Showing posts with label Alice Weidel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alice Weidel. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Hungary PM Viktor Orbán to Meet AfD Party Leader Alice Weidel | BBC News

Feb 11, 2025 | Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, is due to meet the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party leader, Alice Weidel, in Budapest.

Weidel's far right party shares Alban’s desire to rebuild their relations with Russia, despite the ongoing Ukraine war, as well as his strong anti-immigration stance.

The meeting comes less than two weeks before a parliamentary election in Germany in which the AfD is expected to come a strong second.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Alice Weidel Is the Presentable Face of the AfD. And the One Its Opponents Should Fear the Most

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: By avoiding the standard cliches, the far-right leader comes across as moderate even as she backs extremist rhetoric

“Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?” wondered European audiences in 1995 when the Dutch band Gompie landed an unlikely success by adding this risque line to Smokie’s 1970s hit Living Next Door to Alice. Thirty years on, the question is on many minds again, this time regarding the mercurial co-leader of Germany’s buoyant anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Ahead of the German elections on 23 February, many want to know: who exactly is Alice Weidel?

It’s a pertinent question. For the first time since the Nazi era, a far-right party has ambitions to head a German government. The AfD is fielding the 45-year-old Weidel as its first-ever chancellor candidate. She is unlikely to win office this time, but her party is polling in second place and set to double its vote share to over 20%. » | Katja Hoyer | Thursday, January 23, 2025


MEINUNG: Warum Elon Musk auf die AfD setzt – und warum er dabei irrt »

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Parteitag in Riesa: AfD scheut sich nicht vor noch radikaleren Forderungen | DW Nachrichten

Jan 13, 2025 | Sechs Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl am 23. Februar hat die AfD ihr Wahlprogramm vorgelegt und ihre Kanzlerkandidatin gekürt. Parteichefin Alice Weidel verschärft den Ton und fordert Massenabschiebungen von Asylsuchenden aus Deutschland. Weidel nutzt dafür auch einen bislang umstrittenen Begriff: "Wenn das dann Remigration heißen soll, dann heißt es eben Re-migra-tion."

Ich bin verwirrt. Wie kann Alice Weidel lesbisch und mit einer anderen Frau verheiratet sein und trotzdem nicht zur queeren Community gehören? Das ist einfach nicht möglich. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Dramatic Rise of Germany's Far-right AfD Party Raising Concerns | Inside Story

Jan 12, 2025 | The AfD has become a major player in German politics in just 12 years. The far-right party has won over voters with its extreme views, from immigration to energy. It's candidate for Chancellor is promising mass deportations of immigrants.

Can Alice Wiedel help her party win more power in a general election next month?

Presenter: Laura Kyle
Guests: Olaf Boehnke, Director and Senior Advisor, Alliance of Democracies Foundation
Jessica Berlin, Non-resident fellow, Center for European Analysis
Ulrich Brueckner, Professor of European Studies, Stanford University in Berlin

Elon Musk is very unwise to foster the growth of the AfD. Has Musk no understanding of Germany’s recent history? Hitler casts a very long shadow over Germany, Europe, and the world. Hitler died, but his ghost lives on.

Is Elon Musk unfamiliar with Björn Höcke, who is a very prominent figure and who is the leader of the AfD in Thuringia?

Elon Musk is either ignorant (which I very much doubt) or is trying to shore up trouble. Whichever it is, it is bad news for Germany and bad news for Europe.

Manchmal ist Schweigen die beste Option! – © Mark Alexander

Germany's Far-right AfD Names Its First-ever Chancellor Candidate | DW News

Jan 12, 2025 | The far-right Alternative for Germany - or AfD - continues its party convention today, after confirming Alice Weidel as its first-ever candidate for chancellor in next month's elections. The start of the weekend gathering in the eastern town of Riesa was delayed by thousands of protesters. Polls ahead of elections on February 23rd put the AfD in second place at around 20 percent. Other parties are refusing to work with them, hoping a so-called 'firewall' will keep the AfD out of power.

What’s behind Elon Musk’s Love-in with the Far Right?

Jan 10, 2025

Friday, January 10, 2025

Die Grüne Merkel & der Linke Hitler: Weidels Freak Show | Florian Schroeder

Jan 10, 2025

Sicherlich versucht Alice Weidel, die Geschichte umzuschreiben, um die Nazi-Wurzeln der AfD zu verschleiern und damit Verwirrung in der Bevölkerung vorzutäuschen. – © Mark Alexander

Weimer: "Musk dreht ab, Drogenkonsum tut ihm nicht gut" - Weidel "naiv und unsicher" | ntv

Jan 10, 2025 | Tech-Milliardär Musk und Weidel sorgen mit einem mehr als einstündigen Gespräch auf X für Stirnrunzeln. Der Publizist und Autor, Wolfram Weimer übt deutliche Kritik am Auftritt der beiden. Demnach habe Weidel Musk "zum Fremdschämen" angeschmachtet und Musk sei aus "dem Koordinatensystem gerutscht".

"Adolf Hitler war ein Linker" - Alice Weidel im Gespräch mit Nikolaus Blome | ntv

Jan 9, 2025 | Nach ihrem Gespräch mit Elon Musk auf dessen Plattform X stellt sich AfD-Vorsitzende und -Kanzlerkandidatin Alice Weidel den Fragen von RTL/ntv-Politikchef Nikolaus Blome.

Hitler war auf keinen Fall ein Linker! Hitler hasste Sozialisten und Kommunisten. Alice Weidel verbreitet Lügen über die NSDAP. Dies ist ein perfektes Beispiel für Revisionismus. – © Mark Alexander

Elon Musk Hosts German Far-right Leader on X | BBC News

Jan 9, 2025 | Tech millionaire Elon Musk has interviewed the co-leader of the German party Alternative for Germany (AfD), Alice Weidel.

Musk praised Weidel as “very reasonable” on Thursday, urging Germans to vote for the far-right party.

The AfD party is currently polling at about 19% in the run up to Germany's elections next month.

Elon Musk and AfD's Alice Weidel Talk on X | DW Analysis

Jan 9, 2025 | We begin with the politics of billionaire Elon Musk, and why that may or may not matter to voters here in Germany. Next month voters will go to the polls here. Early elections because the current left of center government collapsed. Polls show the conservatives and the far-right AfD party leading.

Enter Elon Musk. He has been very vocal on his platform X in his support for the AfD, saying it is the only party that can save Germany. He has also called for the current chancellor Olaf Scholz to resign. And tonight he held a one on one conversation on X with the AfD's chancellor candidate Alice Weidel. At one point there were 211 thousand people listening in. This is part of what they heard.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Brussels Will Be Watching whether Musk Breaks EU Law in Far-right Livestream

POLITICO: Up to 150 experts in Brussels and Seville will be checking whether Musk’s livestream interview boosts the German far right.

BRUSSELS — When tech tycoon Elon Musk interviews German far-right leader Alice Weidel on X on Thursday night, Europe’s powerful tech regulators will be watching closely for possible violations of EU law.

They’ll be less concerned with the banter than with how the Musk-owned platform and algorithm pushes the livestream to its more than 100 million EU users. In particular, they’ll be evaluating whether X gives an unfair campaign advantage to Weidel's Alternative for Germany (AfD) party over its rivals.

Musk’s online interview comes just weeks before Germany’s Feb. 23 general election, with the anti-immigration AfD currently polling second. Musk recently praised the group as the “last spark of hope” for Germany, drawing widespread accusations of election interference.

A team of up to 150 European Commission officials in Brussels and Seville will help scrutinize whether Musk’s social media site plays by the European Union’s tech rules. They wield far-reaching investigative powers that allow them to visit X’s offices and request access to its algorithm and internal correspondence. » | Pieter Haeck | Thursday, January 9, 2025

Germany Election: AfD Candidate Alice Weidel on Election, EU, Trump, Energy

Dec 19, 2024 | Alice Weidel, the candidate from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), sits down for an interview with Bloomberg's Oliver Crook in Berlin during which she discusses her key priorities should she become the next Chancellor. Weidel also talks about the European Union, Germany's energy situation, and her "huge hopes" for US President-elect Donald Trump's second term.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Monday, January 22, 2024

Far-right AfD Leader Vows to Campaign for Brexit-style EU Exit Vote in Germany

THE GUARDIAN: Alice Weidel says UK departure is model for her country as party struggles with reaction to exposé about deportation ‘masterplan’

Alice Weidel sacked a senior aide over his attendance at the covert meeting that triggered nationwide protests. Photograph: Sean Gallup/Getty Images

The leader of Germany’s far-right Alternative für Deutschland has said her party will campaign for a Brexit-style vote on EU membership if it comes to power, calling the UK’s departure from the bloc a model for its largest member.

Alice Weidel told the Financial Times in an exclusive interview that the UK decision would be “dead right” for Germany, and that a “Dexit” would boost the country’s self-determination.

“It’s a model for Germany, that one can make a sovereign decision like that,” she said.

It was one of the party’s first public pronouncements since the beginning of a wave of nationwide protests against the AfD, triggered by revelations that leading members had attended a covert meeting at which a “masterplan” for mass deportations of foreigners and German passport holders was discussed, with a view to the party implementing the plans if it came to power. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Monday, January 22, 2024

Monday, December 11, 2023

Alice Weidel: „Als lesbische Frau will ich nicht nach der Scharia vom Dach gestürzt werden“

Nov 16, 2023 | Sie ist Deutschlands mächtigste Oppositionspolitikerin und die Chefin der AfD: Alice Weidel, die ihren Erst-Wohnsitz in Deutschland und den Zweit-Wohnsitz in der Schweiz hat, wo ihre Familie lebt. Im Gespräch mit Ralf Schuler spricht sie über Russland, Israel, die Migrationspolitik & Kriminalität. Weidel sagt: „Ich als lesbische Frau, als eine homosexuelle Frau, habe doch keine Lust, dann später von einer muslimischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft nach dem Scharia-Gesetz vom Dach gestürzt zu werden, mit einem Sack über dem Kopf.“

Muslime und Musliminnen sollten ihre rückständigen Ideen hinter sich in den Ländern aus denen sie stammen hinterlassen. Vermutlich sind sie sowieso nach Deutschland umgezogen, um ein besseres, reicheres, aufgeklärteres Leben führen zu dürfen. Das Selbe stimmt auch für Europa im Ganzen.

In Deutschland, wie auch in Europa im Ganzen, haben Homosexuelle und Frauen Rechte. Homosexuelle wollen bestimmt nicht von Dächern gestürzt werden, weil das Schwulsein dem Koran widrig ist. Übrigens werden in Deuschland und Europa auch Schweinefleisch gegessen und Alkohol getrunken! Scharia gehört weder zu Deutschland noch zu Europa. Im Gegensatz dazu gehören Muslime und Musliminnen zu Deutschland und zu Europa, wenn sie sich anpassen. Alice Weidel hat völlig recht. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Rees-Mogg and the AfD’s Alice Weidel Have a Lot In Common – All of It Nasty

THE GUARDIAN: The ERG supremo and the far-right German leader are nationalists linked by their hatred of the EU and much else

My first reaction on hearing that Jacob Rees-Mogg had retweeted a video by the populist German Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)was: “Well, that figures.” And not just because the AfD is the nasty party in German politics and because Rees-Mogg represents the faction that wants the Conservatives to remain the nasty party in Britain. One of the driving forces behind the AfD is a very German inferiority complex regarding the second world war. Rees-Mogg, with his foppish retro look and accent, embodies the Britain that German nationalists think they lost the war to. A Britain they despise, envy and admire in almost equal measure. » | Alan Posener | Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Monday, April 01, 2019

Rees-Mogg Defends Promotion of German Far-right AfD Video

THE GUARDIAN: Tory MP tweeted video of Alice Weidel criticising role of Germany and Merkel in Brexit

Jacob Rees-Mogg has defended his decision to tweet a video of a speech by a senior member of Germany’s far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), saying he did not endorse the party’s views but the opinions expressed had “real importance”.

The Conservative backbencher and leading Brexiter faced strong criticism from some Labour MPs after tweeting a YouTube video of a speech by Alice Weidel, the leader of the AfD’s 91 deputies in the Bundestag, the German parliament.

Rees-Mogg added the message: “The AfD leader asks: ‘Is it any wonder the British see bad faith behind every manoeuvre from Brussels?’” » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Monday, April 1, 2019