Thursday, July 27, 2023

Coutts Chief Steps Down over Nigel Farage De-banking Scandal

THE TELEGRAPH: Lender’s treatment of Farage has ‘fallen below high standards of personal service’

Peter Flavel’s exit comes less than two days after Alison Rose stepped down as NatWest chief executive | CREDIT: Peter Nicholls/Reuters

The chief executive of Coutts has resigned with immediate effect over the private bank’s mishandling of Nigel Farage’s account.

Peter Flavel, who became boss of Coutts in 2016, said the treatment of Mr Farage had “fallen below the bank’s high standards of personal service”.

Paul Thwaite, the interim chief executive of NatWest, which owns Coutts, said: “I have agreed with Peter Flavel that he will step down as Coutts CEO and CEO of our Wealth Businesses by mutual consent with immediate effect.

“Whilst I will be personally sorry to lose Peter as a colleague, I believe this is the right decision for Coutts and the wider group.” » | Simon Foy | Thursday, July 27, 2023

UK Will Return to EU in Future, Says Tony Blair

THE TELEGRAPH: Former Labour prime minister describes Brexit as ‘a constant sadness to me’

Sir Tony Blair is a prominent Remain campaigner | CREDIT: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images Europe

Sir Tony Blair said he believed that the United Kingdom will go back into the European Union in the future as a new poll showed support for rejoining the bloc was at a five-year high.

The former Labour prime minister told the New Statesman magazine that “a future generation” would take Britain “back into Europe”.

The comments came as Deltapoll published a survey that showed an uptick in support for rejoining the EU.

The company’s latest tracker poll, conducted between July 21-24, found that 56 per cent of people would vote to rejoin the EU if a second referendum on membership was held.

That number was up by four points when compared to the previous poll conducted between July 14-17. » | Jack Maidment | Thursday, July 27, 2023

Life Under U.K. Sanctions: Chauffers, Chefs and $1 Million Allowances

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Despite tough talk, Britain’s new sanctions program against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has proved shaky. Some oligarchs have received generous exemptions. Officials have at times overreached.

Britain has placed the Russian banking tycoon Mikhail Fridman, center, under sanctions, but allowed him to keep a 19-person household staff last year. | Hollie Adams/Bloomberg

The British government has allowed Russian oligarchs to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on perks like private chefs, chauffeurs and housekeepers, despite ostensibly having their bank accounts frozen, documents show.

The exemptions, known as licenses, are an example of how the United Kingdom’s new financial sanctions system, put together after Brexit, has proved shaky. In some cases, oligarchs were allowed more than $1 million a year in living expenses. In others, officials had to abandon criminal investigations and remove sanctions after legal battles.

“We will keep increasing the pressure on Putin and cut off funding for the Russian war machine,” the British foreign secretary said last spring as she announced Russian sanctions in the first weeks of the war in Ukraine.

In the months that followed, Britain was quietly more welcoming. It granted the Russian banking tycoon Mikhail Fridman a license to pay for 19 members of staff, including drivers, private chefs, housekeepers and handymen, during the first year of the war, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times and people directly familiar with the licenses. The payment came to 300,000 pounds (almost $400,000) over about ten months. Mr. Fridman also received a roughly £7,000 monthly allowance to cover his family’s basic needs. » | Jane Bradley, Reporting from London | Thursday, July 27, 2023

Megafeuer: Der Planet brennt | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Jul 26, 2023 | Internationale Wissenschaftler, Feuerwehrleute und Sachverständige aus Europa, den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada und Indonesien erforschen, warum Waldbrände immer öfter außer Kontrolle geraten und was man dagegen tun kann. Welche Maßnahmen sind notwendig, bevor Feuersbrünste die Städte und Wälder dieser Welt unwiederbringlich in Schutt und Asche legen?

Überall auf der Welt werden Wälder von riesigen Feuern verschlungen. 350 Millionen Hektar – also eine Fläche, die fast sechsmal so groß ist wie Frankreich – fallen jährlich den Flammen zum Opfer. Im australischen New South Wales wird man der monatelang lodernden Buschfeuer nicht mehr Herr.

Heftig wütende Waldbrände gigantischen Ausmaßes, sogenannte Megafeuer, können selbst von erfahrenen Löschkräften und unter Einsatz von Spitzentechnologie nicht beherrscht werden. Schlimmer noch, diese gewaltigen Feuersbrünste erreichen immer häufiger bewohntes Gebiet, zerstören Häuser und fordern Menschenleben.

Die Zukunftsaussichten sind erschreckend: Wenn ein Feuer ausbricht, werden ganze Vororte zu tödlichen Fallen; verkohlte Landstriche können sich vielleicht nie wieder vollständig erholen. Die Feuer gefährden die Gesundheit, verstärken den Klimawandel und belasten die Wirtschaft.

Je rigoroser die Feuerwehrkräfte die Flammen bekämpfen, umso heftiger und häufiger scheinen sie zu wüten. Was paradox klingt, ist eine Realität, der man sich stellen muss, um Wohngebiete und Menschenleben zu retten. Kann der Mensch lernen, mit dem Feuer zu leben?

Das Filmteam hat Löschkräfte, Wissenschaftler und Sachverständige in Europa, den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada und Indonesien bei ihrer Arbeit begleitet, um zu verstehen, warum Wälder weltweit in Flammen aufgehen, warum die neuen Megafeuer immer weiter ausarten und wie man sich vor ihnen schützen kann. Es besuchte Gemeinden, die von Megafeuern verwüstet wurden, und erhielt Einblicke in die Maßnahmen, mit denen einfache Bürger ihre Häuser und ihre Familien schützen.

Das Fazit: Es ist notwendig, mit falschen Vorstellungen über das Feuer und seine Funktionsweise aufzuräumen. Tatsächlich ist Feuer ein natürlicher Prozess, der zu allen Zeiten eine wichtige Rolle beim Erhalt der Ökosysteme spielte. Kann der Mensch angesichts der drohenden Katastrophe seinen Kontrollzwang ablegen und den richtigen Umgang mit Feuer lernen, bevor sich das Klima weiter aufheizt und Wälder und Städte in den Flammen verglühen?

Dokumentarfilm (F 2019, 94 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 27/09/2023

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Italian Parliament Approves Bill to Criminalise Surrogacy Abroad

THE GUARDIAN: Surrogacy is already illegal in Italy, while IVF is only available for heterosexual couples

Demonstrators gather in Rome wearing placards that say ‘We are families, not criminals’.Photograph: Simona Granati/Corbis/Getty

The Italian parliament has approved a bill criminalising people who go abroad to have children via surrogacy, a measure described as “a disgrace”.

The bill, passed in the chamber of deputies with 166 votes in support and 109 against, is aimed only at Italians and envisages fines of up to €1m (£856,690) and jail terms of up to two years for those who break it.

Surrogacy is already illegal in Italy, while IVF is only available for heterosexual couples. Extending the ban to include surrogacy overseas was a flagship policy of Brothers of Italy, the party led by the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, and also her far-right counterpart and coalition partner, the League.

The measure needs approval in the Italian senate before being passed into law. » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Western world, once the fountain of enlightened and progressive thinking, is quickly becoming enshrouded in darkness. – © Mark Alexander

Fed Raises Rates after a Pause and Leaves Door Open to More

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Federal Reserve officials raised interest rates to their highest level in 22 years, continuing their 16-month-long campaign to wrestle inflation lower by cooling the American economy.

Officials pushed rates to a range of 5.25 to 5.5 percent, their highest level since 2001, while leaving the door open to further rate increases in the statement announcing their unanimous decision. Jerome H. Powell, the Fed chair, is speaking [in the accompanying video] to journalists to explain the move — and, potentially, to offer some hint at how the central bank is thinking about its next step. (+ video) » | Jeanna Smialek | Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Russian Conscientious Objectors | Documentary

Jul 26, 2023 | In October 2022, a Munich resident took in three Russian war refugees. All three strongly oppose Putin and are determined not to participate in any combat actions against Ukraine. They hoped to quickly establish a new life in Germany. | Available until the 03/06/2028

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — July 26, 2023

Singer Sinéad O'Connor Dies Aged 56

THE TELEGRAPH: The acclaimed Dublin performer released 10 studio albums during her career

Sinead O'Connor has died aged 56 | CREDIT: Kevin Cummins

Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor has died at the age of 56, according to the Irish Times.

The acclaimed Dublin performer released 10 studio albums during her career.

Her single Nothing Compares 2 U was named the world number one single in 1990 by the Billboard Music Awards.

It is not known how she died, but she had been open about her mental health struggles. » | Alex Barton | Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Obituary: Sinéad O'Connor: Sinéad O'Connor saw music as the therapy to escape a turbulent childhood. »

La chanteuse irlandaise Sinéad O’Connor est décédée à 56 ans : La chanteuse irlandaise Sinéad O’Connor est décédée à 56 ans »

LGBT in Tschetschenien | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

ul 26, 2023 | Der investigative Dokumentarfilm begleitet unerschrockene AktivistInnen, die im Kampf gegen die andauernde Anti-LGBTQ-Verfolgungswelle in der russischen Teilrepublik Tschetschenien ihr Leben riskieren. Durch uneingeschränkte Einblicke und unter Wahrung der Anonymität der Beteiligten berichtet der Film von Grausamkeiten, die medial kaum Beachtung finden.

Seit 2016 findet unter dem tschetschenischen Staatschef Ramsan Kadyrow eine brutale Kampagne zur „Blutsäuberung“ von tschetschenischen LGBT-Personen statt. Es kommt zu staatlich bewilligten Einsätzen, in denen Menschen inhaftiert, gefoltert und hingerichtet werden. Da dieses Vorgehen international kaum verurteilt wird und der Kreml untätig bleibt, ergriff ein breites Untergrundnetzwerk von AktivistInnen die Initiative. Zahlreiche Menschen wurden bereits getötet, noch mehr Personen werden vermisst.

Schlecht ausgerüstete und unterfinanzierte LGBT-AktivistInnen kämpfen für die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte. Sie bieten eine Notruf-Hotline und ein großes UnterstützerInnen-netzwerk, Notunterkünfte, Safe Houses und sicheres Geleit. Sie riskieren ihr Leben, indem sie sich mit Überlebenden treffen und sie über die Grenzposten aus dem Land schleusen. Mittels eines offenen Austauschs mit den AktivistInnen – vom Russian LGBT Network bis zum Moscow Community Center for LGBT+ Initiatives – berichtet dieser Dokumentarfilm von Grausamkeiten, die kaum Beachtung finden, und von den Gefahren, darüber zu sprechen.

In dem Dokumentarfilm kommen hilfesuchende homosexuelle Männer und Frauen zu Wort, die offen ihre Geschichten erzählen. Zur Wahrung der Anonymität derer, die um ihr Leben fürchten und fliehen müssen, verändert France die Stimmen und nutzt Pseudonyme. Außerdem setzt er die neue digitale „Face Double“-Technik ein. So können die Überlebenden ohne Angst vor Repressalien ihre bewegenden und schmerzhaften Geschichten erzählen. Beim Abschluss des Films konnte das LGBT-Netzwerk 151 Menschen helfen, rund 40.000 Menschen leben weiterhin versteckt.

Dokumentarfilm von David France (USA 2020, 103 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 11/09/2023

WARNUNG: Diese Dokumentation ist für Kinder nicht geeignet. Auch nicht für empfindliche Leute. Sie enthält etliche grafische Bilder und Szenen, die manche Leute durchaus stören könnten. Vorsicht! – Mark

Au Niger, le président Mohamed Bazoum face à une tentative de coup d’Etat de la garde présidentielle

LE MONDE : Le chef de l’Etat est séquestré, avec sa famille, à l’intérieur de sa résidence par des militaires. Un proche du président, joint par « Le Monde », assure que lui et son épouse se portent bien.

L’accès à la présidence du Niger, à Niamey, était bloqué, mercredi 26 juillet, par des membres de la garde présidentielle, commandée par le général Omar Tchiani.« Tôt ce mercredi matin, des éléments de la garde présidentielle ont engagé un mouvement d’humeur antirépublicain et tenté en vain d’obtenir le soutien des forces armées nationales et de la garde nationale », a relaté la présidence nigérienne sur Twitter, ce mercredi à 13 h 30. « Le président de la République et sa famille se portent bien », a-t-elle ajouté. Une information confirmée par un proche du chef de l’Etat joint par Le Monde, qui a précisé que Mohamed Bazoum et son épouse se trouvaient dans la résidence présidentielle. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 26 juillet 2023


Mohamed Bazoum, président du Niger : face aux djihadistes, « la télécommande est entre nos mains, pas entre celles de la France » : Dans un entretien au « Monde », le chef de l’Etat, élu en 2021, estime que son pays est « dans une dynamique de contrôle » face aux djihadistes. »

I Was Born with an Extra Chromosome” | Listen Up | ABC Science

Sept 21, 2021 | At the age of 31, Seamus was given a diagnosis that changed his life – for the better.

Klinefelter Syndrome (also known as 47,XXY) is a common genetic condition, affecting one in 550 men. Despite the prevalence, it’s rarely diagnosed.

Small testicles are often a sign, but other symptoms can include reduced muscle mass, reduced body and facial hair, enlarged breasts, low sex drive and low energy. Speak to your GP with any concerns.

Lemon Posset: Invented in England

Jul 17, 2023

Click here and then click on ‘show more’ for the full recipe.


Posset: The Old School British Dessert That Was Once Considered Medicine »

The News Agents: US Soldier in North Korea: "They Won't Just Hand Him Back - They'll Exploit Him to the Maximum

Jul 26, 2023 | Military expert and former army officer Daniel L Davis explains what is likely to happen to the US soldier to crossed the North Korean border after abandoning a tourist trip.

Israel at 75 - A Nation in Domestic Crisis | DW Documentary

Jul 25, 2023 | The state of Israel is in political turmoil as it marks its 75th anniversary. While there is still no end in sight to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, Israeli society itself is more divided than ever before.

The founding of the Jewish state was a dream come true for Jews around the world. It came just a few years after the genocide of the Holocaust and 2,000 years after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple and the exile from Israel.

On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion read out the Israeli Declaration of Independence in a small building in the center of Tel Aviv. Ever since its foundation, Israel has had a checkered history. As well as ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, it has seen poverty and hardship, but also economic prosperity and social advances over the past 75 years. In addition, Israel enjoys political and military superiority in the region. At the same time, the state is now going through its deepest-ever domestic crisis. Israel is socially, politically and religiously polarized.

One reason for that are the plans put forward by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing religiously conservative government. The reforms are designed to reduce the power of the Supreme Court. Critics regard the move as an assault on democracy and an attempt to undermine the independence of the judiciary. For months now, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been protesting against the proposals.

In his documentary, ZDF correspondent Michael Bewerunge investigates what has become of the aspirations of the nation’s founders and how people today are living the Jewish dream.

'Slowly Running Out of Money': Elon Musk’s Big Plans for 'X'

Jul 26, 2023 | Elon Musk makes the risky move to rebrand Twitter to “X” and turn it into the new ‘everything’ app. It comes as a new report reveals hundreds of companies hold trademark rights to the new name. NBC’s Jake Ward breaks it all down.

Related articles here.

‘Like a Blowtorch’: Mediterranean Gripped by Wildfires as Blazes Spread in Croatia and Portugal

THE GUARDIAN: ‘There is no magical defence mechanism,’ says Greek prime minister as fires burn in northern Africa and southern Europe

Wildfires were burning in at least nine countries across the Mediterranean as blazes spread in Croatia and Portugal, with thousands of firefighters in Europe and north Africa working in extreme heat to contain flames stoked by high temperatures, dry conditions and strong winds.

High temperatures and parched ground sparked wildfires in countries on both sides of the Mediterranean, with at least 34 people killed in Algeria, where 8,000 firefighters on Tuesday battled blazes across the tinder-dry north. Fires burned in a total of 15 provinces, leading to the evacuation of more than 1,500 people.

Witnesses described fleeing walls of flames that raged “like a blowtorch”, destroying homes and coastal resorts, and turning vast forest areas into blackened wastelands. (+ videos) » | Helen Sullivan and agencies | Wednesday, July 26, 2023

NatWest Boss Alison Rose Resigns over Nigel Farage Coutts Account Row

THE GUARDIAN: Former Ukip leader obtained report suggesting media coverage of his political views was considered in Coutts closure decision,br />
NatWest chief Alison Rose has stood down from the bank. Last week she apologised for ‘deeply inappropriate comments’ about Nigel Farage in an internal report. Photograph: Carl Court/Getty Images

Dame Alison Rose, the chief executive of NatWest Group, has stood down after a row over the closure of Nigel Farage’s bank account with the private bank Coutts, which NatWest owns.

Rose has resigned from the banking group after the former UK Independence party leader complained to the BBC about a report that claimed his accounts with Coutts were closed for commercial reasons. The broadcaster has since apologised and amended its story.

Farage said Rose’s exit was “a start” but called for the whole Natwest board to go. He told GB News that the resignation “had to happen”, adding: “The first rule of banking is you have to respect the privacy of the customer.”

The Ukip leader told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme the entire board ought to quit because it had approved a statement from Rose earlier on Tuesday in which she said she had not revealed “any personal financial information”. » | Anna Isaac and Kalyeena Makortoff | Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Who is Alison Rose, the NatWest CEO forced to quit over Nigel Farage row?: The rise and fall of the group’s first female boss, who took up the role in 2019 »

NatWest boss quits after Nigel Farage leak admission: Chairman calls Dame Alison Rose's resignation a 'sad moment' as board confirms Paul Thwaite will take over temporarily pending approval »

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Greece Wildfires: Two Pilots Dead as Plane Crashes Fighting Flames

ul 25, 2023 | Greece has declared three days of national mourning for its armed forces - after two air force pilots were killed as they battled the intense wildfires which have been raging across the south of the country for days. With flames still spreading in the scorching heat and strong winds - more people have been evacuated from Rhodes and Corfu. While Italy is also in the grip of extreme weather - forcing hundreds of people to flee their homes.

Nigella Lawson's Saffron-scented Chicken Pilaf | Forever Summer with Nigella

Jan 30, 2019 | Nigella shows us how to make her chicken pilaf marinated in a cinnamon and lemony yoghurt mixture, with saffron scented rice.

Who Raised the 'Son of God' | Jesus's Family Tree | BBC Select

Jul 25, 2023 | Jesus was the single child of a nuclear family with his parents, Mary and Joseph. At least, that’s the traditional image. But Jesus lived 2000 years ago in a society where an extended family was the norm. This fascinating two-part documentary reveals evidence from both the gospels and archaeology showing that Jesus not only had a vast family network, but this network inspired and supported him.

Watch the full series here.

Russia Raises Maximum Conscription Age

Jul 25, 2023 | Russia’s lower house of parliament voted to raise the maximum conscription age to 30 years from 27. The new legislation, which comes into effect on January 1, means men will be required to carry out a year of military service, or equivalent training during higher education, between the ages of 18 and 30 rather than 18 and 27 as is the case now.

The law also bans men from leaving Russia from the day they are summoned to a conscription office. Last year, Russia announced a plan to boost its professional and conscripted combat personnel by more than 30 percent to 1.5 million, a task made harder by its undisclosed casualties in Ukraine.

What the Collapse of Spain’s Far Right Means Going Forward

THE NEW YORK TIMES: About the only thing clear from Spain’s muddled election results was that Spaniards were turning away from the political extremes.

Supporters of the Spanish far-right Vox party gather outside the party headquarters in Madrid after Spain’s general election on Sunday. | Thomas Coex/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Europe’s liberal and moderate establishment breathed easier on Monday after Spain’s nationalist Vox party faltered in Sunday’s elections, stalling for now a surge from far-right parties around the continent that seemed on the brink of washing over even the progressive bastion of Spain.

“A relief for Europe,” read a front-page headline in the liberal La Repubblica in Italy, where the hard-right leader Giorgia Meloni became prime minister last year and predicted “the hour of the patriots has arrived” in a video message to her Vox allies this month.

But instead of Vox becoming the first hard-right party to enter government in Spain since the end of the Franco dictatorship nearly 50 years ago, as many polls had predicted, it sank. The party’s poor returns at the polls also took down the underperforming center-right conservatives who had depended on Vox’s support to form a government.

As a result, no single party or coalition immediately gained enough parliamentary seats to govern, thrusting Spain into a familiar political muddle and giving new life to Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who only days ago seemed moribund. Suddenly, Mr. Sánchez appeared best positioned to cobble together another progressive government in the coming weeks to avoid new elections. » | Jason Horowitz, Reporting from Madrid and Barcelona | Monday, July 24, 2023

Leer en español.

En Chine, Qin Gang, ministre des affaires étrangères, relevé de ses fonctions

LE MONDE : Le ministre n’a plus été vu en public depuis le 25 juin. Son prédécesseur, Wang Yi, qui remplissait déjà une partie des obligations du désormais ex-ministre, le remplace, fait savoir l’agence Chine nouvelle.

Le ministre des affaires étrangères chinois, Qin Gang, en visite à Oslo, en Norvège, le 12 mai 2023. NTB / VIA REUTERS

Le ministre des affaires étrangères chinois, Qin Gang, qui n’a plus été vu en public depuis le 25 juin, a été relevé de ses fonctions, a rapporté mardi 25 juillet l’agence de presse officielle Chine nouvelle. Qin Gang, en poste depuis décembre 2022, est remplacé par son prédécesseur, Wang Yi, fait savoir Chine nouvelle, sans donner de raison. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 25 juillet 2023

L’étrange disparition du ministre des affaires étrangères chinois : Le chef de la diplomatie chinoise, Qin Gang, n’est pas apparu en public depuis le 25 juin. Lors des visites officielles, il est remplacé par son prédécesseur, Wang Yi, membre du bureau politique du Parti communiste chinois. Son ministère a attribué son absence à des « raisons de santé », sans réellement convaincre. »

Pay Us More to Boost the City of London, Say FTSE Chiefs

THE TELEGRAPH: Square Mile bosses call for more government action to boost pension funds’ investing

Julia Hoggett, chief executive of London Stock Exchange, called for more to be done to address the pay gap between UK and US execs CREDIT: Hollie Adams/Bloomberg

Low executive pay is the biggest obstacle to boosting the City of London, FTSE bosses have said.

A new survey of 150 directors at London-listed companies found that lower pay for City chiefs compared to rival financial centres was holding back the London Stock Exchange (LSE) as a listing venue.
The research, carried out by investment bank Numis, adds to growing complaints in the Square Mile that Britain is being held back by a campaign against high pay.

Julia Hoggett, chief executive of the LSE, has said a pay disparity between UK chief executives versus their US counterparts has “not received enough attention” and called for a level playing field to stem an exodus of companies.

Chief executives of S&P 500 companies in the US make on average $10m more than FTSE 100 counterparts, according to data from Equilar and Deloitte published earlier this year. » | Simon Foy | Tuesday, July 25, 2023

One’s heart bleeds for these hard-done-by executives. How dare the system short-change them like that? – © Mark Alexander

Alba’s Home-made Lemon Cake | Torta al limone italiana

May 25, 2023

Click here and then click on ‘show more’.

Why Has Elon Musk Replaced Twitter’s Blue Bird with an ‘X’?

Jul 25, 2023 | Elon Musk and Twitter Chief Executive Officer Linda Yaccarino have unveiled a new logo for the social media platform, featuring a white 'X' on a black background. Technology journalist Chris Stokel-Walker explains.

Sorry to have to tell you, Elon, but you’ve just had a brain fart! You’ve gone and killed off the dickie bird that laid the golden egg! – © Mark Alexander

Related links here.

Nonnen | Doku HD | ARTE

Jul 25, 2023 | Vor den Toren von Paris lebt eine Gemeinschaft von Benediktinerinnen. Sie sind unterschiedlichster Herkunft. Zwischen den Gebeten arbeiten sie, um ihre Ordensgemeinschaft am Leben zu halten: Sie verkaufen selbst gemachte Rosenkränze und betreiben Gästezimmer, in denen sie bei Bedarf auch Schutzsuchende aufnehmen – wie Halyna aus der Ukraine.

Am Rande von Paris teilen die Benediktinerinnen des Priorats Sainte-Bathilde hinter den Backsteinmauern eines etwa hundert Jahre alten Gebäudes zurückgezogen ihr Leben und ihren Glauben. Sie stehen ausnahmslos jeden Morgen um 5.45 Uhr auf und beginnen jeden Tag in Stille, die nur von ihren Gesängen unterbrochen wird. Erst, wenn sie die Kirche verlassen, beginnen die Gespräche. Dann versammeln sie sich, um gemeinsam zu entscheiden, was zu tun ist, aber auch, um zu planen, sich auszutauschen, voranzukommen. Alle dürfen mitreden.

Ständig brauchen sie Geld, sei es für die Restaurierung einer alten Orgel oder für die Reparatur einer brüchigen Leitung oder eines kaputten Fensters. Daher arbeiten sie und fertigen für ein geringes Entgelt Rosenkränze. Wenn das Geld allzu knapp wird, rufen sie wie echte Marketingexpertinnen zu Spenden auf, organisieren den „Flohmarkt des Jahrhunderts“ oder ein Konzert.

Das eingenommene Geld nutzen sie auch, um hilfsbedürftige Menschen zu unterstützen. Die Nonnen ernähren sich von Lebensmitteln, die sich nicht mehr verkaufen lassen und ihnen gespendet werden. Sie interessieren sich für die Welt, blicken beunruhigt auf ihren Zustand, wollen auf dem Laufenden bleiben, um ihre Gebete danach ausrichten zu können. Heute leben 15 Nonnen hier, manche kommen aus Frankreich, andere aus Benin, Vietnam, Äthiopien.

Sie sind alle unterschiedlich, nicht alle sprechen dieselbe Sprache, und doch teilen sie Tag für Tag ihr Leben, sie mögen sich, verstehen sich, akzeptieren sich und haben diesen Lebensweg gewählt. Sie sind Frauen der Tat und das unermüdlich und voller Liebe.

Dokumentation von Lola und Lorraine David Pidoux (F 2023, 55 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 08/01/2024

What Is Supercharging the Global Heat?

Jul 19, 2023 | The planet is being hit with a double whammy of global heating in 2023: on top of the rise in global temperature caused by greenhouse gas emissions is an emerging El Niño.

This sporadic event is the biggest natural influence on year-to-year weather and adds a further spurt of warmth to an already overheating world. The Guardian's environment editor, Damian Carrington, explains what El Niño is and how it affects extreme weather.

Some July Heat: ‘Virtually Impossible’ Without Climate Change, Analysis Finds

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The latest study from World Weather Attribution scientists predicts that extreme heat waves will return more frequently.

Some of the extreme temperatures recorded in the Southwestern United States, southern Europe and northern Mexico at the beginning of the month would have been “virtually impossible” without the influence of human-caused climate change, according to research made public Tuesday.

During the first half of July hundreds of millions of people in North America, Europe and Asia sweltered under intense heat waves. A heat wave in China was made 50 times as likely by climate change, the researchers said.

World Weather Attribution, an international group of scientists who measure how much climate change influences extreme weather events, focused on the worst heat so far during the northern hemisphere summer. In the United States, temperatures in Phoenix have reached 110 degrees Fahrenheit, roughly 43 Celsius, or higher for more than 20 days in a row. Many places in southern Europe are experiencing record-breaking, triple-digit temperatures. A remote township in Xinjiang, China, hit 126 degrees, breaking the national record.

“Without climate change, we wouldn’t see this at all,” said Friederike Otto, a senior lecturer in climate science at Imperial College London and co-founder of World Weather Attribution. “Or it would be so rare that it basically would not be happening.” » | Delger Erdenesanaa | Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Algeria Wildfires Kill Dozens of People Including 10 Soldiers

THE GUARDIAN: About 7,500 firefighters trying to bring blazes under control and 1,500 people evacuated as heatwave spreads

Thirty-four people including 10 soldiers have been killed by wildfires in the mountainous Béjaïa and Bouïra regions of Algeria, as a heatwave spreads across north Africa and southern Europe.

About 8,000 firefighters were trying to bring the flames under control, authorities said, adding that about 1,500 people had been evacuated.

Algeria’s interior ministry said operations were under way to put out fires in six provinces and asked for people to “avoid areas affected by the fires” and to report new blazes on freephone numbers.

“Civil protection services remain mobilised until the fires are completely extinguished,” the ministry said.

The defence ministry said 10 soldiers were killed in the fires, but provided no further details. » | Agencies in Algiers | Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday, July 24, 2023

Mit 217 Km/h: Heftiger Sturm zieht über Schweiz hinweg

JUl 24, 2023 | Sowohl in der westlichen Schweiz als auch in Frankreich sowie im Norden Italiens haben starke Regelfälle und heftige Stürme Tote und enorme Zerstörung hinterlassen.

Read more here.

Former Boris Johnson Aide Joins Lords as Youngest Ever Life Peer

THE GUARDIAN: Charlotte Owen, 30, has faced criticism over lack of experience after being nominated by former PM

Charlotte Owen, a former aide to Boris Johnson, has taken her seat as the youngest ever life peer in the House of Lords, despite criticism over her lack of professional experience. The 30-year-old became Baroness Owen of Alderley Edge after being formally introduced to the upper chamber on Monday afternoon.

Johnson nominated seven of his close allies to the Lords as part of his controversial resignation honours list, of which Owen was one of the last to take her seat.

Three of those nominated were in their 30s, including Ross Kempsell, a 31-year-old former journalist, and Ben Houchen, the 36-year-old Tees Valley mayor. » | Kiran Stacey, Political correspondent | Monday, July 24, 2023

What a joke! What a sick joke! The Tories have turned politics in this country into a farce – a sick farce!

One can only wonder why such a young, inexperienced lady has been made a baroness.

This sort of thing only demeans the honours list altogether. I suppose that the market-friendly Tories will surely get the idea to start flogging life peerages in supermarkets soon as a part of their privatization programme.

One can but shake one’s head! – © Mark Alexander

Charlotte Owen, Baroness Owen of Alderley Edge.

Putin verbietet „Geschlechtsumwandlungen“ in Russland

„Putin go homo“: Auf Pride Paraden in Europa wie hier in Wien wird auch regelmäßig gegen Machthaber demonstriert, die versuchen LGBTQIA+-Rechte einzuschränken.


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Chirurgische Eingriffe zur Geschlechtsanpassung sowie die Einnahme von Hormonen sind nun in Russland verboten. Putin sieht es als Kampf gegen „westliche Ideologien“. Das Gesetz ist auch in Russland umstritten.

Kremlchef Wladimir Putin hat Russlands umstrittenes Gesetz zum Verbot von „Geschlechtsumwandlungen“ per Unterschrift in Kraft gesetzt. Der Kremlchef unterzeichnete das Gesetz am Montag. Demnach dürfen sich Menschen in Russland, die eine andere geschlechtliche Identität haben, nicht mehr chirurgischen Eingriffen unterziehen oder etwa auch Hormone verschreiben lassen.

Ärzte kritisierten, dass damit Menschen der Zugang zu medizinischer Hilfe verweigert werde. Menschenrechtler beklagen eine Verletzung des Rechts auf Selbstbestimmung. Betroffene, die von Geschlechtsanpassungen sprechen, befürchten noch mehr Ausgrenzung, eine Zunahme von Hass und gewaltsamen Übergriffen. » | Quelle: dpa | Montag, 24. Juli 2023

Die SS - Eine Warnung der Geschichte | HD Doku 2015

Jun 9, 2015 | Die SS war der Inbegriff des Terrors. Sie vollzog den Massenmord. Sie verkörperte wie keine andere Organisation in Hitlers Reich den tödlichen Wahn vom Herrenmenschen. SS – die beiden Buchstaben in altgermanischer Runenschrift stehen für das wohl effektivste und gefährlichste Machtinstrument der NS-Diktatur. In nur wenigen Jahren wurde die “Schutzstaffel” von einer unbedeutenden Leibwache zu einem Staat im Staate Hitler, einem Sklavenstaat.

WARNUNG: Diese Dokumentation ist für empfindliche Leute gar nicht geeignet; und für Kinder schon gar nicht. Darin wird gezeigt, wie grausam, erbarmungslos und ohne Mitgefühl Leute können sein. Natürlich waren Antisemitismus und Unbarmherzichkeit die besonderen Merkmale der Schutzstaffeln (SS) gewesen. Jene Zeiten waren wirklich schrecklich; die Gräueltaten, fast unbeschreiblich. Gewiß sollte man versichern können, daß wir solche Zeiten nie wieder durchleben müssten. Jedoch leider sehen wir jeden Tag Bilder aus der Ukraine, welche uns zeigen wie sehr auch in der heutigen Zeit unschuldige Menschen des Krieges wegen leiden müssen. – © Mark Alexander

Zwangssterilisation wegen Behinderung: das Ende der Verbrechen? | ARTE Hintergrund

Jul 24, 2023 | Einige Länder in Europa erlauben noch immer die Zwangssterilisierung behinderter Menschen. In Frankreich und in Deutschland ist sie zwar gesetzlich verboten, jedoch wird sich in zahlreichen Ausnahmefällen über die Zustimmung der Hauptbetroffenen hinweg gesetzt. Eine EU-Richtlinie könnte von den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten nun ein umfassendes Verbot dieser diskriminierenden Praxis verlangen. Sexualität, aber auch die von behinderten Frauen erlebte sexuelle Gewalt werden nun offen thematisiert.

Ce rapport est également disponible en français ici.

Israel: Parlament stimmt für den umstrittenen Umbau der Justiz

Jul 24, 2023 | Das israelische Parlament in Jerusalem hat für den Umbau des Justizsystems gestimmt. Über die umstrittene Reform der rechts-religiösen Regierung von Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu hatte die Knesset nach einer Marathon-Debatte entschieden.

Brexit Blamed as Number of Britons with Second Home in France Plummets

THE CONNEXION: New survey results show the number of households in England with a second home in France has fallen by 30,000 in a decade

The number of British people with second homes in France has dropped considerably in recent years Pic: E. Spek / Shutterstock

The number of Britons owning a second home in France has tumbled by more than 30,000 over the past decade, new figures reveal.

There were 93,000 households in England with a second home in France in 2012-13, according to the English Housing Survey.

The latest poll, published by the UK government, shows the number of households concerned dropped to 60,000 in 2021-22.

Estate agents have blamed Brexit and in particular the subsequent restrictions on free movement that mean Britons can only spend 90 days in any 180 in France. » | Hannah Thompson and Théophile Larcher | Monday, July 24, 2023

Spain Election: Conservatives Fall Short of All-out Victory in Polls - BBC News

Jul 24, 2023 | Spain's opposition conservative party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo has claimed victory in a snap election, but without the result he needed. Even with the support of the far right, his Popular Party has fallen short of a majority in parliament. The cheers at the rival Socialist camp were just as loud as Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez declared: "The reactionary bloc has failed." While both can claim success, Spain is left with an inconclusive result.

Related articles here.

BBC Newsreader George Alagiah Dies Aged 67

THE GUARDIAN: Alagiah was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer in 2014 – for which he underwent 17 rounds of chemotherapy

George Alagiah, who died on Monday morning. Photograph: Jeff Overs/BBC/PA

The BBC newsreader George Alagiah has died at the age of 67 after being diagnosed with bowel cancer nine years ago, his agent has said.

One of the BBC’s best-known journalists, he presented the BBC News at Six for two decades, having previously had a lengthy career as a foreign correspondent.

Alagiah died peacefully on Monday morning “surrounded by his family and loved ones”, according to his agent, Mary Greenham.

She said: “George fought until the bitter end but sadly that battle ended earlier today. George was deeply loved by everybody who knew him, whether it was a friend, a colleague or a member of the public. He simply was a wonderful human being. My thoughts are with [his wife] Fran, the boys and his wider family.” » | Hannah J Davies and Jim Waterson | Monday, July 24, 2023

George Alagiah was a superb journalist and newsreader. In addition, he had an extremely cultured and mellifluous voice; so his delivery was extremely pleasant. In fact, altogether, he was a very distinguished gentleman. That in itself is relatively rare these days. George Alagiah will be sorely missed by so many. R.I.P. – © Mark Alexander

This comment also appears on YouTube here.

Rhodes and Corfu Wildfires: Thousands Evacuated from Island Fires - BBC News

Jul 14, 2023 | Wildfires on Rhodes have forced 19,000 people to be evacuated from homes and holiday accommodation.

Flights are due to land on the Greek island later on Monday to bring back stranded holidaymakers. Tourists have been sleeping at the airport, makeshift rescue centres and on the street, after the flames threatened holiday resorts. At least three hotels have been destroyed in the dense forest area of Kiotari on the east of the island.

Another evacuation order was issued for parts of Corfu, some 1,027km (670 miles) miles away, on Sunday evening.

Related here, here and here.

Elon Musk Reveals the New Twitter Logo X

Screenshot from Linda Yaccarino’s tweet printed in this Guardian article.

THE GUARDIAN: Minimalist art deco ‘X’ billed as part of social media platform’s rebrand

Elon Musk has revealed a new logo for Twitter, choosing a “minimalist art deco” X as part of a rebrand of the platform.

The Twitter owner indicated the design would be altered, tweeting that it “probably changes later, certainly will be refined.” Twitter’s CEO, Linda Yaccarino, confirmed the choice on Monday by tweeting the design and writing: “X is here! Let’s do this.”

Musk had appealed to his 149 million followers for design ideas and appears to have chosen a logo that he had flagged on Sunday via a flickering video pinned to the top of his Twitter feed.

The “X” logo has long been an obsession of Musk’s and is his name for an “everything app” that he has pledged to launch at some point – with Twitter the likely vehicle. Shortly before buying Twitter in October, Musk described the social media platform as “an accelerant to creating X, the everything app.” » | Dan Milmo, Global technology editor | Monday, July 24, 2023

Related article.

Rebranding Twitter: the shaky history of corporate makeovers: From Abrdn to BP’s ‘beyond petroleum’ and the Royal Mail switch to Consignia – customer backlashes can bite »

Twitter remplace le logo historique de l'oiseau bleu par un «X» : Conformément à ce qu’avait annoncé Elon Musk, le célèbre oiseau bleu a été remplacé par la lettre X, en référence à X Corp, nouveau nom officiel de la plateforme. »

The tweet is no more! Henceforward, tweets are to be called “x’s”! »

Anjem Choudary Charged with Three Terror Offences

BBC: Radical preacher Anjem Choudary has been charged with three terror offences, the Metropolitan Police said.

He is accused of membership of a proscribed organisation, addressing meetings to encourage support for a proscribed organisation and directing a terrorist organisation, contrary to section 56 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

The 56-year-old was arrested last week.

Another man, Khaled Hussein, was charged on Monday with membership of a proscribed organisation.

The 28-year-old Canadian national was detained last week at Heathrow Airport after arriving in the UK. » | Sean Seddon, BBC News | Monday, July 24, 2023

Greece: Wildfires Break Out on Corfu and Evia as 19,000 Flee Rhodes Blazes

THE GUARDIAN: Boats ready to pick up evacuees on Corfu as heatwave continues and firefighters tackle blazes on Rhodes that sparked Greece’s largest wildfire evacuation

Firefighters in Greece were struggling to contain 82 wildfires burning across the country, 64 of which started on Sunday, the hottest day of the summer so far.

As well as huge blazes on the island of Rhodes, which forced 19,000 to flee, wildfires also broke out on the islands of Evia and Corfu.

On Evia, authorities told residents of four southern villages to evacuate to the town of Karystos, west of where the fire was advancing. » | Guardian staff and agencies | Monday, July 24, 2023

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Vince Hill, Whose Sound of Music Cover Edelweiss Reached No 2, Dies at 89

THE GUARDIAN: Pop singer recorded a number of hits in 1960s and 1970s came up with 1983 general election song It’s Maggie for Me

Vince Hill performing with Lulu alongside Margaret Thatcher at the Conservative Trade Unions conference in April 1979. Photograph: Graham Wood/ANL/Shutterstock

British pop singer Vince Hill, who reached No 2 in the UK charts in 1967 with a cover of The Sound of Music song Edelweiss, has died at the age of 89.

Hill died peacefully at home in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire on Saturday, according to a statement on his website. He had worked with leading lights from the world of entertainment including Dame Barbara Windsor, Dame Vera Lynn, Tony Christie and Cilla Black.

The statement said: “Vince created a musical legacy … He and his tunes will remain forever in our hearts.” It added that he was a “one of a kind” and a “wonderful guy” who was “loved universally” and asked that people respect the privacy of his friends and family. » | PA Media | Sunday, July 23, 2023

Spain’s Rightwing Parties Fail to Gain Expected Poll Lead in Election

THE GUARDIAN: Opposition rightwing PP has the most votes with 90% counted but coalition with Vox on course to fall short of outright majority

Spain’s opposition conservative party is poised for the narrowest of victories over the ruling socialists but looks unlikely to secure a rightwing majority following a snap general election that had raised fears of the far right entering government for the first time since the country returned to democracy after General Franco’s death five decades ago.

Although the polls had consistently predicted that the opposition conservative People’s party (PP) would cruise past the Spanish Socialist Workers party (PSOE) to secure an emphatic victory in Sunday’s election, early results suggested the race was going to be much tighter. » | Sam Jones in Madrid | Sunday, July 23, 2023

Spain elections: hung parliament after conservatives fail to secure expected majority: Conservative People’s party and prime minister Pedro Sánchez’s Socialists both declare victory, with weeks of negotiations likely ahead »

Gordon Brown, ex-premier ministre britannique : « La capitulation des conservateurs espagnols face à l’extrême droite aurait des répercussions sur tout le continent »

LE MONDE : L’ancien premier ministre britannique déplore, dans une tribune au « Monde », le projet du Parti populaire de s’allier, en cas de victoire, avec Vox et son programme hypernationaliste, anti-LGBT + et anti-immigration. Cela révèle à quel point le nationalisme et le populisme sont en train de se systématiser.

Les élections législatives du dimanche 23 juillet, en Espagne, sont importantes non seulement pour l’avenir de ce pays, mais également pour celui de l’Europe. La défaite du premier ministre socialiste, Pedro Sanchez, pourrait permettre au parti d’extrême droite Vox, qui rassemble des démagogues sans envergure, d’acquérir un réel pouvoir parlementaire. En outre, si, comme on s’y attend, Vox et le Parti populaire (PP) – conservateur – forment un gouvernement de coalition, disparaîtrait la mise à distance des politiciens d’extrême droite, une tradition qui perdure depuis la mort du généralissime Francisco Franco, en 1975.

Si Vox devait participer au gouvernement espagnol, son programme effrayant, hypernationaliste, anti-LGBT +, antiféministe et anti-immigration, plongerait l’Europe encore un peu plus dans un abîme de droite. La capitulation face au parti de la part des conservateurs de centre droit, qui rejetaient habituellement les alliances avec l’extrême droite mais qui cherchent désespérément à revenir au pouvoir, aurait des répercussions sur tout le continent, notamment parce que l’Espagne exerce la présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne jusqu’au 31 décembre. » | Gordon Brown, Ancien premier ministre du Royaume-Uni | dimanche 23 juillet 2023

Espagne : Vox, le parti d’extrême droite au centre du jeu lors des élections législatives anticipées : L’échiquier politique espagnol s’est reconfiguré depuis 2014, et oppose désormais deux blocs : le PSOE aspire à la victoire de l’union des gauches et à rester au pouvoir. A droite, le PP part favori et n’écarte pas de gouverner en coalition avec Vox. »

Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 in B♭ minor, op. 23 | Daniel Barenboim

Sep 21, 2020 | Staatskapelle Berlin | Conducted by Zubin Metha

Daniel Barenboim.

Drohender Rechtsruck? Warum die Wahl in Spanien polarisiert | auslandsjournal

Jul 23, 2023 | In Spanien wurden die Wahlen vorgezogen – statt im Dezember wird jetzt schon im Juli gewählt. Dabei stehen die regierenden Sozialisten den Konservativen gegenüber. Denn auf der einen Seite kämpft die Rechtsaußen-Partei Vox, für die traditionelle Familie und gegen Rechte sexueller Minderheiten. Die Sozialisten hingegen setzen sich für die Gleichstellung, Frauen und gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt ein.

Spaniens politische Lager sind im Machtkampf unversöhnlich entzweit. Es geht um eine Richtungsentscheidung für das Land. ZDF-Reporter Thomas Walde trifft Spanier aus verschiedenen politischen Lagern. Es herrscht Unsicherheit unter Ihnen, welche Partei die Wahl für sich entscheiden wird.

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The Russian Soldiers Who ‘Don’t Support the War’ | Louise Callaghan

Jul 23, 2023 | “He just repeats again and again. I don't know why I'm here. I don't want to kill anyone.”

Controversial Views on Jesus: Violence, Wealth, & Ideologies. | #shorts

Listen to Dr. Bart Ehrman talk on this here.

Spain Votes on Sunday: Here’s What to Know

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The national elections could see a far-right party enter the Spanish government for the first time since the 1970s.

This past week in Barcelona, the capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, which has seen a prolonged secessionist conflict. | Maria Contreras Coll for The New York Times

Spaniards will go to the polls on Sunday to vote in an early general election that could see the right return to power and, more crucially, the far right enter the national government for the first time since the Franco dictatorship, nearly a half-century ago.

The outcome will determine whether Spain — a nation of about 48 million people and the European Union’s fourth-largest economy — follows a growing trend in Europe, where hard-right parties are surging in popularity and, in some cases, gaining power by entering governments as junior partners.

How did we get here?

Spain has succeeded in stabilizing its economy and politics after years of upheavals marked by a devastating financial crisis, a prolonged secessionist conflict in Catalonia and repeated failures to form a government.

Pedro Sánchez, the current prime minister, has been in power for five years. He leads a fragile coalition government made up of various left-wing parties, including his own, the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party.

Still, under Mr. Sánchez’s leadership, Spain has enjoyed a period of strong economic growth and low inflation. He is also popular in the European Union for his progressive and pro-Europe policies. » | Constant Méheut | Sunday, July 23, 2023

Kochen im Tal – Stephan Schnieder: Geschnetzeltes Zürcher Art – Ganz spontan!

Jan 27, 2022 | Ein Klassiker – und zwar einer der richtig schnell geht: Hier zeigen wir euch, wie ihr euch innerhalb kurzer Zeit ein schmackhaftes Geschnetzeltes nach Zürcher Art zubereitet. Viel Spaß ... und lasst es euch schmecken!


200g Rindfleisch o.ä.
100g Champignons
1 Schalotte
1EL Butter
200ml Sahne
100ml Weißwein

Rhodes: Thousands Evacuated from Greek Island as Wildfires Spread – BBC News

Jul 23, 2023 | Thousands of people have been evacuated from homes and hotels on the Greek island of Rhodes after wildfires engulfed large parts of the island. Greece's fire service told the BBC it apologises for what it called "a mess" on the island, warning that the situation could worsen due to weather. More than 3,500 people have been evacuated by land and sea to safety.


Au Maroc, le calvaire des mères divorcées

THE MONDE : Après une séparation, la tutelle de l’enfant revient automatiquement au père, tandis que la femme, qui assure le plus souvent la garde, n’a aucun droit sur lui. Face à cette injustice, des voix plaident pour une nouvelle réforme du code de la famille.

Toutes parlent d’une « humiliation ». Pour Ilham, ce devait être une formalité : « Je voulais inscrire mon fils dans une école plus proche de mon domicile, mais son père s’y est opposé. » Dounia, elle, souhaitait ouvrir un compte bancaire au nom de sa fille : « Son papa n’a pas voulu me donner l’autorisation. » Quant à Nadia, elle avait simplement envie de voyager : « Je rêvais d’emmener mes deux enfants quelques jours en France. Quand j’ai demandé l’accord de mon ex-mari, il a refusé. » Pour les femmes divorcées d’un époux marocain de confession musulmane, ces démarches et d’autres, comme l’établissement de papiers administratifs, sont impossibles à réaliser sans l’assentiment du père. » | Par Alexandre Aublanc (Casablanca, correspondance) | vendredi 21 juillet 2023

Benjamin Netanyahu Has Pacemaker Fitted Hours ahead of Key Vote on Judicial Reform Plans

THE GUARDIAN: Israeli prime minister vows to push ahead with controversial reforms despite procedure and even as tens of thousands protest against them

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been fitted with a pacemaker, after being rushed to hospital hours ahead of a key vote on his controversial judicial reforms.

His doctors said the operation had gone well. “The implant went smoothly without any complications. He is not in a life-threatening condition and he feels great and is returning to his daily routine,” said Roy Beinart, who manages the arrhythmia centre at Sheba Medical Center, early Sunday. » | Reuters | Sunday, July 23, 2023

Netanyahu Hospitalized for Heart Defect as Israel’s Turmoil Intensifies: Doctors said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “doing very well” after an unexpected heart procedure early Sunday. But the news only compounded the chaos over a government plan to limit judicial power. »

Ed Davey: ‘Tactical Voting Can Lock Tories Out of Power for a Generation’

THE OBSERVER: Lib Dem leader says people lending their votes to rival parties could shut the door on Conservatives at Westminster for years to come

Newly elected Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Dyke with party leader Ed Davey in Frome, Somerset, on Friday. Photograph: Ben Birchall/PA

The Tories could be locked out of power for a generation if supporters of other parties vote tactically at the next general election, the Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey, says on Sunday, after his party chalked up another stunning West Country byelection victory.

A massive 29% swing to the Lib Dems saw Sarah Dyke take the Somerton and Frome seat, overturning a Conservative majority of more than 19,200. Davey’s party now has a comfortable 11,000 majority of its own, the largest it has ever had over the Tories in the constituency. » | Toby Helm, Political editor | Sunday, July 23, 2023

As an Arab might say, inshallah! Send this régime packing: this band of corrupt, incompetent, greedy fools! Clowns! Rapacious clowns!

This country needs a business-friendly party to lead it. The Tories used to be that party. Alas, no longer. No business-friendly party would turn its back on the biggest, most-successful single market in the world: The Single Market – a market of 500m or so consumers. Only an idiot would turn its back on such a market.

It is to be hoped that we will soon witness the demise of the Conservatives. We Brits deserve better than this. – © Mark Alexander

Twitter: Elon Musk Says He Wants to Change Company’s Bird Logo

THE GUARDIAN: Social media billionaire says if a good enough logo is ‘posted tonight, we’ll make (it) go live worldwide tomorrow’

Elon Musk and the Twitter logo. The billionaire say he is looking to change the social media company’s bird logo. Photograph: Dado Ruvić/Reuters

Elon Musk has said he is looking to change Twitter’s logo, tweeting: “And soon we shall bid adieu to the Twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds”.

In a post on the site in the early hours of Sunday, the social media platform’s billionaire owner added: “If a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we’ll make (it) go live worldwide tomorrow.” » | Reuters | Sunday, July 23, 2023

The bird logo is surely what tweeting is all about! Take away the bird and you take away the tweet. Birds twitter; people on Twitter tweet! What has Elon Musk been smoking? IMHO, he would be strongly advised to keep the bird as Twitter’s logo. – © Mark Alexander

Elon Musk change le logo historique de Twitter : Le célèbre oiseau bleu devrait être remplacé par la lettre X, en référence à X Corp, nouveau nom officiel de la plateforme. »

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Greece Fires: Thousands Flee Homes and Hotels on Rhodes as Fires Spread

A blaze takes hold of woodland on Rhodes | REUTERS

BBC: Thousands of people have been evacuated from homes and hotels on the Greek island of Rhodes after wildfires engulfed large parts of the island.

The country's fire service has described the fires as the most difficult it is currently facing.

It is estimated more than 2,000 people have been moved by land and sea to safer locations.

The island has been battling wildfires fanned by strong winds since Tuesday, amidst a heatwave in Europe.

No injuries have been reported, according to the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection in Greece.

It said visitors are being evacuated safely from the affected areas of Rhodes - which represent less than 10% of the island's tourist accommodation - and are being redirected to other hotels on the island. » | Siobhan Toman, Andre Rhoden-Paul & Rozina Sini, BBC News | Saturday, July 22, 2023

Europe heatwave: Temperatures to soar in Greece as fires still burn: Greece is bracing for more intense heat this weekend, with meteorologists warning that temperatures could climb as high as 45C (113F). »

En Grèce, près de 2 000 touristes évacués de l’île de Rhodes, en proie à de violents Incendies : Le pays est frappé par une canicule qui devrait durer « de seize à dix-sept jours, ce qui n’est jamais arrivé auparavant », selon l’Observatoire national d’Athènes. »

Iran Inflation: President Ebrahim Raisi Plans to Revive Economy

Jul 22, 2023 | Pressure is growing on the Iranian government to bring down rising prices. President Ebrahim Raisi has pledged to revive the economy, but people are increasingly falling into poverty. Crippling US sanctions are viewed as the major driver of Iran's skyrocketing food prices. Al Jazeera’s Sinem Koseoglu reports from Tehran, Iran.

Dimitra’s Dishes: Greek Dakos Salad from the Island of Crete

Jul 22, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Scotland’s Return to the EU

Marsch auf Jerusalem


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In Israel gehen am Samstag Tausende gegen die Justizreform auf die Straße. Ein kilometerlanger Protestzug erreicht Jerusalem – mit Ziel auf das Parlament.

Tausende Israelis haben sich an einem Protestmarsch gegen die von Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanyahu geplante Justizreform beteiligt. Mit blau-weißen israelischen Flaggen kam eine mehrere Kilometer lange Kolonne von Demonstranten am Samstag in Jerusalem an, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.

Der Protestzug war bereits mehrere Tage unterwegs. Auf dem Weg von Tel Aviv nach Jerusalem campierten die Demonstranten nachts im Freien und wurden von Anwohnern mit Essen und Trinken versorgt. » | Quelle: AFP/asch. | Samstag, 22. Juli 2023

Michael Lambert: The Incompetence, Dishonesty & Failure of the Sunak Government

Jul 22, 2023 | The current British government under prime minister Rishi Sunak must be the worst ever. 70% of the cabinet are politicians who opposed Brexit and yet agreed to support it in order to get elected.

The Home Secretary Suella Braverman continues to be obsessed with sending desperate asylum seekers to Rwanda whilst her lapdog junior minister Robert Jenrick does his best to make child asylum seekers as unwelcome as possible.

Kemi Badenoch the part-time trade and industry secretary extols the benefits of her deal with the CPTPP which will add £1.8 billion to the UK's GDP in ten years’ time.

Theresa Coffey the minister in charge of the environment claims waters around the UK are the cleanest they have ever been despite more than 300,000 discharges of sewage into rivers and seas in the past year.

Rishi Sunak is weak and has no ideas other than to parrot his five priorities, none of which he is likely to achieve.

TATA have been encouraged to open a battery plant in Somerset in exchange for a grant said to be around £500 million of taxpayers' money.

Waitrose Boss Attacks Ministers for Ditching Animal Welfare Food Labels

THE TELEGRAPH: Britain faces race to the bottom on food standards, warns James Bailey

Waitrose has attacked ministers for shelving plans to make animal welfare labels mandatory, warning that Britain risks a “race to the bottom” on standards.

Writing in The Telegraph, James Bailey, Waitrose’s executive director, described it as a “huge disappointment” that the Government had abandoned a planned formal consultation over bringing in new animal welfare labels for meat produce.

He said this meant the scheme “won’t make it onto the statute book any time soon”, and warned that without it Britain’s farmers risked being undercut by battery-caged chickens imported from the Asia Pacific.

He added: “Customers deserve to know where the meat on their dinner table comes from and how it lived.” » | Hannah Boland | Friday, July 21, 2023