Sunday, January 30, 2022

Dominic Cummings Says It Is His ‘Duty to Get Rid’ of Boris Johnson

THE GUARDIAN: Former No 10 chief adviser describes effort to remove PM from office as ‘sort of like fixing the drains’

Dominic Cummings revealed details of one of the most damaging No 10 lockdown gatherings on his Substack. Photograph: Tayfun Salcı/Zuma Press Wire/Rex/Shutterstock

Dominic Cummings has said it is his “duty to get rid” of Boris Johnson as prime minister, describing it as “sort of like fixing the drains”. The prime minister’s former chief adviser called his former boss a “complete fuckwit” whose only preoccupations were “Big Ben’s bongs” and “looking at maps” to “order the building of things” in his honour. Cummings, who has sent evidence to the Cabinet Office inquiry led by Sue Gray, said it was imperative Johnson was removed from office. Speaking to New York magazine, he called it “an unpleasant but necessary job” and said it was legitimate to remove a prime minister who had won a big election victory if they were not up to the job. » | Jessica Elgot, Chief political correspondent | Sunday, January 30, 2022

Oh my! How the Conservatives have lost respectability and honour in recent years, especially after the Brexit fiasco and especially since the Party is being led by this dishonorable and disreputable clown.

I am sure I am not alone when I say that I shall never vote for the Party again whilst it is so Europhobic and whilst it is being led by far-right populists such as BoJo. – © Mark

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Apple CEO Tim Cook Granted Restraining Order against Stalker

Mario Tama/Getty Images

ADVOCATE: A Virginia woman has been accused of embarking on an escalating months-long campaign of harassment against the out Apple CEO.

A California judge has awarded Tim Cook a restraining order against a Virginia woman accused of stalking the out Apple CEO, trespassing on his property, and threatening to burn down his Palo Alto home.

In the restraining order application, filed last week in the Santa Clara County Superior Court in California, the 45-year-old woman is alleged to have demonstrated “erratic, threatening and bizarre” behavior, including emails featuring images of loaded handguns she claimed to have purchased.

Cook’s lawyers told the judge in their filing that they believe the woman from McLean, Va., is armed and in the Bay Area with intentions of returning to Cook’s home or to “locate him otherwise shortly.”

The court, which found the threat against Cook credible, prohibited the woman from possessing a firearm in addition to having any interaction with Apple employees, including its CEO. She is also banned from all Apple properties, and any violation of the restraining order can result in both jail time and a $1,000 fine. » | Rachel Shatto | Wednesday, January 26, 2022

LGBT+ Ukrainians Are Ready to Fight for Their Freedom If Russia Invades: ‘We Love Our Country’

Bogdan Globa protesting against Russia. (Provided [to Pink News])

PINK NEWS: LGBT+ people in Ukraine are afraid of what’s to come as tensions escalate between their country and Russia.

Ukraine and Russia have been at war with each other since 2014, but there are fears that conflict could spill over after Russia deployed tens of thousands of troops to its border with Ukraine in recent days.

Since then, the United States has put 8,500 of its own troops on alert to send to Ukraine if the war worsens, and NATO announced that it was sending ships and fighter jets to eastern Europe in preparation for a potential conflict.

A Russian attack, or potential invasion, would spell disaster for Ukraine’s LGBT+ community. Queer activists are worried about what could happen if the war escalates and if Russia was to ultimately seize additional Ukrainian territories. They fear that progress on LGBT+ rights would grind to a halt and that, in the event of a Russian invasion, they could see their freedoms restricted and rolled back.

Many are ready and willing to fight if they need to – they feel a patriotic sense of duty to their country – but they’re also painfully aware that the fight for LGBT+ rights could end up on the back burner. » | Patrick Kelleher | Saturday, January 29, 2022

Movie: Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump | Official Trailer

Sep 24, 2020 • Is Donald Trump fit to hold the office of President of the United States? Unfit presents an eye-opening analysis of the behaviour, psyche, condition and stability of Donald Trump. It takes a sociological look at the electorate that chose him, and the collective effect he is having on our culture and institutions. During the 2016 campaign, mental health professionals felt policy-bound from speaking publicly. Now, after years of observation, for the first time ever, they have decided enough is enough

. Director & Producer: Dan Partland Producer: Art Horan

Stream it on DocPlay.

Wie der harte Brexit die Reichen noch reicher machen soll | WDR Doku

Jan 21, 2021 • Am 1. Januar 2021 ist Großbritannien den letzten, endgültigen Schritt seines Brexit-Prozesses gegangen und hat die Zollunion und den Binnenmarkt der EU verlassen. Auch wenn das komplette Chaos eines Austritts ohne Anschlussabkommen in letzter Minute verhindert wurde, so handelt es sich doch um einen harten Bruch zwischen Großbritannien und der EU. Einen Hard Brexit also – mit Auflagen für Handel und Dienstleistungen sowie Wirtschaftseinbußen in Milliardenhöhe, die Experten für beide Seiten vorhersagen. In wessen Interesse ist das? Die Dokumentation folgt der Frage, wer die Akteure sind, die den Hard Brexit um jeden Preis wollten, und zeigt, mit welchen Mitteln sie dieses Ziel verfolgt haben. Es ist eine investigative Reise, bei der diskrete Londoner Adressen, neoliberale Think Tanks und eine Partei, die eigentlich eine Firma ist, eine Rolle spielen.

Der britische Premier Boris Johnson bezeichnet das Referendum über den Brexit gerne als Sternstunde der direkten Demokratie, als Rebellion der „kleinen Leute“ gegen die gesichtslose EU-Bürokratie. Doch was, wenn es beim Brexit letztlich gar nicht um den „Willen des Volkes“ ging, sondern um die Interessen einer kleinen britischen Elite?

Dieser Film zeigt bislang unbekannte Hintergründe des Brexit- Prozesses. Er belegt, dass es innerhalb und außerhalb der Tory-Partei von Anfang an eine Kampagne für einen harten Brexit gab, die mit Geld aus den tiefen Taschen der britischen Finanzelite wurde. Hat diese kleine Gruppe gut vernetzter Geschäftsleute und Finanzinvestoren tatsächlich bestimmt, was „Brexit“ jetzt für Großbritannien und die EU bedeutet? Frances Coppola, eine Wirtschaftsexpertin, die den Brexit intensiv beobachtet hat, sagt, das Ziel der Verfechter eines vollständigen Austritts aus dem EU-Binnenmarkt und der Zollunion sei es von Anfang an gewesen, aus Großbritannien „eine Art Singapur des Westens“, eine komplett deregulierte Steueroase, zu machen. Das habe mit der tatsächlichen EU-Skepsis vieler Briten und den öffentlich propagierten Zielen des Brexit, „die Kontrolle über das eigene Land zurückzugewinnen“, nur wenig zu tun. Sonia Sodha, prominente Autorin des „Observer“, urteilt: „Es besteht eine massive Diskrepanz zwischen der politischen Elite, die für den Brexit ist, und den Menschen, die für den Brexit gestimmt haben.“

Die Story von Tom Costello schildert diese bislang verborgene Seite des Brexit mit den Einschätzungen von britischen und EU-Politikern, investigativen Journalisten und Ökonomen und wirft Licht auf ein Milieu aus geheimnisvollen Think-Tanks, scheinbaren Graswurzelbewegungen und geschickt agierenden Lobbyisten, die mit allen Mitteln versucht haben, ihre Vision für die Zukunft Großbritanniens durchzusetzen.

Le pays des contradictions | Le Royaume-Uni et le Brexit (2/2) | ARTE

Jan 28, 2022 • Pourquoi les Britanniques ont-ils décidé de quitter l’Europe ? Second volet de ce voyage dans la genèse du Brexit : comment les politiques économiques menées depuis Thatcher ont-elles nourri la montée du discours eurosceptique au Royaume-Uni ?

Les années Thatcher semblent avoir été déterminantes. Alors que la politique de privatisations menée à marche forcée par la Dame de fer a fragilisé le tissu économique et ébranlé la classe ouvrière, la perte de souveraineté du royaume s’est imposée comme un lancinant leitmotiv. Après les espoirs déçus suscités par son successeur, le travailliste Tony Blair, la défiance vis-à-vis des institutions européennes n’a fait que croître au sein de la population. Pour un grand nombre de Britanniques, s’en émanciper est alors perçu comme la seule solution pour mettre un frein au déclin économique et géopolitique de leur pays.

Portrait choral

À travers les témoignages de citoyens aux profils variés (cinéaste, ancien syndicaliste, chef d’entreprise, psychologue, humoriste...), Sebastian Bellwinkel (Policiers et citoyens, une relation sous tension) retrace le long processus – historique, économique, politique… – qui a conduit une majorité de Britanniques sur la voie du Brexit.

Documentaire de Sebastian Bellwinkel (Allemagne, 2020, 53mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 29/04/2022

La première partie de ce documentaire est ici.

La grande puissance en mutation | Le Royaume-Uni et le Brexit (1/2) | ARTE

Jan 28, 2022 • Pourquoi les Britanniques ont-ils décidé de quitter l’Europe ? Cette première partie aborde l’héritage colonial de l’empire – qui fit du petit État insulaire la première puissance mondiale au XIXe siècle – et le souvenir victorieux de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, deux éléments clés ayant nourri l’aspiration à l’indépendance nationale, l’euroscepticisme et le racisme d’une partie des Britanniques.

Depuis le référendum de 2016, qui a scellé la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne au 31 décembre 2020, les menaces proférées à l’encontre des musulmans et les agressions contre les immigrés d’Europe de l’Est et les homosexuels ont bondi de 40 % dans le pays. Ravivé par le mouvement Black Lives Matter, né outre-Atlantique, le passé colonial de la Grande-Bretagne pèse de plus en plus sur les débats dans un pays fracturé entre europhiles et europhobes. Comment en est-on arrivé là ? De 1945 à aujourd’hui en passant par l’adhésion du Royaume-Uni à la Communauté économique européenne en 1973, cette première partie aborde notamment l’héritage colonial de l’empire – qui fit du petit État insulaire la première puissance mondiale au XIXe siècle – et le souvenir victorieux de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, deux éléments clés ayant nourri l’aspiration à l’indépendance nationale, l’euroscepticisme et le racisme d’une partie des Britanniques.

Portrait choral

À travers les témoignages de citoyens aux profils variés (cinéaste, ancien syndicaliste, chef d’entreprise, psychologue, humoriste...), Sebastian Bellwinkel (Policiers et citoyens, une relation sous tension) retrace le long processus – historique, économique, politique… – qui a conduit une majorité de Britanniques sur la voie du Brexit.

Documentaire de Sebastian Bellwinkel (Allemagne, 2020, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 29/04/2022

Putin Has Long Tried to Balance Europe. Now He’s Working to Reset It.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: After years of trying to diplomatically divide and conquer, the Russian leader has seemingly decided to antagonize Europe as a whole in the current Ukraine crisis.

For much of his 22 years in high office, Vladimir V. Putin has worked to carefully balance Russia’s position in Europe. He ingratiated himself with some capitals as he bullied others, and sought economic integration as he lambasted European values.

Even after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 sent relations plunging, and Moscow harried some European countries with mass-scale disinformation and near-miss military fly-bys, it reached out to others — if not exactly winning them over, then at least keeping diplomacy open.

But, with this winter’s crisis over Ukraine, Mr. Putin is overtly embracing something he had long avoided: hostility with Europe as a whole.

The more that Europe meets Moscow’s threats with eastward military reinforcements and pledges of economic punishments, papering over its otherwise deep internal disagreements, the more that Mr. Putin escalates right back. And rather than emphasizing diplomacy across European capitals, he has largely gone over them to Washington.

The shift reflects Moscow’s perception of European governments as American puppets to be shunted aside, as well as its assertion of itself as a great power standing astride Europe rather than an unusually powerful neighbor. It also shows Russia’s ambition to no longer simply manage but outright remake the European security order.

But in seeking to domineer Europe, even if only over the question of relations to Ukraine, “There’s a risk of pushing Europe together, of amplifying more hawkish voices and capitals,” said Emma Ashford, who studies European security issues at The Atlantic Council research group. » | Max Fisher | Saturday, January 29, 2022

Italie : le président italien Sergio Mattarella réélu


LE FIGARO : Cette élection va permettre d'assurer la stabilité du tandem Mattarella-Draghi qui gère depuis un an le redressement du pays.

Le président italien Sergio Mattarella, a été réélu samedi au terme d'un marathon parlementaire qui a mis au jour les profondes divisions entre les partis au gouvernement dans une période charnière pour la reprise post-Covid. À 80 ans, le président, dont le mandat se terminait le 3 février, s'engage dans un second septennat avec 759 voix sur 983 votes exprimés, ce qui en fait le deuxième chef d'État le mieux élu, députés et responsables régionaux appelés à voter. Regarder la vidéo » | Par Valérie Segond | Publié : samedi 29 janvier 2022 ; mis à jour : dimanche 30 janvier 2022


Sergio Mattarella, la force tranquille de l’Italie : PORTRAIT - Président de la République italienne depuis 2015, ce catholique pratiquant, peu charismatique mais à l’écoute des Italiens dans l’épreuve, quitte le pouvoir alors qu’il est devenu très populaire. »

Ein Artikel aus der FAZ zu diesem Thema auf Deutsch lesen:

Sergio Mattarella als Präsident Italiens wiedergewählt: Im achten Wahlgang konnte sich Italien auf ein Staatsoberhaupt einigen: Sergio Mattarella wird abermals zum Präsidenten gewählt. Erst im Laufe des Tages hatte er sich zu einer weiteren Amtszeit bereit erklärt. »

Fünf Gründe, warum viele Deutsche auf Putins Seite stehen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die russische Armee nimmt die Ukraine ins Visier, doch in Deutschland sind nach wie vor überraschend russlandfreundliche Töne zu vernehmen. Welche Ursachen hat die Sympathie für das Land?

Besonders auffällig war es nach der Annexion der ukrainischen Halbinsel Krim im Jahr 2014 durch Russland: Obwohl damit eindeutig Völkerrecht gebrochen wurde, verteidigten in Deutschland zahlreiche Stimmen das russische Vorgehen oder relativierten es zumindest. Auch die Kriegsverbrechen der russischen Armee in Syrien schienen der Reputation des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin bei den Deutschen nicht zu schaden. Selbiges gilt für Attentate auf politische Gegner, wie zum Beispiel der Tiergarten-Mord in Berlin.

Sympathie oder gar Bewunderung für Russland: Dieses Phänomen scheint sich in Deutschland durch alle Bildungsschichten und Altersgruppen zu ziehen. Im Osten der Republik ist es aus geografischen und historischen Gründen ausgeprägter, aber auch im tiefsten Südwesten finden sich glühende Verteidiger des russischen Präsidenten. Für diese Haltung gibt es fünf zentrale Ursachen: » | Text: Markus Ackeret, Moskau, Hansjörg Friedrich Müller, René Höltschi, Jonas Hermann, Berlin Illustrationen: Charlotte Eckstein | Sontag, 30. Januar 2022

60 Jahre Minirock: Die Geschichte eines Kulturkampfes in der Mode


NZZ Bellevue: Vor sechzig Jahren schnitt eine britische Designerin namens Mary Quant alte Röcke kürzer – und noch kürzer. Danach war die Modewelt nie mehr dieselbe.

Ihren ersten politischen Skandal löste die ehemalige deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel mit 14 Jahren aus. Die fleissige Angela Dorothea, Mädchenname Kasner, hatte alle russischen Sprachwettbewerbe der DDR gewonnen und durfte 1969 mit dem Freundschaftszug in die Sowjetunion reisen. Dort stand Kasi, wie Freundinnen sie nannten, dann matt lächelnd vor einem Mahnmal für gefallene Soldaten – im Minirock. Die Gastgeber waren empört.

Und jetzt? UdSSR und DDR sind passé; die Frau, die 16 Jahre lang in Deutschland vorwiegend die Hosen anhatte, ist passé; Frauen empören inzwischen oben ohne – der Minirock aber wird gerade neu aufgelegt. Aber sind wir aus diesem eigenartigen Fummel und seiner Statementfunktion nicht längst herausgewachsen?

Das knappe Stück Stoff, das Ende der sechziger Jahre aus Grossbritannien zusammen mit Beatmusik, Pilzköpfen und anderen Schamlosigkeiten auch durch den Eisernen Vorhang schlüpfte, erregte weltweit die Gemüter. Mode spiegelt ja immer auch den Zeitgeist, grassierende Stimmungen, sich anbahnende Umschwünge, sie kann hochpolitisch werden. Und die steife britische Klassen- und Kleiderordnung eignete sich schon immer für gesellschaftliche und modische Revolutionen. In den Swinging Sixties wurde der Mini Mainstream und ein Politikum » | Pauline Krätzig | Samstag, 29. Januar 2022

UK Urged to Suspend ‘Golden Visas’ after Fast Tracking of Russian Millionaires

THE OBSERVER: Liberal Democrat peer accuses Home Office of ‘selling residency’

Ministers face calls this weekend to publish an investigation into how more than 700 Russian millionaires were fast-tracked for British residency via a “golden visa” scheme exposed for lax checks on illicit funds.

The government said six months ago that it was finalising its report into tier 1 investor visas granted to the super-rich from several countries, including Russia, China and Kazakhstan, because of concerns over “dirty money”. It now faces calls to suspend the golden visa programme until the review is published.

Under the scheme, launched in 2008, applicants provide a minimum investment of £2m in exchange for the right to live in Britain. They can later apply for full citizenship and a passport.

The Liberal Democrat peer Lord Wallace has tabled an amendment to the nationality and borders bill in the House of Lords, requiring the scheme to be halted until the review is published.

He said: “It’s claimed we are a great global country, but we are behaving like Cyprus and Malta by selling residency.” » | Jon Ungoed-Thomas | Sunday, January 30, 2022

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Prospect of Soaring Interest Rates Sends Markets into Frenzy

THE TIMES: Volatility is back. Some of the world’s stock markets are oscillating violently, none more so than Wall Street. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, the Dow Jones industrial average experienced intra-day swings of 1,271 points, 1,046 points and 939 points, respectively — huge movements by any normal measure.

While the trend in share prices has been sharply down since New Year’s Day, it is the erratic and wildly fluctuating nature of stock markets that has really caught the eye. » | Patrick Hosking, Financial Editor | Saturday, January 29, 2022

Check out The Times special offer for new subscribers here.

Lionel Richie : Say You, Say Me

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 14,756,991

In the Red? Banker Put 20-year ‘Tour of Strip Joints’ on Expenses

Pierin Vincenz paid £160,000 for strippers with his company credit card | ARND WIEGMANN/REUTERS

THE TIMES: “If you’re looking for entertainment, look no further,” boasts the Volkshaus, or “People’s House”, which bills itself as home to “an eclectic mix of bands, comedy, theatre and more”. The show that opened in the prestigious Zurich venue last week fully justified the hype.

The titillating case of the banker, his company credit card and whether the £160,000 he spent on strippers was a legitimate business expense has been welcomed as the “corporate crimes trial of the decade” by the Swiss press. » | Matthew Campbell, Foreign Correspondent, The Sunday Times | Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Times currently has a special offer on for new subscribers: Only £1 for 3 months’ access.

When It Comes to Love, Age Matters Not a Jot.

Quand il s'agit d'amour, l'âge n'a pas d'importance. / In der Liebe spielt das Alter keine Rolle.

Many, many thanks for this hilarious and brilliant image to Moth on Pinterest. This image is a hoot!

Corruption, Greed, Lies and Extravagance whilst the Government Squeezes the Poor

Jan 29, 2022 • A vital report by Sue Gray which may well have led to the end of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister has now been delayed and will only be published after being redacted to remove any reference to any of the issues being investigated by the police. The police enquiry which is likely to take many months will only concern the issuance of fixed penalty fines to any of those who may have broken Covid restrictions in Downing Street.

In the meantime, the Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, took 13 of her colleagues, including her photographer, to Australia using a leased plane at a cost of £500,000 instead of travelling business class on a commercial plane at a total cost of less than £100,000.

Thérèse Coffey, the Work and Pensions Secretary claimed more than £200,000 in expenses for one year whilst doing everything possible to limit the amount of money paid to the very poorest in society.

There are now more than 600 civil servants earning more than the Prime Minister whose salary is £150,000. The Head of HS2 is paid £625,000 (£12,000 per week) whilst the head of Network Rail is paid £590,000. There are fifteen other employees of Netwrok Rail who earn more than £300,000 p.a which is twice the Prime Minister’s salary.

Danny & Aaron | Gay Jewish Wedding at Paramount Studios, Hollywood, USA

Oct 28, 2015 • An EPIC Jewish wedding film by Buckley Videography featuring the love story of two grooms who ride down the aisle atop a horse dressed as a unicorn (or Jew-nicorn, as they dubbed it!) to the tune of Madonna’s Like a Virgin. And that’s just for starters…. View the real wedding feature and the story behind the wedding in the grooms' own words at Smashing the Glass: Your Jewish Wedding Your Way.

Latter Gay Stories: Duane Jennings | Balancing Science and Spirituality

Jan 27, 2022 • From an early age, Duane Jennings felt drawn to better understanding life from two perspectives: science and spirituality. His desire for knowledge and the human understanding led him to better understand empathy and opportunity.

Shortly after returning home from his Mormon mission to South Africa, Duane realized that his life was best lived in authenticity and honesty. The author of Stumbling Blocks and Stepping-Stones [website] shares his personal story and how embracing his identity made all the difference.

CALLEkocht: Filetspitzen Boeuf Stroganoff - Einfach selber machen

Mar 5, 2021 • CALLEkocht - Omas Rezepte Feinste Rinderfiletspitzen Boeuf Stroganoff nach altem Rezept in Saurer Sahne, Gurken und Champignos. Diese Soße ist super einfach und lecker. Diese russische Spezialität ist eines der schnellsten Pfanngerichte und sehr zu empfehlen.

Das genaue Rezept findet man hier unter « Festtags Klassiker »

Winter Storm Sweeping Northeast Is a ‘Bomb Cyclone,’ Weather Service Says

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The storm began to draw comparisons to the blizzard of 1978 in Boston as the city and coastal New England braced for hurricane-force winds and record snow.

A powerful winter storm that the National Weather Service classified as a “bomb cyclone” began pummeling eastern Massachusetts on Saturday after bringing snow and brisk winds to the New York City metropolitan area.

Blizzard warnings were in effect for a wide swath of the East Coast. And people across the region were bracing for a day of freezing temperatures, heavy snowfall, treacherous travel conditions and the potential for widespread power failures. More than 115,000 households were without power in Massachusetts, with wider outages expected as the storm rolled in. » | Alexandra E. Petri, Troy Closson, Mike Ives | Saturday, January 29, 2022

Nor’easter lashes eastern US with snow and wind gusts near hurricane force »

Covid and the Gaping Wealth Gap: What Can Be Done to Fix It? | DW News

Jan 29, 2022 • The coronavirus pandemic has made the rich even richer – and the poor even poorer. Here is why – and what we can do to combat this rise in inequality, which has pushed 160 million people into poverty, while the richest 10 men double their fortunes.

Cost of Living Rising in UK - BBC News

Jan 29, 2022 • The cost of living is rising in the UK, and it's changing people's lives. Growing inflation, supply-chain shortages and changing demand are having a big impact on sticker price. Ros Atkins reports on the causes - and the people most effected.

America Is Tipping from Hate to the Unthinkable, Says ADL CEO | Amanpour and Company

Jan 25, 2022 • Antisemitism is on the rise globally, including right here in the U.S. Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, addresses the issue in his new book, "It Could Happen Here." He joins Hari Sreenivasan to discuss how we can strike back against hate. The interview is part of Exploring Hate, our ongoing series on antisemitism, racism and extremism. Originally aired on January 25, 2022

USA und China: Ein neuer kalter Krieg? | Mit offenen Karten | ARTE

Jan 29, 2022 • Fakten, Zahlen und Grafiken zum chinesisch-amerikanischen Wettstreit, der für das geopolitische Weltgefüge der Zukunft entscheidend sein wird. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, die zeigt, dass China kontinuierlich an Einfluss gewonnen hat und seine Machtambitionen inzwischen allumfassend geltend macht. Der Brennpunkt des Konflikts liegt ganz klar im Indopazifik ...

Seit Januar 2021 hat Chinas Staatspräsident Xi Jinping mit US-Präsident Joe Biden einen neuen Gegenspieler im Weißen Haus. Peking macht längst kein Hehl mehr daraus, dass es beim Kräftemessen der beiden Großmächte die Oberhand gewinnen will. Die Konfrontation umfasst alle Lebensbereiche: Sie ist wirtschaftlicher, militärischer, diplomatischer, kultureller und politischer Natur (Demokratie vs. Diktatur) und lässt an einen neuen Kalten Krieg denken – mit dem Unterschied, dass die Länder in der globalen Welt des 21. Jahrhunderts in vieler Hinsicht voneinander abhängig sind. „Mit offenen Karten“ präsentiert Fakten, Zahlen und Grafiken zum chinesisch-amerikanischen Wettstreit, der für das geopolitische Weltgefüge der Zukunft entscheidend sein wird. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, die zeigt, dass China kontinuierlich an Einfluss gewonnen hat und seine Machtambitionen inzwischen allumfassend geltend macht. Der Brennpunkt des Konflikts liegt ganz klar im Indopazifik, wo das Machtgerangel zu einer militärischen Auseinandersetzung um Taiwan ausarten könnte. Ob es dazu kommen wird, kann derzeit allerdings niemand sagen.

Magazin (F 2021, 12 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 23/12/2028

Lodz Ghetto Documentary

Co-head of Germany's AfD Quits Citing Party Drift to Extreme Right | DW News

Jan 29, 2022 • The co-chair of Germany's far-right AfD has announced he's leaving the party. Jörg Meuthen has been co-leader of the AfD since 2015. He said he was upset with the party's extreme right wing - accusing it of rejecting basic democratic principles.

He was co-head of the AfD for six and a half years, longer than anyone before him. Today he's not only resigning from office - he is leaving the AfD completely. Jörg Meuthen confirmed this in an interview with German state broadcasters, admitting he had lost the power struggle against right-wing extremists in his party.

Meuthen says factions of the party don't believe in the basic tenets of a free democracy - and that's one reason he thinks the AfD has no future, other than as a regional Eastern German party. Some accuse Meuthen of not having opposed the right-wing extremists firmly enough.

Meuthen wants to keep his mandate in the EU Parliament. But first he has to deal with the trouble caused by his alleged acceptance of illegal party donations. The EU Parliament is set to lift his immunity, clearing the way for an investigation by public prosecutors.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Putin Accuses Nato of Ignoring Russia’s Concerns as Ukraine Crisis Simmers

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president’s first public comments on response to Moscow’s proposals come in readout of phone call with Macron

Vladimir Putin said the US and its Nato allies had ignored Russia’s main security concerns, but promised to continue talks with the west, in a call with Emmanuel Macron amid simmering tensions over possible war in Ukraine.

In his first public comments on US and Nato responses to Russian proposals to rewrite the post-cold war security architecture, Putin said Moscow’s concerns about the expansion of Nato and the deployment of strike weapons near its borders had not been taken into account, according to a Kremlin readout of the phone call with his French counterpart.

Macron told Putin that Russia had to respect the sovereignty of states, according to the Élysée. Putin agreed to continue talks, so there was a feeling that “things have moved”, a French presidency official said. » | Jennifer Rankin in Brussels, Kim Willsher in Paris and Luke Harding in Kyiv | Friday, January 28, 2022

Russia Is Positioned to Invade All of Ukraine, U.S. Says, but Kyiv Downplays War Talk: The Russian military buildup around Ukraine is unlike anything since “the Cold War days” said Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. »

Le Pen Feud Deepens as French Far-right Leader’s Niece Withdraws Support

THE GUARDIAN: Marine Le Pen calls Marion Maréchal’s decision not to back presidential bid ‘brutal, violent and painful’

Marine Le Pen, who has expressed her ‘incomprehension’ of the politics behind Maréchal’s decision. Photograph: Alain Robert/Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock

France’s far-right leader Marine Le Pen has described her niece’s decision not to support her presidential campaign as “brutal, violent and painful”.

Marion Maréchal, who dropped Le Pen from her name in 2018, said she was considering whether to transfer her allegiance to Éric Zemmour, who is even further to the right.

In an interview with Le Parisien, Maréchal, who at 22 became the youngest MP in the Assemblée Nationale in 2012, before stepping down in 2017, said her aunt’s “incessant ideological and programme changes” showed a “lack of logic and vision”.

On potentially backing Zemmour, she said: “I’m thinking about it. I haven’t decided. If I support Éric, [it] would not just be a question of passing by and saying hello. It would mean returning to politics. It’s a real life choice, a heavy decision.” » | Kim Willsher in Paris | Friday, January 28, 2022

«J'ai envie de retourner en politique» : les confidences de Marion Maréchal au Figaro : L'ancienne députée FN du Vaucluse confie que «la cohérence, la vision, la stratégie» la font pencher pour Éric Zemmour. Elle envisage de se présenter aux législatives de 2022. »

Prinz Harry: Neue Vorwürfe

TACHLES: Der britische Prinz Harry gerät wieder einmal ins Kreuzfeuer der Kritik. Ausgerechnet von der deutsch-britischen Cellistin Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, jener Holocaust-Überlebenden, die Harrys Vater, der britische Thronfolger Prinz Charles, mit sechs anderen Überlebenden hat porträtieren lassen. Lasker-Wallfisch war Mitglied des Mädchenorchesters in Auschwitz und überlebte das Konzentrationslager. Zum Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus am 27. Januar strahlte der Sender BBC eine Dokumentation über die Porträts aus. Doch nun schiesst die 96-jährige Lasker-Wallfisch gegen Harry und sein mangelndes Geschichtsbewusstsein. … » | Nicole Dreyfus | Freitag, 28. Januar 2022

Der neue Richard Gere der Politik

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Unter den grandiosen Männern in Wirtschaft und Politik, die zurzeit die Aktualität formen, ist er ein Lichtblick: Antony Blinken, Chefdiplomat der USA.

Macht sich auch an der Gitarre gut: Antony Blinken. | Sean Gallup / Getty


Sein Job ist es, das Gleichgewicht zu halten, und man kann sagen: Bis jetzt gelingt ihm das. Der amerikanische Aussenminister Antony Blinken traf sich vergangene Woche mit seinem russischen Amtskollegen Sergei Lawrow in Genf zu Gesprächen, er reiste nach Kiew und Berlin, bemüht darum, dass der Ukraine-Konflikt nicht weiter eskaliert. Bei all seinen Auftritten zeigte er Format, wie es sich für einen Diplomaten gehört: Er gab sich vermittelnd, umsichtig, dialogbereit, weltgewandt.

Der Mann stellt eine wohltuende Ausnahme dar unter den Lauten und Grandiosen, die gerade die Aktualität formen – unter den negativ auffallenden Männern in Wirtschaft und Politik. Deshalb will ich ihn hier beschwärmen. Naiv vielleicht, aber ich brauche in diesen lärmigen Zeiten einen Helden, in den ich etwas Hoffnung projizieren kann.

Natürlich urteile ich aus der Ferne, auch ziehe ich keine politische Bilanz der 367 Tage, die Blinken nun im Amt ist. Dennoch: Als er von Präsident Joe Biden zum Aussenminister ernannt wurde, war ich wohl nicht die einzige Frau, die dachte: Alles wird besser. Nicht nur was den politischen Stil betrifft. Mit Antony Blinken, der im April sechzig wird, reihte sich ein neuer Richard Gere in die erste Reihe im Weissen Haus ein. » | Birgit Schmid | Freitag, 28. Januar 2022

En Champagne, la filière annonce une année 2021 record

en 2021 la Champagne aura expédié un total 322 millions de bouteilles, soit une hausse de 32% par rapport à 2020. Adobe Stock

LE FIGARO : Malgré les difficultés rencontrées avec la crise sanitaire et les conditions climatiques éprouvantes en 2021, la filière Champagne enregistre une belle progression à l’export et gagne également du terrain sur le marché national. » | Par Tatiana Jean-Dorize | jeudi 27 janvier 2022

Putin Is Caught in a Trap of His Own Making


THE NEW YORK TIMES: MOSCOW — The question is on everyone’s lips. Will President Vladimir Putin go to war against Ukraine? To judge by Russia’s propaganda machine, where media moguls are predicting a victory “in 48 hours,” the answer is an emphatic yes.

Yet the truth is more complex. While Mr. Putin undoubtedly regards Ukraine as little more than a Russian province, as he argued in a lengthy pseudo-historical treatise in July, it’s far from clear his aim was war. Outright conflict — as opposed to sudden swoops, covert operations or hybrid warfare — isn’t really Mr. Putin’s style. It’s probable that the troop buildup in November was an attempt to force the West to relinquish any claims over Ukraine. That would be a great P.R. victory at minimal cost.

But the West called his bluff. In the past week especially, the United States and NATO have taken a markedly sharper tone when discussing Russia — and have, more important, sent military hardware across Eastern Europe and put troops on standby. The message is clear: If Russia won’t de-escalate, then neither will the West.

Instead of trapping the United States, Mr. Putin has trapped himself. Caught between armed conflict and a humiliating retreat, he is now seeing his room for maneuver dwindling to nothing. He could invade and risk defeat, or he could pull back and have nothing to show for his brinkmanship. What happens next is unknown. But one thing is clear: Mr. Putin’s gamble has failed. » | Yulia Latynina * | Friday, January 28, 2022

Ms. Latynina is a journalist who has reported extensively on Russia’s politics and foreign policy.

How Crypto Became the New Subprime


THE NEW YORK TIMES: If the stock market isn’t the economy — which it isn’t — then cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin really, really aren’t the economy. Still, crypto has become a pretty big asset class (and yielded huge capital gains to many buyers); by last fall the combined market value of cryptocurrencies had reached almost $3 trillion.

Since then, however, prices have crashed, wiping out around $1.3 trillion in market capitalization. As of Thursday morning, Bitcoin’s price was almost halfway down from its November peak. So who is being hurt by this crash, and what might it do to the economy?

Well, I’m seeing uncomfortable parallels with the subprime crisis of the 2000s. No, crypto doesn’t threaten the financial system — the numbers aren’t big enough to do that. But there’s growing evidence that the risks of crypto are falling disproportionately on people who don’t know what they are getting into and are poorly positioned to handle the downside. » | Paul Krugman, Opinion Columnist | Thursday, January 27, 2022

Arthur Rubinstein - Grieg - Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16

Composer: Edvard Grieg; Pianist: Arthur Rubinstein; Conductor: André Previn; London Symphony Orchestra. | 1 Allegro molto moderato; 2 Adagio; 3 Allegro moderato molto e marcato

This channel, Classical Vault, can be sponsored on Patreon here.

France Musique : Arthur Rubinstein, la joie de jouer - Culture Prime

Jan 28, 2022 • Né en Pologne à la fin du XIXe siècle, Arthur Rubinstein, musicien au talent et au charisme exceptionnel a marqué des générations de pianistes par ses interprétations sensationnelles ainsi que sa longévité unique.

Spain on a Fork: Heart-warming Lentil & Rice Soup | A Classic Spanish Recipe

Sopa de Lentejas con Arroz

Get the recipe here.

Albert Bevia can be supported on Patreon here.

Rolf Mengele Talks about His Father, SS Dr. Josef Mengele

This interview in 2012 was taken from the 1985 documentary, The Search for Mengele. It should be noted that since the interview, Rolf Mengele has changed his name so as to be able to further separate himself from his father's legacy.

This short talk cannot be embedded on external websites; it must be viewed on YouTube. Here is a link to the interview. – Mark

A related article was published in the Chicago Tribune on June 30, 1985. This is a link to that article, entitled His Secret Out, Rolf Mengele Talks about His Father.

The Abhorrent Crimes of Auschwitz Nazi Doctors | Destruction | Timeline

Mar 19, 2020 • The Madness of The Nazi Experiments - In KZ Auschwitz, infamous Nazi doctors such as Mengele and Schumann performed horrible and mostly fatal experiments "in vivo" on thousands of deportees, women, men and children, in order to find ways of fast and massive sterilization of "inferior races", and methods to promote the fertility of the German "Herrenvolk".

History Hit. History Hit is an excellent documentary service. It’s like NETFLIX for history. For those who wish to subscribe, there is a big discount if they use the code ‘TIMELINE’.

Paula Biren | Les quatre sœurs, Baluty | ARTE

Jan 27, 2022 • Cette tétralogie bouleversante nous livre récits de survie de quatre femmes rescapées de l'extermination nazie. Dans ce volet : Paula Biren qui vécut à Baluty, un ghetto de Lodz administré par l'homme d'affaires juif polonais Chaim Rumkowski, puis fut déportée avec sa famille à Auschwitz.

Alors âgée de 17 ans, Paula assiste à la transformation d’un bidonville de Lodz, Baluty, en ghetto administré par Chaim Rumkowski. À la tête d’une parodie d’État juif, le président du Conseil des anciens est pourtant convaincu qu’il peut sauver une partie de la communauté en l’érigeant en main-d’œuvre pour les Allemands. Paula sort diplômée de l’école qu’il a mise sur pied, où elle a travaillé à l’installation d’une ferme. Employée dans une usine de confection d’imperméables allemands, la jeune femme rejoint ensuite les rangs de la police féminine – depuis un bureau. À l’heure terrible de la liquidation du ghetto, elle refuse de se mêler au transport réservé aux étudiants de Rumkowski. Tandis que ce dernier prend la direction de Theresienstadt, Paula suit sa famille à Auschwitz.

Les vivantes et les morts

Comme Le dernier des injustes, Sobibor, 14 octobre 1943, 16 heures ou Le rapport Karski, Les quatre sœurs puisent leur origine dans l’enquête monumentale entreprise par Claude Lanzmann pour la réalisation de Shoah. Plus de trois décennies après la sortie de cette œuvre majeure, le cinéaste a exhumé les déchirants récits de survie de quatre rescapées, auxquelles il consacre une magnifique tétralogie. La parole limpide, le regard pénétré d’une lumineuse vivacité, Ruth Elias décrit, entre deux airs mélancoliques d’accordéon, l’instinct vital qui l’a habitée, de Theresienstadt à Auschwitz, jusqu’à la mort de son bébé affamé sur sa poitrine bandée. Assise au côté de son mari – dont la souffrance, si elle avait un visage humain, serait le sien –, la Polonaise Ada Lichtman détaille, sans ciller et en cajolant des poupées, la litanie d’horreurs qui l’a conduite à Sobibor, pourchassée par cette terrifiante pensée : "Comment allais-je mourir ?" Toute d’élégance et de résistance, cramponnée à la résolution de ne parler qu’en son nom, Paula Biren raconte sa trajectoire de "privilégiée" dans le ghetto de Lodz et la honte qui l’a longtemps muselée. Enfin, la douce Hanna Marton, veuve depuis peu, qui se réfugie dans le journal d’époque de son mari comme pour retrouver ses bras aimés, confie l’inapaisable culpabilité d’avoir été sauvée par la vénalité d’Eichmann. Par-delà leurs singularités, qui éclairent des chapitres méconnus de l’extermination des Juifs, ces quatre femmes extraordinaires renaissent ici unies dans une relation sororale tissée d’intelligenles juifs,ghettoce tranchante, de courage inouï, de poignantes pudeur et dignité. Au fil des mots et des silences, que Claude Lanzmann sait si bien provoquer et respecter, la caméra effleure délicatement leurs visages pour saisir une larme ou un éclair d’effroi. Le cinéma, dans son dénuement le plus pur, nous les rend alors si présentes que ces quatre sœurs à la vie à la mort continuent, longtemps après l’écran noir, à habiter nos mémoires et nos cœurs.

Film documentaire de Claude Lanzmann (France, 2017, 1h05mn)

Ukraine Crisis: US Sounds Alarm over Russian ‘Dirty Money’ in London

THE TIMES: Sanctions won’t work because ‘Putin’s money is in Knightsbridge’, say diplomats

American officials fear that they will be unable to impose effective sanctions on President Putin if Russia invades Ukraine because of years of British tolerance of suspect money flooding into London.

Diplomatic sources told The Times that US State Department officials had expressed “dismay and frustration” at the British government’s failure to take tough action against the flow of Russian funds, particularly in “Londongrad”. » | Catherine Philp, Diplomatic Correspondent | Chris Smyth, Whitehall Editor | Friday, January 28, 2022

Currently, The Times has a flash sale on. New subscribers are offered access to the newspaper for 3 months for just £1. View the offer here.

Un Suisse change de sexe à l'état civil pour toucher plus tôt sa retraite

L'homme devenu «femme» est un habitant du canton de Lucerne, connu pour ses «provocations». Adobe Stock – Illustration

LE FIGARO : L'homme a profité de la facilité de la procédure pour devenir «femme», et obtenir une rente de vieillesse à 64 ans au lieu de 65.

Une démarche aussi incongrue que rentable. Le 5 janvier dernier, un sexagénaire du canton de Lucerne a changé de sexe à l'état civil, afin d'obtenir plus vite une pension de retraite. L'affaire a été rapportée par le Luzerner Zeitung et plusieurs autres médias suisses. » | Par Luc Lenoir | vendredi 28 janvier 2022


Pour Laurence Garnier, le pronom «iel» fait partie de l’idéologie «woke» : La sénatrice LR a interpellé Élisabeth Moreno, ministre de l’Égalité, sur l’entrée du «iel» dans Le Robert, l’accusant de «céder au wokisme et aux lobbies.» »

Shtetl | Full Documentary | Frontline

Jan 26, 2022 • A search for the lives and memories of an entire Jewish village lost in the Holocaust. (Aired 1996)

FRONTLINE travels back in time to a family shtetl with producer Marian Marzynski, who escaped the Warsaw ghetto as a child.

The remarkable three-hour documentary tells the homecoming story of two elderly Polish-American Jews who return to their families’ shtetl in Bransk, Poland, where 2,500 Jews lived before most were sent to Treblinka’s gas chambers. These two Americans are aided in their journey by a Polish Gentile, who has restored Bransk’s Jewish cemetery and researched the lives of the Jews who once lived there. The film captures these pilgrims as they face old neighbors, some who were betrayers, others who were saviors to the Jews of Bransk.

Meet the Holocaust Survivors That Came to London - BBC London

Jan 27, 2020 • Holocaust Memorial Day is an international date that remembers the millions of people murdered under the Nazi persecution. After the Second World War, thousands of survivors came to London, searching for a new life. As most of them enter their 90s, we find out what life is like now.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey - When You Believe | Official HD Video

From The Prince of Egypt. Views on YouTube: 362,776,922

Antisémitisme : Macron dénonce les «vents mauvais» qui «ressoufflent» dans certains «discours politique»

Emmanuel Macron à l'Élysée, le 26 janvier 2022. POOL / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : En cette Journée internationale des victimes de la Shoah, le président a regretté que «certains tentent de falsifier» la mémoire de l'Holocauste. Ciblant, sans le nommer, son futur adversaire Éric Zemmour.

La bataille politique gagne le champ mémoriel. Alors que Jean Castex s'est rendu ce jeudi à Auschwitz, en Pologne, pour y commémorer le 77ème anniversaire de la libération du camp, Emmanuel Macron a lui aussi tenu à célébrer la Journée internationale des victimes de la Shoah depuis Paris. Avant de présider une cérémonie silencieuse de ravivage de la flamme sous l'Arc de Triomphe en début de soirée, le chef de l'État s'est exprimé dans une courte vidéo publiée sur son compte Twitter. » | Par Arthur Berdah | jeudi 27 janvier 2022

Protests Flare across Poland after Death of Young Mother Denied an Abortion

THE GUARDIAN: Family of Agnieszka T say they want to ‘save other women in Poland from a similar fate’, as case met with anger over restrictive termination laws

Supporters of Abortion Without Borders protest outside Poland’s top constitutional court in Warsaw. Photograph: Czarek Sokołowski/AP

Protests are under way across Poland after the death of a 37-year-old woman this week who was refused an abortion, a year since the country introduced one of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe.

On the streets of Warsaw on Tuesday night, protesters laid wreaths and lanterns in memory of Agnieszka T, who died earlier that day. She was pregnant with twins when one of the foetus’ heartbeat stopped and doctors refused to carry out an abortion. In a statement, her family accused the government of having “blood on its hands”. Further protests are planned in Częstochowa, the city in southern Poland where the mother-of-three was from.

“We continue to protest so that no one else will die,” Marta Lempart, organiser of the protests, told Polish media. “The Polish abortion ban kills. Another person has died because the necessary medical procedure was not carried out on time.” All-Poland Women’s Strike has called on people across the country to picket the offices of the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) and organise road blockades in the coming days. » | Weronika Strzyżyńska | Thursday, January 27, 2022

Putin sollte die Chance für eine gesichtswahrende Lösung nutzen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die USA und die Nato haben Russland ein faires Gesprächsangebot übermittelt. Falls es der Kreml schnöde zurückweist, wäre zumindest eines klar: dass Putin nie ernsthaft am Dialog interessiert war, sondern von vornherein auf Krieg setzte.

Die Macht in Russland ist ganz auf Präsident Wladimir Putin zugeschnitten – er allein wird zum Schluss die Entscheidung für oder gegen einen Angriff auf die Ukraine fällen. | Mikhail Svetlov / Getty


Szenarien konfrontiert, sondern auch Russland. Wie könnte Wladimir Putin daraus einen Ausweg finden, nachdem er mit seinem präzedenzlosen Truppenaufmarsch entlang den Grenzen der Ukraine derart hoch gepokert hat? Gut möglich, dass er sich diese Frage gar nicht mehr stellt, weil er sich bereits zu einem Angriffskrieg entschlossen hat. Putin würde damit erst recht als Gewaltherrscher in die Geschichte eingehen – als erster Staatsführer seit Hitler, der ein europäisches Land mit geballter militärischer Macht überfiel, um Grenzen neu zu ziehen.

Wahrscheinlicher ist jedoch, dass eine Invasion für den Kreml weiterhin nur eine von mehreren Optionen darstellt. Putin versteht es, taktische Vor- und Nachteile nüchtern abzuwägen. Die Risiken eines Grosskrieges – von empfindlichen Verlusten über Sanktionen bis hin zu innenpolitischer Kritik – dürften ihn kaum kaltlassen. Trotzdem kann er nun nicht einfach klein beigeben. Mit völlig überrissenen Forderungen hat sich Russland selber in eine Ecke manövriert. » | Andreas Rüesch | Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 27, 2022

Geschichte einer Verfolgung - Der "Schwulenparagraph" | Dokus und Reportagen

Mar 24, 2021 • Man nannte sie "die 175er". Verhaftet wurden diese Männer schon mal direkt beim Liebesspiel, nicht selten am Arbeitsplatz, oder die Polizei holte sie von zu Hause ab. Ein paar Stunden später saßen sie oft schon in Haft, die Kündigung vom Arbeitgeber ließ meist nicht lange auf sich warten. Ihr begangenes Verbrechen: einvernehmlicher Sex unter erwachsenen Männern. Damit verstießen sie gegen den Paragrafen 175.

Interview: Dani Dayan: Yad Vashem Is Fulfilling Holocaust Victims’ Last Will and Testament

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: The good news? ‘Outright Holocaust denial is today a marginal phenomenon,’ says the new head of Israel’s Shoah memorial. ‘But we do have a serious problem of Holocaust distortion’

After Dani Dayan took up the mantle of the Yad Vashem chairmanship in August, for the first time Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust had a leader who was born after the end of the Holocaust. He is [the] only the third individual to helm the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, and the first former politician.

Prior to heading Yad Vashem, Dayan was the consul general of Israel in New York, an appointment he took up after Brazil rejected him as envoy there.

Dayan, a longtime activist and head of the right-wing settler movement’s Yesha Council, was born in Argentina in 1955 and moved to Israel in 1971. He is a former supporter of ex-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but in the most recent elections ran on the New Hope ticket headed by Netanyahu rival Gideon Sa’ar. Dayan, who didn’t place high enough on the party’s slate to enter the Knesset, was appointed chair of Yad Vashem by Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton, also of New Hope.

Despite his former political ties, Dayan declares that he and Yad Vashem are strictly nonpartisan in their work, and he is determined to combat the cynical political distortion of Holocaust history and ensure the perpetuation of an accurate record of the horrors and lives lost in the Holocaust. » | Amanda Borschel-Dan * | Thursday, January 27, 2022

* Amanda Borschel-Dan is The Times of Israel's Jewish World and Archaeology editor.

NZZ: Verbotene Liebe - Homosexualität im NS-Regime

Sep 29, 2015 • Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe war in den Augen der Nazis entartete Sexualität. Tausende schwule Männer kamen in den Konzentrationslagern ums Leben. Das schwul-lesbische Filmfestival Pink Apple in Zürich widmete im Mai 2015 diesen verboteten Liebesgeschichten einen Schwerpunkt.

The Gay Holocaust | Complete Documentary : The Pink Triangles

Premiered Jan 21, 2021 • The vastly ignored history of Germany's war on gay men during World War 2. A special note: Trans women were also persecuted but Germany categorized them as gay men so there's no official records to refer to.


The Pink Triangles - The Story of the Gay Holocaust (Complete Documentary) from James Somerton on Vimeo.

This documentary contains material which some people will find very disturbing. Viewer discretion is therefore strongly advised. It is not suitable for children. – Mark

The Mauthausen Resistance I Documentary

Jan 27, 2022 • Mauthausen shows the full horror of the Nazi regime, a concentration camp where 120,000 people died. But a group of Spanish republican prisoners managed, not only to survive their terrible incarceration, but also to reveal to the world what really happened there by saving from destruction thousands of official photographs taken by the SS. This is the little known story of how young photojournalist Francisco Boix, and others, proved the guilt of major Nazi figures with their acts of bravery.

The Mauthausen Resistance I Documentary
Available until the 25/03/2022

Hausse record des actes antisémites dans le monde en 2021, selon un rapport

LE FIGARO : Ces actes, qui se manifestent principalement par du vandalisme, ont été exacerbés par les manifestations contre les restrictions sanitaires et le conflit Israélo-palestinien.

Les actes à motif antisémite ont atteint leur plus haut niveau sur dix ans en 2021 avec plus de dix incidents par jour dans le monde, selon un rapport publié lundi 24 janvier par l'Agence juive et l'Organisation sioniste mondiale. Près de 50% des actes antisémites se sont produits en Europe et près de 30% aux États-Unis, indique ce rapport annuel. «Cette année a marqué un nombre record d'actes antisémites à travers le monde», s'inquiète-t-il. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | lundi 24 janvier 2022

The Warsaw Ghetto | DW Documentary

Jan 27, 2021 • A Polish businessman risked his life to film everyday life in the Warsaw Ghetto. These harrowing 8 mm movies were stored for decades in archives, and are shown publicly for the first time in this documentary. The original title of the film is "Warsaw: A City Divided", directed by Eric Bednarski.

The Warsaw Ghetto was located in the heart of the Polish capital. In November 1940, one year after Germany invaded Poland, the occupation authorities completed work on a three-meter-high wall that surrounded the ghetto. The Jewish residents were sealed off from the outside world. The ghetto was intended to serve as a concentration camp for Jews from all over Europe. They would later be deported to the extermination camp at Treblinka.

As many as 500,000 people were rounded up and herded into the ghetto. The films shown in this documentary portray the daily lives of those who lived there. Food and clean water were in short supply. The Germans demolished the ghetto in May 1943, and sent the residents to concentration- or extermination camps. Today, a series of memorial plaques marks the district's boundaries. In this documentary, witnesses describe what life was like in Warsaw before the German invasion, and provide graphic accounts of life in the ghetto.

Soaring US Inflation Prompts Fed to Hike Up Interest Rates | DW News

Jan 27, 2022 • The US Federal Reserve will begin raising interest rates in March. It's a departure from pandemic-era polices that have been in place since March, 2020, pegging the benchmark rate to zero. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell says the move is designed to temper economic growth. Americans have seen decades-high inflation rates lately, eating into wage gains and household budgets. The Fed Chairman added that he thinks there is quite a bit of room to raise rates "without threatening the labor market."

2022 International Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration

Jan 26, 2022 • Eighty years since the Holocaust began, violent anti-Semitism remains a threat. The lessons of this history have never been more relevant and are the focus of this solemn event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day—designated by the United Nations to be January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Survivors reflect on and honor the lives of Europe’s Jews—who were targeted for annihilation—other victims of Nazi persecution, and individuals who chose to help.

Based on YouTube Community Guidelines, this video is now age-restricted; therefore, it must be viewed on YouTube itself. here is a link to it. – Mark

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Gay Kiss of the Day

Tomorrow is Holocaust Memorial Day; so, out of respect for the victims of the Holocaust, I shall not post any such pictures, certainly not today or tomorrow. I feel that it would be very inappropriate and very much in bad taste to do so. I’m sure that you will agree with me.

Although I am not a Jew, I have great respect for people of that faith. Indeed, it was through documentaries on their suffering watched when I was growing up that initially triggered my interest in the German language. I therefore feel a strong bond with the Jewish people. In fact, watching documentaries on that period can often reduce me to tears.

I have the greatest respect for those that perished in the Holocaust; also for those that managed to survive the horrors they lived through.

It disturbs me greatly to read and learn that anti-Semitism is once again rearing its ugly head, right across the so-called civilised world. It seems that many people either refuse to learn or are incapable of learning the lessons of history.

Moreover, we are seeing a crisis unfold in Ukraine. Another war cannot be ruled out. There is also a cost of living crisis right across the Western world. Therefore, posting pictures of jollity and expressions of love seem so inappropriate for the coming days. Rest assured, however, I shall resume posting such pictures as soon as I feel that it appropriate to do so.

I trust that you, my visitors and followers, will understand my decision.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Yefim Bronfman (Piano): Sergei Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto #2 in C Minor, Op. 18 - HD

Aug 18, 2012 • Includes all 3 movements. Sony Classical.

Boris Johnson Faces Heat ahead of 'Partygate' Report | DW News

Jan 26, 2022 • British Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced heated opposition in Parliament on Wednesday, and was urged to step down as the backlash over the "Partygate" scandal grows

. A much-anticipated report is also expected to be released on shortly that will determine whether the prime minister or members of his staff broke rules during coronavirus lockdowns. It's thought the conclusions about potentially illegal parties at

Johnson's Downing Street offices could determine the prime minister's political fate.

Ukraine : l'Otan dit se préparer « au pire »

Le secrétaire général de l'Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg. JOHANNA GERON / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : L'Alliance a adressé mercredi soir sa réponse «écrite» aux revendications russes avec trois propositions sur la table pour permettre une «désescalade».

L'Otan a adressé mercredi soir sa réponse «écrite» aux revendications russes. Le secrétaire général de l'Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, a présenté ces propositions lors d'une conférence de presse alors que la crise à la frontière ukrainienne est jugée préoccupante. «Nous sommes dans un moment critique», a-t-il déclaré en dénonçant une nouvelle fois la présence de «plus de 100.000 soldats» et d'autres «en chemin». Il s'est inquiété de la présence, au prétexte d'un exercice qui pourrait servir «à préparer une attaque», de milliers de combattants russes en Biélorusse, ainsi que du déploiement de «systèmes de défense S400», de «moyens aériens» ou de «capacités avancées». «Cela ajoute aux tensions», a-t-il dit alors qu'il était interrogé sur le risque de guerre. » | Par Nicolas Barotte | mercredi 26 janvier 2022


Ukraine: les atermoiements de Joe Biden sapent la capacité de dissuasion des Occidentaux : ANALYSE - Les efforts diplomatiques du président américain n’ont eu aucun effet, pour le moment, sur le dossier ukrainien. »

La Corée du Nord multiplie les tirs de missiles

Image du lancement d'un missile balistique guidé dans un lieu inconnu en Corée du Nord, divulguée le 17 janvier 2022. KCNA / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : Le royaume ermite a réalisé mardi matin le cinquième tir d'essai de missiles depuis le début de l'année, presque autant que sur l'ensemble de 2021.

Kim Jung Un paraît déterminé à afficher son arsenal de missiles en cette nouvelle année 2022. Les chefs d'état-major interarmées sud-coréens ont signalé, mardi dans un communiqué, que «la Corée du Nord a tiré ce qui est suspecté être deux missiles de croisière». Depuis le 5 janvier, Pyongyang a exécuté pas moins de cinq tests de missiles, ce qui n'est pas arrivé depuis 2019.

Derrière ces essais militaires se cache la volonté de réveiller les États-Unis et de les ramener à la table des négociations. Kim Jong-Un a compris qu'au milieu de l'instabilité qui règne en Asie de l'ouest, le nord de la péninsule coréenne n'était plus la priorité de Washington. Mais il compte bien tirer avantage de ces tensions diplomatiques qui retiennent l'attention de l'hôte de la Maison Blanche. » | Par Manon Mendret | mercredi 26 janvier 2022


Corée du Nord : Kim Jong-un reconnaît lors de ses vœux les difficultés économiques du pays : Le dirigeant nord-coréen a pour une fois délaissé les sujets internationaux dans son allocution traditionnelle du Nouvel An pour évoquer les problèmes de logement, d'habillement et d'alimentation. »

Hitler über Berlin - Der Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus von der Weimarer Republik bis 1939

Sep 17, 2021 • Der Film zeigt Berlin und den Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus von der Weimarer Republik bis in das Jahr 1939. Zitate aus der Zeit dokumentieren die Ereignisse, wie die Berliner diese Jahre erlebt haben.

Das zum Teil stark beschädigte schwarz-weiß und farbige Originalmaterial wurde in einem Durchlauf mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz restauriert.

Zusammenschnitt der Irmgard von zur Mühlen Dokumentarfilme "Weltbühne Berlin" (1988), "Berlin unter dem Hakenkreuz" (1987), "Bomben auf Berlin" (1983) sowie CHRONOS-MEDIA Film- und Tonarchiv.

Holocaust Memorial Day [Thursday, January 27th]: ‘The Nazis Experimented on Me at Auschwitz’ - BBC News

Jan 26, 2022 • A woman in her nineties who has been diagnosed with dementia has shared her story of how she escaped the Nazis with her son for the first time.

After Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Alina Peretti was sent to a labour camp in Siberia, put in front of a firing squad in Warsaw and finally sent to the concentration camp, Auschwitz.

“It’s unbelievable when you found out that we survived,” she said, ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day on Thursday.

Gay and Christian? : A documentary / Homosexuell und Christ? : Ein Dokumentarfilm

Oct 14, 2016 • Gay and christian? - a documentary Hardly any other topic is so controversial and heats the minds of Christians more than the subject of homosexuality. The arguments against homosexuality are quickly at hand.

Even more problematic is when a homosexual claims to be a Christian. Can you be gay and Christian? Are these not two completely opposite identities? Few bother to conduct their own research on the subject. Not many take the time to listen just once what the homosexuals, who often are judged so hard, have to say and how their life is like. This film wants to do exactly that: it gives gays, lesbians, transgender and their parents a chance to speak.

What is it like to be in her shoes? Why are they gay? Was it a conscious choice? Have they ever tried to change? How can they find peace with their sexuality, with the Church and with God? A challenging documentary which does not condemn, but calls for mutual respect, love and reconciliation.

Übersetzt ins Deutsche:

Homosexuell und Christ? - Ein Dokumentarfilm Wohl kaum ein anderes Thema ist so kontrovers und erhitzt die Gemüter der Christen mehr als das Thema Homosexualität. Die Argumente gegen Homosexualität sind schnell zur Hand.

Es ist eine Wahl.
Es ist eine Sünde.
Die Bibel ist klar gegen Homosexualität.
Durch Therapie können Homosexuelle geheilt werden.

Noch problematischer wird es, wenn ein Homosexueller behauptet, Christ zu sein. Kann man denn homosexuell und Christ sein? Sind das nicht zwei völlig gegensätzliche Identitäten? Nur wenige machen sich die Mühe, eigene Nachforschungen zu dem Thema anzustellen. Nicht viele nehmen sich die Zeit, sich einfach mal anzuhören, was die Homosexuellen, über die so oft so hart geurteilt wird, zu erzählen haben und wie ihr Leben aussieht.

Dieser Film will genau das tun: Er lässt Schwule, Lesben, Transgender und ihre Eltern zu Wort kommen.

Wie ist es, in ihrer Haut zu stecken? Wieso sind sie homosexuell? War es eine bewusste Wahl? Haben sie je versucht, sich zu ändern? Wie können sie Frieden mit ihrer Sexualität, mit der Kirche und mit Gott finden?

Ein herausfordernder Dokumentarfilm, der nicht verurteilt, sondern zu gegenseitigem Respekt, Liebe und Versöhnung aufruft.

La spiritualité à quel prix ? - Un engouement mondial - Documentaire complet (AMP)

Jan 26, 2022 • Alors que depuis des siècles les familles asiatiques pratiquent les retraites dans des temples, les Occidentaux s’ouvrent de plus en plus à ce mode de renouement avec soi-même.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 26, 2022

Starmer Tells Boris Johnson to Resign Immediately for Misleading Parliament

THE GUARDIAN: PM’s attempt to save career causing ‘immense damage to public trust’, says Labour leader

Keir Starmer at PMQs on Wednesday, when he called for Boris Johnson’s to resign. Photograph: House of Commons/PA

Keir Starmer has called in parliament for Boris Johnson to resign immediately for misleading MPs over Downing Street parties, saying the prime minister’s continued attempts to save his career were causing “immense damage to public trust”.

During a prime minister’s questions so unruly that at one point the Speaker, Lindsay Hoyle, warned shouting MPs that they may be removed from the Commons, Starmer said the decision of police to launch an investigation meant the weight of evidence about the parties was now clear.

While Johnson refused to discuss either the police inquiry, or the imminent civil service report on the alleged lockdown-breaching gatherings, he agreed with Starmer’s question that under the ministerial code, if it were found he had misled parliament he should resign. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent |Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ina Garten's Lamb Stew with Spring Vegetables | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jan 25, 2022 • Ina simplifies a comforting and hearty meal of lamb, vegetables and herbs that can easily be made in advance!