Showing posts with label Kiev. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiev. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

En direct, guerre en Ukraine : à Kiev, Donald Tusk martèle son soutien au pays dans son combat contre « le mal »

LE MONDE : Arrivé lundi dans la capitale ukrainienne, le premier ministre polonais « rencontrera le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, et le premier ministre, Denys Chmyhal », selon un communiqué officiel. LIVE EN COURS » | lundi 22 janvier 2024

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

«Les soldats russes violaient sauvagement les femmes après avoir tué les hommes»: le récit de notre envoyée spéciale à Kiev

Le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, s’est rendu, lundi, dans la ville de Boutcha, où il a dénoncé «des crimes de guerre qui seront reconnus par le monde comme un génocide». RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - Boutcha, Irpin et Hostomel, au nord de Kiev, épicentres des exactions de l’armée russe.

Envoyée spéciale à Kiev

En près de dix ans de métier, Kateryna Haliant n’avait jamais pleuré après une consultation. «C’est parce qu’on ne m’avait jamais raconté l’enfer», dit-elle. Cette psychologue clinicienne est l’une des quelques professionnels qui ont choisi de recevoir en consultation, gratuitement et de manière anonyme, des jeunes filles et des femmes affirmant avoir été violées par des militaires russes dans des territoires que ces derniers occupaient.

Les histoires se ressemblent, «comme si les Russes avaient planifié tout cela», juge Kateryna Haliant. «D’abord, le matin ou l’après-midi, les soldats vérifiaient qui vivait dans les maisons. Puis ils revenaient le soir, tuaient les éventuels hommes du foyer, pillaient l’argent et les objets précieux. Ils mangeaient et buvaient ce qu’ils trouvaient dans la maison et, quand ils étaient saouls, ils violaient les filles et les femmes. Même en présence d’enfants», raconte-t-elle, précisant que dans quasiment tous les cas connus par elle et ses collègues il s’agit de viols en réunion commis par des hommes de tous âges. » | Par Margaux Benn | lundi 4 avril 2022

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Monday, March 07, 2022

Guerre en Ukraine : Kiev dans la ligne de mire de l’armée russe

LE MONDE : REPORTAGE | A Irpin, située dans sa banlieue, au moins huit civils ont été tués par des frappes. L’armée ukrainienne craint soit un puissant assaut, soit un encerclement et l’instauration d’un siège.

Ils sont peut-être les derniers à pouvoir fuir Irpin avant que la ville tombe aux mains de l’armée russe. L’artillerie frappe à intervalles réguliers. Des combats à l’arme automatique s’engagent. Au nord-ouest de la capitale ukrainienne, Irpin est, dimanche 6 mars, en train de sombrer. Des combattants ukrainiens, dont beaucoup ont déjà quitté leurs positions pour se replier aux abords de Kiev, aident des familles à avancer vers la forêt ou à s’engouffrer dans les rares voitures encore disponibles. Ils ont déjà fait sauter le pont d’Irpin afin de ralentir l’avancée des chars russes vers la capitale. La conquête imminente du pont marquera officiellement l’arrivée de l’armée de Moscou à la limite administrative de Kiev.

Au-delà des raids aériens, des tirs de missiles et des incursions d’unités de forces spéciales qui rythment la guerre à Kiev depuis le 24 février – Moscou étant par ailleurs encore loin d’utiliser sa force aérienne contre la ville et les derniers jours ayant été relativement calmes –, l’arrivée de l’assaillant aux portes de la capitale signifiera sans nul doute une nouvelle étape dans l’offensive russe. L’armée ukrainienne craint soit un puissant assaut, soit un encerclement et l’instauration d’un siège. » | Par Rémy Ourdan (Kiev, envoyé spécial) | ;undi 7 mars 2022

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Guerre en Ukraine, en direct : Emmanuel Macron dénonce le « cynisme moral et politique » de Vladimir Poutine : Dans une vidéo diffusée lundi, le président ukrainien a demandé l’intervention des Occidentaux. Il a aussi réclamé de nouvelles sanctions contre la Russie, en proposant notamment un boycott du pétrole. »

Friday, March 04, 2022

Pariah Putin: Isolated and Angry? | To the Point

Mar 4, 2022 • Russian forces continue their advance on the Ukrainian capital Kiev and other key cities. The onslaught has had an unexpected side effect: Vladimir Putin’s war is uniting an often-divided world. In New York the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly condemned the brutal onslaught. A slew of companies have closed down operations in Russia or divested themselves of Russian-related holdings elsewhere. With harsh sanctions in place, Joe Biden says Putin is more isolated than ever before.

Our guests: Jessica Berlin (Geopolitical Expert); Christoph von Marschall (Der Tagesspiegel); Roman Goncharenko (DW).

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Germany Decides to Send Weapons from Its Military to Ukraine | DW News

Feb 26, 2022 • The German military will send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 "Stinger" class surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine amid the ongoing Russian invasion, the government announced. Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said the weapons would be delivered as soon as possible to support the Ukrainian military. Chancellor Olaf Scholz said it was Germany's "duty to support Ukraine to the best of its ability in defending itself against the invading army of Vladimir Putin."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy praised Germany's decision to send weapons, in a major reversal of policy for Berlin. "Keep it up, Chancellor Olaf Scholz! Anti-war coalition in action!" Zelenskyy tweeted.

Earlier Saturday Berlin authorized NATO partners the Netherlands and Estonia arms deliveries to Ukraine. For the Netherlands, 400 German-made anti-tank weapons are involved, while Estonia was granted approval to sent artillery from old GDR (East German) stocks.

The move marks a major change of course for Germany, which had until now refused the delivery of lethal weapons to Ukraine due to its policy of not sending weapons to a conflict zone.

The Netherlands also said it would sent anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, according to the Dutch defense ministry.

À Kiev, l'armée ukrainienne résiste aux assauts russes

Des membres des services ukrainiens recherchent des obus non explosés après un combat contre des soldats russes à Kiev, dans la matinée du 26 février 2022. SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - Au troisième jour de l'offensive lancée par Vladimir Poutine, au moins 198 civils ukrainiens, dont trois enfants, ont été tués et 1115 personnes blessées en Ukraine.

Envoyé spécial à Kiev

Face à une caserne militaire, située à une dizaine de kilomètres de la place Maïdan, l'avenue de la Victoire est jonchée de débris des combats de la nuit. Près d'un pont où gisent trois carcasses calcinées encore fumantes de camions de transport de troupes, des soldats ukrainiens ramassent des restes humains mêlés aux éclats d'obus et de grenades et aux douilles de kalachnikov, qu'ils placent dans des sacs en plastique. Au loin, des tirs d'obus sourds ponctuent ce début de matinée sous un soleil froid. Aux abords d'un abribus aux vitres fracassés par les éclats et les rafales, trois soldats ukrainiens gardent le corps d'un camarade tué au combat, enveloppé dans un morceau de moquette. Des soldats creusent des abris et des tranchées en prévision des nouveaux combats à venir. » | Par Patrick Saint-Paul | samedi 26 février 2022

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Pour la manière criminelle dont Poutine se comporte envers l'Ukraine et les Ukrainiens, il appartient à La Haye ! L'homme mérite d'être jugé sévèrement et rapidement. Il ne devrait pas être autorisé à vivre dans le luxe et le confort extrême dans son palais, où qu'il se trouve. C'est un homme mauvais. Qu'il périsse ! – © Mark

„Ich bin hier, wir legen die Waffen nicht nieder“

Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj spricht über sein Smartphone im Zentrum von Kiew zur Nation. | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der ukrainische Präsident wendet sich mit Videos immer wieder an sein Volk. Selenkyj wählt einfache Worte und wirkt entschlossen. Damit will er den Kontrast zu Putin erhöhen – dem er gleichzeitig Verhandlungen anbietet.

Am frühen Samstagmorgen hat Wolodymyr Selenskyj ein 39 Sekunden langes Selfie-Video veröffentlicht. Im morgendlichen Licht steht der ukrainische Präsident im olivfarbenen Pullover auf dem Platz vor seinem Amtssitz im Zentrum von Kiew. Diesen Ort erkennt jeder Ukrainer, der schon einmal Nachrichten geschaut hat – es ist der Hintergrund, vor dem in anderen Zeiten zu Besuchen in Kiew ankommende Staatsgäste gefilmt wurden.

„Allen guten Morgen, Ukrainer!“, beginnt Selenskyj. Es werde gerade viel Desinformation verbreitet: Dass er die Armee aufrufe, die Kämpfe einzustellen und selbst die Stadt verlasse. „Das ist nicht so. Ich bin hier. Wir legen die Waffen nicht nieder. Wir werden unseren Staat schützen. Unsere Waffe ist unsere Wahrheit, unsere Wahrheit sind unser Land, unsere Kinder. Und all das werden wir verteidigen. Das ist alles, was ich Euch sagen wollte. Ruhm der Ukraine!“ » | Von Reinhard Veser, Redakteur in der Politik. | Samstag, 26. Februar 2022

Friday, February 25, 2022

Guerre en Ukraine : la résistance de Kiev et des Ukrainiens aux assauts militaires de la Russie

LE MONDE : RÉCIT | Les soldats russes se rapprochent de la capitale ukrainienne tandis qu’ailleurs, des fronts militaires se multiplient, des villes sont encerclées et des réfugiés fuient les combats. La situation militaire n’est pas encore désespérée, mais une partie du pays se projette déjà dans une logique de guerre de résistance.

Au deuxième jour de la guerre lancée par Vladimir Poutine contre l’Ukraine, passée la sidération, le tableau des opérations militaires s’éclaircit. Premier enseignement : l’armée ukrainienne se bat. Second enseignement : elle recule.

A Kiev comme à Moscou, les militaires ont ressorti des cartes d’états-majors qui semblaient destinées à prendre la poussière. S’y dessinent des fronts multiples, des villes encerclées, des réfugiés fuyant les combats et une capitale européenne aux abords de laquelle résonne le bruit des hélicoptères de combat et des canons. » | Par Benoît Vitkine (Moscou, correspondant) et Faustine Vincent | vendredi 25 février 2022

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Monday, February 02, 2015

Brokered It & Broke It: Obama on Kiev Deal That Paved Path to Bloodshed

The Ukrainians' expression of free will didn't come without a nudge from Washington after all - in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Barack Obama acknowledged that the United States had "brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.'

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Moscow Accuses Kiev of Issuing 'Criminal Orders' and Warns of Civil War

THE GUARDIAN: Russia orchestrating latest violence in east Ukraine and is staging another Crimea-syle intervention, claims US and Nato

The crisis in Ukraine escalated dramatically on Sunday night as Russia accused Kiev of issuing a "criminal order" against protesters and warned of a civil war in the country, which has been hit by a wave of unrest that America believes has been orchestrated from Moscow.

The Russian statement came after unknown armed men attacked a convoy of Ukrainian troops in Slaviansk, about 100 miles from the border, launching the first gun battle in Ukraine since the standoff began, in which at least one person was killed. Both the US and Nato accused Russia of staging another Crimea-style intervention, with Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, saying events were following the same pattern as in Crimea, where unidentified military forces took over government installations before the peninsula was in effect annexed last month.

"[The unrest] is professional, it's co-ordinated, there is nothing grassroots-seeming about it," Power said. "The forces are doing, in each of the six or seven cities they've been active in, exactly the same thing. Certainly it bears the telltale signs of Moscow's involvement," she told ABC's This Week.

The Nato secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, described the protests as "a concerted campaign of violence by pro-Russian separatists, aiming to destabilise Ukraine as a sovereign state". » | Paul Lewis in Washington and Alec Luhn in Slaviansk | Sunday, April 13, 2014

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Ukraine: Prime Minister of Ukraine Says Russian Military Intervention Would Lead to War

Arseny Yatsenyuk, prime minister of Ukraine, says any military intervention by Russia would lead to war and end all relations with Moscow. Oleksander Turchynov, the acting president of Ukraine, has put his troops on alert.

Russia Wresting Control of Crimea from Ukraine

Pro-Russian protesters with Russian flags take part in a rally
in central Donetsk March 1, 2014.
REUTERS.COM: (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin wrested control of the Ukrainian Black Sea region of Crimea from Kiev on Saturday citing a threat to Russian citizens and servicemen of the Russian Black Sea fleet based there.

Putin asked the upper house of parliament to approve sending armed forces to the Ukrainian territory, which has a majority ethnic Russian population. But Crimea had already begun to slip from Kiev's control with closure of the main airport and deployment of pro-Russian guards at key buildings.

Putin's statement, and remarks from a pro-Russian leader installed in Crimea this week, effectively confirmed what most people in the region had assumed: that military units who had seized control in the past two days were indeed Moscow's.

Ukraine accused Russia of sending thousands of extra troops to Crimea, largely hostile to the Kiev government which emerged from the overthrow of president Viktor Yanukovich last weekend. It placed its military in the area on high alert.

After Yanukovich's overthrow, Crimea quickly became the focus of a crisis bearing perils for the entire region.

Ukraine teeters on the brink of economic disaster, mired in debt. Any further spread of separatist sentiment to industrial, Russian-speaking eastern territories could raise the risk of disintegration with serious implications for surrounding states including Russia, Poland and Belarus.

Putin turned to parliament after a day of events viewed with deep concern in Europe and the United States. British foreign minister William Hague said he had spoken to Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov and called for a 'de-escalation' of tensions. U.S. President Barack Obama said any Russian intervention in Ukraine would carry costs for Moscow. » | Pavel Polityuk and Alissa De Carbonnel | Kiev/Balaclava, Ukraine | Saturday, March 01, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Chess in a Minefield: The Global Implications of the Ukraine Conflict

Smoke rising on Independence Square in Kiev on Thursday.
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The bloody conflict in Ukraine could trigger yet another confrontation between the West and Russia. Dominance in Europe is at stake on the geopolitical chess board. While Ukraine itself could descend into civil war.

The quote printed in SPIEGEL 33 years ago was a noteworthy one, and still sounds remarkably topical: "We have to ensure that this Soviet empire, when it breaks apart due to its internal contradictions, does so with a whimper rather than a bang." The sentence was spoken by US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger during an interview conducted in September of 1981.

This week in Ukraine, one of the core regions of that former empire, it is looking very much like a "bang." Thursday in Kiev has seen bloody violence that has cost the lives of dozens amid gunfire and brutal clashes on Independence Square. Hundreds have been wounded, many seriously. The violence comes on the heels of similar battles on Tuesday -- and mark the beginning of what could become an extended and dramatic conflict over the country's future. » | Uwe Klussmann | Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ukraine Crisis: Kiev Clashes 'Like a War Zone'

BBC: At least nine people, including two police officers, have been killed in violent clashes in Ukraine's capital, Kiev.

Police used rubber bullets and stun grenades to stop thousands of protesters marching on parliament.

Bridget Kendall reports. (+ BBC video) » | Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ukraine Crisis: Flames and Stun Grenades as Police Launch All-out Assault on Protesters in Kiev

Anti-government protesters throw stones and molotov cocktails
towards Interior Ministry members
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Police in the Ukrainian capital Kiev launch fierce attack on protesters in main city square after a day of violence and deaths

Fires lit up central Kiev as Ukraine’s security forces launched an assault on protest camps in the heart of the capital after a day of bloodshed that claimed nine lives.

A long-feared attack on the demonstrators who have occupied central Kiev since December appeared to have begun on Tuesday evening. The interior ministry announced the onset of an “anti-terrorist” operation after setting a deadline of 6pm local time for the protests against President Viktor Yanukovych to end.

Afterwards, central Kiev was sealed off and the metro closed down. Specialist riot police armed with assault rifles closed on Independence Square, the site of the biggest protest camp. Security forces overran the main barricade protecting this area and set the tents belonging to demonstrators ablaze. » | Roland Oliphant, David Blair and agencies | Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Kerry: We Stand with the People of Ukraine

US Secretary of State says West backs protesters to have a say on the future of their country, to anger of Russia.

Related »

Russian Foreign Minister Criticises West for Supporting Ukraine Protests

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, has criticised Western leaders for supporting the opposition in Ukraine

The Russian foreign minister has strongly criticised the West for backing Ukraine's protesters, accusing European and American leaders of inciting "increasingly violent" protests.

Sergei Lavrov said that Western support was causing an escalation in the demonstrations, which first started two months ago when President Victor Yanukovych failed to sign an agreement to deepen ties with the European Union – preferring to forge stronger links with Russia.

"Why is no one condemning those who seize administration buildings, attack policemen and chant racist and anti-Semitic slogans?" said Mr Lavrov.

"Why are prominent European politicians actually encouraging the moves in question, although in their own countries they immediately clamp down on those any encroachments on the letter of the law?"

Speaking at the three-day Munich Security Conference, which began on Friday, Mr Lavrov likened the West's support for protesters in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev to Russia supporting demonstrations in a European capital. » | Harriet Alexander | Saturday, February 01, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ukraine Government Ready to Resign, Protests Spread across Country

Rioting has spread to the west of the country - with protesters sieging and breaking into administration buildings. Meanwhile in Kiev, the opposition and the government are now expected to announce the results of their talks. Let's get the latest from RT's Peter Oliver, who is there in the capital.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ukraine Protests Spread beyond Kiev amid Crisis Talks

BBC: Violent protests in Ukraine have spread beyond the capital, Kiev, ahead of a crisis meeting between President Viktor Yanukovych and three key opposition leaders.

The governor of Lviv, in the west, was forced to sign his resignation as protesters stormed his offices.

Other reports spoke of protests in at least five more western cities.

Two people died in clashes in Kiev on Wednesday, the first deaths in two months of protests over EU links.

The anti-government protests flared in late November over Mr Yanukovych's decision to pull out of a landmark treaty with the European Union.

A fragile truce is currently being observed in Kiev.

However, an opposition ultimatum is set to expire after the talks with Mr Yanukovych, which have now begun and are set to go into the evening.

Ahead of the talks, Mr Yanukovych asked the speaker of parliament to hold an emergency session next week to discuss the crisis.

But he told the head of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, that he would not introduce a state of emergency.

Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, who is in Davos in Switzerland, echoed this, but added: "People should not think that the government lacks available resources to put an end to this. It is our constitutional right and obligation to restore order in the country." (+ BBC videos) » | Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

'Warzone': Open Street Battles in Kiev as Rioters, Police Face-off

Several people have died as anti-government protests in the Ukrainian capital go in to a fourth consecutive day, with a whole new level of violence. Police have torn down barricades blocking central Kiev and chased down rioters.