Sunday, January 30, 2022

LGBT+ Ukrainians Are Ready to Fight for Their Freedom If Russia Invades: ‘We Love Our Country’

Bogdan Globa protesting against Russia. (Provided [to Pink News])

PINK NEWS: LGBT+ people in Ukraine are afraid of what’s to come as tensions escalate between their country and Russia.

Ukraine and Russia have been at war with each other since 2014, but there are fears that conflict could spill over after Russia deployed tens of thousands of troops to its border with Ukraine in recent days.

Since then, the United States has put 8,500 of its own troops on alert to send to Ukraine if the war worsens, and NATO announced that it was sending ships and fighter jets to eastern Europe in preparation for a potential conflict.

A Russian attack, or potential invasion, would spell disaster for Ukraine’s LGBT+ community. Queer activists are worried about what could happen if the war escalates and if Russia was to ultimately seize additional Ukrainian territories. They fear that progress on LGBT+ rights would grind to a halt and that, in the event of a Russian invasion, they could see their freedoms restricted and rolled back.

Many are ready and willing to fight if they need to – they feel a patriotic sense of duty to their country – but they’re also painfully aware that the fight for LGBT+ rights could end up on the back burner. » | Patrick Kelleher | Saturday, January 29, 2022