DAILY EXPRESS: GEORGE Galloway has been accused of "pure racism" after storming out of a debate at Oxford Union shouting "I don't debate with Israelis".
The Respect MP – who is a vocal critic of Israel and its treatment of Palestinian people – had been taking part in the debate at Christ Church college.
Golloway is now facing accusations of racism after his outburst last night.
The MP for Bradford West had been speaking for the motion that "Israel should withdraw immediately from the West Bank", when he learned that Eylon Aslan-Levy, a student opposing it, was Israeli.
Galloway interrupted the student after he used the word "we" in reference to Israel.
"You said 'we'," said Galloway. "Are you an Israeli?"
"I am, yes," Aslan-Levy replied.
"I don't debate with Israelis. I have been misled, sorry," Galloway said, standing and putting on his coat, then reiterating as he walked out: "I don't recognise Israel and I don't debate with Israelis." » | Charlotte Meredith | Thursday, February 21, 2013