Tuesday, October 06, 2015

German Anti-Islam Group Vents Fury at Merkel over Refugee Welcome

YAHOO! NEWS: Dresden (Germany) (AFP) - Thousands of German anti-Islam protesters on Monday vented their fury at Chancellor Angela Merkel over her welcoming of refugees, accusing her of "high treason" and "crimes against the German people".

With Europe's top economy expecting to take in up to a million people fleeing war and poverty this year, anger has flared among anti-foreigner groups and members of the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement ("Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident").

"Merkel is guilty, commits ethnocide against the German people," read one banner at the rally in Dresden, the historic city in the former communist East where PEGIDA emerged about a year ago and, after a lull, is now looking to swell its ranks.

Waving flags, the agitated crowd cheered on co-founder Lutz Bachmann, 42, who was charged last week with inciting racial hatred by labelling asylum-seekers "animals", "trash" and "filthy rabble".

"It won’t stop with 1.5 or two million" arrivals, he said.

"They will have their wives come, and one, two, three children. It is an impossible task to integrate these people." » | Coralie Febvre | Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, October 05, 2015

Deutschland: Massenschlägereien in Flüchtlingscamps

Op-Ed: Greece’s Fascists Are Gaining

Nikos Michaloliakos greeting supporters at a pre-election
rally in Athens last month.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: ATHENS — Just hours after Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s new cabinet was sworn into office on Sept. 23, Twitter users began protesting the appointment of one of his junior ministers, Dimitri Kamenos, from the right-wing anti-austerity party Independent Greeks. Mr. Kamenos had published homophobic, anti-Semitic and racist comments on Twitter.

Within hours, Mr. Kamenos was fired, making his tenure one of the shortest in Greek political history. What’s most worrying about the incident is not his racist tweets, but the fact that reactionary views have gained popularity in crisis-ridden Greece, especially in areas where migrants are arriving in large numbers. And there is real risk that the popularity of these views will increase.

In Kos and Lesbos, the epicenters of the refugee crisis, the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party doubled its share of the vote, exceeding 10 percent in some places. The absence of functioning government institutions in Greece — and the total lack of a collective European Union policy to address the crisis — have created the conditions that hateful ideologies need in order to grow. While the local authorities were waiting for the central government to react, and as the Greek government waited for the European Union to make up its mind about the growing waves of immigration that flooded the islands, the neo-Nazis took advantage of the situation to spread their hate. » | Matthaios Tsimitakis | Sunday, October 4, 2015

Angela Merkel sagt die Wahrheit über Migranten

Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Support Surge

U.S. democratic Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders has set a record for the largest ever democratic primary rally...But he is still ignored in the evening news on the country's major channels -ABC, CBS and NBC. The US media is paying attention to other candidates - Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton & Chris Christie.

ISIS Blows Up 2,000 Year Old Arch of Triumph in Palmyra

A two-thousand year old Arch of Triumph, a jewel in the collection of the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria, has reportedly been the target of Islamic State militants, who see the buildings as pagan and sacrilegious. UNESCO chief Irina Bokova told RT'S "Worlds Apart", why Islamic State's destruction of historic ruins will have dire consequences.

Syrien: Gewaltherrscher in bester Laune

Baschar Al Assad in seinem Interview mit dem Iranischen
Sender Kabar TV
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Baschar al Assad zeigt neues Selbstbewusstsein. Der Diktator in Damaskus hat das nicht zuletzt dem Kreml zu verdanken. Gleichzeitig wächst die Unterstützung für seine Gegner.

Der syrische Gewaltherrscher gibt sich bester Laune. Am Wochenende nutzte er ein Interview mit dem iranischen Sender Khabar TV, den Verbündeten in Teheran und Moskau für die Waffenhilfe zu danken und deren Loyalität zu beschwören. Baschar al Assad schmähte seine Feinde und zeigte sich entschlossen, den Krieg in seinem Land bis zum Ende fortzusetzen. Er werde keine Einmischung von außen in syrische Angelegenheiten dulden, sagte Assad laut der Abschrift des Gesprächs, welches die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Sana verbreitete. Er zeigte sich sicher, dass der Kampf weitergehe, bis der „Terrorismus“ besiegt sei – oder gesiegt habe. Und sollte die neue Koalition, also das Bündnis unter russischer Führung, scheitern, dann werde die gesamte Region zerstört. Im Westen, der überwältigt von einem Gefühl des Scheiterns in Syrien sei, machte Assad Verwirrung aus.

Sein derzeitiges Selbstbewusstsein hat der Diktator nicht zuletzt dem Kreml zu verdanken. Die russische Luftunterstützung für die demoralisierte und ausgelaugte Armee des Regimes dauert trotz der scharfen internationalen Kritik an. Das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau meldete am Montag, es seien 25 Angriffe binnen 24 Stunden geflogen worden. Sie hätten sich gegen Einrichtungen der Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) in den Provinzen Homs und Latakia gerichtet. » | Von Christoph Ehrhardt, Beirut | Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

Les incursions aériennes russes en Turquie très «dangereuses»

LE MATIN: SYRIE — L'Otan a jugé lundi «extrêmement dangereuses» les incursions de l'aviation russe en Turquie, appelant Moscou à des explications «immédiates».

Les 28 pays de l'Alliance atlantique, réunis en urgence lundi après-midi à Bruxelles, ont aussi exprimé leur «grave préoccupation» face aux frappes aériennes de la Russie en Syrie, en particulier à Hama, Homs et Idlib, «qui ont fait des victimes civiles et ne visaient pas Daech (acronyme arabe du groupe Etat islamique)». «Les Alliés appellent la Fédération russe à immédiatement cesser ses attaques contre l'opposition syrienne et les civils», selon ce texte commun. » | afp/nxp | lundi 5 octobre 2015

Syrie : la déconfiture d'Obama

LE POINT: Avec son entrée dans la guerre civile, c'est une humiliation sans précédent que Vladimir Poutine a infligée à Obama et aux dirigeants occidentaux.

Il ne s'est pas écoulé 48 heures entre le moment où, en marge de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies, Barack Obama s'est félicité du retour des Russes dans la lutte contre Daesh et celui où Vladimir Poutine l'a ridiculisé en lançant ses bombardiers Sukhoï, non pas dans des opérations de pilonnage des djihadistes de l'État islamique mais en bombardant des forces d'opposition au président syrien, dont certaines avaient été entraînées et armées par les Américains. Le maître du Kremlin ne pouvait pas plus clairement affirmer que la priorité de ses avions et de ses missiles en Syrie était avant tout de défendre Bachar el-Assad. Et accessoirement, mais accessoirement seulement, d'affaiblir les islamistes. » | Par Michel Colomès | lundi 5 octobre 2015

PM Orbán: Europe’s Demographic Problems Shall Not Be Solved by Immigration

HUNGARY TODAY: Hungary’s government firmly believes that demographic problems should not be solved by means of immigration, PM Viktor Orbán told public radio in his regular Friday morning interview. “If other European countries attempt to solve their demographic problems with men who resemble young warriors”, they are free to do so, but we cannot accept this approach being forced on Hungary”, he said. He remarked that a section of the Hungarian left as well as certain European elites look upon immigrants as a great opportunity. “In my view this is a fatal mistake”, Orbán insisted. » | via kormany.hu and mno.hu photo: Szilárd Koszticsák – MTI | Friday, October 2, 2015

Germany Faces 1.5 Million Asylum Claims This Year - Report

At Sebnitz near the Czech border a big crowd urged Germany
to keep Muslim migrants out
BBC: The number of people seeking asylum in Germany this year will be as high as 1.5 million - almost double the previous estimate, German media report.

The German government has not confirmed the new estimate, which comes from an internal official report cited by popular daily Bild.

The report warns that services helping refugees will not be able to cope.

Separately, a centre-right regional minister put the expected total at 1.2-1.5 million for this year.

The German government previously estimated the number of asylum claims this year to reach 800,000 to one million in total.

Many are refugees fleeing the wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, but there are also many economic migrants from the Balkans, Asia and Africa.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres has warned that Europe, in dealing with the migration crisis, is engaged in a "battle of compassion versus fear, and of tolerance versus xenophobia".

Speaking in Geneva, he said the world was facing the highest levels of forced displacement in recorded history and the principle of asylum must remain sacrosanct.

He urged Europe to defend "its founding values of tolerance and openness by welcoming refugees of all religions".

The leaders of Hungary and Slovakia have said the influx of Muslims is a challenge to Europe's "Christian" identity. » | Monday, October 5, 2015

Related video (in German) »

Robert Spencer — the Speech the U.S. Catholic Bishops Don’t Want You to See

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer was the keynote speaker at the annual convocation of the North American Lutheran Church, Dallas, Texas, August 13, 2015. He spoke about Muslim persecution of Christians.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops pulled their representative from the North American Lutheran Church convocation when they found out Spencer was the keynote speaker. Watch this speech and see what the Catholic Bishops of the United States don't want you to know.

The Truth About the Arab Conquest of Spain (711-788)

The Real House of Saud - Saudi Arabia's Oil-For-Tyranny

Meet the new head of the United Nations panel on Human Rights: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abby Martin takes us inside the brutal reality of this police-state monarchy, and tells the untold people's history of resistance to it. With a major, catastrophic war in Yemen and looming high-profile executions of activists, The Empire Files exposes true nature of the U.S.-Saudi love affair.

US State Dept. Aware of Saudi Funding of Terrorist Groups – WikiLeaks

A new set of cables from WikiLeaks, dating back to 2009 and signed by Hillary Clinton, claims the US was aware of Saudi Arabia’s funding of militant and terrorist groups. Lindsay France takes a look at the claims.

Kriegsveteran: Als Franzose in der Nazi-Wehrmacht

Sebnitz: 3.000 Menschen folgen Pegidas Aufruf zur Grenzschließung

Schätzungsweise 3000 Menschen haben sich gestern in der deutsch-tschechischen Grenzstadt Sebnitz versammelt, um entlang der sächsisch-tschechischen Grenze eine symbolische Menschenkette gegen den Zustrom von Flüchtlingen zu bilden. Die ursprünglich angesagte Menschenkette am Grenzübergang wurde jedoch nicht verwirklicht.

Judge Jeanine: New World Order Emerging Thanks to Obama

Oct. 04, 2015 - 3:49 - Vladimir Putin taking advantage of lack of U.S. leadership in Mideast

Vatican Fires Priest Who Announced He's Gay, in Relationship

Oct. 04, 2015 - 2:37 - Priest denounced homophobia throughout Church, urges clergy to address issue

Related »

The British Sikh Men Trying To Stop Women Marrying Outside Their Religion

THE INDEPENDENT: Britain’s Sikhs, long seen as a minority success story, are plagued by a faction of young men ‘defending’ their vision of the culture – and seeking to impose their views by attacking the nuptials of women who marry ‘out’

It was meant to be the happiest day of their lives – a celebration of modern multicultural Britain at the biggest Sikh gurdwara (temple) in the Western world. On 7 August 2015, in west London, a British Sikh bride and her Polish Christian groom sat together and absorbed the religious blessings at their wedding ceremony. She wore a cream and red dress, while he wore a red turban, in keeping with Sikh traditions.

But that morning, 20 uninvited men were determined to put a stop to the wedding. They stormed upstairs to the main hall and demanded that the priests end the ceremony, hurling insults at people who objected. One of them told a priest that, if their demands weren’t met, he would get 1,000 of his friends to come to the temple within the hour. The police were called and eventually the couple were forced to proceed into a hurried ceremony, while the protesters watched and took pictures of them to publish online. » | Sunny Hundal | Sunday, October 4, 2015

Czech Republic: Hundreds of Protesters Rally against Islam & EU Asylum Policies

At least 250 anti-European Union protesters gathered on Moravian Square in Brno to protest against "Islamisation" while calling for the exit of the Czech Republic from the continental body, Saturday. Protesters and activists held banners reading "We don't want migrants in the Czech Republic" and "No Islam, no EU."

Isis Blows Up Arch of Triumph in 2,000-year-old City of Palmyra

THE GUARDIAN: Monument described as ‘jewel in the collection’ of Unesco-listed Syrian city is destroyed and follows the razing of other statues and temples

Islamic State militants have destroyed the Arch of Triumph in the ancient city of Palmyra, a monument that dates back to the Roman empire, Syria’s chief of antiquities told the Guardian.

Maamoun Abdulkarim said sources in the city, which was conquered by Isis after a week-long siege in May, had informed him the arch was destroyed on Sunday in the latest act of vandalism against Syria’s cultural heritage perpetrated by Isis.

“It’s a crime in every sense of the word,” he said in a telephone interview from Damascus. “All we can do is share the sadness.”

The arch was built in commemoration of a visit by the emperor and his entourage when Palmyra was a Roman colony. Isis’s puritanical interpretation of Islam deems the preservation of ancient artefacts and monuments to be a form of idolatry. (+ video) » | Kareem Shaheen in Beirut | Monday, October 5, 2015

Syrian Crisis: Assad Warns of Mid-East Destruction

BBC: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said a coalition between Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq must succeed "or else the whole region will be destroyed".

Mr Assad also criticised the US-led coalition and its air strikes in Syria and Iraq as counter-productive, saying that terrorism had only spread.

Meanwhile, Russia has carried out more air strikes in Syria it says targeted so-called Islamic State (IS) positions.

Syrian activists say the raids appear to have focused on other rebel groups.

In an interview with Iranian state television, reported by the Syrian presidency Twitter feed, President Assad said Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq were united in battling terrorism and would achieve "practical results", unlike the US-led coalition. (+ BBC videos) » | Sunday, October 4, 2015

Brandstiftung: Wieder brennt eine Flüchtlingsunterkunft

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Im thüringischen Friemar ist die Fassade einer Notunterkunft für Flüchtlinge in Flammen aufgegangen. Die Polizei geht von Brandstiftung aus. Auch in Xanten in Nordrhein-Westfalen kam es zu einem Zwischenfall.

Das Feuer in einer Notunterkunft für Flüchtlinge im thüringischen Friemar bei Gotha geht nach Einschätzung der Polizei auf Brandstiftung zurück. Ein fremdenfeindlicher Hintergrund könne nicht ausgeschlossen werden, teilte eine Polizeisprecherin in Gotha mit. Nach ihren Angaben brach das Feuer am frühen Sonntagmorgen an mobilen Toilettenhäuschen aus, die an einer Turnhalle aufgestellt waren. Die Flammen griffen auf die Fassade des Gebäudes über, in dem zwei Familien mit insgesamt zehn Personen untergebracht waren. Sie hätten sich selbst in Sicherheit bringen können und seien unverletzt geblieben, sagte Bürgermeister Steffen John (CDU). „Sie waren geschockt und verängstigt.“ » | Quelle: dpa | Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

Sachsen: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Flüchtlinge

SPIEGEL ONLINE: In mehreren sächsischen Städten sind am Wochenende Tausende Menschen auf die Straßen gegangen, um gegen Flüchtlinge zu protestieren. Allein in Sebnitz wollten etwa 2500 Demonstranten eine "lebende Grenze" bilden.

Tausende Menschen haben sich am Wochenende in Sachsen an Demonstrationen gegen den Verbleib von Flüchtlingen im Land beteiligt. In Sebnitz an der Grenze zu Tschechien versammelten sich am Sonntagnachmittag nach dpa-Schätzungen 2500 Menschen: Sie wollten eine "lebende Grenze" formieren. Die Polizei machte keine Angaben zu den Teilnehmern, dementierte die Schätzungen aber auch nicht. Zu der Demo war aus dem Pegida-Umfeld aufgerufen worden. » | aar/dpa | Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

Sunday, October 04, 2015

US Being Booted as a Major Political Player in the Mideast?

Oct. 03, 2015 - 5:56 - Russian airstrikes in Syria leave the Obama administration scrambling. The 'Journal Editorial Report' panel reacts

How Many Times Muslims Invaded Europe vs. Europeans Invaded Muslim Countries?

Historical facts and Comparisons: How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries. Muslims launched their ‘crusades’ in 630 A.D. Western Crusades started in 1095 A.D. to STOP MUSLIM INVASION. Crusades were a defensive action against the forcible expansion of Islam into territories that had been part of Christendom for centuries.

#TakeBackMCR March against "Everything Tories Stand For"

Tens of thousands marched on the Tory Conference in Manchester against "pretty much everything the Tories stand for" from austerity to Syria bombings to the Trade Union Bill.

ISIS Culturally Cleansing the Middle East: UNESCO Director

Islamic State has been systematic in its destruction of ancient archaeological sites, temples and artifacts. And though efforts are being made to protect priceless cultural property in Syria and Iraq, the destruction of human life presents an even greater problem. Can organizations such as UNESCO do enough to protect mankind's joint heritage and will it be obliged it to choose between human life and preservation of culture? Oksana is joined by Irina Bokova, the Director-General of UNESCO, to discuss these issues.

Italy: Roman Putin Supporters Laud Russia's Intervention in Syria

Around 50 people gathered at Piazza del Popolo in Rome, Saturday to support Vladimir Putin, and the Russian government for deploying armed forces to help assist the Assad government combat terrorism in Syria.

‘Unity Day’: New Challenges Face Germany

The German Chancellor has arrived in Frankfurt which is hosting the quarter of a century celebrations of unity day. Twenty five years ago the two Germanys - East and West - were re-united into the single unified state we know today. It completed the process that started a year before with the fall of the Berlin wall. RT's Perter Oliver gauged the mood among Germans ahead of the national holiday.

French Politician in Hot Water after Calling France ‘White Race’ Nation

France is a white race nation – the statement made by a French politician, Nadine Morano, has landed her in hot water, but is reopening a long debate over the issue.

Main Migrant Crisis Still to Come

TRINIDAD EXPRESS: The sheer dithering cluelessness of the European Union's leaders, faced with an unexpected surge in the number of migrants seeking refugee status in EU countries, challenges all our previous definitions of incompetence. A new standard has been set. » | Gwynne Dyer | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Horst Seehofer: "Unsere Möglichkeiten sind erschöpft"

Das ganze Interview im Video

Das Video hier anschauen

Polish Priest Krysztof Charamsa Comes Out as Gay, Is Sacked by Vatican

THE INDEPENDENT: 'It's time for the Church to open its eyes about gay Catholics and to understand that the solution it proposes to them -- total abstinence from a life of love -- is inhuman'

The Vatican dismissed a priest from his post in a Holy See office on Saturday after he told a newspaper he was gay and urged the Catholic Church to change its stance on homosexuality.

Monsignor Krzystof Charamsa was removed from his position at the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's doctrinal arm where he had worked since 2003, a statement said.

Charamsa, 43, and a Polish theologian, announced he was gay and had a partner in a long interview with Italy's Corriere della Sera {English] newspaper on Saturday.

He later held a news conference with his partner, a Spanish man, and gay activists at a Rome restaurant. They had planned a demonstration in front of the Vatican but changed the venue several hours before it was due to have started.

The Vatican said Charamsa's dismissal had nothing to do with his comments on his personal situation, which it said "merit respect". Read on and comment » | Philip Pullella | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Banned in the USA: Putin Explains Who Supports ISIS

Francis: The Modest But Radical Pope Who Is Conscience Of His Era

Pope Francis kisses a baby as he arrives to lead a special
audience at the Vatican
THE TELEGRAPH: Ageing Ponitiff overcomes physical challenges to transform the church and focus minds on the essence of Christianity

Pope Francis has an extraordinary week ahead of him. Today, a summit opens in the Vatican to debate the future of the family – and it could be tumultuous. On Friday, the pontiff might win the Nobel Peace Prize for his dedication to non-violence and combating poverty.

He is a radical figure, obsessed with getting things done, transforming his church and focusing minds on the essence of Christianity. In two short years, he been transformed into the conscience of his era.

The physical challenge is mighty. The Pope is 78 and surgery conducted when he was young left him with one functioning lung. He has spoken honestly about expecting his tenure to be short. “Four or five years,” he told the press, “even two or three.”

Despite the challenges of age, he has thrown himself into international diplomacy, visiting Albania, Bosnia, Ecuador, the Philippines and Bolivia. Next month, he flies to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. These countries are what he likes to call “the peripheries” – nations that get overlooked by rich foreign leaders.

In September, he spent eight days touring Cuba and the United States. The pairing of these old enemies is significant. As a child of Argentina, birthplace of Che Guevara, he understands the impact on Latin America of US capitalism, Cuban socialism and the violent competition between the two. The recent détente has been credited to Pope Francis – US president Barack Obama thanked him for using his personal influence to bring them together.

When the Pope arrived in Havana, the scenes of joy were astonishing. No one should underestimate the subversive power of popular piety in communist regimes. The cries of “Christ lives!” underscored the sense of change sweeping the island, of the giddy promise of freedom. » | Tim Stanley | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Canada's Conservative Government Brings Up Islam Before Debate

ABC NEWS: Canada's Conservative government said Friday it will create a phone line for Canadians to report those engaged in "barbaric cultural practices," ahead of the final debate in Canada's divisive election campaign.

Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced the police tip line ahead of Friday night's debate and also mentioned a proposed ban on women wearing Muslim face veils at citizenship ceremonies.

Opposition leaders denounced injecting religion into the race. One said Conservatives are "are playing with fire."

The proposed anti-niqab law is popular in the French-speaking province of Quebec and has led to an increase in Conservative support in the tight race. The debate was being held in French and is the last time candidates will square off before the Oct. 19 vote.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's party says polygamy, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation take place in Canada. It says there were over 200 potential cases of forced marriage in Ontario between 2010 and 2012.

"We need to stand up for our values," Alexander said. "We need to do that in citizenship ceremonies. We need to do that to protect women and girls from forced marriage and other barbaric practices."

Former Conservative Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, now the defense minister, took aim at the niqab.

"This practice of face covering reflects a misogynistic view of women which is grounded in medieval tribal culture," Kenney said. » | Rob Gillies, Associated Press | Toronto | Friday, October 2, 2015

Gingrich's Take: Boehner's Resignation, Obama versus Putin

Sep. 28, 2015 - 5:22 - Former House Speaker on soon-to-be former Speaker's decision to step down and what it means, plus Pres. Obama's meeting with Putin after their addresses before the UN General Assembly

Obama Warns Russia's Putin of 'Quagmire' in Syria

REUTERS.COM: U.S. President Barack Obama warned Russia on Friday that its bombing campaign against Syrian rebels will suck Moscow into a "quagmire," after a third straight day of air raids in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

At a White House news conference, Obama frequently assailed Russian President Vladimir Putin, who he accused of acting out of a position of weakness to defend a crumbling, authoritarian ally.

Friday prayers were canceled in insurgent-held areas of Syria's Homs province hit by Russian warplanes this week, with residents concerned that mosques could be targeted, according to one person from the area.

Putin's decision to launch strikes on Syria marks a dramatic escalation of foreign involvement in a more than four-year-old civil war in which every major country in the region has a stake.

It also gives fuel to domestic critics of Obama who say his unwillingness to act on Syria has allowed Moscow to stage its biggest show of force in the Middle East in decades.

But the U.S. president warned that Russia and Iran, Assad's main backer in the Muslim world, have isolated the majority of Syrians and angered their Sunni Muslim neighbors.

"An attempt by Russia and Iran to prop up Assad and try to pacify the population is just going to get them stuck in a quagmire and it won't work," Obama said. (+ video) » | Alistair Bell and Tom Perry | Washington/Moscow | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology

Is radical Islam our generation's most dangerous ideology? Is it comparable to what Nazism and Communism were in the 20th century? Or are Islamists no more dangerous than extremist Christians, Jews, and Buddhists? Raymond Ibrahim, author of "The Al Qaeda Reader," explains what radical Islam is, and shows how Muslims and non-Muslims alike can help defeat it.

The People Offering Homes to Europe's Refugees

“Like Yoda said: ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.’” Meet the German family who’ve taken in a Syrian family with a unique take on the refugee crisis.

Radicals: The Proud Racist - BBC News

Eurotunnel Services Suspended as Migrants Storm Tunnel

THE TELEGRAPH: Eurotunnel services were suspended after a "large and co-ordinated" group" of migrants stormed the tracks, services won't resume until after 10am

Eurotunnel services were suspended on Saturday after more than 200 migrants broke into its French terminal in a “massive and organised” assault.

Passenger and freight services through the tunnel were halted for several hours while French police struggled to contain the invasion and remove the migrants.

Two police officers and four migrants suffered minor injuries during scuffles, local authorities of the Pas-de-Calais region said.

Around 100 of the migrants managed to walk as far as 15 kilometres into the Channel Tunnel during the mass break-in before police intervened to stop them getting any further.

"The migrants entered the south tunnel and went quite far, around 15 kilometres," said the top official for the region, Fabienne Buccio.

A Eurotunnel spokesman described the latest incident at its Calais terminal as a "massive invasion and intrusion by a very large and co-ordinated group". » | Patrick Sawer | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Gauck: Integration der Flüchtlinge schwieriger als deutsche Einheit

Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck in Frankfurt
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck hält die Integration hunderttausender Flüchtlinge für eine größere Aufgabe als die deutsche Wiedervereinigung. Denn jetzt solle „zusammenwachsen, was bisher nicht zusammengehörte“.

Die Integration von Flüchtlingen wird Deutschland nach Ansicht von Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck vor eine größere Aufgabe stellen als die deutsche Einheit. Auch die Vereinigung von Ost- und Westdeutschland beschäftige Generationen, sagte Gauck am Samstag in seiner Rede beim Festakt zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit in Frankfurt. „Doch anders als damals soll nun zusammenwachsen, was bisher nicht zusammengehörte.“

Es müssten viel größere Distanzen überwunden werden als zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschen, die eine Sprache und eine gemeinsame Kultur und Geschichte gehabt hätten, sagte der Bundespräsident. Deswegen forderte Gauck Geduld und betonte, dass nur die in Deutschland geltenden Werte Basis für eine Integration sein könnten. „Es braucht Zeit, bis alte und neue Bürger Verantwortung in einem Staat übernehmen, den alle gemeinsam als ihren Staat empfinden.“ » | Quelle: Reuters | Samstag, 3. Oktober 2015

Obama Says Russian Strategy in Syria Is ‘Recipe for Disaster’

Barack Obama speaks to reporters in the White House:
'[Putin] doesn't distinguish between Isil and a moderate
Sunni opposition that wants to see Mr Assad go.'
THE GUARDIAN: US president’s comments follow coalition’s expression of deep concerns over targeting in Russian bombing campaign

Russia’s failure to distinguish between Islamic State fighters and moderate opposition forces battling against Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, is a “recipe for disaster,” Barack Obama has said, as more evidence emerged that Moscow is targeting anti-regime rebels and not just Isis.

The US president said his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, “doesn’t distinguish between Isil [Isis] and a moderate Sunni opposition that wants to see Mr Assad go. From their perspective, they’re all terrorists. And that’s a recipe for disaster.”

A statement released earlier on Friday by the US-led coalition fighting Isis expressed deep concern about attacks by the Russian air force on Hama, Homs and Idlib. The attacks did not hit the jihadi group but caused civilian casualties.

“These military actions constitute a further escalation and will only fuel more extremism and radicalisation,” said the statement by France, Germany, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the US and Britain. “We call on the Russian federation to immediately cease its attacks on the Syrian opposition and civilians and to focus its efforts on fighting Isil.” » | Shaun Walker in Moscow Lauren Gambino in New York Ian Black in London and Kareem Shaheen in Beirut | Friday, October 2, 2015

Nine Médecins Sans Frontières Staff Killed in Suspected US Airstrike in Kunduz, Afghanistan

A hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz has been hit and partially destroyed in an overnight 'aerial attack' that killed at least nine Médecins Sans Frontières staff. NATO has admitted a US airstrike may have caused accidental 'collateral damage.'

Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins Denounce ‘Regressive Leftists’ for Granting ‘Free Pass’ to Islam

On Friday’s “Real Time” on HBO, host Bill Maher spoke with guest and atheist biologist Richard Dawkins on how many comedians were also atheist because religion, Maher said, is “easy to make fun of.”

Maher went on to say it is “ridiculous” that Muslims are a “protected species,” while Dawkins added that criticizing Muslims is “confused with racism.”

“So they think that if you you criticize Islam you’re being racist and you’re absolutely right that the regressive Muslims give a free pass to Islam,” he said. “They’re kind of right about everything else, I mean they’re right about misogyny and all of the other good things. But in the case of Islam, it just gets a free pass and I think it is because of the terror of being thought racist.”

Children of the ‘Caliphate’

WARNING! This Channel 4 video contains gruesome, disturbing, graphic images. ISIS is the embodiment of EVIL.

Syria Blame-game: Obama Slams Russian Air Strikes, Says They Strenghten ISIS

Barack Obama lashes out at the Russian anti-ISIS campaign in Syria, claiming its air strikes are strengthening Islamic State. Retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski believes Barack Obama is basing his judgements on Russia's actions in Syria on the results of the American-led campaign.

It Doesn’t Get Much More Stupid Than This!

Charlotte Church should stick to singing! Her understanding of ME politics is clearly very limited.

The New Saudi Borgias

THE SPECTATOR: Cruel sex crimes have surged since King Abdullah died, and we can do nothing about it

A young Saudi prince, Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud, has apparently fled to the Wahhabi kingdom on his private jet after a bleeding woman was found trying to escape from his Los Angeles mansion. She filed sexual assault charges against him, claiming her injuries were sustained when he tried to force her to give him a blow job. Other alleged female victims have since detailed a three-day orgy of violence. But what are the chances they will have their day in court? The prince will certainly not be compelled by the Saudi royal family to return; and we can be equally sure that Washington will not hold its Saudi masters to account for facilitating his escape. Two Nepalese women imprisoned as sex slaves by a sadistic Saudi diplomat in New Delhi are unlikely to see justice either. Locked in his luxury flat for months, they were starved, tortured, raped and sodomised. The police described it as an open-and-shut case. But a few weeks ago he, too, was flown back to the Land of the Two Holy Mosques.

Both these scumbags should be quite happy to be back in Saudi Arabia, where maids from impoverished countries, and western women who work in Saudi homes, have long complained of sexual harassment. During dinner at a Saudi friend’s house in Jeddah, my host — the gentle, pious son of a general in the Saudi army — told me his college friends were ‘giving him hell’ because he wouldn’t let them have their way with his adolescent Filipina maid. They simply could not fathom his refusal. That was a decade or so ago, and that generation of brats are now the sexually warped, slave-owning Saudi princes and diplomats as ubiquitous around the globe as the hate-preachers they fund. » | John R. Bradley | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Angela Merkel 'Firm Favourite' for Nobel Prize over Refugee Crisis - But Losing Favour in Germany

A migrant takes a selfie with German Chancellor Angela Merkel
outside a refugee camp near the Federal Office for Migration and
Refugees after registration at Berlin's Spandau district in
September 2015
THE TELEGRAPH: German Chancellor Angela Merkel emerges as the firm favourite for the 2015 peace prize but faces growing opposition to her refugee policy at home

Speculation is mounting that Angela Merkel will win this year’s Nobel Peace Prize for her handling of the European refugee crisis and the war in Ukraine, just as public opinion in Germany is hardening on the migrant issue.

The German Chancellor has emerged as the firm favourite for the 2015 peace prize, the winner of which will be announced by the Norwegian Nobel Committee next Friday.

But even as she is lauded on the international stage, Mrs Merkel is facing growing opposition to her refugee policy at home, where her personal approval rating with voters has plummeted nine percentage points in a single month, according to the findings of a new opinion poll. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday, October 02, 2015

Wieviel Islam gehört zu Deutschland? - Hamed Abdel-Samad bei Hart aber Fair

Merkel: Fluchtursachen bekämpfen, EU-Außengrenzen schützen und gemeinsame Lösung mit Russland finden

Saudi Arabia Insists UN Keeps LGBT Rights Out of Its Development Goals

THE INDEPENDENT: The Saudi Foreign Minister says LGBT rights are 'counter to Islamic law'

Saudi Arabia is insisting the UN removes gay rights from the organisation’s Global Goals, saying it is “counter to Islamic law”.

The protest comes from the Saudi Foreign Minister, Adel Al-Jubeir, who told the UN General Assembly that “mentioning sex in the text, to us, means exactly male and female. Mentioning family means consisting of a married man and woman,” AP reported.

He stated Saudi Arabia has the right not to follow any agenda that runs “counter to Islamic law”.

The Sustainable Development Goals program sets a series of “ambitious targets” for the UN’s 193 member states, related to poverty, equality and ending climate change.

However, overt references to LGBT equality were removed from the final agreement, Pink News reports.

The goals pledge to ensure that “human rights and fundamental freedoms are enjoyed by all, without discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, colour, sex, age, language, religion, culture, migration status, political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic situation, birth, disability or other status.”

Homosexuality is illegal under Sharia law in Saudi Arabia and punishments for those engaging in same-sex relationships include execution, chemical castration and imprisonment. » | Samuel Osborne | Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Asyldebatte: Seehofers Attacken gegen Merkel werden immer schärfer

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Der Bundestag debattiert über die neue Asylgesetzgebung. Der CSU-Vorsitzende Seehofer setzt indes seine Verbalattacken auf die Kanzlerin fort – und verschärft noch seine ohnehin harsche Wortwahl.

Der CSU-Vorsitzende Horst Seehofer hat seine Angriffe auf Bundeskanzlerin Merkel fortgesetzt. In einem Telefongespräch innerhalb der CSU-Führung habe Seehofer nach einem Bericht der „Bild“-Zeitung gesagt: „Die Kanzlerin hat sich meiner Überzeugung nach für eine Vision eines anderen Deutschland entschieden.“ Während einer Kabinettssitzung soll Seehofer zudem davon gesprochen haben, Flüchtlinge in Bussen nach Berlin vor den Reichstag zu fahren, schrieb „Spiegel Online". Ein Sprecher der Staatskanzlei habe den Bericht zunächst nicht kommentieren wollen. » | Quelle: AFP/KNA/dpa/Reuters/epd | Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015

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Angela Merkel, bientôt prix Nobel de la paix?

LE MATIN: CRISE MIGRATOIRE — La récompense sera attribuée vendredi prochain, et la chancelière allemande a des chances de le décrocher pour son rôle dans les crises migratoire et ukrainienne.

Le quotidien allemand Bild estime vendredi que la chancelière Angela Merkel est une prétendante sérieuse au prix Nobel de la Paix qui sera attribué vendredi prochain, pour son rôle dans les crises migratoire et ukrainienne.

«La chancelière Angela Merkel a de bonnes perspectives d'obtenir le prix Nobel de la paix», relève le quotidien populaire le plus lu d'Allemagne en Une dans un court article titré «Le prix Nobel de la paix pour Angela Merkel?». » | afp/nxp | vendredi 1 octobre 2015

Russia Destroys ISIS Targets in Air Strike Success as Ground War Erupts in Syria

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
EXPRESS: RUSSIAN bombers have struck a dozen Islamic State (ISIS) targets in Syria including a jihadi command centre and a communications hub.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed 12 strikes had hit ISIS and "other terrorist groups".

Russian aircraft began bombing sites in the war-torn country on Wednesday after Moscow approved air strikes aimed at degrading ISIS and propping up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

According to the Kremlin's own analysis, its planes had only struck ISIS targets, with the command and communication centres completely destroyed.

Russian Su-25M and Su-25 jets made 20 sorties with more likely to follow in the coming days.

It comes as ground war escalated in the country, with Iran and Hezbollah revealing troops had entered in support of Assad.

There were also reports Vladimir Putin, who this week signed a decree drafting 150,000 troops to the military, was preparing for soldiers to enter on the ground but this has been denied by Moscow. » | Tom Batchelor | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly (Full Speech)

Sweden's Liberal Reputation Tarnished as Race Attacks Rise

Kyle James, who was pepper-sprayed by bouncers at a
Swedish nightclub.
THE GUARDIAN: Perceived tolerant, amicable nature of Scandinavian nation fading as instances of discrimination and violence rise, according to UN study

Kyle James, a black New Yorker with a top job in banking, had been warned to expect problems in bars and nightclubs in Stockholm when he visited the city in July. But nothing prepared him for what happened when he entered a well-known bar with two black friends.

After he had bought a drink, bouncers told him to leave; when he asked why, they dragged him outside, pepper-sprayed his eyes and pinned him to the ground. Police then handcuffed him and his friends. James, 32, was made to strip naked and spent the night without clothes in a cell.

Laughing, police accused him of punching a bouncer, although there were many witnesses who said that he did not. “It was one of the most demeaning experiences of my life,” says James. “I always had the perception that people were forward-thinking and liberal in Scandinavia, but not even an animal should be treated in that way.”

He tried to seek justice through the courts but after police dropped the case against him Swedish lawyers advised him not to press charges. Read on and comment » | David Crouch in Gothenburg | Friday, October 2, 2015

Margaret Thatcher: From Grocer’s Daughter to Iron Lady

The Telegraph: Charles Moore: My 18 years getting to know Mrs Thatcher » | Elizabeth Grice | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Obama: Our Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough

Oct. 01, 2015 - 12:32 - President makes statement on Oregon shooting, calls for 'common sense' gun laws

Kampf um Syrien: Putin demütigt Obama

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Russlands Präsident Putin lässt Stellungen der Rebellen in Syrien bombardieren. Damit beschämt er den zögernden amerikanischen Präsidenten Obama – und er markiert seinen Anspruch auf eine dauerhafte Präsenz im Nahen Osten. Ein Kommentar.

Das ist ein Wendepunkt in den Kriegen des Nahen Ostens: Erst hat Russland in Syrien eine neue Militärbasis aufgebaut, und nun bombardieren russische Kampfflugzeuge im Auftrag des syrischen Regimes Stellungen der Rebellen. Damit demütigt der russische Präsident Putin den zögernden amerikanischen Präsidenten Obama, und er markiert seinen Anspruch auf eine dauerhafte Präsenz im Nahen Osten. Putin, gestärkt durch die Annexion der Krim, will nun das Regime von Machthaber Assad retten. Zwar hatte die russische Propaganda angekündigt, Krieg gegen den „Islamischen Staat“ zu führen. Die ersten Luftschläge dienten aber allein dazu, das von Assad kontrollierte Territorium zu arrondieren. Das beschleunigt den Zerfall Syriens in Kleinstaaten. Einer wird von Assad regiert und von Russland geschützt werden. So entsteht das Abchasien des Nahen Ostens. » | Von Rainer Hermann | Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015

Attacks on Jews Rise to Five-year High in Germany - More Than Any Country in Europe

The political right, rather than jihadism, is behind most attacks
on Jews in Germany, official figures suggest
THE TELEGRAPH: Jewish leaders warn of mass emigration from Europe as Germany records more anti-Semitic incidents than any EU state

Anti-Semitic crimes have risen to a five-year high in Germany, according to a new report which finds it is recording more incidents than any country in Europe.

There were 1,596 recorded hate crimes against Jewish people last year in the country, the highest level since 2009 and a greater level than recorded in any other EU state. It was an increase from 1,275 the previous year, and it reverses a long-term trend of declining incidents.

Jewish leaders yesterday warned of hundreds of thousands of Jews are preparing to emigrate from Europe in the face of resurgent anti-Semitism.

EU officials warned against “singling out” Germany, with the official report by the bloc’s Agency for Fundamental Rights cautioning that data collection is patchy with some countries refusing to count anti-Semitic attacks at all, while others are more scrupulous.

Nevertheless, the “notable increase” in incidents raises difficult questions for Berlin some seventy years after the end of the Second World War. Of the incidents, 45 were classed as violent by the German police. » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday, October 01, 2015

‘Russians Are Going to Succeed Where the West Did Not ... Or Did Not Want’ – Assad’s Adviser

Russian war planes have started precision air strikes against Islamic State positions in Syria, after lawmakers granted the Kremlin permission to use the military outside of Russia's borders. RT discusses the developments with political and media adviser to the Syrian President, Bouthaina Shaaban.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “Deafening Silence” (C-SPAN)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on “Deafening Silence” during address to United Nations General Assembly.

Putin 'Bidding for Dominance' in the Middle East?

Oct. 01, 2015 - 4:55 - Amb. John Bolton breaks down Syria dispute

BBC Panorama - Muslim First, British Second

Britain First: The "Most Dangerous Far-right Party"?

Britain First are far-right political party who say they want Islam to be banned and would hang their enemies if in power. The group has more followers on Facebook than any other political party in the UK and have just announced their leader is running for Mayor of London. The anti-racism group Hope Not Hate say they're "the most dangerous group to have emerged on the British far-right scene for several years” The Victoria Derbyshire programme’s Benjamin Zand finds out who they are and meets them at one of their protests in Rotherham.

PEGIDA Dresden: Stoppt den Asylantenwahnsinn ihr Politiker-Pack (28. September 2015)

Pegida Dresden 28.09.15. Stop für den Asylantenwahnsinn, Wir brauchen keine Moslems, keine Islamisten, Bleibt in eurer islamischen Welt,.Refugees not welcome in Dresden, Sachsen und ganz Europa. Flüchtet in eure islamischen Länder

Wegen der Politik Merkels brodelt es in Deutschland: PEGIDA Dresden: Rede von der Tschechische Gastwirtin aus Zinnwald (21. September 2015)

WIKI: Zinnfeld-Georgenfeld »

Saudi Arabia Demands Russia End Syria Raids, Criticizes Iran

REUTERS.COM: Saudi Arabia, a leading foe of President Bashar al-Assad, demanded his ally Russia end its raids on Syria, saying the strikes had caused civilian casualties while failing to target the hardline Islamic State militants Moscow says it opposes.

In remarks at the United Nations in New York, a senior Saudi diplomat suggested both Russia and Assad's other main ally Iran could not claim to fight Islamic State "terrorism" at the same time as supporting the "terrorism" of the Syrian authorities.

Saudi ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi expressed "profound concern regarding the military operations which Russian forces have carried out in Homs and Hama today, places where ISIS forces are not present. These attacks led to a number of innocent victims. We demand it stop immediately and not recur."

"As for those countries that have claimed recently to join in the fight against ISIS terrorism, they can’t do that at the same time as they support the terrorism of the Syrian regime and its terrorist foreign allies like Hezbollah and the Quds Force and other terrorist sectarian groups," he added in comments broadcast by Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television. » | Reporting by Noah Browning, William Maclean; Editing by Peter Graff | Dubai | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Iran Troops to Join Syria War, Russia Bombs Group Trained by CIA

REUTERS.COM: Hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria to join a major ground offensive on behalf of President Bashar al-Assad's government, Lebanese sources said on Thursday, a further step in the rapid internationalization of a civil war in which every major country in the region has a stake.

Russian warplanes that joined the fight this week bombed a camp run by rebels trained by the CIA, the group's commander said, putting Moscow and Washington on opposing sides in a Middle East conflict for the first time since the Cold War.

The U.S. and Russian militaries will hold talks at 11 a.m. EDT via video link to seek ways to keep their militaries apart as they wage parallel campaigns of air strikes in Syria, a U.S. defense official said.

Russian jets struck targets near the cities of Hama and Homs in western Syria on the second day of their surprise air campaign.

Moscow said it had hit Islamic State positions, but the areas it struck are mostly held by a rival insurgent alliance, which unlike Islamic State is supported by U.S. allies including Arab states and Turkey. » | Leila Bassam and Andrew Osborn | Beirut/Moscow | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Graphic link here

Muslims Want Sharia Law in Non-Muslim Countries: Robert Spencer, Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi

Muslim Americans, even the ones born in USA wanted Sharia Law in USA, it's the same for Muslims all around the world, wanted Islam in non- Muslim countries

Germany: Anti-refugee Activists Rally in Grossenhain

Hundreds of anti-refugee protesters gathered in Grossenhain near Dresden, Tuesday, to protest against Germany's policy towards refugees and asylum seekers.

Donald Trump Says He Will Send All Refugees Back to Syria If Elected President

THE TELEGRAPH: Republican front-runner says Syrian refugees may be Isil fighters in disguise, and if he is elected "they are going back"

Republican US presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he would send thousands of Syrian refugees back to their home country if he is elected in November.

Mr Trump's remarks to CNN television came the same day Russian warplanes began air raids in Syria's center and north - their first military engagement outside the former Soviet Union since the occupation of Afghanistan in 1979.

"Look, if Russia wants to go in there, would have been nice if we went in as a unified front, to be honest. But if Russia wants to go in there and knock out Isis and maybe stabilize, this big migration with 200,000 people into the United States..." Mr Trump said.

"If I win, I'm going to say it right now and I'll say it to you, those 200,000 people - they have to know this and the world will hear it - are going back. (+ videos) » | AFP, video source APTN | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Muslim Man Beaten to Death over Rumours He Had Eaten Beef in India

THE TELEGRAPH: Mohammad Akhlaq was attacked by around 100 people and despite being taken to hospital, police said "his life could not be saved"

A 50-year-old Muslim man was beaten to death over rumours he had eaten beef, a taboo in India, a Hindu-majority nation.

Mohammad Akhlaq was dragged from his house on the outskirts of the capital and attacked by around 100 people on Monday night, a police officer told AFP.

"When our team reached the spot a crowd was there outside his house. They (police) managed to rescue him and take him to the hospital, but his life could not be saved," said senior police superintendent Kiran S.

Indian police said on Wednesday they had arrested six people and "deployed additional personnel to contain any further repercussions".

Mr Akhlaq's 22-year-old son was also seriously injured in the attack and was in intensive care at a nearby hospital. » | Afp | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gen. Keane: Putin 'Outmaneuvered and Outbluffed' Obama

Sep. 30, 2015 - 3:49 - Russia begins airstrikes in Syria in support of Assad; demands U.S. remove its warplanes

Second German Woman Evicted from Her Home to Make Way for Refugees

Gabrielle Keller with her letter
THE TEEGRAPH: Towns and cities across Germany are struggling to find accommodation for the tens of thousands of refugees streaming into the country

A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 23 years to make way for asylum-seekers, in the second such case to emerge.

Gabrielle Keller has been given until the end of the year to leave her flat in the small southern town of Eschbach, near the border with France.

The flat belongs to the local municipality, which says it is needed to house refugees.

“I think it’s a scandal to throw tenants out of their apartments,” the 56-year-old Ms Keller told SWR television. “I can’t see the sense of it.”

Towns and cities across Germany are struggling to find accommodation for the tens of thousands of refugees streaming into the country. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Es gärt unter den Herrschenden Saudiarabiens

Ein Prinz und Enkel des saudischen Staatengründers ruft anonym zum Sturz von Prinz Mohammed bin Salman auf, der seit Januar Saudiarabien regiert: Die Art und Weise wie Salman das Land führe, sei in der Königsfamilie umstritten, sagte der Prinz gegenüber dem britischen «Guardian». Gespräch mit Ulrike Freitag, Professorin am Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin.

Deutsche Flüchtlingspolitik im Herbst

Der Wind hat gedreht in Deutschland. Die öffentliche Meinung zu den Flüchtlingen hat sich zwar nicht komplett verändert, aber die Tonlage ist anders als vor drei Wochen. Nach der Willkommens-Kultur hat Deutschland ein Problem mit der Willkommens-Struktur.

ZDF - Islam - Effects on Germany

A very important and sobering documentary that clearly illustrates how catastrophic Islam and non-Western immigration, has been, and still very much is, for Germany.

My comment / Mein Kommentar:

Frau Merkel verdirbt Deutschland. Sie ist die Architektin der Islamisierung Deutschlands. Sie hat selber gesagt, daß Deutschland nimmer mehr das Selbe sein wird. Mich wundert, warum das deutsche Volk es ihr erlaubt, ihr Land zu ändern auf diese Art und Weise. Frau Merkel pflegte sehr vorsichtig zu sein. Nun scheint sie mir, den gesunden Menschenverstand verloren zu haben. – © Mark

Le Royaume-Uni va bannir la cigarette de ses prisons

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Les autorités britanniques ont décidé d'interdire progressivement la cigarette dans les prisons. Quelque 80% des détenus sont fumeurs.

Le gouvernement britannique a décidé d'interdire la cigarette dans les prisons. Cette mesure sera appliquée pour commencer au Pays de Galles et dans quatre prisons en Angleterre à compter de janvier.

Actuellement, les prisonniers du pays sont autorisés à fumer dans leurs cellules. Mais une décision de la Haute Cour de justice en mars a tranché en faveur de l'application, là aussi, de la législation anti-tabac en vigueur depuis 2007, à la suite d'une requête d'un détenu qui se plaignait des conséquences pour sa santé.

Dans un courrier adressé mardi soir au président de la Commission parlementaire de la justice, le ministre des prisons Andrew Selous a expliqué que l'interdiction serait introduite par phases progressives. Il s'agit de tenir compte de la forte proportion de fumeurs parmi les détenus et de «la particularité des lieux». » | ats/nxp | mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Russen bombardieren offenbar Rebellen statt IS

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die russischen Angriffe in Syrien haben laut internationalen Medien nicht dem IS, sondern Gebieten der Free Syrian Army gegolten.

Russland hat erstmals Luftangriffe in Syrien geflogen. Das russische Verteidigungsministerium bestätigte die Luftangriffe auf Stellungen der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat in Syrien. Kampfjets hätten Munitionsdepots und Treibstofflager des IS etwa 200 Kilometer von Damaskus entfernt bombardiert, sagte Generalmajor Igor Konaschenkow vom Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau der Agentur Interfax zufolge. Verteidigungsminister Sergej Schoigu habe enge Verbündete Russlands informiert, sagte er.

Verschiedene internationale Medien berichten hi[n]gegen, dass die russischen Angriffe in Gebieten geschahen, in denen nicht der IS sondern Rebellen der Free Syrian Army angesiedelt seien. Reuters zitiert ein Kader-Mitglied der FSA, die gegen Präsident Assad kämpft: «Im Gebiet nördlich von Hama gibt es keine Stellung des IS sondern ist vollständig unter der Kontrolle der Free Syrian Army.» Auch Gebiete um die Stadt Homs, die von russischen Bomben getroffen wurden, stehen nach Angaben von Reuters unter der Kontrolle von Rebellengruppen. Der IS operiere hingegen nicht in diesem Gebiet. » | bee/AFP/sda | Mittwoch, 30. September 2015

Judge Forced to Abandon 9/11 Case against Saudi Arabia Because It Has Immunity

EXPRESS: A JUDGE has thrown out a case claiming Saudi Arabia backed the horrific September 11 attacks – because the Middle East nation has sovereign immunity.

Families of the victims and insurers had accused the Arab state of providing material support to terror group al-Qaeda.

But US District Judge George Daniels said Saudi Arabia could not be tried for the damage claims.

He said: "The allegations in the complaint alone do not provide this court with a basis to assert jurisdiction over defendants."

Sovereign immunity means the the sovereign or state cannot be sued. » | Tom Parfitt | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pat Condell: The Invasion of Europe

The EU is breaking the law to import rape and jihad.

Russian Warships Launch Airstrikes against ISIS in Syria

Sep. 30, 2015 - 3:55 - Russia asks U.S. to withdraw jets from Syrian airspace

Ben Carson Responds to CAIR's Calls to Drop Out of 2016 Race

Sep. 29, 2015 - 5:24 - Presidential candidate slams accusations on 'The Kelly File'

When It Comes to Islamic Terrorism, Is Obama on Our Side? Root for America

As a kid we used to say “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” We were wrong. Words are dangerous. Words can be deadly. Words (or lack of them) can inspire terrorism. As radical Islamic Jihad threatens our countries, our children and our free speech, there is a new Neville Chamberlain. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.