Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Pourquoi les Américains meurent de plus en plus jeunes

LE MONDE : L’espérance de vie aux Etats-Unis s’établit à 76,1 ans, au plus bas depuis 1996. Les armes, les accidents de voiture et les overdoses décimant les plus jeunes sont les principales causes de cette situation.

Le chiffre est connu, l’espérance de vie américaine est en chute libre depuis plusieurs années et s’établissait à 76,1 ans en 2021, soit le plus bas niveau depuis 1996, selon les données du NCHS (Centre national de statistiques sur la santé) de 2022. Le recul depuis 2019 est de 2,7 ans, du jamais vu depuis le début des années 1920, et le Covid-19 n’explique pas tout.

Moins connues sont en revanche les raisons de cette contre-performance. La première est digne de Monsieur de La Palisse : si les Américains ne vivent pas vieux, c’est qu’ils meurent avant. Un Américain sur 25 âgé de 5 ans aujourd’hui n’atteindra pas l’âge de 40 ans, comme le relève une enquête approfondie du Financial Times publiée le 31 mars : c’est quatre ou cinq fois plus que dans les autres pays développés. Les explications tiennent de la caricature : homicides, accidents de la circulation, overdoses, maladies liées à l’obésité, les Américains meurent des maux de l’Amérique, dans la force de l’âge. » | Par Arnaud Leparmentier (New York, correspondant) | mardi 18 avril 2023

Marilyn Monroe

“Marilyn during a hair test for "Something's Got To Give", 1962.”

Many thanks to Lisa Kilanowski for this extremely pretty photo of Marilyn Monroe.

Un baiser effronté mais très agréable, au grand jour, dans une jolie ruelle quelque part en Europe.

Ein frecher aber sehr genießbarer Kuss, am hellichten Tag, in einer hübschen Gasse irgendwo in Europa. / A cheeky but very enjoyable kiss, in broad daylight, in a pretty alley somewhere in Europe.

Very many thanks to Pinterest for this interesting picture.

Absolut Vodka Exports to Russia Discontinued after Outcry in Sweden

THE GUARDIAN: Firm’s owner, Pernod Ricard, faced calls for boycott and political pressure after resuming some exports in April

Absolut’s chief executive said the firm did not want to expose its staff and partners to ‘massive criticism’. Photograph: Alex Wong/Getty Images

The maker of Sweden’s Absolut vodka has said it is ceasing all exports to Russia after calls to boycott the brand flared up in Sweden and on social media.

The Absolut Company said it had “decided to stop the export of its brand to Russia”.

Stephanie Durroux, the firm’s chief executive, said in a statement that the company was exercising its “duty of care” towards its employees and partners. “We cannot expose them to massive criticism in all forms,” she added. » | Agence France-Presse in Stockholm | Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Die rote Fahne | Karambolage | ARTE

Apr 18, 2023 | Baptiste Touverey erzählt uns die Geschichte eines internationalen Symbols, dessen Geschichte in Frankreich begonnen hat: die rote Fahne.

Autor: Baptiste Touverey
Regie: Emilie Sandoval

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 18, 2023

Portrait de Charles X en tenue de sacre (palais du Tau – Reims)

Aug 23, 2021 | Le palais du Tau est le musée des sacres des rois de France et de la cathédrale de Reims. Sculptures, tapisseries, peintures, costumes, ornements et pièces d’orfèvrerie constituent un trésor exceptionnel, du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle.

Plusieurs portraits officiels de rois de France en tenue de sacre y sont exposés. L’un d’eux représente Charles X, seul roi sacré après la Révolution française. Entre tradition héritée de l’Ancien Régime et rupture, découvrez les moindres détails de la représentation du plus jeune frère de Louis XVI, un demi siècle après le sacre de ce dernier.

Palais du Tau à Reims : Centre des Monuments Nationaux »

Couronnement de Charles X à Reims »

In English:

The Coronation of Charles X in Reims »

WIKIPEDIA: Le Roi Charles X: E, | F, | D. |

House of Bourbon

Maison de Borbon

Haus Bourbon

The Guardian View on the PM’s Family Finances: Out of Touch with Reality

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Rishi Sunak doesn’t merely look aloof – he appears to think the rules don’t apply to him

‘Mr Sunak likes to present himself as a self-made meritocrat rather than an expensively educated banker.’ Photograph: Getty

Polling companies often ask voters to pick a description from a list of phrases that they most associate with political leaders. When YouGov did this for Rishi Sunak in late March, the words people thought best characterised the prime minister was “out of touch”. This is hardly surprising. The family fortune is so big that he and his wife, Akshata Murty, appear on the Sunday Times rich list. He can not only afford a private swimming pool but also to pay to upgrade the local electricity grid to heat it. But the news that the prime minister is being investigated by the Commons standards watchdog over a failure to declare his wife’s interest in a childcare business that may benefit from his government’s budget is about more than mere wealth. It suggests that Mr Sunak is not just aloof but he thinks that the rules don’t apply to him. » | Editorial | Monday, April 17, 2023


Untersuchung gegen Sunak wegen Anteilen seiner Frau: Die Frau von Rishi Sunak hält Anteile einer Firma, die Geld vom Staat bekommt. Der britische Premierminister soll diesen Interessenkonflikt nicht „frank und frei“ angegeben haben. »

Angela Merkel Receives Germany's Highest Order of Merit | DW News

Apr 18, 2023 | Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been honored with the prestigious award for her achievements in office, despite growing criticism of her decisions on Russia and her energy policy. The Grand Cross award was handed to her by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The award has only been given twice before, to former chancellors Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl. All three former leaders belong to the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

Merkel led Germany from 2005 to 2021, totaling four terms in office. She did not seek a fifth term. She was the first woman to take the post of chancellor and the first German head of government to have grown up in socialist East Germany.

King Charles Coronation: Who Is Going - and Who Isn't?

King Charles and Camilla, the Queen Consort, will be crowned on 6 May in London | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: With less than a month to go until King Charles III's coronation, we are starting to get a clearer picture of who is on the guest list - and who isn't.

On 6 May the King will be crowned alongside Camilla, the Queen Consort, at Westminster Abbey in London.

The King has opted for a smaller, shorter and more diverse ceremony than the previous coronation held for his mother in 1953.

Invitations have been sent to about 2,000 people - here is what we know so far about the guest list. Members of the Royal Family » | Charley Adams, BBC News | Monday, April 17, 2023


Coronation of King Charles III »

Monday, April 17, 2023

Putin Critic Speaks about Imprisoned Vladimir Kara-Maza to DW | DW News

Apr 17, 2023 | Bill Browder is a former colleague and friend of Vladimir Kara-Murza. Browder was the largest foreign investor in Russia until he was declared “a threat to national security” for exposing corruption in Russian state-owned companies. His efforts have led to the passing of the Magnitsky Act which sanctions human rights abusers and corrupt officials.


Bitcoin Faces a Crucial Moment

April 17, 2023

Watch Daniel Lacalle speak on Bitcoin here.

Britischer Palast gibt Rezept für Krönungs-Quiche bekannt

Vom Königspaar höchstpersönlich ausgewählt: Die „Krönungs-Quiche“ | Bild: DPA

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Am Wochenende von Charles’ Krönung wird es auf den Straßen Großbritanniens eine spezielle Quiche zu essen geben. Das vermutlich aus Deutschland stammende Gericht soll mit Spinat, Estragon und Saubohnen gefüllt werden.

Eine spezielle Quiche ist das offizielle Gericht der Straßenfeiern in Großbritannien zur Krönung von König Charles III. und Queen Camilla. Der Palast teilte am Montag das Rezept für die „Coronation Quiche“ (Krönungsquiche) mit, das vom Königspaar persönlich ausgewählt worden sei. In einem Video, das auf dem offiziellen Twitter-Account der Royal Family geteilt wurde, ist eine Köchin in weißer Uniform bei der Zubereitung zu sehen. » | Quelle: dpa | Montag, 17. April 2023

Die Zubereiting auf Twitter ist hier au finden.


King Charles and Camilla choose coronation quiche as signature dish: Recipe follows coronation chicken and platinum pudding as suggested centrepiece for parties and events »

Iran lädt saudischen König zu Staatsbesuch ein


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Teheran und Riad schreiten nach ihrer jüngsten Annäherung weiter voran. Nun soll der saudische König Salman in Iran empfangen werden.

Iran hat Saudi-Arabiens König Salman nach der jüngst eingeleiteten Annäherung der beiden Erzrivalen zu einem Staatsbesuch eingeladen. Das teilte ein Sprecher des Außenministeriums in Teheran am Montag mit. Präsident Ebrahim Raisi revanchiere sich damit für eine Einladung, die er nach Saudi-Arabien erhalten habe. Zum Termin wurden zunächst keine Angaben gemacht.

Nach siebenjähriger Unterbrechung hatten Iran und Saudi-Arabien Anfang April eine Vereinbarung zur Wiederaufnahme ihrer diplomatischen Beziehungen unterzeichnet. Bis zum 9. Mai sollen Botschaften und Konsulate beider Länder wieder eröffnet werden. Die Annäherung war unter der Vermittlung Chinas zustande gekommen. » | Quelle: Reuters | Montag, 17. April 2023

Two Cool Men Tying the Knot: A Hot Kiss on a Cold Day – It’s Raining, But Not in Their Hearts!

Zwei coole Männer, die sich das Ja-Wort geben: Ein heißer Kuss an einem kalten Tag – es regnet, aber nicht in ihren Herzen! / Deux hommes sympas se marient : un baiser brûlant par une journée froide - Il pleut, mais pas dans leurs cœurs !

Many thanks to Petaloso Floral Design on Pinterest for this delightful image.

"You Can Find Contradictory Verses in Holy Books"- Richard Dawkins

To watch, click here.

Bill Maher and Piers Morgan on Harry and Meghan: "They're Ridiculous"

To watch, click here.

Simple. Elegant. Attractive. Stylish.

Simple. Élégant. Attractif. Élégant. / Einfach. Elegant. Attraktiv. Stilvoll.

Many thanks to Divine Living Magazine on Pinterest for this very appealing and stylish image from the 'Roaring 20s'.

Zu Tisch... Köstliches Sizilien: Von der Küste ins Inselinnere | ARTE

Apr 17, 2023 | Jede der vier Folgen der Dokureihe ist eine kulinarische Entdeckungsreise, die Begegnungen mit besonderen Menschen schafft. Die vierte und letzte Folge beginnt genau dort, wo Nordafrika näher ist als Italien: im tiefsten Westen Siziliens, genauer auf Favignana, der größten Insel des kleinen Ägadischen Archipels.

Schon zur Zeit der Phönizier wurde an der Westküste Siziliens Salz – auch als weißes Gold bekannt – gewonnen. Noch heute finden sich auf dem „Salzweg“ zwischen den Städten Trapani und Marsala alte Salinen.

Umgeben von den Hügeln des Belice-Tals im Westen Siziliens, setzen sich Cristina Cannata und ihre Schwestern dafür ein, dass das Erbe der sizilianischen Olivensorten nicht verloren geht. Auf nur wenigen Hektar Land bauen sie mehr Olivenarten an als anderswo im ganzen Land.

Raffadali ist zwar nur ein kleines Dorf, aber eine Hochburg für sizilianische Pistazien. Carmelo Plano setzt die Tradition seines Großvaters fort und widmet sich mit Leidenschaft ihrem Anbau. Das erfordert eine aufwendige Pflege. Aufwendig ist auch die Zubereitung einer Torte, die in den umliegenden Klöstern erfunden wurde.

Hinter altgriechischen Funden im Tempeltal von Agrigento liegt ein wahres Paradies: die antiken Gärten von Kolymbethra. Giuseppe Lo Pilato hat sie vor der Gier der Bauspekulanten gerettet und damit ein einzigartiges Naturerbe bewahrt. Hier wachsen uralte Zitrus- und andere Obstarten.

Dokureihe, Regie: Francesca d'Amicis (D 2022, 32 Min)
Reupload, verfügbar bis zum 04.07.2023>

Democracy Now! Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 17, 2023

The Guardian View on Macron’s Pension Reform: Legal but Harmful

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: France’s constitutional court has approved the president’s plans to raise the retirement age. That will not stop the protests

A woman passes a burning barricade after a demonstration against Emmanuel Macron’s pension plans in Paris on 14 April 2023. Photograph: Getty

As France’s constitutional council debated the legality of Emmanuel Macron’s unpopular pension reform last week, massed ranks of riot police stood by in central Paris. It was an unsettling sign of the times. Mr Macron’s reckless decision to use executive powers to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 – avoiding a parliamentary vote he thought he might lose – has turned a highly charged national debate into a wider crisis of democratic legitimacy. On Friday, the nine members of the great and the good who make up the council found themselves at the eye of the storm.

Following the court’s verdict that the reform is constitutionally sound, Mr Macron will hope to draw a line and move on. On Friday evening, his embattled prime minister, Élisabeth Borne, optimistically tweeted: “The law has reached the end of its democratic process.” That may technically be true, but the political reality is very different. » | Editorial | Sunday, April 16, 2023

Russia Jails Putin Critic Vladimir Kara-Murza for Treason | DW News

Apr 17, 2023 | Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza was found guilty on charges of treason and denigrating the military by a court in Moscow on Monday. The critic of President Vladmir Putin was sentenced to 25 years in prison. It's the harshest sentence of its kind since Russia criminalized criticism of its military soon after its invasion of Ukraine last February.

Moscow jails activist for 25 years for opposing Ukraine war: Vladimir Kara-Murza’s harsh sentence is the longest yet given to political opponent of Vladimir Putin »


Russie : Vladimir Kara-Mourza, opposant de longue date de Vladimir Poutine, condamné à vingt-cinq ans de prison : A l’issue d’un procès tenu à huis clos, un tribunal de Moscou a reconnu, lundi, l’opposant au Kremlin coupable de haute trahison, diffusion de fausses informations sur l’armée russe et travail illégal pour une organisation indésirable sur le territoire national. Berlin, Londres et l’ONU ont réclamé sa libération. »


Ein Vierteljahrhundert Rache: 25 Jahre soll der russische Oppositionelle Wladimir Kara-Mursa in eine Strafkolonie. Prozess und Urteil sind die Abrechnung mit einem langjährigen Gegner von Präsident Wladimir Putin. »

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Spaniards Turn Against Bullfighting | ARTE.tv Documentary

Apr 16, 2023 | Bullfighting is one of Spain's most emblematic traditions, but it has been losing ground for several years now due to environmental movements and a society increasingly sensitive to animal welfare.

Spaniards Turn Against Bullfighting | ARTE.tv Documentary
Available until the 24/02/2026

Eleganz aus einer früheren, sanfteren, anmutigeren Zeit.

© Lillian Bassman

Elegance from an earlier, gentler, more graceful age. / L'élégance d'un âge plus ancien, plus doux, plus gracieux.

Für dieses außergewöhnlich schöne Bild bedanke ich mich sehr bei Quintessence.

Veni, vidi, vici.

I came, I saw, I conquered. / Ich kam, ich sah, ich siegte. / Je suis venu, j'ai vu, j'ai vaincu.

Vobis gratias pro hac pictura ago.

In Sudan wächst die Sorge vor einem Bürgerkrieg


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Armee und Paramilitärs kämpfen weiter erbittert um die Macht in Sudan. Die Gefechte in dem nordostafrikanischen Land reißen immer mehr Menschen in den Tod – die Lage bleibt unübersichtlich.

Auch am Sonntag gehen die schwere Kämpfe in Sudan weiter. Die schwere Staatskrise mit erbitterten Kämpfen zwischen Armee und Paramilitärs lässt das nordostafrikanische Land immer tiefer im Chaos versinken. Die Sorge vor einem Bürgerkrieg wächst.

Ärzten zufolge gab es keine 24 Stunden nach Ausbruch der Gefechte schon Dutzende Tote und Hunderte Verletzte zu beklagen – Tendenz weiter steigend. Eine sudanesische Ärzte-Organisation teilte am frühen Sonntagmorgen über Twitter mit, es gebe mindestens 56 zivile Todesopfer zu beklagen und Dutzende getötete Soldaten. Außerdem seien in Krankenhäusern und anderen Versorgungsstellen knapp 600 Verletzte gezählt worden, von denen Dutzende in Lebensgefahr schwebten. Für Rettungskräfte sei es unmöglich, in umkämpften Gebieten verletzte Zivilisten medizinisch zu versorgen, sagte die sudanesische Ärztegewerkschaft. Sie appellierte an die internationale Gemeinschaft, Druck auf beide Konfliktparteien auszuüben. Laut dem Roten Kreuz gerieten die Krankenhäuser an ihre Grenzen. » | Quelle: marf./dpa | Sonntag, 16. April 2023


Offener Krieg auf den Straßen Khartums: In Sudan bekämpfen sich die Armee und eine mächtige Miliz offen. Ihre Allianz war seit Langem immer brüchiger geworden. »

Gaunt and Ghostly, Georgia’s Jailed Ex-President Nears Death in Hospital

THE OBSERVER: Mikheil Saakashvili warned of Putin’s ambitions 15 years ago. Now he tells of torture by a regime that panders to Moscow

Georgia's jailed ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili is seen via a video link in February during a hearing to consider a request to release him or defer, over health concerns, his six-year sentence for abuse of power. Photograph: Irakli Gedenidze/AP

Locked up in a Tbilisi hospital, Mikheil Saakashvili is slowly wasting away.

“I am asking to be transferred to Poland, as it is crystal clear that in Georgian hospital I will die,” Georgia’s former president wrote in response to questions from the Observer last week. His answers were scrawled in blue ballpoint pen on sheets of paper, passed to his lawyers.

Photographs and video of Saakashvili in hospital show him gaunt and confused. A recent report from independent experts suggested his health has deteriorated severely and he will soon face irreversible organ damage. Since his arrest, he says, his weight has halved to 60kg.

“Your eyes hurt when you look at him, it’s not a person any more but a ghost,” said Giorgi Chaladze, Saakashvili’s lawyer and political ally who regularly visits him in hospital. » | Shaun Walker in Tbilisi | Sunday, April 16, 2023

Jean-Marie Le Pen hospitalisé à la suite d’un malaise cardiaque

LE MONDE : Agé de 94 ans, le fondateur du Front national a été transporté dans un hôpital en région parisienne, où il est entouré de ses proches.

L’ancien président du Front national (FN, devenu Rassemblement national, RN), Jean-Marie Le Pen, a été hospitalisé après un « léger malaise cardiaque », samedi 15 avril, a annoncé son entourage, confirmant une information du Point.

« Jean-Marie Le Pen a été hospitalisé dans un établissement public en région parisienne. Sa famille et ses proches sont inquiets mais sereins », a affirmé son conseiller Lorrain de Saint Affrique, rapportant que M. Le Pen, figure historique de l’extrême droite française, est « conscient » et entouré. L’ancien dirigeant politique, âgé de 94 ans, a été hospitalisé à plusieurs reprises ces dernières années. Notamment en février 2022, à la suite d’une forme légère d’AVC. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 15 avril 2023

Die Krupps (2): Eine deutsche Saga - »Kriege« | SPIEGEL TV (2012)

Apr 16, 2023 | Familie Krupp - die Stahlfabrikanten aus Essen sind mit ihrer 200-jährigen Geschichte ein Mythos, der in der ganzen Welt Assoziationen weckt. Die Magnaten von der Ruhr gelten als Inbegriff des wirtschaftlichen Erfolges, aber auch der politischen Abgründe. In zahllosen militärischen Konflikten und zwei Weltkriegen lieferten die »Kanonenkönige« Waffen und Munition. SPIEGEL-TV-Autor Michael Kloft erzählt die Saga der einst mächtigsten Industriellenfamilie Deutschlands und ihres Stahl-Imperiums.

Teil 1 befindet sich hier.

Die Krupps (1): Eine deutsche Saga - »Geschäfte« | SPIEGEL TV (2012)

Apr 9, 2023 | Friedrich Krupp hat einen Traum: Er möchte Stahl herstellen und gründet 1811 eine Fabrik in Essen. Doch erst sein Sohn Alfred führt die Firma zum Erfolg und macht sie zum größten Industrie-Imperium Europas. Deutsche Konzerne mit einer großen Tradition gibt es einige. Doch nur wenige Namen haben den gleichen Klang wie »Krupp«. SPIEGEL-TV-Autor Michael Kloft erzählt die Saga der einst mächtigsten Industriellenfamilie Deutschlands und ihres Stahl-Imperiums.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Jesse Lawrence feat. Joe Leone : Out of Thin Air

Are Fears about a Dying Dollar Exaggerated? | The Bottom Line

Apr 13, 2023

Donald Trump Blames Gender-affirming Healthcare – Not Guns – for Violence in NRA Speech

PINK NEWS: Former president Donald Trump vowed to use the government to investigate and potentially halt gender-affirming healthcare for trans people if re-elected in 2024 in an NRA speech.

Trump spoke at the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) annual conference in Indianapolis, Indiana on Friday (14 April), as part of a stampede of 2024 Republican presidential hopefuls vying to secure support from the several thousand gun-rights activists in attendance.

Amid an epidemic of mass shootings in the US, Trump blamed everything but guns for the rise in violence, which he called a “mental health problem” and a “spiritual problem”. » | Maggie Baska | Saturday, April 15, 2023

A Rainbow of Emotions | ARTE.tv Documentary

Apr 15, 2023 | Life without colour wouldn't be possible. Colours have had a significant impact on our evolution and influence almost all life on earth. Where does the power of colour come from, and how can we harness it?

A Rainbow of Emotions | ARTE.tv Documentary
Available until the 04/02/2024

Daniel Lacalle : China against US: Will China and Russia Break the US Dollar?

April 15, 2023

You can subscribe to Daniel Lacalle’s English website here and his Spanish website here.

Leonard Cohen : Dance Me to the End of Love | Official Video | Reupload

Mar 10, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 166,810,645

Orient Express to Axe UK Section after 41 Years due to Brexit

THE OBSERVER: Luxury train operator cuts service ahead of biometric passport checks so passengers will have to join train in Paris

The Venice Simplon-Orient-Express at Istanbul Station last year. Photograph: Yasin Akgül/AFP/Getty Images

When the Orient Express began operating in the 19th century, passports were optional – the only paperwork required by British travellers was a copy of the Thomas Cook Continental Timetable.

But Brexit and 21st-century biometric checks are killing off the romance of crossing borders for modern passengers looking for the nostalgia of the luxury train journey that inspired Agatha Christie and Hollywood.

Belmond, the company that runs today’s Venice Simplon-Orient-Express (VSOE), has decided to drop the London-to-Folkestone leg of the route because it has become too difficult to cross the border to Calais.

Until now, passengers have been able to ride in art deco carriages of the British Pullman service from Victoria station in London to Folkestone. There they board coaches to cross the Channel to meet Belmond’s continental train at Calais, then, as night falls, they dress for dinner; a compartment in one of the vintage 1929 cars costs from £3,530 to £10,100 per person, so evening dress is required, and jeans, as Hercule Poirot would expect, are banned. » | James Tapper | Saturday, April 15, 2023

MAGA Group Unleashes Devastating Ad Attacking DeSantis for Disgusting Pudding Habit

Apr 15, 2023 | Not long ago, reports said that Florida governor Ron DeSantis has a habit of eating pudding with his fingers - a claim that DeSantis has denied. But the pro-Trump PAC MAGA War Room decided to put out a devastating and disgusting ad against the governor for his habits, while also attacking him for wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare. Farron Cousins discusses the ad, and what they left out about Donald Trump.

Cooking with Zahra: Ash-e-Anar (Pomegranate Soup)

Dec 27, 2022 | Shab-e-Yalda is a celebration that marks the longest night of the year, which falls on December 21. It is a time for Persians to come together and celebrate with music, poetry, and delicious food. This year, as we celebrate Shab-e-Yalda, it is important to remember those in Iran who are facing darkness and hardships. We can take a moment to pray for change, light, and hope for the lives of so many innocent people. As we gather with friends and loved ones, let us remember to be grateful for all that we have and to show kindness and compassion to those around us. May this Shab-e-Yalda bring us all closer together and bring us hope for a brighter future.

One traditional dish that is often enjoyed during Shab-e-Yalda is Ash-e-Anar’ or pomegranate soup. This mixed herb soup is made with pomegranate juice and molasses and is often served with flavorful mini meatballs. If you would like to try making Ash-e-Anar at home, you can find the full recipe in this month’s edition of the @spinneysuae Nourish magazine.

For a full list of the ingredients and cooking method, please click here and then click on 'Show more'.

Lebanon Without Cedars | ARTE.tv Documentary

Apr 15, 2023 | The cedar forests in the mountains of Lebanon are both a symbol of the nation and an important natural environment. But the ancient forests are threatened by climate change as well as illegal logging, in a country that is experiencing and unprecedented crisis.

Lebanon Without Cedars | ARTE.tv Documentary
Available until the 06/02/2026

The Billion Dollar Scam - BBC World Service

Apr 13, 2023 | The billion-dollar scam: How companies used Premier League sponsorship to target unsuspecting football fans.

Japan PM Evacuated after Apparent Smoke Bomb Blast during Speech – BBC News

Apr 15, 2023 | Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been evacuated unharmed from a public event after what appeared to be a smoke bomb was thrown at him. A man was detained at the scene in Wakayama, where Mr Kishida had been due to give a speech, local media reported. He was arrested on suspicion of obstruction of business and later identified by the authorities as 24-year-old Ryuji Kimura. His motivation is still unclear. A witness said they saw a person throwing something, followed by smoke, while another said they heard a big bang. No injuries were reported.

Truth To Power —Londongrad: How Russian Oligarchs Shape British Politics

Apr 15, 2023 | Back in the last century, when the sun was finally setting on Britain's empire, some of the oligarchs of the day came up with a cunning plan. Using certain so-called British Overseas Territories, for example the Cayman Islands, as tax havens for their ill gotten gains. But it wasn’t just the oligarchs of empire, investing their riches made on the backs of indigenous populations all over the world, oh no! Even if you were a common or garden criminal, a corrupt business tycoon, a drug trafficker, or just a run-of-the-mill fraudster, then Britain was your friend. The City of London became the world’s global money laundromat, and Brexit has relaxed regulations even further. And who has the most money to hide over the past few decades. Which country has the highest number of gangsters and unscrupulous businessmen in need of the services of so-called "Londongrad"? The answer of course is Russia.

Michael Lambert: 'Global Britain' Sinks as Tory Cronies Enjoy the Fortunes of Covid

Apr 15, 2023

Brexit Britain reminds me of the Titanic: The superrich keep on partying and indulging themselves on caviar and champagne even as the ship is sinking! © Mark Alexander

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Guardian View on the World Economy: Another Bleak Era Beckons

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The 2010s were a wasted decade for economies and the environment. The 20s have all the makings of a second

Remember the roaring 20s? Even as Covid gripped the world, optimists piped up that the economy would come roaring out of the pandemic, bolstering incomes and kickstarting an almighty boom. Harking back to the Spanish flu pandemic of a century earlier, they saw a decade of glorious growth ahead.

Well, they were wrong. Ahead lies not roaring but snoring; no boom, but ever-deepening gloom. That is the message from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which are holding their spring meetings in Washington DC this week. In its economic outlook, the IMF not only outlines what a mediocre few years lie ahead, it is also worried that things could get even worse. As for the World Bank, it has published a 564-page book whose chief preoccupation is in its title: Falling Long-term Growth Prospects. It warns of a “lost decade in the making”, and projects that the meagre growth of the 2010s will “extend into the remainder of the current decade”. We may be less than a third of the way into the 20s but, as far as the serried ranks of the top economists in Washington are concerned, it is already game over. » | Editorial | Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Der Michelin Restaurantführer | Karambolage | ARTE

Feb 24, 2023 | Nikola Obermann schaut sich ein französisches Buch, das von einigen geschätzt wird und von anderen gefürchtet: der Guide Michelin.

Autorin: Nikola Obermann
Regie: Stéphanie Cazaentre

Dimitra’s Dishes: Kasseri Cheese Pie


Get the recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 14, 2023

French Pension Age Rise to 64 Cleared by Court - BBC News

Apr 14, 2023 | France's top constitutional body has cleared the raising of the state pension age from 62 to 64. The Constitutional Council has rejected calls for a referendum by political opponents, however it said some articles of the controversial reform have legal flaws. Twelve days of protests have been held against the reforms since January. In March, the government used a special constitutional power to force through the reforms without a vote. President Emmanuel Macron's government argues the changes are essential to prevent the system collapsing.

Evangelicals for World Domination (1/3) | ARTE.tv Documentary

Apr 14, 2023 | In the beginning there was Billy Graham. In the midst of the Cold War, the US preacher established himself at the ‘pope’ of the evangelicals - a conservative Christian movement that aims to expand the social influence of religion in society. His great crusade was then appropriated by a powerful political-religious lobby in the following decades.

Evangelicals for World Domination (1/3) | ARTE.tv Documentary
Available until the 02/06/2023

Part 2 | Part 3

Die deutsche Version von dieser Dokumentation kann man hier zusehen.

ABC news (Australia): France’s Top Court Rules on Macron’s Pension Reform Plan | The World

Apr 14, 2023 | France's top constitutional court will decide if President Emmanuel Macron's bid to raise the retirement age is lawful. Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across the country in recent weeks in a defiant move against the proposed reforms. Former French government advisor and political commentator Natanael Bloch explains.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Was Queen Elizabeth Related to the Prophet Muhammad?

HISTORY: Claims that the British monarch was descended from the Prophet Muhammad may reveal more about modern perceptions of Islam than the queen.


Who’s in Elizabeth II’s family tree? Various European kings and queens may come to mind, but the Prophet Muhammad may not. Unless you open up a British tabloid these days, that is—publications like The Daily Mail and The Daily Express have recently run breathless pieces claiming Elizabeth was one of Muhammad’s descendants, recycling a recent news story that appeared in Al Ousboue, a Moroccan newspaper.

So was the queen really related to the prophet? It depends on whether you see a distant ancestor as related or not.

As The Economist notes, it’s not clear why the claims are resurfacing now. But they’ve been around since at least 1986, when the possible link was claimed by genealogist Harold B. Brooks-Baker, publisher of Burke’s Peerage, Britain’s guide to the nobility.

“It is little known by the British people that the blood of Mohammed flows in the veins of the queen,” Brooks-Baker wrote to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at the time. » | Erin Blakemoore | Monday, April 29, 2019

The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair | Huberman Lab Podcast

Apr 10, 2023 | In this episode, I explain the biology of hair, hair growth, why hair growth slows and what causes hair to stop growing and/or “fall out.” I discuss the essential role of hair stem cells and other supporting biological factors for healthy hair growth. Then I describe various approaches (mechanical and chemical) to slow hair loss by increasing blood flow to hair stem cells, including minoxidil, tadalafil, PRP, microneedling, Botox and ketoconazole treatments. I also discuss how age-related hormone changes cause hair loss and explain the effectiveness of treatments such as caffeine, saw palmetto, growth hormone, finasteride and dutasteride. For all hair growth options, I describe potential side effects, how soon to expect results and the amount of hair regrowth to expect and I highlight effective combination treatments for hair regrowth even in hair “dead” (bald) zones. For many listeners, thinning, brittle hair, or pattern baldness are a source of anxiety and stress. This episode explains the mechanisms underlying hair regrowth tools and the science behind them so that you can evaluate potential treatments and associated side-effect profiles and select the best one(s) for you.

Dorian Gray oder: Das Bildnis des Oscar Wilde | Doku Reupload HD | ARTE

Apr 8, 2023 | Die subversive Coming-of-age-Erzählung übt auf seine Leserschaft auch heute noch eine ungebrochene Faszination aus. Fantasy-Geschichte oder Schlüsselroman über Schönheit, Jugend und Begehren – Oscar Wildes einziger Roman ist ein Meisterwerk. Zu Wort kommen u.a. die Hochschulprofessoren Pascal Aquien und Sandra Mayer, die das Werk in seine Epoche einordnen.

„Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray“ fasziniert weiterhin seine Leserschaft und dient auch über ein Jahrhundert nach seiner Veröffentlichung Kunst- und Kulturschaffenden als Inspirationsquelle. Oscar Wilde verlieh seinem einzigen Roman gekonnt die Zeitlosigkeit und Universalgültigkeit, die ein echtes Meisterwerk kennzeichnen. „Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray“ ist nicht gealtert: Die darin enthaltenen revolutionären Aphorismen, die im viktorianischen England für Skandal sorgten, besitzen auch heute noch Schlagkraft. Subversive Coming-of-Age-Erzählung, Schlüsselroman über Schönheit, Jugend und Begehrung – „Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray“ tritt in Resonanz mit der heutigen Vernarrtheit ins eigene Bild, auf einem Rang mit der Obsession ewiger Jugend. Die Dokumentation erlaubt das Wiederentdecken der dramatischen Kraft dieser Fantasy-Geschichte, getragen von einem rockigen Soundtrack und einer Inszenierung, die zwischen Archivbildern und Digitalkompositionen wechselt. Ergänzt wird das Konzept durch Aussagen von Expertinnen und Experten aus Frankreich, Großbritannien und den USA, die Schlüssel zum tieferen Verständnis des visionären Romans liefern. Die Autoren Amélie Nothomb, Will Self, Charles Dantzig und Mathieu Terence sowie der junge Übersetzer Anatole Tomczak erklären, wie dieser Roman ihr Leben veränderte. Die Hochschulprofessoren Pascal Aquien und Sandra Mayer ordnen das Werk in seine Epoche ein. Merlin Holland, Oscar Wildes Enkel, kommentiert das brillante und tragische Schicksal seines Großvaters. Als Oscar Wilde wegen Homosexualität vor Gericht stand, wurde sein Buch als Beweismittel gegen ihn angeführt. Er wurde nicht nur wegen seiner sexuellen Neigung zu Zwangsarbeit verurteilt, sondern vor allem für das, was er zu schreiben gewagt hatte ...

Dokumentation von Philippe Picard und Jérôme Lambert (F 2019, 53 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 07/05/2023

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 13, 2023

Spring Has Sprung

Der Frühling hat begonnen / Le printemps a surgit

Many thanks to Kim Dave on Pinterest for this photo, taken from the Yves Saint Laurent spring collection 2001.

Mary Quant, British Fashion Revolutionary, Dies at 93

THE NEW YORK TIMES: As a designer, clad in her signature play clothes and boots, with huge painted eyes, fake freckles and a distinctive bob, she epitomized the style of London’s Swinging Sixties.

Mary Quant at work in London in 1963. Her boutique in the heart of Chelsea was filled with “a bouillabaisse of clothes and accessories.” | Associated Press

Mary Quant, the British designer who revolutionized fashion and epitomized the style of the Swinging Sixties, a playful, youthful ethos that sprang from the streets, not a Paris atelier, died on Thursday at her home in Surrey, in southern England. Known as the mother of the miniskirt, she was 93.

Her family announced the death in a statement given to the Press Association of Britain, saying that she had died “peacefully.”

England was emerging from its postwar privations when, in 1955, Ms. Quant and her aristocratic boyfriend, Alexander Plunket Greene, both just out of art school, opened a boutique called Bazaar on London’s King’s Road, in the heart of Chelsea. Ms. Quant filled it with the outfits that she and her bohemian friends were wearing, “a bouillabaisse of clothes and accessories,” as she wrote in an autobiography, “Quant on Quant” (1966) — short flared skirts and pinafores, knee socks and tights, funky jewelry and berets in all colors.

Young women at the time were turning their backs on the corseted shapes of their mothers, with their nipped waists and ship’s-prow chests — the shape of Dior, which had dominated since 1947. They disdained the uniform of the establishment — the signifiers of class and age telegraphed by the lacquered helmets of hair, the twin sets and heels, and the matchy-matchy accessories — the model for which was typically in her 30s, not a young gamine like Ms. Quant. » | Penelope Green | Thursday, April 13, 2023

Fashion designer Dame Mary Quant dies aged 93: Family says she was ‘an outstanding innovator of the Swinging Sixties’ and died peacefully at home »

Equal parts practical and daring: how Mary Quant created look for a new way of living: Swinging 60s icon brought a sense of female liberty to her designs »


Sie brachte den Frauen Beinfreiheit: In einer Zeit, in der Frauen noch keine Hosen trugen, war der Minirock eine Befreiung. Nun ist seine Erfinderin Mary Quant im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. »


Mary Quant, la créatrice qui a popularisé la minijupe, est morte : Avec sa jupe raccourcie dévoilant les jambes des jeunes filles, les couleurs vives et les tissus légers ou innovants de ses collections, elle a insufflé dans les années 1960 un vent de légèreté dans le monde de la mode. Elle est décédée le 13 avril, à l’âge de 93 ans. »

Jacob Rees-Mogg Suffers Epic Humiliation at the Hands of Human Rights Lawyer Geoffrey Robertson

Mar 30, 2023 | Jacob Rees-Mogg suffers an embarrassing defeat at the hands of human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson. Rees-Mogg is made to look silly, petty and clueless, all whilst maintaining a his customary veneer of misplaced smugness.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a complete and utter fool! An anachronism. A throwback. A fossil. A man with disgusting ideas. – © Mark Alexander

Krebs & Parkinson: Ist Putin krank? „Das ist eines der bestbehüteten Geheimnisse im Kreml“

Apr 13, 2023

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

King Charles’ Horse Drawn Golden Coronation Carriage with Air Conditioning

Apr 10, 2023

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66

Oct 6, 2017 | Views on YouTube: 2,732,200

Elegant in Schwarz

Elegant in black / Elégant en noir

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Lina Henriques auf Pinterest.

Republican Governor Shocks the Country by Calling for Stricter Gun Laws

Apr 12, 2023 | Republican Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has called on his state legislature to revise the state's gun laws to make it more difficult for dangerous people to get their hands on firearms. This is a massive step forward for the country, as Republican politicians have rarely been on the side of stricter gun laws. This also shows that the protests in the Tennessee statehouse had an impact, as the national spotlight showed how horrible Republicans are. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what happened.

Moscou adapte sa législation pour faciliter une nouvelle mobilisation militaire

LE MONDE : Les convocations pourront désormais être envoyées de manière électronique et non plus seulement sous forme de papier remis en main propre. En plus de risquer des poursuites pénales s’ils cherchent à échapper à l’enrôlement, les destinataires de ces messages auront interdiction de quitter le territoire.

Officiellement, il n’est pas question d’une nouvelle vague de mobilisation pour le front ukrainien. Mais dans le cas où celle-ci serait annoncée, la Russie s’est dotée, mardi 11 avril, d’instruments rendant bien plus efficace l’appel sous les drapeaux d’une partie de sa population.

C’est le sens des amendements adoptés par la Douma à la surprise générale et selon une procédure d’urgence. Certains députés se sont en effet plaints de n’avoir pas eu le temps de lire les soixante pages d’amendements, ce qui n’a pas empêché le texte d’être adopté à l’unanimité. » | Par Benoît Vitkine (Moscou, correspondant)| mardi 11 avril 2023

Article réservé aux abonnés

Dimitra’s Dishes: Classic Greek Moussaka with Freezer Tips

May 26, 2021

Get the recipe here.

Transgender in Pakistan | DW Documentary

Apr 12, 2023 | Sunny is a trans person living in Pakistan. She begs in order to survive. Others get by as sex workers or dancers.

Trans people in Pakistan are frequently cast out by their families and live in poverty. They can find safe spaces and a new family in special centers. Here, they do not have to hide and discover that they are not alone in their fight for survival and recognition in Pakistan’s conservative society. Only around 10 thousand people of Pakistan’s population of 220 million are officially counted as members of the “third gender,” yet it’s estimated that the true figure may be as high as 300 thousand.

Prince Harry to Attend King Charles' Coronation while Meghan Will Stay in California

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 12, 2023

The Young Muslims Challenging Islam’s Status Quo

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A conservative religious movement, spread through social media, has taken hold among Indonesian youth. The government wants to curb its influence.

A boy band belted out songs about loving the Prophet Muhammad. A young woman wearing a full-face veil was moved to tears by the faith of new converts. Later, the crowd applauded as a 15-year-old girl converted to Islam before their eyes. Many posted selfies on social media, delighting in their shared faith.

The scene was an annual festival in Padang, part of a new conservative Islamic movement in Indonesia known as Hijrah that is attracting millions of believers, many of them young and drawn by celebrity preachers on Instagram.

Islamic conservatism has been on the rise in Indonesia for years, even as the government has long tried to maintain a secular, religiously diverse society. The current iteration in the Hijrah movement is distinct in its use of social media to spread the word, and in its appeal to the young. And its popularity is generating concern among government and religious officials, who fear it could erode a more moderate brand of Islam. » | Sui-Lee Wee | Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Europe Sovereignty: “Pandemic, War Made Us Discover We Have to Reduce Our Dependencies” | DW News

Apr 12, 2023

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Elizabeth Holmes to Begin 11-year Prison Sentence at End of Month

THE GUARDIAN: Federal judge denies Theranos founder’s request to remain free while she appeals her conviction of fraud and conspiracy

Elizabeth Holmes must begin her more than 11-year prison sentence on 27 April after a federal judge denied the disgraced Theranos founder’s request to remain free while she appeals her conviction. » | Julia Carrie Wong | Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Jesus Was a Revolutionary, Unlike the Church Establishment

Apr 11, 2023 | "This apology for a church with the Archbishop of Canterbury and buffoon King Charles at the head of it are interchangeable with the moneychangers inside the temple

Dimitra’s Dishes : Swedish Princess Torte

Apr 3, 2023

Get the recipe here.

US Hunger: The Cost of Keeping Rich People Rich - Economic Update with Richard Wolff

Apr 11, 2023

And to think that the Tories want to copy this broken economic system! Ugh! Perish the thought! We Brits are Europeans, not Americans! – © Mark Alexander

Junge Raucher: Anteil sprunghaft gestiegen

Studie zu Tabakkonsum

ZDF: In den vergangenen Jahren ist der Anteil der Raucher unter jungen Menschen zurückgegangen. Für 2022 zeigt eine Studie einen sprunghaften Anstieg. Forscher haben Erklärungen dafür.

Die Zahl der rauchenden Jugendlichen in Deutschland ist im ablaufenden Jahr offenbar deutlich gestiegen. Unter den 14- bis 17-Jährigen habe sich der Anteil der Tabakraucherinnen und -raucher fast verdoppelt - von 8,7 auf 15,9 Prozent, wie aus der Deutschen Befragung zum Rauchverhalten (DEBRA-Studie) hervorgeht.

Hochgerechnet heißt dies, dass es etwa 200.000 mehr minderjährige Rauchende gibt als 2021. Auch bei E-Zigaretten und unter jungen Erwachsenen stieg der Nikotinkonsum demnach stark an. Höchste Raucherquote bei Jugendlichen seit Beginn der Erhebung » | Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2022


Zahl der jugendlichen Raucher in Deutschland fast verdoppelt: Von Tabak bis E-Zigaretten: Die Zahl der rauchenden Jugendlichen ist stark gestiegen. Bundesgesundheitsminister Lauterbach fordert deshalb einen besseren Jugendschutz. »

Smokers in England to Be Offered Vaping Kits to Help Them Quit Cigarettes

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Swap to stop’ scheme comes despite increasing alarm about rise in young people vaping

One in five of all smokers in England will be offered vape starter kits. Photograph: Nicholas.T Ansell/PA

Ministers are to urge 1 million smokers to swap cigarettes for vapes, despite increasing alarm about the rise in young people vaping.

Under the new “swap to stop” scheme, vape starter kits will be offered to almost one in five of all smokers in England as part of the government’s “smoke free” drive.

Pregnant women will also be offered up to £400 to stop smoking and a consultation will be launched on introducing mandatory advice on quitting smoking to be placed in cigarette packs.

The scheme comes on top of plans to crack down on the illegal sale of e-cigarettes to under-18s. A survey by Action on Smoking and Health (Ash) found that vaping among 11- to 17-year-olds has increased from 3.3% in 2021 to 7% last year. » | Matthew Weaver | Tuesday, April 11, 2023

This is a ridiculous and irresponsible idea! The long-term consequences of vaping are not yet known; and they will not be known for very many years to come, either.

The war on smoking is unrelenting. You will surely have noticed that the war is on cigarette-smoking. Cigar-smoking is never mentioned. That’s because so many politicians/parliamentarians love love to smoke cigars. So they won’t want to wage war on cigar-smoking. It’s too close to home! The hypocrites!

“Javed Khan said smoking should be banned in outdoor spaces such as beer gardens, outside cafes and on beaches.”

Have you ever heard anything more ridiculous?

Now, they are going after tobacco-smokers. But wait just a little longer! You can bet your bottom dollar that when that when the war on cigarette-smoking has been won, they will go after drinkers of alcohol. We all know that the drinking of alcohol is anathema to Islam.

Martin Niemöller’s words are pertinent and were prophetic:

“First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

I so wish that stupid politicians would stop targeting smokers. We expect this sort of nonsense from left-wingers, but not from conservative governments. Left-wing governments are given to regulation of people’s behaviour; right-wingers are supposed to prize individual free choice.

On a personal note, I am pleased to be able to report that on April 10th, just yesterday, it was the first anniversary of my giving up smoking. I smoked my last three cigarettes on April 10th 2022. I have not smoked a cigarette since. I am pleased to be able to say, with confidence, that I have kicked the habit.

Please note, though, that my achievement has not turned me into a rabid anti-smoker. Even though I no longer smoke, I am happy for other people to enjoy a cigarette. I remember the pleasure I had from cigarettes; so I have no intention to depriving others that pleasure. I am not a killjoy.

All Rights Reserved
© Mark Alexander

Trump's Poll Numbers Hit Rock Bottom Following Indictment

Apr 11, 2023 | According to the latest polling numbers from ABC News, Donald Trump has never been in a worse position than he is after last week's indictments. His approval rating has fallen several points since last Tuesday, and it is now hovering at 25% - definitely not enough to get him back into the White House. Furthermore, most voters view the indictments as warranted, meaning his cries of "Witch Hunt" aren't working to attract new voters. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

"Lock him up!" Does it sound familiar? — © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 11, 2023

How the Food Industry Is Slowly Killing Us - What You Need to Know! | Calley Means

March 15, 2023 | We live in a world that claims to be based on science, goodwill, and policies intended to help people. But in reality, these things are often heavily influenced and manipulated by industry, particularly Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Ag, which have corrupted many institutions, politicians, professional associations, research institutions, and medical schools. And it has, unfortunately, led to mass confusion and illness in the public. …

Monday, April 10, 2023

Abba’s Long-serving Guitarist Lasse Wellander Dies

THE GUARDIAN: Band hail ‘brilliance’ of session musician who has died aged 70 after being diagnosed with cancer

Abba have paid tribute to the “musical brilliance” of their longstanding guitarist, Lasse Wellander, who has died aged 70 after being diagnosed with cancer.

The musician, who played on the band’s biggest albums and toured with them between 1975 and 1980, died early on Friday “surrounded by his loved ones”, his family said.

The Abba band members, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Agnetha Fältskog and Anni-Frid Lyngstad, said in a statement: “Lasse was a dear friend, a fun guy and a superb guitarist. The importance of his creative input in the recording studio as well as his rock solid guitar work on stage was immense. » | Emine Sinmaz | Monday, April 10, 2023

Der Zirkumflex | Karambolage | ARTE

Nov 22, 2022 | Jeanette Konrad stellt uns heute einen ganz besonderen Akzent der französischen Sprache vor: der Zirkumflex.

Autorin: Jeanette Konrad
Regie: Patrick Hepner
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 09/03/2051

Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto 2 / Sviatoslav Richter, Stanislaw Wislocki (1959/2015)

Jun 21, 2018 | Sergey Vasil’yevich Rachmaninov (1873 – 1943) Konzert Für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 C-moll Op. 18

1 Moderato
2 Adagio Sostenuto
3 Allegro Scherzando

Recorded: #1-3: Warsaw, Philharmonie on 26th to 28th April 1959

Der Gratin Dauphinois | Karambolage | ARTE

Nov 25, 2022 | Nikola Obermann kocht mit uns eines ihrer französischen Leibgerichte: der gratin dauphinois.

Autorin : Nikola Obermann
Regie : Anne Breymann
Video verfügbar auf YouTube bis zum 15/04/2031

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 10, 2023

Anglican Groups Revolt against Same-sex Blessing Plan

THE GUARDIAN: Conservative body in Church of England encourages dioceses to protest, and says opposition is growing

The C of E’s governing body voted in February to support a proposal by bishops to offer blessings on a voluntary basis for clergy. Photograph: Nicolas Asfouri/AFP/Getty

Conservative clergy and parishioners have launched a small but vocal revolt against the Church of England’s plan to offer to bless the civil marriages of same-sex couples, a move that some Christians believe is contrary to biblical teaching.

In Buckinghamshire, a large group parish plans to refuse to offer blessings to same-sex couples in its seven churches and is taking steps to withhold its annual contribution of £235,000 to the diocese of Oxford in protest.

A group of traditionalist clergy in the City of London have unilaterally formed an independent structure within the C of E as an act of “resistance” to blessings. » | Harriet Sherwood | Monday, April 10, 2023

Dimitra’s Dishes: A Delicious & Easy Weeknight Dinner: Chicken with Cabbage & Rice

Apr 4, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Pope Francis Calls on Russians to Seek Truth about Ukraine Invasion | DW News

Apr 9, 2023 | Pope Francis has been leading Easter Sunday Mass at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican. Tens of thousands of Catholic faithful gathered to attend the celebration. After the Mass, the pontiff gave the traditional blessing "Urbi et Orbi." In his Easter message to the world, Pope Francis asked Russians to seek the truth about their country's invasion of Ukraine. He also appealed for dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians, following recent violence. Pope Francis was recently hospitalized for bronchitis but it didn't stop him from presiding over the Easter Sunday ceremony.

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Handel : 'Arrival of the Queen of Sheba' | P. Barton, FEURICH 218 Piano

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 5,614,996

Happy Easter! Joyeuses Pâques ! Frohe Ostern! Buona Pasqua! ¡Felices Pascuas! Pasg Hapus! Happy Passover! ! المسيح قام

Michael Lambert: Failing Home Secretary Finds a New Minority to Victimise

Another great and truthful video. It’s all very depressing stuff, though. But how could it be otherwise? This is all largely self-inflicted pain. Pain brought about by xenophobes, Europhobes, zealots, pig-headed people on the far right and ideologues. The rest of us are having to pay a very high price for their determination to drag this country out of the greatest, most successful single market in the world, the Single Market.

The result of all this has been for the UK to lose power and influence in the world. Further, that our living standards are now in terminal decline is going to be a constant source of embarrassment to us all. Of course, the bigots that brought this dreadful state of affairs upon us are sitting pretty. They are all not only very rich but are also being paid a king’s ransom for screwing up the country.

Before us are difficult times. We can look forward to little comfort or cheer. And to think that before that ridiculous Brexit, this country’s economy was doing pretty well. Clearly the ne’er-do-wells at the top had not heard of the old saying, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ – © Mark Alexander