Showing posts with label Ehud Olmert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ehud Olmert. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Ex-PM: First 'Get Rid of' Hamas, Then Netanyahu | Conflict Zone

Oct 11, 2023 | "Netanyahu is history, he's done," Ehud Olmert told DW. He called the current Israeli leaders "violent, messianic thugs" and said that long term, Palestinians must be able to "exercise their right to self-determination." The center-right politician and former prime minister added that there was no alternative to the two-state solution with the Palestinians. On the issue of the scores of Israelis taken hostage by Hamas, Olmert said there was "no basis for negotiation" with Hamas — since, in his view, the Islamist militant group was not interested in negotiations. Olmert also told host Tim Sebastian that he thought there was little likelihood of direct military action against Iran, even though Tehran had "coordinated" the attacks and that a derailment of a US-sponsored diplomatic and security accord between Israel and Saudi Arabia would serve Iran's interests.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Ehud Olmert: 'Netanyahu Is a Great Performer, But Shallow with No Substance'

A vote of confidence in Israel's new coalition has ended the record 12-year rule of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ehud Olmert, who was Israeli Prime Minister between 2006 and 2009, discusses Netanyahu's legacy and the state of the peace process as he departs from power.

Sky's Mark Stone spoke to him.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Heilige Stadt – auf Korruptionssumpf gebaut: Ex-Bürgermeister von Jerusalem verhaftet

NZZ ONLINE: Israel hat einen neuen Korruptionsskandal. Für die Genehmigung eines Bauprojekts in Jerusalem sollen Bestechungsgelder bis zu 15 Millionen Dollar an Entscheidungsträger in der Stadtverwaltung gezahlt worden sein.

Die israelische Nachrichtenseite «ynet» beschrieb den Fall am Donnerstag als «grössten Korruptionsskandal in der Geschichte des Landes». Der ehemalige Jerusalemer Bürgermeister Uri Lupolianski wurde am Mittwochabend unter dem Verdacht verhaftet, mehr als drei Millionen Schekel (umgerechnet etwa 850'000 Franken) angenommen zu haben.

Er beschuldigte dann laut israelischen Medienberichten vom Donnerstag seinen Amtsvorgänger, den ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten Ehud Olmert, die Verantwortung zu tragen. Die Polizei will Olmert zu den Vorwürfen befragen. Er steht bereits wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen in anderen Fällen vor Gericht. >>> sda/dpa | Donnerstag, 15. April 2010

Verbunden mit diesem Artikel / Related:

LE FIGARO: Scandale immobilier: Olmert suspect n°1 >>> AFP | Jeudi 15 Avril 2010

YNET NEWS: Olmert denies involvement in Holyland scandal: Real estate project at center of corruption affair modified after his term as Jerusalem mayor, Olmert says; former PM slams 'character assassination' attempts against him, says he was never offered or took bribe >>> Aviad Glickman | Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jews Ruining Jerusalem

YNET NEWS: Eyal Megged wants to entrust Jerusalem in Arab hands in wake of Holyland scandal

A liquidator should be appointed for Jerusalem. The city is tainted by corruption, and this corruption creates a stench all over the capital.

As is the case in other areas, every phenomenon that becomes typical to our model state is taken to the extreme in the eternal city of Jerusalem. Only the people who live here and see how it’s being constantly sold to contractors who constantly change its face can grasp the extent of this phenomenon.

Anyone with eyes in their head realizes that without big money changing hands it wouldn’t have been possible to make the city so ugly in such manner. Only dirty money can do it.

In Rehavia, for example, the old and beautiful neighborhood is being eliminated. Every second home is being demolished, to make room for larger and more glittering homes. We should be stopping the bulldozers and cranes today, and find out whether the abysses created in place of the historic homes do not hide tomorrow’s scandals. I’m sure that’s the case. Nation of greedy contractors >>> Eyal Megged | Thursday, April 15, 2010

Friday, September 25, 2009

Israël: l'ex-premier ministre Ehud Olmert jugé pour malversations

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: JUSTICE | L'ancien premier ministre israélien a comparu pour la première fois vendredi devant un tribunal de Jérusalem, un fait sans précédent dans l'histoire de l'Etat d'Israël.

M. Olmert est inculpé de fraude, d'abus de confiance, usage de faux documents, dissimulation de revenus frauduleux et évasion fiscale.

S'adressant à la presse, il a de nouveau clamé son innocence à son entrée dans la salle du tribunal de district de Jérusalem où s'est ouvert son procès.

"Ce n'est pas une journée facile pour moi. Cela fait trois ans que je suis la cible d'une campagne de diffamation quasi inhumaine. Je suis innocent et je suis certain que la Cour me lavera de tout soupçon", a déclaré M. Olmert.

L'ancien Premier ministre du parti centriste Kadima, qui fêtera ses 64 ans la semaine prochaine, a démissionné de ses fonctions le 21 septembre 2008 après que la police eut recommandé son inculpation dans le "dossier Talansky". >>> AFP | Vendredi 25 Septembre 2009

Israël : L’ex-premier ministre Ehud Olmert jugé pour corruption

LE TEMPS: C’est sans précédent dans l’histoire d’Israël: Ehud Olmert, ancien chef du gouvernement, a comparu pour la première fois vendredi devant un tribunal de Jérusalem. Il risque la prison.

Ehud Olmert, 63 ans, est inculpé de «corruption aggravée», «fraude et abus de confiance», «faux en écritures» et «dissimulation de revenus frauduleux».

L’ancien chef de gouvernement, qui a toujours clamé son innocence, a démissionné de ses fonctions le 21 septembre 2008 après que la police eut recommandé son inculpation dans le dossier Morris Talansky. Cet homme d’affaires juif américain lui aurait transféré illégalement des fonds alors qu’il dirigeait la mairie de Jérusalem entre 1993 et 2003. >>> AFP | Vendredi 25 Septembre 2009

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Viewpoint from Israel: We Love You, George

Photo of Bush with Olmert at Masada courtesy of YNET NEWS

YNET NEWS: Embarrassing flattery showered on Bush shows nature of Israel’s elite

United States President George W. Bush’s latest visit to Israel can teach us many things. We discovered, for example, that he is a very likeable man, yet it is unclear how he became the leader of a global superpower. We could also see that Israel’s government elite is in love with this likeable man.

Bush is a typical example of the give-Israelis-everything-they want approach, which rewards American presidents with popularity even when they cause quite a bit of damage (think back to Bill Clinton’s mediocre performance at the Camp David summit and its grim results.)

The Israeli Presidential Conference attended by Bush could also teach us much about ourselves. What was more conspicuous than anything else was the obsequiousness in the face of the American president. It was not the Israeli gratitude in and of itself that caused me discomfort. It is indeed possible that a leader who fails in one area does significant and appropriate things in other areas. For example, Bush has a very impressive record of offering aid to Africa – much more impressive than that of his popular predecessor.

Yet what caused my sense of discomfort (not to mention slight nausea) was the absence of any limits, or what I would call lack of self respect. The flattery showered on Bush was embarrassing and exceedingly exaggerated – bowing down to the ground where a handshake would do. We Love You, George >>> By Aviad Kleinberg | May 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

In Israel, Ehud Olmert Is Likened to Chamberlain

YNET NEWS: Just like Britain’s Chamberlain, Prime Minister Olmert must quit over disastrous policies

On May 10, 1940 Neville Chamberlain finally resigned his office as British prime minister due to the disastrous direction his policies had taken the country. Despite the fact that his policy of appeasement of the previous four years had been so totally discredited by the German invasion of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, Chamberlain remained in office for another seven months. During this time he presided over the fall of Norway and Denmark to Germany and the invasion of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg on the day of his resignation.

It seems odd that it took so long for a leader, who had advocated and pursued policies so inimical to his country’s security, to finally step down from the position he was so clearly unsuited for. In the name of God, go >>> By Jeremy Sharon

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)