Friday, June 23, 2023

Britons Who Want to Rejoin EU at Highest Levels since 2016, Survey Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Data showed 58% would vote to re-enter bloc, while more respondents said they trusted the European Commission more than the UK government

Seven years after the Brexit referendum, the proportion of Britons who want to rejoin the EU has climbed to its highest levels since 2016, according to a new survey.

Both Britons and Europeans also think the UK’s return to the EU is becoming more likely, while British respondents are more optimistic about the bloc’s future – to the extent of trusting the European Commission more than their own government.

Data from YouGov’s latest Brexit tracker survey found that, excluding those who said they would not vote or did not know, 58.2% of people in Britain would now vote to rejoin. » | Jon Henley and Michael Goodier | Friday, June 23, 2023

Brexit has never ever made any sense. Furthermore, it cannot be made to work. Brexit will never work. One would have to be economically illiterate to believe that leaving the EU, and by extension the largest single market in the world, the Single Market, a market of approximately 500m consumers, could ever enhance the UK’s prosperity.

The UK needs to eat humble pie and re-apply for membership of the finest club of free nations in the world – a club that has brought peace and prosperity to the continent of Europe. No mean feat given the continent’s history going back centuries.

I, too, trust the European Commission more than I trust my own government. My regular visitors will know that I have said this all along. The European Commission looks out for the citizens of the European Union, whereas the British government has its favourites. And we all know who those are. – © Mark Alexander