Friday, April 07, 2023

Die Toskana - Genuss und Lebensfreude im Herzen Italiens | SWR Dok

Feb 26, 2023 | Sanfte Hügel, guter Wein und bedeutende Kultur: Italien wie im Bilderbuch. Eine Reise mit vielen Begegnungen in den Besuchermagneten, aber auch jenseits davon.

Sanfte Hügel, guter Wein und bedeutende Kultur - Auf einer Reise mit vielen Begegnungen durch Italien wie im Bilderbuch. Kaum ein Reiseziel ist bei Deutschen so beliebt wie die italienische Toskana. Welche Magie verströmt diese Sehnsuchtsregion in Italien? Ist es die Natur, der Charme der sanften Hügellandschaft mit Zypressenalleen und Olivenhainen? Sind es Italiens Städte wie Pisa oder Florenz, in deren Gassen man auf Zeitreise gehen kann? Oder ist es das Dolce Vita mit mediterranem Klima, Pasta und exzellentem Wein? Im quirligen San Gimignano hat Eismacher Sergio Dondoli sein Eis mit viel Leidenschaft weit über die Grenzen Italiens hinaus bekannt gemacht. Jockey Andrea Peruzzi bereitet sich im beschaulichen Örtchen Torrita di Siena auf seinen Start beim alljährlichen Eselrennen vor. Der „Palio dei Somari“ ist Highlight eines farbenfrohen Mittelalterfestes, wie sie in ganz Italien lange Tradition haben. Die Maremma, eine wilde, trockengelegte Sumpflandschaft, ist Heimat der letzten Cowboys der Toskana. Am Rande des Parco Regionale della Maremma lebt Paolo Fanciulli. Der Fischeraktivist gilt als Erfinder des Pescaturismo. Die Insel Elba vor Italiens Mittelmeerküste lockt mit endlosen Sandstränden, schroffen Felsformationen und Ebenen in fruchtbarem Grün.

Dieser Film von Timo Zorn trägt den Originaltitel: „Die Toskana - zwischen Florenz und Elba“, Ausstrahlungsdatum im SWR Fernsehen am 29.01.23. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Easter Crucifixion Re-enactments Resume in Philippines after Three-year Covid Pause

THE GUARDIAN: At least 12 men to participate – including one being nailed to cross for 34th time – as church leaders discourage the practice

Penitents re-enact scenes around Jesus Christ’s crucifixion in the city of San Fernando, north-west of Manila, Philippines, on Thursday. Photograph: Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

At least 12 Filipinos are to be nailed to crosses to re-enact Jesus Christ’s suffering in a Good Friday tradition that is rejected by the Catholic church but draws huge crowds of devotees and tourists to the Philippines.

The real-life crucifixions in the farming village of San Pedro Cutud in Pampanga province, north of Manila, were resuming after a three-year pause due to the coronavirus pandemic. At least 12 men would participate, including 62-year-old sign painter Ruben Enaje, who would be nailed to a wooden cross for the 34th time in Cutud and two other nearby villages, organisers said.

Enaje said he would use his extraordinary penance, probably among his last because of his age, to pray for the eradication of the Covid-19 virus and the end of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has contributed to gas and food prices soaring worldwide. » | Associated Press in San Pedro Cutud | Friday, April 7, 2023

Video of the crucifixions here. {Not suitable for the squeamish!)

Australia: A Debate between Richard Dawkins and the Late Cardinal George Pell

Oct 1, 2014

Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s most powerful Catholic, who was dogged by scandal – obituary: Cardinal was acquitted on appeal of child sexual abuse charges but remained tarnished by his response to paedophile priests over decades »

Piers Morgan vs Stormy Daniels | The Full Interview

Apr 6, 2023 | Warning: This interview contains strong language.

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined for an exclusive tell-all interview with former adult film star Stormy Daniels as she opens up about her experiences with former US President Donald Trump and the supposed hush money paid by him which led to his indictment for 34 felony charges of falsifying business records.

Stormy opens up about how she felt when she saw Trump in court and discusses the backlash she has received since going public about them allegedly sleeping together. She also talks about the death threats she has received from Trump's supporters, who feel she is trying to tarnish his reputation. Piers also asks her whether she broke her NDA and if she will pay Trump his lawyer fees.

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Ein Kuss, dem Gott keinen Pfifferling darauf gibt.

Un baiser dont Dieu s'en fout. / A kiss God doesn't give a damn about.

Fürs schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Pinterest.

Protesters Set Fire to Restaurant Favoured by Macron and Clash with Police in Paris

Apr 6, 2023 | Protesters set fire to the awning of La Rotonde, a cafe and brasserie in the Montparnasse neighbourhood frequented by Emmanuel Macron. Demonstrations have continued across Paris as protesters oppose the controversial pension changes bill introduced by the French president

Read the article here.


EN DIRECT - Manifestations contre la réforme des retraites : 77 blessés parmi les forces de l'ordre à Paris : La manifestation parisienne, qui arrive à son terme, est marquée par des violences. La brasserie La Rotonde, où Emmanuel Macron avait fêté sa victoire en 2017, a été victime d'un départ de feu et une agence bancaire a été saccagée.»

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 6, 2023

Die Küche Italiens - Spezialitäten aus der Toskana | NZZ Format 1999

Mar 26, 2020 | Ein philosophierender Koch und ein mozartverrückter Metzger geben eine fulminante Einführung in die toskanische Küche vom Allerfeinsten. In einem audiovisuellen Furioso zu genießen sind: Frischeste und spontanste Cuisine du marché von höchster Qualität im berühmten Restaurant Cibrèo (Fabio Picchi) in Florenz sowie Fleisch- und Wurstwaren in Vollendung in der legendären Metzgerei des Dario Cecchini mitten im Hügelland des Chiantigebiets. Als "Beilage" denkt der Schriftsteller Antonio Tabucchi über Essen und Kochen nach, und in "Swiss made" bereitet Daniel Spoerri (weltbekannter Schweizer Künstler mit Wohnsitz am Monte Amiata) ein toskanisches Gericht zu, das dem Erfinder der "Eat Art" alle Ehre macht.

Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality? Guest Interview with Jeffrey Siker

Mar 14, 2023 | One of the few ways people today actually appeal to the Old Testament is to condemn same-sex sexual relations (while they ignore much of everything else it says). Such people usually take it as obvious that the New Testament condemns them as well. But DOES the Bible condemn homosexuality? As it turns this a lively debate among biblical scholars, and the dominant view among critical scholars is not at all what you might expect. And their reasons for holding this view is even less widely known. In this episode I interview biblical scholar Jeffrey Siker (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) longtime professor of New Testament (who is also an ordained Presbyterian minister) who explains why in fact the Bible does NOT condemn homosexuality.

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

The Guardian View on Royal Finances: Time to Let the Daylight in

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Parliament should examine the regulation, financing and accountability of the monarchy

King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort. Photograph: Tim Rooke/Shutterstock

“When there is a select committee on the Queen,” Walter Bagehot wrote in 1867, “the charm of royalty will be gone. Its mystery is its life. We must not let in daylight upon magic.” Yet as the Guardian’s reporting shows, the monarchy rests not on mantras and vapours, but on a solid financial foundation that has been deliberately shielded from parliamentary accountability. David Cameron was more servant of the crown than of the people when he drew a veil around the monarchy so zealously. In 2011, the then prime minister wanted to end what he described in his memoirs as a “painful annual discussion … about whether individual members of the family were ‘good value for money’”. At a time when Mr Cameron, an ardent monarchist, was inflicting painful cuts to public services, he made it a priority to accommodate the then Queen’s long-held wish to protect herself from scrutiny. » | Editorial | Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Super-privileged.

Evangelikale – Mit Gott an die Macht (1/3) | Doku HD | ARTE

Apr 5, 2023 | Am Anfang war Billy Graham. Mitten im Kalten Krieg etablierte sich der US-amerikanische Prediger als "Papst" der Evangelikalen – einer christlich-konservativen Bewegung, die das Ziel verfolgt, den gesellschaftlichen Einfluss der Religion auszubauen. Sein "großer Kreuzzug" wurde in den folgenden Jahrzehnten von einer mächtigen politisch-religiösen Lobby vereinnahmt.

Jesus lebt, und das Christentum ist in vollem Aufschwung. Diese Wiederauferstehung ist nicht den sogenannten „historischen“ Konfessionen – katholisch, evangelisch, orthodox – zu verdanken, sondern den Evangelikalen. Laut Schätzungen werden 2025 über 800 Millionen Menschen dieser Strömung angehören. Die christliche Erneuerungsbewegung hat sie über alle Kontinente hinweg binnen weniger Jahrzehnte bis an die Spitze der Macht gebracht.

Wie ist es den Evangelikalen gelungen, ihre neue moralische Ordnung durchzusetzen und überall dort, wo sie an die Regierung kommen, die Trennung von Geistlichem und Weltlichem, von Religion und Politik in Frage zu stellen? Wie lässt sich dieser ultrakonservative Umschwung erklären?

Am Anfang war Billy Graham. Mitten im Kalten Krieg faszinierte der charismatische Prediger die Massen auf der ganzen Welt ebenso wie die herrschenden Eliten in Washington. Er wurde zum „Papst“ der Evangelikalen und verhalf dieser neuen christlichen Bewegung zu einem enormen Aufschwung. Auf seinen Reisen um den Globus füllte er ganze Stadien, wandte sich in einfachen Worten an die Neubekehrten und brachte so eine Missionierungsdynamik in Gang, die immer mehr Menschen dazu bewegte, sich in den Dienst Gottes zu stellen. Bald wimmelte es auf allen Kontinenten nur so von Megachurches, und von Korea über Nigeria bis Brasilien ernteten neue religiöse Führer erfolgreich, was Billy Graham gesät hatte – und gaben ihrem spirituellen Kampf eine noch radikalere Ausrichtung. Die Evangelikalen zählen nicht nur zu den dynamischsten Strömungen des zeitgenössischen Christentums, sie sind auch eine mächtige politisch-religiöse Bewegung, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, jede Entwicklung zu bekämpfen, die eine Gefahr für die gesellschaftliche Vormacht der sogenannten „jüdisch-christlichen“ Kultur darstellen könnte. Aus diesem Grund lehnen sie Abtreibung, Gleichberechtigung von LGBTIQ-Personen und Islam vehement ab und bestreiten die Evolutionstheorie ebenso wie die Existenz des Klimawandels. Im Ergebnis verhalf die Christliche Rechte mit Unterstützung ihrer evangelikalen Gefolgschaft Gestalten wie Donald Trump in den USA und Jair Bolsonaro in Brasilien zur Macht, die zwar zwielichtige Machenschaften verfolgten, aber im Namen Gottes regieren wollten.

Dokureihe, Regie: Thomas Johnson (F/USA 2023, 53 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 03/06/2023

Teil 2. | Teil 3.

Assanges Zustand verschlechtert sich laut Ehefrau täglich

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Seit vier Jahren sitzt Julian Assange in einem Londoner Hochsicherheitsgefängnis. Nun besucht ihn der australische Botschafter. Canberra setzt sich für ein Ende der Haft ein.

Der australische Aktivist und Journalist Julian Assange hofft offenkundig auf neue Initiativen der aus¬tralischen Regierung, um seine In-haftierung in Großbritannien zu beenden. Assange, der auf seiner Internet-Plattform „Wikileaks“ amerikanische Menschenrechtsverletzungen in den Kriegen im Irak und in Afghanistan aufgedeckt hatte, erhielt am Dienstag im Gefängnis Besuch vom australischen Botschafter in London, Stephen Smith.

Die seit Mitte vergangenen Jahres amtierende australische Regierung unter Premierminister Anthony Albanese hatte vor wenigen Wochen deutlich gemacht, dass sie für ein Ende der Gefangenschaft Assanges eintrete. » | Johannes Leithäuser, London, Politischer Korrespondent für das Vereinigte Königreich und Irland. | Dienstag, 4. April 2023

Um den ganzen Artikel lesen zu dürfen, muss man der Zeitung abonniert sein. Momentan ist Zugang au allen Artikeln als Probe für 30 Tage kostenfrei. Zugang ist mit einem Klick online kündbar. Klicken Sie bitte hier.

Stevie Wonder : I Just Called to Say I Love You | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 43,926,418 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan on Religion and Gender | The Full Interview

Mar 20, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins to discuss his controversial views on religion, gender identification and much more.

Richard believes that religion is just a vehicle to try and understand things which are too complex for humans to understand. Piers questions how he can say with such confidence that a God doesn't exist, Richard replies by saying that it's possible, just like having "fairies at the bottom of your garden".

Richard then explains that as a biologist who studies evolution, he can say with confidence that when it comes to gender "There are two sexes and that's all there is to it". Richard also suggests that people such as JK Rowling have been bullied on social media for standing up for their opinion which he claims is damaging to society by not having the wider debate on the issue.

Brexit Drowning in the Pacific?

Apr 5, 2023 | In this new Federal Trust video, Brendan Donnelly and John Stevens review the British decision to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership or CPTPP. They believe that this decision will bring at best minimal benefits to the UK and some disadvantages. Its importance is being overstated by the British government simply as a distraction from the unfolding difficulties of Brexit.


Brendan Donnelly is the Director of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.

John Stevens is the Chairman of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.


The Federal Trust is a research institute studying regional, national, European and global levels of government. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.

The Observer View: Donald Trump Deserves to Face the Full Force of Justice

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: The United States was founded on the rule of law. It must not now flinch from upholding it

Former US president Donald Trump speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference at Gaylord National Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, U.S., on 4 March 2023. Photograph: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

In the tumultuous, multifaceted case of Donald J Trump versus the people of the United States, the biggest question is why this former president, political con artist and serial offender is not already in jail. Trump will be charged this week in Manhattan over alleged “hush money” payments to a former porn star. This action, both welcome and overdue, makes him the first US president to be criminally indicted. Yet twice-impeached Trump stands accused of a string of infinitely more serious, well-documented crimes, including a violent attempt to overthrow the government. The continuing mystery is why justice is so long in coming.

The full Trump charge sheet reads like a horror novel in which democracy is murdered. In the weeks following his clear-cut defeat by Joe Biden in November 2020, Trump did everything he could to subvert the result, legally and illegally, by making baseless accusations of fraud. This is not in dispute. Not disputed, either, is a taped telephone conversation on 2 January 2021 between Trump and Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s secretary of state, in which the then president pressed the latter “to find 11,780 votes” – sufficient to cancel Biden’s victory in the key swing state. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, April 2, 2023


Donald Trump’s prosecution is a triumph: While there’s not even a theoretical bar to prosecuting a president once they leave office, Alvin Bragg has bravely taken a stand »

Donald Trump has been charged. The swamp is finally being drained: Trump’s arraignment marks the day when he began to be held criminally accountable. And that must be a good thing for the rule of law »

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 436,482,618

Summer Is Coming.

Es kommt der Sommer. / L'été arrive.

With many thanks to Liz Burnside on Pinterest for this delightful picture.

Chris Brown : Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 315,798,527

Die Küche Siziliens: Ein aromatischer Mix der Kulturen - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2013)

Apr 23, 2020 | Griechen, Araber, Normannen, Schwaben, Spanier und Franzosen haben Sizilien im Lauf der Jahrhunderte erobert und regiert und Spuren ihrer Kultur hinterlassen, auch in der Küche.

Streetfood in Palermo: Auf den Märkten isst man frittierte Reiskugeln, rohe Seeigel und Kutteln. Spanisch beeinflusst sind die Empanadas, die gefüllten Teigtaschen. Die süß-saure Caponata aus Gemüse, Kapern und Oliven ist ein Mix aus allen mediterranen Kochkünsten. In San Vito Lo Capo, der Hochburg des sizilianischen Couscous, ist die Nähe zu Nordafrika deutlich spürbar.

Die Insel Favignana war einst Schauplatz der Thunfischerei. Peppe bereitet einen Salat aus rohem Thunfisch, Aloe Vera, Früchten und aromatischen Kräutern zu. Bei Modica produziert die Familie Floridia den geschützten "Ragusano"-Käse. Der "fliegende Chefkoch" Carmelo Chiaramonte philosophiert auf dem Fischmarkt von Catania. Eine Gruppe von jungen, ehrgeizigen Köchen glänzt mit Interpretationen der tradtionellen Küche.

Originaltitel: Kulinarische Reise durch Sizilien

Hold on to Your Seats as Jacob Rees-Mogg Can’t Contain His Excitement at New Post Brexit Trade Deal

Jacob Rees-Mogg is such an ill-informed, silly man! Clearly, he has spent far too much time with nanny. He needs to get out a bit more. – Mark Alexander

Michael Jackson : Man In The Mirror | Official Video | Reupload

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 4, 2023

Mehdi Hasan Asks Richard Dawkins a Question

Click here

Richard Dawkins on What Happens When You Die

Click here

Un salaire minimum qualifié à 3 000 euros brut dès le 1er avril

LE QUOTIDIEN (LU): Dès le 1er avril, une nouvelle tranche indiciaire va être appliquée, comme le prévoyait l’accord de la tripartite du 31 mars 2022. Les salaires, mais aussi certaines allocations, sont revus à la hausse.

Après février, les travailleurs du Grand-Duché vont à nouveau bénéficier d’une augmentation de salaire en raison du déclenchement d’un nouvel index. Au lieu d’être appliqué en juin 2022, cet index avait été remplacé par le crédit impôt énergie, versé dès juillet 2022, pour compenser la perte du pouvoir d’achat face aux flambées des prix de l’énergie. Mais le voici donc, comme prévu par la tripartite. Concrètement, cela signifie que le salaire minimum à 2 447,07 euros brut par mois depuis février, passe à 2 508,24 euros (+61,17 euros). Le salaire qualifié va augmenter de 73,4 euros brut pour s’établir à 3 009,88 euros. » | Le Quotidien | Publié : mercredi 29 mars 2023 ; mis à jour : jeudi 30 mars 2023

Nigel Lawson: Reforming Chancellor Dies Aged 91

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher applauding Nigel Lawson at the 1989 Conservative Party Conference | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: Former Conservative Chancellor Nigel Lawson has died at the age of 91.

Holding several cabinet posts under Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, he was seen as one of the most consequential of all post-war UK chancellors.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called him an "inspiration to me and many others".

He is credited with creating powerful entrepreneurial forces in a decade also remembered by many communities around the UK as a time of widening inequality and painful deindustrialisation.

Lord Lawson is survived by six children, including Nigella Lawson, a food writer and celebrity cook. » | Sam Francis & Jonathan Blake & Ben Chu, BBC News | Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Obituary here.

Monday, April 03, 2023

Getrieben von Hass: Hintergründe über den getöteten Kriegs-Blogger Wladlen Tatarski | DW Nachrichten

Apr 3, 2023 | Der prominente russische Militärblogger Tatarski hat den Krieg gegen die Ukraine vehement unterstützt. Doch er sparte auch nicht mit scharfer Kritik an russischen Spitzen-Militärs. Bei einer Explosion in Sankt Petersburg wurde er nun getötet. Die Verantwortlichen, so Moskau, sitzen in Kiew; der Geheimdienst hätte den "Terroranschlag" geplant und dafür eine junge Frau benutzt. Die Verdächtige soll festgenommen worden sein. In Sankt Petersburg ist die Verunsicherung groß.


Gay Couples Fear Italy's Right-wing Alliance | Focus on Europe

Oct 18, 2022 | Giorgia Meloni's election victory is a nightmare for Monica and Maria. The lesbian couple have adopted each other's two children, but their situation could become a problem in the future.

Divided States of America | Dispatches | Channel 4 Documentaries

Apr 3, 2023 | After a tense and chaotic US election campaign, Dispatches looks at what's next for America. How can the divided country recover? And what will the US look like once the dust has settled?

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 3, 2023

Russian Military Blogger Vladlen Tatarsky Killed in St Petersburg Explosion - BBC News

Apr 3, 2023 | The killing of Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky is being investigated as a "high-profile murder", authorities have said. Tatarsky, a vocal supporter of Russia's war in Ukraine, died in an explosion at a St Petersburg cafe on Sunday evening. Twenty-four others were taken to hospital and six were in critical condition, the health ministry said.

Russian police arrest woman over bombing that killed pro-war blogger: Local news reports say bomb was hidden in bust of blogger gifted to him by suspect moments before blast »


A Message to My Followers and Visitors

MARK ALEXANDER: Yesterday, I decided to give this blog a new look. The blog had been the same for quite some time. I felt it needed to be freshened up.

The look is different, but I am still committed to rights for the LGBTQ+ community. So please don’t think that I have given up on the community. I have not.

The Pride banner looked attractive, but I believe that it was stopping some people, people with a more closed mind, from returning.

I have always been very pleased with the number of visitors I have been getting each day, but naturally, I would like the number of daily visitors to grow. All bloggers would like growth; I am no different. This blog was not growing; rather, it had got stuck at about the same level for very many months. It is my belief that the main reason for this was that some people, maybe people who are not out, are afraid of recommending a blog to their friends when the blog is so clearly gay-friendly.

I have therefore decided to try a new approach. But rest assured: this blog is still, and will remain, gay-friendly.

I hope that you will all give these changes a chance. I would like to see if I can increase my followers, too. I haven’t had any new followers for a long time despite the many daily visitors.

Kind regards to all and many thanks for your loyalty and understanding.
Mark Alexander

Weak and Arrogant Macron Will Never Be France's Margaret Thatcher | Anne Elisabeth Moutet interview

Mar 31, 2023 | Emmanuel Macron may promise reforms but he will never be France’s Mrs Thatcher. The comparisons of the President by some to Mrs Thatcher couldn't be more wrong. To discuss President Macron's future, Steven Edginton is joined by the journalist and commentator Anne Elisabeth Moutet in this week's Off Script podcast.

Sunday, April 02, 2023

France Pension Protest Live | Public Anger Grows against Macron over Pension Reforms

Russischer Militärblogger bei Bombenanschlag in St. Peterburg getötet

Apr 2, 2023 | Im russischen St. Petersburg hat eine Explosion ein Café zerstört. Laut russischen Medien wurde der Militärblogger Vladlen Tatarsky bei der Explosion im Café "Street Food Bar No. 1" getötet, 16 Menschen wurden verletzt.


Russian pro-war military blogger killed in blast at St Petersburg café: Vladlen Tatarsky, who had over 560,000 followers on Telegram, dies in explosion that injures 19 people »


Le blogueur militaire russe Vladlen Tatarsky tué dans une explosion à Saint-Pétersbourg : Agé de 40 ans et né dans le Donbass ukrainien, Vladlen Tatarsky, de son vrai nom Maxime Fomine, était un personnage connu de la blogosphère militaire en Russie, avec plus d’un demi-million d’abonnés sur sa chaîne Telegram. »

Mohamed VI - the Limits of Power | DW Documentary

Mar 30, 202 | In 2019, King Mohammed VI of Morocco celebrated 20 years since his ascension to the throne. This film assesses the impact of his two decades of absolute power, while drawing a portrait of a man who has been nicknamed both "the king of the poor" and "the king of cash".

Morocco: A country of 36 million people with one of the oldest dynasties in the world and a king who holds enormous power. Mohammed VI, or "M6" as he is known in Morocco, is something of a progressive: His country is plagued by poverty, illiteracy and unrest, yet he has made social reforms, modernized the constitution and worked to transform the economy.

This documentary is a portrait of a man who was prepared all his life to become king of Morocco.

After the death of his father, Hassan II, Crown Prince Mohammed succeeded him in 1999. He was seen by many Moroccans as a beacon of hope. In the first years of his reign, he introduced a more liberal family law that gave women more rights and launched numerous infrastructure projects. When the Arab Spring reached Morocco in 2011, Mohammed VI even modernized the constitution. However, these reforms were never profoundly democratic.

This documentary provides answers to important questions about his more than 20-year reign. How does Mohammed VI see the future of his country? What progress has the kingdom made under his rule? Is he really a progressive king? Or does relinquishing some of his powers only serve to maintain his own ability to rule?

Saturday, April 01, 2023

I'm Still Alive' Jokes Pope as He Leaves Hospital – BBC News

Apr 1, 2023 | Pope Francis has joked that he is "still alive" as he left hospital in Rome after a three-day stay. He was admitted to Gemelli Hospital mid-week with breathing difficulties, and later diagnosed with bronchitis. The Vatican had said he was responding to antibiotics and would be released on Saturday, depending on test results. "I wasn't frightened, I'm still alive," the 86-year-old pontiff told reporters and tearful well wishers outside the hospital before being driven away.

Le ramadan dans une Tunisie en crise : « Il n’y a plus de tajine sur la table ! »

LE MONDE : Alors que la stagnation économique inflige au pays pénuries et inflation, les familles doivent opter pour la sobriété lors des dîners de rupture de jeûne.

Hager s’impatiente. Assise dans le salon de cet appartement d’El-Menzah 8 aux côtés de sa fille Rym et de sa mère Myriam, elle attend que son fils apporte le thé. « Mohamed tu es où ? Si tu veux que je vienne t’aider, dis-moi », lance-t-elle en direction de la cuisine. Parti il y a quelques minutes, il en profite pour fumer discrètement une cigarette. « Non ça va, ne t’inquiète pas, j’arrive », lui répond-il de loin. Quelques instants plus tard, il réapparaît, verres à la main, les distribue, puis reprend place dans son fauteuil. Installée autour d’une table basse, face à la télévision, la petite famille Annebi – qui a préféré utiliser des noms d’emprunt – vient de terminer sa première rupture du jeûne du mois de ramadan et de migrer de la table à manger aux canapés, situés dans une même grande pièce. » | Par Nissim Gasteli (Tunis, correspondant) | mercredi 29 mars 2023

Helmut Schmidt bei "maischberger"

Nov 10, 2015 | Der Altkanzler starb am 10. November 2015 im Alter von 96 Jahren in Hamburg.

Obschon ich aus Großbritannien stamme, könnte ich trotzdem Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt immer beim Sprechen zuhören. Er war ein sehr kluger, weiser Mann. Als Herr Schmidt verstorben ist, ist in Deutschland ein großer Politiker verloren gegangen. R.I.P. – © Mark Alexander

Russia Begins Next Wave of Army Conscription | DW News

Apr 1, 2023 | A fresh wave of army conscription gets underway in Russia, after president Vladimir Putin signed a decree calling up 147,000 citizens for statutory military service. It comes after 120,000 people were recruited in November. The Kremlin says this latest recruitment is routine and has nothing to do with Russia's war in Ukraine. In Russia, it is mandatory for men aged between 18 and 27 to carry out one year of military service.

Michael Lambert: CPTPP, Further Chaos and Asylum Seekers

Friday, March 31, 2023

Südtiroler Küche: das Beste aus zwei Welten - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2010)

Apr 9, 2020 | Die Bäuerin weiß, wie sie schmecken müssen: Speckknödel / Das Beste aus zwei Welten: Saiblingfilets aus der Gourmet-Küche / Sehr viel Butter, aber unheimlich schmackhaft: Pustertaler Schlutzkrapfen / Jahrhundertealtes Wissen: Die Geheimnisse des Südtiroler Specks / Mit Leidenschaft gebacken: Schüttelbrot aus dem Ultental / 300 Sonnentage und ideale Böden: Hervorragende Südtiroler Weine / Süßer Festtagsschmaus: Mohnkrapfen nach altem Original-Rezept

Die Südtiroler kochen ihr eigenes Süppchen. In der nördlichsten Provinz Italiens trifft die österreichisch geprägte, traditionelle, bodenständige, alpine Küche auf die leichtere italienische, mediterrane Kochkunst mit ihrer südländischen Raffinesse. Am Schnittpunkt zweier Esskulturen setzt man seit den 80er Jahren ganz bewusst auf Qualität. Naturnahe, einheimische Produkte spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle, egal ob in einer wildromantischen Berghütte, in einer Hofschenke oder in einem eleganten Haubenlokal serviert. Wenn Südtirols Bäuerinnen Dampf machen und die Spitzenköche der Region herzhafte alpine Spezialitäten mit mediterraner Leichtigkeit kombinieren, ist ein einmaliges Geschmackserlebnis garantiert.

Trump Indictment Will Spark 'Violence, Injuries and Death'

Mar 31, 2023 | Donald Trump, will be arraigned on Tuesday. It's at that point, that we will learn what charges the former US President faces, but sources indicate there could be up to 30 counts of document fraud.

He's been indicted by a grand jury in New York over an alleged hush-money payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels.

Sky's Alex Rossi looks at how things got to this stage and who Stormy Daniels is.

Der Feind ist schwul | ARTE Re:

Feb 1, 2023 | Seit 2013 gibt es in Russland ein Gesetz, das die positive öffentliche Darstellung von Homosexualität unter Strafe stellt. Mit Beginn des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine hat sich die Situation von Russlands LGBTQ-Community nochmals verschlechtert. Denn der Krieg ist auch ein Krieg der Werte und so nimmt der Druck auf Andersliebende mit jedem Tag zu.

Diesen Druck spüren Homosexuelle stark, die Zahl der Gewaltverbrechen nimmt zu. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass sie in den Medien täglich als Perverse und Feinde der russischen Gesellschaft dargestellt werden. Außerdem können die Opfer von homophoben Gewaltverbrechen kaum noch mit Schutz rechnen. Schließlich ist Schwulenhass auch bei der Polizei allgegenwärtig. Sergej und Andrej aus Sankt Petersburg wurden wegen des Instagram-Posts eines gleichgeschlechtlichen Kusses verhaftet. Sie gehen davon aus, dass auf offene Homosexualität schon bald Haftstrafen stehen könnten. Trotzdem gibt es weiterhin mutige Menschen, die die Situation von Russlands LGBTQ-Gemeinschaft verbessern wollen. Zum Beispiel den Kommunalpolitiker Sergej Troschin, der sich als erster Politiker des Landes öffentlich zu seiner Homosexualität bekennt. Oder den Blogger Fjodor, der seinen 60.000 Followern auf Instagram Aufklärung beim Thema „Schwulsein in Russland“ anbietet.

Auf der anderen Seite existieren immer mehr radikale Gruppen, die sich insbesondere Homosexuelle als Feindbild heranziehen. Gruppen wie „Ural Rennaissance“ genießen in einem extrem autoritären System immer mehr Freiheiten, schließlich unterstützen sie die Politik Putins bedingungslos. Und so ziehen diese Gruppen durch Russlands Städte und sorgen unter Andersdenkenden und Andersliebenden für Angst und Schrecken.

Reportage (D 2022, 33 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 31/01/2024

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — March 31, 2023

‘Take Back Control’? With This Pacific Trade Deal, Brexit Britain Has Just Signed It Away

THE GUARDIAN: Goodbye, food standards. Hello, corporate lobbyists. Why are we doing this, for no real economic benefit?

Last night, the government announced that Britain has joined a trade deal so contentious that it united Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in opposition to US membership.

While hardcore Brexiters would like to pretend this is the ultimate payoff of our decision to leave the EU and write our own rules, the reality is somewhat different. In signing the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Britain has ditched environmental standards, signed up to terms that will undermine British farmers, and left us open to being sued by multinational corporations in secretive courts. And all for no real economic benefit. » | Nick Dearden | Friday, March 31, 2023

Sunak Took £500,000 Worth of Private Jet Trips in Less Than a Fortnight

THE GUARDIAN: Lib Dems criticise ‘shocking waste of taxpayers’ money’ as Cabinet Office document reveals PM’s flight costs

Rishi Sunak took private jet trips costing almost £500,000 in just over a week last year, government data has shown, prompting opposition claims that he is out of touch and unable to lead on green issues. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Friday, March 31, 2023

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

King Charles Praises Ukraine Support on State Visit to Germany

Read the article here.

Was hat es mit dem Besuch des britischen Königs auf sich? | DW Nachrichten

March 29, 2023 | Der britische König Charles III. und seine Ehefrau Camilla haben ihren dreitägigen Staatsbesuch in Deutschland begonnen. Sie wurden von zahlreichen Anhängern in Berlin willkommen geheißen.

Das königliche Paar war auf dem militärischen Teil des Flughafens Berlin-Brandenburg gelandet.

Dort wurde es mit 21 Salutschüssen, den Überflügen zweier Eurofighter und einem militärischen Ehrenspalier empfangen.

Vertreterinnen und Vertreter des Bundespräsidialamts und des Auswärtigen Amts begrüßten das Paar und geleiteten es zu einem gepanzerten Bentley der britischen Botschaft.

Darin wurde das Paar als Teil einer langen Fahrzeugkolonne in die Berliner Innenstadt gefahren.

Hier haben Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und seine Ehefrau Elke Büdenbender die beiden mit militärischen Ehren am Brandenburger Tor empfangen.

Es hatten sich Hunderte Schaulustige versammelt, um das Königspaar aus der Nähe zu sehen.

Gay Activist Says Uganda LGBTQ Community 'in Shock' at New Law • FRANCE 24 English

Mar 23, 2023 | Members of Uganda's LGBTQ community are in shock and fear being arrested after parliament passed a new law that makes it a crime to identify as gay, and imposes tough sentences that include the death penalty in certain cases, an activist said on Wednesday. The "Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2023" was passed with a near-unanimous majority by lawmakers in the east African country where anti-gay sentiment runs deep.

Sir John Major Questioned by Oxford Students

Mar 29, 2023

Dirty Secrets of American Food | Dispatches | Channel 4 Documentaries

Mar 25, 2023 | For Dispatches, Morland Sanders investigates the American food that could soon be coming to Britain, to a supermarket near you, as part of a post-Brexit trade deal.

Mass Protests in France, Strikes across Europe: Consequences of Political Failure? | DW News

Mar 28, 2023 | In France hundreds of thousands of people have been on the streets again in a direct challenge to the plans by president Emmauel Macron to make people work longer for their pensions. Demonstrations took place in cities across the country with the unions claiming more than four hundred and fifty thousand taking part in Paris alone. Authorities put that figure lower, but also put a record thirteen thousand police on duty. It's been two weeks since the president used a controversial constitutional power to bypass parliament and move on with steps to raising the retirment age from 62 to 64.

Unions have again been at the forefront of the protests. They've been angered by the government's outright rejection of calls for mediation in the crisis. Macron has been playing deaf and blind for nearly two months, ignoring week after week all the anger and all the demonstrations. And now, once the law has been passed, he agrees to meet with the unions to discuss the social agenda and so on. What he doesn’t understand, what the government does not understand, is that today the work force refuses to move on until we go back on the terms of this law."

Atheist vs. Theologe vs. Astrophysikerin | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur

Mar 14, 2023 | Ob Atheismus oder eine undefinierte «höhere Macht»: Die europäische Glaubenslandschaft ist im Wandel. Anlass genug, im Haus der Religionen in Bern über die Existenz Gottes zu diskutieren.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

France Protests Show Signs of Slowing Down, Hundreds of Thousands Still on the Streets | DW News

Mar 28, 2023 | In France, hundreds of thousands of people have joined protests and strikes against unpopular pension reforms. Nearly two weeks after President Emmanuel Macron pushed the changes through parliament, public fury shows no sign of abating. Police in Paris and Nantes deployed tear gas, after protesters looted stores and sparked fires. Macron has refused to budge on the deeply unpopular move to increase the retirement age to 64

Musik im Dritten Reich - Der Maestro und die Cellistin von Auschwitz | DW Doku Deutsch

Nov 9, 2022 | Warum war klassische Musik für Hitler und Goebbels so wichtig? Die Hauptpersonen des Films sind zwei Menschen, die auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise für die Musikkultur im Nationalsozialismus stehen: Stardirigent Wilhelm Furtwängler und die Cellistin des Frauenorchesters in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Anita Lasker-Wallfisch. Hier ein Dirigent, der weltweit gefeiert wurde, der mit Hitler und seinen Helfern ein Bündnis einging. Dort eine junge Frau, die als deutsche Jüdin nach Auschwitz verschleppt wurde und nur dank ihrer musikalischen Begabung überlebte.

Beide waren von der Nazi-Diktatur betroffen: Furtwängler entschied sich in Deutschland zu bleiben und paktierte mit den Nazis. Lasker-Wallfisch dagegen versuchte im brutalen Alltag des Vernichtungslagers zu überleben, das Cello war ihre Lebensversicherung. Beide verband die Liebe zur klassischen Musik, die sowohl in der Berliner Philharmonie, beim Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg oder auch in Auschwitz-Birkenau zu hören war. Warum gingen begnadete Künstler wie Furtwängler einen Pakt mit dem Bösen ein? Warum wurde in Todeslagern Musik gespielt? Und wie veränderte sich für die Opfer ihr Blick auf die Musik?

Deutsche Musik sollte die Vormachtstellung des "Dritten Reiches" in der Welt legitimieren und von den Untaten der Nazis ablenken. Neben Beethoven, Bach oder Bruckner hatte Richard Wagner als Hitlers Lieblingskomponist einen besonders hohen Stellenwert. Hitler war sich der Macht der Musik bewusst und Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels kontrollierte das Musikleben im Nazistaat, in dem jüdische Künstler keinen Platz mehr hatten. So wurden die Berliner Philharmoniker zum staatlichen "Reichsorchester"

. Gesprächspartner*innen in der Musikdokumentation von Christian Berger sind unter anderem die Dirigenten Daniel Barenboim und Christian Thielemann, die Kinder von Wilhelm Furtwängler und natürlich die 97-jährige Cellistin Anita Lasker-Wallfisch. Es sind besonders ihre Erinnerungen, die unter die Haut gehen. Historisches Filmmaterial, das für den Film restauriert und koloriert wurde, macht Geschichte greifbar und legt Zeugnis ab über eine dramatische Zeit.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Blogging Leave

MARK ALEXANDER: I have been blogging constantly and consistently for a very long time now. As a result, I need some R&R; I am feeling exhausted.

For this reason, I have decided to take a break from blogging for a little while. I need to re-charge the batteries. I therefore ask for your understanding. I shall be back with you as soon as possible. But a little rest will be good for me at this time.

For all the support you have given me thus far, I thank you all kindly. Naturally, all the content of the blog, going back about 21 years, will remain at your disposal.

I thank you for your understanding; and, naturally, for your continued loyalty.

Best wishes to all
Mark Alexander

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Prinz Harrys Rachezug: "Durch das Buch ist Versöhnung mit der Royal-Family in weite Ferne gerückt"

Jan 7, 2023 | Gewalt, Rivalität, Verrat: In seinen Memoiren hat Prinz Harry, 38, Einblicke in das Leben und die Auseinandersetzungen der britischen Royals gegeben, wie sie bislang undenkbar waren. Mit einer seiner Enthüllungen riskiere der Prinz womöglich sein Leben, mutmaßen Beobachter.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Peter Hitchens on Trade Unions, Tony Blair and the End of the Monarchy | Downstream

Premiered Jan 15, 2023 | This week’s guest is an iconoclast, although he may not be comfortable being labelled that way given his devotion to christianity. Among his colleagues on the right, he stands out as someone who is genuinely thoughtful and perhaps as one of the few who could be described as a genuine conservative. Aaron meets Peter Hitchens to discuss abortion, the Soviet Union, and how to make a good cup of tea.

Truth To Power: Brexit - The UK Media Could Learn from France 24

Voici le programme original en français dans son intégralité.

Sajid Javid Calls for Patients to Pay for GP and A&E Visits

THE GUARDIAN: Radical reforms needed to tackle waiting times, says former health secretary

Sajid Javid cited schemes in Ireland, Norway and Sweden as possible charging models. Photograph: Peter Nicholls/Reuters

Patients should be charged for GP appointments and A&E visits, Sajid Javid has said, as he called the present model of the NHS “unsustainable”.

The former health secretary said “extending the contributory principle” should be part of radical reforms to tackle growing waiting times.

In an opinion piece for the Times, he called for a “grown-up, hard-headed conversation” about revamping the health service, noting that “too often the appreciation for the NHS has become a religious fervour and a barrier to reform”.

The prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is not “currently” considering the proposals, Downing Street told the newspaper. » | PA Media | Friday, January 20, 2023

It should be crystal clear to one and all by now that the Conservatives are in the process of dismantling the National Health Service. They will achieve their goal by stealth, dismantling the service one step at a time. First, they will ask patients to pay for GP appointments and A&E. In a short while, they will be demanding that patients make partial payments for operations and hospital stays. Then later, it will be full payments, and so on. This government is shameless. Give all to the 1% and take all from the 99%. What a shower! What a shameless shower! Be sure: The NHS is NOT safe in the hands of the Tories.

If savings need to be made on the NHS, there are plenty of ways that savings could be made. To start with, there are far too many highly-paid management staff. That was caused by Thatcher and her misguided ideas of making a business out of everything.

We need a change of government. This administration is stale. It is bereft of any good ideas. It is also too ideological. Kick the Tories out as soon as possible. – © Mark Alexander

Michael Lambert: Worst UK Government Ever? (After Truss and Johnson)

Jan 21, 2023 | The UK government of Rishi Sunak is incompetent presiding over chaos and collapse. This week the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman confirmed when challenged by a holocaust survivor that she stood by her description of asylum seekers as being an 'invasion'. Sunak responded to six questions from Keir Starmer at PMQ's about ambulance waiting times by criticising the Opposition for not backing his anti-strike legislation. The Chairman of the Conservative Party and former Chancellor of the Exchequer is believed to have settled with HMRC several millions in unpaid taxes.

There is widespread evidence of fraud and corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of government. Whilst we are experiencing a massive cost of living crisis and the economy is collapsing Sunak confirms his main priority is to stop asylum seekers crossing the Channel in small boats.

Friday, January 20, 2023

BBC Journalist Has Hilarious Response to Harry Book

Jan 7, 2023

Michael Jackson : I Just Can't Stop Loving You | Official Video

Sep 2, 2011 | Views on YouTube: 5,394,242

Democracy Now! Jeremy Corbyn on Freeing Julian Assange, the Working Class, Brazil, Peru & Ending Ukraine War

Jan 20, 2023 | In Washington, D.C., human rights and free speech advocates gather today for the Belmarsh Tribunal, focused on the imprisonment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Assange has been languishing for close to four years in the harsh Belmarsh prison in London while appealing extradition to the United States on espionage charges. If convicted, Assange could face up to 175 years in jail for publishing documents that exposed war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Five major news organizations that once partnered with WikiLeaks recently called on the Biden administration to drop charges against Assange. We speak to British MP and former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who is in Washington, D.C., to participate in the Belmarsh Tribunal, about Assange and freedom of the press. We also cover the state of leftism around the globe, from labor rights in the U.K. and Europe to the war in Ukraine, to political unrest in Brazil and Peru.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 20, 2023

What’s It Like to Be Gay and a Priest? I Feel Like a Second-class Citizen in the Church of England

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The church made me answer prurient questions in order to be ordained – and if I were to enter a civil marriage, I’d essentially be sacked

Charlie Bell (right) and his partner. ‘Piotr and I won’t be getting married any time soon. The Church of England doesn’t want us to just yet.’ Photograph: Charlie Bell

In many ways, my partner and I are quite boring and conventional. We may have met through a dating app – very 21st century – but otherwise there’s been nothing particularly scandalous or unusual about how we do things. Quite frankly, most people wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

Except, of course, for the fact that I’m a priest in the Church of England – and that’s where the problems begin. For while the rest of the country seems able to see the clear and unambiguous good that springs from same-sex relationships, the church continues to drag its heels. For years, in fact, it has told us that there’s nothing good at all about our love for one another – that it’s something to be shunned, embarrassed about, even erased. Our love is, ultimately, a problem.

The poverty of such a view has become increasingly obvious to those within the church and without, but the bishops of the C of E have resolutely refused to say anything at all for years. They - including those bishops who are secretly gay – have been cowed into silence by threats from those who oppose same-sex marriage. A few years ago, in 2017, they finally said something – recognising that the church’s record had hardly been positive towards LGBTQ people but coupled with a firm refusal to do anything about it. And the clergy of the C of E told them to get stuffed. » | Charlie Bell * | Friday, January 20, 2023

* Charlie Bell is an Anglican priest in the diocese of Southwark and a Fellow at Girton College, Cambridge


Archbishop will not give new prayer blessing for gay couples: The Archbishop of Canterbury will not use proposed new prayers to bless same-sex couples. »

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 19, 2023

Jacinda Ardern Resigns as Prime Minister of New Zealand

THE GUARDIAN: Labour leader to stand down no later than 7 February, saying she ‘no longer had enough in the tank’ to do the job

New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has said she is resigning, in an unexpected announcement that came as she confirmed a national election for October.

At the party’s first caucus meeting of the year on Thursday, Ardern said she “no longer had enough in the tank” to do the job. “It’s time,” she added.

“I’m leaving, because with such a privileged role comes responsibility – the responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead and also when you are not. I know what this job takes. And I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. It’s that simple,” she said.

Her term as prime minister will conclude no later than 7 February but she will continue as an MP until the election this year. With video » | Tess McClure in Auckland | Thursday, January 19, 2023

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

British Tits

The Incredible Shrinking Man: Rishi Sunak’s Gut Reaction Is Always Wrong

THE GUARDIAN: The prime minister has chosen to pick a fight with the nurses – a battle he’s never going to win

Week after week, Sunak gets dismantled by Keir Starmer. Photograph: House of Commons/PA

Rishi Sunak is the incredible shrinking man. The more you see of him, the less there appears to be. When he became prime minister, he had the appearance of a moderately successful – if rather over-eager – tech bro, brought in to save the Conservative party from itself. But that was a chimera. Because Rish! isn’t even that successful. He’s a politician with the fatal flaw of not being very good at politics. A man unable to convince others that he inhabits their world. Now he’s just a ball of need. Desperate to be liked, but unable to make an emotional connection with voters.

To be fair, Sunak has the odds stacked against him. It’s not entirely his fault the Tories voted for Liz Truss rather than him. Though imagine how useless the Conservative membership must think him to be if they went full on Trussterfuck. It’s not his fault that Putin invaded Ukraine. But he has to take the blame for the Tories’ record of 13 years in government when it’s hard to think of anything that works better now than it did in 2010.

And it’s a unique talent to make every bad situation worse. His gut reaction is almost always the wrong one. Take the strikes. Everyone knows the endgame. The unions and the government get around a table and agree a compromise. Everyone except Rish!. He has chosen to pick a fight with the nurses and paramedics. A battle he’s never going to win, because almost the entire country has already picked a side. And it’s not with the government. When nurses pay has been eroded over such a long period – some are using food banks to get by – and their union calls for strike action for the first time in its history, then a stand has to be taken. » | John Crace | Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Rishi Sunak is like an overgrown 6th former! In actual fact, he’s a tw*t (supply your vowel of choice), to boot. After the pandemic, knowing how important nurses and other medical staff were to us, nobody in his right mind would pick a fight with essential workers such as these. Especially when the prime minister is so liberal with funds for CEOs of energy companies, and their henchmen, refusing to tax them to the full extent. Are CEOs of energy companies more essential to the economy than nurses? I repeat: What a tw*t!

FFS, pay the nurses and other medical staff a decent living wage/salary! You, Sir, are a disgrace! Anybody who has any decency is on the side of the nurses. Decent people are NOT, and cannot be, on your side. Redistribute the wealth of the nation fairly and equitably. Stop favouring those who have robbed the nation blind! – © Mark Alexander

‘God Save the King’ Doesn’t Fall from Jamaican Lips So Easily. Soon We’ll Be a Republic

THE GUARDIAN: Barbados beat us to it, but this week our prime minister made throwing off the colonial yoke a top priority. It won’t be easy, but watch this space

King Charles and Jamaican prime minister Andrew Holness at Buckingham Palace, London, September 2022. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/AFP/Getty Images

Britain, take note. A post-Elizabethan era is taking shape here in Jamaica. And it looks like a republic. “The government will be moving with haste and alacrity towards transforming Jamaica into a republic,” said our prime minister, Andrew Holness, on Monday. “Please move ahead with speed,” he urged his minister of constitutional affairs. If there are obstacles, the government will do whatever it takes.

But then, the signs have long been there. Little or no notice was taken in Jamaica of the Queen’s jubilee last year. There was no bunting, no official party at King’s House. The main celebration was a big party celebrating a different jubilee – the 50th anniversary of The Harder They Come, the Jamaican feature film that introduced reggae and Rastafari culture to the world. But our most notable celebrations in 2022 honoured the year in which Jamaica also celebrated 60 years of independence from British colonial rule, with many activities, memorials and galas honouring that national history. » | Barbara Blake-Hannah | Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Post-Brexit Britain is beginning to look pretty sick, isn't it? Sick and feeble. – © Mark Alexander

Two Beautiful Gay Men; One Beautiful Expression of Gay Love

Zwei schöne schwule Männer; ein schöner Ausdruck homosexueller Liebe / Deux beaux hommes gays ; une belle expression de l'amour gay

With many thanks to Tumblr on Pinterest for this truly delightful photo.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 18, 2023

Special Address by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission | Davos 2023

Jan 17, 2023 | The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.

‘Tax Us Now’: Ultra-rich Call on Governments to Introduce Wealth Taxes

THE GUARDIAN: Disney heiress and actor Mark Ruffalo among ‘patriotic millionaires’ who addressed world’s elite at Davos

Abigail Disney was part of a group of 205 millionaires and billionaires from 13 countries to sign the letter. Photograph: Charles Sykes/Invision/AP

More than 200 members of the super-rich elite are calling on governments around the world to “tax us, the ultra rich, now” in order to help billions of people struggling with cost of living crisis.

The group of 205 millionaires and billionaires, including the Disney heiress Abigail Disney and The Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo, on Wednesday called on world leaders and business executives meeting in Davos for the World Economic Forum (WEF) to urgently introduce wealth taxes to help tackle “extreme inequality”.

“The current lack of action is gravely concerning. A meeting of the ‘global elite’ in Davos to discuss ’cooperation in a fragmented world’ is pointless if you aren’t challenging the root cause of division,” they said in an open letter published on Wednesday. “Defending democracy and building cooperation requires action to build fairer economies right now – it is not a problem that can be left for our children to fix.

“Now is the time to tackle extreme wealth; now is the time to tax the ultra rich.” » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Church of England Bishops Refuse to Back Gay Marriage

THE GUARDIAN: Bishops resist change that would allow clergy to marry same-sex couples but propose civil marriages can be blessed in church

The Church of England has rejected demands to allow clergy to conduct same-sex marriages but is proposing that couples who married in a civil ceremony may have their union blessed in church.

The C of E released “historic plans” on Wednesday outlining a proposed way forward after decades of bitter and anguished division over sexuality. The proposal, endorsed by bishops this week, will be put to the C of E’s governing body, the General Synod, next month. » | Harriet Sherwood | Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Court Battle Looms as UK Ministers Block Scottish Gender Recognition Law

THE GUARDIAN: Nicola Sturgeon says her government will ‘vigorously defend’ legislation by seeking judicial review of decision

The UK and the Scottish governments appear set on a major court battle on constitutional powers after Westminster ministers formally blocked a law passed by Scotland’s parliament creating a self-identification system for people who want to change gender.

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, said the decision by Alister Jack, the Scottish secretary, would “inevitably end up in court”. Announcing the decision to the Commons, Jack also said he expected the issue to be decided this way.

Jack told MPs he was making the so-called section 35 order under the 1998 Scotland Act, which created the devolved parliament, which meant the gender recognition reform Scotland bill would not receive royal assent.

The Welsh first minister, Mark Drakeford, said the decision to use a section 35 order marked “a very dangerous moment”, adding: “I agree with the first minister of Scotland that this could be a very slippery slope indeed.” » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Conversion practices ban will include transgender people, Donelan confirms: Latest government U-turn on policy comes amid row over Scotland’s gender recognition bill »

London will Gender-Gesetz in Schottland verhindern: Transpersonen sollen in Schottland bald einfacher ihren Geschlechtseintrag ändern dürfen. Gegen das Gesetz hat die Regierung in London ein Veto eingelegt. Nun droht ein langer Rechtsstreit. »

Dimitra’s Dishes: Phyllo, Eggs, Cheese & Pasturma: A Delicious Breakfast Pita

Jan 17, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Der Bitcoin steigt über die 20 000-Dollar-Marke. Ist der Krypto-Winter damit schon wieder vorbei?

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die bekannteste Krypto-Währung Bitcoin hat am Wochenende bisweilen mehr als 21 000 Dollar gekostet. Anleger fragen sich nun, ob die Branche den Untergang der Krypto-Börse FTX bereits verdaut hat.

Der Kollaps von FTX letzten November kam einem Erdbeben in der Krypto-Welt gleich. Hinzu kamen die steil steigenden Zinsen. Diese beiden Faktoren führten dazu, dass die Kurse vieler Krypto-Währungen markant fielen. Allen voran der Bitcoin-Kurs. Der Wert der gemessen an der Marktkapitalisierung wertvollsten Digitalwährung brach seit letztem April von rund 46 000 Dollar auf 16 000 Dollar ein. Am Wochenende hat der Bitcoin die 20 000-Dollar-Marke aber wieder überschritten. » | Isabelle Wachter | Montag, 16. Januar 2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 17, 2023

Reputations: Coco Chanel | BBC Documentary

Mar 18, 2019 | This is a documentary about Chanel's life and legacy. @ 35:57, it includes an interview with Karl Lagerfeld about the first appearance of the Chanel suit.

Some sound clips are missing because YouTube automatically strips out copyrighted music/soundtracks and this also strips out narration.

This documentary goes into detail about how Chanel reinvented herself because of a simple misspelling of her name at a childhood convent.

Margaret Thatcher (1988): The Woman at Number 10

July 1988 | Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher agreed to speak to Richard Carleton just before she left 10 Downing Street for her visit to Australia in 1988. This exclusive interview was Mrs Thatcher's first appearance on 60 Minutes since her famous, 'Who says I'm pig-headed' clash with George Negus in 1981. | Producer: Gareth Harvey

Monday, January 16, 2023

Can There Be a More Beautiful Expression of Gay Love Than This? | Reupload

Peut-il y avoir une plus belle expression de l'amour gay que celle-ci ? / Kann es einen schöneren Ausdruck schwuler Liebe geben als diesen?

With many thanks to Alexsandre Portier on Pinterest for this very beautiful, meaningful and expressive picture of two men in love.

Anyone who can object to this expression of love is absolutely and totally benighted. He/she is also bigotted in the extreme. Grow up! Live and let live! Liberate yourselves from the shackles that bind you! Gay love is something very beautiful. Gays are how they are because the inerrant God made them that way. Don't try and buck God's desires, God's creations! You cannot worship God and deny His creations at one and the same time. If you do so, you are a hypocrite. – © Mark Alexander

Top Hat, Mark Sandrich, 1935 : Heaven | Reupload

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Dimitra’s Dishes: Mediterranean Lemony White Bean Salad

Jan 16, 2023

Get the recipe here.