Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 - 1. Allegro non troppo

Emil Gilels · Berliner Philharmoniker · Eugen Jochum | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

US Troops Have Left Afghanistan Ending a 20-year Mission | DW News

Taliban Will ‘Weed Out and Exterminate’ LGBT+ People in Afghanistan, Warns Exiled Gay Author

A participant holds up a placard reading 'Help Afghans' during a demonstration near the Chancellery in Berlin. ((John MacDougall/Getty)

PINK NEWS: Gay Afghan author Nemat Sadat has warned that the Taliban will “weed out and exterminate” the LGBT+ community in Afghanistan following their seismic takeover.

There has been significant concern for the safety and wellbeing of women, girls and LGBT+ people in Afghanistan after the extremist militant group seized power.

The Taliban is expected to enforce its extreme interpretation of Sharia law across Afghanistan, which would see many women, LGBT+ people persecuted. Under it, queer people and women could be sentenced to death.

Speaking to PinkNews, Sadat said there is “no telling” how bad the situation will become for LGBT+ Afghans stuck in the country under Taliban rule.

Sadat and his family left Afghanistan when he was still a baby and they ultimately settled in the United States. In 2012, he returned to his birth city of Kabul to work as a professor of political science at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF).

Widespread anti-LGBT+ sentiment meant that it was impossible for him to settle there. Warlords spread rumours that he was a practicing homosexual. Sadat reacted to the rumours by advocating for LGBT+ rights on campus and in his classroom.

Shortly afterwards, the Taliban got involved. The extremist group wrote a manifesto claiming AUAF had “become a bastion of gays and lesbians” because of Sadat’s activism, adding that he should be “targeted and killed”. » | Patrick Kelleher | Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Taliban are throwbacks from a bygone age: The Stone Age! – © Mark

Ohne Schutz vor feindlichen Geschossen: Ein Insider berichtet von den letzten Stunden des US-Einsatzes in Afghanistan

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der Afghanistan-Krieg liefert den Amerikanern eine Reihe von Extremen: Kein Einsatz zuvor dauerte so lang, und er endete mit einer der bisher grössten Lufttransportoperationen. Ein Pentagon-Insider verrät nun Details der letzten Stunden am Flughafen Kabul – besonders heikel wurde es kurz vor Mitternacht.

Ein Flugzeug der amerikanischen Luftwaffe landet am 29. August 2021 in Pristina, Hauptstadt des Kosovo | Visar Kryeziu / AP

Nach 20 Jahren haben am Montagabend alle amerikanischen Soldaten Afghanistan verlassen: Das letzte Militärflugzeug verliess eine Minute vor Mitternacht (Ortszeit) das Land, wie das Pentagon mitteilte. «Ich bin hier, um die Vollendung unseres Abzugs aus Afghanistan zu verkünden», erklärte General Kenneth McKenzie, der das zuständige amerikanische Regionalkommando (Centcom) führt, per Video gegenüber Journalisten im Pentagon.

Am Ende des Einsatzes stand die – gemessen an der Zahl der beförderten Personen – grösste Lufttransportoperation, die das amerikanische Militär je durchgeführt hat: Seit dem 14. August, dem Tag vor der Einnahme Kabuls durch die Taliban, wurden mehr als 122 000 Menschen aus Afghanistan per Luftweg evakuiert. Man habe nicht alle Personen rausholen können, die man rausholen wollte, räumte McKenzie ein. Zwar sei bis zum letzten Moment versucht worden, weitere amerikanische Bürger zu evakuieren. Aber einige hätten es nicht zum Flughafen geschafft. » | Melchior Poppe | Dienstag, 31. August 2021

«Niemand kann den Afghanen helfen, ausser die Afghanen selbst» – wie eine Frau und vier Männer aus der Schweiz den Umsturz in ihrem Heimatland sehen: Sie sind zum Zuschauen verdammt: Einige Exil-Afghanen fürchten in der Schweiz um ihre Angehörigen. Andere hingegen sehen in den Taliban eine Chance. »

Afghanistan: «Cimetière des illusions»

L’éditorial du Figaro, par Philippe Gélie.

LE FIGARO : Maintenant que le dernier avion militaire américain a décollé de Kaboul, l’Afghanistan ne redeviendra pas ce pays lointain et hors du temps, «cimetière d’empires» pour lequel se passionnaient une poignée d’écrivains aventuriers. Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 l’ont placé au cœur des enjeux sécuritaires et civilisationnels du monde occidental. Il y restera, concentrant les mêmes périls qu’il y a vingt ans. La nouveauté, c’est qu’il faudra en passer par les talibans pour exercer la moindre influence sur des événements susceptibles de nous affecter directement. » | Par Philippe Gélie | lundi 30 août 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Afghanistan : les Américains mettent fin à la guerre la plus longue de leur histoire »

Last Man Out: The Haunting Image of America’s Final Moments in Afghanistan

THE GUARDIAN: After sending a brief message of congratulation to his troops, Major General Chris Donahue became the last pair of American ‘boots on the ground’

US Army Major General Chris Donahue, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, steps on board a C-17 transport plane as the last US service member to leave Hamid Karzai international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.Photograph: Us Army/Reuters

After two decades, America’s last soldier left without pomp, without ceremony, certainly without the grandeur of victory.

Bathed in the green light of a night vision scope, Maj Gen Chris Donahue, the final American pair of “boots on the ground”, walked up the rear ramp of an air force C-17 on Monday night.

In body armour and helmet, the commander of the US army’s 82nd Airborne Division carried his weapon in his right hand, his eyes downcast as his solitary walk ended America’ ill-starred mission in Afghanistan.

At precisely 11.59pm Kabul time, the final of five American C-17s was wheels up from Afghan soil. Donahue sent a final message to his troops: “job well done, I’m proud of you all”.

The image of Donahue’s lonely exit, posted publicly by US Central Command, may come to symbolise America’s humiliating, violence-plagued retreat from the country. » | Ben Doherty | Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Exile or Jail: The Grim Choice Facing Russian Opposition Leaders

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Experts say the current exodus of journalists and dissidents is the biggest wave of political emigration in the country’s post-Soviet history.

The Russian opposition activists Aleksei A. Navalny, Lyubov Sobol and Ivan Zhdanov taking part in a rally last year in Moscow. Shamil Zhumatov/Reuters

MOSCOW — Evoking the dark era of Soviet repression, Russian politicians and journalists are being driven into exile in growing numbers.

The steady stream of politically motivated emigration that had accompanied President Vladimir V. Putin’s two-decade rule turned into a torrent this year. Opposition figures, their aides, rights activists and even independent journalists are increasingly being given a simple choice: flee or face prison.

A top ally of the imprisoned opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny left Russia this month, state media said, adding her to a list of dozens of dissidents and journalists believed to have departed this year. Taken together, experts say, it is the biggest wave of political emigration in Russia’s post-Soviet history.

This year’s forced departures recall a tactic honed by the K.G.B. during the last decades of the Soviet Union, when the secret police would tell some dissidents they could go either west or east — into exile or to a Siberian prison camp. Now, as then, the Kremlin appears to be betting that forcing high-profile critics out of the country is less of a headache than imprisoning them, and that Russians abroad are easy to paint as traitors in cahoots with the West.

“Their strategy is: First, squeeze them out,” said Dmitri G. Gudkov, a popular Moscow opposition politician who fled in June. “And if you can’t squeeze them out, throw them in jail.” » | Anton Troianovski* | Monday, August 30, 2021

* Anton Troianovski is the Moscow bureau chief for The New York Times. He was previously Moscow bureau chief of The Washington Post and spent nine years with The Wall Street Journal in Berlin and New York. @antontroian

! يا حبيبي أحبك كثيرا

Mon chéri, je t'aime beaucoup ! / Mein Schatz, ich liebe dich sehr! / My darling, I love you so much!

لهذه الصورة 'Pinterest' شكرا الى

Dieser Kuß wurde „Lotuskuß" genannt.

Ce baiser s'appelait « le baiser du lotus ». / This kiss was called "the lotus kiss".

Many thanks to Pink News for this great photo.

Such Beauty ! Such Style! And Such Stunningly Beautiful Eyes!

I think I need some smelling salts!

With thanks, gratitude and appreciation to RNTR on Pinterest for this arresting photo.

31 août 2021: l’Amérique s’efface devant les talibans

Un C-17 décolle alors que des combattants talibans sécurisent le périmètre extérieur, sur l’aéroport international Hamid Karzai de Kaboul, le 29 août 2021. Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times via Getty Imag[sic]

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - L’Occident tente de définir un nécessaire dialogue avec le nouveau pouvoir à Kaboul.

Ce mardi voit la brusque fin de 20 ans de présence américaine en Afghanistan, avec le départ des derniers soldats du pays. Jusqu’au dernier instant, l’armée des États-Unis a voulu continuer de procéder à l’évacuation de ses ressortissants et des Afghans se sentant menacés.

Le gigantesque pont aérien mis en place par Washington et les pays alliés a permis de sortir plus de 123 000 personnes. Le Pentagone a reconnu n’avoir pas pu évacuer autant de monde qu’il souhaitait, confirmant l’impression de fiasco laissée par cette retraite vraiment mal gérée. «Nous avons fait l’histoire», a réagi le taliban Anas Haqqani, fils d’un haut dignitaire.

L’entrée des talibans dans Kaboul le 15 août a mis l’aéroport sous pression. Moins que les talibans, qui ont concédé, de plus ou moins bonne grâce, de laisser s’effectuer les départs et promettent de ne pas les entraver à l’avenir, la menace provient de l’État islamique au Khorasan (EI-K), la filiale locale de l’EI. Jeudi, un attentat suicide à une porte de l’aéroport, revendiqué par l’EI, a tué treize militaires américains et sans doute plus d’une centaine de civils. » | Par Tanguy Berthemet | lundi 30 août 2021

Humiliation ! L'Amérique s'est révélée être un tigre de papier ! – Mark

La retraite de Kaboul, une déroute qui pouvait être évitée »

The U.S. Military Finishes Its Evacuation, and an Era Ends in Afghanistan

Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., the head of the U.S. Central Command, said that the United States had finished its withdrawal, ending the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan. Credit: Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The last vestiges of the American presence in Afghanistan have departed Kabul airport, U.S. military officials said Monday, ending an occupation that resulted in a complete takeover of the country by the adversary the U.S. military spent two decades fighting.

In recent days, American military leaders said the United States would continue evacuation efforts and fully withdraw no later than Aug. 31, the deadline set by President Biden earlier this summer. But those efforts were wrapped up a full day early — just days after an attack on the Kabul airport by Islamic State Khorasankilled 13 U.S. service members and as many as 170 civilians in one of the war’s deadliest days.

Evacuation flights ended on Monday, and the military finished packing everything it intended to fly out of the airport onto transport planes before loading the remaining service members onto planes.

The last C-17, with the call sign MOOSE 85, departed at midnight local time carrying the last remaining American forces, a U.S. military official said. » | Lauren Katzenberg and Eric Schmitt – Jim Huylebroek contributed reporting. | Monday, August 30, 2021

We have just witnessed the total and utter humiliation of the world’s superpower! – © Mark

Chaos and bloodshed as last US flight leaves Kabul: Last two Americans, including acting ambassador, have now left, ending near 20-year occupation »

Monday, August 30, 2021

"Complètement ingérable et incontrôlable" : Lady Colin Campbell épingle Meghan Markle

Le prince Harry et Meghan Markle assistent à la parade Trooping the Colour. (Londres, le 9 juin 2018.) | Abaca

MADAME FIGARO : La duchesse de Sussex aurait, selon l'experte royale, «dépassé les bornes» à de multiples reprises durant ses années à Kensington. Lady Colin Campbell a notamment évoqué, dans une vidéo Youtube mise en ligne le 28 août, l'absence «d'esprit d'équipe» de l'ancienne actrice.

«Meghan s'est révélée être, avec le soutien de Harry, complètement ingérable et incontrôlable», a-t-elle asséné Lady Colin Campbell a ainsi épinglé la duchesse de Sussex dans une vidéo Youtube, mise en ligne samedi 28 août. L'experte de la royauté a notamment affirmé que l'ancienne actrice avait contrarié plusieurs officiels - dont les noms ne sont pas cités - lors de ses années au palais de Kensington. «Si vous lisez mon livre (Meghan and Harry, The Real Story, paru le 28 juillet 2020, NDLR), vous verrez que le palais était vraiment en colère, car Meghan n'avait pas l'esprit d'équipe», a-t-elle rappelé. "L'ouragan Meghan" » | Par Chloé Friedmann | lundi 30 août 2021

Deux semaines après la prise de Kaboul, qu'est devenue l'armée nationale afghane ?

Des soldats de l'armée nationale afghane en exercice. HOSHANG HASHIMI / AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Les forces afghanes se sont effondrées face aux talibans. Elles étaient pourtant supérieures en nombre, équipées et entraînées par les États-Unis.

C'est l'un des angles morts de la conquête de l'Afghanistan par les talibans. Comment une armée, officiellement dotée de 300.000 hommes, entraînée, financée à hauteur de 89 milliards de dollars sur les 20 dernières années et équipée par la première puissance mondiale, les États-Unis, a-t-elle bien pu être mise en déroute si aisément? Aux premiers jours d'août 2021, les talibans avaient déjà conquis une part substantielle du territoire afghan, rencontrant peu de résistance. Si la situation était problématique, personne ne s'imaginait alors que le groupe islamiste occuperait 33 des 34 capitales provinciales du pays, dont Kaboul, le 15 août. Durant la guerre civile, ces mêmes insurgés avaient mis deux ans à prendre le pouvoir, entre 1994 et 1996. Cette fois, ils n'ont eu besoin que de deux semaines.

L'explication première vient assurément du fait que les effectifs de l'armée afghane ont été largement gonflés. Plutôt que 300.000 hommes, elle était composée d'un peu moins de 100.000 soldats, selon un rapport du Combating Terrorism Center, de la prestigieuse école militaire de West Point, publié en janvier 2020. Parmi eux, seulement 18.000 étaient placés sous l'autorité du ministère afghan de la Défense. Les analystes militaires estiment en outre que seulement la moitié des membres de l'armée afghane étaient des combattants. Face à 70.000 talibans aguerris et déterminés, le rapport de force paraît donc déséquilibré. Mais maintenant que le pouvoir est tombé aux mains des insurgés, que devient cette armée, vaincue sans combattre? » | Par Hugues Maillot | lundi 30 août 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Afghanistan : les deux terribles semaines depuis la prise de Kaboul par les talibans »

Britain Is Like a Bottle of Non-homogenized Milk!

In a bottle of non-homogenized milk, one can observe all the cream in the milk rising to the top of the bottle; and so it is in British society! All the cream rises to the top, so that those at the top can live off the fat of the land! – © Mark

With many thanks to Google Images and Farmer Bob for this image.

Lesbians in Burqas !

"You can veil us…but you will never dictate who[m] we love!"

With many thanks to Mariam Magsi on Pinterest and on Flickr for this delightful photo.

Die Venezolaner suchen Zuflucht in Kryptowährungen, um der Inflation zu entkommen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Venezuela gehört zu den Ländern, in welchen Kryptowährungen besonders häufig gebraucht werden. Da dazu digitales Know-how und eine funktionierende Internetverbindung benötigt wird, ist der Kreis der User aber beschränkt.

Die Inflation zwingt die Venezolaner ihre Ersparnisse in Kryptowährungen anzulegen. | Juan Carlos Hernandez / Imago

Die Inflationsrate in Venezuela steigt weiter an, und kaum jemand bezahlt mehr mit Bargeld. Könnten Kryptowährungen hier bald den Alltag erleichtern? Die venezolanische Zentralbank hat im vergangenen März eine neue Banknote im Wert von 1 Million Bolívares in Umlauf gebracht, um mit der wachsenden Inflation Schritt zu halten. Diese neue Banknote entspricht zurzeit ungefähr 0.30 US-Dollar, und die Inflation beträgt zurzeit 1984 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr (Juli 2020 bis Juli 2021). Wie lange diese neue Note hilfreich sein wird, bleibt also dahingestellt.

Kryptowährungen als neue Möglichkeit

Immer mehr Venezolaner legen jetzt ihre Ersparnisse in Kryptowährungen an, und auch im Alltag kann vermehrt mit Bitcoin oder anderen digitalen Währungen bezahlt werden. Laut der Blockchain-Analysefirma Chainalysis war Venezuela vor kurzem weltweit an dritter Stelle in Bezug auf den täglichen Gebrauch von Kryptowährungen. Dabei geht es vor allem um sogenanntes Peer-to-Peer-Krypto-Trading (P2P), also Transaktionen im Alltag. » | Helena Küng, Mérida | Montag, 30. August 2021

Die Schweiz wird unversöhnlich – weshalb ein Virus die Willensnation in einen Ort für Feindschaft und Nulltoleranz verwandelt

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Corona-Impfung hätte die Wende zum Positiven in der Corona-Krise bringen sollen. Nun führt sie zu Spaltungstendenzen. Die sozialen Netzwerke befördern den Streit – doch sie sind nicht die einzige Ursache.

Dialog unter Polizeischutz – an Demonstrationen von Massnahmenkritikern kam es in den letzten Monaten immer wieder zu heiklen Szenen. | Gian Ehrenzeller / Keystone

«Liebe Menschen, die ihr euch noch immer nicht impfen lassen wollt, obwohl ihr es könntet. Ich bitte euch herzlichst, mich zu entfreunden. (. . .) Ich habe euch aufgegeben», postete die Zürcher Schriftstellerin Simone Meier letzte Woche auf Facebook. «Wer das Covid-Zertifikat gutheisst, bekennt sich zum Faschismus», twitterte fast gleichzeitig der Massnahmen-Gegner Nicolas A. Rimoldi. Wenige Tage zuvor war die Zürcher Gesundheitsdirektorin Natalie Rickli sogar tätlich attackiert worden, als sie im Zürcher Oberland dafür warb, sich impfen zu lassen.

Die Schweiz in Woche 78 der Corona-Pandemie – ein zerrissenes Land.

Wie aber konnte es so weit kommen, dass aus einer solidarischen Gemeinschaft, die auf Balkonen musizierte und sich einen fröhlichen Wettbewerb in Sachen Nachbarschaftshilfe lieferte, in anderthalb Jahren eine Gesellschaft der Gehässigen und Feindseligen wurde? Welche Wunden bleiben nach dem Ende der Pandemie weiter bestehen? Und steht die Willensnation womöglich gar vor einem Tipping-Point, bei welchem die unwiederbringliche Spaltung in Corona-Leugner und Pandemie-Paniker droht? » | Daniel Gerny, Erich Aschwanden | Montag, 30. August 2021

Afghanistan: le pape appelle à «continuer à aider ceux qui en ont besoin»

LE FIGARO : Ce dimanche, le pape François a lancé un appel pour continuer à aider les Afghans à deux jours du retrait prévu des Américains et dit souhaiter «une coexistence pacifique et fraternelle» dans le pays. Regardez la vidéo » | Le Figaro | dimanche 29 août 2021

Afghanistan: pourquoi les talibans ont gagné »

New Zealand Woman Dies after Receiving Pfizer Vaccine

BBC: New Zealand has reported what it believes to be its first death linked to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

An independent vaccine safety monitoring board said the woman's death was "probably" due to myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle.

It also noted there were other medical issues which could have "influenced the outcome following vaccination".

European regulators say myocarditis is a "very rare" side effect and that the vaccine's benefits outweigh the risks.

The official cause of death has not yet been determined.

However, the Covid-19 Vaccine Independent Safety Monitoring Board said the myocarditis was "probably due to vaccination". » | BBC | Monday, August 30, 2021

‘Everything Is Gone’ for LGBT+ Afghans, Says Bisexual Man Who Escaped before Taliban Took Over

A Taliban fighter walks past a beauty salon with images of women defaced. (Wakil Kohsar/Getty)

PINK NEWS: The situation is dire for LGBT+ people in Afghanistan now that the Taliban has returned to power, says a bisexual man who recently fled the country.

Afghanistan wasn’t a welcoming place for LGBT+ people prior to the Taliban takeover that shocked the world – but human rights activists are expecting things to get much worse. The militant group is likely to enforce an extreme interpretation of Sharia law that could see swathes of women and LGBT+ people executed.

Mehrshad* is a bisexual man who decided to flee Afghanistan when he heard that US forces were negotiating with the Taliban (*his name has been changed to protect his identity). He currently resides in a European country as an undocumented migrant.

“I realised that there is no hope for the future in Afghanistan for me,” he told PinkNews. “I insisted to my mom that I must leave. My mom said: ‘No, wait until a legal way comes up, like a scholarship, maybe an invitation from any country.’

“I could not handle the situation in Afghanistan because it was very tough for me. I was very sick of it – to hide my identity, my sexuality, my ideology. I could not speak to anyone. For the last three years in Afghanistan, I was all the time at home, reading books, watching movies, staying at home. I did not dare go out. I barely went out for one or two hours with my very close friends and close family, not with any classmates or other guys, because I was scared.”

His asylum journey has been a turbulent one. He eventually had to pay a smuggler to take him to a country in Europe from Iran. An asylum application was opened, but it was later mistakenly closed, he says. He remains unsure what his current legal standing is.

Mehrshad spent time on the streets before he met a man and moved in with him. He acknowledges that the situation in Afghanistan for LGBT+ people is grim, but he thinks it’s just as bad for those who have fled the country. Complicated processes and hostile systems mean that some Afghans have found themselves stranded in legal limbo, just as Mehrshad has. » | Patrick Kelleher | Thursday, August 19, 2021

Happy Together

Photo : Adobe Stock

Holding Hands

Photo : Adobe Stock

Married !

Fashion designer, Tom Ford, and Richard Buckley, his partner of 27 years, are married.

Photo thanks to loveincmag.com on Pinterest.

Ein guter Kuß, um den Tag zu beginnen.

Photo: Adobe Stock

Un bon bisou pour commencer la journée. / A good kiss to start the day.

Spate of Attacks across UK Sparks Fear among LGBTQ+ Community

THE GUARDIAN: Hate crimes related to sexual orientation and gender identity have increased year on year since 2015

Birmingham’s gay village, scene of an attack on a couple earlier this month. Photograph: Jacob King/PA

Two weeks ago, Ranjith “Roy” Kankanamalage, 50, was discovered with a fatal head injury in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, east London. The brutal attack was, police believe, motivated by homophobia and a man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

A day earlier, a couple called Rob and Patrick were attacked with broken bottles in Birmingham’s gay village, leaving one unconscious and the other with extensive cuts. Three men have been arrested on suspicion of robbery and wounding.

On 30 July, in Edinburgh, a married gay couple were punched, kicked and spat at as they walked down a busy city centre street. Three men have been charged in connection with alleged assaults and homophobic crimes.

And in Liverpool, during Pride month, hundreds of people joined a protest on 22 June after at least three street attacks on young men within the space of a few weeks.

Local activists and national campaigners have told the Guardian that this spate of attacks across the UK, while unconnected, underscores a climate of fear endured by the LGBTQ+ community on the streets. » | Libby Brooks and Jessica Murray | Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Anti-Gay Agenda : Why can’t straight men stop obsessing about gay people? Why is it that a thing that has nothing to do with them occupies so much of their time and energy? Maybe they should interrogate their own prurient interests in other people’s love, get at the root and figure out why the idea of male intimacy riles them. »

Chinese University Appears to Ask for Lists of LGBTQ+ Students for ‘Investigation’

THE GUARDIAN: Survey by Shanghai University that asked colleges to research the political stance and ‘state of mind’ of members of LGBTQ+ communities has sparked alarm

Chin’a authorities have a worsening intolerance for gender and sexual minority groups, particularly those engaged in activism. Photograph: How Hwee Young/EPA

A well-known Chinese university appears to have asked its colleges to make lists of their LGBTQ+ students and report on their “state of mind”, according to a purported internal directive published online on both Chinese and foreign social media platforms.

Shanghai University has not confirmed the request or responded to queries about its intention, but it has sparked alarm among young Chinese people, coming after a crackdown on campus groups and organisations supporting LGBTQ+ and feminist communities.

The “Campus Survey”, citing “relevant requirements”, asked colleges to “investigate [and] research” students identified as LGBTQ+. It also requested information on the students’ state of mind and psychological condition, including political stance, social contacts, and mental health status. The questionnaire did not explain what “relevant requirements” it was referring to.

Students and activists have expressed concern that the information-gathering exercise could signal further targeting of students. Some legal experts on Weibo are questioning whether such a practice would violate China’s new data privacy law.

Shanghai University’s communications department could not be reached for comment. Other departments referred the Guardian to the communications department. » | Vincent Ni, China affairs correspondent, and Helen Davidson | Sunday, August 29, 2021

Cina shock, università chiede di stilare lista studenti gay »

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro Says He Will Be Killed, Arrested or Re-elected

Mr Bolsonaro is planning to run for a second term next year | AFP

BBC: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has said he sees three alternatives for his future: prison, death or victory in next year's presidential election.

The right-wing populist leader is trailing left-wing former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the polls.

"I have three alternatives for my future: being arrested, killed or victory," he told evangelical leaders.

But the former military officer said there was no chance of prison because "no man on Earth will threaten me".

Mr Bolsonaro was nearly stabbed to death on the campaign trail in 2018. His remarks come amid fierce tensions between him and the country's judiciary and election authorities. » | BBC | Sunday, August 29, 2021

L'art de brasser le saké

LE FIGARO : Le saké Japonais, ou « Nihonshu», est une boisson traditionnelle japonaise réalisée à base de riz fermenté. Depuis le IIIe siècle, les Tôjis (maîtres de chai) nippons n’ont eu de cesse d’affiner sa production. Focus sur l’art de la « sakéification».

Adobe Stock

Contrairement à ce que l'on pense souvent, le saké est un terme générique qui désigne l’ensemble des alcools en japonais. C’est sans doute pourquoi il est également utilisé pour désigner ces digestifs grossiers et sans saveur servis depuis des décennies dans les restaurants asiatiques de France et de Navarre, associant au breuvage une image des plus déplorables. Mais le véritable saké Japonais, dit «Nihonshu», est beaucoup plus fin et raffiné que le tord-boyaux homonyme qu’est l’alcool de riz chinois.

Historiquement, des prêtresses, vestales locales, mâchaient le riz pour initier le processus de fermentation à l’aide des enzymes salivaires. Aujourd’hui, ce protocole est réservé exclusivement à des cuvées qui serviront d’offrandes divines. Petit tour d’horizon du processus moderne de fabrication du saké Japonais. Les secrets d'un bon saké » | Par Le Figaro Vin | dimanche 2 mai 2021

Harry Nilsson: Without You | 1972 (HD)

Views on YouTube: 7,965,116

Harry Nilsson: Everybody's Talking (1969)

Jan 8, 2012 • This great song was originally released by "Fred Neil" in 1966 but this version became a massive success for "Harry Nilsson" in 1969 when used in one of my favourite films "Midnight Cowboy" i just love this song.Strangely this song only managed to reach number 23 here in the UK charts. | Views on YouTube: 3,448,281

Céline Dion - Pour que tu m'aimes encore | 'Taking Chances’ World Tour: The Concert

Vues sur YouTube : 4,528,500

Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op.35 - 2. Lento

Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op.35 - 2. Lento · Michel Schwalbé · Berliner Philharmoniker · Herbert von Karajan · Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade / Tchaikovsky: Capriccio; Overture "1812" ℗ 1967 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin Released on: 2000-01-01

’Hunter’s Chicken’ Recipe – ‘Chicken Chasseur’ – By the French Cooking Academy

Poulet sauté chasseur

A chicken chasseur recipe. Chicken chasseur is a classic French stew made with sauteed pieces of chicken, served with a sauce made using a combination of brown chicken stock, tomato sauce, mushrooms, shallots and fresh herbs (tarragon and parsley). It is best made using a cast-iron ‘Dutch oven’(US), or cast-iron casserole (UK). It goes well with a side dish of potatoes or quality tagliatelle. It is best eaten with a dry white wine such as Muscadet.

Get the printable recipe here.

Repression Without Borders

Yan Cong for The New York Times


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Authoritarian leaders have taken their repressive tactics global.

Smiting foes wherever they may be has a firm place in mythology, literature and history. The meddling Greek gods. James Bond’s license to kill. Joseph Stalin’s hit man who finally caught up with Leon Trotsky in Mexico City. Given this legacy, it is fair to ask why human rights organizations are now raising an alarm about authoritarian leaders who hunt down dissidents far from their borders.

The reason is that the scope, scale and impunity of transnational repression by a new breed of strongmen to intimidate, detain, assault, kidnap, deport or assassinate exiled critics have grown exponentially with globalization, digital connectedness and new methods of surveillance.

Some of the more flagrant examples are well known: the murder and dismemberment of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul and Russia’s use of lethal toxins to murder one former spy, Alexander Litvinenko, and attempt to murder another, Sergei Skripal. Neither Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia nor President Vladimir Putin of Russia made any effort to justify or rationalize the hits; they simply denied personal responsibility.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, by contrast, has openly cast a broad global net for his foes since a coup attempt in July 2016, using both legal and illegal means. According to a major report this year by the human rights organization Freedom House, the dragnet has included at least 58 abductions in 17 countries. » | The Editorial Board* | Saturday, August 28, 2021

* The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom.

Food, Beer, Toys, Medical Kit. Why Is Britain Running Out of Everything?

A precarious economy leads to limited choices in the shops. Photograph: Simon Jonathan Webb/Alamy

THE OBSERVER: Poor pay and conditions for HGV drivers and the loss of many thousands of EU workers are plunging the UKs supply chain into crisis

Gaps on supermarket shelves. Fast food outlets pulling milkshakes and bottled drinks from their menus. Restaurants running out of chicken and closing. Empty vending machines. Online grocery orders full of substitutions. Fruit and vegetables rotting in the fields.

These are just some of the most visible signs of Britain’s deepening supply chain crisis, which has seen stocks in shops and warehouses slump to their lowest levels since the Confederation of British Industry began surveying in 1983.

It has led to dire warnings that the UK’s food system, which has been hit hardest by delivery delays and labour shortages, is in danger of reaching breaking point and may not be able to meet Christmas demand.

Customers may have only started noticing this crisis in recent weeks but it has been building for months, with businesses, road hauliers and transport unions telling ministers at the start of the summer that a shortage of lorry drivers could lead to empty shelves.

The logistics industry estimates around 100,000 more HGV drivers are needed to get goods and materials moving again. The shortfall has emerged, in part, because 14,000 EU drivers have left the country and only 600 have returned since Brexit. The pandemic has also disrupted training and tests for new drivers: around 40,000 HGV driving tests were cancelled last year. » | Tom Wall & Phillip Inman | Sunday, August 28, 2021

“My dear! Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? These shortages are caused by Brexit. You know, that silly referendum Cameron called to shut up the right-wing loons, the whingers, in the Tory Party. He thought it would shut ‘em up, but he had the shock of life when the results were returned in favour of leaving! He had wanted to heal the longstanding rift in his Party, but instead projected the rift onto our nation. It was cause for his resignation. But now the people are suffering.”

“Well, I do declare!”

“This is what really happened: The ‘squillionaire class’, smelling lots of dough from leaving the EU, conned the 'little people' into believing that if we left, Britain could get its greatness back again. After all, Britannia did indeed rule the waves once upon a time!

The idea of leaving caught the people’s imagination. They say it was common to hear such refrains as this in the streets: ”I’m definitely voting to leave, Ethel. We don’t want ‘them forriners’ telling us what to do! In any case, they say we’ll get our blue passports back if we leave! Oh yes, I votin’ to leave! Definitely!”

“But the shortages in the shops and poor quality of fruit and vegetables are the result of this madness, my dear! It’s a high price to pay for this illusory thing called sovereignty, don’t you think?”

‘Sovrinty’! What’s that then? – Mark

Elizabeth Holmes: From Silicon Valley’s Female Icon to Disgraced CEO On Trial

Elizabeth Holmes was the Theranos CEO who claimed her technology could perform a large range of tests with a small amount of blood. Photograph: Stephen Lam/Reuters

THE OBSERVER: Once the world’s youngest female self-made billionaire, the former head of Theranos is facing fraud charges and possible jail time

The rise and fall of the blood testing startup Theranos turned the tech world upside down and captured the attention of millions beyond Silicon Valley, inspiring multiple books, documentaries and a television series.

Theranos set out to revolutionize the medical testing space, reaching a valuation of $10bn before the capabilities of its core technology were revealed to be largely fabricated. Now, its founder and former leader, Elizabeth Holmes, is about to face the music.

Holmes, 37, is facing trial in a California courtroom, charged with defrauding Theranos’s patients and investors. She could spend up to 20 years in prison, and has pleaded not guilty.

“This is a bellwether case,” said Jason Mehta, a Florida attorney with expertise in federal fraud cases in the health industry. “It has emerging technology and the typical marketing bravado of a startup, all in the crosshairs of the federal criminal justice system.” » | Kari Paul | Sunday, August 29, 2021

‘People wanted to believe’: reporter who exposed Theranos on Elizabeth Holmes’ trial »

Wie Kabul fiel - erzählt von den Menschen, die geblieben sind, denen, die flohen und solchen, die sich in Afghanistan verstecken

Senior Airman Taylor Crul / U.S. Air Force via AP

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Als die Taliban am 15. August Kabul einnahmen, endete mehr als nur ein langer Krieg.

Der letzte Auftritt von Meraj Wafa mit seiner Band endet früher als geplant. Es ist fast Mitternacht in Kabul, der Heiratsschwur ist bereits gesprochen, die Gäste haben gegessen und sogar noch etwas getanzt, aber die Stimmung ist nicht so, wie es sich für eine Hochzeit gehört. Wie an jedem Fest, das eine Zäsur im Leben markiert, redet man zwar auch hier von dem, was noch kommt. Aber die Gespräche handeln nicht von Hochzeitsreisen, Flitterwochen und Wünschen für eine neue Familie. Sondern von bärtigen Männern mit Turbanen, die angeblich vor der Stadt stehen.

Wenige Wochen zuvor war Meraj Wafa noch im grössten Fernsehsender Afghanistans aufgetreten. Meraj sass am Boden zwischen seinen Musikern und spielte auf einem Handklavier. Das Video auf Youtube wird mehr als eine Million Mal angeschaut. In jenem Afghanistan war die Musik noch am Leben.

Meraj Wafa, das dichte Haar wie ein Helm flach über den Kopf gelegt, stammt aus einer Musikerfamilie, die das alles, was nun folgt, schon einmal erlebt hat. Sein Vater hat ihm erzählt, wie sie flohen, als die Taliban 1996 zum ersten Mal Afghanistan eroberten. Meraj ist 25, zu jung, um sich daran zu erinnern. Für Meraj waren das Geschichten aus einer anderen Zeit und einem anderen Land. Er hatte nicht damit gerechnet, dass er die Taliban jemals selber erleben würde. Nun, an diesem 14. August, einem Samstagabend, sind sie plötzlich ganz nahe.

Um Mitternacht wird die Hochzeit abgebrochen. Meraj packt die Instrumente ein und fährt nach Hause. Am nächsten Morgen schickt er Mitglieder seiner Band in ihr Büro. Sie sollen dort Plakate abhängen, alles vernichten, was ihre Identität verraten könnte. Dann zieht er eine Burka an und fährt zu seinem ersten Versteck, einem kahlen Kellerraum mit einer Matratze. Von dort ruft er Freunde in Europa an. Sie warnen ihn: Du musst untertauchen, wir suchen einen Weg, dich da herauszuholen. » | Michael Schilliger, Flurin Clalüna, Andrea Spalinger, Andreas Babst | Samstag, 28. August 2021

Mike Pence: «Dieser Rückzug entehrt eine Generation von Soldaten» : Der frühere US-Vizepräsident Mike Pence macht die Regierung von Joe Biden für den chaotischen Abzug aus Afghanistan verantwortlich. »

Afghanistan : Macron veut une «safe zone» au cœur de Kaboul

Emmanuel Macron au parlement irakien à Bagdad, ce 28 août. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

LE FIGARO : Le président français veut une résolution de l'ONU pour continuer les opérations humanitaires sur place, grâce à un espace sous contrôle des Nations-unies dans la capitale afghane.

La France et le Royaume-Uni vont plaider ce lundi à l'ONU pour la création à Kaboul d'une «safe zone», c’est-à-dire une zone protégée qui permettra la poursuite des opérations humanitaires sur place, a déclaré Emmanuel Macron au Journal du Dimanche .

Alors que les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité doivent se réunir ce lundi au sujet de la crise afghane, Londres et Paris élaborent un «projet de résolution» qui «vise à définir, sous contrôle onusien, une 'safe zone' à Kaboul qui permette de continuer les opérations humanitaires», a indiqué Emmanuel Macron. «C'est très important. Cela donnerait un cadre des Nations unies pour agir dans l'urgence, et cela permettra surtout de mettre chacun devant ses responsabilités et à la communauté internationale de maintenir une pression sur les talibans», a-t-il ajouté. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | Publié : samedi 28 août 2021 ; mis à jour : dimanche 29 août 2021

Afghanistan: «Le vieil homme et les terroristes» »

Guido Reni : Saint Cecilia

Guido Reni - Saint Cecilia [1606]

“Guido Reni (November 4, 1575 – August 18, 1642) was a prominent Italian painter of high-Baroque style. Born in Bologna into a family of musicians, Guido Reni was the son of Daniele Reni and Ginevra de’ Pozzi. As a child of nine, he was apprenticed under the Bolognese studio of Denis Calvaert. Soon after, he was joined in that studio by Albani and Domenichino. Reni died in Bologna in 1642. He is buried with Elisabetta Sirani in the Rosary Chapel of the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna.”

With many thanks and much gratitude to Gandalf on Pinterest for this truly exquisite work of art. Gandalf is also to be found on Flickr at Gandalf’s Gallery.


Photograph: Adobe Stock

Ekstase! / Extase !

Happiness Is…

Photograph: Adobe Stock

holding hands in a café.

A Jewish Gay Wedding

Marvellous ! Two souls committing to each other in the great ceremony of marriage.

My gratitude to Smashing the Glass on Pinterest and its source, here for this great photo.

Turkey: Two Gays Hugging and Expressing Love and Affection for Each Other

Such a wonderful expression of love!

With many thanks and much gratitude to Taksim on Pinterest and on Tumblr for this great photo.


It’s Saturday night; so, it’s the end of the week. I should therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. Naturally, I hope and trust that you are enjoying the subtle changes I am frequently making to this website. My aim is to please YOU.

This website brings me so much pleasure; being able to observe from the stats and data that so many of you are regular visitors to my blog brings me more pleasure than I can easily express in a few words. I suppose, in short, it is true to say that your continued support sustains me.

Because I have little knowledge of YOUR demographics, it is difficult for me to know exactly what you like or dislike. In many ways, I work ‘in the dark’. Somehow, I need to find a way of knowing exactly what pleases you; so, please bear with me on that. This is going to take time.

It is quite possible that some of my visitors are gay but are still in the closet. Those in the closet could be young or even quite old. Many older gays are still in the closet, fearful of coming out. Coming out is not an easy process and it takes courage.

Whether you are young or old, if you are still struggling to live your life authentically, and if you believe that I could help you in any way, then please do not hesitate to contact me. My email address is markalexander.librabunda@gmail.com . I am not an expert in coming out, but I have had a lot of experience in life; and I know what has worked for me. If you feel in any way that my experience can help you, then email me. There will be no charge.

Living in the closet is not living an authentic, honest life. Some people cannot come out because of their geographic location. There are, indeed, many places on earth where coming out would not be a wise option. It is better to live in the closet and be safe than to come out and put your life in danger! But where coming out is a safe option, then generally coming out is to be recommended, I believe, as long as you have reached an age in life in which your sexual orientation has stabilised.

Again, I thank you kindly for all your support. Further, I send each and every one of you the warmest of wishes. – Mark

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66

Brexit Madness: Now Kwasi Kwarteng Wants to Train Up 100,000+ Lorry Drivers!

Aug 28, 2021 • Our new immigration policy makes it all but impossible for low-paid workers to come to the U.K. even if they want to. Shortages of workers as a result of this policy are already having a serious negative impact on our economy. This is not temporary.

Neither the Labour Party policy of asking the government to issue 10,000 temporary work permits nor the government's policy of training up 100,000 or more new HGV drivers will work.

Unions representing workers in sectors most affected by the absence of EU workers are in a very strong position to demand much better pay and conditions from a government and employers which they will have to concede.

The government is in a very weak position as result of the folly of its Brexit policy and because of their own incompetence.

CORRECTIONS: The Scottish Secretary is Alister Jack and not Ian Jack as I said The average age of British lorry drivers is 55 and nor 59 as I stated in the video.

Brexit is quickly turning this country into one of the “s***h*** countries” Trump talked about so colourfully! Unfortunately, Trump got the adjective right, but the countries wrong! He forgot to include the UK! – Mark

Italia Squisita : Risotto by Chef Carlo Cracco

Mar 22, 2019 • Carlo Cracco is one of the most renowned and beloved Italian chefs. Brought up in Gualtiero Marchesi's "golden brigade", together with other great professionals, after travelling Italy and the whole world he's now based in the city of Milan. We visited him in his one-Michelin star restaurant to discover the recipe for the traditional risotto with saffron, "alla Milanese". Enjoy! | Sponsor Riserva San Massimo

„Kein Unterschied zwischen Biden und Trump“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINER ZEITUNG: Irans geistliches Oberhaupt Ali Chamenei sieht in der amerikanischen Atompolitik keinen Unterschied zwischen Joe Biden und Donald Trump. Die Äußerungen dämpfen die Hoffnung auf eine baldige Fortsetzung der Wiener Gespräche.

Irans geistliches Oberhaupt Ali Chamenei hat Hoffnungen auf eine baldige Fortsetzung der Gespräche über das internationale Atomabkommen mit Teheran gedämpft. Bei einem Treffen mit dem neuen Kabinett unter Präsident Ebrahim Raisi erhob er am Samstag deutliche Vorwürfe gegen den amerikanischen Präsidenten Joe Biden. Dieser unterscheide sich bei seinen Forderungen an den Iran nicht von seinem Vorgänger Donald Trump.

Die Vereinigten Staaten hätten in dieser Angelegenheit „kein Schamgefühl“, sagte Chamenei laut der auf seiner Internetseite in Auszügen veröffentlichten Rede: „Obwohl sie sich vor aller Augen aus dem Wiener Abkommen zurückgezogen haben, reden sie jetzt so und stellen Forderungen, als wäre es die Islamische Republik gewesen, die sich aus dem Pakt zurückgezogen hat“. » | Quelle: AFP | Sa,stag, 28. August 2021

This Is How Theocracy Shrivels

Taliban fighters praying at the Pul-I-Khishti Mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Friday. Credit.: Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Certain years leap out as turning points in world history: 1517, 1776 and 1917. These are years when powerful ideas strode onto the world stage: the Reformation, democratic capitalism and revolutionary Communism.

The period around 1979 was another such dawn. Political Islam burst onto global consciousness with the Iranian revolution, the rise of the mujahedeen after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Islamization program in Pakistan and the popularity of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Arab world.

The ideas that seized the imagination of millions had deep and diverse intellectual roots. For example, the mid-20th century thinker Sayyid Qutb mounted a comprehensive critique of the soulless materialism of America, tracing it in part to the separation of church and state — the fatal error, he believed, that divided the spirit from the flesh. In the Muslim world, he argued, body and soul should not be split asunder, but should live united in a resurrected caliphate, governed by Shariah law.

This vision could manifest in more temperate ways, as clerics seeking to exercise political power, or in more violent ways, as jihadists trying to overthrow Arab regimes.

By 2006, in an essay called “The Master Plan,” Lawrence Wright could report in The New Yorker how Al Qaeda had operationalized these dreams into a set of sweeping, violent strategies. The plans were epic in scope: expel the U.S. from Iraq, establish a caliphate, overthrow Arab regimes, initiate a clash with Israel, undermine Western economies, create “total confrontation” between believers and nonbelievers, and achieve “definitive victory” by 2020, transforming world history.

These were the sorts of bold dreams that drove Islamist terrorism in the first part of the 21st century. » | David Brooks, Opinion Columnist | Friday, August 27, 2021

Die Taliban haben propagandistisch dazugelernt

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Frauenrechte, Pressefreiheit, Sicherheit: Die Worte der Taliban-Sprecher in geschliffenem Englisch klingen wie aus einem Leitfaden für die Beantragung westlicher Hilfsgelder. Doch was ist davon zu halten?

Frauen sollen auch in Zukunft eine Rolle in der Gesellschaft spielen, wie ein Taliban-Sprecher versichert. Doch sie werden bereits aus dem öffentlichen Leben ausradiert. | Stringer / EPA

Es waren skurrile Bilder, die sich nach der Einnahme afghanischer Städte wie Herat und Kabul im Netz fanden: Taliban, die sich im Autoscooter oder auf Kinderkarussells vergnügen, das Fitnessstudio im Präsidentenpalast testen oder Eis lutschend für Fotos posieren. Viele Afghanen hatten noch die Aufnahmen öffentlicher Hinrichtungen im Fussballstadion von Kabul während der ersten Taliban-Herrschaft von 1996 bis 2001 vor Augen und daher eher mit Bildern von Racheakten gerechnet. Doch den Taliban ist offenbar daran gelegen, den Westen und die Afghanen im In- und Ausland zu beruhigen: Wir kommen in friedlicher Absicht, alles geht normal weiter, auch wir haben menschliche Regungen – dies vermitteln die von ihnen verbreiteten Bilder.

Die Skepsis angesichts dieser Bilder ist gross. Doch sie zeigen, dass die Taliban kommunikationstechnisch dazugelernt haben. Während des ersten Taliban-Regimes waren Fernsehen, Internet und Musik verboten. Mittlerweile gibt es Dutzende von Radio- und Fernsehstationen im Land. 70 Prozent der Afghanen nutzen ein Mobiltelefon, und mehrere Millionen Afghanen sind in den sozialen Netzwerken aktiv. Auch die Taliban nutzen inzwischen intensiv die Internetplattformen, um zu kommunizieren und ihre Propaganda zu verbreiten. Während Facebook sie von seiner Plattform verbannt hat, da es sie als Terrororganisation einstuft, dürfen sie auf Twitter weiter kommunizieren. » | Elena Panagiotidis | Samstag, 28. August 2021

Frankreich hat schon früh am Afghanistan-Einsatz gezweifelt

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Als erstes westliches Land hat Frankreich ab 2011 seine Truppen aus Afghanistan abgezogen. Und auch in diesem Jahr führten die Franzosen ihre Evakuierungen früh durch. Damit hat sich Paris allerdings nicht beliebt gemacht.

Frankreich hat sich bereits 2012 mit seinen Soldaten aus Afghanistan zurückgezogen. | AP

Bereits Anfang Mai, rund drei Monate vor dem Fall Kabuls, hat Frankreich begonnen, Familien aus Afghanistan auszufliegen. Das französische Aussenministerium hatte rund 600 Personen angeboten, ihnen das Flugticket zu bezahlen, sie in Frankreich für einige Zeit unterzubringen und sie beim Asylprozess zu begleiten. Der Kreis der möglichen Kandidaten war weit gezogen worden: Nicht nur frühere und noch aktive Übersetzer und Informanten französischer Organisationen hätten das Angebot erhalten, sondern auch Köche, Chauffeure und Reinigungspersonal, berichtete die Zeitung «Le Monde». Sie hatte das Vorgehen, zu dem sich das Ministerium bis heute nicht offiziell äussert, publik gemacht.

Eine Gruppe von Nichtregierungsorganisationen hatte beim Aussenministerium protestiert, weil auch ihre Mitarbeiter offizielle Ausreiseangebote bekommen hatten. Die Aktion käme einer Aufgabe des Landes gleich, kritisierten sie. Laut «Le Monde» beurteilten auch einige westliche Partner das Vorgehen der Franzosen als überstürzt; Paris tue so, als sei es beschlossene Sache, dass Afghanistan nach dem Abzug der letzten westlichen Soldaten in die Hände der Taliban fallen werde. » | Nina Belz, Paris | Samstag, 28. August 2021

Joe Biden, comptable de la sanglante retraite américaine d’Afghanistan

Joe Biden, jeudi 26 août, à la Maison-Blanche, après son allocution. JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le président américain, s’exprimant depuis la Maison-Blanche, s’est justifié et a promis de venger les 13 soldats tués dans l’attentat de jeudi soir.

L’attentat de Kaboul a achevé de transformer la calamiteuse opération d’évacuation américaine en crise politique majeure. Pour l’Administration Biden, l’annonce de la mort de treize militaires américains a fait voler en éclats l’espoir de se tirer sans trop de conséquences d’un retrait d’Afghanistan mal préparé, et dont elle est largement responsable.

La mort de douze marines et d’un marin, tués dans une double explosion alors qu’ils filtraient l’accès à l’aéroport Hamid-Karzaï de Kaboul, leur dernière porte de sortie d’Afghanistan, a privé le président de son argument selon lequel un retrait ne pouvait être que chaotique, et qu’il se déroulait jusqu’à présent sans faire de victimes américaines. «Touchons du bois», avait-il dit le 19 août dans un entretien à la chaîne ABC. L’expression est reprise depuis par ses adversaires pour souligner son impréparation. » | Par Adrien Jaulmes, Correspondant du Figaro à Washington | vendredi 27 août 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Joe Biden plaide la fatalité du chaos à Kaboul »

Le pont aérien de Kaboul fait toujours face à des «menaces précises et crédibles» »

‘Biden’s worst nightmare’: how Afghanistan shook a president »

Les États-Unis frappent la branche afghane de l'État Islamique en réponse à l'attentat de Kaboul

Joe Biden a ordonné la mise en berne des drapeaux américains en l'honneur des 13 soldats tués à Kaboul. NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP

LE FIGARO : L'attentat de jeudi à l'aéroport de Kaboul a fait plus d'une centaine de morts dont 13 militaires américains, quelques jours avant le retrait définitif des États-Unis.

Les Américains ont riposté à l'attentat suicide commis à l'entrée de l'aéroport de Kaboul en tuant par drone samedi matin un «organisateur» de l'État Islamique-Khorassan, la branche afghane de l'organisation djihadiste. Ces représailles ont été lancées moins de 48 heures après l'attentat qui a fait plus d'une centaine de morts dont 13 militaires américains, quelques jours avant le retrait définitif des États-Unis au bout de 20 ans de guerre. Le commandement central américain a fourni peu de détails sur la frappe, se contentant d'indiquer que l'attaque a été menée dans la province de Nangahar contre un membre de l'État islamique-Khorassan soupçonné d'être impliqué dans la planification d'attaques contre les États-Unis à Kaboul. La frappe a tué un individu, et aucun civil n'aurait été tué, selon les Américains. » | Par Adrien Jaulmes, Correspondant du Figaro à Washington | samedi 28 août 2021

Afghanistan: par la monstruosité de ses attentats, l’État islamique dans le Khorasan défie les talibans »

Hurricane Ida Barrels Down on Louisiana amid Warnings of ‘Life-altering Storm’

THE GUARDIAN: Tens of thousands in US face evacuation orders as storm makes first landfall in Cuba, sparking fears of floods and mudslides

Hurricane Ida rapidly gained strength on Friday evening as communities in southern Louisiana braced for a major category 4 storm with sustained winds of about 140mph and tens of thousands of residents were placed under mandatory evacuation orders.

The hurricane is due to make landfall in the US on Sunday, with officials warning of a “life-altering storm”. The cities of New Orleans and Lafayette, as well as the state capital, Baton Rouge, are under threat from Ida, which is forecast to reach the US somewhere between the parishes of Terrebone and St Mary, slightly west of New Orleans.

“Hurricane Ida is rapidly intensifying and the situation is changing, it seems, by the hour,” said John Bel Edwards, the governor, at a briefing on Friday evening. “Now is the time to finish your preparations. By nightfall tomorrow night, you need to be where you intend to ride out the storm, and you need to be postured as you would want to be as the storm approaches you.”

Ida made its first landfall Friday afternoon on Cuba’s southern Isle of Youth. The Cuban government issued a hurricane warning for its westernmost provinces, where forecasters said as much as 20in (50cm) of rain could fall in places, possibly unleashing deadly flash floods and mudslides. » | Oliver Laughland in New Orleans | Saturday, August 28, 2021