Showing posts with label invasion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label invasion. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Chinese State Media Pushes Putin's Lies about Ukraine Invasion

Mar 10, 2022 • In public statements and at international summits, Chinese officials have attempted to stake out a seemingly neutral position on the war in Ukraine, neither condemning Russian actions nor ruling out the possibility Beijing could act as a mediator in a push for peace.

But while its international messaging has kept many guessing as to Beijing's true intentions, much of its domestic media coverage of Russia's invasion tells a wholly different story. CNN's David Culver reports.

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Russian News Anchor Says Millions of Russians Feel Invasion Is a Catastrophe

Mar 6, 2022 • Russian news director and anchor, Ekaterina Kotrikadze, speaks to CNN's Fareed Zakaria about the state of the country's news media after her station, TV Rain, shut down due to the Russian government's crackdown on local media over unfavorable coverage of the war in Ukraine.

„Verpisst Euch! Geht nach Hause!“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Mitten im Krieg protestieren Tausende Ukrainer in besetzten Städten gegen die russischen Truppen – manch einer in Jogginghose und Schlappen. Die Menschen entlarven das russische Narrativ der „Befreiung“ als Lüge.

Aus den ersten zwölf Tagen des Krieges gibt es zahllose Beispiele dafür, in welch unmittelbarer Gefahr Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer dieser Tage leben. Foto- und Videoaufnahmen zeigen sterbende Kinder in den Armen ihrer verzweifelten Eltern, auf der Flucht getötete Familien, zerbombte Wohnhäuser, Schulen und Kliniken, zerstörte Autos. Sie sind Zeugnis bewusster Angriffe auf Zivilisten durch die russischen Truppen. » | Von Sofia Dreisbach, Redakteurin in der Politik. | Montag, 7. März 2022

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Ukraine: Russian Forces Attack Civilians Near Kyiv, as Mauripol Evacuation Halted for Second Time

Mar 6, 2022 • Warning: There are distressing scenes from the beginning of this report.

They were trying to escape the wreckage of what was once their homes when they came under direct attack.

In Irpin, just outside Kyiv, at least three members of a family - including children - were killed.

To the south, renewed Russian shelling forced the Red Cross to abandon a second attempt to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol.

President Zelenskyy appealed to the West again to enforce a no-fly zone, something they have refused to do, but today US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said they have given the green light to Nato countries to provide fighter jets to Ukraine.

Time for the West to Grow a Spine!

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

What Do Russians Think of Ukraine's Invasion? I Documentary

Mar 1, 2022 • Russia almost lost its geopolitical importance after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Nowadays, state-controlled media cultivate the image of a president who helps shape the world order. But do ordinary Russians share that opinion? In the run up to Ukraine's invasion, we asked ordinary people what they thought of the threat of war.

What Do Russians Think of Ukraine's Invasion? I Documentary
Available until the 13/01/2023

Monday, February 28, 2022

McFaul: When Dictators Hold On for Too Long, They Overreach

Feb 28, 2022 • Fmr. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul joins Morning Joe to discuss Russia's missteps so far in the invasion of Ukraine.

Putin Puts Russian Nuclear Forces on High Alert as Resistance to Ukraine Invasion Grows

Feb 28, 2022 • Following a wave of peace rallies held across the globe this weekend, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has agreed to diplomatic talks with Russia. This comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin placed Russia's nuclear forces on high alert on Sunday, citing increasingly tightened international sanctions. We speak with Anatol Lieven, senior fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, who says it's not clear whether Putin is using a nuclear threat to topple the Ukrainian government or pressure them into a deal. Lieven also speaks about Belarus's support of the Russian invasion and argues future protests inside Russia against the war will be greatly influenced by Western sanctions.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russian Forces Press Toward Cities, as Ukraine Stiffens Resistance

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ukrainian troops and civilian volunteers battled to keep control of Kharkiv, the second-largest city. The Russian priority remained the capture of Kyiv, the capital, which observed a daylong curfew as explosions were heard from the outskirts.

Smoke rose after shelling on the outskirts of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, on Sunday, the fourth day of Russia’s invasion. | Irakli Gedenidze/Reuters

As Russian forces pressed into Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, Ukraine’s defense forces and civilian volunteers battled to hold off Russia’s invasion for a fourth day on Sunday, as international pressure mounted on Moscow and support for Kyiv’s besieged government grew.

The pace of Russia’s advance appeared to slow, with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine saying that his country’s fighters had “withstood and successfully repelled enemy attacks.” But the offensive seemed likely to intensify, as U.S. officials said that most of the more than 150,000 Russian troops who had massed around Ukraine were now engaged in the fighting. Here are the latest developments: Ukrainian forces take aim at Russian supply lines as battles rage in multiple cities. » | The New York Times | Sunday, February 27, 2022

Saturday, February 26, 2022

À Kiev, l'armée ukrainienne résiste aux assauts russes

Des membres des services ukrainiens recherchent des obus non explosés après un combat contre des soldats russes à Kiev, dans la matinée du 26 février 2022. SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - Au troisième jour de l'offensive lancée par Vladimir Poutine, au moins 198 civils ukrainiens, dont trois enfants, ont été tués et 1115 personnes blessées en Ukraine.

Envoyé spécial à Kiev

Face à une caserne militaire, située à une dizaine de kilomètres de la place Maïdan, l'avenue de la Victoire est jonchée de débris des combats de la nuit. Près d'un pont où gisent trois carcasses calcinées encore fumantes de camions de transport de troupes, des soldats ukrainiens ramassent des restes humains mêlés aux éclats d'obus et de grenades et aux douilles de kalachnikov, qu'ils placent dans des sacs en plastique. Au loin, des tirs d'obus sourds ponctuent ce début de matinée sous un soleil froid. Aux abords d'un abribus aux vitres fracassés par les éclats et les rafales, trois soldats ukrainiens gardent le corps d'un camarade tué au combat, enveloppé dans un morceau de moquette. Des soldats creusent des abris et des tranchées en prévision des nouveaux combats à venir. » | Par Patrick Saint-Paul | samedi 26 février 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Pour la manière criminelle dont Poutine se comporte envers l'Ukraine et les Ukrainiens, il appartient à La Haye ! L'homme mérite d'être jugé sévèrement et rapidement. Il ne devrait pas être autorisé à vivre dans le luxe et le confort extrême dans son palais, où qu'il se trouve. C'est un homme mauvais. Qu'il périsse ! – © Mark

The Insanity of Vladimir Putin's Invasion of Ukraine and Why It Could Be the End of Him

Feb 26, 2022 • Vladimir Putin's reckless, wicked and totally unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is a massive miscalculation which could be fatal for him.

After 22 years as supreme ruler of Russia he appears to be losing his mind. The invasion is being condemned throughout the world and he appears to have little or no support at home.

Russian soldiers who have waited for weeks on the Ukrainian border are now fighting innocent civilians of a sovereign nation in a battle which they must know is unjust and unfair.

Like Brexit, the invasion of Ukraine is an exercise with no perceivable upside and one which will result in endless problems which will take years to resolve.

Putin's dictatorship in which he is absolutely supreme shows the danger for any political system when any individual becomes too powerful.

Putin's example should serve as a warning to the UK where Boris Johnson' is more powerful than any prime minister for a very long time and where his government is taking away many rights, imposing restrictions, enriching its friends with generous contracts and doing everything possible to gain electoral advantage.

Ukraine Crisis: 'Putin Will Meet Hell' Says Former President Petro Poroshenko

Feb 26, 2022 • Ukraine's former president Petro Poroshenko has told Sky News that this war 'is not about Ukraine' but about the "free world". He added: "Putin will meet hell. Russian people and soldiers will pay a big price."

WIKIPEDIA: Petro Poroshenko.

Ukraine Crisis: Chaos Descends on Ukrainian Capital

Feb 26, 2022 • On Sky News Breakfast live from Kyiv with Mark Austin on Saturday February 26:

- Ukraine says fighting has been ongoing on the streets of Kyiv overnight. It is understood Russian troops are approaching Kyiv from two sides in an attempt to surround the capital.

- No casualties were reported by Ukraine's Foreign Minister following a missile strike on a residential apartment building in Kyiv.

- Fighting is continuing across much of Ukraine, but Russian troops are largely concentrated in three main areas: to the south, near Crimea, to the north west near the border with Belarus, and close to Kharkiv.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Four Times Opinion Writers Analyze Russia’s Invasion: ‘The World Has Changed Overnight’

Ukrainian troops at a frontline military outpost shortly before the area was hit by artillery fire from Russian-backed separatists in the village of Novo Luhansk in eastern Ukraine on Feb. 19. | Lynsey Addario for The New York Times

Read the article and listen to the podcast here.

Ukrainian Officials Report Missile Attacks in Kyiv

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ukraine’s president denounced Russia in a televised address: “They say that civilian objects are not a target for them. It is a lie. They do not distinguish in which areas to operate.”

Destroyed Russian Army rocket launchers in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on Friday. | Maksim Levin/Reuters

The Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, was under bombardment on Friday morning, with missile strikes and a rocket crashing into a residential building as the second day of Russia’s military offensive pressed closer to the heart of the government.

Ukrainian forces were battling Russian troops on the outskirts of Kyiv, a city of 2.8 million people, where President Volodymyr Zelensky warned in a television address that he was “target No. 1” of the Russian advance.

By midmorning, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry said that Russian forces had entered the Obolon district, a few miles north of central Kyiv, and urged people in the capital to stay indoors. In a sign of the potentially chaotic fight that could unfold, the ministry said on Facebook that Kyiv residents should “prepare Molotov cocktails” to deter “the occupier.”

Mr. Zelensky said that 137 Ukrainians, military and civilian, had been killed in the Russian invasion that began on Thursday morning, and that Russian “sabotage groups” had entered the capital with the aim of decapitating Ukraine’s government “by destroying the head of the state.” Russian troops enter the outskirts of Kyiv. » | Shashank Bengali and Marc Santor | Published: Thursday, February 24, 2022; Updated: Friday, February 25, 2022

Follow NYT live news updates on Russia invading Ukraine.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Russia Ukraine Conflict: Putin Launches Full-scale Invasion

Feb 24, 2022 • It was as sudden as it was brutal and relentless. Ukrainians woke up to find themselves plunged into the midst of war. Explosions and air raid sirens rang out here in Kyiv and cities across the country as Russia launched a full scale invasion on multiple fronts in the early hours of the morning, firing missiles at key military infrastructure sites.

Its troops are reported to be advancing from the north of Kyiv. Other cities that have been targeted include Odessa, the major port on the Black Sea, and there are reports of hundreds of explosions in Mariupol, which is located close to Russian-occupied territory.

But also in towns like Lutsk in Ukraine's west. It shows the breadth of the assault from the Russian military.

Ukraine has declared martial law, urging citizens to take up arms to defend their country. There are reports of heavy casualties already on both sides. And as the West threatened to cripple Moscow's economy with devastating sanctions, an ominous warning from Vladimir Putin to any country trying to interfere - you will face "consequences you have never seen", he declared.

‘Putin Chose This War,’ Biden Says about Ukraine Attack

Feb 24, 2022 • US President Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin bears full responsibility for attacking Ukraine and said Russia will face the consequences because of it.

Punish Russia to the max! Glory be to the US! God bless Biden! And God bless America! – © Mark

Fireball after Russian Missile Hits Airport in Western Ukraine - BBC News

Feb 24, 2022 • Russian forces have launched a military assault on neighbouring Ukraine, crossing its borders and bombing military targets near big cities.

A missile sparked a fireball as it hit Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport in western Ukraine.

Russia's military breached the border in a number of places, in the north, south and east, including from Belarus, a long-time Russian ally. There are reports of fighting in some parts of eastern Ukraine.

'Among the Darkest Hours for Europe': EU Reacts as Russia Launches Invasion in Ukraine

Feb 24, 2022 • The EU's foreign policy head, Josep Borrell, said as Russia launched an invasion in Ukraine on Thursday that it was 'among the darkest hours for Europe since the end of world war two'.

Russian forces have unleashed the attack on the orders of Vladimir Putin, who announced a 'special military operation' at dawn, as world leaders warned it could spark the biggest war in Europe since 1945.

The European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said there would be 'massive and targeted sanctions' against Russia

Ukraine Latest: Russia Launches Massive Invasion | DW Breaking News

Feb 24, 2022 • Russian tanks have entered Ukraine in the Luhansk region as well as from Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, Ukraine's border guard service reports. The border guard also reported one casualty from shelling on the border with Crimea, the first confirmed military death during the invasion. Earlier, Ukraine said eight people had died in the shelling. Police in Ukraine have said they are distributing weapons to veterans. Russia's Defense Ministry said its air campaign against Ukraine was not targeting cities and did not pose a threat to civilians, according to the Russian state-run RIA news agency.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said weapons will be issued to those who want them and called on Ukrainians to donate blood. In an address to the nation, he said Russia had suffered losses during the initial stages of its invasion and added Ukraine had severed diplomatic relations with Russia. He concluded his emotional speech, "Glory to Ukraine!"

Russland hat mit der Invasion in der Ukraine begonnen, und Putin droht dem Westen mit «schrecklichen» Konsequenzen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der russische Präsident hat den Befehl zur Militärintervention in der Ukraine gegeben. Es gehe um die «Entnazifizierung der Ukraine». Er formulierte auch eine Drohung an den Westen, der Russlands «rote Linie» überschritten habe.

In einer um kurz vor sechs Uhr Ortszeit ausgestrahlten Fernsehansprache hat der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin den Beginn einer «Spezialoperation im Donbass» angekündigt. Das ist die nun von Russland geprägte, beschönigende Beschreibung für einen Angriff auf die Ukraine. Putins Rede war eine Kriegserklärung an das Nachbarland – und an den gesamten Westen, mit dem Putin abrechnete.

Wie der Einsatz genau aussieht, beschrieb er nicht. Nach allem, was aus der Ukraine zu hören ist, richtet sich die militärische Intervention aber primär auf Ziele ausserhalb des Donbass: Die Angriffe erfolgen auf militärische Einrichtungen, Flughäfen und Kommandozentren der Armee. Das bestätigte kurz vor acht Uhr Moskauer Zeit das russische Verteidigungsministerium. Zivile Ziele seien nicht betroffen. Es seien bereits die Flughäfen und Flugabwehr ausgeschaltet, behauptete das Ministerium. Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodimir Selenski rief den Kriegszustand aus.

In den Grenzregionen Russlands zur Ukraine und auf der annektierten Halbinsel Krim verfügten die Behörden Einschränkungen. So wurden die Flughäfen der meisten süd- und südwestrussischen Städte bis zum 2. März gesperrt. Schulen und Kindergärten wurden in einzelnen Gebieten geschlossen. Zufriedenheit im Donbass » | Markus Ackeret, Rostow am Don | Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2022