Sunday, August 21, 2022

Jacob Rees-Mogg Backs Liz Truss’s Claim UK Workers Need ‘More Graft’

THE GUARDIAN: Brexit opportunities minister says Tory leadership hopeful’s comments reflect Britain’s ‘poor productivity’

Jacob Rees-Mogg has been tipped for a cabinet position in a Liz Truss government. Photograph: Tolga Akmen/EPA

Jacob Rees-Mogg, a key ally of Liz Truss, has defended the Tory leadership frontrunner’s suggestion that British workers need “more graft” as “sensible”.

Rees-Mogg, the Brexit opportunities minister, told the Mail on Sunday that her comments reflected “poor productivity in the British economy”.

He said they “attracted confected political criticism but they reflect an unfortunate reality in much of the British state”, adding: “This is not good for the government, or for the public as a whole.”

Rees-Mogg has been tipped for a cabinet position in a Truss government – perhaps as levelling up or trade secretary. » | Rowena Mason, Deputy political editor | Sunday, August 21, 2022

Rees-Mogg’s comments are an affront to hard-working Britons. Tell us, Jacob, how much graft have you ever done in your life? By the looks of you, NONE!

I would therefore advise you to be very careful with your utterances regarding the hard work, or otherwise, of British workers. Most British workers I have ever met have been extremely hard-working indeed. Moreover, I feel quite sure that many of them would consider you to be effete and even, perhaps, a ponce.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread! – © Mark Alexander

Verhaftete Studentin in Saudiarabien: 34 Jahre für ein paar Likes

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die saudische Studentin Salma al-Shihab wurde zu einer langen Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt, weil sie kritische Beiträge auf Twitter geteilt hatte. Sie ist kein Einzelfall. Während sich das Königreich gesellschaftlich öffnet, wird es politisch immer autoritärer.

Der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman duldet keinen Widerspruch und lässt Kritiker verhaften. | Cliff Owen / AP

In Saudiarabien dürfen Frauen inzwischen Autofahren, ohne Kopftuch ausgehen und als Sängerinnen auf der Bühne stehen. Was sie hingegen nicht dürfen: ihre Meinung in den sozialen Netzwerken kundtun. Genau das hatte Salma al-Shihab getan. Nun wurde die Saudiaraberin dafür zu 34 Jahren Haft verurteilt und zusätzlich mit einer ebenfalls 34 Jahre dauernden Ausreisesperre belegt.

Die 24-Jährige, die zurzeit im englischen Leeds Zahnmedizin studiert, war zu Besuch in der Heimat, als sie verhaftet wurde. Sollte sie ihre Strafe bis zum Ende absitzen müssen, wird sie 92 Jahre alt sein, bis sie sich das nächste Mal frei bewegen darf.

«Die Höhe des Strafmasses ist wirklich schockierend», sagt Duaa Dhainy von der saudischen Menschenrechtsorganisation ESOHR, die vom saudischen Aktivisten Ali Adubisi im Exil gegründet wurde und sich für die Freilassung von Dissidenten einsetzt. Früher, so Dhainy, seien derartige Strafen nur für Gewaltverbrechen ausgesprochen worden. » | Daniel Böhm, Beirut | Donnerstag, 18. August 2022

Verwandte Links auf Englisch und Französisch hier.

Daughter of Putin Ally Alexander Dugin Killed in Car Bomb in Moscow

THE GUARDIAN: Russian hawks without evidence blame Kyiv for death of Darya Dugina and demand Kremlin response

The daughter of an ultranationalist Russian ideologue and ally of Vladimir Putin has been killed in a car bomb on the outskirts of Moscow.

Darya Dugina, whose father is the Russian political commentator Alexander Dugin, died when the Toyota Land Cruiser she was driving was ripped apart by a powerful explosion about 12 miles (20km) west of the capital near the village of Bolshiye Vyazemy at about 9.30pm local time (1930 BST), according to investigators.

Prominent Russian hawks without evidence quickly blamed Kyiv for the attack, calling it an assassination attempt and demanding the Kremlin respond by targeting government officials in Kyiv. “Decision-making centres!! Decision-making centres!!!” wrote Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of the state-funded RT television station, reposting a call to bomb the headquarters of the Ukrainian SBU intelligence agency.

If the car bombing is tied to the war it would mark the first time since February that the violence unleashed on Ukraine has reached the Russian capital, touching the family of a Kremlin ally near one of Moscow’s most exclusive districts. (+ video) » | Andrew Roth in Moscow and Martin Farrer | Sunday, August 21, 2022

He Kissed Me in the Pool & It Was So Hot | Out in the Dark P. 4 | QTTV

Nov 6, 2019 Nimer and Roy shared each other's story in a pool … [Love is above and beyond gender, race, religion and politics.]

Viewer discretion is advised. Not suitable for children. – Mark

The Lincoln Project : Dr. Oz Goes Shopping

Aug 16, 2022 FACT CHECK: Dr. Oz struggled his way through a minor shopping trip. Don’t worry, we’ve got you Doc.

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

Few People Cook Beef Like This. 400-year-old Recipe!

Feb 22, 2022 400 year old recipe! If you love beef, you must try this recipe at least once in your life.


2 kg of beef
2 carrots
2/3 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp salt
2 onions
1/2 celeriac
2 parsley roots [parsnips]
4 carrots
3 bay leaves
1 tsp allspice
1 teaspoon
black pepper
200 ml cream
1 tbsp raw sugar
1-2 tbsp apple cider vinegar


20 grams of yeast
300ml milk
3 tbsp flour
1 tsp sugar
500g flour
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil

Interview – Ken Clarke: ‘The Idea That Tax Cuts Will Automatically Produce Growth Is Nonsense’

THE OBSERVER: The veteran Tory, who stood three times to lead his party, on the cost of living crisis, today’s political culture and the best PM we never had

Kenneth Clarke at his home in Nottingham. Photograph: Sophia Evans/The Observer

Kenneth Clarke was made Baron Clarke of Nottingham in 2020, having served as a Conservative MP for 49 years, and in a variety of government and cabinet positions, including chancellor of the exchequer and health secretary. He also stood three times for the leadership of the party, twice narrowly failing. He has cast his vote in the current Tory leadership election, but refuses to say for whom he plumped.

We’re facing a cost of living crisis, with growing inflation and the ongoing war in Ukraine. How should these problems be dealt with?
In the short term, we’ve got to go through probably a very serious economic crisis. I’ve felt for some time that we’re bound to have a very severe recession. And if we’re not careful, it’s going to be combined with very bad inflation, which does social, as well as economic damage. Brace yourself for it, but living standards generally are going to fall for the first time for a long time, and the main short-term measures should be to protect the very poor, very vulnerable and stop us seeing any increase in the number of people becoming destitute in this country. The government shouldn’t be asking themselves, what is the Daily Mail going to be saying tomorrow but what is the economy going to look like in a couple of years’ time when we have an election?

As a former chancellor of the exchequer, what do you think of the idea, put forward by Liz Truss in the Tory leadership campaign, that tax cuts will trigger economic growth?
The simplistic idea that tax cuts will automatically produce growth is nonsense. Everybody would do it if that worked. There’s a slight touch of the Argentinian or Venezuelan government about it. This is not a time for tax cuts because we have incurred enormous public expenditure, which I supported, to stave off the worst effects of Covid-19, leading to enormous public debts. Tax cuts will stimulate growth in demand, but the problems are with the difficulties in supply, so they will push inflation further up. » | Andrew Anthony | Observer New Review Q&A | Sunday, August 21, 2022


The Observer view on Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak’s tax cut promises: The Conservative leadership contenders are blind to the dire lack of investment in a crumbling UK »

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Mexico's Former Attorney General Arrested over Disappearance of 43 Students - BBC News

Labour Surges as Tory Fears Grow over Truss’s Tax Cut Agenda

THE OBSERVER: Likely PM’s policies will mean ‘big trouble’, say critics, as Starmer’s energy price initiative boosts him in polls

Liz Truss has been criticised by the former Tory chancellor Kenneth Clarke for proposing tax cuts during a time of ‘enormous public debts’. Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA

Senior Tories have warned that their party will suffer dire electoral consequences under a Liz Truss premiership that fails to address the cost of living crisis, as Labour enjoys a poll bounce suggesting Keir Starmer could be on course for No 10.

Amid signs of mounting panic among high-ranking Conservatives about Truss’s economic policies, several former cabinet ministers told the Observer on Saturday the party would suffer devastating losses in blue and red wall seats unless Truss changes tack, if and when she enters No 10.

After Michael Gove described Truss’s plan to focus on cutting taxes as a “holiday from reality” and announced he was supporting Rishi Sunak, the latest Opinium poll for the Observer gives Labour and its leader a double poll boost, days after he backed a complete freeze on energy bills this autumn. Labour now enjoys its biggest Opinium poll lead in months – eight points – while Starmer has surged well ahead of Truss in the past two weeks when voters are asked who would be the best prime minister. » | Toby Helm, Observer political editor “ | Saturday, August 20, 2022

This woman, Liz Truss, is economically illiterate. That we should even be contemplating entrusting her with the keys to Number 10 is a sad indictment of the British political system. For this cipher to wish to pursue Thatcherite policies at this time of national crisis shows me, and should show you, that she has lost the plot! The very last thng this country needs right now is more Thatcherite policies! It is an overdose of Thatcherism that has helped to land us all in this parlous state we now find ourselves in. For God's sake, don't give that woman the keys to Number 10. Doing so will be the path to this country's ruin. It will also help accelrate this country's place on the list of Third World countries. To borrow Thatcher's well-worn turn of phrase: "No! No! No!" Further, to add insult to injury, that voice of hers! Well! It's bad enough to turn the milk sour! – © Mark Alexander

A Powerful and Passionate Kiss

Ein kraftvoller und leidenschaftlicher Kuss / Un baiser puissant et passionné

Many thanks to Twitter on Pinterest for this passionate kiss

Michael Lambert : Clueless Liz Truss Set to Turbo-charge UK Economy!

Aug 20, 2022 Liz Truss says she will TURBO-CHARGE the UK economy, whatever that means? The seemingly endless Tory leadership fiasco continues with Truss and Sunak announcing ever more right wing policies. Truss is expected to be announced as the winner on 5th September.

Inflation is at 10% and set to reach 13%, taxes are the highest for 70 years, according to Truss, interest rates are going up as are food prices. Energy prices are rising so steeply that thousands of businesses will find it difficult to survive and many will fail.

The cost-of-living crisis for those with limited means are set to make their lives almost impossible. The railway workers, the post office workers and the employees of Folkestone container port are just some of the unions going on strike and there are many likely to follow them.

Truss's plans to cut taxes now have been roundly criticised by the IFS, the OBR and others. She has said that she will confront the EU over the UK's illegal refusal to abide by the NI Protocol which is likely to risk a trade war with the EU which provides 40% of our food. She also wants to legislate against certain industrial action making strikes illegal. This would almost certainly lead to a catastrophic General Strike.

Truss's government is likely to be even more right-wing than Johnson's and may even include the almost impossibly deluded and incompetent David Frost (aka Lord Gormless) It is perfectly clear that Truss does not have a clue beyond talking about Turbo-charging the economy, 'Unleashing' British business whilst promising she will 'deliver, deliver, deliver' whilst claiming she 'Get's Things Done'

«Einbahnstrasse Euro - Franken»: Der Euro fällt auf ein Rekordtief

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der Euro setzt seine Talfahrt gegenüber dem Franken und dem Dollar fort. Das schwindende Vertrauen der Investoren in die Euro-Zone gilt als einer der Hauptgründe.

Das Image der europäischen Gemeinschaftswährung Euro erleidet immer mehr Kratzer. | Lennart Preiss / AP

Der Euro wird zum Franken immer schwächer. Diese Woche war ein Euro zeitweise nur noch 0.9605 Franken wert. Damit ist die europäische Gemeinschaftswährung gegenüber dem Franken auf ein Rekordtief gefallen. Ulrich Leuchtmann, Ökonom bei der Commerzbank, schrieb diesbezüglich in einem Kommentar von der «Einbahnstrasse Euro - Franken» – für die Gemeinschaftswährung führt sie nach unten. Mitte September vergangenen Jahres wurden für einen Euro noch 1.0932 Franken bezahlt.

Auch gegenüber dem Dollar setzt der Euro seine monatelange Talfahrt fort. In letzter Zeit nahm die Gemeinschaftswährung dabei Kurs auf die Parität, am Freitag wurden für einen Euro noch 1.0047 Dollar bezahlt. Anfang September vergangenen Jahres waren es noch 1.1880 Dollar. Seit Jahresbeginn hat der Euro gemäss Daten von Bloomberg gegenüber dem Franken um 7,9 Prozent und gegenüber dem Dollar um 13 Prozent an Wert verloren. » | Michael Ferber | Samstag, 20. August 20, 2022

Dimitra’s Dishes : Easy & Delicious Kataifi Ice Cream

Get the recipe here.

Mastic: What Is Mastic?>

Was heißt Familie? | 2 Väter 3 Babys (2/5) | SWR Doku

Aug 3, 2022 Den Alltag mit zwei Babys haben Johnny und Stefan fest im Griff. Doch stellen sich für sie als schwule Eltern auch viele Fragen: Wie funktioniert die Regenbogenfamilie? Welche Rolle kann Leihmutter Robin für die Kinder spielen? Und wie stehen Großeltern und Freunde zu dem Familienmodell?

Teil 1.

Teil 3.

Alle fünf Teile können hier angeschaut warden.

Old German Recipe: A Forgotten Recipe from the Past: Butterkuchen

May 22, 2022 Old kitchen recipe: An old German recipe that you probably don't know yet. This recipe has been lost over time. It's incredibly easy to make, hearty and extremely delicious. It just surprises everyone how easy and delicious something like this can be. Incredible!


200ml lukewarm milk
20g yeast
3 tbsp flour
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
pinch of salt
125g butter
470g flour

Butter mixture:

50g butter
125g sugar
2 tbsp raw sugar for sprinkling


As shown in the video.

Bake: 180°C / 356°F for 30 min.

Arabie saoudite : la scandaleuse condamnation de Salma Al-Chehab

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : En infligeant la peine ubuesque de trente-quatre ans de prison à la jeune doctorante en médecine pour avoir défendu les droits humains, les juges justifient les pires clichés dont les autorités saoudiennes sont les premières à se plaindre.

Il s’est donc trouvé des juges en Arabie saoudite pour condamner, le 9 août, à trente-quatre ans de prison, une doctorante en médecine dentaire. Pour quel crime ? Avoir partagé des messages en faveur des droits des femmes sur un compte Twitter resté particulièrement confidentiel.

En première instance, en 2021, une très lourde peine de six ans de prison, dont trois avec sursis, avait déjà été prononcée contre Salma Al-Chehab, âgée de 34 ans, mère de deux enfants et qui appartient à une minorité chiite souvent injustement stigmatisée. En appel, la justice saoudienne a fait ce choix du grotesque. Une interdiction de quitter le royaume pour une durée similaire a même été ajoutée pour faire bonne mesure. Cette justice a estimé que la jeune femme, qui poursuivait ses études au Royaume-Uni avant son arrestation à l’occasion d’une visite en Arabie saoudite, a « fourni de l’aide à ceux qui cherchent à troubler l’ordre public et à diffuser des informations fausses et malveillantes ». » | Éditorial « du Monde » | samedi 20 août 2022

Liens connexes en anglais ici.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Neues Babyglück | 2 Väter 3 Babys (3/5) | SWR Doku

Aug 19, 2022 Die Familie von Johnny und Stefan soll noch größer werden: Leihmutter Robin hat eingewilligt, ein weiteres Kind für das Paar auszutragen. Die beiden reisen zusammen mit ihren Zwillingen nach Amerika, um bei der Geburt von Baby Allegra dabei zu sein.

Wie können homosexuelle Paare eine Familie gründen? Viele wünschen sich leibliche Kinder und verwirklichen das mit Hilfe einer Samenspende bzw. Leihmutterschaft. In Deutschland ist das gesetzlich bisher nicht erlaubt. Daher weichen viele ins Ausland aus - in die USA, nach Osteuropa und Asien. Das kann Hunderttausende Euro kosten oder geschieht unter fragwürdigen Umständen. „Regenbogenfamilien“ sind inzwischen gesellschaftliche Realität, aber es gibt noch viel Skepsis: Fehlt da nicht die Mutter? Was wird den Kindern zugemutet? Und ist Leihmutterschaft nur etwas für Reiche?

Le rapprochement avec la Russie donne des marges de manœuvre à la Corée du Nord

LE MONDE : Le régime de Pyongyang essaie de profiter de la guerre en Ukraine et des tensions entre la Chine et les Etats-Unis pour son développement militaire et améliorer son économie.

L’embellie des relations avec la Russie depuis le début de la guerre en Ukraine, le 24 février, mais aussi la possible relance du commerce avec la Chine offrent des marges de manœuvre à la Corée du Nord pour son développement nucléaire et celui des missiles, voire pour améliorer son économie.

La nouvelle donne se traduit aussi par un clair rejet des offres de dialogue de la Corée du Sud. Dans un message rendu public vendredi 19 août par l’agence officielle KCNA, Kim Yo-jong, sœur du dirigeant Kim Jong-un, a fustigé ce que le président conservateur sud-coréen, Yoon Seok-youl, a présenté, le 15 août, comme une « initiative audacieuse » censée développer l’économie nord-coréenne en contrepartie de mesures de dénucléarisation. Mme Kim, par ailleurs directrice adjointe au sein du comité central du Parti du travail, au pouvoir, l’a comparée à une « tentative de planter des mûriers au milieu de l’océan » . » | Par Philippe Mesmer (Tokyo, correspondance) | vendredi 19 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Judge Orders Justice Department to Prepare Redacted Trump Search Affidavit for Possible Release

Aug 19, 2022 There are few pieces of paper more coveted by the US press than the highly sensitive affidavit used to justify an FBI search warrant for former President Donald Trump's Florida mansion.

Now that sealed document is one step closer to being revealed - which could shed light on key details in the investigation.

The unfolding drama seems to be energising Trump critics and supporters alike.

NHS Bosses Warn ‘Unprecedented’ Risk of Death from Cold Weather and Soaring Energy Bills

Aug 19, 2022 In a letter to ministers, the NHS Confederation and 100 health leaders have warned of an “unprecedented” risk of death from cold weather unless more is done to help people pay soaring energy bills. It outlines the stark choice that will be faced by those struggling - eat or freeze.

"Brazil on Fire": Lula Launches Campaign to Unseat Bolsonaro & End His Authoritarian Rule

Aug 18, 2022 This week former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva formally launched his campaign to challenge Brazil's far-right President Jair Bolsonaro this October. Fear is growing Bolsonaro might try to stay in office even if he loses, possibly with help from the Brazilian military. Lula, a union leader who held office from 2003 through 2010, is running on a platform to lift up Brazil's poor, preserve the Amazon rainforest and protect Brazil's Indigenous communities. In 2018, he was jailed on trumped-up charges, paving the way for the far-right Jair Bolsonaro to rise to power, but his convictions were annulled last year, restoring his political rights to challenge Bolsonaro. The presidential front-runners hold "two visions for Brazil," says reporter Michael Fox, former editor of NACLA and host of the new podcast "Brazil on Fire."

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 19, 2022

Thatcherism Is an Obsolete Ideology – But It’s the Only One That Sunak and Truss Have

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The Tories see fresh thinking as a luxury, so their leaders are sticking with an orthodoxy that’s well past its sell-by date

It’s generally agreed that the last dozen years have been some of the most turbulent in our modern history. So much has changed or been called into question: our climate, the cost of living, the state’s ability to protect us, capitalism’s ability to spread prosperity, the continuation of the United Kingdom, our relationship with Russia and the EU, even our sensethat we can be a functional society. To an extent that was almost inconceivable in 2010, when the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition took office, this has become a different country.

Some politicians have tried to adapt. Labour has moved leftwards and then back towards the centre. The Lib Dems have moved rightwards, supporting Tory austerity, and then become more hostile to the Conservatives under Ed Davey. The SNP has become more assertive in its push for independence. Meanwhile some Tories, such as Boris Johnson and Theresa May, have at least talked about governing in new ways, by “levelling up” or helping the “just about managing”.

Yet one group of politicians, who have gradually become the most powerful in the country, and are about to become our rulers, whoever wins the Tory leadership contest, have seemingly not adjusted their thinking at all amid the chaos and flux. As a result, we may face our worst peacetime crisis since the 1930s under a government with a disastrously out-of-date worldview. » | Andy Beckett | Friday, August 19, 2022

Thursday, August 18, 2022

It’s So Funny!

C'est trop drôle ! / Es ist so lustig!

Many thanks to Searchinh Hearts on Pinterest for this humorous, but often very truthful, image.

Saudi Woman Given 34-year Prison Sentence for Using Twitter

THE GUARDIAN: Salma al-Shehab, a Leeds University student, was charged with following and retweeting dissidents and activists

Salma al-Shehab, 34, was accused of ‘assisting those who seek to cause public unrest and destabilise civil and national security by following their Twitter accounts’. Photograph: democracy now

A Saudi student at Leeds University who had returned home to the kingdom for a holiday has been sentenced to 34 years in prison for having a Twitter account and for following and retweeting dissidents and activists.

The sentencing by Saudi’s special terrorist court was handed down weeks after the US president Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia, which human rights activists had warned could embolden the kingdom to escalate its crackdown on dissidents and other pro-democracy activists.

The case also marks the latest example of how the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has targeted Twitter users in his campaign of repression, while simultaneously controlling a major indirect stake in the US social media company through Saudi’s sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF).

Salma al-Shehab, 34, a mother of two young children, was initially sentenced to serve three years in prison for the “crime” of using an internet website to “cause public unrest and destabilise civil and national security”. But an appeals court on Monday handed down the new sentence – 34 years in prison followed by a 34-year travel ban – after a public prosecutor asked the court to consider other alleged crimes. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner | Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The West Is Kidding Itself About Women’s Freedom in Saudi Arabia »

The Observer view on opposing Saudi Arabia’s sportswashing: Salma al-Shehab is in jail for the ‘crime’ of using Twitter. Football fans should stage a silent protest »

Anthony Joshua urged to speak out on human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia: Boxer receives letter from brother of man executed in March / Joshua fights Oleksandr Usyk in Jeddah on Saturday »

Top Vatican Official Is Accused of Sexual Misconduct in Quebec

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A woman accused Cardinal Marc Ouellet, a member of Pope Francis’ inner circle, of inappropriately touching and kissing her.

Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the former archbishop of Quebec, was named in a lawsuit made public this week. | Filippo Monteforte/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

OTTAWA — A woman in Quebec has accused a prominent Canadian cardinal — who is also a top Vatican official and member of Pope Francis’ inner circle — of engaging in sexual misconduct against her when she served as a diocesan intern.

The accusations against the cardinal, Marc Ouellet, are part of a sweeping class-action lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Quebec, in which 101 people say they were victims of sexual abuse by several dozen clerics and lay staff members of the archdiocese. The allegations date to 1940, and the lawsuit says that some of the plaintiffs were minors at the time of the events.

The case is the latest in a string of class-action lawsuits in Quebec that accuse Catholic clerics of sexual abuse, many of which have already been settled, including accusations covered under an 18-million-dollar agreement reached in 2013. » | Ian Austen and Gaia Pianigiani | Wednesday, August 16, 2022

Barefoot Contessa Makes Chicken Piccata | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jun 30, 2019 Need dinner plans? Try Ina Garten's classic Chicken Piccata with a velvety lemon butter sauce. | Views on YouTube: 2,119,309

Get the recipe here.

En Russie, les outrances de Dmitri Medvedev, le faucon de Poutine

LE MONDE : Depuis le début de l’invasion de l’Ukraine, l’ex-président russe enchaîne les diatribes violentes et haineuses contre Kiev et ses alliés.

Dmitri Medvedev (deuxième à gauche) s’entretient avec le directeur du Service fédéral de sécurité (FSB), Alexandre Bortnikov (à gauche), Denis Pouchiline, le leader de la République populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk (de dos) et le ministre russe de l’intérieur, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, à Louhansk (Ukraine), le 11 août 2022. AP

Pas une semaine, ou presque, ne s’écoule sans que Dmitri Medvedev profère de nouvelles menaces. Tandis que Moscou et Kiev continuent à s’accuser mutuellement de bombardements inquiétants autour de la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijia, occupée par les forces russes, dans le sud de l’Ukraine, il écrivait, vendredi 12 août, sur son compte Telegram : « Les salopards de Kiev et leurs mécènes occidentaux semblent prêts à organiser un nouveau Tchernobyl. (…) Que puis-je dire… N’oublions pas que l’Union européenne possède également des centrales nucléaires. Et que des accidents y sont également possibles. » » | Par Isabelle Mandraud | jeudi 18 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

The Unparalleled Elegance and Style of the Gentleman’s Double-breasted Summer Suit. | Reupload

L'élégance et le style incomparables du costume d'été pour homme à double boutonnage. / Die unvergleichliche Eleganz und der Stil des zweireihigen Herren-Sommeranzugs.

Many thanks to Sebastian Hagler on Pinterest for this stylish photo.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 18, 2022

Die Satanischen Verse: Todesurteil für Salman Rushdie | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Aug 17, 2022 Am 12. August 2022 wurde Salman Rushdie in New York angegriffen und schwer verletzt. Schon seit Jahrzehnten lebte der britisch-indische Autor mit der Angst vor einem Anschlag: Als 1988 seine "Satanischen Verse" erschienen, wurde er zur Hassfigur muslimischer Fundamentalisten. Der iranischen Revolutionsführer rief in der Folge dazu auf, Rushdie zu töten. Gemeinsam mit William Karel blickte der Schriftsteller 2018 auf die Bedeutung seines berühmten Buches zurück.

Mehr als zehn Jahre war der britisch-indische Schriftsteller Salman Rushdie auf der Flucht. Er musste sich verstecken, stand unter Polizeischutz, wechselte immer wieder Identität und Wohnsitz. Der Grund: das Todesurteil, das der iranische Revolutionsführer Ajatollah Chomeini 1989 in seiner Fatwa als Reaktion auf sein als blasphemisch eingestuftes Werk „Die satanischen Verse“ gegen ihn aussprach. Damals war sich noch kaum jemand bewusst, welche blutigen Folgen der neu erstarkte muslimische Fundamentalismus mit sich bringen würde. Rushdie lebte in ständiger Angst, zog zigmal um und überlebte rund 20 Mordanschläge. Die Fatwa der Mullahs wurde zwar inzwischen aufgehoben, doch die iranische Presse ruft noch immer zur Hinrichtung des Schriftstellers auf. Bei manchen öffentlichen Auftritten gelten weiterhin besondere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, doch Rushdie selbst scheint die Angst hinter sich gelassen zu haben. Der Film porträtiert einen Mann, der Ruhe und Humor als Waffen des Widerstands nutzt. Ergänzt wird das Gespräch mit dem Schriftsteller durch Archivaufnahmen, die die aufkommende hysterische Stimmung nach Erscheinen der „Satanischen Verse“ bezeugen. Sie zeigen, wie Cat Stevens zum Mord an Rushdie aufrief, was er später dementierte. Sie zeigen auch, wie jene, die ihn hätten schützen sollen – von Jimmy Carter bis zu Prinz Charles – ihn fallenließen. Und wie andere ihn sofort unterstützten, darunter Isabelle Adjani, die bei der César-Verleihung aus den „Satanischen Versen“ vorlas. Abgerundet wird das Porträt durch Passagen aus Rushdies literarischen Werken.

Dokumentation von William Karel (F 2018, 55 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 15/02/2023

Whitney Houston with Enrique Iglesias : Could I Have This Kiss Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 130,483,240

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Rod Stewart : You Wear It Well | Remastered

Nov 8, 2014 Provided to YouTube by Rhino

Cute Love

Amour mignon / Süße Liebe

Many thanks to ginboysblog on Pinterest for this expressive photo.

Dating Apps Promised Instant Connection. So Why Does Finding Love Feel Harder Than Ever?

THE GUARDIAN: I scroll on apps during TV ad breaks, while I’m waiting for the microwave, in bed – but my hopes have given way to frustration

One of the first things I did when a long relationship ended in 2019 was download a dating app – mainly motivated, I must admit, by fantasies about my ex’s reaction to seeing my profile. Since then, I’ve never really stopped. I sit on them during TV ad breaks, while I’m waiting for the microwave to ping, in all those pockets of time where I used to listen to my own thoughts. In bed I lie on my back scrolling until my hand tingles because all the blood has run from it. Yet, despite my commitment, they’ve not found me a boyfriend, or even much sex. In fact, they’ve done the complete opposite to what I thought they would do when I first heard about them. They don’t make anything easy – they make it much harder.

I was at university when the people around me first started using Tinder. I had a boyfriend back then, so I never signed up. But I remember being jealous of the people who did. It would make it so much easier to find someone, I assumed: you wouldn’t have to waste nights out chatting to people in the smoking area only to find out they have a girlfriend, or open the door to rejection by writing your name on a napkin and giving it to a waiter. You just had to decide whether you like the look of someone, wait for them to do the same and if so, you can both meet up and have sex, or date, whatever you wanted. Apps would make the ambiguity of attraction explicit, obvious. » | Annie Lord | Wednesday, August 17, 2022

‘Nobody Is In Charge’: Tory Peer Hits Out at Ministers over Inflation

THE GUARDIAN: As rate reaches double digits, Stuart Rose calls lack of government action to shield households ‘horrifying’

The veteran retailer Stuart Rose has urged the government to do more to shield the poorest from double-digit inflation, describing the lack of action as “horrifying”, with a prime minister “on shore leave” leaving a situation where “nobody is in charge”.

Responding to July’s 10.1% headline rate, the Conservative peer and Asda chair said: “We have been very, very slow in recognising this train coming down the tunnel and it’s run quite a lot of people over and we now have to deal with the aftermath.”

Attacking a lack of leadership while Boris Johnson is away on holiday, he said: “We’ve got to have some action. The captain of the ship is on shore leave, right, nobody’s in charge at the moment.”

Lord Rose, who is a former boss of Marks & Spencer, said action was needed to kill “pernicious” inflation, which he said “erodes wealth over time”. He dismissed claims by the Tory leadership candidate Liz Truss’s camp that it would be possible for the UK to grow its way out of the crisis. » | Joanna Partridge | Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Das Leben nach der EU – Brexit-Verlierer und Gewinner | Reupload | DW Doku Deutsch

Jul 29, 2022 Niemand hätte 2016 wohl gedacht, dass die Briten für den Brexit stimmen - jetzt tritt er in Kraft. Das britische Referendum hat die Politik in Großbritannien und der EU auf den Kopf gestellt. Vieles ändert sich jetzt - auf beiden Seiten.

Mit dem Austritt aus der Europäischen Union fallen für die Briten viele ungeliebte Einschränkungen und Pflichten, aber auch Vorteile weg, die daraus resultierten, Teil eines größeren Ganzen zu sein. Innerhalb der EU-Staaten ist der ungehinderte Verkehr von Personen, Waren und Dienstleistungen garantiert, aber auch Hunderte gemeinsame Regeln von Menschenrechten bis hin zu Glühbirnenspezifikationen. Die Korrespondenten Birgit Maass in London und Georg Matthes in Brüssel haben den Brexit-Prozess von Anfang an hautnah miterlebt. Sie haben von unzähligen Gipfeltreffen und Verhandlungen berichtet, sind durch Großbritannien und Europa gereist und sogar darüber hinaus. Sie haben Menschen getroffen, deren Leben vom Brexit betroffen sein wird - auf vorhersehbare und nicht vorhersehbarer Weise.

Jetzt blicken Birgit und Georg in die Zukunft und stellen uns Menschen vor, deren Schicksale zeigen, wie bitter der Konkurrenzkampf in der Brexit-Welt sein wird: Fischergemeinschaften, die von verschiedenen Küsten aus in See stechen und in denselben Gewässern ihre Netze auswerfen. Britische Landwirte, deren Einkommen gekürzt wird, je nachdem, wie groß ihre Betriebe sind. Menschen, die ihr Leben in Großbritannien aufgebaut haben, aber nicht mehr willkommen sind. Und natürlich die Menschen auf beiden Seiten der Grenze zwischen Nordirland und der Republik Irland. Unsere beiden DW-Korrespondenten räumen mit dem jahrelangen absichtlichen und unabsichtlichen Chaos auf und stellen Ihnen sechs Brexit-Verlierer vor - und einige Gewinner.

Dokumentation von 2020

Rod Stewart : Maggie May | Remastered

Nov 8, 2014 Provided to YouTube by Rhino

Rod Stewart : Maggie May with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra | Official Video

Premiered Oct 18, 2019 Official music video for Rod Stewart – “Maggie May” from 'You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra' (2019). 'You’re In My Heart' combines classic vocals from the biggest hits with newly recorded arrangements by the RPO. | Views on YouTube: 7,065,216

Liz Cheney Now Supports Same-sex Marriage

Sep 26, 2021 The Republican Congresswoman tells 60 Minutes she has reversed her 2013 statements about same-sex marriage: “I was wrong.”

Liz Cheney Considers Run for President after Republican Primary Defeat

THE GUARDIAN: Wyoming congresswoman says ‘It’s something I’m thinking about’ after losing to Trump-backed challenger

Liz Cheney, who is vice-chair of the House January 6 committee, has vowed to ‘do whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office’. Photograph: Patrick T Fallon/AFP/Getty Images

Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney has announced she is considering her own run for the White House in an all-out effort to prevent Donald Trump from winning another term as US president.

Cheney decisively lost her Republican primary race on Tuesday night and will lose her seat in the US Congress.

The Trump-backed challenger Harriet Hageman beat Cheney by almost 40 points as Wyoming voters took revenge for her voting to impeach Trump and for focusing on her role on the January 6 House select committee.

The panel, of which Cheney is vice-chair and one of only two Republicans, is investigating Trump’s role in fomenting the insurrection at the US Capitol by his supporters on 6 January 2021, in a vain attempt to stay in office following his defeat by Joe Biden.

Cheney was asked on NBC’s Today show on Wednesday morning whether she was thinking of running for president. She did not respond to the question directly but, when pressed a second time, admitted she was.

“It’s something I’m thinking about, and I’ll make a decision in the coming months,” she said. » | David Smith in Jackson, Wyoming, Richard Luscombe and Joanna Walters | Wednesday, August 17, 2022

How to Plan a Gay Wedding in a Small Italian Town | Gay Romance | My Big Gay Italian Wedding

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 17, 2022

Plötzlich Prinzessin: Moderne Märchen mit Happy End | SPIEGEL TV (2016)

Aug 7, 2022 Ihr Leben liest sich wie ein modernes Märchen. Sarah Lorenz und Elna Rinn führten ein ganz normales bürgerliches Leben. Bis sie ihre Traumprinzen trafen - die sich tatsächlich als Aristokraten entpuppten. Durch die Hochzeit wurden sie zu echten Prinzessinnen. Ein Leben hinter verstaubten Schlossmauern führen beide jedoch nicht.

WIKIPEDIA: Deutscher Adel, German nobility.

Zu Tisch ... in Zentralportugal | ARTE

Aug 13, 2022 In Zentralportugal haben zwei ehemalige Ordensschwestern einen Ort der Begegnung geschaffen. Das Herzstück ist ihr Garten für Permakultur. Margarida und Eduarda gehen schonend mit der Erde um. Im September kommen Bohnen, Kohl und Kürbis auf den Tisch. Die Küche der Schwestern ist einfach, aber nahrhaft. Einmal in der Woche backen sie Brot.

Im Landesinnern erheben sich Portugals höchste Berge. Ackerbau ist hier nur unter erschwerten Bedingungen möglich. In einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Region Leiria haben zwei ehemalige Nonnen eine traditionelle Art des schonenden Ackerbaus für sich entdeckt: Permakultur. Im Garten von Margarida Monteiro und Eduarda Barbosa wächst das Gemüse nicht in Reih und Glied. Zwischen Gräsern und Kräutern gedeihen im September Bohnen und Kürbisse und Kohl. Mit den Erträgen ihrer Ernte ernähren sie nicht nur sich selbst, sondern auch Freunde und Freundinnen. Aus Bohnen, selbst gebackenem Brot und Kohl werden traditionelle Migas. Kürbis und Mondbohnen sind die Basis für einen deftigen Eintopf. Ihre eigenen Feigen und Äpfel verfeinern einen herbstlichen Walnusskuchen.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Stella Könemann (D 2021, 27 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 05/11/2022

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Leaked Audio Reveals Liz Truss Said British Workers Needed ‘More Graft’

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Tory leadership frontrunner suggested Britons lacked ‘skill and application’, in echo of ‘idlers’ row

Liz Truss, now the Tory leadership frontrunner, launched an astonishing broadside against British workers, saying they needed “more graft” and suggesting they lacked the “skill and application” of foreign rivals, the Guardian can reveal.

In a leaked recording, the then No 2 at the Treasury also risked pitting Londoners against the rest of the country by attempting to explain the difference between the capital and other regions in the UK.

Truss, who has put patriotism at the heart of her leadership campaign, suggested the disparity was “partly a mindset or attitude thing”.

The comments were made when Truss was the chief secretary to the Treasury, a post she held until 2019. In the recording she intimated that there seemed little desire to change the working culture so that the UK could become more prosperous.

The highly disparaging remarks echo a controversial passage about British workers being among the “worst idlers in the world”, from the book Britannia Unchained which she co-authored in 2012 when she was a new backbench MP seeking to make her mark as a neo-Thatcherite. » | Pippa Crerar Political editor | Tuesday, August 16, 20222

How much graft has this woman done in her life? How much skill does she have? She certainly doesn’t have much skill in economics. In economics, she’s a cipher.

Frankly, I am sure that the hard-working people of the UK will find this woman’s inane and insensitive remarks highly offensive. The woman is unqualified for the office she aspires to hold. Rishi Sunak, even though I have some issues with him, especially that he is a Brexiteer, would surely be a more qualified person to entrust the economy of this country to than Liz Truss. – © Mark Alexander

Leonard Cohen : Dance Me to the End of Love | Official Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 142,000,159

Andrés & Hugo | Cuatro Lunas | I Feel It Coming

Viewer discretion is advised. Not suitable for children. – Mark

"Will We Become Our Enemy?": After Salman Rushdie Assassination Attempt, See Rare Address

Aug 15, 2022 Renowned Indian British novelist Salman Rushdie is in critical condition and faces a long road to recovery after he survived an assassination attempt Friday morning in western New York. Rushdie is one of the most highly acclaimed writers in the world today and has lived underground for many years after facing systematic threats of assassination for his writing. We feature Rushdie in his own words, when he gave a rare speech in 2004 on the freedom of expression at an event hosted by PEN America. "Will we become our enemy or not? Will we become repressive as our enemy is repressive? Will we become intolerant as our enemy is intolerant, or will we not?"

Dimitra’s Dishes : Roasted Red Pepper & Feta Salad

Get the recipe here.

Darius Campbell Danesh, Former Pop Idol Star, Dies Aged 41

THE GUARDIAN: Singer and actor found dead in Minnesota, US, on 11 August but cause of death remains unknown

Darius Campbell Danesh in the talent show Popstars. Photograph: ITV/Rex/Shutterstock

The former Pop Idol contestant and theatre star Darius Campbell Danesh has been found dead in his US apartment at the age of 41, his family announced.

The singer and actor was found in Rochester, Minnesota, on 11 August. The cause of death is as yet unknown.

A statement said: “It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Darius Campbell Danesh. Darius was found unresponsive in bed in his apartment room in Rochester, Minnesota, on August 11 and was pronounced dead in the afternoon by the local medical examiners’ office.

“The local police department have confirmed that there were no signs of intent or suspicious circumstances. The cause of his sudden death is unknown at this stage while medical examinations continue. » | PA Media | Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Die Katze | Karambolage | ARTE

Jun 2, 2022 Hajo Kruse hat sich eine kleine Geschichte ausgedacht, in der sich ziemlich viele Katzen herumtreiben.

Autor: Hajo Kruse
Regie: Maud Rémy

Verfügbar bis zum 07/07/2034

Pipi | Karambolage | ARTE

Jun 16, 2022 Die Franzosen möchten Pipi machen, die Deutschen müssen Pipi machen. Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel zieht daraus einige Schlüsse…

Text: Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel
Regie: Claude Delafosse

Verfügbar bis zum 20/04/2034.

Mike Pompeo & CIA Sued for Spying on Americans Who Visited Julian Assange in Embassy in UK

Aug 16, 2022 Lawyers and journalists sued the CIA and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo Monday for spying on them while they met Julian Assange when he was living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he had political asylum. The lawsuit is being filed as Britain prepares to extradite the WikiLeaks founder to the United States, where he faces up to 175 years in prison for violating the Espionage Act by publishing classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. We speak with the lead attorney in the case, Richard Roth, who details how a private security company stationed at the London Embassy unknowingly sent images from Assange's visitors' cellphones and laptops as well as streamed video from inside meetings to American intelligence. He says the offenses breach a range of client privileges and could sway a U.S. judge to dismiss the case if Assange is successfully extradited.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – April 16, 2022

Scotland Makes Period Products Free

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The country is the first to offer tampons, sanitary pads and other menstrual products free of charge.

Period products are now free to anyone in Scotland who needs them, nearly two years after the country’s Parliament approved a landmark piece of legislation.

The initiative makes Scotland the first country in the world to provide free sanitary products, part of a global effort to end “period poverty” — or a lack of access to tampons or sanitary pads because of prohibitively high costs.

Monica Lennon, the lawmaker who submitted the draft proposal for the Period Products Act in 2020, tweeted that Scotland might be “the first but won’t be the last” country to provide free period products.

“We are witnessing a massive culture change, where period stigma is no longer being tolerated,” Ms. Lennon said in an email to The New York Times. “There’s more emphasis on menstrual well-being and a renewed focus on tackling medical misogyny.” » | Remy Tumin | Monday, August 15, 2022

Outrage as Australians Discover Former Prime Minister Secretly Gave Himself Five Additional Ministries

THE GUARDIAN: Incumbent prime minister says he ‘cannot conceive of the mindset’ that enabled Scott Morrison to appoint himself to additional positions while PM

Scott Morrison secretly appointed himself to five additional ministries while Australia’s prime minister, in what his successor has labelled an “unprecedented trashing of the Westminster system”.

The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, said on Tuesday he was waiting on legal advice over any possible ramifications of the secret appointments and was “open to reforms and suggestions” so the situation did not reoccur.

Morrison now faces calls to resign from parliament over the revelations, including from one of his former ministers. Karen Andrews, a former minister for home affairs, which is one of the departments to which Morrison appointed himself, said: “This is totally unacceptable, for a prime minister to behave in this manner undermines everything that a federal government constitutionally should stand for.” » | Amy Remeikis in Canberra | Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Scott Morrison was sworn in to several portfolios other than prime minister. How can this be done?: Only the governor general can appoint ministers, but there are ways a minister can take on the powers of another »

Le monde littéraire réagit à la violente agression de Salman Rushdie : « Attaquer les écrivains ne les fait pas taire. Cela ne fait qu’amplifier leur voix »

LE MONDE : Ecrivains, essayistes et personnalités décrivent au « Monde » la portée du bouleversement intime et politique que représente l’attaque contre l’auteur des « Versets sataniques ».

Salman Rushdie au Mexique, en octobre 2014. ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP

Certains sont des proches. D’autres, simplement, observent depuis des années ce qui se trame autour de lui, et sa propre résistance à la menace qui le poursuit depuis la fatwa lancée par l’ayatollah Khomeyni, le 14 février 1989. Tous, écrivains, essayistes, en France, au Royaume-Uni, en Inde, en Turquie ou aux Etats-Unis, racontent au Monde le bouleversement intime autant que politique que représente pour eux l’attaque subie par Salman Rushdie, vendredi 12 août, à Chautauqua (New York).

Saisis, inquiets – malgré les nouvelles rassurantes qui, progressivement, ont commencé à se faire jour durant le week-end –, ils se montrent d’abord frappés par les circonstances du drame. « C’est incroyable que cela lui soit arrivé lors d’une conférence sur scène, parce que c’est là qu’il est à son meilleur : devant un large public. On voit alors à quel point il est aiguisé, drôle, brillant », note ainsi le romancier américain Gary Shteyngart, ami de l’auteur des Versets sataniques (Bourgois, 1989) « depuis une dizaine d’années », précise-t-il. » | Par Florent Georgesco, Raphaëlle Leyris et Florence Noiville | mardi 16 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Monday, August 15, 2022

Salman Rushdie - Writing under Death Threats | DW Documentary

Aug 15, 2022 In 1988, Salman Rushdie’s novel "The Satanic Verses” was published. A year later, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini issued a "fatwah,” or death sentence, against the British-Indian author. Now, Rushdie was critically injured after being attacked at a reading.

For more than a decade, the author was a fugitive. He had to go into hiding, was under police protection, and had constantly changing identities and homes. The reason was the order to kill Rushdie by Ayatollah Khomeini that came after the publication of his novel, The Satanic Verses. Khomeini declared the work blasphemous, and Rushdie a heretic. At the time, Islamic fundamentalism and its violent and deadly consequences were not on the agenda yet. Rushdie lived in constant fear and survived 20 attempts on his life.

The film is a portrait of a man who uses calmness and humor as weapons of resistance. The portrait includes interviews with Rushdie and also features archive footage that show the violent reaction and mood after The Satanic Verses was published. They show how pop singer Cat Stevens called for Rushdie’s execution - which Cat Stevens would later deny. The film also draws attention to those who should have protected Rushdie, but abandoned him - from Jimmy Carter to Prince Charles. But there are examples of instant support too, like Isabelle Adjani, who read from The Satanic Verses at the César award ceremony. In New York, the author looks back on his life and his most famous novel, which has lost none of its importance. He speaks about his life, his childhood in Mumbai, Donald Trump and literature, of course.

Easy Homemade Hummus Recipe from Scratch | حُمُّص

May 22, 2020 Once you try this easy to make homemade hummus recipe from scratch, you will never buy it from the store again.

For the recipe, including the ingredients and method, please click here.

Les multiples victimes de la fatwa contre « Les Versets sataniques »

LE MONDE : Salman Rushdie est visé depuis 1989 par une fatwa lancée par l’ayatollah iranien Khomeyni à cause de son roman « Les Versets sataniques ». Si l’auteur a été victime d’une attaque au couteau le 12 août, il est loin d’être la seule victime de cet appel au meurtre.

Il n’a fallu que quelques pages d’un de ses romans pour que Salman Rushdie se retrouve en danger de mort. En publiant Les Versets sataniques, dont un passage a été jugé blasphématoire par l’ayatollah Khomeyni en 1989, l’auteur britannique a été visé par une fatwa selon laquelle Téhéran proposait trois millions de dollars à quiconque abattrait l’écrivain. » | Par Service vidéo du Monde | lundi 15 août 2022

Outre Salman Rushdie, d’autres personnalités publiques ou des anonymes vivent sous la menace des fondamentalistes : Des dizaines, et potentiellement bien plus, de personnes vivent sous la menace d’une fatwa ou d’une attaque, les obligeant à vivre sous protection. Dont plusieurs en France. »

Sommerchic: Eine Dame in einem schönen, eleganten Strohhut.

Summer chic: A lady in a beautiful, elegant straw hat. / Chic d'été : une dame dans un beau chapeau de paille élégant.

Mein Dank geht an PPDT: Photo auf Pinterest für dieses elegante Foto.

Stevie Wonder : For Once In My Life

Jul 26, 2018 Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 7,087,944

Ein flüchtiger Kuss, der bleibt

Der 1991 von Dmitri Wrubel auf der Berliner Mauer verewigte Bruderkuss zwischen Leonid Breschnew und Erich Honecker | Bild: PICTURE ALLIANCE


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der Maler Dmitri Wrubel war in der Kunstgeschichte ausgesprochen bewandert und blieb zu Unrecht ein One-Hit-Wonder. Sein berühmtestes Bild kennt allerdings jeder. Nun ist er mit 62 Jahren gestorben.

Der seit 1990 in Berlin lebende, 1960 in Moskau geborene Künstler Dmitri Wrubel ist zu Unrecht ein One-Hit-Wonder geblieben. Mit seinem im Jahr 1991 auf die Berliner Mauer gemalten und von ihm selbst 2009 erneuerten „Bruderkuss“ zwischen Leonid Breschnew und Erich Honecker wurde er weltberühmt. Wenig verwunderlich, denn Wrubels ebenso ikonisches wie ironisches Historienbild findet sich in der von Touristen zu Tode fotografierten East Side Gallery an der Spree zwischen Berlin-Friedrichshain und Kreuzberg. Zu seiner Ehrenrettung muss gesagt werden: Kaum ein Kommentar zum Untergang der DDR fasst das Dilemma prägnanter in ein Bild. Zwar nutzte Wrubel als Vorlage für seinen Kuss ein Pressefoto von Régis Bossu anlässlich des dreißigsten Jahrestags der DDR 1979, so wie es auch Gerhard Richter bei zeitgeschichtlichen Stoffen hält. » | Stefan Trinks, Redakteur im Feuilleton | Montag, 15. August 2022

L'apéro - Karambolage - ARTE

Aug 15, 2022 Hajo Kruse nous invite à partager un rite français des plus agréables: l’apéritif.

texte : Hajo Kruse
image : Olivier Martin
Magazine (France, 2022, 11mn)

U.K. Police Investigate Online Threat to J.K. Rowling

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The author of the “Harry Potter” books was threatened on Twitter after she posted condolences for the novelist Salman Rushdie, who was stabbed on Friday in western New York.

The threat was in response to J.K. Rowling’s tweet that the assault on the novelist Salman Rushdie was “Horrifying news.” | Neil Hall/EPA, via Shutterstock

The authorities in the United Kingdom said on Sunday that they were investigating an online threat against the author J.K. Rowling after she offered support on social media to Salman Rushdie, the novelist who was attacked last week at an event in western New York.

Hours after the attack on Mr. Rushdie, who was stabbed roughly 10 times as he prepared to speak at the Chautauqua Institution, Ms. Rowling tweeted her condolences. She first wrote on Twitter, “Horrifying news,” then added: “Feeling very sick right now. Let him be OK.”

In response, a user with the handle @MeerAsifAziz1 replied: “Don’t worry you are next.”

The tweet was later deleted, and the account was suspended by Sunday evening. » | Kurtis Lee | Sunday, August 14,2022

Salman Rushdie attaqué : l’Iran dément « catégoriquement » tout lien avec l’agresseur

LE MONDE : Selon le porte-parole du ministère des affaires étrangères iranien, « seuls Salman Rushdie et ses partisans mériteraient d’être blâmés et même condamnés ». « Personne n’a le droit d’accuser la République islamique d’Iran », a-t-il ajouté.

Hadi Matar, 24 ans, lors de sa comparution devant le tribunal du comté de Chautauqua, à Mayville, Etat de New York, le 13 août 2022. GENE J. PUSKAR / AP

Trois jours après l’agression au couteau de Salman Rushdie, auteur des Versets sataniques, l’Iran a nié « catégoriquement », lundi 15 août, tout lien avec le suspect.

« Nous démentons catégoriquement » tout lien entre l’agresseur et l’Iran, et « personne n’a le droit d’accuser la République islamique d’Iran », a affirmé le porte-parole du ministère des affaires étrangères, Nasser Kanani, lors de ce qui constitue la première réaction officielle de Téhéran à l’attaque contre l’écrivain britannique.

« Dans cette attaque, seuls Salman Rushdie et ses partisans mériteraient d’être blâmés et même condamnés », a-t-il souligné. « En insultant les choses sacrées de l’islam et en franchissant les lignes rouges de plus d’un milliard et demi de musulmans et de tous les adeptes des religions divines, Salman Rushdie s’est exposé à la colère et à la rage des gens », a-t-il ajouté. » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 15 août 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — August 15, 2022

Trump's "Call to Violence" Against FBI as He Faces Espionage Act Charges Is "Replay" of Jan. 6 Riot

Aug 15, 2022 A search warrant made public on Friday reveals the FBI is investigating former President Donald Trump for three federal crimes, including violating the Espionage Act, obstruction of justice and criminal handling of government records, after removing top-secret documents when they raided former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate last week. Meanwhile, Trump is calling the investigation a hoax, and Republican threats are growing against the FBI. We speak with Karen Greenberg, director of the Center on National Security at Fordham University School of Law, who calls Trump's reaction to the FBI search a "call to violence," setting the stage for a "replay" of January 6. "We really need to try to understand what former President Trump intended to do with this material" despite the backlash, says Greenberg.

Democracy Now! After a Year of Taliban Control, "Women and Girls of Afghanistan Have Lost Their Right to Be Human"

Aug 15, 2022 One year ago today, the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan, promising to bring stability after two decades of war and U.S. occupation. But the country now faces a grave humanitarian crisis and a severe rollback of women's rights. We speak with Afghan journalist Zahra Nader, editor-in-chief of Zan Times, a new women-led outlet documenting human rights issues in Afghanistan. "The people of Afghanistan did not make this decision, and they did not choose the Taliban," says Nader, who explains how imperial occupations of her home country led to the political instability today. Nader also describes the hunger crisis as 95% of Afghans face hunger, and calls for more international attention on Afghanistan.

Die Tinder-Schwindler: Der Riesenbetrug mit der Liebe | SPIEGEL TV

Aug 3, 2022 Die Abzocke hat es in sich. Es geht um hunderttausende Euro, die verliebte und einsame Frauen an Online-Bekanntschaften überweisen, die es gar nicht gibt. Denn in Wahrheit landet ihr Erspartes bei professionellen Love-Scammern im Ausland. Jungen Männern, die mit falscher Liebe echte Kohle verdienen.

Die SPIEGEL TV-Reporter Tatjana Kurdjumow und Steffen Vogel sind der Spur des Geldes bis nach Ghana gefolgt und haben in Deutschland Frauen getroffen, die alles verloren haben.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Toto : Africa | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 788,828,567

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 396,207,071

George Michael - One More Try | Reupload

Official video : Views on YouTube: 150,945,571

John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John - You're the One That I Want | Reupload

Apr 10, 2014 Music video by Jhon Travolta & Olivia Newton Jhon performing You'reThe One That I Want From the Movie Grease.

A Hot Kiss in the Hot Sunshine.

Un baiser chaud sous le soleil brûlant. / Ein heißer Kuss im heißen Sonnenschein.

With many thanks to GAY: Photo on Pinterest for this delightful photo.

En Egypte, au moins 41 morts après qu’un incendie s’est déclaré dans une église du Caire

LE MONDE : L’incendie, déclenché par un court-circuit au milieu d’une messe dans l’église Abou Sifine, du quartier populaire d’Imbaba, endeuille la plus importante communauté chrétienne du Moyen-Orient

Au moins quarante et une personnes sont mortes et quatorze autres ont été blessées en raison d’un incendie qui s’est déclaré, dimanche 14 août, dans une église du Caire, selon les autorités ecclésiastiques coptes, qui ont annoncé plus tard, que le feu a été maîtrisé.

Cet incendie en pleine messe a provoqué une bousculade, selon les autorités, à l’église Abou Sifine du quartier populaire d’Imbaba, nommée d’après le saint Mercure de Césarée, révéré par les coptes. Ces derniers forment la plus grande communauté chrétienne du Moyen-Orient avec quelque 10 millions de personnes (c’est-à-dire environ 10 % de la population égyptienne). » | Le Monde avec AFP |dimanche 14 août 2022

At Least 41 Killed in Fire at Egyptian Church During Sunday Prayers: The blaze was reportedly caused by an electrical fault on the building’s second floor, which also housed classrooms. Several children are thought to be among the dead. »