Monday, April 10, 2023

Anglican Groups Revolt against Same-sex Blessing Plan

THE GUARDIAN: Conservative body in Church of England encourages dioceses to protest, and says opposition is growing

The C of E’s governing body voted in February to support a proposal by bishops to offer blessings on a voluntary basis for clergy. Photograph: Nicolas Asfouri/AFP/Getty

Conservative clergy and parishioners have launched a small but vocal revolt against the Church of England’s plan to offer to bless the civil marriages of same-sex couples, a move that some Christians believe is contrary to biblical teaching.

In Buckinghamshire, a large group parish plans to refuse to offer blessings to same-sex couples in its seven churches and is taking steps to withhold its annual contribution of £235,000 to the diocese of Oxford in protest.

A group of traditionalist clergy in the City of London have unilaterally formed an independent structure within the C of E as an act of “resistance” to blessings. » | Harriet Sherwood | Monday, April 10, 2023