Sunday, August 29, 2021


It’s Saturday night; so, it’s the end of the week. I should therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. Naturally, I hope and trust that you are enjoying the subtle changes I am frequently making to this website. My aim is to please YOU.

This website brings me so much pleasure; being able to observe from the stats and data that so many of you are regular visitors to my blog brings me more pleasure than I can easily express in a few words. I suppose, in short, it is true to say that your continued support sustains me.

Because I have little knowledge of YOUR demographics, it is difficult for me to know exactly what you like or dislike. In many ways, I work ‘in the dark’. Somehow, I need to find a way of knowing exactly what pleases you; so, please bear with me on that. This is going to take time.

It is quite possible that some of my visitors are gay but are still in the closet. Those in the closet could be young or even quite old. Many older gays are still in the closet, fearful of coming out. Coming out is not an easy process and it takes courage.

Whether you are young or old, if you are still struggling to live your life authentically, and if you believe that I could help you in any way, then please do not hesitate to contact me. My email address is . I am not an expert in coming out, but I have had a lot of experience in life; and I know what has worked for me. If you feel in any way that my experience can help you, then email me. There will be no charge.

Living in the closet is not living an authentic, honest life. Some people cannot come out because of their geographic location. There are, indeed, many places on earth where coming out would not be a wise option. It is better to live in the closet and be safe than to come out and put your life in danger! But where coming out is a safe option, then generally coming out is to be recommended, I believe, as long as you have reached an age in life in which your sexual orientation has stabilised.

Again, I thank you kindly for all your support. Further, I send each and every one of you the warmest of wishes. – Mark