Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Do Muslims Have a Future in Europe? With Dr Tariq Ramadan | Parts 1 & 2

Oct 23, 2023

WIKIPEDIA: Tariq Ramadan »

Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan cleared in Swiss rape trial: Tariq Ramadan acquitted after a Swiss court found no evidence against the former Oxford University professor. »

These two videos of discussions between the famous Dr Tariq Ramadan and Paul Williams, a British convert to Islam, are very informative for us here in Europe, in particular, and the West, in general. Listen closely to their discussion and you will hear, first-hand, the ultimate objectives of Muslims’ presence here in the West. This is not news to me. I wrote about this more than two decades ago. But it might be news to some of you.

Without wishing to sound churlish or unwelcoming, this discussion highlights in clear terms why there is a problem with devout Muslims integrating, or perhaps more accurately not integrating into Western societies. Unfortunately, many Muslims are just not able to comprehend why many Westerners are uncomfortable with the rapid growth of Islam in Western countries.

With young Western women only interested in going out into the workplace and, where and when possible, making careers for themselves, birthrates in Western countries are pitifully low. Fact is, one cannot have a high birthrate in a country when the objective of women is to go out into the workplace.

This problem can be traced back to the change in attitudes in the early Sixties. I am old enough to remember those years well. It was the birth of feminism. I remember when the book, The Female Eunich, written by Germaine Greer, was published. It caused a sensation. This book gave feminism its big break in the West. In my opinion, it was the start of the rot! Hitherto, mothers had stayed at home to procreate, raise the children, and look after the home and spouse. But to feminists, that wasn’t enough. So this, in my opinion, is one of the main reasons that the West is in the mess it is in today. But that is a story for another day.

Meanwhile, back to the point… If Western women don’t want children, Muslim women will want them. The birthrate in the Muslim commuity, the Ummah, is high. Why? Because Islam is a very family-orientated religion; and this, in my opinion, is to be respected. But it is going to cause us major problems.

So, quite how the West can stave off decline with such low birthrates, with declining morals, and by ignoring traditional family values, I do not know. But one thing is for sure: politicians of all persuasions must shoulder much of the blame, for they have played along with this nonsense. They have encouraged women to go out to work to take their place in the workplace.

So here we are! In a mess, a big mess, with Islam waiting for the next chink in our armour to show. – © Mark Alexander