Showing posts with label Le Figaro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Le Figaro. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Milei, Trump, Wilders... Sommes-nous entrés dans l'ère des populistes ?

Dec 5, 2023 | Javier Milei en Argentine, Geert Wilders aux Pays-Bas, Robert Fico en Slovaquie, précédés par Georgia Meloni en Italie, Viktor Orban en Hongrie, Mateusz Morawiecki en Pologne, Donald Trump aux Etats-Unis... Sommes-nous entrés dans l'ère des populistes ? Qu'ont-ils en commun ? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour la démocratie ?

Sunday, September 12, 2021

«Vingt ans après le 11 Septembre, Ground Zero»

Philippe Gélie. Le Figaro

L’éditorial du Figaro, par Philippe Gélie.

LE FIGARO : Le nouveau millénaire n’en était qu’à ses balbutiements quand, traçant une ligne de sang et de cendre dans un ciel d’été indien, dix-neuf pirates de l’air ont fait basculer l’Amérique et le monde dans une nouvelle guerre. Une guerre planétaire contre l’idéologie islamiste, barbarie maquillée en mission divine et qui en veut à l’humanité entière, musulmans compris. Une guerre sans fin contre des terroristes impossibles à vaincre tant qu’il s’en trouve un pour reprendre le couteau ou la ceinture explosive de l’autre. Mais nous sommes tout aussi invincibles qu’eux, car aucun de leurs assauts, même les plus terribles, n’a d’impact sur nos convictions et nos valeurs. Sinistre et vain combat qui prendra fin un jour, peut-être, de guerre lasse… » | Par Philippe Gélie | vendredi 10 septembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Afghanistan: «Cimetière des illusions»

L’éditorial du Figaro, par Philippe Gélie.

LE FIGARO : Maintenant que le dernier avion militaire américain a décollé de Kaboul, l’Afghanistan ne redeviendra pas ce pays lointain et hors du temps, «cimetière d’empires» pour lequel se passionnaient une poignée d’écrivains aventuriers. Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 l’ont placé au cœur des enjeux sécuritaires et civilisationnels du monde occidental. Il y restera, concentrant les mêmes périls qu’il y a vingt ans. La nouveauté, c’est qu’il faudra en passer par les talibans pour exercer la moindre influence sur des événements susceptibles de nous affecter directement. » | Par Philippe Gélie | lundi 30 août 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Afghanistan : les Américains mettent fin à la guerre la plus longue de leur histoire »

Friday, September 06, 2013

Le président Hollande reproche au Figaro son entrevue avec Assad

LA PRESSE: Le président français François Hollande a reproché vendredi sur le mode ironique au quotidien Le Figaro d'avoir publié une interview du président syrien Bachar al-Assad dans laquelle ce dernier menaçait de s'en prendre aux «intérêts de la France».

Lors d'une conférence de presse à Saint-Pétersbourg où il participait au sommet du G20, le chef de l'État a fait, dans une réponse sur la Syrie, une incidente sur le Figaro. » | Agence France-Presse | Saint-Petersbourg, Russie | vendredi 06 septembre 2013

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Syria crisis: Assad Warns France over Intervention

BBC: France says the chemical attack near Damascus last month "could not have been ordered and carried out by anyone but the Syrian government".

A report presented to parliament by Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault says the assault on 21 August involved the "massive use of chemical agents".

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has again denied carrying out the attack, telling the French newspaper Le Figaro it would have been "illogical".

He also warned that foreign military action could ignite the "powder keg" of the wider region.

Gavin Hewitt reports. Watch BBC video » | Monday, September 02, 2013

Syrien-Krise: Assad droht Westen mit regionalem Krieg

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die USA und Frankreich bereiten einen Militärschlag gegen das syrische Regime vor - und Diktator Assad warnt den Westen. Im Fall eines Angriffs drohe ein Krieg im Nahen Osten. Die Region sei ein "Pulverfass", das explodieren werde.

Paris - Der syrische Präsident Baschar al-Assad wählte ausgerechnet eine französische Zeitung, um seine Drohungen zu verbreiten. In einem Interview mit "Le Figaro" warnte er Frankreich, die USA und andere Staaten vor einem Militärschlag gegen sein Land. "Der Nahe Osten ist ein Pulverfass", sagte der Chef des syrischen Regimes. Niemand könne wissen, was nach einem Militäreinsatz passieren werde.

"Die ganze Welt wird die Kontrolle über die Situation verlieren, wenn das Pulverfass explodiert. Chaos und Extremismus werden sich verbreiten", so Assad. Es bestehe die Gefahr eines regionalen Krieges.

Der syrische Präsident forderte die USA und Frankreich auf, nur "einen einzigen Beweis" für den Einsatz von Giftgas durch Syrien vorzulegen. Gleichzeitig lehnte er es ab, über die Existenz solcher Kampfstoffe in seinem Land zu sprechen. "Ich sage gar nichts dazu, ob die syrische Armee solche Waffen hat oder nicht."

Nicht nur Washington, auch Paris ist der Ansicht, dass das syrische Regime über Chemiewaffen verfügt und am 21. August Giftgas auch gegen die Zivilbevölkerung einsetzte. Hunderte Menschen starben in einem Vorort von Damaskus, unter den Opfern waren viele Kinder. » | kgp/dpa | Montag, 02. September 2013

Monday, September 02, 2013

Bashar al-Assad Interview: 'Show Me the Proof of Regime Chemical Attack'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Bashar al-Assad challenged the West to provide "the slightest proof" he has used chemical weapons against his people in his first reaction to allegations that his forces killed more than 1,400 people in a gas attack on August 21.

The Syrian president issued a dire warning that any Western military intervention could lead to "regional war" and would harm "the interests of France".

"Whoever accuses must provide proof. We have challenged the United States and France to provide the slightest proof. (US President Barack) Obama and (French president François) Hollande have been incapable (of doing so) even to their own people," Assad told French newspaper Le Figaro in an exclusive interview.

He questioned the "logic" of claims that his forces carried the August 21 attack outside Damascus, which the US said killed 1,429 people.

"Supposing our army wishes to use weapons of mass destruction. Is it possible that it would do so in a zone where it is located and where (our) soldiers were wounded by these arms, as United Nations inspectors have noted during visits to hospitals where they were treated? Where is the logic?," he asked.

Describing the Middle East as a "powder keg" whose "fuse is getting shorter", he warned it would "explode" if Western forces struck Syria. "Nobody knows what will happen (after such strikes). Everyone will lose control of the situation when the powder keg explodes. Chaos and extremism will spread. The risk of a regional war exists," he warned. » | Henry Samuel, Paris and Jon Swaine in New York | Monday, September 02, 2013

LE FIGARO: La mise en garde d'Assad à la France » | Par Georges Malbrunot | lundi 02 septembre 2013

My comment:

All this talk of war, and absolutely no convincing proof of who perpetrated this crime against humanity in the first place. Cameron and Obama et al continue with their 'conviction' that it was Bashar Al-Assad. But was it? It could just as easily have been the rebels.

If Obama launches a war against Syria without convincing proof, and it turns out in years to come that it wasn't Bashar Al-Assad after all who perpetrated this crime, then Obama will be the war criminal.

It seems to me that we in the West need to step back from the brink, and assess the whole thing with a cool head.

What is to be achieved by striking Syria? What is to be achieved by toppling Bashar Al-Assad? I'll guarantee you now, if Bashar Al-Assad is toppled, Syria will become a haven of Islamic fundamentalists. It will be turned into a theocratic state à l'Iran, and the Christian community there will suffer greatly. Hasn't the West inflicted enough damage on the Christian communities of the Middle East already?

Then there is the problem of the possible escalation of conflict. The whole region will be turned into a war zone. And what guarantees do we have that this regional conflict won't spread westward, eastward, northward, and southward? World wars have been started by far less aggression.

Moreover, it seems to me that we need to listen to our senior military men. Some of them have come out firmly against military aggression already. – © Mark

This comment appears here too.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Syria: French Journalist Appeals for Evacuation

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Edith Bouvier, a French reporter for Le Figaro, has appealed for urgent medical attention and asked to be evacuated quickly from the Syrian flashpoint city of Homs.

Her appeal came as the Syrian information minister claimed the governor of Homs had been told to try to evacuate Western journalists killed or wounded in the besieged Baba Amr district, following the deaths of Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik.

Adnan Mahmum, the information minister told the AFP news agency: "For humanitarian reasons, and although they entered the country without a permit to go to an area controlled by terrorists, the governor of Homs has been told to exert every effort possible to evacuate the journalists."

Veteran Sunday Times reporter Colvin and French photojournalist Remi Ochlik, with the IP3 Press agency, were killed on Wednesday when a rocket hit a makeshift media centre in the rebel district.

Ms Bouvier, a reporter for French daily Le Figaro and Sunday Times photographer Paul Conroy were wounded.

Syrian rebels posted a video on YouTube today in which she said she needed urgent medical attention and asked to be evacuated quickly.

"My leg is broken at the level of the femur, along its length and also horizontally. I need to be operated upon as soon as possible," said Bouvier, who appeared calm and coherent, even occasionally smiling weakly.

"The doctors here have treated me very well, as much as they are able, but their are not able to undertaken surgical procedures," she said.

"I need a ceasefire and a medically-equipped vehicle, or at least one in good condition, that can get me to the Lebanese border so that I can be treated in the shortest possible time," she said, lying on a sofa under a blanket. »

LE FIGARO: Blessée à Homs, la journaliste française appelle à l'aide : Édith Bouvier, la collaboratrice du Figaro qui a été blessée aux jambes dans les bombardements de Homs mercredi demande «au plus vite» un cessez-le-feu pour pouvoir être opérée. » | Par | jeudi 23 février 2012

Saturday, August 29, 2009

«Ted Kennedy, homme fantasque et poids lourd politique»

Watch AP video: Final farewell to Kennedy >>> | Saturday, August 29, 2009

GLOBE AND MAIL – Photo gallery: The Kennedy funeral; Mourners gather to say goodbye to Ted Kennedy >>>

Washington Converges on Boston for Kennedy Funeral

REUTERS: BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidents, members of Congress and the public gathered on a rainy Saturday to say goodbye to Senator Edward Kennedy, a towering figure in American politics who contributed to major social changes in the United States over the last 50 years.

Senators and U.S. representatives of both political parties joined the large Irish-American Kennedy clan, the country's pre-eminent political dynasty, at a Roman Catholic basilica for a funeral where President Barack Obama was to deliver the eulogy.

Dozens of lawmakers from the last several decades -- many of whom had been Kennedy's fiercest foes on legislation -- attended the traditional Catholic funeral Mass in the stone, 130-year-old Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica.

Mourners -- from Hollywood star Jack Nicholson to Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer -- packed the white and gold interior of the church beneath soaring arches and stained glass.

Obama and former presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton sat at the front with their wives.
Since Kennedy's death on Tuesday of brain cancer at age 77, Americans have staged a series of memorials to the last of the Kennedy brothers, and his death has been treated like the passing of a president. >>> Svea Herbst-Bayliss and Scott Malone | Saturday, August 29, 2009

Monday, June 01, 2009

Sarkozy Cancels a Visit to Sweden

STOCKHOLM NEWS: The French president Nicolas Sarkozy cancels a planed [sic] visit in [sic] Sweden. Officially the reason is that he has a tight schedule[,] but according to the newspaper Le Monde the real reason is that the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs[,] Carl Bildt[,] talked about the importance of a Turkish EU-membership in an interview in the newspaper Le Figaro. Sarkozy is opposing a [sic] Turkish membership. (Metro) [Source: Stockholm News] Saturday, May 30, 2009