Showing posts with label Oxford Union. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oxford Union. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2025

America Only Serves the Rich & Powerful | The Oxford Union Society Speech | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Jan 26, 2025 | A few weeks after the election, I was given the honor of participating in The Oxford Union Society debate to answer a very important question - Is America a failing democracy?

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Dr Michael Shermer : God Does NOT Exist

Dec 21, 2012 | Dr Michael Shermer gives his argument against the existence of God.

One could argue that we are programmed from birth to believe in fairy stories, myths and BS! – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Stormy Daniels Questioned by Oxford University Students

Jul 4, 2023 | Stormy Daniels is a former award-winning adult actress and screenwriter, and the primary plaintiff in the case against exPresident Donald Trump. She alleged sexual relations with the former President, followed by a sum of $130,000 in ‘hush money,’ from Trump and his lawyer, Michael Cohen. Since, Daniels has featured in and hosted a variety of reality television series including ‘The Surreal Life’ and ‘For The Love of DILFs,’ as well as published a tell-all entitled ‘Full Disclosure’.

WARNING: This video is ABSOLUTELY NOT suitable for children, both because of the topics discussed and often the STRONG LANGUAGE used. I am leaving the video up because it shows us all how unsuitable for high office Donald Trump is. – Mark

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Dr Michael Shermer | “God Does NOT Exist”

Dec 21, 2012 Dr Michael Shermer gives his argument against the existence of God.

Dr Michael Shermer begins by saying that 84% of the world's population believe in some kind of organised religion and how do those who believe in a particular religion know that they have chosen the right one and everyone else has got it wrong?

He proceeds to explain two pieces of evidence that proves that humans made up God and religion and not the other way around. He starts with evolutionary theory saying that we are all descendants from cautious creatures who creator false positive rather than false negatives.

The creation of an agency (an omnipotent being) within a religion is a powerful force of social control. Then the second line of evidence is the what ever social environment were born into we would be exposed to the dominant religion in that environment i.e. India -- Hinduism, Europe -- Christianity.

Filmed on Thursday 8th November 2012
ABOUT Dr MICHAEL SHERMER: Author and Founder of the Skeptics Society.
Views on YouTube: 2,133,420

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oxford Union Invites Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary to Speak Despite Being On Bail for Being Member of Banned Terror Group

DAILY MAIL: Hate preacher Anjem Choudary invited to speak by debating society / Said it would be a 'great privilege' to have Choudary as the star guest / Got invite day before Theresa May announced crackdown on extremists

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has been invited to speak at the Oxford Union despite being on police bail on suspicion of being a member of a banned terror group.

The notorious rabble rouser received his invitation from the debating society a day before Home Secretary Theresa May announced a crackdown on Islamic extremists.

The letter said it would be a 'great privilege' to have Choudary appear as the star guest.

Choudary, who once said that Woolwich terror victim Fusilier Lee Rigby would 'burn in hellfire', was even offered a choice of days on which to attend the debate entitled: This house believes that radicalism is born at home.

Britain's most notorious hate preacher proudly showed off his invitation after launching a hate-filled rant against Western society outside the Houses of Parliament yesterday.

He said: 'I am still on police bail after being arrested by Scotland Yard in September last year. 'But the police can't stop me from speaking. They can't stop me from going to the Oxford Union where I've been invited to speak.' » | Arthur Martin for The Daily Mail | Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Friday, February 06, 2015

Free Speech Oxford University-Style: Chants Against Le Pen In Oxford

French Far-right Leader Marine Le Pen Mobbed by Oxford Union Protesters

Leader of the French party National Front (FN) Marine Le Pen (C)
arrives to give a speech at the Oxford Union's prestigious
debating society in Oxford
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Controversial nationalist politician gives a speech at the prestigious Oxford Union, blaming Western society's ills on Islamic ideology

French far-right political leader Marine Le Pen has received a hostile reception at the Oxford Union where she was was [sic] invited to discuss western values.

Crowds of protesters gathered outside the building to denounce the controversial leader of France's far-right Front National.

Her speech to gathered union members was delayed by over one hour as the angry crowd attempted to block entrances.

Union officials have faced criticism for inviting Ms Le Pen to speak uninterrupted for five minutes, rather than insisting on a more traditional debate format where an opponent would have also been heard.

The disruption meant that many of those with tickets for her speech were unable to attend. Similarly the scrum outside the union meant that reporters were unable to get inside.

She is believed to have used her speech to blame Islamic ideology for the issues facing western society. » | Gregory Walton | Thursday, February 05, 2015

Thursday, February 21, 2013

George Galloway Walks Out of Oxford Israel Debate

Related »

George Galloway Accused of Racism after Refusing to Debate with Israeli Student

DAILY EXPRESS: GEORGE Galloway has been accused of "pure racism" after storming out of a debate at Oxford Union shouting "I don't debate with Israelis".

The Respect MP – who is a vocal critic of Israel and its treatment of Palestinian people – had been taking part in the debate at Christ Church college.

Golloway is now facing accusations of racism after his outburst last night.

The MP for Bradford West had been speaking for the motion that "Israel should withdraw immediately from the West Bank", when he learned that Eylon Aslan-Levy, a student opposing it, was Israeli.

Galloway interrupted the student after he used the word "we" in reference to Israel.

"You said 'we'," said Galloway. "Are you an Israeli?"

"I am, yes," Aslan-Levy replied.

"I don't debate with Israelis. I have been misled, sorry," Galloway said, standing and putting on his coat, then reiterating as he walked out: "I don't recognise Israel and I don't debate with Israelis." » | Charlotte Meredith | Thursday, February 21, 2013