving up the cost of living and hitting some company profits.

Last night, US stocks posted the biggest daily drop in almost two years, on concerns that economic growth will falter as central bankers look to raise interest rates to stem the surge in inflation.

Fed chair Jerome Powell’s determination to keep lifting borrowing costs until inflation falls meaningfully has rattled Wall Street, and is likely to push European markets lower today too.

The S&P500 fell more than 4% lower yesterday, Nasdaq slumped more than 5% and the Dow slid more than 3.5%. » | Graeme Wearden | Thursday, May 19, 2022

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

You Should Care about the Crypto Meltdown. Here’s Why. | Amanpour & Company

May 18, 2022 • This week, markets were shaken by plunging prices in cryptocurrencies. If you’re not an investor in crypto, you might wonder why it should matter. Instability in cyberspace, it turns out, could potentially impact the entire economy. Hari Sreenivasan gets the details from Stacy-Marie Ishmael, managing editor of crypto for Bloomberg. Originally aired on May 18, 2022.

Türkei blockiert Verhandlungen mit Finnland und Schweden

Legt vorerst ein Veto ein: Recep Erdogan | Bild: AFP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ankara hat seine Drohungen wahrgemacht – und damit seine Verbündeten düpiert. Der türkische Präsident Erdogan beklagt, dass Schweden dreißig „Terroristen“ nicht ausgeliefert habe.

Die Türkei hat am Mittwoch ihre Drohungen wahr gemacht und die Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Finnland und Schweden im NATO-Rat blockiert. Wie Diplomaten weiter berichteten, sprachen sich die anderen 29 Mitgliedstaaten für diesen Schritt aus, der aber nur einstimmig möglich ist. Am frühen Morgen hatten die Botschafter Finnlands und Schweden NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg offiziell das Beitrittsgesuch ihrer Staaten übergeben. „Das ist ein guter Tag in einem wichtigen Moment für unsere Sicherheit“, sagte Stoltenberg und zeigte sich entschlossen, „schnell Schlussfolgerungen zu erzielen“. Zugleich wies er darauf hin, „dass die Sicherheitsinteressen aller Verbündeten berücksichtigt werden müssen.“ » | Von Thomas Gutschker und Majid Sattar | Mittwoch 18. Mai 2022

Au Sahel, Paris échoue à contrer la propagande russe

LE MONDE : Face à Moscou qui déploie ses mercenaires sur le terrain et qui mène une campagne de propagande efficace sur les réseaux sociaux, la France semble pour le moment enregistrer des revers dans la bataille de l’opinion.

Des jeunes se prennent en photo devant une affiche du président russe Vladimir Poutine, lors de la manifestation portée par le mouvement Yerewolo contre la présence militaire française au Mali, place de la Tour de l’Afrique, à Bamako, le 4 février 2022. PALOMA LAUDET /COLLECTIF HORS FORMAT POUR "LE MONDE"

Des drapeaux russes brandis pendant que ceux de la France flambent dans les manifestations de l’opposition au Tchad. Une junte au pouvoir au Mali qui, avec un certain appui populaire, rompt tous les ponts avec Paris pour se rapprocher de Moscou. Des réseaux sociaux qui ne semblent bourdonner que d’une seule musique. La France a-t-elle déjà perdu la bataille de l’opinion au Sahel face à la Russie ?

Les objectifs et la pérennité du réinvestissement de la Russie en Afrique sont encore incertains mais sa stratégie est désormais mieux connue. Si son activité économique est limitée à quelques exploitations minières, Moscou a su s’implanter grâce à une offre sécuritaire sans pareille : un combiné d’accords de défense officiels et de liens officieux avec le Groupe Wagner, nébuleuse proche du Kremlin, fournissant mercenaires comme au Mali, en République centrafricaine ou en Libye, et experts en « guerre informationnelle ». Avec un évident succès jusque-là. » | Par Christophe Châtelot et Cyril Bensimon | mercredi 18 mai 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

E-cigarettes : Welcome Back, Big Tobacco - The Fifth Estate

Oct 22, 2016 • Big Tobacco is trying clean up its image, moving into the booming e-cigarette business which continuing to peddle the deadly tobacco products. This has left public health officials in Canada, the U.K. and the US.

Five million Canadians still smoke. Could e-cigarettes help wean them over to a safer nicotine delivery device? Many ex-smokers say 'yes.' E-cigarettes are their salvation.

Health Canada is on the cusp of deciding how e-cigarettes should be regulated. Mark Kelly heads to England -- a country that has taken bold steps in embracing the e-cigarette as a safer alternative. Will Canada? And what will this mean for our e-cigarette industry?

Until now, e-cigarettes with nicotine have not been endorsed by Health Canada. And that's kept Big Tobacco out of the Canadian market. Will new regulations open the doors for a tarred industry to join in the e-cigarette revolution?

Government of Canada: Vaping product regulations »

Pete Buttigieg Steals the Show with Viral Response to Buffalo Tragedy

May 16, 2022 • BREAKING: Pete Buttigieg just with viral with a MUST-SEE response to the Buffalo tragedy.

Cas Mudde on Political Extremism and the Origins of the Racist Great Replacement Theory | DW News

May 18, 2022 • On Saturday, a far-right terrorist attacked a Black community in Buffalo, New York, killing 10 people. The 18-year-old man accused of carrying out the mass shooting had posted statements online sharing his plans, and ahead of the attack, he published a 180-page manifesto citing the Great Replacement Theory, a racist concept that a group of elites is trying to replace White Americans with non-White people for political reasons.

We speak to Cas Mudde,a Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia and the Center for Research on Extremism at the University of Oslo. He is a political scientist and expert on political extremism and populism.

Islam Is Homophobic. Stop Pretending It’s Not

Sep 14, 2020 • Homophobia, sexism and transphobia are rampant in Muslim countries--so why isn't it being called out by the LGBT and other communities?

Abortion and the Supreme Court: What’s at Stake? | The Economist

May 6, 2022 • A leaked draft opinion suggests the Supreme Court is poised to overturn the right to abortion in America. If this ruling goes ahead, women's rights are in danger.

Mitbewohner statt Pflegeheim: Agnes und Amir | ARTE Re:

May 18, 2022 • Agnes Jeschke ist 101 Jahre alt. Amir Farahani 28, geflüchtet aus dem Iran. Wäre der junge Mann nicht bei ihr eingezogen, hätte Agnes ins Pflegeheim gemusst. Stattdessen hat sie mit über 100 Jahren nicht nur einen Mitbewohner, sondern auch einen besten Freund gefunden. "Wir verstehen uns", sagt sie mit ihrem Berliner Charme "wie zwei linke Latschen".

Eigentlich suchte Amir Farahani nur eine Wohnung, als er auf eine Anzeige im Internet stieß: „Mietfrei wohnen gegen Gesellschaft für unsere Omi.“ Der junge Mann aus dem Iran macht derzeit eine Ausbildung zur Pflegefachkraft in Berlin. Er stellte sich vor, genau an Agnes Jeschkes 101. Geburtstag. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Amir setzte sich gegen 22 Bewerberinnen durch und zog kurz darauf ein. Es ist eine sehr besondere Wohngemeinschaft, anders als die Alt-Jung-WG‘s, die es schon länger gibt. Der 28-jährige Azubi wohnt im Wohnzimmer und schläft dort auf dem Sofa. Er möchte nichts verändern, damit die 101-jährige Agnes sich weiter in ihrer Wohnung zurechtfindet. Amir kümmert sich um sie, wenn er zuhause ist, schmiert Brote, hilft beim Anziehen und Zähneputzen. Warum macht er das alles?

Er behandele Agnes so, wie er selbst behandelt werden möchte. Dass alte Menschen ins Pflegeheim abgeschoben werden, findet er unmöglich. Seit er eingezogen ist, sei Agnes wieder aufgeblüht, sagen auch ihre Freundinnen Und Freunde und Verwandten. Kein Wunder. Gemeinsam gehen die beiden schaukeln, schwimmen oder in den Zoo. Und haben dabei jede Menge Spaß. Denn egal, ob 101 oder 28, Teheran oder Berlin, ihr Humor ist genau derselbe. „Wir verstehen uns ohne Brille“, sagt Agnes dazu.

"Re:" begleitet diese außergewöhnliche WG und Freundschaft über Monate hinweg. Es ist ein Auf und Ab. Agnes kommt ins Krankenhaus, Amir hat Angst, sie zu verlieren. Denn noch etwas verbindet die beiden: die Einsamkeit. Ob im hohen Alter oder in einem fremden Land. An Agnes 102. Geburtstag feiern sie das erste Jubiläum ihrer außergewöhnlichen Freundschaft

Reportage (D 2021, 32 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 11/02/2023

Voici la même vidéo en français.

Irlande du Nord : le gouvernement britannique menace Bruxelles

LE MONDE : Londres remet en cause une partie du traité du Brexit qui instaure une frontière douanière entre l’Irlande du Nord et le reste du Royaume-Uni.

Après des semaines de supputations et de rumeurs, le gouvernement Johnson passe aux menaces explicites. Liz Truss, la ministre britannique des affaires étrangères, a confirmé à la Chambre des communes, mardi 17 mai, qu’elle déposerait formellement « dans les prochaines semaines » un projet de loi remettant en cause unilatéralement des pans entiers du fameux « protocole ». Cette partie cruciale du traité du Brexit avec l’Union européenne (UE) instaure une frontière douanière entre l’Irlande du Nord et le reste du Royaume-Uni, afin de protéger l’intégrité du marché intérieur européen tout en évitant le retour d’une frontière physique sur l’île d’Irlande. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) et Virginie Malingre (Bruxelles, bureau européen) | mercredi 18 mai 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 18, 2022

Patient Hitler: Was He Really in Poor Health? | Secrets of the Reich | Timeline

May 2, 2022 • From 1936, Hitler's personal physician Dr Theodor Morell remained at his side, handing out dubious treatments, up to 8 different medications daily, including one containing strychnine. Did Morell try to poison his employer? Was Hitler well enough to lead Germany? American psychologist Nassir Ghaemi has doubts. We give an exclusive and surprising insight into a previously unknown side of Hitler.

You can sign up to History Hit, the “world's best history documentary service” and get 50% off using the code 'TIMELINE' here.

‘A Poison’: Tucker Carlson under Pressure amid Debunked Conspiracy Theory as Biden Slams ‘Lies’

May 18, 2022 • President Biden visited Buffalo, New York, after the deadliest mass shooting of the year took place at a local grocery store over the weekend. Meanwhile, Fox News ownership is under fire for amplifying a racist conspiracy theory linked to the shooting. MSNBC’s Ari Melber is joined by former RNC Chair Michael Steele to discuss the far-right’s promotion of “Replacement Theory.”

Foreign Secretary Says We Are in a 'Very Serious Situation' as Inflation Hits 40-year High

May 18, 2022 • The Foreign Secretary Liz Truss says there's no doubt the current situation is "very difficult for people across the UK" as inflation rises to highest level since 1982.

On the windfall tax she says it "makes it more difficult to secure future investment into the UK" with the cost of living continuing to rise.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

EU Raises Spectre of Trade War If UK Rewrites Northern Ireland Protocol

THE GUARDIAN: Brussels vows to respond with ‘all measures at its disposal’ as Liz Truss sets out plan to make changes

Liz Truss and the European Commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič in February. The foreign secretary has asked to be given a rewritten negotiating mandate. Photograph: Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

The European Commission has raised the spectre of an economically damaging trade war with the UK, pledging to respond with “all measures at its disposal” if Liz Truss presses ahead with a plan to rewrite the Northern Ireland protocol.

The foreign secretary set out plans on Tuesday to table a bill that would make key changes to the protocol, including waiving all checks on goods flowing from Great Britain to Northern Ireland where they are not destined for the Republic of Ireland. » | Heather Stewart, Jennifer Rankin and Lisa O'Carroll | Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Reality check: the Northern Ireland protocol isn’t the problem, Brexit is: The Tories are addicted to conflict with the EU, for fear of taking responsibility for the consequences of liberation »

Saudi-owned Newcastle United Face Backlash for Tweet Supporting Gay Footballer Jake Daniels Because Of Appalling State of LGBT-rights in the Gulf State Where Homosexuality Is Punishable by Death

MAIL ONLINE: Newcastle United's Twitter account shared message of support for Jake Daniels / Blackpool FC player Daniels, 17, was hailed for coming out as gay yesterday / However, fans pointed out Newcastle are owned by a Saudi-led consortium

Newcastle United have been accused of hypocrisy for tweeting their support for gay footballer Jake Daniels because of the LGBT rights record of their Saudi owners.

Blackpool FC player Daniels, 17, yesterday became only the second British football player in history to come out while still playing.

He was hailed by figures across the sport, as well as others including Prince William and Boris Johnson.

Reacting, Newcastle United wrote on Twitter: ‘Football is for everyone. Newcastle United and the whole football community is with you, Jake!'

However, the club's social media accounts were quickly inundated with comments from angry fans who pointed out that its owners are a Saudi-led consortium with the Gulf state criticised for its LGBT and human rights records.

The consortium bought Newcastle in October in a move that led to accusations of 'sportwashing'. » | Danyal Hussain for MailOnline | Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Sturgeon: 'Shameful' UK Playing Politics with Brexit

May 17, 2022 • Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says it's "shameful" for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government to play politics with the Brexit deal. (May 17)

Fox News’ Impact on Radicalizing the Right | The Mehdi Hasan Show

May 17, 2022 • Ultimately, only the alleged gunman is responsible for Saturday’s mass shooting in Buffalo, NY. But the Murdoch family has let its marquee cable channel evolve into an amplifier of fear, anger and conspiracy theories - as well as a magnet for right-wing fanaticism. Author and TV critic Eric Deggans joins Mehdi to discuss.

Regenbogenflagge zeigen: Innenministerin Faeser hisst LGBTQ-Zeichen für Toleranz

May 17, 2022 • Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages gegen Homo-, Trans- und Biphobie ließ Innenministerin Nancy Faeser die Regenbogenflagge hissen. Deutschland sei ein modernes, vielfältiges Land und es sei aller höchste Zeit, dies auch als staatliche Institution zu zeigen, so die Bundesministerin von der SPD. © REUTERS, AP

Das Hacksteak à la française | Karambolage | ARTE

Jan 31, 2019 • Nikola Obermann lädt Sie ein, eine herausragende Spezialität der französischen Gastronomie zu entdecken. Autorin: Nikola Obermann; Regie: Claude Delafosse

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 17, 2022

Monday, May 16, 2022

Jake Daniels: Blackpool Player Says Coming Out Will Allow Him to Be 'Free' and 'Confident'

Screenshot from the accompanying video | I am ready to be myself - Daniels

BBC: Blackpool's Jake Daniels said his decision to come out as the UK's only openly gay active male professional footballer would allow him to be "free and confident".

The Championship club forward is the first professional in the UK men's game for more than 30 years to come out while still playing.

Speaking to Sky Sports, the 17-year-old said: "Now is the right time to do it.

"I feel like I am ready to tell people my story."

He added: "Since I've come out to my family, my club and my team-mates, that period of overthinking everything - and the stress it created - has gone. It was impacting my mental health. Now I am just confident and happy to be myself finally. With video » | BBC | Monday, May 16, 2022

Jake Daniels: Why Blackpool forward's decision is a watershed moment for British football »

Michael Bolton : Now That I Found You

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 587,313

L’extrême droite aux Etats-Unis, un empoisonnement meurtrier des esprits

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL: L’éditorial du « Monde » revient sur la tuerie raciste et préméditée de Buffalo qui révèle que le terrorisme menaçant les Américains est désormais intérieur, motivé par le suprémacisme blanc.

Le drame qui a ensanglanté un quartier majoritairement afro-américain de la ville de Buffalo (Etat de New York) samedi 14 mai le confirme, le terrorisme qui menace le plus les Etats-Unis est désormais intérieur, motivé par le suprémacisme blanc. Comme lors de l’ ttaque contre l’église de Charleston (Caroline du Sud) fréquentée par des Afro-Américains en 2015, celle de la synagogue de Pittsburgh (Pennsylvanie) en 2018, ou celle qui a eu pour cadre un centre commercial d’El Paso (Texas), près de la frontière mexicaine, un an plus tard.

Le racisme, la dénonciation hallucinée d’une « invasion » du pays, et le rabâchage de la théorie du complot d’un « grand remplacement » des Américains par des migrants, en ont été, une fois encore, le ressort. Il a été revendiqué et assumé comme tel dans le manifeste glaçant laissé, selon toute vraisemblance, par le tueur de Buffalo avant son équipée meurtrière, qui confirme également la virulence de l’antisémitisme au sein de cette extrême droite américaine. » | Éditorial du « Monde » | lundi 16 mai 2022

McDonald's to Leave Russia for Good - BBC News

Man liebt sie oder hasst sie: die Stachelbeere | Karambolage | ARTE

Dec 3, 2019 • Nikola Obermann erinnert sich an ein Obst aus ihrer Kindheit, das ihr gar nicht schmeckte: die Stachelbeere. Autorin: Nikola Obermann Regie: Agnieszka Kruczek

UK, EU Risk Trade War as Brexit Tensions Rise

May 16, 2022 • A Possible decision by the UK government to override parts of its Brexit deal's conditions for Northern Ireland is sparking concerns of a trade war with the European Union. University of Cambridge Professor of EU Law Catherine Barnard examines how the Northern Ireland protocol plays into the Brexit deal and trade on "Bloomberg Markets."

Spain on a Fork: A Salad from Madrid: Ensalada de San Isidro

Get the recipe here.

Elisabeth Borne wird neue Premierministerin Frankreichs

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der französische Premierminister Jean Castex hat nach knapp zwei Jahren im Amt am Montag seinen Rücktritt eingereicht. Seine Nachfolgerin wird die bisherige Arbeitsministerin.

Elisabeth Borne, die neue französische Premierministerin. | Luc Nobout /Imago

nel. Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron hat die bisherige Arbeitsministerin Elisabeth Borne zu seiner neuen Premierministerin ernannt. Das teilte der Élyséepalast in einer Erklärung mit. Borne ist damit die erste Frau, die das Amt seit 1992 innehat. Sie tritt die Nachfolge von Jean Castex an, der am frühen Abend seinen Rücktritt eingereicht hatte. » | nel | Montag, 16. Mai 2022

Buffalo Massacre: Gunman Cited Racist “Great Replacement” Conspiracy Theory Popularized by Fox News

May 16, 2022 • The mass shooter who killed 10 people in Buffalo, New York, on Saturday posted a racist manifesto online before targeting a majority-Black neighborhood. His writings took heavily from conservative conspiracy theories that white people were in danger of being replaced by people of color. This so-called Great Replacement conspiracy theory has been promoted by major far-right media figures including Tucker Carlson of Fox News. “What it does is create a dynamic where believers view immigrants and nonwhite people as an existential threat not only to themselves physically but to their position in society,” says Nikki McCann Ramírez, associate research director at Media Matters for America, who has researched how Carlson uses his show to launder white nationalist ideology. We also speak with prominent antiracist scholar Ibram X. Kendi, who says mainstream conservatives are increasingly parroting extremist talking points.

Democracy Now! US News & World News – May 16, 2022

Eva Hitler, geb. Braun (2/2): Bis in den Tod | SPIEGEL TV

Feb 27, 2021 • Eva Braun wurde erst nach ihrem Tod in Deutschland zur öffentlichen Person. Während ihrer Beziehung mit Adolf Hitler verbrachte sie die meiste Zeit in München oder auf dem Berghof des "Führers" in den Alpen. Eine "Enttäuschung der Geschichte" sei Eva Braun gewesen, hatte Hitlers Architekt Albert Speer nach Kriegsende behauptet. SPIEGEL TV-Autor Michael Kloft hat die Biographin der ersten wissenschaftlichen Biographie interviewt sowie die umfangreichen Privatfilme und zahlreichen Fotoalben der Eva Braun ausgewertet.

Teil 1.

'Millions of People Absorb This Garbage': Acosta Calls Out Carlson for Dangerous Rhetoric

May 16, 2022 • CNN's Jim Acosta talks to NAACP President Derrick Johnson about Tucker Carlson's dangerous rhetoric around replacement theory after an 18-year-old was charged with killing ten people in a racially-motivated supermarket shooting in Buffalo, New York.

Warum viele russische Oligarchen ausgerechnet in Israel Zuflucht suchen | | 3sat kulturzeit

May 16, 2022 • Ihre Yachten werden beschlagnahmt, fast überall ihr Vermögen konfisziert: Russische Oligarchen mit jüdischen Wurzeln retten sich zunehmend nach Israel. Dort wollen sie Vermögen retten, versuchen, sich durch Spenden beliebt zu machen. Zum Beispiel bei der Holocaust-Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem.

Die wollen aber Geld aus Rüstungsgeschäften nicht mehr haben. In der Bevölkerung regt sich Widerstand. Der hat wenig Chancen, denn wer jüdische Wurzeln hat, hat automatisch das Recht auf israelische Staatsbürgerschaft. Und viele Russen mit jüdischen Wurzeln haben schon vorsorglich für einen Fall wie diesen die israelische Staatsbürgerschaft angenommen.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Eva Hitler, geb. Braun (1/2): Leben und Sterben mit dem Führer | SPIEGEL TV

Feb 21, 2021 • Eva Braun war die Geliebte Adolf Hitlers und für knapp 40 Stunden seine Ehefrau. Kaum ein Deutscher wusste von ihrer Existenz. "Je bedeutender der Mann, desto unbedeutender die Frau", stellte Hitler 1934 fest. Seine Beziehungen zu Frauen hielt er bis zum Ende des Krieges vor der Öffentlichkeit verborgen. SPIEGEL TV-Autor Michael Kloft hat die Biographin der ersten wissenschaftlichen Biographie über Eva Braun interviewt sowie die umfangreichen Privatfilme und zahlreichen Fotoalben der Eva Braun ausgewertet. Den zweiten Teil kann man hier sehen:

Magic Cities: Casablanca | Doku HD | ARTE

Apr 27, 2022 • Casablanca ist die größte Stadt Marokkos, das wichtigste Handels- und Industriezentrum des Landes. Sie hat den größten Hafen Nordafrikas und eine der größten Moscheen der Welt. Casablanca ist eine arabische Metropole auf afrikanischen Kontinent, die sich ihre Tradition bewahrt und sich trotzdem zu einem der wichtigsten, globalen Umschlagplätze des Kontinents entwickelt hat.

Casablanca wurde vor allem durch den Hollywoodklassiker aus den 1940er Jahren berühmt. Doch Humphrey Bogart und Ingrid Bergman waren nie dort. Keine einzige Szene des Films wurde in der größten Stadt Marokkos gedreht. Heute ist Casablanca das wichtigste Handels- und Industriezentrum des Landes, hat den größten Hafen Nordafrikas und eine der größten Moscheen der Welt mit dem höchsten Minarett. Die Dokumentation porträtiert Casablanca durch seine verschiedenen Einwohner: von der einzigen marokkanischen Surferin, die am großen internationalen Wettbewerb teilnimmt, bis zum Anheizer in der alten Medina, der seit 30 Jahren das Hamam nebenan am Laufen hält; vom Börsenmakler, der jede Woche zum Freitagsgebet in die große Hassan-II.-Moschee fährt und sich am Wochenende mit seinen Jungs vom Vespa-Club trifft, bis zum Maschinenerfinder, der stolz den Olivenhändler beliefert. Casablanca ist eine arabische Metropole auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent, die sich ihren traditionellen Kern bewahrt hat und trotzdem zu einem der wichtigsten globalen Umschlagplätze Afrikas entwickelt hat. Die Bewohner Casablancas sind offen und tolerant. Neben westlich gekleideten Businessleuten im Centre Ville leben die traditionsbewussten, streng muslimischen Menschen in der alten Medina und in den Außenbezirken. Zwei Welten in einer Stadt – das macht Casablanca aus. Globalisierung und 1001 Nacht sind kein Widerspruch. Casablanca ist modern und kosmopolitisch, aber bewahrt sich auch seinen arabischen Charakter. Es ist eine Stadt, in der Träume wahr werden können.

Dokureihe, Regie: Susanne Brand (D 2017, 44 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 29/05/2022

Die Tabakbar: In Frankreich ist Rauchen Staatssache | Karambolage | ARTE

Jan 7, 2020 • Nikola Obermann stellt den Deutschen einen Ort vor, der zum festen Bestandteil des Alltags in Frankreich gehört: die bar-tabac. Autorin: Nikola ObermannRegie: Elsa Perry

Tabagisme : « Avec le stress, la vie morne et arrêtée, je suis passé à une trentaine de cigarettes par jour en 2020 » : Après un an de crise sanitaire, économique et sociale, des lecteurs nous ont expliqué pourquoi ils ont repris la cigarette. »

Le tabagisme augmente à nouveau pour un tiers des Français : Selon les dernières données de Santé publique France, la consommation de tabac a cessé de diminuer en 2020. Elle a même augmenté parmi le tiers de la population aux revenus les plus bas. »

Die Farben der französischen Nationalfahne | Karambolage | ARTE

Apr 1, 2022 • Claire Doutriaux schaut sich die Farben der französischen Nationalflagge etwas genauer an. Autorin: Claire Doutriaux Regie: Marc Chevalier& Maija-Lene Rettig Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 03/02/2052

Finland to Formally Join Nato Despite Russian Warning - BBC News

May 15, 2022 • Finland has confirmed that it will apply for Nato membership, abandoning the neutral status the country has held since the end of World War Two.

The move comes despite warnings from Russian president Vladimir Putin, who told his Finnish counterpart that joining Nato would be a "mistake".

President Sauli Niinisto called it a "historic day". He says the shift in policy is in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Nato foreign ministers say they want a rapid accession process for Finland.

Sweden could also announce its intention to join as soon as Monday.

Finland shares a 1,300-km (810-mile) border with Russia. Until now, it has stayed out of Nato to avoid antagonising its eastern neighbour.

Urvashi Vaid, Legendary Activist for LGBTQ+ Civil Rights, Dies at 63

Vaid was a leader in several LGBTQ+ and other social justice organizations as well as an award-winning author. | Photo by Jurek Wajdowicz

ADVOCATE: Longtime activist Urvashi Vaid, a leader of many LGBTQ+ and other social justice organizations, has died at age 63. Vaid died Saturday at her home in New York City, according to the National LGBTQ Task Force. Vaid was executive director of the group, then known as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, from 1989 to 1992. Before that she was its media director.

“We are devastated at the loss of one of the most influential progressive activists of our time,” Kierra Johnson, current executive director of the National LGBTQ Task Force, said in a press release. “Urvashi Vaid was a leader, a warrior, and a force to be reckoned with. She was also a beloved colleague, friend, partner, and someone we all looked up to — a brilliant, outspoken, and deeply committed activist who wanted full justice and equality for all people.”

“Her leadership, vision, and writing helped shape not only the Task Force’s values and work but our entire queer movement and the larger progressive movement,” Johnson added. “We will strive every day to live up to her ideals and model the courage she demonstrated every day as an activist and a person. She will be deeply missed. I miss her already.” » | Trudy Ring | Saturday, May 14, 2022

LGBT Campaigner Peter Tatchell Refuses Jubilee Invitation to Be Declared ‘National Treasure’

THE GUARDIAN: Veteran human rights advocate, a lifelong republican, says Queen has snubbed LGBT+ people for 70 years

Peter Tatchell speaks at a protest outside Downing Street against the exclusion of transgender people from plans to ban conversion therapy. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA

Peter Tatchell has refused an invitation to be declared a “national treasure” at the Queen’s platinum jubilee because of the monarch’s “neglectful stance towards the LGBT+ community”.

Tatchell, who has been campaigning for gay rights and equality since 1967, had been invited to attend the pageant outside Buckingham Palace as one of more than 100 “national treasures”.

But he declined, stating his lifelong republicanism and also that: “To my knowledge, [the Queen] has never publicly acknowledged that LGBT+ people exist. The words lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender have never publicly passed her lips and she has never visited or been a patron of any LGBT+ charity.”

He added: “To be ignored for 70 years feels like a deliberate snub.”

In a letter to the platinum jubilee co-chair, former publishing titan Nicholas Coleridge, Tatchell also claims that for many years palace staff were prohibited from bringing same-sex partners to the Christmas ball.

He also claims that “after the 1999 Soho gay pub bombing, which killed three people and injured over 70 others, the Queen did not visit the scene or the victims in hospital”. » | Helen Pidd | Sunday, May 15, 2022

No thanks, Ma’am. For LGBT campaigners like me, your jubilee is nothing to celebrate : I was asked to join the Queen’s pageant as a ‘national treasure’, but I won’t take part in this public relations exercise »

Margaret Thatcher Statue Egged within Hours of It Being Installed

THE GUARDIAN: The memorial of the former prime minister in her home town of Grantham was unveiled without ceremony

The newly installed statue of Margaret Thatcher in her home town of Grantham, Lincolnshire.Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA

Warnings that a new statue of Margaret Thatcher would attract egg-throwing protests came true within two hours of it being installed in her home town of Grantham on Sunday.

The bronze statue was, without ceremony, placed on a 3-metre (10ft) high plinth to make it more difficult for protesters to inflict any damage.

Shortly afterwards a man was seen throwing eggs from behind a temporary fence and, when one connected, a cry of “oi” could be heard.

The egg throwing came as a surprise to nobody in Grantham. There is pride but also heightened awareness of how divisive a figure Thatcher remains.

After it was installed on a warm Sunday morning, a number of people stopped to take selfies. But loud booing could also be heard from passing motorists. » | Mark Brown | Sunday, May 15, 2022

Die Sache mit dem Trinkgeld | Karambolage | ARTE

Jul 27, 2018 • Wie bezahlt man in einem deutschen und wie in einem französischen Restaurant? Claire Doutriaux führt uns in die hohe Kunst des Trinkgeldgebens ein.

Autorin: Claire Doutriaux, Regie: Philippe Massonnet"

Ein Wort, ein Gegenstand, ein Ritual – Karambolage erläutert spielerisch und humorvoll die kleinen und großen Unterschiede zwischen Deutschen und Franzosen.

Royal Family Drama Threatens to Derail the Queen's Platinum Jubilee | 60 Minutes Australia

Anyone who’s toiled away on one, practically 24/7 job, for 70 years without complaint, surely deserves a hearty pat on the back. But in the lead up to her platinum jubilee, what Queen Elizabeth doesn’t deserve is what she’s getting: members of her own family stealing her limelight. Her grandson Harry and his wife Meghan can’t seem to stop sharing with the world how disgruntled they are, while her son Andrew - the less said about him, the better. It guarantees celebration of the Queen’s milestone will be unforgettable, but not necessarily for the right reasons.

Hitler privat: Der Künstler (2) | SPIEGEL TV

May 15, 2022 • Er befahl den Holocaust, zettelte den Zweiten Weltkrieg an, aber wie war er privat? Die Darstellung Adolf Hitlers als Mensch ist immer noch tabu. SPIEGEL-TV-Autor Michael Kloft unternimmt einen Versuch, dem "Monster der Geschichte" näher zu kommen - mit seltenen und bisher unveröffentlichten Dokumenten. Den ersten Teil könnt ihr hier sehen:

Teil 1.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

An Outsider Takes an Inside Look at the Oxford ‘Chums’ Who Run the U.K.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Simon Kuper has written a book that captures Boris Johnson and other future Conservative politicians when they were ambitious and misbehaving undergrads, planning their rise to power.

LONDON — Soon after Simon Kuper began his first year of studies at Oxford University in 1988 he noticed an undergraduate who was always carrying an umbrella, wearing a dark double-breasted suit and old-school spectacles.

“He looked like a Victorian vicar,” Kuper recalled recently, drinking tea at a restaurant in the London neighborhood of Islington. “We made fun of him in the paper” — that would be Cherwell, Oxford’s student-run weekly, where Kuper was a reporter — “all the while not realizing that we were helping to build his brand.”

The man, and the brand, was Jacob Rees-Mogg, whose starchy, patrician style didn’t change as he rose through the Conservative Party ranks and who now serves in the cabinet of Prime Minister Boris Johnson as Minister of State for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency. He was just one member of a tribe of young men — others included Mr. Johnson; another future prime minister, David Cameron; a cabinet member, Michael Gove; and a former adviser to Mr. Johnson, Dominic Cummings — who coalesced at Oxford in the mid and late 1980s and would go on to run the country. » | David Segal | Saturday, May 14, 2022

Mohammed Ben Zayed, officiellement président des Emirats arabes unis

LE MONDE : Emmanuel Macron se rendra dimanche à Abou Dhabi pour rendre hommage au dernier président de la fédération monarchique, le cheikh Khalifa Ben Zayed Al Nahyane, mort vendredi 13 mai à l’âge de 73 ans.

Le prince héritier d’Abou Dhabi, Mohammed Ben Zayed, à Abou Dhabi, le 30 janvier 2022. RASHED AL-MANSOORI / AFP

Le prince héritier d’Abou Dhabi Mohammed Ben Zayed, déjà considéré comme le dirigeant de facto des Emirats arabes unis, a été élu samedi 14 mai président de la riche monarchie du Golfe, succédant à son demi-frère, Khalifa Ben Zayed Al Nahyane, mort vendredi à l’âge de 73 ans. Mohammed Ben Zayed, dit « MBZ », a été élu par le Conseil suprême de la fédération des Emirats, a fait savoir l’agence de presse officielle WAM.

Le président français, Emmanuel Macron, se rendra dimanche à Abou Dhabi pour rendre hommage au président des Emirats arabes unis, le cheikh Khalifa Ben Zayed Al Nahyane, a annoncé l’Elysée samedi. Conséquence : le premier ministre, Jean Castex, n’ira pas au Vatican comme prévu, les deux chefs de l’exécutif ne pouvant être hors du territoire en même temps, a précisé Matignon. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 14 mai 2022

Muhammad bin Sajid neuer Emirate-Präsident: Die Oberhäupter der insgesamt sieben Emirate des Landes haben den bisherigen Kronprinz einstimmig zum Präsidenten gewählt. Er tritt die Nachfolge seines am Freitag gestorbenen Halbbruders Chalifa bin Sajid an. »

Liens connexes.

Straßburg: Französisch verboten! | Stadt, Land, Kunst | ARTE

May 9, 2022 • Im Herzen der elsässischen Hauptstadt steht das historische Rathaus von Straßburg, eine Fassade dem eleganten Broglie-Platz zugewandt. Auf den Treppen des Gebäudes erklang erstmals die Marseillaise. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs jedoch war die französische Nationalhymne hier nicht geduldet, und in der Stadt tobte ein ideologischer Grabenkampf …

Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 03/04/2024

Russia Warns That It Would Be a 'Mistake' for Finland and Sweden to Join Nato - BBC News

May 14, 2022 • Russia has said Finland and Sweden's entry into Nato would lead to a militarisation of the Baltic region.

Finland and Sweden are both expected to make a formal request to join the Western alliance, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned his Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinistö that joining Nato and abandoning Finland's neutral status would be a "mistake."

Putin also said there was no threat to Finland's security, with which Russia shares a 1,300-km (810-mile) border.

The Russian foreign ministry has indicated there will be retaliation, and the country's decision to suspend electricity supplies to Finland is being seen as an early sign of this.

Taliban Plan New Restrictions for Women, Demanding Full Covering from Head to Toe | DW News

May 14, 2022 • Women and girls in Afghanistan face an onslaught of decrees from the Taliban designed to erase women from public life. The latest of these requires women to cover themselves from head to toe. The UN Security Council has held an emergency session to discuss the Taliban's restrictive policies on women in Afghanistan. The UK envoy said it was 'wrong and regressive' that the hardline group had banished women to the sidelines of life. The Taliban's curbs range from prohibiting women from traveling without a male chaperone, cutting them off from most employment and banning older girls from going to school. Measures designed to erase women from public life. The latest of these diktats requires women to cover themselves from head to toe.