Monday, January 16, 2023

Can There Be a More Beautiful Expression of Gay Love Than This? | Reupload

Peut-il y avoir une plus belle expression de l'amour gay que celle-ci ? / Kann es einen schöneren Ausdruck schwuler Liebe geben als diesen?

With many thanks to Alexsandre Portier on Pinterest for this very beautiful, meaningful and expressive picture of two men in love.

Anyone who can object to this expression of love is absolutely and totally benighted. He/she is also bigotted in the extreme. Grow up! Live and let live! Liberate yourselves from the shackles that bind you! Gay love is something very beautiful. Gays are how they are because the inerrant God made them that way. Don't try and buck God's desires, God's creations! You cannot worship God and deny His creations at one and the same time. If you do so, you are a hypocrite. – © Mark Alexander