Showing posts with label HM King Charles III. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HM King Charles III. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

French Audit Cautions Élysée over €475k Cost of King Charles Dinner

THE GUARDIAN: Versailles banquet among lavish spending in 2023 that has plunged president’s office €8m into red

The Versailles banquet aimed to improve political ties, with dignitaries downing almost £36,000-worth of drinks. Photograph: Daniel Leal/AFP/Getty Images | Screenshot taken from the accompanying article

The French president’s office spent nearly €475,000 (£400,100) on a dinner for King Charles last year, the country’s top audit court said in a report cautioning about high spending.

In September 2023, King Charles attended a lavish state banquet at the Palace of Versailles attended by more than 150 people, part of a “soft power” visit aimed at improving ties between London and Paris.

The guests dined on lobster and crab, French poultry marinaded in champagne and a gratin of French ceps (a wild mushroom). Vintage wines and champagnes were on offer, while the dessert was a French macaron with lychee and rose sorbet and raspberry compote. » | Lili Bayer | Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Saturday, June 08, 2024

King Charles Opens Winston Churchill Center in Normandy, France on 80th D-Day Anniversary

Jun 6, 2024 | King Charles and Queen Camilla opened the Winston Churchill Education and Learning Centre in Normandy, France on Thursday.

King Charles Praises Brave Sacrifice of D-Day Veterans in Emotional Speech

Jun 6, 2024 | King Charles has praised the bravery and sacrifice of the tens of thousands of allied troops who landed on the beaches of northern France 80 years ago.

Addressing veterans and world leaders in Normady, he spoke of his gratitude for the men and women who fought.

During his speech the monarch said the lesson to be learnt was that free nations must stand together to oppose tyranny.

Défilé aérien, descente des Champs-Élysées… Joe Biden accueilli en grande pompe à Paris : Après les commémorations du débarquement en Normandie, le président américain effectue ce samedi sa première visite d’État en France. »

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

King Delivers Speech at D-Day 80th Anniversary Event | In Full

Jun 5, 2024 | The King has taken to the stage to give a speech at a commemorative event in Portsmouth this morning to kick off events in the UK and France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

He joined the Queen, the prime minister, and the Prince of Wales, who gave a reading shortly beforehand, as well as over 500 veterans, at a ceremony to commemorate the allied invasion of the beaches of northern France in 1944. ...

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

King Says He's Been Reduced to Tears by Public Support as He Returns to Work after Cancer Diagnosis

Usually, the meeting is held entirely in private, but the King permitted photographs and filmed footage of the first minute of the meeting to be taken | CREDIT: Jonathan Brady

THE TELEGRAPH: The monarch has been photographed meeting Rishi Sunak for their first official audience of the year

The King has said the messages and cards he has received since his cancer diagnosis have reduced him to tears, as he returns to his audiences with the Prime Minister for the first time this year.

The King told Rishi Sunak: “I’ve had so many messages and cards, you can’t believe it. They’ve reduced me to tears, most of them.”

Told by the Prime Minister that it was “wonderful to see you looking so well”, the King joked it was “all done by mirrors”.

Photographs and filmed footage of the first minute of the Buckingham Palace audience, which is traditionally held privately, show the King appearing to be in good health, if a little croaky in voice.

Usually, the meeting is held entirely in private, but the King and his aides are mindful of the public’s interest in his health as he undergoes treatment for cancer. » | Hannah Furness | Wednesday, February 21, 2024 [£]

Friday, February 16, 2024

Prince Harry Interview: Duke of Sussex Set to Speak about King's Health


BBC: The Duke of Sussex is set to discuss his father the King's health in a television interview in the US.

Prince Harry has been interviewed for the first time since Charles postponed all public-facing duties because of his cancer diagnosis.

The interview is due to be broadcast on Good Morning America on Friday. It will air at noon GMT.

During the broadcast, Harry is also due to talk about his life with the Duchess of Sussex and the Invictus Games. » | Thomas Mackintosh, BBC News | Friday, February 16, 2024

Sunday, February 11, 2024

King Makes First Public Appearance since Cancer Diagnosis

THE TELEGRAPH: Sovereign and the Queen attended church at Sandringham on Sunday morning and greeted well-wishers

King Charles smiled and waved on his way to St Mary Magdalene Church | CREDIT: KARWAI TANG

The King and Queen have walked to church at Sandringham this morning, waving at well-wishers in his first appearance since his cancer diagnosis.

King Charles smiled and waved on his way to St Mary Magdalene Church, dressed smartly and carrying an umbrella as the Queen walked by his side.

It is the first time he has been seen in public since he began treatment for cancer six days ago. » | Hannah Furness, Royal Editor | Sunday, February 11, 2024 [£]

Cancer de Charles III : le roi adresse ses remerciements pour le soutien reçu : C’est le premier communiqué du souverain britannique depuis l’annonce du diagnostic de son cancer. »

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

The Madness of King Charles | Psychological

Feb 5, 2024 | Looking at the new monarch's difficult relationships with women, family and the public, we find out what makes Charles tick.

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Sunak’s Incremental Smoking Ban

It appals me that our king has joined our unelected prime minister in calling for an incremental smoking ban. However, it doesn’t surprise me, since as Prince of Wales, he had a history of involving himself in political affairs, even though we all know that our monarch is supposed to stay well out of politics.

Both our king and our prime minister are unelected. Therefore, they have no right whatsoever in a so-called democracy to make decisions on the people’s behalf.

The mere idea of banning smoking for adults — a habit which brings great pleasure to many adults even to this day — is undemocratic, autocratic, in fact, and, quite frankly, stupid. There are far more unhealthy habits than smoking cigarettes. Excessive sugar consumption springs quickly to mind, alcohol consumption, the smoking of marijuana and cannabis, and the use of ketamine, and increasingly, of cocaine. How many young people have a cocaine habit, I wonder? London is, in fact, said to be the cocaine capital of the world.

So, cigarette-smoking is the least of our concerns.

I would be the last person on earth to advocate smoking. However, I must admit, until nearly two years ago, I had a twenty-a-day habit, which brought me enormous pleasure. It also kept me slim and free of type-2 diabetes. Since quitting, I have gained weight quickly; and this worries me. Why? Because I know that my metabolism has slowed right down since I gave up. I am not gaining weight because I am eating more; rather, I am gaining weight because of my now slow metabolism.

You can talk of lung cancer, and lung cancer is a terrible thing. But the fact remains that only about 5 – 10% of HEAVY smokers contract it. Indeed, I recently read of an Israeli rabbi many years over a hundred who died of old age despite being an extremely heavy smoker. Like 60 cigarettes a day!

Please do not misconstrue my message: I neither advocate smoking nor condone it. However, I do defend the right of an adult to make his own choice without people in the Establishment interfering in their decisions. (By the way, I am not a republican. Far from it. However, interference like this could push me in that direction.)

The NHS argument holds no water. Smokers contribute approximately £10.5b in taxes, whereas they cost the NHS only £3.5b.

It should also be remembered that a person’s health is more than being about remaining cancer-free. One also wants to be free of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease and type-2 diabetes. One also wishes to remain as slim as possible. Nobody wants to be obese. Smoking has a protective effect on all these maladies.

It is imperative that we look at the big picture; it is also imperative that we keep meddlesome people out of our decision-making process.

If you wish to ban anything, ban meddlesome people from interfering in the democratic process. Keep people’s right to choose. Ban interference from the Nanny State.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Oh God! Here we go again! When is the risk of type-2 diabetes reduced after quitting sugar? Or the risk of a car accident when you quit driving your car? Or the risk of liver disease after you quit drinking alcohol? Or the risk of an STD once you quit sexual contact with your partner, straight or gay? Unfortunately, life is for living; and we cannot get out of this life alive. All this preaching is oh so tiresome. For heaven's sake, live and let live! It behoves us all to live moderately; and to enjoy life, to get our kicks where and when we can. One of these fine days we will not wake up! We'll all be dead! – © Mark Alexander

King’s Cancer Diagnosis: Why Royals Aren’t Revealing Details

Feb 6, 2024 | “We are focused on him and we're leaving her alone to rest and recuperate.” The King's diagnosis could be “dangling a carrot” to detract attention from the Princess of Wales who is recovering from surgery, says Kinsey Schofield, royal reporter.

Monday, February 05, 2024

Piers Morgan Says Royal Family Shocked at King Charles' Cancer - "2 Days Ago Everything Seemed Fine"

Feb 5, 2024 | Piers Morgan says he believes the news of King Charles' cancer diagnosis has come as shock to everyone, including the Royal Family.

The type of cancer has not been disclosed, but it was discovered during the King's recent treatment for an enlarged prostate.

The King informed close family members, including his sons Prince William and Prince Harry, as well as his three siblings. Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has already spoken to his father over the phone and is said to be flying into the UK in the coming days to see him. The public announcement was made at 6pm, leaving the world in shock and uncertainty.

Although the exact details of the diagnosis have not been revealed, it is clear that this is a serious situation. The King began regular treatments as an outpatient, following his recent procedure for an enlarged prostate. He will continue to undertake basic state duties from the Palace, such as his weekly meeting with the Prime Minister. However, all public engagements have been postponed for the duration of his treatment. It remains uncertain whether he will be able to fulfil major international trips planned for the coming months.

Piers Morgan is joined by TalkTV's Royal Editor Sarah Hewson, Royal biographer Tom Bower, broadcaster Andrew Neil, and Roya Nikkah, Royal Editor of The Sunday Times.

Prince Harry to Return to England to Be with King Charles after Cancer Diagnosis

Feb 5, 2024 | “Family matters, above all.” Good relations may be restored in the royal family after King Charles’s cancer diagnosis, says Suzannah Lipscomb, historian.

Prince Harry to Travel to UK after King Charles Diagnosed with Cancer | BBC News

Feb 5, 2024 | Prince Harry has spoken to the King about his cancer diagnosis and will travel from California to the UK to see him in the coming days, the BBC has been told. The King has been diagnosed with cancer and began treatment on Monday, Buckingham Palace said. Charles, 75, has been advised to postpone public duties, but will "undertake state duties" and paperwork. The Palace has not said what type of cancer the King has been diagnosed with.

King Charles Diagnosed with a Form of Cancer

Feb 5, 2024 | King Charles has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Michael Cole and Jack Blackburn have the latest update.

King Charles Diagnosed with Cancer, Buckingham Palace Says | BBC News

Feb 5, 2024 | King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace has said. It is not prostate cancer, but was discovered during his recent treatment for an enlarged prostate. The type of cancer has not been revealed, but according to a Palace statement the King began "regular treatments" on Monday. The King, 75, will step back from his public engagements and Queen Camilla and Prince William will help to stand in for him during his treatment. No further details are being shared on the stage of cancer or a prognosis.

King Charles diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace announces: Charles has started schedule of treatments after diagnosis made recently when he was treated for benign enlarged prostate »

King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says: King Charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer, says Buckingham Palace. »


Le roi Charles III est atteint d’une « forme de cancer », annonce Buckingham Palace : Le palais a précisé que le souverain de 75 ans ne souffrait pas d’un cancer de la prostate et qu’il « espère reprendre pleinement ses fonctions publiques dès que possible ». »


Britischer König Charles III. hat Krebs: Der britische König Charles III. ist laut Angaben des Buckingham-Palastes an Krebs erkrankt. Die Erkrankung sei bei seinem letzten Krankenhausaufenthalt festgestellt worden. »

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

King Charles to Be Treated in Hospital for Enlarged Prostate

THE GUARDIAN: Palace says monarch’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week

King Charles is to attend hospital for treatment of an enlarged prostate, Buckingham Palace has announced.

Buckingham Palace said: “In common with thousands of men each year, the king has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate.

“His Majesty’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week for a corrective procedure. The king’s public engagements will be postponed for a short period of recuperation.”

It is understood that the king was keen to share the details of his diagnosis to encourage other men who may be experiencing symptoms to get checked in line with public health advice. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Britischer König Charles III. muss ins Krankenhaus : Der britische König soll wegen einer „gutartigen“ Hypertrophie der Prostata in der kommenden Woche operiert werden. Auch Prinz Williams Frau Kate liegt nach einer geplanten Operation im Krankenhaus. »

Monday, December 25, 2023

The King's Christmas Broadcast 2023

Dec 25, 2023 | HM King Charles III delivers his annual Christmas message to the nation and the Commonwealth.