Showing posts with label François Hollande. Show all posts
Showing posts with label François Hollande. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2025

France Can Deter Putin with Nukes as Trump Makes US Unreliable Ally | François Hollande

Mar 17, 2025 | "De Gaulle wanted France to have, through the power of deterrence... a capacity for independence and influence that could be different from that of the United States and certainly of the Soviet Union."

François Hollande, former President of France, says France's nuclear umbrella will be key to helping Europe to deter Putin if America abandons NATO.

Friday, April 29, 2022

François Hollande: "Putin Isn't Frightened of War" | Amanpour & Company

Apr 28, 2022 • France is helping lead the EU’s response to the invasion of Ukraine, and President Macron’s re-election this past Sunday reinforced that commitment. Macron’s position is supported by his former mentor and predecessor François Hollande, who has himself negotiated with Putin. He spoke with Christiane in Paris, in the wake of France’s presidential election. Originally aired on April 28, 2022.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

L'hommage de la Nation au policier Xavier Jugelé

LE FIGARO: Le chef de l'État a rendu un hommage national au policier assassiné jeudi soir sur les Champs-Élysées. Il a appelé son sucesseur à donner «les ressources budgétaires nécessaires pour recruter les personnels indispensables à la protection de nos concitoyens».

À 11 heures ce mardi matin, la République avait rendez-vous dans la cour d'honneur du 19 août de la Préfecture de police de Paris, au coeur de l'île de la Cité, à quelques pas du palais de justice, pour rendre hommage à Xavier Jugelé, le policier tué jeudi sur les Champs-Élysées. Le lieu est symbolique: son nom rend hommage au soulèvement de la préfecture, aux gardiens de la paix qui ont combattu pour la libération de Paris lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale pendant laquelle 177 policiers avaient trouvé la mort. Symbolique aussi car c'est dans cette même cour qu'avait eu lieu l'hommage des trois policiers - Clarissa Jean-Philippe, Franck Brinsolaro et Ahmed Merabet - tombés le 7 janvier 2015 sous les balles des frères Coulibaly, ceux-là même qui avaient perpétré le carnage à Charlie Hebdo. » | Par Anne Jouan | mardi 23 avril 2017

Paris Shooting: Hollande Pays Tribute to Slain Policeman

Monday, April 24, 2017

France Presidential Election: President Hollande Reacts to 1st Round, Calls to Support Macron

François Hollande laisse une France en mauvais état

LE FIGARO: Le chef de l'État n'est pas parvenu à enrayer la progression de la dette ou à baisser significativement le chômage. Quant au «ras-le-bol fiscal» des Français, il n'a pas disparu.

C'était il y a un peu plus de cinq ans. François Hollande, candidat à la présidence de la République, faisait campagne pour une France «apaisée». Il estimait que Nicolas Sarkozy l'avait fracturée et laissée dans un désordre économique et social rarement atteint. Aujourd'hui, le chef de l'État considère que son contrat est rempli. «Je laisse ce pays dans un bien meilleur état que celui que j'ai trouvé il y a maintenant cinq ans. Nous avons plus d'embauches, le chômage baisse, nous avons des investissements, une croissance qui repart», s'est-il félicité ce jeudi matin, lors d'un déplacement à Biars-sur-Cère, dans le Lot. » | Par Marie Visot | vendredi 21 avril 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Turkey's Nazi Remarks 'Unacceptable', Say Hollande and Merkel

THE GUARDIAN: French and German leaders condemn Turkish politicians’ behaviour since ban on rallies in support of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

François Hollande and Angela Merkel have condemned the behaviour of Turkish politicians ahead of the country’s upcoming constitutional referendum, saying it was “unacceptable” for Turkey to accuse Germany and other countries of “Nazi practices” for banning rallies in support of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Frankreich: Scharfschütze eröffnet Feuer während Rede von Präsident Hollande – Zwei Verletzte

Bei einer Rede des französischen Präsidenten, François Hollande, ist es heute zum Schockmoment gekommen. Ein Scharfschütze eröffnete plötzlich das Feuer und gab einen Schuss ab. Zwei Menschen im VIP-Bereich wurden von der Kugel getroffen und leicht verletzt. Hollande reagierte äußerlich gefasst. Er unterbrach seine Rede, schaute sich um, wartete kurz und sagte dann: „Ich hoffe, das nichts Schlimmes passiert ist.“ Danach setzte er seine Rede fort.

Der französische Präsident weihte heute in Villognon eine neue Bahn-Schnellstrecke ein. Der Scharfschütze war zum Schutz der Veranstaltung eingesetzt worden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat wegen der „falschen Waffenhandhabung“ eine Untersuchung eingeleitet.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Hollande: Trump Administration Is 'Encouraging Extremism'

THE GUARDIAN: French president calls on European countries to stand ‘stand together’ at meeting of leaders in Lisbon

French president François Hollande has said that the Trump administration was encouraging “populism and even extremism“, as he and fellow southern European leaders urged unity to face an increasingly uncertain world.

“We have to stand together in Europe,” Hollande said during a meeting in Lisbon on Saturday.

“What is at stake is populism. The kind of discourse now coming from the United States encourages populism and even extremism.” » | Reuters in Lisbon | Saturday, January 28, 2017

Friday, December 02, 2016

‘Mr 4%’ Hollande Out of Race: First Leader Not Seeking Re-election in Modern French History

The French president's ruled himself out of running for a second term. François Hollande's surprise move makes him the first incumbent leader in the country's modern history to not seek re-election.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

President Hollande Will Not Run for Second Term in France

French president François Hollande announces on Thursday night that he will not seek a second term in the upcoming presidential election. In a televised address, Hollande says he is aware of the risks to the left if he were to run without garnering enough support. He is the least popular French president since the second world war.

Read the Guardian article here

Friday, October 21, 2016

François Hollande: UK Must Pay Price for Brexit

The French president, François Hollande, says the European Union will ‘be firm’ with the UK after the government’s signal that it will go for a ‘hard’ Brexit. Speaking at a symposium on Thursday, Hollande says it is not possible for the UK to leave without having to pay the price, otherwise the bloc risks encouraging other countries to follow suit

Monday, October 17, 2016

‘Problem with Islam’: Tell-all Book Reveals Hollande’s Views from Migrants to Sarkozy

French President Francois Hollande admitted there is a “problem with Islam,” according to a new book based on recorded talks with the leader. He also believes there are too many immigrants in the country, and accused Nicolas Sarkozy of “always fussing.”

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Hollande Admits France “Has a Problem with Islam”

Ezra Levant of reports that after getting into power courting the Muslim vote, the French president admits his nation has "a problem with Islam."

Saturday, October 08, 2016

François Hollande: UK Must Pay Price for Brexit

The French president, François Hollande, says the European Union will ‘be firm’ with the UK after the government’s signal that it will go for a ‘hard’ Brexit. Speaking at a symposium on Thursday, Hollande says it is not possible for the UK to leave without having to pay the price, otherwise the bloc risks encouraging other countries to follow suit

Read the article here

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Islam Can Co-exist with French Values: Hollande

President François Hollande says that Islam could co-exist with secularism, warning in a key speech seen as preparing the ground for a re-election bid that the anti-terror fight should not undermine French values .