Friday, January 26, 2024

Trump Ordered to Pay $83m in Damages in Defamation Trial | BBC News

Jan 26, 2024 | The jury has decided in Donald Trump's defamation trial brought by the writer E Jean Carroll. Trump has been ordered to pay a total of $83.3m (£65.6m) - made up of $18.3m in compensation damages and $65m in punitive damages.

Trump was in court on Friday for closing arguments - but was not in the room when the verdict was read out. A jury in a previous civil fraud trial found Carroll was sexually abused by Trump in the 1990s, but this case is about comments he made in 2019 while he was president.

The case is one of several legal issues unfolding against Trump while he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination.

2024 International Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration

Jan 26, 2024 | Today the Museum marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day with a special event featuring Museum Chairman Stuart Eizenstat and the ambassadors of Israel, Poland, France and Germany, as well as the Austrian Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution. Ambassador Eizenstat expressed alarm about the dangerous eruption in antisemitism worldwide and the case before the International Court of Justice.

The event included remarks by Auschwitz survivor Irene Weiss, a memorial candle-lighting, a reading of victim’s names, and opportunities for our visiting public to engage with survivors at various places throughout the Museum building.

US to Station Nuclear Weapons in UK to Counter Threat from Russia

THE TELEGRAPH: Warheads to be housed at RAF Lakenheath for first time in 15 years, Pentagon documents reveal, as Moscow warns of 'escalation'

The United States is planning to station nuclear weapons in the UK for the first time in 15 years as the threat from Russia increases, Pentagon documents seen by The Telegraph reveal.

Procurement contracts for a new facility at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk confirm that the US intends to place nuclear warheads three times the strength of the Hiroshima bomb at the air base.

The US removed nuclear missiles from the UK in 2008, judging that the Cold War threat from Moscow had diminished.

The disclosure comes in the wake of warnings that Nato countries need to ready their citizens for war with Russia.

Last week, Adml Rob Bauer, a senior Nato military official, said that private citizens should prepare for all-out war with Russia in the next 20 years that would require wholesale change in their lives. » | Tony Diver, US Editor | Friday, January 26, 2024

Ina Garten's Slow-cooked Scrambled Eggs with Goat Cheese | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jan 26, 2024 | Ina scrambles eggs very slowly, then adds goat cheese for super creaminess.

The Far Right in the US and Europe | The Politics of Hate (2017) | Full Film

Jan 26, 2024 | At 16 he became the leader of the Chicago Area Skinheads, later a white supremacist punk band. But when Christian Picciolini started a family, he began questioning his far right views. This timely doc explores a changing Western political climate, chronicling the rise of the far right in the US and Europe, and giving alarming insights into the ways the alt-right movement operates.

Thousands across Austria Take Part in Protests against Far Right

GUARDIAN EUROPE: ‘Defend democracy’ events were planned for Innsbruck, Salzburg and in front of parliament building in Vienna

Thousands of Austrians have taken to the streets of the country’s three largest cities, in a spillover of protests over the rise of the far right in neighbouring Germany.

Under the slogan “defend democracy”, gatherings organised by a broad alliance of civil society organisations, NGOs, political groups, church communities and trade unions took place in Innsbruck, Salzburg, and in front of the parliament building in Vienna.

The demonstrations follow days of protests in villages, towns and cities across Germany, where more than a million people from a broad cross-section of society turned out over the past two weeks despite the cold weather and a rail strike. They have been demonstrating against the rise of the far right, in particular the populist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party after its members met the far-right Austrian Martin Sellner to discuss the mass deportation of foreigners and German citizens of foreign origin. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Friday, January 26, 2024

Wie (Luxus-) Firmen heimlich nach Russland zurückkehrten | ARTE Tracks

Jan 22, 2024 | Während unzählige Menschen seit dem Überfall Russlands auf die Ukraine dem Regime zum Opfer gefallen sind, gibt es auch einige, die in Kriegszeiten vom System Putin profitieren. „Tracks East“ ist ihnen auf der Spur und zeigt beispielsweise, wie die Russen auch in Sanktionszeiten an Luxusartikel gelangen.

Germany Logs Uptick in Antisemitic Crimes amid Gaza Conflict | DW News

Jan 26, 2024 | Authorities in Germany have noted a sharp increase in crimes with antisemitic motives amid the conflict in Gaza. The government's commissioner tasked with combating antisemitism called the figure "shameful."

Oldest Holocaust survivor turns 112 amid rise in antisemitism: Rose Girone is the oldest member of a group that numbers 245,000, according to a new survey. »

L’Arabie saoudite ouvre une brèche dans la prohibition de l’alcool

LE MONDE : Le premier magasin de spiritueux géré par les autorités doit bientôt ouvrir ses portes à Riyad. La vente sera limitée aux diplomates non musulmans, mais certains y voient un premier pas vers une levée progressive de l’interdiction dans un royaume qui s’ouvre au tourisme et aux investisseurs étrangers.

Le Meraki Riyadh, un bar éphémère proposant des boissons sans alcool, à Riyad, le 23 janvier 2024. FAYEZ NURELDINE / AFP

Siroter un mojito au bord de la mer Rouge ou dans un grand hôtel de Riyad n’est pas encore au programme pour les Saoudiens et les touristes étrangers. Mais le royaume s’apprête à donner un premier coup de canif à la politique de stricte prohibition de l’alcool appliquée depuis 1952. Dans quelques semaines, le premier magasin de spiritueux géré par les autorités saoudiennes doit ouvrir ses portes dans le quartier diplomatique de la capitale. La vente y sera limitée aux diplomates non musulmans, qui devront s’enregistrer via une application mobile et se satisfaire des quotas qui leur seront imposés. Mini révolution ou simple changement de façade ? Le débat fait rage au sein du royaume conservateur. » | Par Hélène Sallon (Beyrouth, correspondante) | vendredi 26 janvier 2024

Judenhass - Unser Leben nach dem 7. Oktober | Reportage | Kontraste

Jan 25, 2024 | Nach dem brutalen Massaker der Terrorgruppe Hamas hat der Antisemitismus eine neue Qualität erreicht, auch in Deutschland: Brandanschläge auf Synagogen, Davidstern-Markierungen an Haustüren und "Verpisst-Euch-Rufe" an deutschen Universitäten. Kontraste hat über die letzten drei Monate vier deutsche Juden bei ihrem Kampf gegen den Hass begleitet.

Margaret Thatcher: Serving the Crown (2023)

Premiered Nov 17, 2023

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Marjorie Taylor Green Demanding Nikki Haley Drop Out | The Warning

Jan25, 2024 | Steve Schmidt delivers today's Warning after Representative Marjorie Taylor Green’s quote regarding the Republican party:

“Not only do [Republicans] support President Trump, we support his policies. And any Republican that isn’t willing to adapt these policies, we’re completely eradicating from the party. So it’s up to Nikki Haley what she does.”

On Religion and Sin | #shorts

Richard Dawkins tells us what he thinks.

Islamic State Recruiting through Big Tech | Undercover in ISIS (2016) | Full Film

Jan 25, 2024 | An undercover operation sets out to understand the path to joining ISIS. Two undercover European reporters are tasked with joining ISIS via Facebook, Twitter, and direct phone calls. In a world dominated by social media and the internet, illegal communications are no longer defined by clandestine whispered conversations on street corners.

Why Are Men Polishing Their Nails?

(Johner Images/Getty Images)

THE HILL: The recent rise in popularity of “male polish” isn’t anything the world hasn’t seen before, and men have been coloring their nails for thousands of years. / Nail polish in ancient Babylon is thought to have represented different classes, and warriors painted their nails to “intimidate their enemies.” / “MANicures” now are often celebrated for their association with gender fluidity and male self-care and grooming.

After Brad Pitt arrived at the Palm Springs Film Festival in 2015 flashing a rainbow manicure, lifestyle magazine Elle lobbed a question at its readers: “are ‘MAN’icures becoming a thing?

The answer: It’s complicated. Yes, an increasing number of highly visible men are now sporting what some refer to as “male polish,” but men coloring their nails really isn’t anything new. In fact, if you think “MANicures” are something entirely novel, you’re about 5,500 years too late.

According to a 2018 paper from the University of Rochester Medical Center, men have been coloring their nails since at least 3500 B.C., in ancient Babylon.

“Babylonian male warriors adorned their nails with ground minerals as part of a pre-battle ritual designed to intimidate their enemies,” researcher Jeanette Zambito wrote.

Nail polish is thought to have represented different classes at that time — the darker the color, the higher the class. There’s evidence that primitive forms of polish, made from materials like henna, flower petals and beeswax, were also worn by ancient Egyptians and Chinese, regardless of gender. » | Brooke Migdon | Thursday, January 13, 2022

Malepolish: the unstoppable rise of nail varnish for men: Men have long painted their talons, but male celebrities – from Harry Styles to Tyler, the Creator – are making it an essential part of their merchandise »

Guys Are Wearing Nail Polish and We’re Here for It: These guys are putting the “man” in “manicure.” »

Mail 3 Days a Week? Idea Meets Resistance in Britain.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Letter volumes have halved since 2011. Without significant changes, the beleaguered Royal Mail services will become “out of date,” according to a report.

A Royal Mail post box in London. | Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Britain’s postal service could consider cutting deliveries to five days a week, or even three, from six, the country’s regulator said on Wednesday, drawing resistance from lawmakers and businesses.

The Royal Mail, like the U.S. Postal Service, has been increasingly plagued by service issues and financial pressures. Given rising costs, the organization risks becoming “financially and operationally unsustainable in the long term,” according to a report by Ofcom, Britain’s communications regulator.

Reducing delivery to just three days a week would save the Royal Mail up to 650 million pounds ($830 million) a year, the report found. Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Belgium have reduced the frequency of delivery or extended delivery times for letters in recent years, Ofcom said.

Lawmakers, however, pushed back on the idea. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, whose Conservatives hold a majority, said on Wednesday that he remained “absolutely committed” to ensuring that the Royal Mail delivered six days a week. The service, which was privatized in 2013, is required by law to deliver mail six days a week, so any change would require a vote in Parliament. » | Jenny Gross, Reporting from London | Thursday, January 25, 2024

Giorgio Armani Men's Collection – Spring-Summer 2024

Jun 20, 2023 | Weaving a story. The Giorgio Armani Men’s SS24 Collection represents a new storyline composed of familiar elements, but narrated from different angles to weave a new story. Forms are soft and lengthened, intertwining threads either explicit or evoked in prints that imitate knots, weaves with a summery feel and geometry multiplied for rhythm. The body is never overtly exposed but the energy that animates the lightweight volumes is palpable. Intertwining notes of blue, sand and natural tones provide the chromatic completion to this particularly light and fresh collection, which includes shoes and sandals similarly characterised by knots and weaves. It's a story in which everything comes together.

The Legacy of Thatcher Being Destroyed by Glenda Jackson MP

Jan 21, 2024

The Tories’ ‘Time Is Up’ | Joan Bakewell

Jan 25, 2024 | “It’s a Jacobean tragedy. There’ll be bodies on the stage.” The Conservatives know “their time is up” says Joan Bakewell, journalist and Labour peer.

Led By Donkeys: The House of Lords

Jan 25, 2024 | Truss and Johnson’s resignation honours were a disgrace. It’s time to reform the House of Lords. Narration by Carol Vorderman

Britain Should 'Prepare for Mobilisation' against Russia | Rear Admiral Dr Chris Parry

Jan 25, 2024 | "The concept of national service can be modernised." A modern national service could improve the UK workforce and deter aggression from hostile nations, Rear Admrial Chris Parry tells Times Radio after Gen. Sir Patrick Sanders discussed forming a 'citizen army'.

Britain Readies for Potential Full-scale War against Russia | General Sir Nick Parker

Jan 25, 2024 | “It just feels as if the old situation that we were in after the Cold War with very dominant Western democracies is changing.”

Britain's military is planning to build a force of up to half a million people to defend the country in the event of a full scale war explains General Sir Nick Parker.

UK under ‘Existential Threat’ of ‘Major’ War as British Army Chief Pushes for Conscription

Jan 25, 2024 | “State on state conflict in Europe in the 21st century which seemed inconceivable a few years ago now looks really quite possible.”

The call by General Sir Patrick Sanders for national military training of civilians has provoked people to “think the unthinkable” about the threat of a “major European war”, says former British army commander Charlie Herbert.

The Lincoln Project: Name This Foundation Shade

Jan 24, 2024

'More Than Just a Hint of Orange', maybe? 😉

Click here to add your suggestion. – Mark

Turkish Künefe – Sweet Cheese Pastry | Akis Petretzikis

Jan 25, 2024

Get the recipe here.

En Argentine, le président ultralibéral Javier Milei confronté à une première grève générale contre ses mesures

LE MONDE : Alors qu’un vaste projet de loi comportant plus de 600 articles est en discussion au Parlement, le gouvernement a reculé sur certains points, mais n’envisage pas de dialoguer avec la Confédération générale du travail, la première force syndicale du pays.

Un record de précocité. Mercredi 24 janvier, soit seulement quarante-cinq jours après son arrivée au pouvoir, le président ultralibéral argentin, Javier Milei, était confronté à sa première grève générale. Du jamais-vu depuis le retour à la démocratie, en 1983. La principale centrale syndicale du pays, la Confédération générale du travail (CGT, revendiquant 7 millions d’affiliés) et d’autres syndicats et organisations de gauche appelaient à des rassemblements massifs dans Buenos Aires et dans d’autres villes du pays, contre le démantèlement de l’Etat voulu par le gouvernement. » | Par Flora Genoux (Buenos Aires, correspondante) | jeudi 25 janvier 2024 [€]

Sunak Forced to Rule Out Conscription as Russia War Threat Rises

THE TELEGRAPH: Downing Street shoots down comments by Gen Sir Patrick Sanders that the UK must be ready to train and equip citizens for future conflict

Downing Street has been forced to rule out conscription after the head of the Army warned that British civilians would need to fight Russia in a future war.

Gen Sir Patrick Sanders said the UK needed a military that could not only expand rapidly but also “train and equip” a citizen army, in a speech first reported by this newspaper.

In his address to the International Armoured Vehicles conference in Twickenham on Wednesday, Gen Sir Patrick stressed that the Army, which is predicted to have just 72,500 fully trained soldiers by 2025, would not be big enough to fight an all-out war with Russia even if it numbered 120,000.

Defence sources previously told The Telegraph that Gen Sir Patrick wants there to be a shift in the mindset of British men and women, in which they think like troops and are mentally prepared for a possible war with Russia. » | Danielle Sheridan, Defence Editor | Thursday, January 25, 2024

War with Russia is coming. Britain is determined to lose: »

‘No Time to Go Wobbly’: Why Britain Is Lobbying U.S. Republicans on Ukraine: The U.K., often a wingman to the United States in defense, is pushing its ally to stand firm against President Vladimir V. Putin, amid fears that Russia poses an existential threat to Europe. »

Senior European Judge Claims Rwanda Plan Is Illegal

THE TELEGRAPH: Leader of international court says ignoring Rule 39 orders would breach legal obligations

Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda plan was dealt a blow on Thursday as Strasbourg’s most senior human rights judge said that his deportation scheme would breach international law.

Síofra O’Leary, the president of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said that the UK would be in breach of its legal obligations if it refused to comply with a Strasbourg injunction, known as a Rule 39 order. » | Charles Hymas, Home Affairs Editor | Thursday, January 25, 2024

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Giorgio Armani Privé – Spring-Summer 2024 Fashion Show – Haute Couture en Jeu

Jan 24, 2024 | The Giorgio Armani Privé Spring Summer 2024 Collection represents a play and a moment of suspended evasion.

In true Armani style, the Collection takes inspiration from different cultures, from West to East, representing the dream of a woman who is influenced by every place she visits.

A blend of exquisite aqueous, pale and soft tones – is illuminated by the sparkle of embroidery, creating a playful yet light fashion.

Dealing with Jew Hate (Denmark)

Mar 19, 2022 | These videos are made to show what really exists behind the curtains of the minds of many around us. Many people hide the antisemitism they hold as truth or are reluctant to show it, but when you ask the right questions, the Emet (truth) is revealed.

The following video gets heated at times. Keep in mind that when one gets into such conversations, who the person is, what they think, or how they will react are all a part of the unknown.

Some of these individuals likely have mental health issues, and that becomes evident towards the end of the conversation, which is why when this is recognized one must be extra cautious of one’s body language, tone, and choice of words.

It's also interesting to point out that the individual makes a comment that his antisemitic beliefs were inherited from his parents and ancestors before him, which shows how many people are still taught to hate Jews as children before they ever even meet a Jewish person themselves.

Filmed: @israel_from_inside

How Lord Cameron Rolled Out the Red Carpet for the UAE

THE TELEGRAPH: Plus, we look at how the Gulf state’s network of influence is spreading throughout the UK

Three years after becoming prime minister, Lord Cameron set up a secretive Whitehall unit codenamed Project Falcon.

Its job was to court the oil-rich sheikhs of the United Arab Emirates with the aim of persuading them to invest billions in the UK.

The unit’s work was so politically sensitive that the Government did not even admit to its existence for two years, and only then after a Freedom of Information battle.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was to the UAE that the former premier went for part of his portfolio of jobs after he quit No 10 in 2016, earning an estimated £470,000 for making four speeches in the autocratic state, as well as taking a part-time teaching role at a university in Abu Dhabi.

Nor is he alone in establishing connections with the Gulf state: almost 100 current and former MPs and peers – including eight ministers – have declared financial links to the UAE in the past decade. » | Investigations Team and Gordon Raynor, Associate Editor | Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Cameron is a weak man. A weasel, perhaps? Despite being already fabulously wealthy, it appears that he can’t get enough to line his own pockets. The country’s future be damned.

This country is being Islamized under our very noses, and by our own government to boot!

Is this what the Conservatives understand by "taking back control"? Is this what they understand by regaining our sovereignty? Theey bitched, moaned and whined when we pooled our sovereignty with Brussels, but are absolutely willing and ready to give our sovereignty away to the Islamic world, to the fabulously wealthy Muslim Arabs? – © Mark Alexander

Russische Frauen demonstrieren für die Rückkehr ihrer mobilisierten Männer aus dem Ukraineeinsatz

Jan 24, 2024 | In Moskau protestieren russische Frauen, damit ihre Männer nach einjährigem Einsatz in der Ukraine nach Hause kommen können.

Margaret Thatcher in the Soviet Union - Rare and Unseen Footage (1987)

Jan 20, 2024 | Between 28 March and 1 April 1987, ITN filmed British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as she made her historic first trip to the Soviet Union at the invitation of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. The five-day schedule included a visit to an enormous tenement complex and supermarket in Moscow’s Krylatskoye District, a performance of Swan Lake at the capital’s prestigious Bolshoi Theatre, and a state banquet. Chief on the agenda, however, were negotiations on the reduction of American and Soviet nuclear arsenals.

WIKIPEDIA: Raisa Gorbacheva »

Priests in the Closet

Nov 25, 2019 | Frédéric Martel is dragging them out—and calling out hypocrisy. | Frédéric Martel is being interviewed by David Marr.


The Lincoln Project: Moderates

Jan 24, 2024 | There are still voters out there that believe in this idea called America. This November, they’ll be the solution to the division our country faces today. These are the voters Trump is afraid of.

Such a lovely, sensible lady. – © Mark Alexnader

Public Face Call-up If We Go to War, Military Chief Warns

THE TELEGRAPH: General says Army is too small and Government needs to ‘mobilise the nation’ in the event of conflict with Russia

The British public will be called up to fight if the UK goes to war because the military is too small, the head of the Army is to warn.

General Sir Patrick Sanders will stress the need for the Government to “mobilise the nation” in the event of war with Russia in a speech on Wednesday.

With the British Army being reduced to its smallest size for centuries, The Telegraph understands Gen Sir Patrick, who has been openly critical of troop cuts, wants British men and women to be prepared for a call-up if Nato goes to war with Putin.

It comes after a senior Nato military official warned that private citizens should prepare for an all-out war with Russia in the next 20 years, which would require wholesale change in their lives.

Adml Rob Bauer said that nations needed to be prepared to “find more people if it comes to war”, and to consider “mobilisation, reservists or conscription”. » | Danielle Sheridan, Defence Editor | Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Ukrainische Kinder, von Russland entführt | ARTE Re:

Jan 23, 2024 | Lisa versucht, ihre Tränen zurückzuhalten ... Die 16-jährige Ukrainerin, die acht Monate lang in Russland festgehalten wurde, ist wieder in Kiew. Mit ihr sind vier weitere Jugendliche zurückgekehrt. Alle haben geglaubt, dass sie ihr Land nie wiedersehen würden. Sie gehören zu den 200.000 oder 300.000 Kindern, die seit Beginn von Putins Krieg entführt wurden.

Das Ausmaß der Entführungen kam ans Licht, als es der ukrainischen Armee gelang, die ersten von den Russen besetzte Gebiete zu befreien. Dort waren augenscheinlich sehr viele ukrainische Kinder verschwunden, als Opfer einer vom Kreml ausgeklügelten Grausamkeit. Methodisch inspizierten die Russen Waisenhäuser, Entbindungsstationen und Kinderkrankenhäuser und schickten die ukrainischen Kinder nach Russland. Die russischen Besatzer forderten ukrainische Familien zudem auf, ihre Kinder in russischen Ferienlagern anzumelden - viele dieser Kinder sind bis heute nicht zurückgekehrt. Von Kiew bis Cherson, über Odessa und bis nach Russland erzählt diese Reportage von der sogenannten Russifizierung der ukrainischen Jugend. Laut Kiew sollen zwischen 200.000 und 300.000 Kinder von den Russen entführt worden sein. Familien bezeugen diese Kriegsverbrechen, ebenso Kinder, politische Akteure und ukrainische Sozialarbeiter.

Reportage (F 2023, 33 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 27/09/2024

No 2 Gays About It: Is Dating Over 50 Worth It?

Premiered Oct 6, 2023 | Tom hasn't been on a date since 1987. Michael is likely on one right now. Join us as we learn about what the current dating scene is like out there for the gay man over 50.

Why Trump Seems to Be Unbeatable in the US Presidential Primaries | DW News

Jan 24, 2024 | Former US President Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, strengthening his bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, according to projections by the Associated Press and Fox News. After a landslide victory in the Iowa caucuses, Trump was down to one serious rival, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. According to the projections, Haley outperformed expectations but was unable to clinch an important victory. At his victory party, Trump mocked his last remaining rival, calling her an "imposter" and saying, "She's doing a speech like she won. She didn't win. She lost ... She had a very bad night." …

Russian Plane Carrying 65 Ukrainian PoWs Has Crashed, Moscow Says | BBC News

Jan 24, 2024 | A Russian Ilyushin-76 military transport plane has crashed in the southern Belgorod region bordering Ukraine. At least 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed, according to Russia's ministry of defence. Ria Novosti news agency said another nine people were on board, including six crew. None of the details surrounding those on board can be independently verified.

Trump Wins New Hampshire Republican Primary | BBC News

Jan 24, 2024 | Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary.

It is a significant victory for the former president and puts him in a commanding position to become the party's presidential candidate in November.

His last remaining rival in the race, Nikki Haley, has vowed to fight on and said "this race is far from over".

Speaking at a campaign stop earlier, front-runner Trump told reporters "I don't care" if Haley stays in the race, adding "let her do whatever she wants".

Joe Biden is projected to win the Democratic primary, but because of a fight within the party those results will not be recognised.

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Donald Trump Winning the New Hampshire Primary on Scripps News | The Warning

Jan 24, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump winning the New Hampshire Republican primary, becoming the de facto nominee of the Republican Party, and smearing Nikki Haley in the process.

Rishi Sunak Must Quit before He Leads Tories to Extinction, Says Ex-minister

THE GUARDIAN: Simon Clarke, who served in Liz Truss’s cabinet, sparks renewed Conservative party infighting

Simon Clarke, left, with Rishi Sunak in 2020. Photograph: Danny Lawson/AFP/Getty Images

Rishi Sunak should resign before he leads the Conservatives to “extinction”, a Tory MP has said in an excoriating attack on the prime minister.

In a dramatic intervention on Tuesday night, Simon Clarke, who was a cabinet minister in Liz Truss’s short-lived government, urged Sunak to quit and make way for a new Tory leader.

In an op-ed for the Telegraph, Clarke said Sunak’s “uninspiring leadership is the main obstacle to our recovery” and that he has “sadly gone from asset to anchor”.

He argued that Sunak “is leading the Conservatives into an election where we will be massacred” because “he does not get what Britain needs. And he is not listening to what the British people want.”

Clarke’s article set off a fresh round of internal party warfare. Tory grandees from all wings of the party hit back at Clarke on social media. » | Eleni Courea | Tuesday, January 23, 2024

That the Conservative Party is divided and weak should not surprise us one little bit. The Party pulled a fast one on the electorate with that nonsensical and unwise Brexit Referendum. With it, the Party was rent asunder rather than glued back together. Not only that, but the country was divided too – seriously divided. As it states in the Bible, as Jesus said: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” Matthew 25, NKJV.

This country needs a good, pro-business party, but one that is fair to all sectors of the economy and society, one that is pro-EU. (There's is big market across the English Channel: 450m consumers!) The Conservatives brought us Brexit and speaks incessantly of reviving Thatcherism. It is Thatcherism that has created the colossal divide in this country between the haves and the have-nots, the colossal divide between the rich and the poor, wealth inequality which this country hasn't seen since the Victorian Era.

Furthermore, it is the Conservatives who have brought this country abject poverty and food banks with Cameron and Osborne's insistence on austerity, year after year.

It is clear that the Conservative Party's glory days are well and truly over. Again, as it states in the Bible, in Ecclesiastes 3: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; ... KJV.

Maybe the Tories have outlived their usefulness; maybe it really is time for the Party to go the way of the Whigs: into oblivion. – © Mark Alexander

Democracy At Work: Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff: As the Empire Crumbles

Jan 22, 2024

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

«The Majority of the Vatican Priests Are Gay» | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur | Reupload

Mar 31, 2020 | It is well known that the Vatican frowns upon men who love men. But that the centre of power of the Roman Catholic Church should at the same time be one of the largest gay communities worldwide was new to many when Frédéric Martel brought this thesis to the world in 2019.

After having published "In the Closet of the Vatican" simultaneously in eight languages, the French author and journalist was invited to countless talk shows, but the Vatican was shrouded in silence.

Whoever felt somehow different - just homosexual - as a young man in the 30s, 40s and 50s of the last century, found an oasis in the Roman Catholic Church, according to Martel. Men living among men, wearing different clothes and singing in a choir, that would have been the salvation for many, which was also accepted by society.

While most of the men Martel spoke to are very old, their world view remains: Homophobic on the outside, homophile on the inside. This led to a dangerous double standard, a culture of silence, which had very unhappily promoted the scandals around the Catholic Church.

Sternstunde Religion vom 29.3.2020

Die deutsche Version von diesem Interview befindet sich hier.


Frédéric Martel »

Greek Lamb with Orzo - Yiouvetsi | Akis Petretzikis | Reupload

Apr 21, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Trump Gets Caught Saying "Grab Her by the Pussy"

Oct 7, 2016 | It was a hot mic situation and Donald Trump had no idea it was on. He candidly talks about when you're famous you can do anything with women and is caught saying at one point "Grab her by the pussy".

Is this really the man Evangelicals think God has sent them as their Saviour, second only to Jesus Christ? – © Mark Alexander

Donald Trump ‘Is a Good Christian,’ Claims His Spiritual Advisor | Pastor Mark Burns

Jan 23, 2024 | “He is a student of the word of God.” Despite Donald Trump’s legal battles and personal indiscretions, his spiritual advisor Pastor Mark Burns insists the former president is a good Christian.

Who the hell is this deluded dude? Who the hell is this joker? – © Mark Alexander

Brexit Has Made Britain More Multicultural, "Less White" | Andrew Marr | The New Statesman

Jan 19, 2024 | Tory divisions over Rwanda reflect the wider anti-migrant mood across Europe but a post-Brexit irony has been revealed.

Das unerklärliche, aber unbestreitbare Vergnügen eines Rauchers an einer Zigarette.

Ein junger Mann atmet Wolken der Freude aus!

Ich möchte mich bei selah chapek auf Pinterest für dieses entzückende Bild bedanken.

Molten Lava Brownies

HAPPY TO BE HOMEMADE: Picture rich, decadent, fudge brownies then turn them up a notch. These devour-able treats are filled with gooey, chocolatey goodness that is extra flavorful thanks to the browned butter.

Picture care of Pinterest.

Get the recipe here.

Rejoin EU Party Running for Mayor of London 2024

Jan 23, 2024 | We are running for the Mayor of London in 2024.

You can chip in here.

You can join the Party here.

Life of an Amish Gay

Sep 2, 2023 | In a nutshell, the Amish community views homosexuality as a sin, which is why you won’t expect to witness people coming out when they are part of an Amish church. However, this does not mean that people of the same sex do not fall in love with one another. It’s the total opposite because with a church like the Amish that boasts a large population, there are going to be people developing feelings for one another, and of course, this includes those who fall in love with a person of the same gender. But how exactly does the community treat these relationships, and how hard is it to be Amish and gay at the same time? Let’s find out.

Das arabische Erbe: vielschichtige Kultur | Karambolage España | ARTE

Dec 13, 2023 | Chloé Merccion erkundet ein wichtiges Kapitel der spanischen Geschichte: das arabische Erbe des Landes.

Autorin: Chloé Merccion
Regie: Stéphanie Cazaentre
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 22/06/2053

Die Anhäufung der Familiennamen | Karambolage España | ARTE

Jan 17, 2024 | Der Journalist Xavier Hervás Vigueras erklärt uns, warum die spanischen Familiennamen sich meist aus mehreren Namen zusammensetzen.

Autor: Xavier Hervás Vigueras
Regie: Anne Larricq
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 21/03/2024

Richard Dawkins Slams Jordan Peterson | #shorts

Richard Dawkins’ plain talk.

Eminem Comes Out as Gay during Interview? | #shorts

Eminem: “I’m gay. I’m a homosexual. I like men.”

Ne-Yo - Link Up | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 29, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 1,930,277

US State Dept Responds to Russian President Putin’s Claim over Alaska | Dawn News English

Jan 23, 2024 | Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed the 1867 sale of Alaska to the US is 'illegal,' asserting Russia's ownership. The US State Department swiftly responded, stating that Putin won't be getting it back. In 1867, Alaska's purchase marked a historic moment, symbolizing the end of Russian efforts to expand trade to North America. The formal transfer to the US occurred on October 18, 1867, for 7.2 million dollars, a pivotal milestone in the US becoming a major power in the Asia-Pacific region.

Russia lays claim to Alaska and huge swathes of Asia as Vladimir Putin issues new decree: New edict affects all of Moscow's historic holdings across three continents, including former imperial colonies in the US. »

Les évêques catholiques du Sénégal refusent de bénir les couples de même sexe

KOMITID : Les évêques catholiques du Sénégal ont dit leur refus de bénir des couples de même sexe, comme l'a récemment autorisé le Vatican sous conditions.

Les évêques catholiques du Sénégal ont dit leur refus de bénir des couples de même sexe, comme l’a récemment autorisé le Vatican sous conditions.

Dans un document publié le 18 décembre et approuvé par le pape François, le dicastère (ministère) pour la Doctrine de la Foi a autorisé la bénédiction des couples « irréguliers » aux yeux de l’Eglise, incluant les couples remariés et les couples de même sexe, à condition qu’elle soit donnée en dehors des rituels liturgiques.

Ce qui est largement considéré comme un changement doctrinal majeur a provoqué la réprobation de nombreux dignitaires catholiques en Afrique, à laquelle se joignent ceux du Sénégal. » | AFP | mardi 23 janvier 2024

American Mercenaries Hired by UAE to Kill in Yemen | BBC News

Jan 23, 2024 | American mercenaries, hired by the UAE to kill in Yemen, have spoken candidly on camera for the first time in an investigation by BBC Arabic.

At a time when Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping have highlighted the international dimensions of the Yemeni conflict, the investigation also reveals how US mercenaries trained Emirati officers to kill the UAE’s political enemies in Yemen.

These extra-judicial killings, conducted in the name of counter-terrorism, started in 2015 and continue to this day.

Priti Patel Lacks "Competence and Humanity" - WW2 Refugee who Became a Lord, Alf Dubs | March 2022

Mar 15, 2022 | As the government scrabbles its policy together for Ukrainian war refugees fleeing the country from Vladimir Putin's invasion, the Labour peer and refugee campaigner Alf Dubs tells Anoosh Chakelian that the response has been a "disgrace".

On The New Statesman Podcast Alf Dubs and Anoosh Chakelian discuss how the government finds itself on the wrong side of public opinion on the issue of Ukraine war refugees, why Priti Patel is the worst Home Secretary he's worked with, and why he'd like to see a "more robust" approach to welcoming refugees from the Labour leadership.

Why Are Some Children of Immigrants Anti-immigration? | The New Statesman Podcast

Jan 22, 2024 | With the Conservative Party's Rwanda bill making headlines again, our team discuss why it's problematic to expect all migrant-born politicians to have the same view on immigration.

Monday, January 22, 2024

George Conway: “Trump Deserves to Spend the Rest of His Life in Prison” | Amanpour & Co

Jan 22, 2024 | Former President Trump continues to ricochet between the courthouse and the campaign trail. This morning, he was back to face a trial for his statements about former columnist E. Jean Carroll's sexual assault allegations in 2019. Meanwhile, just ahead of the New Hampshire primary he got a boost from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who decided to drop out of the race and back Trump. Conservative lawyer George Conway joins Michel Martin with incisive analysis of Trump's legal woes and how they are shaping his campaign. | Originally aired on January 22, 2024

Far-right AfD Leader Vows to Campaign for Brexit-style EU Exit Vote in Germany

THE GUARDIAN: Alice Weidel says UK departure is model for her country as party struggles with reaction to exposé about deportation ‘masterplan’

Alice Weidel sacked a senior aide over his attendance at the covert meeting that triggered nationwide protests. Photograph: Sean Gallup/Getty Images

The leader of Germany’s far-right Alternative für Deutschland has said her party will campaign for a Brexit-style vote on EU membership if it comes to power, calling the UK’s departure from the bloc a model for its largest member.

Alice Weidel told the Financial Times in an exclusive interview that the UK decision would be “dead right” for Germany, and that a “Dexit” would boost the country’s self-determination.

“It’s a model for Germany, that one can make a sovereign decision like that,” she said.

It was one of the party’s first public pronouncements since the beginning of a wave of nationwide protests against the AfD, triggered by revelations that leading members had attended a covert meeting at which a “masterplan” for mass deportations of foreigners and German passport holders was discussed, with a view to the party implementing the plans if it came to power. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Monday, January 22, 2024

Switzerland. Lugano: Streets, Art, Monte San Salvatore.

Jan 19, 2024

En direct, guerre en Ukraine : à Kiev, Donald Tusk martèle son soutien au pays dans son combat contre « le mal »

LE MONDE : Arrivé lundi dans la capitale ukrainienne, le premier ministre polonais « rencontrera le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, et le premier ministre, Denys Chmyhal », selon un communiqué officiel. LIVE EN COURS » | lundi 22 janvier 2024

"Willkommen" to Washington State's Own Bavarian Village

Dec 24, 2023 | Nestled amidst the Cascade Mountains in Washington State, Leavenworth historically didn't have a strong connection to the Old World. But after the railroad re-routed and the lumber mill closed, the tiny town began a process of "Bavarianization" to lure tourists to its alpine scenery. Today the place regularly shows up on lists of top Christmas destinations in America, even drawing millions of tourists all year long. Correspondent Luke Burbank examines how a former boom town gone bust remade itself as a German mountain village. | @VisitLeavenworthwa

Jack Chambers, ministre irlandais, fait son coming out gay

JOCK : L’homme politique irlandais s’est livré avec franchise dans un post Instagram.

Bien avant Gabriel Attal, l’Irlande avait déjà marqué l’histoire en 2017 avec l’arrivée de Leo Varadkar, homme politique ouvertement gay, en tant que chef du gouvernement.

Aujourd’hui, c’est une autre figure politique qui a fait son coming out. Il s’agit de Jack Chambers, un ministre d’État membre du Fianna Fáil, le parti conservateur. Ce dernier s’est exprimé dimanche 14 janvier 2024 sur Instagram dans un post agrémenté d’une vidéo retraçant sa carrière politique.

“Il est important pour moi d’être honnête avec moi-même, tout d’abord, et envers vous tous dans l’exercice de ma fonction publique” débute-t-il. “Je commence 2024 en vous annonçant à tous que je suis fier de dire que je suis gay🏳️‍🌈. En tant qu’homme politique et citoyen, je voulais partager cette part de moi aujourd’hui“. » | jeudi 18 janvier 2024

Vet. Sailor Stripped of Medals after 25 Years of Service for Being Bi | Stonewall At 50 | Real Pride 🌈

Jan 30, 2022 | Stonewall: 53 years since the first LGBTQ+ liberation march, this was a turning point in LGBTQ+ history, an act of resistance leading to annual pride marches around the world. But 53 years on, many LGBTQ+ people continue to face discrimination.

Göring, Brueghel und die Shoah | Doku HD | ARTE

Jan 22, 2024 | Er baute die Gestapo auf, ließ Konzentrationslager errichten - und häufte geraubte Kunst an: Der NS-Funktionär Hermann Göring nahm mehr als 4.000 Werke in seinen Besitz, darunter Bilder von Rubens und Matisse. Im Archiv des französischen Außenministeriums sind Dokumente zu Görings Beutekunst-Sammlung 2015 publiziert worden ...

Ein Dokument, das lange im Archiv des französischen Außenministeriums lagerte, kam im Jahr 2015 an die Öffentlichkeit: Der sogenannte Göring-Katalog enthält das komplette Verzeichnis der Gemälde, die Hermann Göring in seiner Villa Carinhall in der Nähe von Berlin aufbewahrte. Der Katalog gibt Einblicke in die Sammlung, die fast noch größer war als die von Adolf Hitler, bestimmt für das sogenannte Führermuseum in Linz. Er enthält die Namen der Nazi-Größen, die an dem groß angelegten Kunstraub beteiligt waren.

Hermann Göring sammelte mit Besessenheit Kunst. Er gefiel sich in der Rolle des Renaissancefürsten, der Kunstmäzen und Kriegsherr gleichzeitig ist. Im Zuge seiner Raubzüge durch das besetzte und unterdrückte Europa ließ er unzählige wertvolle Werke zusammentragen, darunter Bilder bedeutender flämischer Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts, deutscher Künstler des 16. Jahrhunderts sowie klassische französische und italienische Kunst.

Bei Kriegsende ließ Göring sein Anwesen Carinhall sprengen. Amerikanische Truppen fanden aber einen Teil dieser Kunstschätze wieder, zum Teil in einem Güterzug in Berchtesgaden. Die französische Regierung bemühte sich daraufhin, die in Frankreich geraubten Werke zurückzuholen. Rose Valland, Konservatorin im Musée du Jeu de Paume, setzte sich neben den Monument Men unermüdlich für diese Recherchearbeiten ein.

Der Dokumentarfilm erzählt anhand des Inventars der geraubten Kunstwerke die Geschichte des Aufbaus der Sammlung sowie die nach dem Krieg eingeleitete Suche nach den Eigentümern. Bis heute wurden noch nicht alle Eigentümer gefunden. Die Nachkommen der betroffenen jüdischen Familien kämpften – bisweilen vergeblich – um Entschädigung.

Dokumentarfilm von Laurence Thiriat (F/B 2019, 90 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 27/03/2024

The Lincoln Project: Promises

Jan 22, 2024 | Trump breaks promises all the time. It's the ones he keeps you should worry about.

Dimitra's Dishes: Greek Chicken & Cheese Phyllo Pie: Kotopita

Jan 22, 2024

Get the recipe here.

Pistorius: "Man muss glaubhaft abschrecken" | heute journal

Jan 22, 2024 | Wie groß ist die Bedrohung Europas durch Putin? Hoch, glaubt Verteidigungsminister Pistorius. Er setzt auf die Formel: "Krieg führen zu können, um keinen Krieg führen zu müssen". Akute Kriegsgefahr herrscht für Deutschland im Moment aber wohl nicht - noch nicht.

Deutschlands Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius hat bereits mehrfach gewarnt, dass Russland in einigen Jahren durchaus Nato-Länder angreifen könnte. Wie er das ändern will, das erklärt Pistorius im ZDF heute journal-Interview. Und auch die Bedeutung des Wortes "kriegstüchtig", das er gern verwendet.

NAZI TOWN, USA | Chapter 1 | American Experience | PBS

Jan 16, 2024 | In the 1930s, Summer camps opened up across the country. But these weren't normal summer camps: they were the creation of the German American Bund, a pro-Nazi organization with a vision of America ruled by white Christians.

NAZI TOWN, USA tells the largely unknown story of the Bund, which had scores of chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country and represented what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Bishop Gene Robinson: "God Called Me Out of the Closet"

Jan 21, 2024 | In 2003 he became the first openly gay bishop in all of Christendom, when the Episcopal Church consecrated Gene Robinson the 9th bishop of New Hampshire. Death threats followed, but so did a shift in the relationship between the LGBTQ community and the church. "Sunday Morning" senior contributor Ted Koppel talks with Bishop Robinson about his quest to live an authentic life; and with other gay bishops serving today whom Robinson calls his legacy. | @StThomasEpiscopalDC

Tornado Warning Issued as 90mph Storm Isha Hits UK

THE GUARDIAN: Forecasters warn of life-threatening gusts in coastal areas as weather causes travel disruption across country

A tornado warning has been issued across parts of Britain as Storm Isha takes hold, with potentially life-threatening gusts and travel disruption expected into Monday. » | Tom Ambrose and Alexandra Topping | Sunday, January 21, 2024

Ron DeSantis Drops Out of Republican Presidential Race

THE GUARDIAN: Hard-right Florida governor at one point thought to be future of party ends campaign to be GOP nominee

Ron DeSantis, the hard-right governor of Florida, has ended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination and endorsed Donald Trump.

“It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance,” he said in a statement posted on X. “He has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents.”

DeSantis’s withdrawal in the days ahead of the New Hampshire primary follows a disappointing result in the Iowa caucus, where he finished second place but trailed Donald Trump by a large margin. In New Hampshire, his numbers were far behind former South Carolina governor Haley and Trump.

The withdrawal was the culmination of a long, agonising decline. » | Martin Pengelly in Washington | Sinday, January 21, 2024

Sarah Ferguson Diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma

THE GUARDIAN: Duchess of York remains in good spirits and is undergoing further investigations, spokesperson says

Sarah Ferguson had been diagnosed with an early form of breast cancer in 2023. Photograph: Kirsty O’Connor/PA

The Duchess of York has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of skin cancer months after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. A spokesperson for Sarah Ferguson, 64, said medics had removed a mole on her body, which tested as a malignant melanoma, during treatment for her cancer. Doctors are now working to establish whether it was caught early.

“Following her diagnosis with an early form of breast cancer this summer, Sarah, Duchess of York, has now been diagnosed with malignant melanoma,” the spokesperson said. “Her dermatologist asked that several moles were removed and analysed at the same time as the duchess was undergoing reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy, and one of these has been identified as cancerous.” » | Tom Ambrose | Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, Diagnosed With Skin Cancer: The ex-wife of Prince Andrew said it was a ‘shock’ that doctors had discovered melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer, just months after a breast cancer diagnosis last summer. »

Still Searching for The One when Polyamory Is More Fun?

THE OBSERVER: Whether sparked by dating apps or our narcissistic culture, group love is, well, on the rise

‘All that phone swiping honing our requirements until they can’t possibly be met by just one person’. Photograph: 1001nights/Getty Images

Polyamorous relationships are having a moment. Or at least they are across the Atlantic, where New York magazine last week sought to distract its readers from the January blues with an extensive feature devoted to the trending lifestyle choice. With a cover featuring a cuddling quad (that’s a foursome) of cats, it offered “a practical guide for the curious couple” and even got Whoopi Goldberg hinting at her own non-monogamous experiences on US talkshow The View.

It’s just the latest in a steady trickle of articles, books, films and TV shows whose narratives have been drawing ethical non-monogamy in from the hippie fringes (“Polyamory isn’t just for liberals”, preached a Time headline a couple of months ago), making a YouGov poll less surprising: roughly a third of Americans, it found, prefer some degree of non-exclusivity in their relationships.

We’re not quite so forthcoming in the UK, despite our reputation for being less socially conservative. Only 10% of us are ready to consider a polyamorous relationship and just 1% admit to being in one. Yet as anybody who’s used a dating app lately will tell you, folk searching for not The One but The Several seem to be everywhere. » | Hephzibah Anderson | Sunday, January 21, 2024

Being Gay and Out in Mumbai - True Story Documentary Channel

Jan 8, 2022 | Under British colonial rule in 1860, Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code criminalized any sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex, stigmatizing them as “against the order of nature”.

On 2nd July 2009 the Delhi High Court passed a landmark judgment repealing this clause, thus fulfilling the most basic demand of the Indian LGBTQ community, which had been fighting this law for the past 10 years.

The film documents the diverse lives of three members of Mumbai’s LGBT community, Beena, Pallav and Abheena, who travel through the city heading to the celebrations for the first anniversary of the historic verdict.

Through the personal stories and struggles of the three protagonists, the film explores the reality of living a queer identity in today’s India, between tradition and change.

Out in Mumbai is the story of their journey towards freedom.

Doku in HD | Fluppe, Filter und f6 - Die Zigaretten-Story von Dresden | Reupload

Mar 11, 2017 | "In den Schützengräben rauchen nicht nur die Gewehre, sondern auch die Soldaten: Von Türken und Russen schauen sich in den Kriegen des 19. Jahrhunderts Westeuropas Männer das Zigarette-Paffen ab. Und weil Dresden über die Elbe mit dem Meer und durch die Schiene via Balkan mit dem Orient vernetzt ist, wird die barocke Residenz ab 1862 zur unumstritten führenden Tabakstadt im Deutschen Reich: Rund 1500 Fluppen dreht eine Facharbeiterin seinerzeit von Hand an einem Tag!

Dann kommen die Zigaretten-Maschinen. Bis zu 70 Dresdner Firmen produzieren in der Hohezeit vor dem ersten Weltkrieg Millionen Glimmstengel: Zwei Drittel aller in Deutschland gerauchten Fluppen stammen von hier, ebenso die Erfindung der modernen Filterzigarette. Ein Viertel aller Dresdner lebt von der Zigarette. Die Branche gönnt sich repräsentative Industriebauten wie den Stadtspeicher (heute ein Fünf-Sternehotel) oder die sogenannte Tabakmoschee ""Yenidze"" - beide in der damals ultramodernen Stahlbeton-Skelettbauweise ausgeführt.

Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg werden die Reste der Dresdner Zigaretten-Industrie in Volkseigentum überführt. Ein Hintergrund, den die DEFA im verwegenen Lustspiel ""Karbid und Sauerampfer"" mit Erwin Geschonneck zum Kinohit münzt. Ebenso abenteuerlich gerät die Beschaffung des Rohtabaks zwischen Brasilien und Brandenburg. F6, Karo, Cabinet oder JUWEL 72 heißen bekannte Marken, die teils noch heute - nunmehr innerhalb des Philip Morris Weltkonzerns - an der Elbe produziert werden.

""Der Osten - Entdecke wo du lebst"": ""Fluppe, Filter und f6"" erzählt die Zigarettenstory von Dresden mit faszinierendem Archivmaterial, in Begegnungen mit ehemaligen Tabakwerkern, Tabakeinkäufern, Sammlern und Historikern, begibt sich auf Spurensuche: Was ist vom blauen Dunst in Dresden noch zu ""schnuppern""?"

I'm Scared of Spending the Rest of My Life Alone | The Age of Loneliness | Absolute Documentaries

Mar 4, 2022 | In this absolute documentary, people from all walks of life talk honestly about their experiences with loneliness, from a 19-year-old student to a 100-year-old woman. It investigates the social isolation in modern society that many people of all age and class suffer from.

Selenskyj warnt vor „Wahnsinn“ des Kremls

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj bei der Jahrestagung des Weltwirtschaftsforums am 16. Januar in Davos. | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj wirft der russischen Führung „Wahnsinn“ vor und warnt vor der Gefahr neuer Kriege. Derweil beschließen die baltischen Staaten den Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen und Bunkern. Der Überblick.

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat der russischen Führung „Wahnsinn“ vorgeworfen und vor möglichen neuen Kriegen in der Welt gewarnt. „Wegen des Wahnsinns der russischen Führung sind alle Nationen der Welt nun mit einer Periode der Unbestimmtheit und Unsicherheit konfrontiert“, sagte Selenskyj am Freitag in seiner in Kiew verbreiteten abendlichen Videobotschaft.

„Der Welt wird immer klarer, dass noch mehr Kriege am Horizont sein könnten“, schrieb der Präsident auch im sozialen Netzwerk X (vormals Twitter). Einmal mehr rief Selenskyj die internationale Gemeinschaft dazu auf, Russland mit vereinten Kräften zu schlagen. » | Quelle: dpa | Samstag, 20. Januar 2024

Survival of the Fabulous – Born This Way: The Science Behind Being Gay | LGBT+ Documentary | Real Pride

Jun 26, 2021 | Are gay men born gay? In this 2013 documentary, filmmaker Bryce Michael Sage explores how same-sex attraction can be compatible with evolution and how it could have survived through generations of history.

A winner of multiple awards across international film festivals, Survival of Fabulous seeks to find out how you stayed on the right track if you're born this way!

Real Pride celebrates the LGBTQ+ community around the world with amazing documentaries.

This documentary is not suitable for children, for the narrow-minded or for the easily shocked. It is particularly suitable for the benighted and for benighted politicians and leaders throughout the world who pass anti-LGBTQ+ laws without knowing anything about what causes homosexuality in the first place and without knowing the biological reasons for the phenomenon. Do enjoy this documentary! Even though the documentary is ten years old, it is still very informative and enlightening. – © Mark Alexander

Homosexuality: It's about Survival - Not Sex | James O'Keefe | TEDxTallaght | Reupload

Nov 15, 2016 | This passionate talk from Dr. James O'Keefe MD gives us a deeply personal and fascinating insight into why homosexuality is indeed a necessary and extraordinarily useful cog in nature's wheel of perfection.

James H O'Keefe MD, is a Board Certified Cardiologist and Director of both the Charles & Barbara Duboc Cardio Health & Wellness Center and the Preventive Cardiology service at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute. He is also Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. His postgraduate training included a cardiology fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr O’Keefe is board-certified in Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology, and Cardiac CT Imaging. He is consistently ranked among the ‘Top Doctor’ lists regionally and nationally as one of America’s Top Rated Physicians in Cardiology. He has been named as one of USA Today’s Most Influential Doctors.

Dr O’Keefe has contributed more than 300 articles to the medical literature and has authored best-selling cardiovascular books for health professionals including: The Complete Guide to ECGs (which is used for Cardiology Board Certification), Dyslipidemia Essentials, and Diabetes Essential.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Ein Beispiel für Schweizer Humor... | #shorts

Natürlich geht es ums Banking!

Raskin Fully Exposes Trump Grift in Pitch-perfect Takedown | #shorts

Americans are crackers to support Trump.

Coming Out Story 30-year-old Man Married with Kids | Reupload

Jan 12, 2020 | Hello! My name is Nathan and this is the story of why it took me 31yrs, a 9 year marriage to a women, and 2 children, before coming out.

This is how I came to terms with my sexuality, figured out what was holding me back, and how I gained the strength and courage to finally set myself free.

I am creating a series of videos to address individual parts of my journey, in hopes other people like me can waste fewer years of their lives and start living free today!

Thanks for watching
Nathan V

Dr. Marshall Bewley: Coming Out Later in Life

May 12, 2020 | ‘Coming Out’ later in life can sometimes feel as if there are more barriers in the way of you being your true self. It is also important to remember that coming out later in life brings advantages, as you can trust your lived experience. Dr. Marshall Bewley, Licensed Psychologist discusses tips for LGBTQIA people who come out later in life.
IG: @psychologistonthesquare

Les houthistes, des rebelles yéménites devenus d’incontournables acteurs du Moyen-Orient

LE MONDE : ENQUÊTE Le mouvement insurrectionnel – qui contrôle désormais la portion la plus peuplée du pays – s’est imposé dans le jeu régional à la faveur de la guerre opposant Israël au Hamas. Les attaques de navires en mer Rouge, qui menacent cet axe mondial du commerce et défient les Etats-Unis, ont révélé son pouvoir de nuisance.

En lançant son offensive meurtrière sur Gaza après les massacres perpétrés par le Hamas, le 7 octobre 2023, Israël redoutait l’ouverture d’un second front, au nord, sur un théâtre d’opérations familier et prompt à s’enflammer. Depuis les violents affrontements de l’été 2006 opposant l’armée israélienne aux combattants chiites du Hezbollah libanais, les escarmouches entre ces deux ennemis historiques n’ont jamais cessé autour de la « ligne bleue » qui sépare le Liban et l’Etat hébreu – deux pays officiellement en guerre depuis 1948. » | Par Gilles Paris et Madjid Zerrouky | dimanche 21 janvier 2024 [€]