Friday, October 27, 2023

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Calls for Boycott of Netanyahu | #shorts

Ehud Olmert tells it as he sees it.

A Rough First Year for 'Chief Twit' Elon Musk | #shorts

Musk’s year of dysfunction.

Harmony of Flavors: Parsnip and Date Molasses Hummus | Cooking with Zahra

Oct 27, 2023 | Parsnip and Date Molasses Hummus is a unique and flavorful variation of traditional hummus. While classic hummus is primarily made from chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic, this version incorporates roasted parsnips and date molasses, offering a delightful fusion of sweet and savory flavors. The addition of these ingredients transforms the texture and taste of the dip, making it a distinctive and tasty spread or dip.

The result is a delightful hummus with a perfect balance of sweet and savory notes. It can be served as a dip with pita bread, vegetable sticks, or as a spread for sandwiches and wraps. The combination of roasted parsnips, date molasses, and the traditional hummus base makes this variation a unique and tasty addition to the world of hummus.

Get the full recipe here.

Eine Geschichte des Antisemitismus (4/4) | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Oct 14, 2023 | Nach dem Ende des „Dritten Reiches“ kam das ganze Ausmaß der Nazi-Gräuel ans Licht. Und doch keimte der Antisemitismus gleich nach dem Krieg wieder auf – und Antizionismus und Negationismus wurden zu neuen Ausdrucksformen des Antisemitismus. Nie zuvor wurde Judenfeindlichkeit so stark angeprangert, strafrechtlich verfolgt und verurteilt wie heute. Und doch kommt sie zurück: verdeckt oder in schamloser Offenheit, in unterschiedlichen neuen Ausprägungen. Wie ist Antisemitismus nach Auschwitz überhaupt noch möglich?

Als Anfang 1945 die Lager nacheinander befreit wurden, kam das ganze Ausmaß der Nazi-Gräuel ans Licht, der millionenfache Mord an Jüdinnen und Juden. Diese Morde wurden als Holocaust bezeichnet, „ganz verbrannt“ meint dieses Wort im Griechischen. „Shoah“, der hebräische Begriff für den Völkermord an etwa 6,3 Millionen europäischen Juden, bedeutet „das große Unheil“. Aber gleich nach dem Krieg keimte der Antisemitismus wieder auf. Im Pogrom von Kielce im Südosten Polens wurden am 4. Juli 1946 40 Menschen jüdischen Glaubens, Überlebende der Shoah, ermordet. Auslöser des Pogroms war die angebliche Entführung eines neunjährigen Jungen, Henryk Blaszczyk. In der Folge des Pogroms kam es zu einer Emigrationswelle aus Polen nach Deutschland und Frankreich.

Nach der Staatsgründung Israels am 14. Mai 1948 wurden in den arabischen Ländern Juden, deren Vorfahren oft über tausend Jahre in diesen Ländern lebten, gezwungen, auszuwandern. Zurück blieb ein Antisemitismus ohne Juden, für den sich niemand mehr zu schämen schien.

Der Vatikan setzte dem 2.000-jährigen Antijudaismus offiziell ein Ende. Antizionismus und Negationismus, also die Leugnung des Holocaust, wurden zu neuen Ausdrucksformen des Antisemitismus. Mit dem 21. Jahrhundert begann ein neues Kapitel in der Geschichte des Antisemitismus. Noch nie zuvor wurde Judenfeindlichkeit so stark angeprangert, strafrechtlich verfolgt und verurteilt. Und doch ist die Feindschaft gegenüber Juden zurück: Antisemitismus ist heute sehr sichtbar, teils offen, teils verdeckt, sehr oft laut und in unterschiedlichen neuen Erscheinungsformen. Autor und Regisseur Jonathan Hayoun ist M.A. in Politischer Kommunikation, jüdischen Wissenschaften und audiovisueller Produktion. Er war Präsident der UEJF (Union des Etudiants Juifs de France) und Regisseur des ARTE-Dokumentarfilms „Rettet Auschwitz!“ (2017).

Koautorin Judith Cohen Solal ist klinische Psychologin und Psychoanalytikerin. Sie hat ein pädagogisches Konzept zur Bekämpfung von Rassismus und Antisemitismus in französischen Schulen entwickelt. Jonathan Hayoun und Judith Cohen Solal publizierten zuletzt im November 2020 ein Buch über die Tage nach dem Tod von General Charles de Gaulle, „Les Adieux au Général“, erschienen bei Grasset in Paris.

Dokureihe, Regie: Jonathan Hayoun und Judith Cohen Solal (F 2022, 52 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 11/02/2024

Israel-Hamas War: Ex-Israeli Soldier Says 'This Government Can't Defeat Hamas'

Oct 26, 2023 | Sky's Mark Austin has spoken to Gaza War veteran Benzi Sanders who said "Hamas is stronger" even though they "had dealt them a decisive blow".

The ex-Israel Defence Forces soldier added: "The only way to defeat the idea of violent resistance is to create an alternative. One our government [Israel] opposes. So, this government can't defeat Hamas."

Israel-Hamas War: 'Hamas Opened Up the Gates of Hell', Mosab Hassan Yousef Tells Piers Morgan

Oct 26, 2023 | In an eye-opening interview, Mosab Hassan Youssef, the son of one of the co-founders of Hamas, reveals the true intentions of the militant group and calls for their removal from power.

With first-hand experience and an insider's perspective, Youssef exposes the brutality of Hamas and emphasizes the urgent need to stop them before their destructive actions escalate further.

His passionate plea aims to shed light on the reality of the situation and highlights the importance of separating the Palestinian cause from the extremist ideology of Hamas.

He says Hamas has “opened up the gates of hell on the Palestinian people.”

Speaking to Piers Morgan, Yousef he went on to also say: "Hamas's cause is a sick one... only God knows what will happen next, if Hamas is not finished."

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Tanks and Infantry Raid Gaza as Israel "Prepares Battlefield" for Ground Offensive - BBC News

Oct 26, 2023 | Israeli tanks and infantry have carried out their biggest ground raid into Gaza since the start of the current conflict. Israel’s military said they were “preparing the battlefield” ahead of an expected full-scale ground offensive.

The overnight raid came as Israel continued its massive airstrikes in Gaza, which the Palestinian authorities say have claimed the lives of 7,000 people, most of them civilians and many of them children.

Israel says its operations are targeting Hamas, following their raid on Israel on 7 October in which 1,400 people were killed and more than 200 taken hostage.

Jeremy Bowen reports for BBC News at Ten.

How Israelis Feel about Palestinian Casualties: Sky News

Oct 26, 2023 | British Sky News Interview asking about Palestinian casualties and how Israelis feel about this war. Let’s be clear Israel did not start this war, but when it ends, we will remain standing strong. Israel does everything to save both Israeli and Palestinians civilians, while Hamas tries its hardest to maximize civilian deaths on both sides. If something is preventing you from seeing that, it’s either false information, the consumption of disinformation, or a desire to use select instances of Palestinian casualties out of context in order to push an anti-Jewish agenda. - Rudy Rochman, activist.

Holocaust: Was in Auschwitz geschah | DER SPIEGEL

Jan 27, 2022 | Am 27. Januar 1945 erreichten Soldaten der Roten Armee das Vernichtungslager. Nach und nach erschloss sich ihnen die Dimension des Grauens.

I'm posting this disturbing documentary about concentration- and extermination-camps today because anti-Semitism is increasing terribly around the world. People need to be reminded of the horrors inflicted on the Jews in Hitler's Third Reich in the 1930s and 1940s. We should never forget how the Jews suffered back then. Furthermore, we must do everything in our power to ensure that they never again have to suffer such humiliation, abuse and cruelty.

Ich veröffentliche heute diese verstörende Dokumentation über Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager, weil der Antisemitismus weltweit furchtbar zunimmt. Die Menschen müssen an die Schrecken erinnert werden, die den Juden in Hitlers Drittem Reich in den 1930er und 1940er Jahren zugefügt wurden. Wir sollten nie vergessen, wie die Juden damals gelitten haben. Darüber hinaus müssen wir alles in unserer Macht tun, um sicherzustellen, daß sie nie wieder solche Demütigungen, Misshandlungen und Grausamkeiten erleiden müssen.

Je publie aujourd'hui ce documentaire inquiétant sur les camps de concentration et d'extermination parce que l'antisémitisme augmente terriblement dans le monde. Il faut rappeler aux gens les horreurs infligées aux Juifs sous le Troisième Reich hitlérien dans les années 1930 et 1940. Nous ne devrions jamais oublier combien les Juifs ont souffert à cette époque. En outre, nous devons faire tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour garantir qu’ils n’aient plus jamais à subir de telles humiliations, abus et cruautés.

© Mark Alexander

Diese Dokumentation ist für Kinder auf keinen Fall geeignet. Empfindsame Leute sollten auch vorsichtig sein.

This documentary is definitely not suitable for children. Sensitive people should also be careful.

Cette documentation n'est certainement pas adaptée aux enfants. Les personnes sensibles doivent également être prudentes.

Diese Dokumentation ist altersbeschränkt und kann daher nicht auf externen Websites eingebettet werden. Es muss auf YouTube selbst angesehen werden. Klicken Sie bitte hier, um den Dokumentarfilm anzusehen. (It has English subtitles.)

Bobby Flay's Top 10 Chicken Recipe Videos | Food Network

Oct 19, 2023

For further details and links to the recipes, please click here, and then click on 'more'.

Melanie Phillips: The Murderous Consequences of Western Diplomacy | Top Story

Oct 25, 2023 | Is Western 'peacemaking' in the Middle East perpetuating the Arab-Israeli conflict? Has the refusal by the West to see the evil of Hamas backfired? This week, Jonathan is joined by author and journalist Melanie Phillips.

I generally agree with much that Melanie Phillips says, especially when it comes to Islam; however, in this video she mentioned several times that Netanyahu's goal is to destroy Hamas. Melanie Phillips is certainly not alone in talking about this objective. One hears it over and over. I fully understand why people want to destroy Hamas. I go along with that desire myself; wholeheartedly so. But, how on earth do people think that it can be done? I think that it's an impossibility! Why do I say this? Simply because Hamas is based on ideas; so, even if you were to be able to kill each and every member of Hamas today, the ideas behind the organization would survive, only to be taken up by a new generation of people with identical sympathies.

After World War II, Nazis were caught and were either killed or put on trial in the Nuremberg trials. Some others esscaped to South America, and elsewhere. One, Aribert Heim, known as 'Dr Death' and also the 'Butcher of Mauthausen', escaped even to Egypt, where he converted to Islam and lived under the alias Tarek Farid Hussein. Others have since died of old age in exile. But have the ideas of Nazism died along with the death of these ruthless, cruel scoundrels? Certainly not! Nazism is alive and thriving to this day; in fact, it is growing in strength and number. And not only in Germany! We have Nazis here in the UK too; and there are many in the States, and elsewhere.

And the same it will be if Israel manages to catch and kill all the murderous Hamas members of today. In time, a new generation will grow up and take up the very same ideas and ideology; after all, so many of them are rooted in Islam. Many people might not know that one of Hamas's objectives is not only the establishment of a Palestinian state, but a Palestinian state based on Sharia law, so that its people will live strictly in adherence to Islamic laws and principles. Hell will freeze over before those ideas will vanish off the face of the earth! So it is really hard to comprehend how Benjamin Netanyahu imagines he will be able to kill off Hamas the organization and Hamas's ideas too, ideas which are based on faith and Islamic doctrine.

If Hamas can be eradicated, great; but I wish someone would explain to me how. – © Mark Alexander

En direct, guerre Israël-Hamas : le ministère de la santé à Gaza, administré par le Hamas, annonce un bilan de plus de 7 000 morts

LE MONDE : Le ministère de la santé gazaoui a affirmé jeudi que 7 028 personnes, dont 2 913 enfants, avaient été tuées depuis le début des bombardements israéliens sur l’enclave palestinienne, le 7 octobre. Selon la même source, 18 484 personnes ont été blessées. LIVE EN COURS » | jeudi 26 octobre 2023

The Late Dave Allen’s Humour – On Being Homosexual | #shorts

Dave Allen predicting LGBTQ+ progress.

WIKIPEDIA : Dave Allen (comedian) »

India Is special for Israel and Jews | #shorts

Jews never faced persecution there.

Christopher Hitchens and John Lennox on the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ | #shorts

Hitch not being shy yet again.

Matt Dillahunty vs MuslimSkeptic on Blasphemy Laws in Islam | #shorts

Listen to this American Muslim’s bullshit ! Do we really have to tolerate this crap in the name of political correctness?

It wasn't for nothing that I gave my book the title, The Dawning of a New Dark Age ! – Mark

Qatar Ploughs Millions into Canary Wharf amid Criticism of Gulf State’s Hamas Links

THE TELEGRAPH: Sovereign wealth fund backs £400m refinancing of struggling financial district

Qatar has backed a £400m refinancing of struggling Canary Wharf in its first significant UK deal since the terror attacks on Israel sparked criticism of its links to Hamas.

Canary Wharf Group (CWG) secured hundreds of millions of pounds in extra financing from Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund and its Canadian co-owner on Wednesday as the landlord struggles with high vacancy rates.

The Gulf sheikhdom’s sovereign wealth fund, together with Brookfield Asset Management, committed £400m in equity and credit to shore up the business.

The finance injection comes as Rishi Sunak faces calls to impose sanctions on Qatar for continuing to host the Hamas leaders who directed the deadly attack on Israel earlier this month.

The former Qatari prime minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, has previously been accused of anti-Semitism by the Middle East Media Research Institute after he reportedly told a Kuwaiti newspaper: “Imagine oil [was sold] by some Jews…what would be the price of a barrel of oil?” » | Gareth Corfield \ Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Islam is an existential threat to the West. There is absolutely no doubt about it. The West will never be able to co-exist with Islam. One side will inevitably get the upper hand eventually.

When I say this, I am not being belligerent; rather, I am being truthful and prudent.

The West thinks it has the upper hand because of its advanced science and technology. It doesn’t. Disabuse yourselves of that notion! In many ways, it is Islam that has the upper hand; and for three main reasons: Sheer numbers and high birthrates; Islam’s commitment to the Islamization of the world. (When they say that the whole world belongs to Allah, they mean it. They are serious. Very serious. Damn serious!); and the West’s greed. The West’s insatiable appetite for profit. There is no end to the greed of corporations. CEOs and boards of directors would sell their own grandmothers for a few extra million. There isn’t enough money to be had for the blackguards.

Contrast this despicable behaviour with the nobler and cleverer behaviour and attitudes of Muslims in high places. They never sell-off their own assets and, further, they buy up key businesses in the West. This empowers the Ummah, the community of Muslims worldwide, and , of course, it empowers the ruling class in the Gulf; and such purchases pad out even more their coffers. Western suckers are only too willing to oblige.

Only today, it is being reported that the Telegraph, the very newspaper from which the above article is sourced, could be sold to Qatari investors. Imagine how much power the Islamic world will then wield over Britain’s ability to disseminate truth and write stories in an unbiassed way! This sort of thing is happening today right across the West. Politicians are only too willing to sanction these purchases for a few backhanders. The little people have little hope.

Never forget the old adage: ‘He who pays the piper calls the tune.’ – © Mark Alexander

Corrupt Politicians Like Donald Trump and Bibi Netanyahu Threaten the World | #shorts

The corruption of one politician has brought the world to the brink of war.

THIS Is the BULLSHIT That the West Has Brought Upon Itself! | #shorts

Because of the stupidity and cowardice of politicians (of all political persuasions) hitherto, we, in the West, will now have to fight for our survival. This is going to be a battle for our very existence.

Steven Fry Eviscerates God | #shorts

God is capricious, mean-minded, stupid and maniacal, says Mr Fry.

Trump Talking Tosh Again

Trump’s speciality: Poppycock !

"Hamas Counted on a Very Forceful Israeli Response" | YNH Short

Listen to Yuva Noah Harari’s reasoning here.

Police Hunt Lewiston Gunman, Saying Toll Is Likely to Rise

Maine Shootings

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The city was on lockdown early Thursday with an “armed and dangerous” man at large. At least seven people were killed in two shootings, the sheriff said.

Residents of multiple towns in southern Maine were under shelter-in-place orders early Thursday, as the police continued an overnight hunt for a man suspected of killing at least seven people in shootings at a bowling alley and a bar.

The gunman walked into the bowling alley in Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday evening and fatally shot at least seven people before moving on to a nearby bar, according to Sheriff Eric Samson of Androscoggin County. The total number of people killed and wounded was unclear. Mr. Samson said he did not know the number of casualties from the shooting at the bar.

Law enforcement officials said early Thursday that the gunman was still at large, and they released information about a man they described as a “person of interest.” They said they were searching for Robert R. Card, 40, of Bowdoin, Maine. On social media, law enforcement agencies said Mr. Card “should be considered armed and dangerous” and posted a photo of a man in a brown, hooded sweatshirt carrying a military-style semiautomatic rifle.

Local officials closed roads asked residents to stay home. The campus of Bates College, which is in Lewiston halfway between the sites of the two shootings, was on lockdown. » | Eoin Higgins, Orlando Mayorquin and Livia Albeck-Ripka ; Eoin Higgins reported from Portland, Maine. | Thursday, October 26, 2023

Etats-Unis : un tireur tue au moins vingt-deux personnes à Lewiston, dans le Maine : Trois attaques armées se sont produites dans une salle de bowling, un restaurant et un centre logistique d’un supermarché de la ville de l’Etat du nord-est américain. Le tireur est toujours en fuite. »

Historian Tareq Baconi on the Origins, Goals and Future of Hamas | Amanpour & Company

Oct 25, 2023 | Many Israelis, and people all over the world, are still trying to understand where the October 7th barbarity came from. Tareq Baconi is an analyst, historian and author of “Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance,” and has written about the organization for years. He joined Michel Martin for a conversation about the group's complex historical and political dynamic.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Au Maroc, la rue continue de se mobiliser pour Gaza en dépit du rapprochement entre Rabat et Tel-Aviv

LE MONDE : Depuis le 15 octobre, la mobilisation n’a cessé de s’étendre dans de nombreuses villes à l’appel de coalitions rassemblant partis de gauche, syndicats, associations et organisations islamistes.

Au Maroc, pas un jour, ou presque, ne passe sans un rassemblement pour la Palestine. La riposte israélienne à l’offensive du Hamas et la dévastation qu’elle entraîne dans la bande de Gaza ont suscité une vague de colère dans le royaume, rappelant combien les Marocains sont attachés à la cause palestinienne en dépit du rapprochement opéré par le Maroc et Israël depuis 2020. » | Par Aurélie Collas (Casablanca, correspondance) | mercredi 25 octobre 2023

Israel-Gaza: Palestinian Prime Minister Calls for Immediate Ceasefire - BBC News

Oct 25, 2023 | Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, who is based in the occupied West Bank, has called for an immediate ceasfire. Speaking to BBC Newsnight, he called for the "immediate opening of a safe passage for international aid". Also speaking on the programme, Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy said: "Israel is united now around a single goal and that goal is total victory against Hamas, in response to the October 7 massacre."

Justin Welby Accused of ‘Relegating’ Plight of Palestinian Christians

THE GUARDIAN: Anglicans in West Bank say they are ‘utterly perplexed’ by archbishop of Canterbury’s statements on Israel-Hamas war

The Archbishop of Canterbury spent four days in Jerusalem over the weekend to ‘show solidarity … with the Christian community in the Holy Land’. Photograph: Doug Peters/PA

Palestinian Christians have accused Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, of “relegating” their plight behind “British domestic political and ecumenical considerations” in his comments on the Israel-Hamas war.

An open letter from Anglican parishioners in the West Bank says they are “utterly perplexed” by Welby’s public statements.

Welby spent four days in Jerusalem over the weekend to “show solidarity … with the Christian community in the Holy Land”, according to his website.

In a statement issued shortly before he left the UK, Welby appealed for the hostages being held by Hamas to be released and for humanitarian access to Gaza to be allowed.

“The evil and heinous terror attacks by Hamas on people in Israel were crimes against God and humanity. Israel has a legitimate right and duty to defend itself, and to pursue a proportionate and discriminate response to establish its security,” he said. » | Harriet Sherwood | Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Why Donald Trump Is to Blame for Rise in Support of Political Violence | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Oct 25, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to a very disturbing survey released by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and the Brookings Institution showing that nearly a quarter of Americans believe they may need to resort to political violence in order to save the country. Steve lays out why, ultimately, there is one person to blame for this finding: Donald Trump.

Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan: Interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour | With Arabic Subtitles

Oct 25, 2023 | Queen Rania’s interview on the Israeli war on Gaza with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Amman, Jordan/ 24th October 2023 @CNN

There is a shorter version of this interview here.

How the Israel-Hamas War Could Impact the 2024 US Elections | Amanpour & Company

Oct 25, 2023 | President Biden says now is not the time for a ceasefire in Gaza -- a comment that sparked anger among liberal Democrats in Congress as well as young Muslim and Arab American voters. Senior Democratic strategist Waleed Shahid tells Hari Sreenivasan how this could pose a risk for 2024, as politics and passions are ignited by this new war.

Obama fordert Israel zur Beachtung des Völkerrechts auf

Der frühere US-Präsident Barack Obama | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der ehemalige amerikanische Präsident Barack Obama spricht Israel seine Solidarität aus. Er warnt aber: Eine Militärstrategie, die menschliche Kosten ignoriere, könnte nach hinten losgehen.

Der ehemalige ehemalige Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, Barack Obama, hat Israel nach der Terrorattacke der Islamistenorganisation Hamas vom 7. Oktober zur Besonnenheit bei Militäroperationen aufgefordert. „Insbesondere kommt es darauf an – wie Präsident (Joe) Biden wiederholt betont hat –, dass Israels Militärstrategie das Völkerrecht beachtet, einschließlich der Gesetze, die darauf abzielen, den Tod oder das Leiden der Zivilbevölkerung so weit wie möglich zu vermeiden“, schrieb Obama in einem am Montag auf der Seite veröffentlichten Beitrag. Schon jetzt seien Tausende Palästinenser bei der Bombardierung des Gazastreifens ums Leben gekommen, viele von ihnen Kinder. Hunderttausende seien vertrieben worden. » | Quelle: dpa | Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2023

Au Mexique, l’ouragan Otis, « possiblement catastrophique », s’est affaibli après avoir touché terre à Acapulco

LE MONDE : L’électricité a été coupée à titre préventif dans la ville. Son port était plongé dans l’obscurité quand les vents puissants et les pluies intenses y sont arrivés.

L’ouragan Otis, jugé « potentiellement catastrophique », s’affaiblit après avoir touché terre, mercredi 25 octobre, près d’Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique, mais s’accompagne toujours de vents « destructeurs » et de dangereuses tempêtes.

Otis a été rétrogradé au niveau 4, contre 5 auparavant, sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson et drainait des vents violents pouvant aller jusqu’à 210 kilomètres à l’heure (km/h), a annoncé, mercredi, le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain.

« Mettez-vous à l’abri, restez dans des endroits sûrs : loin des rivières, des ruisseaux, des ravins et soyez vigilants », a averti sur X (anciennement Twitter) le président mexicain, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Des soldats ont été déployés dans la ville en prévision de l’arrivée d’Otis. Les écoles ont été fermées sur ordre du gouvernement local de l’Etat du Guerrero. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 25 octobre 2023

Au Mexique, les photos des conséquences de l’ouragan Otis à Acapulco : LES FAITS La légendaire station balnéaire d’Acapulco, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, était partiellement dévastée jeudi après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis qui l’a coupée du reste du pays. »

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

Oct 25, 2023 | In a wide-ranging speech to parliament, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for an immediate ceasefire and proposed an international conference to reach a lasting peace. Al Jazeera’s correspondent Resul Serdar who's covered Turkey extensively joins us now in our Doha studio to discuss more about this.

Andrea Giambruno: Meloni's Ex-partner Dropped as TV Host over Lewd Remarks

The Italian PM separated with Andrea Giambruno after sexually explicit remarks were leaked | ANDREAS SOLARO

BBC: Andrea Giambruno, Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni's ex-partner, has been dropped as host of a national TV show after sexist off-air comments were leaked to another programme.

TV company Mediaset said he would maintain an editorial role on the show.

Ms Meloni announced last week that she was separating from her long-term partner after a recording was broadcast on a satirical TV show.

Mediaset is owned by the family of late prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Striscia La Notizia - The News Strip - last week broadcast a leaked recording of Giambruno talking to female colleagues about an affair he was having, and appeared to proposition one woman for group sex.

Mediaset said Giambruno was "sorry for the embarrassment and discomfort caused by his behaviour", adding that he had agreed to leave his screen role on Diario del giorno (Diary of the Day) on Mediaset channel Rete4.

The statement indicated there would be no disciplinary proceedings against the former presenter. » | Ido Vock, BBC News | Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Related article here.

This man's sacking seems very suspicious to me. One can but wonder who the power is behind this decision! – © Mark Alexander

Arnold Schwarzenegger: I'd Be a Great US President

Read the BBC article here.

More on Arnold Schwarzenegger here.

Cornell Professor Who Found Hamas Attack ‘Exhilarating’ and ‘Energizing’ Now on Leave of Absence

NEW YORK POST: The Cornell professor who called the Hamas terror attack on Israel “exhilarating” and “energizing” is now on a leave of absence until at least the end of the semester.

Russell Rickford, an associate professor of history, went viral for the incendiary remarks to students during a pro-Palestinian protest soon after the surprise attack on Israel killed 1,400 people, mostly civilians.

“It was exhilarating. It was exhilarating, it was energizing,” he was seen telling the crowd, claiming “you would not be human” into to feel the same.

“I was exhilarated!” he said to a smattering of applause.

After initially standing by his statements, the embattled professor later apologized “for the horrible choice of words,” admitting they were ‘reprehensible” — before his students were told he would no longer teach this semester. » | Yaron Steinbuch | Wednesday, October 25, 2023

BBC World: Iran's "Sex-Change" Solution | Long Version | Reupload

Nov 13, 2014 | Ali Hamedani, BBC World service reporter, visits Turkey to meet LGBT exiles who have fled Iran in fear of being forced to change gender

If you are born with a sense of aesthetics which makes you predisposed to being attracted to people of the same sex, i.e. you are homo — Shh! — and further, you are born in a country such as Iran which is governed and ruled by the benighted, by old farts who continue even to this day to believe in the omnipotence of the old man in the sky, the old man who is so vain and insecure that he demands to be worshipped constantly and thought about during your every waking minute, and praised! — oh how much he wants and needs to be praised! — you know, the old dude with a long, long, white beard who is watching over your every move, even when you’re in the crapper!, and who is omnipotent to punish you for acting on the predispositions with which he created you, and for satisfying your desires, maybe with a tender kiss on your lover’s lips, yet he is totally and utterly impotent to stop natural disasters, such natural disasters as earthquakes, inundations, and wildfires. If you are born in such a country, this might be your fate. You might be asked, nay ordered, to change the sex with which the old man in the sky endowed you! – © Mark Alexander

Civilian Casualties in Israel-Hamas War 'Alarming,' Warns UN Secretary-General Guterres

Oct 24, 2023 | The war between Israel and Hamas has created a crisis in the Middle East "growing more dire by the hour," United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said during a meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday.

"The war in Gaza is raging and risks spiraling throughout the region. Divisions are splintering societies, tensions threaten to boil over."

The Oct. 7 attack by Hamas into Israel left over 1,400 Israelis killed in the fighting. Israel has responded with a bombardment of Gaza. According to Gaza's Health Ministry, more than 5,700 Palestinians have been killed in the two weeks since the war began.

Guterres condemned the Hamas attack and called for the release of hostages while also noting the attack "did not happen in a vacuum."

"The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing," Guterres said.

"The grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas, and those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people."

Guterres also called on fuel to be allowed into Gaza, which is currently being blockaded by Israel. He said United Nations efforts to distribute aid would not be possible without fuel for trucks and that Gaza's hospitals would not be able to function without electricity.

WIKIPEDIA: António Guterres »

Related article here.

Israel Demands UN Chief Resign after ‘Horrible’ Hamas Attack Comments

THE TELEGRAPH: António Guterres backed calls for a ceasefire, as he suggested the Oct 7 massacre was linked to ‘56 years of suffocating occupation’

Israel demanded the resignation of the UN secretary-general on Tuesday over “shocking” comments in which he suggested that the Oct 7 attack was provoked by the “suffocating occupation” of the Palestinian territories.

Eli Cohen, the Israeli foreign minister, cancelled a planned meeting with António Guterres over his comments, asking him: “Mr Secretary-General, in what world do you live?”

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, said Mr Guterres should resign immediately, saying he was not fit to lead the organisation. » | Tony Diver, US Editor ; Henry Samuel and Ben Farmer | Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Pope Accepts Resignation of Polish Bishop after Gay Orgy Scandal in Diocese

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Vatican did not say why Grzegorz Kaszak was resigning, but priest from his diocese faced criminal investigation

The pope has accepted the resignation of Polish bishop Grzegorz Kaszak as head of the diocese of Sosnowiec, which has been under the spotlight following reports of a gay orgy. Photograph: Alessandra Tarantino/AP

The pope has accepted the resignation of a Polish bishop whose diocese has been rocked by reports of a gay orgy involving a male sex worker in a priest’s apartment, as well as previous violent incidents involving his clergy.

The Vatican did not give a reason why Grzegorz Kaszak was resigning as head of the diocese of Sosnowiec, in south-western Poland. At 59, he is several years shy of the normal retirement age of 75.

But his diocese has been in the spotlight after one of his priests was placed under criminal investigation for having allegedly organised an orgy at his apartment in Dąbrowa Górnicza involving a male sex worker. Polish media reported that one of the participants of the sex party collapsed after overdosing on erectile dysfunction pills.

A prosecutor said the priest was suspected of “failing to provide assistance to a person whose life is at risk” for having allegedly tried to bar paramedics from entering the apartment. » | Associated Press in Rome | Tuesday, October 24, 2023

‘Pervasive and Relentless’ Racism On the Rise in Europe, Survey Finds

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Poll of 6,752 people of African descent in 13 countries finds almost half have experienced discrimination

Racism is “pervasive and relentless” and on the rise in Europe, with nearly half of black people in member states surveyed by the EU reporting discrimination, from the verbal abuse of their children to being blocked by landlords from renting homes.

In every walk of life, from schools to the job market, housing and health, a survey by the EU’s rights agency of people of African descent found high levels of discrimination, with some of the worst results recorded in Austria and Germany, where far-right parties have been on the rise. » | Daniel Boffey, Chief reporter | Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Yuval Noah Harari Backs Critique of Leftist ‘Indifference’ to Hamas Atrocities

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Exclusive: Sapiens author among 90 signatories to statement of dismay at ‘extreme moral insensitivity’

The author Yuval Noah Harari said peace activists in Israel felt ‘abandoned and betrayed by supposed allies’. Photograph: De Fontenay/JDD/SIPA/Rex/Shutterstock

The Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari has backed academics and peace activists in his home country in an attack on the “indifference” of some American and European progressives to Hamas atrocities, accusing them of “extreme moral insensitivity” and betraying leftwing politics.

Harari – the author of bestselling books including Sapiens and Homo Deus – joined 90 signatories of a statement expressing dismay with “elements within the global left … until now, our political partners” who had, on occasion, “justified Hamas’s actions”.

The 47-year-old, who has recently become a high-profile political activist in Israel, opposing Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightwing populist coalition and its plan to weaken judicial oversight, told the Guardian he intervened after speaking with peace activists in his home country who were “completely devastated” and “feeling abandoned and betrayed by supposed allies” in peace efforts, after academics, artists and intellectuals signed letters which failed to condemn Hamas.

Harari’s aunt and uncle lived in one of the kibbutzim targeted by Hamas in attacks that killed more than 1,400 people and saw more than 220 people taken hostage. They had survived after hiding while gunmen went house-to-house killing neighbours.

Speaking about the reaction from parts of the left in the US and Europe while on a visit to London, Harari said it was “shocking to hear some of the responses that did not only not condemn Hamas, but placed all responsibility on Israel” and to see “the lack of solidarity with regard to the horrific attacks on Israeli civilians”. » | Robert Booth | Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Allemagne : un homme interpellé, suspecté de préparer un attentat

LE FIGARO : L’homme, âgé de 29 ans, aurait envisagé de s’en prendre à une manifestation pro-israélienne. Il était connu des services de police allemands.

La police de Essen, dans l'ouest de l'Allemagne, a annoncé mardi 24 octobre l'interpellation d'un homme après avoir reçu «des indications d'un possible scénario d'attentat». » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 24 octobre 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Piers Morgan vs Pro-Palestinian Rapper Lowkey on Israel-Hamas War | The Full Interview

Oct 24, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by pro-Palestinian British-Iraqi rapper and host of 'The Watchdog' podcast Lowkey to discuss the historical and ongoing dispute between Palestine and Israel as well as Hamas' attacks on October 7th.

Lowkey gives a detailed explanation of some of the context of the conflict between Palestine and Israel before answering whether he condemns Hamas for the attack. He explains he condemns the creation of a genocidal environment that led to reckless acts such as Hamas and that he mourns every person killed in this historical conflict.

Queen Rania: There's a 'Glaring Double Standard' in How World Treats Palestinians

Oct 24, 2023 | Queen Rania of Jordan talks to Christiane Amanpour about the world's reaction to the Israel and Hamas war.

Iran Warns Israel to Stop War in Gaza: FM Says Situation Like ‘Powder Keg’

Oct 23, 2023 | Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, has warned Israel that the region could spiral out of control if it does not stop bombarding Gaza. He said that the results could be "severe, bitter" and "have far-reaching repercussions", both regionally and for those advocating for war. He also said the US was also "to blame" for providing military support to Israel. Al Jazeera’s Dorsa Jabbari reports from Tehran.

Related here.

In Full: Senior Hamas Leader Says Hostages Will Be Freed If Israel Reduces Gaza Bombing

Oct 24, 2023 | The key Hamas negotiator over the fate of more than 200 hostages held by the group inside Gaza has told Sky News all the civilians among them will be released - if the right conditions are met.

Steve Schmidt Explains How Politicians Like Trump & Netanyahu Lead the World to War | The Warning

Oct 24, 2023 | Steve Schmidt breaks down how corrupt officials like Donald Trump and Bibi Netanyahu can destabilize their governments. This leaves their countries open to attacks from their enemies, like what happened in Israel and the devastation that has followed in Gaza. Steve explains how it's up to the voters to elect honorable politicians who can lead the world to peace.

Do Muslims Have a Future in Europe? With Dr Tariq Ramadan | Parts 1 & 2

Oct 23, 2023

WIKIPEDIA: Tariq Ramadan »

Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan cleared in Swiss rape trial: Tariq Ramadan acquitted after a Swiss court found no evidence against the former Oxford University professor. »

These two videos of discussions between the famous Dr Tariq Ramadan and Paul Williams, a British convert to Islam, are very informative for us here in Europe, in particular, and the West, in general. Listen closely to their discussion and you will hear, first-hand, the ultimate objectives of Muslims’ presence here in the West. This is not news to me. I wrote about this more than two decades ago. But it might be news to some of you.

Without wishing to sound churlish or unwelcoming, this discussion highlights in clear terms why there is a problem with devout Muslims integrating, or perhaps more accurately not integrating into Western societies. Unfortunately, many Muslims are just not able to comprehend why many Westerners are uncomfortable with the rapid growth of Islam in Western countries.

With young Western women only interested in going out into the workplace and, where and when possible, making careers for themselves, birthrates in Western countries are pitifully low. Fact is, one cannot have a high birthrate in a country when the objective of women is to go out into the workplace.

This problem can be traced back to the change in attitudes in the early Sixties. I am old enough to remember those years well. It was the birth of feminism. I remember when the book, The Female Eunich, written by Germaine Greer, was published. It caused a sensation. This book gave feminism its big break in the West. In my opinion, it was the start of the rot! Hitherto, mothers had stayed at home to procreate, raise the children, and look after the home and spouse. But to feminists, that wasn’t enough. So this, in my opinion, is one of the main reasons that the West is in the mess it is in today. But that is a story for another day.

Meanwhile, back to the point… If Western women don’t want children, Muslim women will want them. The birthrate in the Muslim commuity, the Ummah, is high. Why? Because Islam is a very family-orientated religion; and this, in my opinion, is to be respected. But it is going to cause us major problems.

So, quite how the West can stave off decline with such low birthrates, with declining morals, and by ignoring traditional family values, I do not know. But one thing is for sure: politicians of all persuasions must shoulder much of the blame, for they have played along with this nonsense. They have encouraged women to go out to work to take their place in the workplace.

So here we are! In a mess, a big mess, with Islam waiting for the next chink in our armour to show. – © Mark Alexander

Israel ist für China nicht mehr wichtig genug

China und der Nahe Osten

ZEIT ONLINE: China lässt antisemitische Hetze im heimischen Internet zu und bezieht eine eher diffuse Position zum Hamas-Terror. Die Volksrepublik wendet sich damit von Israel ab.

Mit der Einschätzung des chinesischen Nahost-Gesandten Zhai Jun zum Gaza-Krieg können sicher weltweit politische Beobachterinnen und Beobachter mitgehen: Es bestehe die Gefahr eines großflächigen Bodenkonflikts und einer Ausweitung der bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen entlang der Nachbargrenzen, wird er Montag von Staatsmedien zitiert. Auch damit, dass China bereit sei, "alles zu tun", um den Dialog zu fördern, einen Waffenstillstand zu erreichen und den Frieden wiederherzustellen sowie die Zweistaatenlösung und eine gerechte und dauerhafte Lösung des Konflikts zu unterstützen, wird er keinen grundlegenden Widerspruch hervorrufen. Zhai präsentiert China als regionalen Friedensstifter. » | Eine Analyse von Steffen Richter | Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2023

Emmanuel Macron propose à Benyamin Nétanyahou que la coalition contre l’EI « puisse lutter aussi contre le Hamas »

LE MONDE : Lors d’une déclaration commune à Tel-Aviv, le chef de l’Etat français a fait valoir que la France était aux côtés d’Israël dans sa lutte contre ce « groupe terroriste ». Il a également insisté sur la nécessité d’une « relance décisive du processus politique avec les Palestiniens ».

Le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, et le président français, Emmanuel Macron, lors d’une conférence de presse conjointe à Jérusalem, le 24 octobre 2023. CHRISTOPHE ENA / AFP

« C’est une page noire de notre propre histoire » : Emmanuel Macron, en visite en Israël mardi 24 octobre, a exprimé avec émotion sa solidarité après l’attaque sanglante du Hamas, et proposé une « coalition » internationale pour « lutter » contre le mouvement islamiste palestinien qui contrôle la bande de Gaza.

Après un entretien avec le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, à Jérusalem, le président français a présenté les « condoléances » d’un « pays ami, éploré devant l’acte terroriste le plus terrible de votre histoire et saisi par votre chagrin et votre douleur ». « Je vous apporte aujourd’hui l’émotion et la solidarité des Français. Nos deux pays sont liés par le même deuil », a-t-il ajouté, le ton grave, au côté M. Nétanyahou. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 24 octobre 2023

France proposes widening anti-Islamic State coalition to fight Hamas: Emmanuel Macron visits Israel and emphasises ‘common enemy’ in terrorism »

Macron Says Israel Must Fight Hamas ‘Without Mercy but Not Without Rules’: The French president also suggested that the international coalition once deployed to fight the Islamic State could also fight Hamas. »

Today Is a Red Letter Day!

With many thanks to Amadriadi.Celia Bailes on Pinterest for this beautiful image.

We can celebrate! Today, according to Google calculations, we exceeded the 4,000,000 visitor mark! Of course I'm very happy. Without all of you this wouldn't have been possible. Therefore, I would like to thank you all very much. With best wishes to all. – Mark

Wir können feiern! Heute haben wir laut Google-Berechnungen die 4.000.000-Besucher-Marke überschritten! Natürlich freue ich mich sehr. Ohne Sie alle wäre das nicht möglich gewesen. Deshalb möchte ich mich bei Ihnen allen ganz herzlich bedanken. Mit den besten Wünschen an alle. – Mark

On peut faire la fête ! Aujourd'hui, selon les calculs de Google, nous avons dépassé la barre des 4 000 000 de visiteurs ! Bien sûr, je suis très heureux. Sans vous tous, cela n'aurait pas été possible. C'est pourquoi je tiens à vous remercier tous beaucoup. Avec mes meilleurs vœux à tous. – Mark

Ben Sheehan's Post on Israel-Hamas Propaganda Went Viral. Here’s What It Really Means | Amanpour & Company

Oct 23, 2023 | About Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and now the war between Israel and Hamas, people across the globe are voicing their opinions on social media. This can end in tribalism, polarization and dehumanizing narratives. Author Ben Sheehan’s viral Instagram post called for greater compassion and nuance in response, and he joins the show to discuss the dangers of propaganda on social media. | Originally aired on October 23, 2023

Hear from Hamas Founding Leader's Son, Who Became a Spy for Israel

Oct 24, 2023 | Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas' founder who later became one of Israel's top informants, speaks with CNN's Jake Tapper about Israel's war on the terror group and the situation in Gaza

Rihanna : Hate That I Love You ft. Ne-Yo

Nov 30, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 379,211,370

Stevie Wonder : Isn’t She Lovely

Aug 8, 2023 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Monday, October 23, 2023

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 331,460,395

NatWest Staff Gloated They Had ‘Driven Nigel Farage Out of the Country’ after Debanking

THE TELEGRAPH: Former Ukip leader hits out after messages disclosed to him reveal abuse by workers who called him a 'crackpot' and an 'awful human being'

Niegal Farage has called for NatWest to reconsider the £11.3 million payout it is giving to Dame Alison Rose, the former chief executive | CREDIT: Getty

NatWest staff gloated about the closure of Nigel Farage’s bank accounts and suggested they had “single-handedly driven him out of the country”, The Telegraph can reveal.

Workers reacted to news that the former Ukip leader had been debanked by NatWest subsidiary Coutts by saying: “Hope that knocked him down a peg or 2.”

Internal messages handed over to Mr Farage by NatWest also show that staff suggested he had “dodgy Russian connections”, and was involved in fraud. Another described him as “sketchy”

Staff also referred to him as a “crackpot” and an “awful human being”, while one said: “The money I’d have paid to have been the agent ringing him to tell him [that he had been debanked].” » | Gordon Rayner, Associate Editor | Monday, October 23, 2023

Israel-Hamas War: "Enough of the Bigotry against Palestinians!" Piers Morgan vs Cenk Uygur

Oct 23, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by host and creator of The Young Turks and Presidential hopeful Cenk Uygur to discuss the ongoing war between Israel, Hamas and Palestine and a passionate and emotive debate over whether Israel's treatment and occupation of Palestine is just as bad as Hamas' attack on Israel.

Cenk says that he has "had enough of the bigotry against Muslims and Palestinians", explaining that there is far more coverage and public condemnation of the atrocities committed by Hamas than there are the atrocities committed by Israel. He questions why people do not call the Israeli government terrorists when they've killed three times as many civilians as a terrorist group.

Cenk is a powerful voice of reason. His words were sage. I didn't know that he's put himself forward to run as a Democrat. If he gets into the White House, we'll see a good America again. Were I to be an American, he'd have my vote in a heartbeat. - © Mark Alexander

American Prisoner Brought Home after Five Years Trapped in Iran Shares His Story | 60 Minutes

Oct 23, 2023 | Emad Shargi was arrested in Iran in 2018. He’s back in the U.S. and sharing the harrowing story of his time in Evin prison.

Christopher Hitchens, Author of "God Is Not Great," on Islamic Dogma | #shorts

One simply must love the late Christopher Hitchens. He lived life on his own terms. That takes courage and character. He drank like a fish, smoked like a trooper, and had no reverence for myth, legend or fairy tales. He was quick to call out bullshit.

On the Extraordinary Idea of Purgatory

Stephen Fry talks about the bullshit many people believe.

4 Recipes with Bacon | Akis Petretzikis

Oct 23, 2023

Get the recipes here.

Has the World Turned Its Back On the Struggle of Young Palestinians?

Oct 23, 2023 | Mustafa Barghouti, secretary general of the Palestinian National Initiative, talks to TRT World about the future of young Palestinians.

Ancient Jewish Formula for Success or Failure | #shorts

Rudy Rochman explains when there is a rise in anti-Semitism.

Powerful ABC News Interview: Israeli Activist Rudy Rochman

Oct 19, 2023

Liban, Syrie, Irak, Yémen… L’Iran active ses milices pour déstabiliser Israël

LE FIGARO : Depuis que Tsahal bombarde Gaza en représailles des raids meurtriers du Hamas, les milices téléguidées par Téhéran depuis plusieurs pays mettent la pression sur Israël, mais aussi sur son allié américain.

La menace couve depuis le début du conflit. Alors qu’Israël bombarde massivement la bande de Gaza en représailles des raids meurtriers du Hamas le 7 octobre dernier, le danger d’une extension de la guerre qui oppose Tsahal au groupe terroriste ne faiblit pas. Car l’Iran, ennemi juré d’Israël, dispose de milices inféodées dans la plupart des pays frontaliers ou proches de l’État hébreu. Et qu’il pourrait décider de les engager dans le conflit si certaines lignes rouges sont franchies, comme le révélait récemment Le Figaro .

La semaine dernière, le ministre iranien des Affaires étrangères Hossein Amir-Abdollahian a mené une tournée régionale au Liban, en Irak et en Syrie. Autant de pays qui comptent d’importantes factions chiites téléguidées par Téhéran, susceptibles de s’investir dans le conflit. Si c’est déjà le cas du Hezbollah au sud-Liban, d’autres groupes agissent depuis les territoires frontaliers d’Israël et même depuis le Yémen. L’heure de la guerre n’a pas encore sonné pour cet «axe de la résistance», mais des opérations de déstabilisation sont en cours contre l’État hébreu... et même son allié américain. » | Par Hugues Maillot | lundi 23 octobre 2023

Deutschland : Sara Wagenknecht spricht über Israels Recht sich zu verteidigen, aber... | #shorts

Frau Wagenknecht spricht über den Israel-Gaza-Krieg hier, um uns ihre Position zu erklären.

Wagenknecht verlässt die Linke und gründet eigene Partei: Die polarisierende Politikerin präsentiert ihr neues Bündnis, das 2024 zur Europawahl antreten will. Die Linksfraktion im Bundestag steht vor dem Aus. »

UK Is Weaker Because of Brexit, Says Ex-British PM Tony Blair | #shorts

Tony Blair tells us why Brexit was such a dumb move.

God Almighty! The Tories have f****d up this country, good and proper! – © Mark Alexander

'My Father Was a Hamas Leader, I Was an Israeli Spy' | Channel 4 News | Interview from 2014

Oct 15, 2014 | Israeli spy Mosab Hassan Yousuf, son of a founder of Hamas, explains his dramatic switch of loyalties.

Far-right Populist Javier Milei Fails to Win First Round of Argentina’s Presidential Election

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Potty-mouthed political outsider will head to November runoff with centrist finance minister Sergio Massa

Javier Milei votes in the first round of Argentina’s presidential election. He will face Sergio Massa in a second round vote. Photograph: Juan Ignacio Roncoroni/EPA

The eccentric far-right populist Javier Milei has failed to win the first round of Argentina’s presidential election, with the centrist finance minister Sergio Massa unexpectedly beating his radical challenger.

Supporters of Milei, a potty-mouthed political outsider described as an Argentinian mashup of Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson, had hoped he was heading for a sensational outright victory similar to Bolsonaro’s shock triumph in Brazil in 2018. » | Tom Phillips, Uki Goñi and Facundo Iglesia in Buenos Aires | Monday, October 23, 2023

Far-Right Candidate Heads to Runoff in Argentina Election: Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian, performed worse than polls predicted and will face Sergio Massa, Argentina’s economy minister, next month. »

Trump Is ‘Single Most Dangerous Threat’ to the US, Warns Republican Liz Cheney

THE GUARDIAN: Moderate, whose opposition to former president had cost her a congressional seat, considers a 2024 presidential run

Liz Cheney speaks during a hearing to investigate the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, in Washington on 13 October 2022. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump is “the single most dangerous threat” the US faces as he seeks a return to the Oval Office, according to Liz Cheney, the moderate Republican whose opposition to her party leader’s presidency had cost her a congressional seat she held for six years.

“He cannot be the next president because if he is, all of the things that he attempted to do but was stopped from doing by responsible people … he will do,” Cheney – the daughter of former congressman, defense secretary and vice-president Dick Cheney – said on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “There will be no guardrails. And everyone has been left warned.”

Cheney’s fiery remarks come as the former president fights more than 90 criminal charges for subversion of the 2020 election that he lost to Joe Biden, retention of government secrets after his presidency, and hush-money payments to the porn actor Stormy Daniels. He is also grappling with civil lawsuits over his business affairs and a rape allegation deemed “substantially true” by a judge.

Though his popularity with the general public is low, he maintains substantial polling leads in the race to clinch the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election. » | Ramon Antonio Vargas | Monday, October 23, 2023

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'Anti-Hate' Message apropos of the Israel-Hamas War and Anti-Semitism

Oct 22, 2023

Exit Polls Show Rightwing SVP Making Gains in Swiss Federal Elections

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Public broadcaster SSR reports party on track to win 29% of vote, an increase of almost 3.5 percentage points on 2019 results

The rightwing populist Swiss People’s party (SVP) was set to further strengthen its position as the largest political force in parliament, exit polls have suggested, as voters appeared to back the party’s hardline stance against mass migration and what it called “woke madness”. » | Ashifa Kassam and agencies | Sunday, October 22, 2023

'In Memoriam': In Memory of the Victims of October 7, 2023

Oct 10, 2023 | Alma Deutscher: “I composed this movement from my piano concerto in memory of my grandmother in Israel. I’m posting it here [on YouTube] in memory of the children, the women and the men, young and elderly, who were murdered in southern Israel on October 7, 2023.

Alma Deutscher: piano concerto in E-flat major. ii: Adagio (in memoriam)
Dame Jane Glover, conductor
Orchestra of St. Luke's
Alma Deutscher, piano

Margret Thatcher on Mass Immigration | #shorts

’The Iron Lady’ speaking plainly about mass immigration.

Clarence Thomas Is Exactly Why the Supreme Court Needs Term Limits | #shorts

Steve Schmidt tells us why.

Sky News Exclusive Interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | #shorts

Bibi Netanyahu speaks about the menace that is Iran.

Princess Margaret’s Steamy Affair with Eddie Fisher Revealed: ‘The Sex Was Explosive’

Margaret was secretly engaged to divorcee Captain Peter Wooldridge Townsend at the time. | Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

NEW YORK POST: Princess Margaret — the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II — engaged in a torrid affair with Hollywood superstar Eddie Fisher in 1953, with Fisher reportedly bragging he satisfied the royal “multiple times” during “explosive sex.”

“Eddie never talked about Princess Margaret in public, he respected her too much, but he told me about their encounter many, many times during our marriage. He looked back on it with great affection,” Terry Richard, Fisher’s fourth wife, told the Daily Mail in a new interview.

Details of the tryst, down to the “cigarette smoke and expensive perfume,” are included in Richard’s new memoir, “Beauty Queen Dreams,” the outlet reported. Richard, 69, was married to Fisher from 1975 to 1976. He died in 2010.

Fisher, then 24 and single, met Princess Margaret, then 22, in 1953 at the Red, White and Blue charity ball at the Dorchester Hotel in London attended by Queen Elizabeth

“He told me she was tiny with the most beautiful piercing blue eyes. He sang for 45 minutes at the ball and directed all his love songs straight at Margaret. When Eddie turned on the charm, he really turned it on,” she added. » | Jack Hobbs and Tracy Swartz | Sunday, October 22, 2023

Bassem Youssef on Jon Stewart | 2022 Mark Twain Prize

Jun 22, 2023 | Commenting on the prize, Stewart said, “I am truly honored to receive this award. I have long admired and been influenced by the work of Mark Twain, or, as he was known by his given name, Samuel Leibowitz.” …

Son of Hamas Leader Breaks Silence: They Must Be Stopped

Oct 19, 2023 | Mosab Hassan Yousef, whose father is a Hamas leader, joined 'FOX & Friends' to discuss his experience with the terrorist group and why he decided to leave that life behind

For clarity, it should be well noted that my posting of videos should never be construed as an endorsement of their content. Sometimes I agree with their content, but sometimes I don't. Generally speaking, I post videos and articles for your information, for your interest, and for your enjoyment. You can be sure of my views on matters only from that which I write. – Mark.

Rishi Sunak Faces Backbench Discontent a Year into His Time in No 10

THE GUARDIAN: PM under pressure from Tory right for more tax cuts and moderates for policies to tackle cost of living crisis

Rishi Sunak: backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg wrote a harsh critique of his policies. Photograph: Tejas Sandhu/Sopa Images/Shutterstock

Rishi Sunak is facing discontent among his backbenchers as he heads into the one-year anniversary of his time in No 10, with Jacob Rees-Mogg calling for the government to wake up from a “torpor”.

The prime minister is under pressure from rightwingers for tax cuts and more Conservative policies, while moderates are pushing for more centre-ground policies that deal with the cost of living to stop votes being lost to Labour.

With the one-year anniversary of his premiership due on Wednesday, up to 25 Conservative MPs are prepared to put in letters of no confidence in his leadership following the disastrous byelection losses in Tamworth and Mid Bedfordshire, according to the Sunday Times.

However, many more Tory MPs are resigned to Sunak leading the party into the next election because of the number of leadership changes the party has already seen since 2019. » | Rowena Mason, Whitehall editor | Sunday, October 22, 2023

Berlin Hosts Large Rally in Solidarity with Israel | DW News

Oct 22, 2023 | Thousands have gathered at the iconic Brandenburg Gate to show their support for Israel. Among those present were relatives of hostages taken by Hamas during the October 7 terror attack, which left more than 1,400 people in Israel dead. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was among those speaking at the rally. He called for an immediate release of all hostages.

Al Jazeera English: The Balfour Declaration Explained

Nov 3, 2017 | Here's why the Balfour Declaration is important to understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israël - Palestine : pourquoi la paix semble impossible

Oct 22, 2023 | Où va Israël ? La paix est-elle encore possible ? L'attaque du Hamas du 7 octobre 2023 et les bombardements sur Gaza font basculer le Proche-Orient dans une nouvelle guerre. Pour la comprendre, il faut aussi se pencher sur ce qui se passe depuis plusieurs années au cœur d'Israël.

La vie politique actuelle d’Israël est aujourd'hui traversée par une idéologie ancienne et longtemps marginale, qui traverse désormais la société jusqu’au sommet du pouvoir : le sionisme religieux.

Des extrémistes religieux, ultranationalistes, racistes et homophobes siègent comme ministres auprès de Benyamin Nétanyahou, à la tête du pays. Tous partagent une même attitude vis-à-vis des Palestiniens : ne pas négocier.

Cette vidéo est soumise à une limite d'âge. Il est donc disponible uniquement sur YouTube. Veuillez cliquer ici pour le regarder.

„Je weiter von Schröder ...“: Putin richtet Botschaft auf Deutsch an Kritiker des Altkanzlers

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Der russische Präsident verurteilte am Sonntag die Kritiker von Gerhard Schröder. Den Kern seiner Aussage wiederholte er sogar auf Deutsch.

Wladimir Putin | Gavriil Grigorov/POOL Moscow, Russia

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin wurde am Sonntag gefragt, was er von der Kritik an Deutschlands Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder hält. Putin hielt sich nicht zurück.

In einem Interview für die Sendung „Moskau. Kreml. Putin“ des Fernsehsenders „Rosiya-1“ verurteilte Putin die Kritik an Schröder und sagte: „Ich möchte also sagen, je weiter man sich von Schröder entfernt, desto näher kommt man Anthony Rota, dem Sprecher des kanadischen Parlaments, der mit den Nazis sympathisiert. Und falls sie mich in Deutschland hören, werde ich sogar versuchen, es auf Deutsch zu sagen“, antwortete Putin und wiederholte den Satz über Schröder und Rota auf Deutsch. (+ Video) » | Katerina Alexandridi | Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2023

The Green Prince : Full Movie

Mar 26, 2015 | Brought to you courtesy of Radisa Milanovic

This film is age-restricted, so it cannot be embedded on external websites. It must be viewed on YouTube itself. Here is a link to the movie for your convenience and enjoyment. My thanks go to Radisa Milanovic for making this possible. (Please note that I am posting this link for you without having yet been able to find the time to watch it myself. I am therefore unable to verify its content or assess its suitability for certain viewers. Bonne chance !) – Mark