Wednesday, June 28, 2023

No Job, No Marriage, No Kid: China’s Workers and the Curse of 35

THE NEW YORK TIMES: It’s widely discussed in China: Employers don’t want you after 35. Some job listings say it plainly, leaving a generation of prime-age workers feeling defeated.

When Sean Liang turned 30, he started thinking of the Curse of 35 — the widespread belief in China that white-collar workers like him confront unavoidable job insecurity after they hit that age. In the eyes of employers, the Curse goes, they’re more expensive than new graduates and not as willing to work overtime.

Mr. Liang, now 38, is a technology support professional turned personal trainer. He has been unemployed for much of the past three years, partly because of the pandemic and China’s sagging economy. But he believes the main reason is his age. He’s too old for many employers, including the Chinese government, which caps the hiring age for most civil servant positions at 35. If the Curse of 35 is a legend, it’s one supported by some facts.

“I work out, so I look pretty young for my age,” he said in an interview. “But in the eyes of society, people like me are obsolete.” » | Li Yuan | Wednesday, June 28, 2023

PBS Newshour: How an Aging Population Poses Challenges for US Economy, Workforce and Social Programs

Jun 27, 2023 | New numbers from the Census Bureau show the U.S. population is older than it’s ever been, with the nation’s median age over 38. William Brangham spoke with Philip Bump and Wendy Edelberg about how an older America could pose significant challenges for the economy, workforce and social programs in the years to come.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Critique de livre : La reine Victoria par Philippe Chassaigne

Ce livre est une lecture agréable et édifiante. En le lisant, j'ai beaucoup appris sur la reine Victoria et le prince allemand Albert qui est né dans le duché saxon de Saxe-Cobourg Saalfeld. Il est devenu prince consort de la reine Victoria. La reine Victoria et le prince consort partageaient un amour profond.

Avant le mariage d'Albert avec Victoria, il y avait des spéculations sur la sexualité d'Albert, semble-t-il, car il était étroitement et exclusivement attaché à son précepteur Christoph Florshütz.

Malgré les spéculations, le prince Albert et la reine Victoria entretenaient une relation étroite et aimante, semble-t-il. Ce livre aborde des détails fascinants sur la reine et le prince consort.

La reine Victoria était très petite et en tant que jeune femme, mais aimait beaucoup les plaisirs de la table, un penchant que le prince Albert ne partageait apparemment pas. En raison de l'amour de la reine pour la nourriture, sa circonférence a considérablement augmenté au fil des années.
Le règne de la reine Victoria fut long et fascinant. Ce livre la montre très sympathique et attachante.

C'est un monarque de l'histoire britannique dont je savais assez peu de choses. Je suis donc ravie d'avoir acheté ce livre sur C'est une lecture tellement intéressante que je la lis pour la deuxième fois. L'auteur donne vraiment vie à la reine. Il en est de même pour Albert.

Le livre fait 303 pages. Je recommande ce livre à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à cette période de l'histoire.

Mark Alexander

Pour voir ce livre sur, cliquez ici.

Joram van Klaveren: From the Dutch Far-right to Islam | The InnerView

Dec 19, 2022 | When a far-right Dutch politician set about trying to write a book to debunk the “evil ideology” of Islam, he began a journey that saw him becoming a Muslim. Joram van Klaveren, once seen as the heir apparent to anti-Islam ideologue Geert Wilders, speaks to The InnerView about disavowing his previous views and “falling in love” with Islam.

Jamal - Family, Conditional Love, and Leaving Islam | Reupload

240,855 views | What does it mean to lose faith within the context of an American Somali family? Jamal talks about his loss of faith as a teenager and how his family reacted to his apostasy.

The Lincoln Project: The Best People

Jun 20, 2023 | The 'best people' according to Donald Trump: the ones who choose him over America.

What If You're Amish and Gay?

Apr 18, 2023 | How do the Amish view homosexuality? What happens to gay people in Amish society? Is there such a thing as "gay Amish"?

1911: When New Yorkers Dressed with Style and Elegance

Click here to see elegance on the streets of New York.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 27, 2023

Abu Hilalain: Inside Saudi Arabia’s Crackdown on Captagon, an Arab News Documentary

Jun 26, 2023 | “Abu Hilalain: Inside the Kingdom’s Crackdown on Captagon”, Arab News’s debut documentary provides a revealing insight into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s unwavering commitment to combating the spread of Captagon. Drawing upon the deep dive investigation published by Arab News in February 2023, the film offers a rare opportunity to witness previously unseen footage and gain a behind-the-scenes perspective on the team’s intrepid reporting as well as Saudi Arabia’s determination to eradicate this menace.

The Fall of Margaret Thatcher | John Major | Leading

Jun 27, 2023 | A clip of former Prime Minister John Major outlining what he believes to be the reason for Margaret Thatcher's downfall.

The Treaty of Versailles: The Peacemakers

Mar 1, 2016 | This BBC documentary entitled "The Peacemakers" is an in-depth study of the Versailles Treaty of 1919. It provides some fine insight into the process, the politics, the problems and the impact of that infamous settlement. This is ideal for students of this period. Due to a music copyright claim, some sections of the film have been muted.

Ibaad: Science vs. Faith

May 16, 2017

Soaring Number of Rough Sleepers in London ‘Extremely Alarming’

THE GUARDIAN: GLA data reveals over 1,700 more people on the streets compared with last year amid cost of living crisis

Rough sleeping is soaring in London, with over 1,700 more people on the streets than last year – a 21% rise, according to figures from the Greater London Authority (GLA).

The increase from 8,329 people seen sleeping rough in 2021-22 to 10,053 in 2022-23 was described as “categorically terrible” by Rick Henderson, the chief executive of the Homeless Link frontline charity, and “extremely alarming” by Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London. » | Robert Booth, Social affairs correspondent | Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Good God! The Tories have made a bloody mess of the United Kingdom! It’s an omnishambles! – © Mark Alexander

Huda: Leaving Islam as a Family

Oct 13, 2017 | Huda and her parents speak about their journey away from Islam. How it has affected their lives and family bonds.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Meghan Labeled Untalented as Fallout from Collapse of Spotify Deal Rumbles On

THE GUARDIAN: Entertainment executive Jeremy Zimmer reportedly said: ‘Turns out Meghan Markle was not a great audio talent, or necessarily any kind of talent’

The Duchess of Sussex had a $20m podcast deal alongside her husband Prince Harry with Spotify until it was terminated this month. Photograph: Samir Hussein/WireImage

A wave of criticism directed at the Duchess of Sussex after the collapse of her podcast deal with Spotify has gathered pace, with a leading Hollywood agent labeling Meghan “untalented”.

Jeremy Zimmer, chief executive of the United Talent Agency (UTA), reportedly made the comments during a discussion on podcasting, and the role of celebrities, at an advertising festival in Cannes, France, according to a report by the Semafor webite. » | Guardian staff | Nonday, June 26, 2023

Vladimir Putin Gives TV Address Following Wagner Mutiny - BBC News

Jun 26, 2023 | Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a TV address following a short-lived rebellion from the Wagner mercenary group. He said steps were taken to avoid major bloodshed during the rebellion, but it took time. The Russian leader accused the organisers of the mutiny of wanting Russian society to "drown in blood". Wagner fighters can sign a contract with the Russian military, return to their families, or move to Belarus, President Putin said.

Homosexuality in the Islamic World | Al Muqaddimah | مقدّمة | Reupload

Premiered May 6, 2022

WIKIPEDIA: Al Muqaddimah.

The Trouble with Chicken | Full Documentary | FRONTLINE

Nov 17, 2021 | In FRONTLINE’s “The Trouble with Chicken,” correspondent David E. Hoffman investigates how and why the standards and laws around Salmonella have failed to keep up with the increasing danger posed by some strains of the bacteria.The film looks closely at one of the largest Salmonella poultry outbreaks on record, when chicken from Foster Farms sickened more than 600 people over 16 months. Delving into the complex world of food safety, the investigation reveals a seeming contradiction: even though hundreds of people were falling ill, Foster Farms was still meeting the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) standards for Salmonella contamination.

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, Had Surgery for Breast Cancer

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ms. Ferguson, the ex-wife of Prince Andrew, had a single mastectomy after a routine mammogram. A spokesperson said her prognosis was good.

Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram. | Kate Green/Getty Images

Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York and ex-wife of Prince Andrew, the disgraced son of Queen Elizabeth II, underwent a single mastectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis, she said during an episode of her podcast that was released Monday.

She received the diagnosis after a routine mammogram, she said during the episode of “Tea Talks With the Duchess & Sarah,” a new weekly podcast that she hosts with the entrepreneur Sarah Thomson. Ms. Ferguson did not say when the operation occurred but noted that the podcast was being recorded the day before it was to take place. Ms. Ferguson displayed no symptoms and did not find a lump, according to the podcast.

“It’s very important that I speak about it,” said Ms. Ferguson, 63, noting that both her father and stepfather died from cancer.

“I’m telling people out there because I want every person listening to this podcast to get checked,” she said. » | Claire Moses, Reporting from London | Monday, June 26, 2023

Russia Latest: Wagner Leader Prigozhin Speaks for First Time Following Mutiny - BBC News

Jun 26, 2023 | Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin has just posted an 11-minute audio message, speaking for the first time since the weekend’s aborted Wagner Group rebellion. In the message, he says his men headed to Moscow to "hold to account" leaders he blamed for "mistakes" in the Ukraine war. He denied his "march for justice" was aimed at toppling Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In his first remarks since his revolt, Prigozhin claims he wasn’t trying to overthrow Putin.: The Kremlin had said an investigation into Yevgeny V. Prigozhin’s role in the brief uprising against Russia’s military command was dropped, but Russian news media reports say the case remains open. »

Claudia Roden's Mediterranean Cooking (c.1986)

May 9, 2016 | As randomly found at the end of a Betamax tape! – Xanthein

Cole and Kent | Our Real-Life Gay Mormon Love Story | Reupload

Premiered Nov 10, 2021

Potato Croquettes on a Stick | Akis Petretzikis

Jun 26, 2023

Get the recipe here (in English) and here (in Greek).

Mutiny in Russia: Nina Khrushcheva on How the Wagner Revolt Exposes Putin’s Weakness

One Year after Dobbs, Abortion Access Dangerously Limited as Support for Abortion Spikes Nationwide

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 23, 2023

‘We Can’t Rest or Relent’: Pence Reiterates Support of Staunch Abortion Restrictions

THE GUARDIAN: Former vice-president hails Dobbs decision as ‘historic victory’ but says it didn’t go far enough and urges a nationwide abortion ban

Republican presidential candidate and former vice=president Mike Pence speaks during a Celebrate Life Day rally outside the Lincoln Memorial, on Saturday, in Washington. Photograph: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Despite their unpopularity with the American public, former Republican vice-president and 2024 White House hopeful Mike Pence doubled down Sunday on his hard-line support of staunch abortion restrictions, saying: “We just can’t rest or relent until we restore the sanctity of life.”

Pence – in an interview on Fox News Sunday – made clear that he viewed bringing the elimination of abortion “to the center of American law” as both essential and “a winning issue” for the Republican party trying to wrest back control of the Oval Office.

“I’m pro-life, and I don’t apologize for it,” Pence boasted to host Shannon Bream, even though polling shows most Americans favor keeping the termination of pregnancies legal in most cases. » | Ramon Antonio Vargas | Monday, June 26, 2023

Such hypocrisy! Such concern for embryos and the yet-to-be-born. Such lack of concern for schoolchildren being shot by the dozen because of America's out-of-control gun ownership and unwillingness to control the ownership of guns strictly. Such conern for the embryo; such lack of conern for the pregnant mothers.

It would appear that the USA is falling into a state of benightedness and darkness. Even Saudi Arabia allows abortions in certain circumstances!

This development in the States shows me, and should show you, that the USA is losing its pole position and hegemony in the world. Who in his right mind would want to follow the USA if it carries on with this sort of insanity? – © Mark Alexander

Saudi Arabia Becomes Unlikely Sports Hub amid Sportswashing Accusations | 60 Minutes

Jun 26, 2023 | Saudi Arabia says its massive investment in sports is part of a larger strategy to transform its economy. Jon Wertheim investigates if it’s about transformation, or sportswashing human rights abuses.

Zeigt die kurze Revolte Risse in Putins Macht?

Jun 26, 2023 | Die Wagner-Söldner wurden von den russischen Medien einst als Helden der Invasion in der Ukraine gefeiert. Doch seit Monaten übt ihr Chef Jewgeni Prigoschin heftige Kritik an der russischen Militärführung. © REUTERS, DPA

This Ex-doctor Turned Activist Is on a Mission to Create a More Inclusive Healthcare System

Jun 26, 2023 | Fighting for inclusion and better treatment for trans and genderqueer people by the healthcare profession is an overriding passion for Dr Jo Hartland. Their work inspires us, which is why they're being honoured at the Attitude Pride Awards, in association with Magnum.

Where is Russian President Vladimir Putin? – BBC News

Jun 26, 2023 | Russian President Vladimir Putin’s whereabouts remain unknown following the short-lived rebellion from the Wagner mercenary group. There has been speculation that the Russian leader fled Moscow during the crisis after his presidential jets were tracked leaving the city. The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the events show the cracks in Mr Putin's authority. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner mercenary group, has left Russia for Belarus after abandoning his advance on Moscow.

Guerre en Ukraine, en direct : « Beaucoup de Russes revendiquent le droit de ne pas se poser de questions, de se réfugier dans une confiance aveugle au président » : Le chef du Kremlin apparaît fragilisé après la tentative de rébellion de la société paramilitaire privée, samedi. Benoît Vitkine, journaliste du « Monde » en Russie, a répondu à vos questions. »

Sunday, June 25, 2023

German Parliament Passes New Immigration Law to Tackle Shortage of Skilled Workers | DW News

Jun 23, 2023 | The German Bundestag on Friday (June 23) finally passed a new immigration law reform designed to encourage more people from outside the European Union to come to Germany for work.

A major new innovation under the law is a new "opportunity card" and its associated points system, which allows foreigners who don't yet have a job lined up to come to Germany for a year to find employment.

A prerequisite for receiving a card will be a vocational qualification or university degree.

The cards will be awarded to those who fulfill a certain number of conditions, for which they will be awarded points: These could be German and/or English language skills, existing ties to Germany, and the potential of accompanying life partners or spouses on the German labor market.

The opportunity card will also permit casual work for up to 20 hours a week while looking for a qualified job, as well as probationary employment.


Christopher Hitchens, God and Cancer

Aug 6, 2023 | Hitch-22 - Christopher Hitchens, God And Cancer. Anderson Cooper's interview, CNN AC360°, 5 August 2010, with author and outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens on his cancer diagnosis and whether it has changed his thoughts on God.

One Killed and Several Injured in Stockholm as Rollercoaster Derails

THE GUARDIAN: Witnesses say Jetline ride, which reaches 55mph and heights of 30 metres, partly left the tracks

One person has been killed and nine injured, including children, in a rollercoaster accident at an amusement park in Stockholm.

Witnesses said the Jetline ride at the Gröna Lund theme park had partly derailed during a ride on Sunday, sending people crashing to the ground.

“This is tragic and shocking, and regrettably we’ve learned that one person has died,” Gröna Lund spokesperson Annika Troselius told public broadcaster SVT. » | Reuters in Stockholm | Sunday, June 25, 2023

Governments Advised to Cut Public Spending or Raise Taxes to Curb Inflation

THE GUARDIAN: Bank of International Settlements warns that economies, such as in the UK, need policies to cool price growth

Governments must raise taxes or cut public spending after central banks kept interest rates too low for too long in the face of higher inflation, according to the Bank of International Settlements.

Closing the gap between government income and expenditure would “calm inflation”, according to the annual report from the Basel-based organisation, which advises 63 central banks covering 95% of global economic output.

Governments that embarked on spending cuts or tax rises would reduce business and consumer demand and be a critical part of the “last leg” in the battle to tame inflation, which despite an intense run of interest rate rises by central banks around the world is far from over, the institution warned in a press release alongside the annual report. This final drive would also be the “hardest” however, in the fight to cool the sharp rate of price growth.

Amid concerns that the UK economy is already heading into a recession after a succession of sharp interest rate rises, the BIS took a tough line, saying higher taxes and lower spending could “contain financial instability risks in several ways”. » | Anna Isaac | Sunday, June 25, 2023

Istanbuls queere Szene trotzt der Polizei


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die LGBTQ-Gemeinde in der Türkei steht unter Druck, seit Erdogan sie als Feindbild nutzt. In Istanbul versammelten sich Aktivisten, um dagegen zu protestieren.

In der Türkei zu demonstrieren ist eine Sache von Minuten. Länger dauert es meistens nicht, bis die Polizei eingreift und die Teilnehmer abführt. Doch diesmal waren die Organisatoren des alljährlichen „Pride“-Marsches vorbereitet. Während die Behörden am Sonntag die Straßen rund um den symbolträchtigen Taksim-Platz weiträumig absperrten, mehrere U-Bahnhöfe schlossen und Hundertschaften der Polizei aufmarschieren ließen, trafen sich die Teilnehmer der LGBTQ-Parade einfach im Nachbarbezirk Sisli. Bis zuletzt hatten die Organisatoren den Versammlungsort geheim gehalten. Nur ausgewählte Personen wurden über das Netzwerk Telegram informiert.

Entsprechend klein war die Zahl der Teilnehmer. Den Videos zufolge, die im Internet verbreitet wurden, waren es etwas mehr als hundert. „Ob ihr uns findet oder nicht, wir sind zusammen“, schrieben die Organisatoren auf Twitter. » | Von Friederike Böge, Ankara | Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023

Istanbul gay pride activists stage annual rally in defiance of ban: Hundreds of demonstrators wave rainbow flags a month after the homophobic and hate-filled election campaign »

A Istanbul, la Marche des fiertés a réuni quelques centaines de personnes, malgré l’interdiction : Les organisateurs ont rapporté une quarantaine d’interpellations dès le début des rassemblements, mais ce nombre n’a pas été confirmé de source officielle turque. »

Did Jesus Even Claim to Be God? Bart Ehrman Says No...

Jun 19, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War: The Women Standing Up against Vladimir Putin | 60 Minutes Australia

Jun 25, 2023 | He has killed thousands of soldiers and civilians and flattened countless towns and villages, but 17 months on from his illegal invasion of the Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is still a long way from victory. It’s a major embarrassment for the Russian bully, who originally expected to win the war within days.

And now, along with the defiant Ukrainian forces, Putin is also facing other formidable foes. Tom Steinfort travels to north-eastern Europe to meet a group of fearless females, including the prime ministers of Finland and Estonia, who despite the dangers are bravely standing up to the dictator, determined to play their part in his defeat.

The Kennedy Curse - Full Documentary of the Kennedy Family

Jul 20, 2022 | The Kennedy curse is a series of premature deaths, accidents, assassinations, and other calamities involving members of the American Kennedy family. The alleged curse has primarily struck the children and descendants of businessman Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., but it has also affected family friends, associates, and other relatives. Political assassinations and plane crashes have been the most common manifestations of the "curse". Following the Chappaquiddick incident in 1969, Ted Kennedy is quoted saying he questioned if "some awful curse did actually hang over all the Kennedys".

Obaid: "How Weak Is Your God?" | Reupload

Dec 9, 2026 | Born in India and raised in Canada, Obaid began questioning faith at a young age - early-on his sense of wonder was kindled by Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and science classes. Moved by the rationality and logic of evidence-based thinking and a scientific worldview, he stopped believing entirely by the time he was 16 years old.

Obaid’s line of work has taken him across the globe: he has spent time in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sudan and Haiti. He learned first-hand how damaging sectarian violence can be to a society, experiences which led to him realizing the dangers of faith.

Today, Obaid is an unflinching advocate for free speech and inquiry. He sees religion to be inherently opposed to free thought and speech, which he considers the best tools to break free from the chains of faith.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Sarra: I Will Not Be Erased by Islam

Dec 24, 2016 | Born in Tunisia, Sarra witnessed radical changes in the practice of Islam in her homeland, transitioning from a more peaceful religion infused with Tunisian folk-culture to a stricter, more literal version.

She began to doubt her faith when she discovered philosophy and began studying history and logic. By the age of 21, she no longer considered herself a believer.

Since leaving the faith, Sarra wants to use her freedom and skills to help others. She started an online group for Tunisians who are struggling with Islam to connect with each other and offer support.

Wagner Forces Halt Advance on Moscow after Calls for Rebellion – BBC News

Jun 24, 2023 | Wagner mercenaries have halted their advance on Moscow, after claiming to get within 200km of the Russian capital. Leader Yevgeny Prigozhin has put out a voice note on his Telegram channel saying he has agreed to stop “to avoid bloodshed”, and it comes after talks between Prigozhin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, who is understood to have been involved in “de-escalating” the situation. But, after President Putin’s televised statement, in which he described the day’s events as “a knife in the back of our people”, it is unclear what the future holds for Prigozhin and Wagner, who have been a key part of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

What’s happening in Russia? Here’s what we know.: A powerful mercenary chief sent his forces on the move against the Russian military establishment, raising tensions in the country to a level not seen in decades. »

Putin embraced turmoil, and now it is rattling his leadership.: For more than two decades, the system helped President Vladimir V. Putin secure his unrivaled authority, ensuring that he personally held the keys to wealth and influence in modern Russia. »

Why Is Diabetes Spreading around the World? | Inside Story

Jun 24, 2023 | The number of adults living with diabetes worldwide will more than double by 2050 -- surpassing most diseases on a global scale. That’s according to a study published in the Lancet medical journal.

The research reveals more than half a billion people currently live with diabetes worldwide, and every country is expected to see a major increase.

Rapidly rising levels of obesity and widening inequalities in healthcare are identified as key factors.

Will the world heed the warning and address the diabetes threat? And can a healthier future be secured for everyone?

Presenter: Folly Bah Thibault

Guests :

Dr. Rayaz Malik - Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar and a pioneering researcher of diabetes.
Dr. Shivani Agarwa - Associate Professor of Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Lead author on one of the Lancet reports.
Mohammad Dabbah - Head of Artifical Intelligence at sports data provider Statsbomb.

This is NOT a technology problem! This is a dietary problem! Eat the right foods in the right quantity and you will avoid type-2 diabetes. – © Mark Alexander

Ex-Muslim: This Is a Difficult Conversation | Sarah Haider

May 28, 2023 | Sarah Haider is a Pakistani-American writer, public speaker, and political activist. She created the advocacy group Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA), which seeks to normalise religious dissent and to help former Muslims leave the religion by linking them to support networks.


WIKIPEDIA: Sarah Haider.

Sarah Haider on Substack here.

Big Fat Nutrition Policy | Nina Teicholz

Apr 4, 2019 | The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet

Nina Teicholz is the investigative journalist who, in her book The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet, overturned 40 years of official dietary advice and showed that meat, cheese, and butter are nutritious and need not be avoided.

At this event, Ms. Teicholz will tell of her discovery of the systematic distortion of dietary advice by expert scientists, government and big business to the detriment of the health of Americans. She will chronicle the succession of unfortunate discoveries she made, and she will describe how the Nutrition Coalition, a non-profit, bipartisan group which she founded and directs, works to educate policy makers about the need for reform of nutrition policy so that it is evidence-based.

Truth To Power: The 7-Year Brexit Itch: A Radical Shift In Public Sentiment

Jun 24, 2023 | This week saw the 7th anniversary of that fateful advisory referendum asking a Yes/No question on an extremely complex issue that most of the electorate had very little understanding of. They didn’t realise they were voting to enforce a customs border down the Irish sea. They didn’t know they were voting to end their own right to work and live in 27 other countries. it didn’t occur to them that they were voting to erect barriers to trade between Britain and the rest of Europe - not to mention within the UK itself. But we’ve had enough of experts, they were told, and once that lie was firmly embedded in the brains of 52% of the population, they were easily convinced to vote against their own interests by a combination of jingoism, lies, and a law-breaking Leave campaign financed with Russian money. Where has that led us to on the 7th birthday of the fateful vote?

Michael Lambert: 'Global Britain''s Economy Struggles with High Inflation and a Plethora of Other Problems

Jun 24, 2023 | The British economy continues to face seemingly impossible problems: falling exports; little or no inward investment; firms moving to the EU; the biggest fall in living standards since the 50's; the lowest state pensions in the EU; the highest taxes since WW2; and the highest inflation in the the EU. Despite all this, the government shows no sign of having any idea of how to solve the economic problems Britain faces. Rishi Sunak is weak and clueless.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Warum ein neues Bundesgesetz Einwanderung leichter machen soll | DW News

Jun 23, 2023 | Man merkt es an allen Ecken und Enden in Deutschland: in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeeinrichtungen, in IT-Abteilungen, in Handwerksfirmen, in Schulen, überall fehlen Menschen, die gute Arbeit machen. Die deutsche Wirtschaft ruft schon lange nach qualifizierten Arbeitskräften, während die Bevölkerung nur durch Zugewanderte vor dem Schrumpfen bewahrt wird. Bis 2035 könnten sage und schreibe 7 Millionen Arbeitskräfte fehlen, wenn nicht mehr Menschen für Jobs in Deutschland gewonnen werden. Die Bundesregierung hat deshalb ein neues Fachkräfte-Einwanderungsgesetz auf den Weg gebracht.

With Even Leavers Regretting Brexit, There’s One Path Back to Rejoining the EU

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: It seems only a matter of time before we reverse this national act of self-harm. Especially if we learn from Nigel Farage
The Rejoin the EU rally, London, 25 March 2023. Photograph: Sinai Noor/REX/Shutterstock

Let Nigel Farage be our inspiration, let John Redwood be our role model. Not the way they would want, revered as the founding fathers of Brexit, toasted on this day every year as the men who led us to glorious independence from the hated empire of Brussels. Of course not that. On the contrary, 23 June 2016 is a milestone in our national story that evokes sadness and regret rather than celebration.

We don’t need to rehearse on this seventh anniversary all the ways in which Brexit has disappointed even those who voted for it. Farage and Redwood, along with Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rest, promised increased prosperity, cheaper food, flourishing trade and a flush NHS. They said we’d be free of all that tedious European red tape and would take back control of our borders, encouraging anyone agitated by immigration to believe that fewer people would come in. There would be no downside, only upsides. As David Davis pledged soon after the vote, our exit deal would “deliver the exact same benefits” as EU membership. » | Jonathan Freedland | Friday, June 23, 2023

Lima’s Central Restaurant Named World’s Best in Boost for Peruvian Cuisine

THE GUARDIAN: Peruvian eateries have been a fixture in top 50 list for close to a decade and now one has claimed the crown

Colours of Amazonia, a dish from the tasting menu at Central in Lima in 2017. Photograph: Nicholas Gill/Alamy

While Peru’s archeology heritage began in the 20th century to attract millions of tourists to locations such as Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines, the country’s cuisine remained one of South America’s best-kept secrets.

But in the last two decades, Peru’s food – a product of its rich range of crops, ecosystems and a particular history – has become a global brand, with restaurants opening in cities from San Francisco to Sydney.

Now, after years of plaudits and prizes, Central restaurant in Lima has been voted the world’s best, crowning the global conquest of Peruvian cuisine. » | Dan Collyns in Lima | Friday, June 23, 2023

FAT: A Documentary - Health and Wellness Documentary

May 24, 2022 | FAT tells the far-fetched but completely true history of how our country became so unhealthy. In 1970, just over 1.5 million people had been diagnosed with Diabetes in the United States. Now over 30 million have Diabetes. What's even more alarming is that 100 million people, 1 in 3, have Diabetes or are Pre-Diabetic. This is not to mention the 40% of the population that is obese. How is this possible with the non-stop flow of new diets, exercise machines and our general obsession with health and weight loss? We're as unhealthy as ever. The truth is that we have pretty much had everything completely upside-down and backward. FAT traces a detailed history spanning 150 years to show how misinformation and outright lies have become "truth."

Directed by: Peter Curtis Pardini
Starring: Dr. Georgia Ede, Nina Teicholz, Anna Vocino, Dr. Bret Scher, Mike Dawson, Adam Carolla, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Eric Westman

Part 2.

Joan Crawford | Unedited Interview | December 1966

Nov 29, 2021

The Concluding Chapter of Crawford »

‘Avalanche’ of Demand for Nazi Artefacts ahead of Australian Ban on Sale of Hate Symbols

THE GUARDIAN: Jewish groups decry ‘vomit-inducing’ frenzy of auctions before impending law change that will also prohibit public display of items

Sellers says collectors, not neo-Nazis, buy their memorabilia, but the rush of sales has been condemned as a ‘twisted obsession’ by the Anti-Defamation Commission. Photograph: Invaluable auction house

Australian militaria shops say there is an “avalanche” of demand for Nazi artefacts in anticipation of an impending ban on the sale of Nazi symbols.

A bill introduced to federal parliament in mid-June will ban the public display and sale of Nazi symbols, making it an offence to seek to profit from such material in stores or online. It will not ban private ownership or transfers of artefacts that are not for profit.

Sellers say the bill has prompted a frenzy of buying and selling, with signed pictures of Hitler, Himmler and Rommel sold at an auction last weekend on the Gold Coast. » | Mostafa Rachwani | Friday, June 23, 2023

Winning bidders of ‘despicable’ Nazi memorabilia urged to donate items to Sydney Jewish Museum: SS paraphernalia and an album of 500 photos from concentration camps which sold for $25,000 among items at Queensland auction »

Northern Ireland sale of Hitler memorabilia to go ahead despite outcry: Bloomfield Auctions rejects accusations it is acting immorally and insulting the memory of Nazis’ victims »

[American] Grocery Scams: Counterfeit Foods to Watch Out for

May 29, 2023 | From phony olive oil that's not as healthy as you think to imitation Parmesan cheese that's faker than a reality TV show, and even bait-n-switch Sushi, there are imposters lurking right under our noses. That's right, foodies, behind the glossy packaging and mouth-watering labels in your grocery cart lies an insane underworld of fraudulent foods that'll make you question everything you thought you knew about what you're putting in your belly. We’re here to pull back the curtain on these sneaky imposters. So grab a snack (just make sure it's the real deal), and let's uncover the truth about your grocery haul.

Ah! The joys of unregulated capitalism! After Brexit, this crap will be coming soon to a supermarket near you! – © Mark Alexander

FAT: Health & Wellness, Diet, Food | Documentary

Jul 2, 2022 | FAT: A Documentary 2 is the sequel to the international sensation that delves deeper into the lies and myths surrounding the age-old question: "What should I be eating?" "Common knowledge" regarding healthy eating has grown more and more confusing seemingly by the day. Vinnie Tortorich and a host of health experts talk about the conflicts between plant eaters and meat eaters and how hidden machinations in the food industry are the reasons why we believe what we do about food and optimal health.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 23, 2023

Naps Are Healthy, Scientists Say – So Why Has Spain Given Up on the Siesta?

THE GUARDIAN: As study shows a daytime doze may help brain’s health, for Spaniards the idea is outdated and cliched

Far from being an indolent slumber, the siesta of old was a much-needed escape from agricultural work in the punishing heat of the summer afternoon. Photograph: Gareth Kirkland/Alamy

News of a study showing that a short nap during the day may help to protect the brain’s health as it ages has resulted once again in frequent deployment of what is, for Spaniards, the dreaded S-word.

Although all the recent talk of siestas may call to mind restful visions of daytime dozes, the very notion of a long daily nap in most of 21st-century Spain is as outdated as it is cliched and irksome. In fact – barring anglosajón attempts to add chorizo to paella – there are few surer ways to annoy a Spaniard than to suggest the entire nation crawls into bed every day for a three-hour kip.

Far from being an indolent slumber, the siesta of old was a much-needed escape from agricultural work in the punishing heat of the summer afternoon. But as time moved on, Spain’s economy diversified and more and more people left rural areas for big cities, the practice began to fade out. » | Sam Jones in Madrid | Friday, June 23, 2023

Does Eating Meat Cause Heart Disease? | #shorts

Listen to Dr. Philip Ovadia (heart surgeon) give the lie to the myth and nonsense people have been fed about meat, red meat and saturated fat.

About Dr. Ovadia.

Families Pay Tribute to Titanic Sub Victims - BBC News

Jun 23, 2023 | The families of the five men who died in the Titanic submersible implosion have been paying tribute to their lost loved ones.

Relatives of the renowned French diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet said he will be remembered as "one of the greatest deep-sea explorers in modern history".

The family of one of Pakistan's richest men, Shahzada Dawood, who was onboard the sub with his 19-year-old son Sulaiman, said they were "overwhelmed with the love and support that [the search and rescue mission] received and grateful to the those who showcased the best in humanity.”

The family of British billionaire explorer Hamish Harding have said: "If we can take any small consolation from this tragedy, it's that we lost him doing what he loved."

Stockton Rush was the chief executive of OceanGate, the firm that operates the Titanic voyages on the lost submersible. In a BBC documentary, he once said, "I read an article that said there are three words in the English language that are known throughout the planet. And that's "Coca-Cola", "God", and "Titanic"."

Experts Recovered Five Pieces of Debris That Belonged to the Titan Submersible | DW News

Jun 23, 2023 | The US Coast Guard said they recovered debris from a missing submersible that was en route to the Titanic wreck, and that there are no survivors. Experts recovered five pieces of debris that belonged to the Titan submersible. Following the discovery, the Coast Guard alerted the family members of those who were on board, saying that there was little chance of survivors. The debris found indicates "a catastrophic implosion of the vessel," US Coast Guard Rear Admiral John Mauger said in a press conference in the US city of Boston.


The Lincoln Project: Same Case

Jun 22, 2023 | The last person who committed the crime that Trump did got 4 years in prison. And they didn't show their classified documents to anyone else.

Britons Who Want to Rejoin EU at Highest Levels since 2016, Survey Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Data showed 58% would vote to re-enter bloc, while more respondents said they trusted the European Commission more than the UK government

Seven years after the Brexit referendum, the proportion of Britons who want to rejoin the EU has climbed to its highest levels since 2016, according to a new survey.

Both Britons and Europeans also think the UK’s return to the EU is becoming more likely, while British respondents are more optimistic about the bloc’s future – to the extent of trusting the European Commission more than their own government.

Data from YouGov’s latest Brexit tracker survey found that, excluding those who said they would not vote or did not know, 58.2% of people in Britain would now vote to rejoin. » | Jon Henley and Michael Goodier | Friday, June 23, 2023

Brexit has never ever made any sense. Furthermore, it cannot be made to work. Brexit will never work. One would have to be economically illiterate to believe that leaving the EU, and by extension the largest single market in the world, the Single Market, a market of approximately 500m consumers, could ever enhance the UK’s prosperity.

The UK needs to eat humble pie and re-apply for membership of the finest club of free nations in the world – a club that has brought peace and prosperity to the continent of Europe. No mean feat given the continent’s history going back centuries.

I, too, trust the European Commission more than I trust my own government. My regular visitors will know that I have said this all along. The European Commission looks out for the citizens of the European Union, whereas the British government has its favourites. And we all know who those are. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Ina Garten's Saffron Risotto with Butternut Squash | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Sep 23, 2021

Get the recipe here.

Debris Found Near Titanic Wreck in Search for Missing Sub - BBC News

Jun 22, 2023 | A ‘debris field’ has been found near the wreck of the Titanic in the search for the missing tourist submersive, Titan, the US Coast Guard has announced. A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) discovered the debris on the sea floor and experts are evaluating the information. The Coast Guard is due to hold a press conference.

NYT – LIVE: Missing Titanic Submersible – Company Believes All Five on Missing Submersible ‘Have Sadly Been Lost’: The Coast Guard is providing an update on the search for the submersible that disappeared during a dive to the Titanic wreckage on Sunday. A remote-operated vehicle spotted a debris field on Thursday. »

Missing Titanic Submersible – All Five on Board Believed Dead After ‘Catastrophic Implosion’: Pieces of the missing Titan submersible were found on the ocean floor, about 1,600 feet from the bow of the Titanic, the Coast Guard said. OceanGate Expeditions, the operator of the submersible, said “our hearts are with these five souls.” »

The Five Lives Lost in the Titanic Submersible: On board the submersible were the founder of the company that operates the vessel; a British businessman and explorer; a British father and teenage son from a prominent Pakistani family; and a French maritime expert. »

Rise in Abortions in England and Wales Linked to Cost of Living Crisis, Say Experts

THE GUARDIAN: Steep rise in first half of 2022 follows trend from previous year, when Covid pandemic caused financial uncertainty

The number of abortions in England and Wales has risen sharply, with a charity saying that growing financial pressure on families could mean it continues to rise.

The number increased by 17%, from 105,488 between January and June 2021 to 123,219 over the same period in 2022, according to a report by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). » | Alexandra Topping | Thursday, June 22, 2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 22, 2023

Turkish Central Bank Raises Interest Rates to 15% after Two-year Freeze

THE GUARDIAN: Experts say increase from 8.5% may be insufficient to tackling surging inflation that some estimate at 110%

Turkey’s central bank has raised interest rates for the first time in more than two years, from 8.5% to 15%, but there is widespread concern that the move is insufficient to combat rising inflation and an ongoing economic crisis.

The decision marks a partial shift in the unorthodox economic policy of the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, under which interest rates have been frozen since March 2021 despite a sharp devaluation in the Turkish lira.

The central bank’s monetary policy committee said it had raised rates “to begin the monetary tightening process in order to establish the disinflation course as soon as possible, to anchor inflation expectations, and to control the deterioration in pricing behaviour.”

Inflation has risen to levels that are proving unbearable for large sections of the population, causing a widespread cost of living crisis. Officially, inflation in Turkey is at 39.59%, although unofficial estimates from Turkey’s independent Inflation Research Group put it at 110%. » | Ruth Michaelson | Thursday, June 22, 2023

"It's an Awful Feeling" - Titanic Reporter Breaks Down Talking about Missing Submersible

Jun 20, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by friend of explorer billionaire Hamish Harding, who is currently missing on the Titanic wreckage tourist submersible, Jannicke Mikkelsen, retired US Navy submarine captain Lieutenant David Marquet and the first journalist to report from the Titanic wreckage Dr. Michael Guillen to discuss the latest on the missing sub and the likelihood of survival for the five people onboard.

Piers asks David about the likelihood of survival and he explains that due to the way the vehicle was constructed and having no communication that there is a slim to no chance of being able to find the vehicle in time.

Michael then becomes emotional whilst describing his personal experience of being down that far in a submersible which was stuck for an extended amount of time and the feeling of being "utterly hopeless". He describes it as an "awful feeling" and sympathises with the people on board and their families for what they must be going through.

Bank of England Raises Interest Rates by a Half Point to 5%

THE GUARDIAN: Move brings borrowing costs to highest level since April 2008 as Bank intensifies efforts to control inflation

The Bank of England has raised interest rates by a half point to 5% as it intensifies its efforts to tackle stubbornly high inflation, adding to the strain on households struggling with soaring mortgage costs.

In what will be seen as a major move, the Bank’s monetary policy committee increased rates for the 13th consecutive time to the highest level since April 2008. Before the decision was announced, financial markets were evenly split on whether the Bank would vote for a half-point rise or a smaller quarter-point increase. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Thursday, June 22, 2023

Markets predict 6% UK interest rate by end of year: Rates will remain at level until summer 2024 after Bank of England hikes benchmark rate by half a percentage point »

Von Engeln bewacht: Die Bundeslade* | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Jun 11, 2023 | Der Bibel nach soll die Bundeslade das hebräische Volk bei der Eroberung des Gelobten Landes begleitet haben. Die ursprüngliche, primitive Bundeslade war eine Truhe mit einer Statue des Gottes Jahwe. Unweit von Jerusalem untersuchen Archäologen Überreste eines Tempels, in dem der Bibel zufolge 20 Jahre lang die Bundeslade aufbewahrt wurde.

Der Thora zufolge enthält die Bundeslade die beiden Steintafeln mit den zehn Geboten, die Mose von Gott erhalten hatte. Die vergoldete hölzerne Truhe ist das Symbol des Bundes – hebräisch B’rith –zwischen Gott und dem Volk Israel, das sie auf seinem Zug ins Gelobte Land stets mitführte. Im 10. Jahrhundert vor Christus beschloss König David, sie in einem Tempel seiner Hauptstadt Jerusalem, der Wiege der monotheistischen Religionen, aufzubewahren. Vier Jahrhunderte später belagerten die Babylonier die Stadt und zerstörten den Tempel. Seither war die Bundeslade spurlos verschwunden.

Die verschollene Truhe mit ihren magischen Kräften befeuerte schon immer die Fantasie der Menschen und rief zahlreiche Schatzsucher auf den Plan. Aber gibt es Beweise für ihre Existenz? Ist die an der hebräischen Bibel orientierte Geschichtsschreibung verlässlich? Wann wurden diese Texte geschrieben? Von wem? Und zu welchem Zweck? Diese Fragen beschäftigen Archäologen und Theologen schon seit Jahrhunderten. Eine wenige Kilometer von Jerusalem entfernte Stätte könnte neue Antworten liefern. Der hebräischen Bibel zufolge war die Bundeslade vor ihrer Überführung nach Jerusalem auf der Anhöhe Kirjath-Jearim aufbewahrt worden. Heute steht hier ein katholisches Kloster. Es ist der einzige in der Bibel erwähnte Ort der gesamten Gegend, an dem bisher noch keine Ausgrabungen gemacht wurden. Ein französisch-israelisches Wissenschaftlerteam unter der Leitung des Archäologen Israel Finkelstein und des Theologen Thomas Römer macht sich auf, um dem Ausgrabungsort Kirjath-Jearim unter Einsatz modernster Technik seine Geheimnisse zu entlocken.

Die spannende Forschungsmission führt die Forscher auf immer neue Spuren aus der Vergangenheit: archäologische Funde, die den biblischen Beschreibungen gegenübergestellt werden. Bei dem Versuch, die Geschichte der Bundeslade nachzuvollziehen, zeichnet sich eine noch viel größere Geschichte ab: die Entstehung der hebräischen Bibel.

Dokumentarfilm von Thierry Ragobert (F 2020, 90 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 02/08/2023

* Die Bundeslade = Ark of the Covenant

Evidence of Jesus' Biological Father (by Dr. James Tabor)

Jan 27, 2022 | In this video we discuss Pantera, the Roman Soldier who may be the real biological father of Jesus of Nazareth. Professor James Tabor breaks down all the sources we have that suggest this.

Donations to the Gnostic Informant can be made on Patreon here.

This is a highly controversial subject. It should therefore be well noted that I neither endorse nor dismiss this material. I am not a theologian, a historian or a specialist in the historicity of the Bible narrative. I am, however, a truth seeker; so, such discussions, however polemical, are of great interest to me. I trust they are of great interest to you too. – Mark Alexander

A Short Blast of One of the Very Best Pop Songs of All Time | #shorts

Click here to listen.

The Lincoln Project: The GOP’s Playbook Is as Dangerous as It Is Predictable… | #shorts

Click here for more info.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Ina Garten's Salmorejo Soup | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Mar 19, 2023

Get the full recipe here

Here is Barefoot Contessa’s website.

Lab-grown Chicken Can Now Be Sold in the US

Jun 21, 2023 | For the first time, U.S. regulators approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer “lab-grown” meat to the nation's restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.

How disgusting! You eat lab-grown meats and poultry if you want to; I am certainly not for eating unnatural food like lab-grown meats or poultry. In years to come, they will find out how injurious to health such faux foods will be. America, in particular, has huge health problems caused by unnatural foods as it is. Why are the authorities allowing this artificial food into the food chain? – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Lock Him Up

Jun 20, 2023 | Delusions, deflections and flat out lies. Lock. Him. Up.

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

The Guardian View on Danger at Sea: Looking Out for All Those in Peril

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The contrast between the frantic hunt for a missing submersible and the failure to save migrants drowning in the Mediterranean is illuminating

A massive operation is under way to find and save a stricken vessel and its passengers. As time passes, anxious families and friends wait with growing fear. The US coastguard, Canadian armed forces and commercial vessels are all hunting for the Titan submersible, which has gone missing with five aboard on a dive to the wreck of the Titanic in the north Atlantic. The UK’s Ministry of Defence is also monitoring the situation.

It is hard to think of a starker contrast with the response to a fishing boat which sank in the Mediterranean last week with an estimated 750 people, including children, packed onboard. Only about 100 survived, making this one of the deadliest disasters in the Mediterranean. Greece and the EU blame people smugglers, who overcrowd boats and abuse those aboard them. But both have profound questions to answer about their own role in such disasters. Activists say authorities were repeatedly warned of the danger this boat faced, hours before it went down, but failed to act. » | Editorial | Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Paris Explosion Leaves Several People in Critical Condition - BBC News

Jun 21, 2023 | A number of people are in a critical condition following an explosion in central Paris, the French capital's mayor has said. The blast took place in Rue Saint-Jacques in the fifth arrondissement of the city. The façade of one building has fallen onto the street as a result of the explosion and several buildings have caught fire, images on social media show.


Explosion dans le 5ᵉ arrondissement de Paris en direct : un immeuble effondré, quatre personnes gravement blessées selon un bilan provisoire : Selon le préfet de Paris, l’explosion s’est produite à 16 h 55, 277 rue Saint-Jacques, « à l’intérieur d’un immeuble qui accueille notamment la Paris American Academy ». L’incendie, qui a mobilisé plus de 270 pompiers, « est circonscrit et se poursuivent des recherches d’éventuelles victimes », a dit Laurent Nuñez. « Rien ne permet de déterminer l’origine du sinistre » à ce stade, a précisé le parquet de Paris. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 21, 2023

In Argentina, Inflation Passes 100% (and the Restaurants Are Packed)

Street-food patrons in an alley hot spot near Chinatown on a chilly May evening in the Belgrano neighborhood of Buenos Aires. | Sarah Pabst for The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Argentina’s financial crisis has a surprising side effect: a flourishing dining scene in Buenos Aires, as residents rush to spend pesos before they lose more value.

Wine glasses clinked in an Art Nouveau culinary gem basking in its restored splendor. It was tasting night in the more than century-old coffeehouse turned restaurant at the old Buenos Aires zoo, as beet tartare, pan-seared squid and a perfect rib-eye floated out of the kitchen, chased by a velvety chocolate mousse.

“As you can see, we are betting hard on the opportunity of the food scene in Argentina,” said Pedro Díaz Flores, on a tour of the restaurant, Águila Pabellon, that he co-owns — the 17th food venture he has opened in Buenos Aires in the past 18 months.

In Buenos Aires, Argentina’s cosmopolitan capital, a world-class culinary scene is flourishing. That would not necessarily be news if it were not for the fact that Argentina is in the middle of an extraordinary financial crisis.

Inflation is at more than 114 percent — the fourth highest rate in the world — and the street value of the Argentine peso has crumbled, dropping about 25 percent over a three-week period in April. » | Natalie Alcoba | Photographs by Sarah Pabst, Reporting from Buenos Aires | Monday, June 19, 2023

Leer en español.

Bank Report Details Peter Mandelson’s Apparent Contact with Jeffrey Epstein

THE GUARDIAN: JP Morgan report from 2019 found Epstein seemed to keep ‘particularly close relationship’ with Labour peer

Peter Mandelson in 2009. Photograph: David Sillitoe/The Guardian

Court documents have shed light on the Labour former business secretary Peter Mandelson’s apparent contact with the disgraced businessman Jeffrey Epstein after the financier was convicted of procuring an underaged girl for prostitution.

The document is a 2019 internal report on Epstein by JP Morgan bank, which had a 15-year relationship with the financier, and was filed to a New York court this week.

It found that Epstein appeared to “maintain a particularly close relationship with Prince Andrew the Duke of York and Lord Peter Mandelson, a senior member of the British government”. » | Rowena Mason, Whitehall editor | Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Peyton Place (1957). Full Movie.

Mar 27, 2022 | Drama, Romance | Director: Mark Robson | Cinematography by William C. Mellor | Cast: Lana Turner, Lee Philips, Lloyd Nolan, Arthur Kennedy, Russ Tamblyn and Terry Moore | Brief Synopsis: A peaceful New England town hides secrets and scandals.

How Peyton Place comforted this closeted teenager »

Claudia Roden's Circassian Chicken – Çerkez Tavuğu | Genius Recipes

Mar 6, 2019 | Nik Sharma shares one of his favorite recipes: Egyptian-British cookbook author Claudia Roden’s recipe for classic Çerkez Tavuğu, aka Circassian Chicken. "It’s one of the creamiest, most comforting chicken dishes you’ll ever taste," Nik writes. "Most importantly, it relies on a very unassuming trick to thicken the sauce – nuts."

Get the full recipe here.

Missing Titanic Sub Has 40 Hours of Oxygen Left Says US Coast Guard - BBC News

Jun 20, 2023 | A tourist submersible that went missing on a visit to the wreck of the Titanic with five people on board has just 40 hours of air left, the US Coastguard says. The search to locate the small, deep-diving vessel is ongoing after it lost contact while diving near the wreckage of the Titanic. The research vessel Polar Prince lost contact with the crew of the Titan sub an hour and 45 minutes into its dive. Tour firm OceanGate said it was exploring all options to get the crew back safely, and government agencies have joined the rescue operation.

The Lincoln Project: US Taxes on Billioaires

Joe Biden on US tax rates on billionaires.

Origins of Hummus

Aug 7, 2012


HEALTHLINE: 10 Science-Backed Benefits of Chickpeas: Chickpeas are affordable, versatile, and highly nutritious. They may aid weight management, protect against chronic disease, and promote several other aspects of health. »

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Barry White : You Are the First, the Last, My Everything

Sep 5, 2012 | Views on YouTube: 49,812,638



Cannabis-Konsum bei Jugendlichen – Kiffer zwischen Rausch und Risiko | Doku | SRF Dok

Apr 15, 2021 | Sie finden es immer und überall. Obwohl es illegal ist. Seit Jahren belegen Schweizer Jugendliche europaweit einen Spitzenplatz im Cannabis-Konsum. Im «DOK»-Film von Monica Suter gewähren Jugendliche ungeschönte Einblicke in eine Welt zwischen Rausch und Risiko …

Our politicians are f*****g stupid! They have waged a war on the smoking of tobacco and cigarettes and have helped create a huge problem of young people smoking cannabis instead! Is the smoking of cannabis REALLY healthier than smoking tobacco? What f*****g dorks our politicians are!

Do we need to bring the smoking rate down? Yes, of course we do. But the reduction in smoking was being achieved through infomercials and the education of the public of the dangers of smoking.

One can only despair at the decisions and behaviour of our really stupid, ignorant politicians. © Mark Alexander

Mark Alexanders Kommentar: BoJo

BoJo hat Vieles schief gemacht. Aber das, daß am Schiefsten ist, ist Brexit. Unser Ausgang aus der Europäischen Union hätte er nie zustande bringen sollen. Insofern als er das gemacht hat, hat er Mist gebaut. Mist höchsten Grades!

Eigentlich wäre ich imstande ihm sehr viele Fehler vergeben zu können; aber dieses Land aus der Europäischen Union herauszubringen ist wirklich unverzeihlich. Ganz und gar! Mit diesem einzigen Schritt, hat BoJo die Wirtschaft von Großbritannien kaputt gemacht und die Privilegien der Briten als Bürger der Europäischen Union weggestohlen zugleich, nur um ihm die Schlüssel zu ‚Number 10‘ zu geben. Und was für ein Desaster seine Zeit ‚in Number 10‘ war!

Alle Rechte vorbehalten
© Mark Alexander

The Guardian View on a PM’s Patronage: Boris Johnson’s Shameful Honours List

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Reforming the House of Lords should begin by constraining a departing leader’s power to dish out lifetime awards to friends and cronies

‘Voters care about honesty and integrity in politics. Mr Johnson does not.’ Photograph: Reuters

When handing out lifetime honours, Boris Johnson’s guiding principle has been brazen cronyism and snubbing established convention. But the most recent revelations, on the eve of MPs debating the privileges committee report into Mr Johnson’s deceit over Partygate, are jaw-dropping. On Sunday, a video emerged of Conservative staffers enjoying a 2020 Christmas “jingle and mingle” jamboree that patently broke lockdown rules. Mr Johnson must have known about this event. Yet at least two of those at the party were on his resignation honours list. » | Editorial | Monday, June 19, 2023

How much longer do we have to put up with this boring old fart? Fat, in-your-face and frightfully boring. It is high time that the Conservative Party considered this man as a liability to the Party. He must surely by now be considered as Conservative Party jetsam. For heaven's sake: Move on! This man is sullying the reputation of the once proud Conservative Party. – © Mark Alexander

Inside Putin’s Secret Bunker and Billion-Dollar Palace in Russia | Decoded | Insider News

Jun 3, 2023 | Diagrams obtained by Insider show an underground doomsday bunker connected to Vladimir Putin’s palace on the Black Sea.

NZZ: Russia: Vladimir Putin's Secret Residences

Jun 20, 2023 | The exact whereabouts of Russian President Vladimir Putin are known to few, but with the help of satellite imagery, photo analysis and insider reports, we can reveal some of his most frequent locations. Putin's official residence is located in the northern part of the Kremlin compound in Moscow. However, he does not spend much time there, as he has announced that he will only be present in the Kremlin for ceremonial occasions. Instead, he lives in Novo-Ogaryovo, a luxury suburb of Moscow, where he has resided in a secluded villa since 2000. Putin also has a summer residence in Sochi on the Black Sea. Satellite images show that he has built a private train station there. Another important place of Putin's residence is Valdai, a remote place between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Here, his private residence is located on land owned by an oligarch friend. There is also evidence that Putin uses a special train to move safely between his various locations. The train is less conspicuous than airplanes and provides additional security. Putin is also believed to have other villas and estates, of which little is known so far. Keeping Putin's residences secret serves both his security and his image. In the state media, he is portrayed as a modest and down-to-earth president who has no need for luxury. But in reality, Putin does enjoy luxury and probably owns other secret properties about which little is known so far.

Bill Barr WARNS of Trump ‘CHAOS’ | #shorts

Bill Barr disabuses Trump supporters of the notion that Donald Trump could ever become POTUS again.