Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Steve Schmidt Explains Why Jared Kushner Should Never Go Back to The White House | The Warning

Feb 14, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Jared Kushner's remarks Tuesday, saying he would not join a second Trump administration.

arte HD | Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto No 2 Gianandrea Noseda, Khatia Buniatishvili 2015

May 16, 2018

Entsetzte Reaktionen auf die NATO-Äußerungen von Donald Trump | DW News

Feb 14, 2024 | "Würde Euch nicht beschützen": Der frühere US-Präsident Trump sorgt mit seinen umstrittenen Aussagen zu Nato-Verbündeten für harsche Kritik bei den Mitgliedern der Allianz. Müssen sich die europäischen Nato-Partner jetzt Sorgen machen? Dazu Einschätzungen vom CSU-Bundestagsabgeordneten Thomas Silberhorn.

Nato Chief Rebukes Donald Trump and Announces Record Defence Spending

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Jens Stoltenberg accuses Trump of undermining alliance and says 18 members are expected to invest at least 2% of GDP this year

Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s secretary general, has accused Donald Trump of undermining the basis of the transatlantic alliance as he announced that 18 Nato members were expected to beat the target of spending more than 2% of GDP on defence.

It was the second rebuke by the Nato chief to the Republican frontrunner in less than a week, reinforced by a declaration that Germany was among the countries planning to spend over the threshold for the first time in a generation.

“We should not undermine the credibility of Nato’s deterrence,” Stoltenberg said on Wednesday as he responded to comments made by Trump at a campaign rally at the weekend. “Deterrence is in the mind of our adversaries,” he added. » | Dan Sabbagh in Brussels | Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Donald Trump's comments are often stupid, We have come to expect stupidity from Trump. But this comment re countries being "delinquent" in their payments to NATO was not only stupid but highly irresponsible. OUTRAGEOUS, in fact. This is proof, if proof were indeed needed, that the man is not fit to be POTUS. At this point, it is difficult to make a judgment on who is stupider and more irresponsible: Donald Trump or the people who vote for him! – © Mark Alexander


OTAN : pourquoi Donald Trump a-t-il accusé les alliés d’être « des mauvais payeurs » ? : L’ex-président américain a semé la confusion entre le financement direct de l’OTAN et les dépenses militaires des alliés, qui sont censées représenter au moins 2 % de leur PIB. »


VIDEO: „Dumm, beschämend, unamerikanisch“: Früherer Präsident und aktueller Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump droht NATO-Mitgliedsstaaten keinen Schutz vor Russland zu gewähren, wenn sie ihre Verteidigungsausgaben nicht zahlen. Biden reagiert entschieden und verteidigt die NATO als unverzichtbar »

Rudy Rochman: How to Debate Jewish Hate

Feb 14, 2024 | Many people today have lost hope when it comes to having fruitful or respectful conversations with others who may have conflicting ideas or polarized opinions. Well, how are we going to create unity in this world or heal our human issues if we do not communicate?

Due to our dependency on social media to access information which caters only fractional truths served in eco chambers, along with an ever more divided world that has a hard time to relate & communicate, many in our generation think that it is a “lost cause” or a “waste of time” to speak to others who have different opinions.

You can change minds and you can impact this world. It starts by believing that you can and doing it in practice,

You can support Rudy Rochman on Patreon here.

This is a Kavana Films production.

En Grèce, « un jour historique » approche pour les couples gays et lesbiens et leurs enfants

KOMITID: Les députés grecs s'apprêtent à légaliser cette semaine le mariage et l'adoption par les couples de même sexe.

« Jusqu’à présent, ma deuxième mère était comme un fantôme aux yeux de la loi. Elle n’apparaissait nulle part, sur aucun document officiel », se désole le jeune Grec Yannis Belia.

Pour cet adolescent et ses mères Stella et Haris, la situation devrait bientôt changer. Les députés grecs s’apprêtent en effet à légaliser mercredi ou jeudi le mariage et l’adoption par les couples de même sexe. Car jusqu’ici en Grèce, pour les couples gays et lesbiens ayant des enfants, seul le parent biologique a des droits sur eux. « Changer ma vie » » | La Rédaction avec l’AFP | lundi 12 février 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Smoking Hot!

A photo to gladden Sunak’s heart!

With thanks to Dino Stefano on Pinterest for this photo.

Etwas für mutige, selbstbewusste Männer in einer sich verändernden Welt: Nagellack!

Hast Du, per Zufall, den Mut dazu?

Foto dank CHANEL auf Pinterest.

Bee Gees: You Win…


If Trump Was Sent by God...

Premiered Jan 16, 2024

If God were truly to send a scoundrel like Trump as America’s Saviour, God wouldn’t be worth worshipping! As we might say in the UK, anyone who believes such nonsense needs to be sectioned. They are a danger to themselves and to the world. – © Mark Alexander

Michael Jackson : I Just Can't Stop…

...loving YOU.

'God Made Trump' Video Rubs Some Iowa Evangelicals the Wrong Way

Jan 11, 2024 | Former President Donald Trump maintains a formidable polling lead heading into the Iowa Caucuses next week, but a recent video touted by Trump has rubbed some evangelicals in Iowa the wrong way. Trump has more than 50 percent of support from Iowa evangelicals, almost doubling up the next closest candidate. The group is the foundation for what some say could be an easy win for Trump in Iowa. Trump held rallies over the weekend filled with supporters eager to cast their vote for the leading candidate.

American Evangelicals are such a disturbing bunch, aren’t they? Listening to them speaking, one gets the impression that they are off their rockers! If an Evangelical Christian truly thinks that a man who likes lots of pussy is sent by God as his Saviour, he has got to be seriously deluded. God doesn't do pussy! Heaven help us all! – © Mark Alexander

Welchen Einfluss haben Evangelikale auf die US-Politik? | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur

Feb 13, 2024 | Was mit dem amerikanischen Erweckungsprediger Billy Graham begann, erreichte mit Donald Trump einen vorläufigen Höhepunkt: der Einfluss weisser Evangelikaler auf die US-Politik. Woher rührt ihr politischer Erfolg? Und: Welchen Einfluss haben die religiösen Rechten in Europa?

Sie halten Trump für den Messias: Der Frankfurter Amerikanist Johannes Völz erforscht die Einstellungen evangelikaler Christen in den USA. Einst hätten sie die Gesellschaft vorangebracht, sagt er – heute seien sie eine Gefahr für die Demokratie. »

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Donald Trump's Dangerous NATO Comments | The Warning

Feb 12, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump's remarks this weekend. Trump said he would "encourage" Russia to attack any NATO member that failed to meet the alliance's target of 2% of their GDP.

Trump should be sent to the madhouse, but definitely not to the White House!

Trump sollte ins Irrenhaus geschickt, aber auf keinen Fall ins Weiße Haus!

Trump devrait être envoyé à la maison de fous, mais certainement pas à la Maison Blanche ! – © Mark Alexander

Selenskyj dankt US-Senat für Ja zu neuem Hilfspaket

Wolodymyr Selenskyj auf einer Pressekonferenz mit dem Präsidenten des Europäischen Rates Charles Michel (Archivbild)

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG – AUSZUG: US-Senat stimmt für Ukraine-Hilfen...


Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat sich beim US-Senat für die Bewilligung eines neuen milliardenschweren Hilfspakets bedankt. „Uns in der Ukraine hilft die fortgesetzte US-Unterstützung dabei, Menschenleben vor dem russischen Terror zu retten“, schrieb Selenskyj am Dienstag auf der Plattform X (früher Twitter). „Die amerikanische Hilfe bringt den gerechten Frieden in der Ukraine näher und stellt die globale Stabilität wieder her“, fügte er hinzu. » |Anna-Lena Ripperger | Dienstag, 13. Februar 2024

Chris Bown…

...Forever »

Russia Declares Estonian PM Kaja Kallas a 'Wanted' Person | DW News

Feb 13, 2024 | The Kremlin says it placed her on the wanted list for taking hostile actions against Russia – and what it calls "the desecration of historical memory". Moscow has long criticized Estonia for removing Soviet-era monuments. Estonia's state secretary and Lithuania's culture minister are also on the list. Kallas has been a vocal support of Ukraine since Russia's invasion. For more, we talk to our Russia analyst Konstantin Eggert, who joins us from Vilnius.

En direct, guerre en Ukraine : poursuivie par Moscou, la première ministre estonienne dénonce la « tactique d’intimidation » russe : Moscou a lancé un avis de recherche contre Kaja Kallas, la première ministre d’Estonie, le secrétaire d’Etat estonien, Taimar Peterkop, et le ministre de la culture de Lituanie, Simonas Kairys, invoquant la vision opposée de l’histoire qu’ont la Russie et ces Etats. LIVE EN COURS »

Monday, February 12, 2024

Tucker Carlson on US-Russia after Putin Interview | Ukraine War | World Government Summit

Feb 12, 2024 | Tucker Carlson on US-Russia After Putin Interview | Ukraine War | World Government Summit At the World Government Summit, Tucker Carlson of The Tucker Carlson Network delved into the US-Russia relations, following his recent headline-making interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The interview, which has sparked a wave of criticism from Western commentators, was in the news over Putin's claims about Ukraine.

„Führung erfordert das Töten von Menschen“: Auf dem World Governments Summit in Dubai schwärmt Tucker Carlson von seinem Treffen mit Wladimir Putin. Unterschiede zwischen Russland und den USA sieht er kaum. Und Todesopfer hält er für normal. »

UFOs und Aliens: Geheime Funde auf der Erde? | Backgroundcheck

Feb 12, 2024 | Gibt es außerirdisches Leben, oder nicht? Und wenn ja, in welcher Form? Ob angebliche Alien-Funde in Mexiko oder UFO-Sichtungen über Texas - die Diskussion über Aliens auf der Erde wird immer wieder neu entfacht. 2023 stellte dann auch noch der ehemalige Pentagon-Mitarbeiter David Grusch die Behauptung auf: schon seit Jahrzehnten werden in den USA außerirdische Objekte geborgen und untersucht. Aber was steckt hinter diesen ganzen Gerüchten? Gibt es außerirdisches Leben oder nicht? Das erfahrt ihr in dieser ZDFheute-Backgroundcheck Folge!


Moderation: Jan Schipmann
Redaktion: Farah Lukaschik
Kamera und Schnitt: Eric Feldmann Sánchez
Ton: Justin Kulske
Motion Graphics: Jan Boroewitsch
Produktionskoordination: Nina Schögel

Dr. Marshall Bewley: Coming Out Later in Life | Reupload

May 12, 2020 | ‘Coming Out’ later in life can sometimes feel as if there are more barriers in the way of you being your true self. It is also important to remember that coming out later in life brings advantages, as you can trust your lived experience. Dr. Marshall Bewley, Licensed Psychologist discusses tips for LGBTQIA people who come out later in life.

Meet Dr. Michael Bewley, Psychologist on the Square »

Dimitra’s Dishes: Valentine's Dessert: Chocolate Raspberry Tart

Feb 11, 2024

Get the recipe here.

Stephane : Crêpes flambées

Feb 12, 2024 | The iconic crêpes flambées are prepared a la minute, flambéed in a syrup of lemon and orange juice, sugar, Grand Marnier, and cognac.

Bon appétit !

Get the recipe here.

Order Stephane’s French Cooking Academy book here

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Andrew Neil: Labour's Lead 'Baked In' and Public Has 'Run Out of Patience' with Tories

Feb 11, 2024 | Broadcaster Andrew Neil has warned that the Conservative party is heading for electoral disaster. Mr Neil, who is chairman of the right-wing magazine The Spectator, said Prime Minister RIshi Sunak is a "decent man" but "doesn't seem to be that great a politician".

Let us please call a spade a spade! The UAE is not only a dictatorship, it is an ISLAMIC dictatorship. Under no circumstances should ANY Islamic government own one of our own prestigious newspapers or media outlets.

If this sale goes ahead, it will accelerate the Islamisation of the UK in particular, and of the West in general. This sale will mark a turning point. The Rubicon will have been crossed. It will be the beginning of the end for freedom and democracy. It will be: Goodnight, Occident! Good morning, Orient!

Frankly, I never thought that my country would be or could be so weak, stupid or unwise. In fact, I am appalled by our ridiculousness, our weakness, our lack of foresight and our ignorance of geopolitical affairs. Have we forgotten the Crusades? Have we forgotten what Islam’s intentions are? Are we really willing to give all away? Will the modern West sell its soul for a few dollars? If so, the West deserves to perish. RIP Occident! – © Mark Alexander

Nazi-Kriegsverbrechen: Mein Vater, der Massenmörder | DER SPIEGEL

Feb 11, 2024 | »Wie ein Zombie bin ich von ihm bestimmt«: Seit Jahrzehnten recherchiert Niklas Frank die Taten des Nationalsozialisten Hans Frank – seinem Vater. Im Video erzählt er von seiner Kindheit in einer angeblichen Musterfamilie.

Nato Chief Says Trump Remarks May Put US and EU Lives At Risk

THE GUARDIAN: Jens Stoltenberg says Nato ‘ready and able to defend all allies’, after Trump invited Russia to attack member countries

The Nato chief, Jens Stoltenberg, has said any attack on the western military alliance would be met with a “united and forceful response”, after Donald Trump invited Russia to attack member countries that he perceived as not meeting their financial obligations.

Stoltenberg said in a statement: “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the US, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk. I expect that regardless of who wins the presidential election, the US will remain a strong and committed Nato ally.”

He said Nato remained “ready and able to defend all allies”. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris and Lili Bayer in Brussels | Sunday, February 11, 2024

Trump should under no circumstances be allowed back into the White House. Trump is a clown and a fool - a dangerous clown and fool! The man is a moron - a mentally unstable moron at that! Why it is taking the authorities in the US so long to lock him up is puzzling indeed. The man belongs in jail for all he has inflicted on the US and for all the damage he has done to democracy worldwide. The best-case scenario for Trump is that he be locked up in a madhouse, as I wrote yesterday in German. (ich schrieb, daß er in einem Irrenhaus gehört und nicht im Weißen Haus.)

What has been reported today regarding what Trump has said re Russia and NATO is proof positive that my words are no exaggeration.

Why the hell is the world wasting so much time on this waster: America's gift to Putin? – © Mark Alexander

OMG! Richard Tice Loses His Rag on TalkTV

Feb 11, 2024 | This morning, the leader of the Reform (Brexit) Party was so infuriated by @BylineTV reporter, Caolan Robertson, he called and raged to try and protect Brexit. He didn’t show any empathy towards South Wales and the workers who have lost their jobs thanks to Brexit!

The discussion was about this documentary. | Richard Tice is big chums with Nigel Farage. That tells you all you need to know! Richard Tice hasn’t lost his job because of Brexit; on the contrary, he’s profiting from it. Fact is, Brexit was the dumbest idea ever for this country. In centuries past, these people would have been displayed on the public square with their heads in stocks! – © Mark Alexander

How Germany Is Responding to the Far-right | DW News

Feb 11, 2024 | Hundreds of thousands have come out across Germany in recent days to protest the Alternative for Germany (AfD). The far-right populist party with a strong anti-immigration focus is enjoying record highs in opinion polls. Nationwide surveys show that about one in five Germans would vote for it, and the AfD is projected to come first in elections in three eastern states later this year. So how did Germany get here? And how is society responding?

Rudy Rochman: What Is Jewish Activation?

Feb 11, 2024 | It is time to be a player, not just a fan. Jewish Haters have become emboldened, empowered, and are no longer lurking in the shadows. This is the moment for young Jews around the world to rise up and to find their unique role for how they will change history. The moment that you can change the world begins with the moment that you believe you can, and then act upon it.

This short film is a Kavana Films production.

You can support Rudy Rochman on Patreon here.

Chris Wallace Destroys Former Colleague Tucker Carlson

Feb 11, 2024

Tucker Carlson’s Post-Putin Interview Reaction | #shorts

Tucker Carlson’s perceptions.

Disabilities in the Gay Community | #shorts

Apparently, one in three in the gay community suffers from disabilities.

Catherine Hidden Curtsy Prompt Given to Meghan | #shorts

Respect, disrespect, and curtsying. Meghan’s apparent disbelief at the custom in royal circles.

King Makes First Public Appearance since Cancer Diagnosis

THE TELEGRAPH: Sovereign and the Queen attended church at Sandringham on Sunday morning and greeted well-wishers

King Charles smiled and waved on his way to St Mary Magdalene Church | CREDIT: KARWAI TANG

The King and Queen have walked to church at Sandringham this morning, waving at well-wishers in his first appearance since his cancer diagnosis.

King Charles smiled and waved on his way to St Mary Magdalene Church, dressed smartly and carrying an umbrella as the Queen walked by his side.

It is the first time he has been seen in public since he began treatment for cancer six days ago. » | Hannah Furness, Royal Editor | Sunday, February 11, 2024 [£]

Cancer de Charles III : le roi adresse ses remerciements pour le soutien reçu : C’est le premier communiqué du souverain britannique depuis l’annonce du diagnostic de son cancer. »

Donald Trump Says He Would Encourage Russia to Attack Nato Allies Who Pay Too Little

THE GUARDIAN: Remarks by former president and presumptive 2024 Republican nominee described as ‘unhinged’ by the White House

Seeking a second presidency as the Republicans’ presumptive 2024 White House nominee, Donald Trump has said he would “encourage” Russia to attack any of the US’s Nato allies whom he considers to have not met their financial obligations.

The White House described the remarks as “appalling and unhinged”. Trump made the statement on Saturday during a campaign rally in Conway, South Carolina, ahead of the state’s Republican presidential preference primary on 24 February.

The former president has voiced misgivings about aid to Ukraine as it defends itself from the invasion launched by Russia in February 2022 – as well as to the existence of Nato, the 31-nation alliance which the US has committed to defending when necessary.

On Saturday, Trump claimed that during an unspecified Nato meeting he told a fellow head of state that the US under his leadership would not defend any countries who were “delinquent”. » | Guardian staff and agencies | Sunday, February 11, 2024

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Exiled Windsors (2023) - Full Documentary - HD

Mar 7, 2023 | The year, 1936. Behind the doors of 10 Downing street. Controversy. Suspicion. Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin has a difficult decision to make. The King of England, and of Great Britain, is infatuated with divorced American socialite Wallis Simpson. The King has been showering his mistress with extravagant gifts, a warning to the security services of possible blackmail.

Fears grow, too, of his association with fascist sympathisers, and the possibility the king could attempt to overthrow the government to keep his seat of power on the throne. At the very least, would the affair trigger civil unrest and turmoil in an already unstable country.

The Prime Minister must make that difficult decision. To spy on the head of state, the monarch, is an extraordinarily controversial and intrusive act, but Baldwin finally gives the order. The British intelligence service began to spy on the King. And so began one of the greatest constitutional crises in centuries… Edward and Wallis - The Exiled Windsors.

What Will We Do If Donald Trump Wins The 2024 Election? | The Warning

Feb 10, 2024 | Steve Schmidt answers your questions regarding the 2024 election. Steve breaks down what the Biden campaign must do to win, and what will happen if he doesn't.

Oh Christ! What a thought! What a nightmare! Get the pills ready! – © Mark Alexander

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS : Link Up Remix | Official Music Video | Reupload

Premiered Nov 3, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 1,187,863

Louis XIV, ce roi qui a lutté contre la maladie toute sa vie

LE FIGARO : GRAND RÉCIT - L’annonce du cancer du roi d’Angleterre le rappelle : le corps du roi, dans une monarchie, est une question politique. Or le plus illustre des souverains de l’histoire de France, le Roi-Soleil, a été, toute sa vie, malade.

L'annonce du cancer de Charles III a provoqué une vive émotion au Royaume-Uni et fait la une en France même. La souffrance de l'homme suscite la compassion et le corps du souverain, dans les monarchies, est un sujet politique. Mais combien de nos concitoyens le savent ? La star des rois de France, Louis XIV, était lui aussi sans cesse souffrant. Le Roi-Soleil, qu'on imagine tout-puissant et glorieux, a, en réalité, enduré toute sa vie des infirmités innombrables. Ce sont ces coulisses de Versailles que nous allons raconter. » | Par Guillaume Perrault | samedi 10 février 2024 (€)

À l'heure actuelle, il y a une vente flash sur les abonnements numériques. -70% sur abonnement numérique. Vous pouvez profiter de cette offre spéciale ici. – Mark

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 337,622,023

Ne-Yo : Sexy Love | Official Music Video | Reupload

Dec 14, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 143,271,129

Farage Feasts on Grievances He Created with Brexit; Now Eyes Farming

Feb 10, 2024 | Farming protests in Dover and Wales are inviting the likes of Nigel Farage and other Brexit leaders. The truth is that Brexit made British farming woes A LOT worse. Nigel Farage should be shunned by anyone who wants to save British farming!!

Farage is a troublemaker and blowhard. A piece of you know what! He and his ilk have done more damage to this country than just about any people I can think of. The man appals me. Why the MSM give him so much of the oxygen of publicity is perplexing and incomprehensible.

I’d like to see the EU demand the money they paid him back. He pocketed hundreds of thousands of euros and did nothing for the money. From what I have read, he hardly ever turned up to any of the parliamentary debates in the European Parliament. The man is a disgrace! – © Mark Alexander

Taking the Welsh Language to Patagonia - Britain's Secret Homes

Apr 6, 2016 | To save the Welsh language, hundreds of Welsh people travelled to Patagonia to start a new Welsh community.

Decoding Putin's Interview with Tucker Carlson

Feb 9, 2024 | Get insights into Vladimir Putin's recent interview with Tucker Carlson on Scripps News. Delve into Putin's assertions about Ukraine, military support, and diplomatic strategies with commentary from Jack Barsky, a former KGB operative.

How Saffron Risotto Is Made in Italy | DW Food

Feb 10, 2024 | Risotto is a simple dish with just a few ingredients, and yet many people fail at making it.

The perfect risotto can only be achieved with a lot of patience and instinct. Head chef Elvis Dollenga from the Milanese restaurant Risoelatte shows you all the tricks on how to prepare Risotto alla Milanese perfectly and how to achieve that special, creamy consistency.

The special thing about Risotto alla Milanese: the saffron gives it its yellow hue. In the 16th century, one of the apprentices working on the stained-glass windows of Milan Cathedral is said to have added saffron to the white rice to give it its special color. Today, Risotto alla Milanese is a classic of Italian cuisine.

Italy is still the largest rice exporter in Europe. The rice is grown in the Po Valley, which is also known as the rice bowl of Europe. So it's no wonder that the traditional Milanese dish is risotto. You need risotto rice (only this releases the starch during cooking and constant stirring to create the special creaminess), freshly cooked beef stock made from bones and vegetables, white wine, Parmesan and butter. And of course: saffron.


Report: Andrea Horakh
Camera: Domenico Cannata
Edit: Monika Wenczel
Supervising Editors: Ruben Kalus

Should Trump and Biden Have To Take a Mental Competency Test? | DW News

Feb 10, 2024

Donald Trump gehört einem Irrenhaus, nicht dem Weißen Haus! – © Mark Alexander

‘Rishi Sunak Is Deluded’ | Susie Boniface

Feb 10, 2024 | “The man’s deluded. What planet is he the minority of more than one? He’s insane.” Rishi Sunak is like a “lunatic at the controls” of the Conservative Party after announcing his game plan for the general election, says Susie Boniface on Times Radio.

”Deluded” and “insane” are pretty apt words for Sunak. Thank you, Susie Boniface! ‘Freaky’ would be another adjective that quickly springs to mind. Which other Brit do you know that doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t eat meat, and fasts for 36 hours each and every week, despite having to do the onerous task of running government? Then, to add to the list, is shameless enough to want to ban smoking for young adults in the whole country, and eventually for all adults, regardless of age. This man is totally out-of-touch with the British character; he is not one of us. Let him go try his insane, incremental smoking ban on Indians in India, and see how far he'll get.

Further, it is to be hoped that Keir Starmer, if and when he gets into office, won’t try this ‘Sunakesque’ stunt on the long-suffering Brits too. If he does, he will also be worthy of similar condemnation. – © Mark Alexander

Mhairi Fraser: The Rising Tory Force Who Was Bowled Over by Trump

THE GUARDIAN: She starred at PopCon with a tirade against Covid lockdowns, and she may shape the Conservatives’ post-Sunak trajectory

Screenshot from the Guardian: Mhairi Fraser is the Tory candidate for the safe Surrey constituency of Epsom and Ewell.Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images

Sandwiched between speeches by Jacob-Rees Mogg and Lee Anderson, a less familiar figure took to the stage at Tuesday’s launch of the Popular Conservatives group. Looking slightly nervous, she glanced at her notes and began: “Margaret Thatcher … ”

Anyone wondering about Mhairi Fraser’s political views even after those opening words were soon left in no doubt, as the Conservative candidate for the safe Surrey constituency of Epsom and Ewell launched into a full-throated attack on the “nanny state”.

The former parliamentary staffer turned City lawyer lambasted Rishi Sunak’s policy to ban smoking, saying – in a point that public health experts may quibble with – that there was no link between controls on tobacco and smoking rates.

Fraser went on to call Covid lockdowns “the nanny in her most monstrous form”, arguing that if people choose to have “a cigarette after a long day at work” then officials should just keep out and let them do it. » | Peter Walker, Deputy political editor | Saturday, February 10, 2024

Truss’s PopCon group splinters on launch but attacks Sunak’s policies: Just two of four MPs billed to speak present as launch event amounts to evisceration of PM’s government »

Michael Lambert: Rishi Sunak - the Great Loser

Feb 10, 2024 | Rishi Sunak should never have become prime minister. As he shows daily, he is incompetent and out of touch. Sunak follows Cameron, May, Johnson, and Truss, some of the worst prime ministers ever. Sunak is like the captain of the Titanic telling everyone that everything is just fine despite the ship sinking.

He is out of touch and has almost no support. Several factions within the Conservative parliamentary party oppose Sunak and the latest, known as Popular Conservatives was launched last week under disgraced former prime minister Liz Truss.

More than 50 Tory MPs have said they will stand down at the next general election. Sunak keeps appearing on television in the hope of becoming more popular only to become less popular. His interview with Piers Morgan was a disaster as was his ill-judged comment in PMQs to Kier Starmer concerning Brianna Ghey.

Sunak must know that he has no way of winning the next general election and that by hanging on, matters will only get worse.

Further bad news, three by elections, the May council elections, the interim report from the Covid enquiry and the effects of the new import controls are all likely to make matters worse for Sunak.

Friday, February 09, 2024

Key Takeaways from Tucker Carlson's Interview with Russia's Putin | DW News

Feb 9, 2024 | Russia's President Vladimir Putin has given his first one-on-one interview to Western media since 2019 – to a controversial right-wing US talk show host.

Tucker Carlson is a former Fox News host, a key ally of 2024 election candidate Donald Trump – and a vocal opponent to US military aid for Ukraine. He travelled to Moscow to conduct the interview, which was broadcast on the 'Tucker Carlson Network'. The Russian president used the occasion to push for recognition of Moscow's interests – depicting Russia as a victim of Western betrayal and fearmongering.

Carlson left Putin largely unchallenged. In video from Tucker Carlson Network, some questions led to jokes rather than real answers.

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Joe Biden's Bad Week | The Warning

Feb 9, 2024 | Another wild week in American politics, and a bad one for President Joe Biden. Steve Schmidt reflects on the past week.

Putin Gives First Western Interview with Tucker Carlson

Feb 9, 2024 | President Putin of Russia has given his first interview to a western journalist since the start of the war in Ukraine and used it to blame the conflict on the United States and Britain, saying it had been triggered by Nato expansion and prolonged by Boris Johnson.

He also claimed that the detained American journalist Evan Gershkovich was “caught red-handed” handling confidential information in Russia, but added that an agreement might be reached with the US to release him.

Putin was speaking in a highly anticipated interview with the American former Fox News host and conspiracy theorist Tucker Carlson.

Putin Hints at Russia's Military Strategy for Ukraine in Tucker Carlson Interview

Feb 9, 2024 | In the Russian presidents first interview with a western journalist since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Vladimir Putin hints at his future military strategy.

Ina Garten's Cornmeal-Fried Onion Rings | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Feb 9, 2024 | Ina's extra-crunchy cornmeal-fried onion rings are a burger or hot dog's best friend.

Tucker Carlson beim Kreml-Chef: Putins Show für das amerikanische Publikum | DER SPIEGEL

Feb 9, 2024 | Unkritische Fragen von einem wohlgesonnenen, rechtspopulistischen US-Moderator: Für Wladimir Putin war das »Interview« mit Tucker Carlson eine willkommene Propagandaveranstaltung. Auszüge im Video.

Russia Could Attack Nato within Three Years, Warns Denmark

THE TELEGRAPH: The Danish defence minister has warned Russia could go to war with Nato in as little as three years.

Troels Lund Poulsen, who also serves as Denmark’s deputy prime minister, has joined colleagues from the UK, Sweden, Romania, Germany and others in raising the alarm about increased Russian defence spending and manufacturing.

“It cannot be ruled out that within a three- to five-year period, Russia will test Article 5 and Nato’s solidarity. That was not Nato’s assessment in 2023. This is new information that is coming to the fore now,” Mr Poulsen told Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper. » | Friday, February 9, 2024

Tucker Carlson Is ‘Putin’s Mouthpiece’ | Charles Kupchan

Feb 9, 2024 | “It serves Putin's interest because he has a mouthpiece in Tucker Carlson.” Charles Kupchan, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, tells Times Radio how Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson could influence US opinion.

Scott Ritter: Statement on Tucker Carlson's Interview w/ Putin

Feb 9, 2024

Rishi Sunak Says He’s Brought a Culture of “Honesty” to No10 - Even Larry the Cat Is Packing His Bag

Feb 9, 2024

So that's why he wants to take a young adult's right to smoke away, is it? The hypocrite! Kick him out of office asap! – © Mark Alexander

Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

Feb 8, 2024 | Views on YouTube (so far): 2,811,473

Five key moments from Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin: From a rambling 'history lesson', to 'arrogant' Boris Johnson and threats of World War Three - here are the top five moments of the sit down » [£]

Putin tells Tucker Carlson the US ‘needs to stop supplying weapons’ to Ukraine: Russian president’s rambling, two-hour talk with commentator is his first interview with western media since the Ukraine invasion »

Putin Calls on U.S. to ‘Negotiate’ on Ukraine in Tucker Carlson Interview: In a two-hour interview, President Vladimir Putin of Russia was more direct than usual about how he sees his Ukraine invasion ending: not with a military victory, but a deal with the West. »

Trump, Putin, Carlson and the Shifting Sands of Today’s American Politics: An interview with Russia’s leader and congressional resistance to aid for Ukraine underscore the transformation of the parties and electorate in the United States more than three decades after the Cold War. »

Tucker Carlson Urges Putin to Release American Journalist: The Russian president was noncommittal after Mr. Carlson asked about Evan Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal reporter who has been held in a Moscow prison for nearly a year. »


Vladimir Poutine affirme à Tucker Carlson que la Russie ne peut être vaincue en Ukraine : Dans une opération de communication menée avec le présentateur américain conservateur, le président russe a également dit écarter l’idée d’envahir la Pologne ou la Lettonie. »


Tucker Carlson ermöglicht Putin die perfekte PR-Show : Geschickt lenkt der russische Präsident das Gespräch mit dem einstigen Fox-News-Talkmaster Tucker Carlson. Kritische Fragen muss Putin nicht fürchten. / Einige Botschaften hat der russische Präsident im Interview eines Stichwortgebers der amerikanischen Rechten platziert: Russland plane keine Ausweitung seines Krieges in der Ukraine, sagte Wladimir Putin dem einstigen Fox-News-Talkmaster Tucker Carlson in einem von Carlson heftig gehypten zweistündigen Gespräch vom 6. Februar. „Wir haben kein Interesse an Polen, Lettland oder sonst wo“, so Putin. „Höchstens in einem Fall – wenn Polen Russland angreift.“ »

Thursday, February 08, 2024

Why Vladimir Putin Allowed ONLY Tucker Carlson to Interview Him: Explained by Bill Browder

Feb 8, 2024 | In a surprising turn of events, Tucker Carlson, former Fox News host and current host of his own show on X, announced that he had travelled to Moscow to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This marks the first time a member of the Western media has interviewed Putin since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The announcement has ignited a conversation about the decision to give a platform to the Russian dictator, particularly during a time of war.

Putin's biggest critic Bill Browder speaks to TalkTV about why Tucker Carlson was the only person allowed to interview Putin. Critics argue that Carlson, who has openly expressed his support for Putin in the past, is not a journalist but an influencer, and his interview is seen as an influence operation rather than a legitimate journalistic endeavour. They question the value of giving a voice to Putin without asking tough questions about his actions, such as the arrest of opposition figures and the bombing of civilians in Ukraine.

Greek Pastirma Pie : Pastourmadopita | Akis Petretzikis

Feb 8, 2024

Get the recipe here.

Michael Bublé : Haven't Met You Yet | Official Music Video

Oct 2, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 166,122,188

This music video cannot be embedded on external websites; so here’s a link to it on YouTube.

Bürgergeld-Debatte: Lohnt sich Arbeit noch? | Markus Lanz vom 07. Februar 2024

Feb 8, 2024 | Die deutsche Wirtschaft stagniert so stark, wie keine andere in Europa. Auf Grundlage dieses Fakts diskutieren bei Markus Lanz die Gäste mit- und teils gegeneinander, inwieweit Arbeit in Deutschland attraktiver gemacht werden kann. Denn durch die Erhöhung des Bürgergelds scheint die Grenze zwischen Niedriglohn-Arbeit und sozialer Hilfe in Teilen gering geworden zu sein.

Dies ist allerdings nur ein Teil des aktuellen Problems mit Arbeitskräften in Deutschland für einige der Talkgäste. Besonders die Forderung nach einer Vier-Tage-Woche von der SPD-Co-Vorsitzenden Saskia Esken sorgt für Gesprächsstoff. Der Journalist Daniel Sturm kritisiert die Chefin von SPD-Generalsekretär Kevin Kühnert, der auch bei Markus Lanz in der Sendung sitzt. Sturm kritisiert, dass gerade in der jetzigen Zeit, in der auch die Rentenfinanzierung aufgrund der Babyboomer ein Problem darstellen, Arbeit nicht mehr so gefordert werde. Vor allem von der eigentlichen Arbeitspartei SPD, die eher eine soziale Partei geworden sei.

Zwischen ihm und Kevin Kühnert entsteht eine Diskussion, in der ebenfalls die Rente mit 63 ein Thema wird. Kevin Kühnert verteidigt diese, denn eine Person, die 45 Jahre lang gearbeitet hat, hätte das Recht darauf, früher in Rente zu gehen. Es sei eine freiwillige Entscheidung, mit 63 in Rente zu gehen, kein Muss.

Doch was Herr Kühnert nicht einfach so auf sich sitzen lassen kann, ist der Vorwurf, dass die SPD in den vergangenen Jahren nichts für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen getan hätte. Ohne die SPD, so erklärt er, würde es heute gar keinen Mindestlohn von zwölf Euro geben. Viele Parteien hätten dagegen gestimmt und hätte die SPD nicht darauf gepocht, so würde es immer noch einen Mindestlohn von sieben Euro gebe.

Weitere Gäste in der Sendung:

Veronika Grimm, Ökonomin Als eine der fünf Wirtschaftsweisen ordnet sie die Wirtschaftspolitik der Ampel-Regierung ein. "Die andauernden faulen Kompromisse machen die Menschen nur noch unzufriedener", meint sie.

Martina Nighswonger, Unternehmerin Die Chefin des pfälzischen Chemieunternehmens "Gechem" spricht über die Situation mittelständischer Unternehmen in Deutschland und über Geschäftsrisiken als Folge übermäßiger Bürokratie.

'Shocking': Hillary Clinton Surprised at Ease of GOP Capitulation to 'Puppeteer' Trump

Feb 8, 2024 | Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with Alex Wagner about why she is still hopeful that aid for Ukraine will be passed by Congress, and the "profoundly silly" spectacle of Republicans in Congress abandoning their own principles to obey the whims of Donald Trump.

'He Is a Useful Idiot': Hillary Clinton Scorns Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

Feb 8, 2024 | Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with Alex Wagner about the strange attraction some Americans feel toward authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin, describing it as "absolutely gobsmacking terrifying." MSNBC's Ali Velshi joins for analysis.

Wife of Jailed Putin Critic Responds to Tucker Carlson’s Interview

Feb 8, 2024 | Evgenia Kara-Murza, the wife of Russian jailed journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza, explains to CNN's Erin Burnett why Vladimir Putin "needs" Tucker Carlson to spread his message.

US Funding Failure Will Have Serious Battlefield Consequences, Says Ukraine

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Zelenskiy aide says ‘foreign policy has become a hostage of internal politics’ after Republicans torpedo aid bill

The repeated failure of the Biden administration to get a funding package for Ukraine approved by the Senate will have real consequences in terms of lives on the battlefield and Kyiv’s ability to hold off Russian forces on the frontline, say Ukrainian officials.

The latest move by Senate Republicans to torpedo a bipartisan bill that would have combined $60bn (£48bn) in aid for Ukraine with aid to Israel and increased border security measures is a bitter blow for Kyiv. It could signal a very grim year ahead as the US political agenda settles into an election year with Donald Trump all but certain to be the Republican candidate.

As the two-year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine approaches, Ukrainian officials say the delay in US support has already had a clear impact on the battlefield, where Kyiv’s exhausted troops have a severe hardware deficit in comparison to the Russians. » | Shaun Walker in Kyiv | Thursday, February 8, 2024

And some Americans, hopefully albeit few in number, appear to be rooting for Putin to win this war! Scott Ritter appears to be one of those people! (And what, pray tell, are we to make of Tucker Carlson’s interview of Vladimir Putin?)

Please don’t forget to watch this discussion between the distinguished, if a little controversial, extremely right-wing Roger Köppel [Wikipedia] of the well-known Swiss journal, Die Weltwoche, and the no less controversial American, Scott Ritter [Wikipedia], who clearly argues Putin’s case for him!

I have decided not to embed this video lest people think that I endorse Scott Ritter’s viewpoint. I CERTAINLY DO NOT. Listening to Scott Ritter speaking in this video, stuns me. Prepare yourselves to be stunned, too! – © Mark Alexander

Please note that the video starts in German but soon changes to English for Roger Köppel's discussion with Scott Ritter.

Click here to watch the video and listen to the discussion. By the way, even its title is mind-blowing!

'Shame on You': Polish Prime Minister Hits Out at US Republicans

THE GUARDIAN: Poland’s prime minister, Donald Tusk, has issued a sharp public rebuke to American Republicans.

In a post on social media this morning, the centre-right politician said:

“Dear Republican Senators of America. Ronald Reagan, who helped millions of us to win back our freedom and independence, must be turning in his grave today. Shame on you.” » | Lili Bayer in Brussels | Thursday, February 8, 2024

Ireland Measles: Adult Dies in Hospital after Contracting Disease

BBC: An adult who contracted measles has died in hospital in Ireland, the country's Health Service Executive (HSE) has said.

It is the first confirmed measles case in Ireland this year.

There were four measles cases in 2023, two in 2022, none in 2021, and five in 2020, with no deaths reported in any of those years, according to the HSE.

It comes as health officials across Europe and the UK warn of rising cases amid falling vaccination rates.

The adult died in a hospital in the Dublin and Midlands health region, which covers the Leinster province. The HSE's Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has been notified.


Ireland's Chief Medical Officer Professor Breda Smyth said she was "very concerned" there was a "high risk" of a measles outbreak in the country and urged people to take up the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.

Measles is a highly contagious disease, which is spread by coughs and sneezes and can be serious at any age.

It often starts with a high fever and a rash, which normally clears up within 10 days - but complications can include pneumonia, meningitis, blindness and seizures. » | James Gregory, BBC News | Thursday, February 8, 2024

Tucker Carlson hat Wladimir Putin interviewt


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der frühere Fox-News-Moderator Tucker Carlson hat laut Kremlsprecher Peskow das Gespräch mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin geführt. Anfragen anderer westlicher Medien habe man abgelehnt.

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat erstmals seit Beginn seines Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine einem amerikanischen Journalisten ein ausführliches Interview gegeben. Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow teilte am Mittwoch mit, dass der frühere Fox-News-Moderator Tucker Carlson in Moskau mit Putin das Gespräch geführt habe. Der rechte Talkmaster, der sich seit Tagen in Moskau aufhält und die russische Hauptstadt als großartig lobte, hatte am Dienstagabend das Interview angekündigt. Auch der amerikanische Sender CNN berichtete über Carlsons Interviewpläne. » | Quelle: dpa | Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024

Gordon Brown Slams ‘Obscene’ Levels of Destitution in the UK

THE GUARDIAN: Former PM criticises ministers for ‘moral outrage’ of ‘systematically shredding’ social security system

Britain is in the throes of a hidden poverty “epidemic”, with the worst-affected households living in squalor and going without food, heating and everyday basics such as clean clothes and toothpaste, the former UK prime minister Gordon Brown has said.

Brown accused the government of creating a wall of silence around “obscene” levels of destitution in the UK and criticised ministers for “systematically shredding” a social security system that had once provided a safety net for the poorest.

He said it was a “moral outrage” that the government was unwilling to tackle a social emergency that had created millions of forgotten and voiceless victims, one he compared in an article for the Guardian with the Post Office scandal in terms of the scale of ministerial neglect. » | Patrick Butler, Social policy editor | Thursday, February 8, 2024

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Macron Calls Hamas Attacks ‘Biggest Antisemitic Massacre of Our Century’

THE GUARDIAN: President says ‘nothing can justify or excuse terrorism’, at Paris ceremony honouring French victims

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has called the 7 October attacks by Hamas on Israel the “biggest antisemitic massacre of our century” as he led a ceremony paying tribute to the French victims.

Macron described the attacks by the Palestinian militant group as “barbarism … which is fed by antisemitism and propagates it”. He said: “We must fight against hatred, we must not give in to rampant, unbridled antisemitism. Nothing can justify or excuse terrorism.” » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Wednesday, January 7, 2024

Israel PM Rejects Hamas's Proposed Gaza Ceasefire Terms | BBC News

Feb 7, 2024 | Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected Hamas's proposed ceasefire terms - saying "total victory" in Gaza is possible within months. He was speaking after Hamas laid out a series of demands in response to an Israel-backed ceasefire proposal. He said negotiations with the group were "not going anywhere" and described their terms as "bizarre". Talks between negotiators are continuing.

Tucker Carlson Is the Most Cynical Man in America | The Warning

Feb 7, 2024 | Steve Schmidt explains why Tucker Carlson is in Moscow. Tucker Carlson has become a dangerous demagogue in recent years. His actions and conduct are reprehensible. He is no journalist. He is a very bad American. Tucker Carlson is a stooge, and specifically he is Putin’s stooge. What a disgrace.

Kremlin confirms Putin gave interview to ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson: MOSCOW, Feb 7 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin granted an interview to U.S. television host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, the Kremlin said, his first to an American journalist since before Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago. / Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin had agreed to the Carlson interview because the approach of the former Fox News host differed from the "one-sided" reporting of the Ukraine conflict by many Western news outlets. »

"Why Do I Feel Guilty Like I'm Betraying My Country": Tucker Carlson before Putin Interview

Feb 7, 2024 | Tucker Carlson questioned by Russian media over Putin interview during his Moscow trip.

Tucker Carlson not first Western journalist to seek interview with Putin, says Kremlin: Right-wing commentator made false claim that others had ‘not bothered’ to try to speak to Russian president »

The Madness of King Charles | Psychological

Feb 5, 2024 | Looking at the new monarch's difficult relationships with women, family and the public, we find out what makes Charles tick.

The LGBTQ+ Heads of State | #shorts | 🌈

Who is the queerest head of state? 😂

Brexit Wipes Out UK’s Biggest Steelworks. Decimates Wales. Media Covered It Up.

Feb 7, 2024 | Why is the Port Talbot steelworks really closing its blast furnaces at the cost of 3000 jobs? Is it because of net zero green policies, like the right wing media says? Byline TV's Caolan Robertson went to Port Talbot and spoke to locals, steelworkers, economists and politicians to expose the truth about the end of British steel.

Independent media needs the people’s support. You can help it grow and thrive by clicking here.

This video shows perfectly and succinctly why Brexit was such a stupid idea. The electorate has been duped by ruthless, right-wing ideologues – the likes of Farage, Boris Johnson and even our current prime minister. These are all people who cannot be trusted.

Brexit was never a patriotic move – quite the opposite. The people who pushed the idea of Brexit did so to line their own pockets.

I hope that you, my visitors and followers, can now see why I have been banging on for so long about the ridiculousness and stupidity of Brexit. Brexit was a hare-brained idea from the very start.

What Brexit has done to Port Talbot is heart-breaking. But I am sure it is not alone. There must be many communities up and down the UK which are suffering because of the lies of the politicians and the false dreams they peddled. Fie on them all! – © Mark Alexander

The Amazing Luxurious Villas of Lake Como, Italy | Part 1

Mar 2, 2020

Part 2 and Part 3

Canada Sees Drop in Citizen Applications from Permanent Residents | BBC News

Feb 7, 2024 | Canada has been a magnet for immigrants for decades, but recently the number of permanent residents applying for citizenship has been dropping. Thousands emigrate from India to Canada every year, with the Punjab community making up one of the country’s biggest diasporas, but some are now choosing to return to their home country.

John Major: Brexit Is a Colossal Mistake

Feb 7, 2024 | This 4-minute video has already been viewed over a million times

John Major is one of the last of the great, sensible Tories. I would still be voting Tory if the Party was still made up of respectable and decent men like John Major. – © Mark Alexander

Crispy Banana Spring Rolls with Vanilla Ice-cream | Cooking with Zahra

Feb 7, 2024 | Banana Spring Roll is a delightful dessert that typically consists of ripe bananas wrapped in spring roll wrappers and deep-fried until crispy. The spring roll wrappers may be filled with banana slices, sometimes complemented by ingredients like brown sugar or cinnamon. Once fried, Banana Spring Rolls are often served hot, creating a delicious contrast between the crispy outer layer and the warm, sweet banana filling. They are commonly enjoyed as a dessert or snack, sometimes accompanied by a scoop of ice cream or a drizzle of chocolate sauce for added indulgence.

Get the full recipe here.

‘Historic’: Law Professor Reacts to Unanimous Trump Immunity Ruling

Feb 7, 2024 | CNN’s Anderson Cooper talks to Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe and CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about a federal appeals court ruling that Donald Trump is not immune from prosecution for alleged crimes he committed during his presidency to reverse the 2020 election results.

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Is the Saudi Crown Prince an Ex-Muslim Atheist?

Streamed live on Jan 29, 2024 | Did Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman leave Islam?

Tucker Carlson Confirms He Is in Russia to Interview Vladimir Putin

Feb 6, 2024 | The former Fox News broadcaster shared a video on Twitter filmed in the country’s capital, following days of speculation.

Sunak’s Incremental Smoking Ban

It appals me that our king has joined our unelected prime minister in calling for an incremental smoking ban. However, it doesn’t surprise me, since as Prince of Wales, he had a history of involving himself in political affairs, even though we all know that our monarch is supposed to stay well out of politics.

Both our king and our prime minister are unelected. Therefore, they have no right whatsoever in a so-called democracy to make decisions on the people’s behalf.

The mere idea of banning smoking for adults — a habit which brings great pleasure to many adults even to this day — is undemocratic, autocratic, in fact, and, quite frankly, stupid. There are far more unhealthy habits than smoking cigarettes. Excessive sugar consumption springs quickly to mind, alcohol consumption, the smoking of marijuana and cannabis, and the use of ketamine, and increasingly, of cocaine. How many young people have a cocaine habit, I wonder? London is, in fact, said to be the cocaine capital of the world.

So, cigarette-smoking is the least of our concerns.

I would be the last person on earth to advocate smoking. However, I must admit, until nearly two years ago, I had a twenty-a-day habit, which brought me enormous pleasure. It also kept me slim and free of type-2 diabetes. Since quitting, I have gained weight quickly; and this worries me. Why? Because I know that my metabolism has slowed right down since I gave up. I am not gaining weight because I am eating more; rather, I am gaining weight because of my now slow metabolism.

You can talk of lung cancer, and lung cancer is a terrible thing. But the fact remains that only about 5 – 10% of HEAVY smokers contract it. Indeed, I recently read of an Israeli rabbi many years over a hundred who died of old age despite being an extremely heavy smoker. Like 60 cigarettes a day!

Please do not misconstrue my message: I neither advocate smoking nor condone it. However, I do defend the right of an adult to make his own choice without people in the Establishment interfering in their decisions. (By the way, I am not a republican. Far from it. However, interference like this could push me in that direction.)

The NHS argument holds no water. Smokers contribute approximately £10.5b in taxes, whereas they cost the NHS only £3.5b.

It should also be remembered that a person’s health is more than being about remaining cancer-free. One also wants to be free of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease and type-2 diabetes. One also wishes to remain as slim as possible. Nobody wants to be obese. Smoking has a protective effect on all these maladies.

It is imperative that we look at the big picture; it is also imperative that we keep meddlesome people out of our decision-making process.

If you wish to ban anything, ban meddlesome people from interfering in the democratic process. Keep people’s right to choose. Ban interference from the Nanny State.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Oh God! Here we go again! When is the risk of type-2 diabetes reduced after quitting sugar? Or the risk of a car accident when you quit driving your car? Or the risk of liver disease after you quit drinking alcohol? Or the risk of an STD once you quit sexual contact with your partner, straight or gay? Unfortunately, life is for living; and we cannot get out of this life alive. All this preaching is oh so tiresome. For heaven's sake, live and let live! It behoves us all to live moderately; and to enjoy life, to get our kicks where and when we can. One of these fine days we will not wake up! We'll all be dead! – © Mark Alexander

The General Who Predicted the Russian Invasion on What's Next | A Discussion between Gen. Richard Shirreff and Dominik Presl about the Likelihood of a Major War

Feb 1, 2024 | This is a conversation with General Richard Shirref. General Shirreff was one of the highest ranking British military commanders and a second in command of NATO forces. He has been warning of the Russian threat long before it became mainstream and in 2016, after he left the military he published a book called War with Russia in which Russia attacks Ukraine and afterwards continues to invade the Baltics, catching NATO completely unprepared - a book that was meant as a warning for what might be coming.

In this conversation, we talk about why he was one of the few people who saw the threat clearly years before everyone else, why it would be extremely dangerous to underestimate the Russians and how prepared is NATO for a Russian aggression. Richard is extremely candid in his answers and he's not afraid to be critical and say things as they really are and so I think it's an extremely interesting conversation.

This has been a wonderful, sobering and enlightening discussion. Thank you both so much. – © Mark Alexander

Helmut Schmidt und Willy Brandt wären heute rechtsextrem! | #shorts

Wer heutzutage spricht und argumentiert wie ein Sozialdemokrat der 1970er Jahre, der gilt als Rechtsextremist.

Brokenomics | Islam - with Robert Spencer

Jan 23, 2024 | Dan talks to Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch about the prospects of successfully integrating Islam into the global world.

What a New Power-sharing Deal Means for Northern Ireland | DW News

Feb 5, 2024 | UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is visiting Northern Ireland to mark the return of power sharing between the province's pro-Irish and pro-British political parties. He's met with First Minister Michelle O'Neill from the nationalist Sinn Fein party and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly from the pro-British Democratic Unionists, the DUP. The DUP ended a two-year boycott of the province's power sharing assembly last week after accepting a deal involving changes to post-Brexit rules affecting Northern Ireland's agreement with the European Union.

King’s Cancer Diagnosis: Why Royals Aren’t Revealing Details

Feb 6, 2024 | “We are focused on him and we're leaving her alone to rest and recuperate.” The King's diagnosis could be “dangling a carrot” to detract attention from the Princess of Wales who is recovering from surgery, says Kinsey Schofield, royal reporter.

Frankfurt: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Rechtsextremismus

Feb 6, 2024 | Ein breites gesellschaftliches Bündnis hat in der Mainmetropole zur Kundgebung gegen Rechtsextremismus und für Demokratie aufgerufen. Nach den Berichten über ein Geheimtreffen von Rechtsextremisten kommt es in vielen Städten zu Protesten gegen Rechts. © AFP, DPA

En Thaïlande, l’ancien premier ministre Thaksin Shinawatra accusé de lèse-majesté

LE MONDE : L’enquête porte sur des propos présumés diffamatoires envers le roi et sa famille, exprimés en 2015 depuis la capitale sud-coréenne Séoul.

La police thaïlandaise a inculpé l’ancien premier ministre Thaksin Shinawatra en vertu de la loi controversée sur la lèse-majesté, pour des commentaires tenus en 2015, mais aucune décision n’a été prise au sujet des suites à donner à cette inculpation, a annoncé, mardi 6 février, un représentant de la justice. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 5 février 2024

Monday, February 05, 2024

Piers Morgan Says Royal Family Shocked at King Charles' Cancer - "2 Days Ago Everything Seemed Fine"

Feb 5, 2024 | Piers Morgan says he believes the news of King Charles' cancer diagnosis has come as shock to everyone, including the Royal Family.

The type of cancer has not been disclosed, but it was discovered during the King's recent treatment for an enlarged prostate.

The King informed close family members, including his sons Prince William and Prince Harry, as well as his three siblings. Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has already spoken to his father over the phone and is said to be flying into the UK in the coming days to see him. The public announcement was made at 6pm, leaving the world in shock and uncertainty.

Although the exact details of the diagnosis have not been revealed, it is clear that this is a serious situation. The King began regular treatments as an outpatient, following his recent procedure for an enlarged prostate. He will continue to undertake basic state duties from the Palace, such as his weekly meeting with the Prime Minister. However, all public engagements have been postponed for the duration of his treatment. It remains uncertain whether he will be able to fulfil major international trips planned for the coming months.

Piers Morgan is joined by TalkTV's Royal Editor Sarah Hewson, Royal biographer Tom Bower, broadcaster Andrew Neil, and Roya Nikkah, Royal Editor of The Sunday Times.

Why Is Tucker Carlson in Moscow, and Is He a Real VP Candidate for Trump? | The Warning

Feb 5, 2024 | Steve Schmidt explains what to expect this week in American politics.

Prince Harry to Return to England to Be with King Charles after Cancer Diagnosis

Feb 5, 2024 | “Family matters, above all.” Good relations may be restored in the royal family after King Charles’s cancer diagnosis, says Suzannah Lipscomb, historian.

Elizabeth Warren Warns of National Abortion Ban If GOP Wins in 2024

Feb 5, 2024 | Senator Elizabeth Warren is sounding the alarm about the potential of a national abortion ban if Republicans win in 2024.

Keep the Republicans OUT of the White House until they come back to their senses! Abortions must be kept legal. Whether a woman has, or needs, an abortion has nix to do with politicians and everything to do with the doctors’ judgment. The need for an abortion is a medical not a political decision. – © Mark Alexander

Chris Brown: Forever | Official HD Video | Re- Re- Re- Reupload | Warum? Weil diese Musik unwiderstehlich ist!

Listen here.

Hold On to Your Seats as PM Rishi Sunak Tells Piers Morgan What a Great He’s Doing on His Pledges

Feb 5, 2024

Prince Harry to Travel to UK after King Charles Diagnosed with Cancer | BBC News

Feb 5, 2024 | Prince Harry has spoken to the King about his cancer diagnosis and will travel from California to the UK to see him in the coming days, the BBC has been told. The King has been diagnosed with cancer and began treatment on Monday, Buckingham Palace said. Charles, 75, has been advised to postpone public duties, but will "undertake state duties" and paperwork. The Palace has not said what type of cancer the King has been diagnosed with.