Showing posts with label Neda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neda. Show all posts

Sunday, October 09, 2022

CNN: 'United for Neda' Song

Mams Taylor and a group of Iranian superstars wrote a song honoring a young woman, Neda killed in post-election violence in Iran.


Remembering Neda

Neda Agha-Soltani

With many thanks to the Toronto Star on Pinterest for this photo of Neda, a very courageous Iranian young lady.

’ FOR NEDA reveals the true story of Neda Agha-Soltan, who became another tragic casualty of Iran's violent crackdown on post-election protests on June 20, 2009. Unlike many unknown victims, however, she instantly became an international symbol of the struggle.

This documentary cannot be embedded because it is age-restricted; it must therefore be viewed on YouTube itself.

I remember Neda’s tragic death. It moved the world. Here is a link to the documentary. Be aware: It is not for the faint-hearted. But in my opinion, all those who can watch it, should watch it. It will make us all aware of the needless suffering in Iran.

Furthermore, I am posting this today because Iranian women are currently still suffering so much because of the brutality of the Mullahs and the authorities in that country.

Personally, I think it would be so much better for Iranians if the Peacock Throne were restored, if Iran had a Shah and Shahbanu again. It would bring so much dignity and stability to the country. A Shah ruling as a constitutional monarch? What could be better for Iran in these troubled times? © Mark Alexander