Showing posts with label Jean-Marie Le Pen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jean-Marie Le Pen. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

'Towering Figure of the Far Right': Jean-Marie Le Pen Dies at 96 • FRANCE 24 English

Jan 7, 2025 | Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the far-right National Front party who tapped into working class concerns over immigration and globalisation, shaking up the French political establishment, died Tuesday aged 96. France 24's Marc Perelman and Angela Diffley take a look at his legacy.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Jean-Marie Le Pen hospitalisé à la suite d’un malaise cardiaque

LE MONDE : Agé de 94 ans, le fondateur du Front national a été transporté dans un hôpital en région parisienne, où il est entouré de ses proches.

L’ancien président du Front national (FN, devenu Rassemblement national, RN), Jean-Marie Le Pen, a été hospitalisé après un « léger malaise cardiaque », samedi 15 avril, a annoncé son entourage, confirmant une information du Point.

« Jean-Marie Le Pen a été hospitalisé dans un établissement public en région parisienne. Sa famille et ses proches sont inquiets mais sereins », a affirmé son conseiller Lorrain de Saint Affrique, rapportant que M. Le Pen, figure historique de l’extrême droite française, est « conscient » et entouré. L’ancien dirigeant politique, âgé de 94 ans, a été hospitalisé à plusieurs reprises ces dernières années. Notamment en février 2022, à la suite d’une forme légère d’AVC. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 15 avril 2023

Monday, September 12, 2016

Le Pen and the Rise of the Far-right in France - BBC Newsnight

Marine Le Pen and her far-right Front National are expected to do well in upcoming elections in France. What does the rise of the far right mean for French politics? And what is her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, doing now? Gabriel Gatehouse reports.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Le Pen Feud: Jean-Marie in Outspoken Attack on Daughter Marine over Her 'Betrayal'

THE INDEPENDENT: Mr Le Pen says his daughter Marine is 'neither ethically nor politically' qualified to run for the presidency in 2017

The battle for the dark soul of the French far right intensified this weekend with an extraordinary personal attack by Jean-Marie Le Pen on his daughter, his successor as leader of the Front National.

Mr Le Pen – who faces expulsion from the party that he led for almost four decades – said his daughter Marine was “neither ethically nor politically” qualified to run for the presidency in 2017.

The far-right patriarch, 87, said he would refuse to vote for his daughter in two years’ time. He left open the possibility that he might lead a dissident far-right campaign in the south of France in regional elections in December.

Always partial to conspiracy theories, Mr Le Pen suggested that Marine Le Pen’s efforts to clean up the FN over the past four years might be the result of a plot concocted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the centre-right former president. » | John Lichfield | | Paris | Sunday, August 9, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jean-Marie Le Pen condamne les homosexuels qui chassent en meute

Lors d’une interview de Ruth Elkrief, Jean-Marie Le Pen a reconnu qu’il y avait beaucoup de gens homosexuels à la direction du Front national. Jean-Marie Le Pen n’apprécie pas quand ils se conduisent comme hétérophobes.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Marine 'Not Fit to Be a Le Pen', Says Suspended Front National Founder Jean-Marie

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Jean-Marie Le Pen says he "does not recognise any ties" with daughter who "betrays me in such a scandalous fashion" after he is suspended from party he founded

Jean-Marie Le Pen claimed that his daughter Marine was unfit to run France, saying the Front National leader lacked the “moral principles” to be French president a day after his suspension from the party.

The 86-year old Front National (FN) founder said on Tuesday he would not, as things stand, back his daughter’s bid for the French presidency in 2017, saying his suspension suggested she did not have the moral fibre for the job.

“If such moral principles should preside over France, it would be scandalous given my betrayal,” he said. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Marine Le Pen Tells Father to Step Down from French Politics

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Leader of France's far-right says her father will be summoned before a disciplinary committee for his anti-Semitic remarks and says she no longer sees a future for him in Front National

France's National Front leader Marine Le Pen urged her father Jean-Marie to withdraw from political life and said she would begin disciplinary proceedings against him over repeated comments that had harmed efforts to broaden her party's appeal.

The 86-year-old founder of the far-right party, who last week defended a past comment that Nazi gas chambers were a "detail of history", was quoted on Tuesday as calling France's Spanish-born Prime Minister Manuel Valls "the immigrant" and defending Philippe Petain, leader of the war-time government that cooperated with Nazi Germany.

In what has become an increasingly bitter family feud, Marine Le Pen and her aides believe her father is undermining her efforts to rid the anti-immigrant party of its anti-Semitic image and widen its voter appeal as she readies a bid for the presidency in 2017. » | Reuters | Thursday, April 09, 2015

Monday, June 09, 2014

Marine Le Pen and Father in 'Unprecedented' Attacks on Each Other

Jean-Marie Le Pen
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Jean-Marie Le Pen fends off accusations of racism after commenting on Jewish singer

An unprecedented family feud has erupted at the heart of France's far Right between Marine Le Pen, leader of the Front National, and her father and FN founder, Jean-Marie, over his alleged anti-Semitism.

The filial slanging match has seen Miss Le Pen accuse her father of damaging the party with perceived racist comments while he has blamed her for turning France's main far Right party into an insipid "bizarre" grouping "without substance".

On Sunday, the 85-year old Mr Le Pen, who already has several race hate convictions, had sparked political outrage, even from within his own party, for pledging to make an "oven load" of the Jewish singer Patrick Bruel – interpreted as a reference to the furnaces used by the Nazis to dispose of their victims.

Mr Bruel is a vocal FN critic.

In a spectacular departure from the usual family unity, Miss Le Pen joined the chorus of criticism of her father, who is an MEP and the party's honorary president, saying he had committed a "political mistake". » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Monday, June 09, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Jean-Marie Le Pen: Ebola Epidemic Would Solve Immigration Problems

Founder and honorary president of the French far-right Front National,
Jean-Marie Le Pen, speaks at a campaign meeting in Marseille
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Front National founder shocks France by saying a deadly Ebola epidemic would solve the country's problems with immigration and world's population 'explosion'

The deadly Ebola virus could solve France's immigration problems "in three months", Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder and honorary president of France's far-Right Front National, has said in remarks which have shocked the country's political establishment.

Speaking on Tuesday night in Marseille shortly before a joint rally with Marine Le Pen, his daughter and current party leader, Mr Le Pen, 85, said: "There is a demographic explosion in the world and a risk of submersion. A replacement of (the national population) is under way."

However, he added: "Monsieur Ebola can solve the problem in three months." » | Henry Samuel | Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ebola : la solution finale, selon Jean-Marie Le Pen »