Showing posts with label Empress Farah Pahlavi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Empress Farah Pahlavi. Show all posts

Monday, January 06, 2025

"End This Regime": An Interview with Farah Pahlavi, Empress of Iran | Reupload

Jul 27, 2024 | Farah Pahlavi, Empress of Iran, is the widow of the late Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Rafael Pinto Borges recently spoke with her about her life, today's Iran, and her hope for the future. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, she continued in her deep devotion to charitable work. Today, she divides her time between Paris and Washington DC

Friday, January 03, 2025

Farah Diba Pahlavi : La dernière Impératrice

Jun 9, 2024 | Farah Diba Pahlavi: Portrait of the last Empress of Iran

Born in 1938 in Tehran, Farah Diba met the Iranian monarch Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in Paris, while she was an architecture student.

By marrying him, she became the third wife of the last shah, and the first empress in the history of Iran upon her husband's coronation. The young sovereign then became a popular international figure, notably for her charisma and her commitment to numerous social projects, which made her a driving force for modernization for the country. But she also suffers the disapproval aroused by her husband's repressive regime.

In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini took power and established an Islamic Republic. The imperial family flees. After the death of the Shah in 1980, the former empress retired to Paris where destiny continued to rage against her. In 2001, his youngest daughter, Leila, took her own life.

Ten years later, it was the turn of his youngest son, Ali-Reza. Tracing her tumultuous life, the documentary follows Farah Pahlavi in Paris, then on trips to Egypt and Venice. Archive documents, unpublished photographs and private amateur films animate this portrait.

“Farah Diba Pahlavi, the last empress”
Director: Géro Von Boehm
© ARTE - Interscience GmbH - 2018

Monday, October 14, 2024

End This Regime": An Interview with Farah Pahlavi, Empress of Iran

Jul 27, 2024 | Farah Pahlavi, Empress of Iran, is the widow of the late Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Rafael Pinto Borges recently spoke with her about her life, today's Iran, and her hope for the future. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, she continued in her deep devotion to charitable work. Today, she divides her time between Paris and Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"End This Regime": An Interview with Farah Pahlavi, Empress of Iran

Premiered Jul 27, 2024 | Farah Pahlavi, Empress of Iran, is the widow of the late Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Rafael Pinto Borges recently spoke with her about her life, today's Iran, and her hope for the future. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, she continued in her deep devotion to charitable work. Today, she divides her time between Paris and Washington, D.C.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

DW Interview with Empress Farah Pahlavi of Iran

Jan 15, 2017 | Empress Farah Pahlavi, speaks with DW’s Yalda Zarbakhch about her country and about Tehran's fabled modern art collection that she helped to assemble.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Iran's Exiled Crown Prince, Former Empress on i24NEWS

Iran's exiled crown prince Reza Pahlavi and former empress Farah Diba Pahlavi speak to Christian about the state of affairs in Iran and the possibility of democracy in the country.


Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran

Farah Pahlavi, former Empress of Iran

Thursday, October 06, 2022

Iran: Women, Life, Freedom

Here, the Shahbanu (Empress [Farah Pahlavi]) speaks about the protests currently taking place throughout Iran. I do not speak Farsi, but I post this video on my blog today for the people who do understand the language.

Related articles and videos in English, French and German here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

BILDSTRECKE: Die Gewalt an Frauen in Iran löst weltweite Proteste aus: In Zürich, Berlin, Istanbul und anderen Städten gehen die Menschen auf die Strasse, aus Solidarität mit den Iranerinnen und Iranern, die seit Wochen ein Ende des Kopftuchzwangs und der Unterdrückung in der Islamischen Republik fordern. »

Monday, November 01, 2021

The Contemporary History of Iran

This interesting discussion cannot be embedded on websites. It is available only on YouTube. The discussion can be listened to here.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kaiserkrönung in Teheran: Aus der NZZ vom 26. Oktober 1967

NZZ ONLINE: 1967 krönt Schah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi an seinem 48. Geburtstag sich und seine Frau Farah Diba zum Kaiser und zur Kaiserin von Persien. Nach einem Gebet in arabischer Sprache umgürtet sich Reza Pahlevi mit einem Smaragdgürtel und setzt sich die Krone aufs Haupt. Die NZZ beschreibt am 26. Oktober die feierliche Krönungszerermonie und zitiert die Ansprache des Schahs. >>> | Montag, 26. Oktober 2009

Kaiserkrönung in Tehran >>> ag (AFP) | Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 1967

The Coronation of Teheran: Farah Is Crowned >>>

Iran Chamber Society: Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi: Arya Mehr and Shahanshah (King of the Kings) >>>

Coronation HIM Mohamad Reza Shah Pahlavi

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Iran's Exiled Queen Speaks

THE DAILY BEAST – BLOG: As protesters flood Iran’s streets, Farah Pahlavi—the deposed empress—recalls the lessons of the 1979 uprising that led to her husband’s painful exile. A conversation with The Daily Beast.

Empress Farah Pahlavi, née Farah Diba

Farah Diba Pahlavi, the former queen of Iran, remembers all too well the last time Iranian youths poured into the streets of Tehran, chanting, throwing rocks, and demanding change: It was the start of the revolution against her husband, the shah of Iran, which ultimately forced the royal couple into exile in 1979 and plunged her life into chaos.

Thirty years later, Pahlavi, who now lives in Paris, feels a new optimism as YouTube and Twitter bring news of the uprising in Tehran’s streets. She’s hopeful that she is watching the beginning of the end of Iran’s theocracy—and the three decades of repressive Islamic rule that followed her husband’s departure.

During her reign as Iran’s queen, Pahlavi was the Jackie O. of Iran—a graceful, glamorous figure known as an emphatic advocate for the arts. And even as her husband’s support waned as a result of his autocratic rule, his harsh treatment of political enemies, and close ties with the U.S., she was still admired for her glamour and warmth.

But a new HBO documentary has forced Pahlavi to come to terms with some of the grievances against her husband’s rule. The Queen and I, which airs on Wednesday, is the work of Nahid Persson Sarvestani, an Iranian revolutionary who wanted to reconcile her glamorous childhood image of Farah Diba with the monarch who caused so much pain and suffering for their people. She sought out Pahlavi, who agreed to participate. >>> The Daily Beast | Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Photo Gallery >>>

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Interview with Farah Pahlavi

Official site of Empress Farah Pahlavi >>>
Film: The Queen and I – a Trailer

When Nahid Persson Sarvestani, an Iranian exile, set out to make a documentary about Farrah, the wife of the shah of Iran, she expected to encounter her opposite. As a child, Persson Sarvestani had lived in dire poverty, watching Farrah’s wedding as if it were a fairy tale. As a teenager, she joined the Communist faction of Khomeini’s revolution that deposed the shah, sending him and his family volleying from country to country. When Khomeini betrayed his promise for democracy, imposing more violent measures than the shah had, Persson Sarvestani was also forced to flee. Thirty years later, she needs key questions answered and goes directly to the source. Surprisingly, Queen Farrah welcomes her as a fellow refugee from their beloved homeland, granting unprecedented access. Over the next year and a half, Persson Sarvestani enters the queen’s world, planning to challenge the shah’s ideology; instead, she must rethink her own. When Persson Sarvestani’s prior opposition to the shah surfaces, the queen shuts down filming. Yet, in the struggle to understand each other’s experiences, an unlikely friendship has blossomed. Confronting Farrah about the shah’s repression has become not only a political conflict but a personal one, and Persson Sarvestani’s objectivity is shaken.In this gripping, poignant consideration of subjectivity as truth, we learn that people write history. And can also heal it. The Queen and I couldn’t be more relevant as we reach across our own political aisles. [Source: 7th Art Releasing]