Showing posts with label homophonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homophonia. Show all posts

Monday, August 30, 2021

Spate of Attacks across UK Sparks Fear among LGBTQ+ Community

THE GUARDIAN: Hate crimes related to sexual orientation and gender identity have increased year on year since 2015

Birmingham’s gay village, scene of an attack on a couple earlier this month. Photograph: Jacob King/PA

Two weeks ago, Ranjith “Roy” Kankanamalage, 50, was discovered with a fatal head injury in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, east London. The brutal attack was, police believe, motivated by homophobia and a man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

A day earlier, a couple called Rob and Patrick were attacked with broken bottles in Birmingham’s gay village, leaving one unconscious and the other with extensive cuts. Three men have been arrested on suspicion of robbery and wounding.

On 30 July, in Edinburgh, a married gay couple were punched, kicked and spat at as they walked down a busy city centre street. Three men have been charged in connection with alleged assaults and homophobic crimes.

And in Liverpool, during Pride month, hundreds of people joined a protest on 22 June after at least three street attacks on young men within the space of a few weeks.

Local activists and national campaigners have told the Guardian that this spate of attacks across the UK, while unconnected, underscores a climate of fear endured by the LGBTQ+ community on the streets. » | Libby Brooks and Jessica Murray | Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Anti-Gay Agenda : Why can’t straight men stop obsessing about gay people? Why is it that a thing that has nothing to do with them occupies so much of their time and energy? Maybe they should interrogate their own prurient interests in other people’s love, get at the root and figure out why the idea of male intimacy riles them. »