Thursday, October 13, 2022

يا حبيبي! يا أخي! أنا أحبك كثيراً

Mein Schatz! Mein Bruder! Ich liebe dich sehr / Mon chéri ! Mon frère ! Je t'aime beaucoup / My darling! My brother*! I love you so much

Many thanks to ANGELTURKIYE on Pinterest for this great photo.

Nb: ‘My brother’ (اخي) can sound rather stilted when speaking directly to another in English. Not so in Arabic. One hears it frequently when an Arab speaks to another Arab. Of course, it does not normally have a gay connotation; rather, it usually refers to one’s brother in Islam. – Mark Alexander

Devenir Marilyn | Documentaire | ARTE Cinema

Marilyn n’est pas née Marilyn, elle l’est devenue. Elle se dévoile dans ce portrait inédit, avec ses mots à elle : une femme lucide et déterminée, reflet mouvant des diktats qui continuent à définir la féminité.

D'abord il y a la naissance d'un corps. À 12 ans, Norma Jeane Mortensen, qui a grandi dans les foyers d'accueil des quartiers pauvres de Los Angeles, prend conscience qu'elle en paraît 17. C’est l'éclosion en elle d'une autre personne, qui attire le regard des hommes et ne semble pas lui appartenir. Cette métamorphose, accompagnée de l'intuition fulgurante d'un destin, va déterminer sa vie. Dès lors, il s'agira pour elle de devenir celle dont elle ignore encore le nom : Marilyn Monroe. Une quête d'accomplissement à la fois lucide et douloureuse, inextricablement mêlée aux diktats d'une époque et du désir masculin.

De la pin-up à l’icône

La célèbre scène de Sept ans de réflexion, où Marilyn voit sa robe soulevée au-dessus d’une grille de métro, marque l'achèvement de la métamorphose. La pin-up promue actrice à force d’acharnement était déjà un sex-symbol. Elle est désormais une icône pour le monde entier. La suite est une autre histoire. Prenant le parti de mettre de côté certains aspects de la vie de l'actrice, Michèle Dominici (L'histoire oubliée des femmes au foyer) choisit de se concentrer sur les mécanismes de la construction d'une identité. Choisie ? Subie ? Le miroir tendu par Marilyn a de multiples reflets. Ce portrait s’attache à les saisir, et, par un savant montage d'archives traversant les époques, montre à quel point le mythe continue de nourrir nos imaginaires. Les mots de Marilyn accompagnent les images, fragments d'autobiographie, de poèmes et d'interviews, qui dévoilent une femme surprenante de lucidité, à la fois reine et victime d'un monde régi par la toute-puissance des hommes.

Documentaire de Michèle Dominici (France, 2021, 53mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 07/04/2023

Die gleiche Dokumentation ist hier auf Deutsch verfügbar.

Italia Squisita: Omelette in a 3 Michelin Star French Restaurant with Donato Russo - Mirazur***

Omelette is the best known and most widely reproduced French comfort food. Two ingredients for a recipe as simple as full of pitfalls. To learn its secrets, we have been to Menton, inside Mauro Colagreco's 3 Michelin star restaurant Mirazur. The young (and very excited) chef de cuisine Donato Russo started with the classic recipe of the French omelette, and then presented a soft and delicious variant created with the soufflé technique. To combine the two recipes a touch of Italian style given by the original use of a great Italian cheese.

In collaboration with the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium, which for the occasion created a discount code valid in all European countries where the shop is present (Italy, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Holland). The code is PRITALIASQUISITA. Visit the shop here.

For the ingredients used in this recipe in both Italian and English, click here. The method of preparation is as shown in the video above.

Thomas Piketty on Capitalism, Corbyn and Why Zuckerberg Is Getting It Wrong - BBC Newsnight | 2015

Renowned economist Thomas Piketty sits down for a tête a tête on the world economy with Evan Davis

"This Time Feels Different": Iran's Women & Youth-led Protests Grow amid Brutal Crackdown

Anti-government protests in Iran, first sparked last month by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, have moved into their fourth week. The youth- and women-led protests cross class and ethnic divides, and the demands have grown in scale and scope, with many, even in the clerical community, now calling for the complete abolition of the Islamic Republic. Many sectors of society, including businesses and unions, have also joined in protest, with oil workers from one of the country's major refineries going on strike Monday. Iranian authorities have launched a violent assault on protesters in response, explains Amnesty International's Raha Bahreini, with security forces shooting live ammunition into crowds to disperse the protests, leaving thousands injured and at least 144 victims dead, 24 of them children. The government violence is "indicative of just what a threat the regime believes these protests are," argues Iranian American scholar Reza Aslan, who says that despite numerous revolutions in Iran's history, "this time feels different."

The mullahs should be toppled. Death to the Islamic Republic of Iran! The mere concept of a theocracy is a nonsense anyway. The theocracy in Iran is especially nonsensical, since no god worthy of being worshipped would ever condone such brutality towards his creation. This mullocracy is nothiing but a cruel and corrupt regime. The good and proud people of Iran deserve better, they deserve their liberty. – © Mark Alexander

This is Mojtaba Khamenei on Wikipedia.

Mali - Dubai: Die Wege des schmutzigen Goldes | ARTE Reportage

Der Goldbergbau in der Sahelzone entzieht sich zunehmend der staatlichen Kontrolle, immer mehr Goldgräber schürfen in kleinen Minen auf eigene Rechnung. Bewaffnete Gruppen finanzieren sich durch den illegalen Bergbau und den Schmuggel, darunter auch islamistische Terrorgruppen.

Mali etablierte sich so allmählich als Zentrum des Goldhandels der Sahelländer, und das Emirat Dubai wurde in den letzten fünf Jahren zum wichtigsten Aufkäufer der Goldproduktion auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Experten werfen den Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate vor, sie förderten indirekt den illegalen Handel mit dem Gold, weil sie nicht darauf achteten, woher die Goldbarren kämen. Institutionen wie die OECD fordern deshalb weitaus strengere Regulierungen. Unsere Reportage berichtet über die neuen globalen Wege des schmutzigen Goldes.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 13, 2022

Adam Silvera Is Writing the Books He Wished He Had as a Queer Teen

Adam Silvera gets as close to his characters as his readers do. The first—and only—time he cried while writing was at the death of the main character in his third young adult novel, 2017’s ‘They Both Die at the End’. He’d spent so much time outlining the story, he says, that “I knew that kid.”

Both books follow queer love stories with Latinx protagonists. “I am dead set on writing queer characters for the rest of my life,” he explains. “I’m a queer man. I don't need to contribute to the canon of heterosexual literature."

Author Adam Silvera is one of TIME Magazine's 2022 Next Generation Leaders.

Margaret Thatcher—'The Iron Lady' or 'The Benighted Lady'?—Warns of 'Extremist' Anti-racist, Pro-gay Teachers

Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Party Conference 1987

Gay rights: Life under Section 28 - BBC Newsnight

30 years ago Section 28 was introduced. It was - the now repealed - clause of a local government act, to stop a council promoting the teaching of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship. That's a quote.

The prominent gay writer and journalist Matthew Todd - he was editor at Attitude magazine for many years - was in school in those days, and looks back now, at the effect it had.

Iranian Professor Defends Regime's Response to Protests

University of Tehran professor Mohammad Marandi talks to Christiane Amanpour about the protests on the streets of Iran following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.

Saudi Arabia Official Responds to Biden's Threats over Oil Cuts

Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir talks to CNN's Becky Anderson about OPEC+ production cuts and responds to criticism of the move from US leaders.

Russlands Soldaten | ARTE Re:

Burjatien liegt 6.000 Kilometer östlich von der Ukraine, trotzdem sterben sehr viele Burjaten in Russlands Angriffskrieg. Die Region ist wirtschaftlich schwach und die Karriere in der Armee stellt eine der wenigen Möglichkeiten des sozialen Aufstiegs dar. Die Unzufriedenheit über die vielen Toten unterdrückt die russische Regierung mit totaler Kontrolle.

Nach wie vor rekrutiert Russland eine unverhältnismäßig hohe Zahl der in der Ukraine eingesetzten Soldaten unter den nichtrussischen Ethnien des Landes. Doch die Unzufriedenheit über die vielen Toten und Verletzten in der sogenannten „Spezialoperation“ wächst in den betroffenen Regionen wie Burjatien oder Jakutien.

Die russische Regierung unterdrückt jeglichen Widerstand mit besonders starker Propaganda und totaler Kontrolle. Mit jedem Tag nimmt der Druck auf Andersdenkende und Journalisten zu. Menschenrechtlerin Nadjeschda saß bereits viermal in Haft. Auch Journalistin Anna kann ihre Arbeit für unabhängige und ausländische Medien nur noch mit großer Vorsicht ausüben Kriegsverweigerer und Familien von gefallenen Soldaten werden durch öffentlichen Druck mundtot gemacht, und so kann sich der ehemalige Soldat „Dschingis“, der vom 24. Februar bis Anfang April in der Ukraine kämpfte, nur anonym vor der Kamera äußern. Er erzählt von schlechter Vorbereitung, mangelhafter Ausrüstung und fragwürdigen Anschuldigungen, die Russlands Angriff auf seinen westlichen Nachbarn rechtfertigen sollen.

Nachdem der Druck auf das ARTE-Team zu groß geworden ist, verlassen die Reporter Burjatien. In Samara erzählt die 19-jährige Oxana vom Verlust ihres Verlobten, der ohne ausreichende Ausbildung in die Ukraine geschickt wurde und im April im Alter von 22 Jahren an der Front gestorben ist.

Reportage (D 2020, 33 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 12/01/2023

Kerala's TJ Joseph: The Indian Teacher Whose Hand Was Cut Off for an Exam Paper

BBC: In 2010, the hand of a professor in India was cut off by extremists after he was accused of insulting Islam in an exam paper. Last month, the government banned the controversial Muslim group Popular Front of India (PFI), whose members had carried out the attack. The BBC travelled to Kerala to piece together the grisly incident and its aftermath.

Warning: This article contains details some readers may find distressing.

TJ Joseph remembers the attack from 12 years ago vividly.

It was a rainy July morning. Prof Joseph, then a 52-year-old teacher of Malayalam language at a local college, was driving home with his mother and sister after Sunday Mass in Muvattupuzha, an idyllic town in the southern state of Kerala set on the banks of a river by the same name.

Barely 100m from his house in a leafy, undulating lane, a Suzuki minivan barrelled down, took a sharp turn and blocked his hatchback.

The door of the minivan opened, and six men burst out. One of them ran up to Prof Joseph's car. He was carrying an axe.

As the man approached the driver's door and tried to yank it open, another man, brandishing a dagger, brought up the rear. Three others reached the passenger's side where his sister was sitting.

Cowering at the wheel of his four-year-old Wagon R, his engine switched off and the driver's side window smashed into pieces by a blow of the axe, Prof Joseph realised he was trapped. » | Soutik Biswas, India correspondent | Thursday, October 13, 2022

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Aufstand im Iran: Eine Chance für die Freiheit? | Weltspiegel extra

Im Iran gehen seit mehr als drei Wochen Menschen auf die Straße, um gegen die Islamische Führung zu protestieren – ausgelöst durch den Tod einer 22-Jährigen. Ihre Forderung ist nicht weniger als das Ende der Islamischen Republik.

Professor Tim Wilson: Rees-Mogg Would Be Better in Silence

Indeed I suspect that silent films were invented for Mogg! He is already sepia-toned and would be so much better with title cards and health warning.

How Long Can Liz Truss Stay in Power?

US Democrats Threaten Saudi Arabia with Arms Freeze over Oil Output

THE GUARDIAN: Congress members raise prospect of one-year sales ban unless kingdom reverses Opec+ decision to cut production

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman greets Joe Biden in Jeddah in July. The US president has reiterated his pledge to take action over Riyadh’s decision to cut output. Photograph: Bandar Al-Jaloud/Saudi Royal Palace/AFP/Getty Images

Democrats in the US Congress have issued a fresh ultimatum to Saudi Arabia, giving the kingdom weeks to reverse an Opec+ decision to roll back oil production or face a potential one-year freeze on all arms sales.

The threat came as Joe Biden reiterated his pledge to take action over Riyadh’s decision last week to cut oil output by 2m barrels a day, which Democrats have said would help “fuel Vladimir Putin’s war machine” and hurt American consumers at the petrol pump.

The White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters the US president was also looking at a possible halt in arms sales as part of a broader re-evaluation of the US relationship with Saudi Arabia, but that no move was imminent. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Julian Borger in Washington | Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Saudi Arabia is choosing friends on its own terms and Biden is not one of them: Reactions in Washington to slashing oil supply have not concerned Mohammed bin Salman; nor have the optics of indirectly boosting Putin’s war »

What the Latest Footage from Iran Tells Us about the Regime

Protests in Iran over the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman who died in police custody, continue to unfold across the country.

Cracks appear among Iran elite as senior figure calls for hijab policing rethink: Prominent conservative politician Ali Larijani warns against ‘rigid response’ after month of unrest »

« Le problème pour les Etats-Unis maintenant est que l’Arabie saoudite les méprise ouvertement »

LE MONDE – CHRONIQUE : Les changements de pied de Joe Biden envers Mohammed Ben Salman lui reviennent en boomerang. Mais le raidissement saoudien, qui vient de s’aligner sur les intérêts pétroliers de la Russie, relève du pari.

On ne dispose pas, malheureusement, d’instruments de mesure un peu précis pour les crises de relations bilatérales. S’il en existait un, il permettrait de jauger les tensions entre l’Arabie saoudite et les Etats-Unis. Et de dire s’il s’agit d’un accès de fièvre de plus, semblable à d’autres plus anciens et surmontés, ou de la cassure qui redéfinira les rapports entre les deux pays, pour longtemps, au terme d’un long compagnonnage engagé en 1945 entre Abdelaziz Al Saoud et Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

En quelques mois, un fist-bump s’est transformé en gifle. Le premier renvoie au salut, poing contre poing, échangé en juillet à Djedda par le prince héritier et véritable maître de Riyad, Mohammed Ben Salman, et le président des Etats-Unis, Joe Biden. Un Canossa sur la mer Rouge pour le second, qui avait promis au premier un sort de paria pour son implication présumée dans l’assassinat et le démembrement du dissident saoudien et résident américain Jamal Khashoggi en 2018. Venu mendier une hausse de la production pétrolière saoudienne pour faire baisser les prix, Joe Biden était manifestement reparti les mains vides. » | Gilles Paris, Editorialiste | mercredi 12 octobre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Marilyn - Made in Hollywood | Doku HD | ARTE

Aus Norma Jean Baker wird Marilyn Monroe. Im Amerika der 40er Jahre ist das Pin-up-Girl das Vorbild für Frauen – eine Mischung aus Sexbombe und Mädchen von nebenan. Sie wird von Regisseuren in die Rolle des Sexsymbols gedrängt. Dabei verwandelt sich Marilyn immer mehr in eine Kunstfigur, die sie selbst als Kreatur bezeichnet. Marilyn Monroe mit eigenen Worten über ihr Leben.

Wasserstoffblondes Haar, kurvige Figur, roter Lippenstift: Marilyn Monroe. Mit Filmen wie „Blondinen bevorzugt“ (1953), „Wie angelt man sich einen Millionär?“ (1953) und „Das verflixte 7. Jahr“ (1955) wurde sie weltberühmt. Mit „Manche mögen's heiß“ (1959) erreichte sie den Höhepunkt ihres Ruhms. Vom Waisenmädchen über ihre Karriere als Model, Pin-up-Girl und ersten Filmrollen bis hin zum Weltstar. Marilyn Monroes kurze Lebensgeschichte scheint wie ein Cinderella-Märchen ohne Happy End. Es ranken sich viele Mythen und Verschwörungstheorien um die Schauspielerin und ihr Leben. Wie wurde Norma Jean Baker zur weltbekannten Figur der Marilyn Monroe? War sie damit glücklich?

Die Schauspielerin berichtet, wie aus der Eingebung eines jungen Mädchens, das früh erkannte, dass ihr Körper ihr Kapital war, ihrem Ehrgeiz, den Zwängen einer Epoche und aus den Wünschen der Filmproduzenten ein Sexsymbol geboren wurde. Marilyn fügt sich den Erwartungen der Regisseure und verkörpert anmutig die stereotype Blondine. Wie heutige Superstars aus der Retorte war Marilyn Monroe bereits eine von den Studiobossen erfundene Kunstfigur samt Schönheitsoperationen an Nase und Kinn. Die private Marilyn Monroe hatte mit dem Image des blonden Vamps und Dummchens wenig gemein.

Die neue Biografie ist chronologisch erzählt und zeigt auch Bilder aus unserer Gegenwart, die verdeutlichen, welche Bedeutung der Mythos Monroe in unserer Vorstellungswelt bis heute besitzt. Dabei zeichnet die Dokumentation Marilyn Monroes Lebensweg nach und erzählt hintergründig vom Schönheitsdiktat und der Brutalität des Systems Hollywood, das bis ins 21. Jahrhundert fortbesteht. Allen Mordtheorien zum Trotz ist es am wahrscheinlichsten, dass Marilyn Monroe am Ende von ihrem eigenen Image erdrückt wurde und Selbstmord beging. Sie starb in der Nacht vom 4. auf den 5. August 1962 in Los Angeles.

Dokumentation von Michèle Dominici (F 2021, 53 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 07/04/2023

Marilyn Monroe : I Wanna Be Loved by You | Soundtrack from Some Like It Hot

Gay Afghan Man Brutally Murdered by the Taliban in Bid to ‘Eradicate’ LGBTQ+ People

Hamed Sabouri wanted to be a doctor before the Taliban seized power in August 2021. (Supplied)

PINK NEWS: A young gay man has been shot dead by the Taliban in Afghanistan because of his sexuality.

Hamed Sabouri, from Kabul, was killed in August, local activists have told PinkNews. He was just 22.

He was reportedly kidnapped by the Taliban and a video showing his murder sent to his family days later.

Bahar, another gay Afghan who knew the victim personally, told PinkNews Sabouri had dreams of becoming a doctor, but his hopes were stolen from him when the Taliban seized power in August 2021.

He described Hamed as a “shy” gay man with an infectious laugh.

“Life is hell for every LGBT Afghan,” Bahar said.

“Taliban terrorists are worse than wild animals.”

Bahar, who is a member of Afghanistan’s growing LGBTQ+ organisation the Behesht Collective, deleted all the pictures and videos he had of Sabouri on his phone after he learned of his murder.

Bahar lives in fear of being stopped and searched by the Taliban – he’s afraid that he would also be killed if they found out about his sexuality.

A young gay man has been shot dead by the Taliban in Afghanistan because of his sexuality. » | Patrick Kelleher | Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Le fils du dernier Shah d'Iran condamne le régime

Le fils du dernier Shah d'Iran en exil depuis 40 ans, Reza Pahlavi, appelle ses compatriotes à une grève générale et la communauté internationale à sanctionner le régime.

Notre correspondante Azeb Wolde-Giorghis l'a rencontré.

We Are Witnessing Iran's Next Revolution, Says Exiled Crown Prince

Reza Pahlavi, Iran's former Crown Prince, says ‘Iranians want change' as protests continue for the 10th consecutive day following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. Pahlavi says sanctions from other countries are also putting increasing pressure on Iranian officials.

Iran's Exiled Crown Prince, Former Empress on i24NEWS

Iran's exiled crown prince Reza Pahlavi and former empress Farah Diba Pahlavi speak to Christian about the state of affairs in Iran and the possibility of democracy in the country.


Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran

Farah Pahlavi, former Empress of Iran

Bread for the People I Documentary

For months Turkey has been in the grip of a monetary crisis coupled with rampant inflation. The price of bread, by far the most important staple food in the country, has doubled in a year. Even the middle class is now finding it increasingly difficult to get by.

Bread for the People | Documentary
Available until the 05/09/2023

Diese Doku ist hier auf Deutsch verfügbar.

Angela Lansbury: Actor's Most Notable Roles from Jessica Fletcher to Mrs Potts

The actor Angela Lansbury, best known as Jessica Fletcher in the TV series Murder, She Wrote and for numerous film and theatre roles, has died aged 96.

Seven times Angela Lansbury proved herself a fierce gay ally and icon: Angela Lansbury, star of Murder, She Wrote and the “first lady of musical theatre” has died aged 96. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 12, 2022

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

We Are All Raised on a Diet of Bullshit, Legend, Myth and Fable

MARK ALEXANDER – ESSAY: We in the Occident are raised on lies and make-believe. People in the Orient are no different, except that the stories they are told and forced to believe are different from ours. But for our purposes today, let us stick to the fabulous stories we are fed from birth.

We are fed these stories throughout life: it goes on from the cradle to the grave. The crap keeps on coming our way unrelentingly!

It all starts at birth. The early crap is pretty and pretty harmless. It stretches from the tooth-fairy to Father Christmas coming down our chimneys at Christmas. I am not quite sure about those hapless kids who live in houses that don’t have chimneys (but that’s a story for another day). Having travelled through the sky on his pretty little sleigh, packed full with parcels and presents for the children in the whole wide world, being drawn by his helpful and extremely hard-working reindeer: Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph (the most famous and helpful of all the little critters).

Then, when we have grown up a little, that story is moulded a different way: we are told about the story of Jesus, the shepherds who watched their flocks by night, and the three kings who brought the baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.

All well and good and pretty harmless. Children lap it up, as indeed did I.

As one gets older, one learns to modify the story to make it easier to swallow and a tad more believable.

The problems with all these stories, myths and legends is that some people never seem to grow out of them. They believe them throughout life. Never coming to the point of realising that whilst there might be an element of truth in some of these stories, much is simply embellishment and make-believe.

However, the children’s stories are generally rather harmless. But as we age, we get told far more nonsensical stuff. We are taught to fear the Almighty and the all-seeing God. Such myths are told to us to control our behaviour of course, told to us to make us behave in a way that the authorities can control us in an acceptable way. This is where it starts to get sinister.

Then, as we get older, the government gets involved. At this point the real nonsense starts being told! And it is truly unrelenting. In recent years, we have had scares about the eating of eggs, the drinking of coffee, the big one about the eating of saturated fat, the amount of salt we eat, the exercising myth, the extreme dangers of smoking cigarettes and tobacco. Smoking. Ah, that will make you prematurely wrinkled, give you all manner of cancers, your hair will fall out, as will your teeth, you will lose your limbs and become impotent! Moreover, you will stink to high heaven of that awful substance called tobacco. Your teeth will be yellow and your gums will shrink and bleed. Smoking is the root of all evil in today’s world. Naturally, most of it is a load of BS.

Then we come to the myths and legends told us by the politicians. Lizzie Truss and Kwazi Kwarteng’s crap, for example, is the latest nonsense we have been told. The utter crap that cutting taxes for the rich will shore up growth. IT WILL NOT! And nor will giving more money to the richest in society trickle down to the middle and working classes. They sold us that crap back in the Eighties under Thatcher. What we ended up with is a wealth gap today not seen since the Gilded Age and a society built on greed and egocentricity. Who cares for his neighbour anymore? You can forget Christianity with such a politico-economic doctrine. All you will get is a widening wealth gap, a growth in foodbanks, a growth in homelessness, more selfishness and a society based on greed.

I shall add more to this another day. Suffice it to say that we are being led by liars and incompetent fools. We are being force-fed nonsense. We need to change course if we truly wish to save the Occident. In the UK, the Tories are incapable of the course change.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Gay Love | Reupload

يا حبيبي أحبك كثيرا

Many thanks to ??? on Pinterest for this extraordinarily beautiful photo.

What Happened When Her Entire Family Came Out

Over five years, each person in Jessi Hempel’s family came out in some way, in the process transforming their family dynamics and journeys of acceptance. In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hempel began interviewing her mother, father, and her two siblings in an attempt to “stitch together” their stories.

Coming out is a most liberating experience. It is difficult to explain to a straight person the feelings one experiences. It is also often difficult to explain to a straight person why it is so important to come out. Many straight people, perhaps most of them, just don’t get it. They have no understanding of what it does to one to live a life that isn’t authentic. Ignorance about being gay abounds. So many straight people think that being gay is about sex. It is not; sex, at least as far as I am concerned, is the very least of it. I don’t even like the term homosexual; rather, I prefer the term, which I made up, homo-emotional. Homosexual has got the S-word written into it; homo-emotional, by contrast, means that one gets one’s emotional support from a member of the same sex. It is perfectly possible to be ‘homosexual’ and not engage in sex at all! Go figure that one out!

It takes a long time to come to terms with one’s sexuality; indeed, some people never do. But even when one does, it is a long, winding and painful road to travel. But once one is out of the closet, there’s no going back. Only real men can come out. Coming out is not a sign of weakness; rather, it is a sign of strength and, often, of masculinity. Weak men could never come out: they wouldn’t have the courage to do so.

All I know is this: Coming out doesn’t solve all of one’s problems; but I would never ever wish to return to the closet. It would be unthinkable. – © Mark Alexander

Lederhosen, eine Zigarette, ein Bissel plaudern und, ich vermute, vielleicht auch noch ein wenig Liebe zueinander | Reupload

Männlich, schön und unverkennbar deutsch.

Fur dieses wunderschöne Bild möchte ich mich bei Carling Black Leather auf Pinterest bedanken.

Meet Iran's Gay Mullah Forced to Flee the Country - BBC News | 2016

In Iran, homosexuality is banned and punishable by execution under its strict code of sharia, or Islamic law. In a country dominated by the religious class, being gay is taboo, and especially among the establishment. One Iranian gay cleric, who conducted gay weddings in secret, was forced to flee the country, and has been threatened with death. BBC Persian's Ali Hamedani reports. Video Journalist: Kelvin Brown

MARTYR | شهيد - "I Have No One But You" - Peccadillo Pictures | Trailer

Watch Now On-Demand (UK) here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 11, 2022

Happiness Is a Gay Cuddle!

These guys’ contentment is plain to see.

Many thanks to ??? on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

Two Bears Life: We Can Get Married! Gay Couple Talks about Marriage Equality in Austria | 2017

We talk about the landmark decision of the Austrian supreme court that will open "marriage for all". This means that gay couples will be allowed to get married at the latest by the beginning of 2019.

Panorama (1995) - An Interview with HRH The Princess of Wales - Diana / Martin Bashir | Reupload

Diana, Princess of Wales, speaks openly for the first time about her separation from the Prince of Wales in a frank interview for the BBC's Panorama programme.

IMF Criticises Kwarteng Again over Tax Cuts and Energy Package

THE GUARDIAN: Fund says chancellor’s measures have made Bank of England’s battle against inflation more difficult

Kwasi Kwarteng has come under fresh fire from the International Monetary Fund after the Washington-based organisation said his tax cuts and energy support package had made the Bank of England’s battle against inflation more difficult.

The IMF used its prestigious world economic outlook (WEO) to criticise the scale of the stimulus provided by the chancellor and the blanket nature of the price cap on gas and electricity bills.

It said the UK was on course for a sizeable slowdown in growth from 3.6% this year to 0.3% in 2023 but said its forecasts had been made before Kwarteng delivered his mini-budget on 23 September. » | Larry Elliott in Washington | Tuesday, October 11, 2022

«Die Leute sagen: Wann und wie ich sterben möchte, geht nur mich etwas an. Das ist ein Trugschluss»

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Emmanuel Macron möchte den Franzosen die aktive Sterbehilfe ermöglichen. Doch Widerstand regt sich ausgerechnet bei den Palliativmedizinern. Ein Arzt erklärt, weshalb.

Vincent Morel beschäftigt sich beinahe täglich mit einem Thema, das die meisten am liebsten weit von sich schieben: dem Ende des Lebens. Der 52-Jährige begleitet seit rund zwanzig Jahren Menschen zu Hause, im Heim oder im Spital während ihrer letzten Lebenstage. Inzwischen leitet er zudem die palliative Abteilung des Universitätsspitals in Rennes. Mit einer gewissen Beunruhigung verfolgt Morel die Debatte über eine Liberalisierung der Sterbehilfe in Frankreich, die seit dem Sommer Fahrt aufgenommen hat.

Präsident Emmanuel Macron hat bei mehreren Gelegenheiten deutlich gemacht, dass er die derzeitige Gesetzgebung reformieren will. Bis anhin ist in Frankreich nur die passive Sterbehilfe erlaubt. Der Präsident will bis Ende 2023 auch eine Form von aktiver Sterbehilfe möglich machen, in welcher Form, ist unklar. Bei Morel sorgen diese Pläne, wie bei Tausenden von Palliativmedizinern, für Unbehagen. Er gehört der französischen Gesellschaft der Begleitung und der Palliativpflege (SFAP) an, die die Vorbehalte ihrer rund 16 000 Mitglieder in die Debatte trägt. » | Nina Belz, Paris | Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2022

The Blasphemy of Ashraf Fayadh

After eight years imprisonment, as of August 23, 2022, Ashraf Fayadh is finally free. But why was he ever arrested in the first place?

More German Businesses Go Bankrupt amid Weak Economy, High Inflation | DW News

A sharp uptick in the number of German firms beginning insolvency proceedings is raising eyebrows in Europe's largest economy. Some 762 firms declared bankruptcy in September — a 34% increase from the same period last year.

And the upward-trend is set to continue this month and the next, according to the Halle Institute for Economic Research. Its new report suggests that by November up to 40% more companies could be beginning insolvency proceedings, compared to the same period last year.

Wales: Skeletons: Remains of 240 People under Haverfordwest Store

Archaeologists believe the ruins are from a 13th Century priory, including a hospital

BBC: The remains of more than 240 people, including children, have been unearthed by archaeologists working on the remnants of a medieval priory found beneath a former department store.

The "hugely significant" discovery was made under the old Ocky White building in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire.

Archaeologists believe the ruins are from St Saviour's Priory, founded by a Dominican order of monks in about 1256.

One expert said it offered a "window into medieval Haverfordwest".

Ocky White was a popular store for more than a century before its riverside premises closed in 2013.

Site supervisor Andrew Shobbrook, from Dyfed Archaeological Trust, described the priory as a significant complex of buildings with dormitories, scriptoriums - rooms devoted to writing and manuscripts - stables and a hospital.

"It's quite a prestigious place to be buried. You have a range of people, from the wealthy to general townsfolk," he said.

It is believed that the graveyard could have been used until the early 18th Century. » | Aled Scourfield, BBC News | Tuesday, October 11, 2022

«Die Mehrheit der Priester im Vatikan ist schwul» | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur | Reupload

Mit seiner These, wonach die Mehrheit der Prälaten, Bischöfe und Kardinäle des Vatikans schwul seien, generierte der französische Soziologe und Journalist Frédéric Martel im Frühling 2019 viel Aufmerksamkeit, aber auch Unverständnis.

Sein Buch «Sodom» erschien zeitgleich in acht Sprachen und Martel wurde in unzählige Talkshows eingeladen, doch der Vatikan hüllte sich in Schweigen. Wer sich in den 30er-, 40er- und 50er-Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts als junger Mann irgendwie anders – eben homosexuell – fühlte, fand in der römisch-katholischen Kirche eine Oase, so Martel in seinem Buch «Sodom»: Männer, die unter Männern leben, andere Kleidung tragen und singen, das wäre für viele die Rettung gewesen, die zudem noch von der Gesellschaft akzeptiert war.

Gegen aussen seien diese in der Regel sehr alten Männer nun homophob, gegen innen aber homophil. Dies führe zu einer gefährlichen Doppelmoral, einer Kultur des Schweigens, die die Skandale rund um die katholische Kirche sehr unglücklich begünstigt hätten.

Sternstunde Religion vom 29.3.2020

Frédéric Martel’s book, SODOMA is available in many languages. The book is a bestseller. I have bought it in French – the original language it was written in. I took delivery of it yesterday from . I have already started reading it. It promises to be a very good and interesting read, too. Actually, it’s a long book; there are nearly a thousand pages. It is very well-researched. By all accounts, even Pope Francis has read it! – Mark

Here’s a link to the book on .

Here is a link to the same programme in English.

Wie werden wir in Zukunft lieben, Eva Illouz? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Unverbindlichkeit in der Liebe ist hoch im Kurs. Doch die neue Freiheit hat ihren Preis, sagt die weltbekannte Soziologin Eva Illouz: Die romantische Liebe ist gefährdet wie nie zuvor. Wie sieht denn die Liebe in Zukunft aus? Werden wir vielleicht sogar Roboter lieben?

Mit ihrem Buch «Warum Liebe weh tut» landete die israelische Soziologin Eva Illouz 2012 einen Bestseller. Sie erwies sich darin als eine Dolmetscherin moderner Liebesverhältnisse und zeigte, woran die Liebe in Zeiten des Kapitalismus krankt. Zu diesen Krankheiten gehört, dass wir uns vor lauter Angst, einen potenziell besseren Partner zu übersehen, gar nicht mehr binden.

In ihrem neuen Buch «Warum Liebe endet» untersucht die Soziologin, wie Liebesverhältnisse misslingen und warum es zu einer neuen «Kultur der Lieblosigkeit» kommt. Mit Eva Illouz spricht Barbara Bleisch.

Sternstunde Philosophie vom 17.03.2019

Buch: Eva Illouz: «Warum Liebe endet». Suhrkamp, 2018

The same programme in English here.

Zu Tisch... Gallura: Sardinien | ARTE

Der Honig, den Franca Corda und Renzo Cosseddu von den Wabenwänden ihrer Bienenstöcke schneiden, ist etwas Besonderes. Er wird im Spätherbst und Winter geerntet, wenn die Arbutus-Bäume in der Gallura im Nordosten Sardiniens blühen. Der bittere Honig (miele amaro) versüßt manches Gericht, so Seadas - mit sardischem Peretta-Käse gefüllte Teigtaschen - oder Niuleddi, Mandelkekse.

Im Nordosten Sardiniens wächst der Arbutus-Baum. Er beginnt erst im Herbst und Winter zu blühen. Der Corbezzolo-Honig versüßt nicht nur so manches sardische Gericht, seine Inhaltsstoffe helfen auch gegen Erkältung, Bronchitis und tun dem Magen gut. Franca Corda kann von dem bitteren Honig nicht genug bekommen. Sie wendet die mit Peretta-Käse gefüllten Teigtaschen, Seadas, darin und backt mit ihm Niuleddi, Kekse, die zu besonderen Anlässen gereicht werden. Mit ihrer Schwiegertochter Mattia, ist sie sich nicht immer eins, wenn es darum geht, wer von den beiden den Teig kneten und wer die leichteren Arbeiten machen soll. Spätestens beim gemeinsamen Essen mit der Familie ist aber wieder alles gut. Dann serviert Franca die Gallura-Suppe, das typische Gericht der Region.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Cristina Ricci und Holger Preusse (D 2021, 33 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 07.01.2023

Playa Restaurant Review: Miami Beach Vibes in Dubai #shorts

FAZ: Ukrainischer Soldat nach Raktetenangriffen: „Was die Russen tun, ist jenseits aller Normen“

Im Osten der Ukraine feuern ukrainische Soldaten mit Haubitzen auf russische Stellungen. Von den jüngsten russischen Vergeltungsangriffen wegen der Explosion auf der Krim-Brücke lassen sie sich scheinbar kaum beeindrucken. © AFP

Economic Update: The Economics of Colonialism Pt. 1 - The British Empire

Journeyman Pictures: Sex, Revolution and Islam | Trailer | Available Now

Follow Seyran Ateş, one of the first female imams in Europe, as she fights for a sexual revolution. Ateş believes the only way to fight against radical Islam is through Islam - after being shot and threatened, she now lives under constant police protection. What's next in her fight for a more egalitarian interpretation of Islam?

If you wish to purchase this new documentary, click this link and follow the links provided.

Putin’s New Military Commander, General Surovikin, Is a ‘Nasty Piece of Work’

"The latest general to be top, General Surovikin, is a particularly nasty piece of work."

Putin’s new military commander Sergey Surovikin "knows no limit to war", international politics professor Scott Lucas tells #TimesRadio

Professor Tim Wilson: Kwarteng and Truss Have Cheated the Nation

If thee are plans we can see them now- we don’t need to wait till the end of the month! Personally I do not think these plans exist.

Monday, October 10, 2022

أحبك كثيراً يا حبيبي

Ich liebe Dich so sehr, mein Schatz / Je t'aime tellement mon chéri / I love you so much my darling

شكرا لمن ؟؟؟

In Full: Nicola Sturgeon Says Economic Case for Independence Will Come Next Week

Nicola Sturgeon says independence isn't a "miracle cure" for Scotland's economy, but claimed the country "can do so much better than this".

Closing the SNP's annual party conference in Aberdeen, Scotland's first minister said the economic case for independence will be published next Monday as she doubled down on her push for another referendum on 19 October 2023.

Nicola Sturgeon tells SNP conference: ‘We are the independence generation’: First minister promises ‘steady hand on tiller’ while offering reassurance to those opposed to UK exit »

Great speech, Ms. Sturgeon! Scotland deserves its independence. Doesn't Wales deserve independence too? Westminster is a shambles under the Tories; it would be no better under Labour, either. Westminster no longer speaks for the Celtic fringe in this dis-United Kingdom. The English wanted to go it alone; so let them do so! We in the Celtic fringe want to re-join the European Union as independent nations. The Welsh will never have true prosperity being ruled by Westminster. Don’t we in the Celtic fringe deserve better? – © Mark Alexander

UK Announces Sanctions against Iran’s Morality Police

THE GUARDIAN: Move comes in response to violent suppression of protests over death of Mahsa Amini in police custody

Iran's riot police stand in a street in Tehran, Iran on 3 October. Photograph: Wana News Agency/Reuters

Britain has announced sanctions against Iran’s morality police in its entirety as well as its national chief and the head of its Tehran division in response to the violent suppression of protests since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody.

The morality police have been responsible for the street patrols forcing women to wear hijab and attend re-education classes on modesty and chastity. Amini was stopped by the morality police over her clothing while walking in a park in Tehran and taken into detention.

Similar sanctions have already been imposed by the US and are set to be imposed by the EU.

Apart from the Iranian morality police as an institution, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) said sanctions were being slapped on its chief, Mohammed Gachi, and the head of its Tehran division, Haj Ahmad Mirzaei. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Monday, October 10, 2022

Back in the 1960s, feminists in the West burnt their bras. Iranian women today should do something similar: All Iranian women should burn their hijabs/chadors en masse. Take them all to the public square and just burn them! What can the morality police or authorities do if everyone does the same thing? There’d be no hijabs left in the country to wear! Defy the reactionary old fogies! – © Mark Alexander

Nicola Sturgeon: Scottish Independence ‘Makes the Case for Optimism’

THE GUARDIAN: First minister uses SNP conference to promise steady hand compared with Westminster mayhem

Nicola Sturgeon giving her keynote speech on day three of the Scottish National party conference in Aberdeen. Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Nicola Sturgeon has told the Scottish National party’s annual conference that independence makes the “case for optimism” in troubled times, and promised Scotland “a steady and compassionate hand on the tiller”.

The first minister spoke of the “massive responsibility of me and my government” to help Scots through the cost of living crisis, as she spoke to delegates in Aberdeen at the party’s first in-person conference since the pandemic.

Contrasting the UK government’s plans to “bundle [asylum seekers] on to planes like unwanted cargo”, Sturgeon emphasised Scotland’s international responsibility to stand with those in Iran, Afghanistan, Russian [sic], Belarus and Ukraine.

Sturgeon’s blunt assertion that she “detests” the Tories, made on the Laura Kuennsberg TV show on Sunday morning, attracted criticism from opponents and dominated Monday’s front pages, but she did not baulk at describing the tax cutting package announced by the UK government as “unconscionable”. » | Libby Brooks, Scotland correspondent | Monday, October 10, 2022

The Gay Holocaust | Complete Documentary : The Pink Triangles | Reupload

Premiered Jan 21, 2021 • The vastly ignored history of Germany's war on gay men during World War 2. A special note: Trans women were also persecuted but Germany categorized them as gay men so there's no official records to refer to.


The Pink Triangles - The Story of the Gay Holocaust (Complete Documentary) from James Somerton on Vimeo.

This documentary contains material which some people will find very disturbing. Viewer discretion is therefore strongly advised. It is not suitable for children. – Mark Alexander

Pink Triangles

Apr 4, 2020 | A study of prejudice against lesbians and gay men, "Pink Triangles" was one of the very first films to confront the growth of homophobia in American life and served to alert audiences to the danger of scapegoating and violence that can occur in any society. Best Documentary, San Francisco Int'l Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Ignorance abounds! Is there really any hope for humankind? – © Mark Alexander

Risking Death to Tell the Truth: Saudi Arabia’s LGBT+ Community

With the recent takeover of Newcastle United by The Saudi sovereign wealth fund (PIF) more questions over Saudi Arabia’s attitude towards human rights have arisen. Primarily the treatment of the LGBT+ community.

The Athletic Adam Crafton has spoken to LGBT+ people in Saudi Arabia about the awful conditions they live in and what they think of Newcastle's takeover.

Illustrated by Philippe Fenner.

Professor Tim Wilson: Nicola Sturgeon and Liz Truss

Doesn’t matter how much she says it, there is no evidence that Liz truss is listening to anyone.

Iran Executes 2 Gay Men over Sodomy Charges

Feb 2, 2022 | Interview with Peter Tatchell, Director at the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 10, 2022

Das Dritte Reich - Das wahre Gesicht 1938-1945 | Reich und Republik, Folge 5

Die Dokumentarfilm-Reihe "Reich und Republik - Deutsche Geschichte von 1871 bis zur Gegenwart" beschreibt und verdeutlicht mit einzigartigen Aufnahmen die Zeit von der Gründung des Zweiten Deutschen Reiches unter Kaiser Wilhelm und seinem Reichskanzler Bismarck 1871, die Wilhelminische Zeit, die Ereignisse der Zeit, aber auch das alltägliche Leben, Kunst und Kultur, Sport, Persönlichkeiten, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.

Filmmaker Ken Burns Talks about His Latest Series ‘The U.S. and the Holocaust’ | DW News

Washington early summer 1939. In the Caribbean Sea, somewhere between Cuba and Florida, the MS St. Louis is waiting for the green light from Washington to enter Miami.

There are almost 1,000 war refugees on board the ship from Hamburg. Almost all are German Jews who want to get to safety in the USA.

But US President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused entry.

This is a key scene in the three-part TV documentary 'The U.S. and the Holocaust' which argues that although the United States absorbed around 220,000 Jews during World War II, far more could have been saved.

Iran Has One of the World's Highest Execution Rates | DW News

ctober 10 marks World Day against the Death Penalty. A minority of 18 countries still carried out executions in 2021. According to Amnesty International, at least 314 (or 54%) of the 579 registered executions in 2021 were carried out in Iran.

Ukraine War: Explosions Rock Ukrainian Capital Kyiv and Other Cities | DW News

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Iran Protest: Activists Hack State TV as Children Arrested for School Demonstrations

Billy Ocean : There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry) | Official Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 20,169,747

Liz Truss on Verge of Major U-turn on Real-terms Benefits Cut

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Tory MPs warn PM she would lose vote on increasing benefits only in line with earnings rather than inflation

Liz Truss is teetering on the edge of performing another big U-turn as Tory MPs warned she would lose a vote on delivering a real-terms cut to benefits while new research showed the move could push an extra 450,000 people into poverty.

Despite desperate pleas for party unity from senior ministers after weeks of bitter infighting, the row over welfare threatened to overshadow the prime minister’s attempt to reassert her authority when the Commons returns from recess on Tuesday.

Fresh threats of moves to oust Truss if she digs in were also being discussed by MPs over the weekend, while senior Tories, including former chancellor George Osborne, warned the Conservatives ran the risk of a wipeout at the next election for embarking on a “political experiment”. » | Patrick Butler, Social policy editor | Sunday, October 9, 2022

Marvin Gaye : Sexual Healing | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 171,410,734

Loneliness Is Worse for Your Health Than Smoking Cigarettes

New research has revealed that loneliness has a more significant impact on a person's health than smoking cigarettes.

I really, truly believe this. I have never believed that smoking tobacco is as harmful to health as they have made it out to be. Put simply: People have been fed a load of crap!

The devil is in the dose, as it is for everything. Eating and nutrition is essential to life; but if we eat too much, especially certain foods like carbs and sugars, eating is no longer essential to life, but injurious to it.

The old adages, “enjoy everything in moderation” and “a little bit of what you fancy does you good” are important to bear in mind here.

I believe that if we eat nutritious food (and not too much of it), do not overindulge in alcohol, sleep plenty and worry little, a few cigarettes won’t do you too much harm. That is my theory and I am sticking too it.

If you listen to the so-called experts on smoking and tobacco today, you would be forgiven for thinking that enjoying a cigarette is the very worst thing you can do for your health. Smoking has become the bête noire of our age. If you smoke, you will lose all your hair, your teeth will fall out, you will suffer from unhealthy gums (gingivitis), you will probably lose a limb or two and you will cough yourself to death.

I am sure that there are some unfortunate people for whom this scenario might be a reality; and for those people, I feel sorry. But I can assure you that this has not been my experience of smoking. I have smoked twenty cigarettes a day for most of my adult life. Despite this, I have a very full head of very dark hair, a mouthful of teeth, unwrinkled skin, and my eyesight is very good. I have never suffered from a cough either.

Tomorrow is October 10th. It will be six months since I smoked my last cigarette. I have had no cravings since I stopped. However, there is a pleasure missing in my life: the enjoyment of a smoke. For this reason, I am toying with the idea of whether I should take up the habit again. I have yet to decide. I would add that I am sick to death of the bullshit that the medical profession and the politicians feed us re smoking. – © Mark Alexander

British Embassy in Dubai Incurs Wrath of Locals for Flying the Pride Flag

CNN: 'United for Neda' Song

Mams Taylor and a group of Iranian superstars wrote a song honoring a young woman, Neda killed in post-election violence in Iran.


Remembering Neda

Neda Agha-Soltani

With many thanks to the Toronto Star on Pinterest for this photo of Neda, a very courageous Iranian young lady.

’ FOR NEDA reveals the true story of Neda Agha-Soltan, who became another tragic casualty of Iran's violent crackdown on post-election protests on June 20, 2009. Unlike many unknown victims, however, she instantly became an international symbol of the struggle.

This documentary cannot be embedded because it is age-restricted; it must therefore be viewed on YouTube itself.

I remember Neda’s tragic death. It moved the world. Here is a link to the documentary. Be aware: It is not for the faint-hearted. But in my opinion, all those who can watch it, should watch it. It will make us all aware of the needless suffering in Iran.

Furthermore, I am posting this today because Iranian women are currently still suffering so much because of the brutality of the Mullahs and the authorities in that country.

Personally, I think it would be so much better for Iranians if the Peacock Throne were restored, if Iran had a Shah and Shahbanu again. It would bring so much dignity and stability to the country. A Shah ruling as a constitutional monarch? What could be better for Iran in these troubled times? © Mark Alexander

God Loves His Creation: Whether Gay or Even Straight!

God is inerrant… Are you listening all you fundamentalists (of any faith)?

Many thanks to Nola MacGregor on Pinterest for this great quote.

Juste un baiser d'amour

Nur ein liebevoller Kuss / Just a loving kiss

Merci à Juanjobcn sur Pinterest pour cette belle expression d'amour.

Loaded Beef Burger | Jamie Oliver | ONE

Homemade burgers are always a family favourite and this little recipe is the perfect way to treat the family whilst reducing your meat intake. Cheesy, oozy stuffed burgers, this is a recipe you'll come back to time and time again. Recipe from Jamie's latest book ONE.

Iran: Hacktivists Target State TV: What Is Their Message to the Supreme Leader? | DW News

Digital activists supporting Iran's wave of women-led protests have hacked a state television live news broadcast, superimposing flames on the face of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In the meantime, a video shared on social media also appears to show female students chanting "Raisi get lost" during a visit to a university by the country's president, Ebrahim Raisi. It follows four weeks of protest after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while she was in the custody of Iran's morality police.

Iranians Detail Atrocities in Their Home Country

This weekend thousands of people protested in central London against the human rights violations, and atrocities, being committed in Iran - particularly against young women by the morality police.

Down with the Mullahs! Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran! Liberation for Iranians! Let women dress as they wish! Let the people live as they wish! Let the people believe what they wish to believe! Theocracy? What a sick joke! – © Mark Alexander

The Moment Iranian State Television Is Interrupted by Apparent Hack

A broadcast on Iran's state-run television was interrupted by an apparent hack, with images of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini surrounded by flames and chants of 'Woman, Life Freedom' in the background, before returning to a shot of a news presenter. Pictures at the bottom of the screen showed women killed during the ongoing protest movement, including Nika Shakarami, Hadis Najafi, Mahsa Amini and Sarina Esmailzadeh. A caption onscreen read "Join us and stand up!" and "The blood of our youth is dripping from your claws," a reference to Khamenei. Protests across the country have been centred on women’s rights, in particular demands to eschew the hijab, which the theocratic regime enforces as mandatory.

Lien connexe ici.

En Iran, la télévision d’Etat piratée tandis que les manifestations contre le pouvoir entrent dans leur quatrième semaine

LE MONDE : De nouvelles protestations ont été signalées au cours du week-end dans plusieurs universités de Téhéran et dans les régions à majorité kurde du nord du pays, où des manifestants et un membre des gardiens de la révolution ont été tués.

Les manifestations et rassemblements antigouvernementaux en Iran sont entrés dans leur quatrième semaine, avec de nouvelles protestations signalées, samedi 8 et dimanche 9 octobre, dans plusieurs universités de Téhéran et dans les régions à majorité kurde du nord du pays, d’où était originaire Mahsa Amini.

La mort de cette jeune femme de 22 ans, le 16 septembre après son arrestation par la police des mœurs pour un port de voile non réglementaire, a été l’étincelle qui a allumé la contestation. Depuis, les rassemblements quotidiens dans presque toutes les provinces du pays, contre le règlement vestimentaire religieux et plus largement contre le régime théocratique, sont sévèrement réprimés. » | Le Monde avec AP et AFP | Dimanche 9 octobre 2022

Wirtschaftspolitik wie von gestern schadet nur

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Mehrere europäische Länder orientieren sich im 21. Jahrhundert an historischen Ideen, die aus der Zeit gefallen sind. Das verursacht schwere Schäden – auch in Deutschland.

Vor zwei Wochen geriet Großbritannien unversehens in eine schwere Währungskrise. Nach der Ankündigung des größten Entlastungspakets seit fünf Jahrzehnten fiel der Wechselkurs des Pfunds gegenüber dem Dollar auf seinen niedrigsten Stand in der Geschichte. Die Nachricht, die Steuersenkungen sollten überwiegend mit Staatsschulden finanziert werden, ließ die Renditen britischer Staatsanleihen kräftig steigen. Der Internationale Währungsfonds warnte vor verheerenden Folgen. „Solche Dinge geschehen normalerweise in einem Entwicklungsland, aber nicht in einem Mitglied der G-7-Gruppe“, sagte Mohamed El-Erian, ein erfahrener Berater des Versicherungskonzerns Allianz, gegenüber der BBC. Der neuen Premierministerin Liz Truss drohte eine Revolte aus den eigenen Reihen.

London bekam die Krise mühsam in den Griff. Zuerst kündigte die Bank of England Stützungskäufe für den Anleihemarkt an, obgleich sie nicht zu einer Politik der Inflationsbekämpfung passen. Dann nahm die Regierung in einer peinlichen Kehrtwende einen Teil der angekündigten Steuersenkungen zurück. Das Pfund erholte sich, und die Renditen der Anleihen fielen wieder ein Stück. Ob die Krise damit dauerhaft überwunden ist, lässt sich noch nicht beurteilen. » | Von Gerald Braunberger | Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2022

Britain Is Slowly Waking Up to the Truth: Brexit Has Left Us Poorer, Adrift and Alone

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: Now Boris Johnson’s gone, all but the most hardened of leavers have been forced to see through those rosy visions of life outside the EU

Last week, having whiled away two joyous days at the Tories’ conference in Birmingham, I spent a long afternoon an hour’s drive away, in the cathedral city of Worcester. The plan was to sample the mood of the kind of place once considered to hold the key to British elections: remember “Worcester woman”, the swing-voting stereotype talked up in the New Labour years? But I was also there to gather more evidence of how much the UK’s current woes are affecting the kind of average-to-affluent places that might once have weathered any economic storm. » | John Harris | Sunday, October 9, 2022

From Moscow to Tehran, a Crisis of Illiberalism


THE NEW YORK TIMES: The worldview behind Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine assumed the following premises: The West and America are declining, decaying and internally divided. The globalized world is becoming multipolar, with “civilization-states” re-emerging and competing to claim their spheres of influence. And Russia and China in particular represent potent alternatives to Western liberalism that stand ready to contend for global dominance.

As badly as the war has gone for Putin, some of this analysis still holds up. The world has indeed responded to the Ukraine War along multipolar lines. Saudi Arabia’s snub of the Biden administration’s plea to pump more oil is just the latest example of how the anti-Russian coalition is essentially a Western coalition, with India, China and the Arab world playing more cynical and complicated parts.

Meanwhile, the West’s unity, while obviously more impressive than Putin expected, is still a thin netting flung over deeper vulnerabilities. There has been no sustained post-Covid boomtime, no new era of good feelings. The populist wave is not receding; since the war in Ukraine began the European establishment has suffered political disappointments and defeats in Sweden and Hungary and Italy. Two of the governments most committed to the defense of Ukraine, Joe Biden’s administration and Britain’s Tory government, are well underwater in approval polls. Europe has only just begun to feel the cost of its naïve energy policies, and Western economies are caught between measures that feed inflation and solutions that might induce recession. » | Ross Douthat, Opinion Columnist | Saturday, October 8, 2022

Johnson Was Slow-poisoning Arsenic for the Conservatives. Liz Truss Is Instant Cyanide

THE OBSERVER: One month into this PM’s reign and already the chatter is about how to remove her

Liz Truss at the Conservative party conference last week: ‘Never in the field of British politics has a leader become so staggeringly unpopular in such a spectacularly short time.’ Photograph: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

In the wake of the self-devouring carnival of cannibals, the most disastrous Conservative conference anyone can remember, parliament will reconvene this week. Then the dark fun and gory games will really begin.

On paper, Liz Truss commands a hefty Commons majority of 71. In practice, she is a prime minister with a majority of less than zero. We have what is effectively a hung parliament in which the Truss faction is not even the largest party. The good news is that she simply does not have the numbers to implement her crazier notions. The bad news is that we will endure a period of numerous emergencies with a dysfunctional government struggling to do much at all.

She and her chancellor did not abandon their attempt to abolish the top rate of tax because there was some kind of “coup”, the ridiculous assertion of Suella Braverman. They were forced into that tyre-smoking U-turn because giving more to those who already have much in the middle of a cost of living crisis was hated by the public and was not going to get through parliament.

That reverse soothed financial markets a little and headed off a revolt by Tory MPs, but it has also made the position of the prime minister and her chancellor even feebler. … » | Andrew Rawnsley | Sunday, October 9, 2022

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Ungeniert, genießt dieser Mann eine Zigarette. Das sollte normal sein, aber in dieser verkehrten Welt ist es leider nicht mehr so. Machen Sie es doch noch einmal normal sein eine Zigarette qualmen zu können! Es wäre besser als die Alternativen. | Reupload

A young, handsome man enjoying a smoke.

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei We Heart It auf Pinterest.

SNP's Ian Blackford Speaks at Party Conference

The SNP's Westminster leader Ian Blackford is speaking on the first day of the Scottish National Party's conference in Aberdeen.

Westminster no longer speaks for Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Maybe it is high time for the Celtic fringe to take matters into its own hands and re-join the European Union. This obsession with Brexit is largely an obsession born in England; so let England go it alone. Maybe, if the English get lucky, the Americans might want to make England the 51st state of the US of A. – © Mark Alexander

Conor Burns Sacked after Being Seen ‘Touching Young Man’s Thigh’, Witness Says

THE OBSERVER: Tory minister, who denies any wrongdoing, reported for incident in hotel bar during party’s conference

Conor Burns has vowed to clear his name following the allegation. Photograph: Andrew Matthews/PA

The trade minister Conor Burns was sacked from the government and suspended as a Conservative MP after he was seen touching a young man’s thigh in a Tory conference hotel bar, it has been claimed.

According to the BBC on Saturday, an eyewitness said the former minister was seen with the man in the early hours of Tuesday in the Hyatt Regency hotel bar in Birmingham, which was a popular venue for conference attenders. Burns has denied any wrongdoing.

However, the individual concerned has not spoken about what happened and Downing Street has not commented on the exact circumstances of the sacking. The BBC said that an eyewitness claimed to have seen Burns with his hand on the young man’s thigh, adding that others had also seen it. The eyewitness said Burns was told to stop what he was doing – a claim disputed by friends of Burns. » | Michael Savage and Miranda Bryant | Saturday, October 8, 2022