Tuesday, August 09, 2022

John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John : You're the One That I Want

Apr 10, 2014 Music video by Jhon Travolta & Olivia Newton Jhon performing You'reThe One That I Want From the Movie Grease. | Views on YouTube: 42,373,179


John Travolta Pays Tribute to Olivia Newton-John

Aug 8, 2022 Actor John Travolta has honoured the life and memory of Australian icon Olivia Newton-John.

Australian singer and actress Olivia Newton-John has passed away this morning after a long battle with cancer.

Travolta released a tribute to Olivia Newton-John on his social media;

"My dearest Olivia, you made all of our lives so much better," he captioned a throwback photo of Newton-John. "Your impact was incredible. I love you so much. We will see you down the road and we will all be together again."

"Yours from the moment I saw you and forever! Your Danny, your John!" he concluded.


GREASE | Hopelessly Devoted to You | "Hopelessly Devoted" Clip | Paramount Movies

John Travolta solidified his position as the most versatile and magnetic screen presence of the decade in this film version of the smash hit play Grease. Recording star Olivia Newton–John made her American film debut as Sandy, Travolta's naive love interest. The impressive supporting cast reads like a "who's who" in this quintessential musical about the fabulous '50s. Grease is not just a nostalgic look at a simpler decade – it's an energetic and exciting musical homage to the age of rock 'n' roll.

Featuring: John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Dody Goodman, Didi Conn, Jamie Donnelly, Stockard Channing

In memory of a great icon: Olivia Newton-John. R.I.P. – Mark

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The Lincoln Project: CPAC Texas Day 1

Aug 5, 2022 CPAC Texas Day 1 in 90 seconds. The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

Hi Y’all! Don’t forget, we’re all gonna be seein’ Jeezuz together! – Mark

Olivia Newton-John: Australia Mourns a National Sweetheart

Read the article here.

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Worried about Bills This Winter? In Truss’s Titanic Economics, Only the Rich Will Get a Life Raft

THE GUARDIAN: With a national catastrophe looming, the Tory leadership candidates have adopted a muscular ‘anti-welfare’ stance

As millions of families get ready to choose between starving and freezing, the biggest question in British politics right now is what government support is going to come in the next few months, and who exactly is going to get help. With Boris Johnson’s “out of office” on, and the current chancellor missing in action, it is left to the Tory leadership candidates to play at governing. On Sunday, the all but guaranteed victor, Liz Truss, announced she would “rush through” her £30bn worth of tax cuts six months earlier than planned, to “tackle the cost of living crisis”.

It doesn’t take an economist to realise that, far from “tackling the cost of living crisis”, introducing tax cuts is a dire way to target support: it just adds more cash to upper middle-class families’ pockets while the very poorest – many of whom pay little or no income tax – don’t benefit. Just look at the details of Truss’s £30bn cut: £19bn of it would go not to struggling families, but to businesses skirting corporation tax rises. Indeed, even Truss’s plan to scrap the national insurance rise would benefit the wealthiest: 85% of the £8bn cost would go to the top half of earners. It is Titanic economics, where the country is sinking and only the rich get a life raft. » | Frances Ryan | Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Liz Truss is a cipher! When it comes to economics, she is a know-nothing. The country will be mad to trust its economy on her. She is the marionette of the superrich. She cares not a jot for the poor or even middle class. She aims to please the rich and powerful, and the rich and powerful alone. – © Mark Alexander

Liz Truss doubles down on refusal to offer support over rising energy bills: Foreign secretary previously said she did not want to give ‘handouts’ to people struggling with cost of living »

FBI Searches Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home and Seizes Documents

THE GUARDIAN: Sources say the Monday morning search was part of an inquiry into missing White House records after Trump’s presidency

Federal investigators have seized documents from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, according to two sources familiar with the matter, the latest indication of a sharply intensifying criminal investigation by the US justice department into his affairs.

The FBI executed a search warrant at around 9am Monday morning at Trump’s residence, the sources said, as part of an ongoing investigation examining the former president’s potentially unlawful removal and destruction of White House records after he left office last year.

The move by the Justice Department to search Mar-a-Lago over the removal of 15 boxes of presidential records from the White House, including classified documents, as well as the destruction of other materials, marks a dramatic escalation in the inquiry.

“My beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents,” Trump said in a bitter statement on Monday evening, adding: “They even broke into my safe!” » | Hugo Lowell in New York | Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Donald Trump annonce que sa résidence en Floride a été « perquisitionnée » par le FBI : Le ministère de la justice n’a, pour l’heure, pas communiqué sur le sujet. L’ancien président s’est indigné dans un communiqué : « Ils ont même forcé mon coffre-fort ! » Il n’était pas sur place durant l’intervention. »

Monday, August 08, 2022

Olivia Newton-John, Star of Grease, Dies Aged 73

THE GUARDIAN: Pop star best known for her role in the film musical devoted her later life to activism in support of cancer research

Olivia Newton-John died at her home in southern California, her husband said. Photograph: Sarah Morris/Getty Images

Olivia Newton-John, the musical star who found enduring fame for her leading role in the film Grease, has died aged 73. The news was confirmed by her husband.

In a statement posted on social media, Olivia Newton-John’s widower John Easterling said: “Dame Olivia Newton-John (73) passed away peacefully at her Ranch in Southern California this morning, surrounded by family and friends. We ask that everyone please respect the family’s privacy during this very difficult time.

“Olivia has been a symbol of triumphs and hope for over 30 years sharing her journey with breast cancer.

“Her healing inspiration and pioneering experience with plant medicine continues with the Olivia Newton-John Foundation Fund, dedicated to researching plant medicine and cancer.”

In 2017, Newton-John revealed the breast cancer she had first suffered in 1992 had returned andhad spread to her spine. She also revealed she’d had a second cancer diagnosis in 2013 but had kept it quiet. She said she believed she would “win over it” and called upon her native Australia to adopt the laws of the US state where she then lived, California, to allow the medicinal use of marijuana.

“My dream is that, in Australia soon, it will be available to all the cancer patients and people going through cancer that causes pain,” she said, adding that though she had moments of despair, she had had “an incredible career” and “nothing to complain about”. » | Catherine Shoard | Monday, August 8, 2022

Olivia Newton-John was that rare thing: a wonderfully unselfconscious star: After soaring to fame in Grease, Newton-John – who has died aged 73 – became the queen of the movie soundtrack album, and her roles in oddball hits Xanadu and A Mom for Christmas meant audiences never stopped loving her »

«Grease»-Darstellerin Olivia Newton-John im Alter von 73 Jahren gestorben: Ihre Rolle in «Grease» machte die Sängerin und Schauspielerin Olivia Newton John weltberühmt. Die vergangenen Jahrzehnte setzte sie sich für den Kampf gegen Brustkrebs ein. »

L’actrice Olivia Newton-John, star de « Grease », est morte à 73 ans : La comédienne et chanteuse luttait depuis trente ans contre un cancer du sein. »

Olivia Newton-John stirbt im Alter von 73 Jahren : Sie war Sängerin, Schauspielerin und Songwriterin. Olivia Newton-John wurde durch ihre Rolle im Musical-Film „Grease“ berühmt. Nun ist sie im Alter von 73 Jahren gestorben. »

The Guardian View on the Dog Days of Boris Johnson’s Premiership: Crises, Which Crises?

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: As the Conservative party talks to itself, a chance to grip the challenges of the autumn and winter is being wasted

‘Boris Johnson appears to have washed his hands of a country facing stagflation and looming recession.’ Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP

The sweltering summer continues to deliver ominous headlines, all pointing to the perfect storm that seems certain to break in the autumn. A new study from York University predicts that, by January 2023, more than half of UK households could be in fuel poverty, spending over 10% of net income on energy costs. The health secretary, Stephen Barclay, admits that the NHS may be unable to cope with a likely Covid wave, seasonal flu and the health impact of the cost of living crisis. Charities, which successive Conservative governments have relied on to prop up one of the meanest social safety nets in Europe, are struggling to meet soaring demand for basics as their own finances are hit by the economic squeeze. » | Editorial | Monday, August 8, 2022

Johnson accused of allowing ‘summer of drift’ amid cost of living crisis: Business leaders urge PM to act as No 10 says there are no plans to address crisis until next Tory leader is voted in »

Gordon Brown: ‘Set emergency budget or risk a winter of dire poverty’: Former PM has warned of a financial timebomb awaiting families as Labour plans a major intervention to address crisis »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — August 8, 2022

"Karl IV und der Schwarze Tod"

Jul 4, 2019 Karl IV. wurde 1316 in Prag geboren. Sein Vater Johann hatte eine böhmische Prinzessin geheiratet und war dadurch einer der mächtigsten Männer im Reich geworden. 1346 gelang es dem ehrgeizigen Luxemburger durch die Zahlung horrender Bestechungsgelder, seinen Sohn Karl als Gegenkönig zum amtierenden Ludwig dem Bayern wählen zu lassen. Karls Position im Reich war zunächst schwach, aber durch den plötzlichen Tod Ludwigs wenige Monate nach der Wahl änderte sich die Lage.

Durch geschicktes politisches Taktieren, strategische Eheschließungen und nicht zuletzt durch die Veräußerung königlicher Privilegien sorgte Karl IV. für Frieden und konsolidierte seine Herrschaft. Als das Reich im Innern gefestigt war, brach er 1354 zu einem Italienzug auf und errang die Kaiserkrone. Kurz danach hielt er einen Reichstag in Nürnberg ab, bei dem die Modalitäten der Königswahl ein für alle Mal festgeschrieben werden sollten. Das Ergebnis der Verhandlungen zwischen Kaiser und Fürsten ging als "Goldene Bulle" in die Geschichte ein und wurde am 10. Januar 1356 öffentlich in Nürnberg verkündet. Die "Goldene Bulle" legte fest, dass zukünftig drei Erzbischöfe und vier weltliche Fürsten den König mit einfacher Mehrheit wählen sollten. Eine Art "Grundgesetz" des Heiligen Römischen Reiches entstand, das bis zu seinem Untergang 1806 gültig blieb.

Unter Karl IV. erlebte Mitteleuropa eine kulturelle Blüte. Aber seine Regierungszeit stand gleichzeitig im Schatten der schlimmsten Katastrophe des Mittelalters, der Pest. "Schuldige" waren rasch gefunden: die Juden. Als Geldverleiher waren sie zwar unverzichtbar für die mittelalterliche Wirtschaft, aber gleichzeitig verhasst und sozial ausgegrenzt. Als angebliche "Brunnenvergifter" wurden sie für die verheerende Seuche verantwortlich gemacht und zu Tausenden verbrannt. Dass mit den Juden oft auch ihre Schuldscheine verbrannt wurden, wirft ein bezeichnendes Licht auf die wahren Motive der Täter. Kaiser Karl IV. versagte in der königlichen Pflicht, seine Untertanen vor den Übergriffen zu schützen, und profitierte sogar von der Ermordung der Juden.

Failure after Failure: Private Hospitals’ Appalling Treatment of Pregnant Mum | 60 Minutes Australia

IAug 7, 2022 If you believe when it comes to hospital care, going private beats going public, it might be time to think again. 37-year-old Annie Moylan was fit, healthy, and 18 weeks pregnant with her second child, very happy. When she got sick with a fever she didn't hesitate to go to a nearby private hospital in Melbourne for treatment. And why not? It was brand new. But what happened next was appalling. Failure after failure. Annie didn't get better; she and her unborn child, died. On assignment for 60 MINUTES, the Today Show's Christine Ahern reports on a tragic series of mistakes that will make you seethe with anger.

LBC Caller Slams 'Most Arrogant, Complacent, Corrupt, Dishonest and Incompetent' Govt. in Lifetime

Aug 8, 2022 This LBC caller says which government is the "most arrogant, complacent, corrupt, dishonest and incompetent" in his lifetime.

Whoever this caller is, he is absolutely right. We need a change of administration now. The Tories have been in office for far too long. When any government is in office as long as the Tories have been, it is never healthy, regardless of their political persuasion. And as for Thatcherism, that is the last thing this country needs in the mess we're in. Thatcherism was great for its time: the Eighties. It might well be good for another time in the future. But it is NOT GOOD for these times we are now living in. We've had forty plus years of the politics of greed. It is now high time that we get a dose of the politics of compassion. And that ain't Thatcherism! – © Mark Alexander

Art Garfunkel : I Only Have Eyes for You

Jan 14, 2017 Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 182,755

Der lange Schatten der «eisernen Lady»

Jahre nach ihrem Tod feiert Margaret Thatcher im Rennen um die Johnson-Nachfolge ein postumes Comeback. Sowohl Liz Truss wie auch Rishi Sunak präsentieren sich als politische Erben Thatchers – und streiten darüber, wie die «eiserne Lady» auf die heutige wirtschaftliche Misere reagieren würde.

Die britische Premierministerin im Mai 1980 vor der Downing Street Nummer 10. Auch 42 Jahre später bleibt sie für die britischen Konservativen prägend. | John Redman / AP

1987 erklärte Margaret Thatcher in einem BBC-Interview, sie hoffe, als Premierministerin immer weiter- und weiterzumachen. Im Herbst 1990 musste sie nach einer parteiinternen Rebellion dann doch zurücktreten, 2013 verstarb sie im Alter von 87 Jahren. Nun aber feiert die «eiserne Lady» im Rennen um die Nachfolge von Boris Johnson eine Art Comeback. Sowohl die Favoritin Liz Truss als auch ihr Gegner Rishi Sunak erklärten Thatcher zu ihrem grossen Vorbild im Amt des Premierministers – und liefern einander seither einen erbitterten Wettstreit um ihr politisches Erbe.

Gezielte Assoziationen

Mit ihrer Kleiderwahl und Symbolik weckt Truss schon seit längerem Assoziationen zu Thatcher. Im Februar reiste die Aussenministerin in einem ähnlichen Pelzmantel nach Moskau wie einst ihr grosses Vorbild. Im letzten Herbst liess sie sich in Estland auf dem Dach eines britischen Panzers fotografieren – und stellte damit ein Bild Thatchers aus dem Jahr 1986 nach. Zudem präsentiert sich Truss als stramme und durchsetzungsfähige Macherin, die charakterlich der «eisernen Lady» gleicht. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Montag, 8. August 2022

En trois jours d’exercices, la Chine menace Taïwan, sans vraiment changer le statu quo

LE MONDE : Malgré un discours très offensif, les manœuvres militaires effectuées par la Chine n’ont pas vraiment changé le rapport de force dans le détroit de Taïwan, estiment les experts.

Une dizaine de tirs de missiles, une quinzaine de frégates, une soixantaine de chasseurs chinois, des drones, et des attaques informatiques pour déstabiliser l’ennemi : pour la Chine, les trois jours d’exercices effectués du 4 au 7 août dans le détroit de Taïwan sont un succès. Si l’essentiel des activités a pris fin dimanche, des manœuvres simulant « des opérations anti-sous-marins et des assauts en mer » se poursuivaient, lundi 8 août au matin, a indiqué l’état-major de l’Armée populaire de libération.

A en croire la presse chinoise, ces exercices permettent à Pékin de démontrer sa capacité à frapper Taïwan n’importe où et d’affirmer sa souveraineté sur l’ensemble du détroit, au-delà de la « ligne médiane » séparant la zone en deux. D’après le ministère de la défense taïwanais, vingt-deux appareils chinois ont effectué de courtes incursions du côté taïwanais de la ligne médiane ces derniers jours. Mais, pour les experts, ces manœuvres n’ont pas radicalement changé la situation. » | Par Simon Leplâtre | lundi 8 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

UK Heatwave This Week Will Last Longer Than July’s but with Lower Temperatures

THE GUARDIAN: Peaks of about 35C expected on Friday or Saturday amid warnings of fire risk

Britain is braced for another heatwave that will last longer than July’s record-breaking hot spell, with highs of up to 35C expected over the next week, forecasters have said.

Temperatures over the coming days will remain lower than the 40.3C reached in July, the hottest temperature on record, but the heatwave will continue over a “prolonged period”, the Met Office has said.

People have been urged not to have barbecues in the tinder-dry conditions after people from 15 homes were evacuated after a garden fire that spread out of control in Essex. » | PA Media | Monday, August 8, 2022

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Heiße Küsse

Bisous torrides / Steamy kisses

Fürs schöne Bild auf Pinterest bedanke ich mich bei POPSUGAR

I Was Straight until I Met Him | Gay Romance | 4 Moons

Views on YouTube: 5,781,043

Viewer discretion is advised. – Mark

Maurice Jarre : Dr. Zhivago Lara's Theme' | Unutulmaz Film Müzikleri 2015 / 1080p HQ| Mu©o

Views on YouTube: 3,324,058

Elton John : Circle of Life | From The Lion King | Official Video

Nov 4, 2017 “Circle of Life” is performed and composed by Elton John, with lyrics by Tim Rice. The song features in the iconic opening sequence of Walt Disney’s The Lion King and this music video features alternative lyrics from the soundtrack version. It was also nominated for Best Song at the 1994 Academy Awards. | Views on YouTube: 14,792,941

Eagles : Tequila Sunrise | 2013 Remaster

Nov 1, 2018 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra | Views on YouTube: 5,443,952

Saturday, August 06, 2022

CALLEkocht : Kalbsleber in Salbei-Butter zubereiten. So wirst auch Du sie lieben!

Aug 5, 2022 Zarte Kalbsleber, saftig und zart braten mit blonden Zwiebeln oder in Salbeibutter. Ganz einfache Küche und ein leckeres Rezept. Unbedingt einmal selber machen. Es lohnt sich.


Kalbsleber in Scheiben
Salbei Butter
Salz und Pfeffer

Michael Lambert : Truss & Sunak Desperately Chase the Extreme Right of the Tory Party

Aug 6, 2022 The UK economy is in serious trouble with runaway inflation, the biggest rise in interest rates for thirty years, soaring prices and widespread anxiety.

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak desperately chase the right-wing of the Tory party membership and are offering ever more extreme and impossible policies. Whilst Truss is the clear favourite, Sunak desperately moves further to the right. She is offering massive unfunded tax cuts whilst he promises just as large tax cuts but not until 2029.

The NHS is in crisis, company failures are at a record, there are desperate labour shortages in many key areas. A food crisis is approaching since UK farmers have been unable to plant as much as previously given that EU workers are no longer available. Petrol, gas and electricity prices are all at their highest ever despite power companies making record profits.

Truss tries to blame others for the failings whilst insulting the entire Scottish nation and all public sector workers who work outside of London. Sunak talks of 'lefty lawyers' who take action against politicians and government. He wants to treat those who 'vilify' the government as 'extremists' and impose £10 fines on those who fail to arrive for any medical appointments.

Finally he seeks to 'level up' prosperous Tunbridge Wells and undo Labour's policy of sending money to depressed urban areas.

The Lincoln Project: Alike

Aug 6, 2022 Nazi ideals have resurfaced in America under the guise of the Republican Party. It is our turn to fight them as our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents once did.

TyskySour: Rishi Sunak Says the Quiet Part Loud

Traditional English Breakfast : The Secrets behind One of the Most British Dishes You Can Eat | DW Food

Aug 6, 2022 Eight ingredients adorn your plate when you order the "Full English Breakfast" at Terry's Cafe in London, including black pudding, baked beans and bubble and squeak. We show how the national dish is prepared.


Report, Camera
Edit: Robert Richter

Eagles : Lyin' Eyes | 2013 Remaster

Nov 1, 2018 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra | Views on YouTube: 16,853,441

Eagles : Peaceful Easy Feeling | 2013 Remaster

Feb 20, 2017 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra

Romy und Alain: Die ewigen Verlobten | Doku HD | ARTE

Aug 5, 2022 Er war die männliche Schönheit in Person, sie war strahlend und fröhlich. Sie stand für "Sissi", er für den "Leoparden". Das Paar Romy Schneider–Alain Delon ging ins kollektive Gedächtnis ein, obwohl es nur fünf Jahre zusammen war. 40 Jahre nach Romy Schneiders Tod eröffnet die Doku eine neue Sicht auf die beiden Ikonen der Filmgeschichte.

Romy Schneider und Alain Delon: ein legendäres Paar voller Gegensätze. Sie verkörperte offenherzige Rollen, während er unnahbar wirkte. Die Liebesbeziehung zwischen den beiden verlief so leidenschaftlich und stürmisch, dass sie ins kollektive Gedächtnis einging, obwohl sie nur fünf Jahre andauerte. Obwohl beide später mit anderen Partnern verheiratet waren, kamen sie nie wirklich voneinander los.

Ihre Leidenschaft zeigte sich nochmals in Jacques Derays Kultfilm „Der Swimmingpool“ (1969). Damals waren die beiden Schauspieler schon seit Längerem getrennt, einander jedoch weiterhin verbunden. Romy Schneider verdankte ihre Besetzung in „Der Swimmingpool“ der Initiative von Alain Delon, der seinerseits zehn Jahre zuvor als damals noch unbekannter französischer Nachwuchsdarsteller an der Seite des schon hochberühmten deutschen „Sissi“-Stars seine erste große Filmrolle gespielt hatte.

Für Alain Delon blieb das innere Band auch nach Romy Schneiders Tod am 29. Mai 1982 bestehen. Davon zeugt sein Abschiedsbrief: „Oft stellten wir einander die typische Frage der Liebespaare: ‚Wer hat sich zuerst verliebt, du oder ich?‘ Wir zählten bis drei und antworteten: ‚Weder du noch ich! Zusammen!‘ Bei dir habe ich ein wenig Deutsch gelernt: ‚Ich liebe dich‘. Je t’aime. Je t’aime, ma Puppele.“

40 Jahre nach Romy Schneiders Tod setzt dieser Dokumentarfilm den Schwerpunkt auf das legendäre Paar. Bisher unveröffentlichte Aussagen von Zeitzeuginnen und Zeitzeugen, die Romy und Alain in Frankreich und Deutschland nahestanden, eröffnen eine neue Sicht auf die beiden Ikonen der Filmgeschichte.

Dokumentation von Olivier Monssens (F 2022, 52 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 06/09/2022


Romy Schneider: E, D, F.

Alain Delon: E, D, F.

MI6 Expert on Boris Johnson, Alexander Lebedev and the UK's Russia Problem | New Statesman

Aug 5, 2022 Boris Johnson has finally admitted he met former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev in private while Foreign Secretary. Christopher Steele, former M16 agent and author of the famous "Trump Dossier", tells the New Statesman what the security risks are for the United Kingdom.

The day before Boris Johnson agreed to step down as Prime Minister (after more than 50 members of his government had resigned), he admitted to the Liaison Committee something that had been long suspected: while he was Foreign Secretary he had met privately with former KGB agent and Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev, without security or aides.

In this video interview, former MI6 agent and intelligence expert Christopher Steele explains why the off-books meeting between Johnson and Lebedev poses a security risk to the UK, and what it tells us about the influence of Russia and Vladimir Putin at the highest levels of UK government.

Boris Johnson is also friends with Alexander Lebedev's son, Evgeny Lebedev. The younger Lebedev is the proprietor of the London Evening Standard and Independent newspapers, and in 2020 was nominated for a seat in the House of Lords by none other than Boris Johnson. Here Steele also discusses the influence his peerage might allow Lord Lebedev to exert, and the types of intelligence it would give him access to.

Christopher Steele was an MI6 intelligence operative, who ran the Russia desk at the MI6 London headquarters. During the 2016 US presidential elections Steele become notorious for compiling a dossier which claimed that Russia had compiled a file of compromising information on Donald Trump. This became known as the "Trump dossier".

Liz Truss Rejects ‘Handouts’ as Way to Tackle Cost of Living Crisis

THE GUARDIAN: Conservative leadership frontrunner insists on tax cuts despite claims they will fuel inflation

Liz Truss at an event at Solihull Moors FC, as part of the Conservative leadership campaign.Photograph: Jacob King/PA

The Conservative leadership frontrunner, Liz Truss, has rejected “handouts” as a way of helping people affected by the cost of living crisis.

Truss said she would press ahead with proposed tax cuts despite claims they would fuel inflation and “kiss goodbye” to the Conservatives’ chances of winning the next election.

With mounting pressure as households face a financial squeeze, the foreign secretary rejected handouts and insisted on tax cuts costing more than £30bn as the country spirals towards a recession.

“Of course I will look at what more can be done,” Truss told the Financial Times. “But the way I would do things is in a Conservative way of lowering the tax burden, not giving out handouts.” » | Geneva Abdul | Saturday, August 6, 2022

Clearly, Liz Truss doesn’t understand even basic economics. Tax cuts are not going to help the poor or the struggling middle class get through these tough times. Doesn’t she know that a person earning less than £12,570 per annum doesn’t pay any tax anyway; so how are tax cuts going to help these people get through this crisis?

Tax cuts are wrong for the economic crisis we are in. First of all, tax cuts would help the rich and better off and not the poor and under-privileged, and secondly, even if they were to help at the margin, it would take a long time for any benefits of tax cuts to filter through. So, what are the working poor going to do in the interim? Starve and/or freeze to death? Get a grip, Madame! – G Mark Alexander

Friday, August 05, 2022

Documentary about Aristoteles Onassis | English

Deutschland aus Sicht der russischen Propaganda | Fake News | ARTE

Jun 30, 2022 Die russische Dozhd-Redaktion – derzeit im Exil in Georgien – betreibt seit 2018 den erfolgreichen YouTube-Channel "FAKE NEWS". Jede Woche wühlt sich das Team hier durch Stunden an russischen Staats-News und Propaganda-Shows, und zerrupft sogfältig jede einzelne Lüge, bis auch der letzte Putin-Propagandist nackt dasteht. Aber wie haarsträubend sind die Lügen wirklich, worauf fußen ie, wie werden sie konstruiert? Um dem europäischen Publikum das näherzubringen, produziert die Dozhd-Redaktion wöchentlich eine internationale Ausgabe ihres „Fake News“-Format, exklusiv für den Arte TRACKS YouTube-Channel - kompakt und für Einsteiger:innen geeignet.

English version.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 5, 2022

Hungary PM Viktor Orbán Addresses CPAC as American Right Embraces His Authoritarian Rule

Aug 4, 2022 We speak with international affairs scholar Kim Lane Scheppele on the rise and fall of Hungary's constitutional democracy and how Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has gained popularity among the American right ahead of his speech today at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "Orbán presents, especially for the American right, a kind of irresistible combination of culture war issues," says Lane Scheppele. "These culture war issues in Hungary disguise the fact that underneath the surface Orbán has been changing the laws of the country so that gradually he has shut down all of the independent institutions that might tell him no." She says U.S. Republicans are now engaging in a very "Orbán-like" campaign to rig elections so they win regardless of the popular vote.

Hungary PM Viktor Orbán rallies US conservatives to fight for ‘less drag queens, more Chuck Norris’: Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán has remarked the world needs fewer drag queens and “more rangers” in a keynote address at the Conservative Political Action Conference in the US. »

Why American Conservatives Love Viktor Orban: What was the prime minister of Hungary doing addressing a crowd of Republicans in Dallas? »

Margaret Thatcher : “The Lady's Not for Turning”

Beleagured Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher makes pun during the 1981 Conservative Party conference speech: "the lady's not for turning" she says to her critics in her Cabinet and in the country, Brighton; 10 Oct 80

This Lady Is for Turning ; She Loves U-Turns,! Truss’s Motto: Keep Turning until You Reach Your Goal!

„Wir werden ihnen nicht erlauben, Taiwan zu isolieren“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nancy Pelosi hat China vorgeworfen, ihren Besuch in Taiwan als Vorwand zu nutzen, um Taipeh einzuschüchtern. Auch der japanische Ministerpräsident Kishida kritisiert Peking.

Während China am Freitag rund um Taiwan weiter militärische Stärke demonstrierte, hat die „Sprecherin“ des amerikanischen Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, der Regierung in Peking vorgeworfen, ihren Besuch auf Taiwan in dieser Woche als Vorwand für die Einschüchterung Taiwans zu gebrauchen. „Die Chinesen machen ihre Schläge“, sagte Pelosi mit Blick auf die Militärmanöver in Tokio vor Journalisten. „Wahrscheinlich nutzen sie unseren Besuch als einen Vorwand.“

Peking hatte auf den Besuch der ranghöchsten amerikanischen Politikerin seit 25 Jahren auf Taiwan mit großer Verärgerung und mehrtägigen Militärmanövern rund um die Insel reagiert, die eine Blockade simulieren. Am Freitag teilte das Außenministerium in Peking mit, dass China Sanktionen gegen Pelosi und ihre Angehörigen verhängt habe. China bestellt japanischen Botschafter ein » | Patrick Welter, Korrespondent für Wirtschaft und Politik in Japan mit Sitz in Tokio | Freitag, 5. August 2022

TyskySour : Liz Truss Gives Scotland an INSULTING Message

If I were a Scotsman, it would make me all the more determined to secede from the UK and request to rejoin the EU. Liz Truss is truly a lightweight. Incidentally, her understanding of economics is all screwed up as well. – © Mark

« C’est Poutine qui est en train d’anéantir le monde russe, le vrai, celui qui a une existence historique»

LE MONDE – TRIBUNE: Pour le président de la Russie, ce que les peuples de l’ex-URSS (sans les pays baltes) ont de russe suffit pour les unir. Mais l’empire était multiethnique, et son patrimoine est le produit de la diversité, affirme l’universitaire Serge Rolet, dans une tribune au « Monde ».

On comprend bien pourquoi les Ukrainiens n’ont aucune envie de faire partie du monde russe (« rousski mir ») que cherche à leur imposer Vladimir Poutine. La réalisation de ce fantasme nationaliste grand-russe ferait de l’Ukraine une humiliante arrière-cour de la Russie. Pour Poutine, les peuples qui composent le monde russe (c’est-à-dire ceux de l’ex-URSS, sans les pays baltes) n’ont en commun que ce qu’ils ont de russe. Or ce qui est russe est souvent constitué d’apports non russes.

L’histoire, le patrimoine matériel et immatériel de la Russie sont le produit de la diversité. Le centre est autant fait par la périphérie que la périphérie l’est par le centre. L’empire russe était multiethnique. Une partie importante de la noblesse russe descend des Tatars. Dostoïevski passe pour avoir dit : « Nous [les écrivains russes de son temps] sommes tous sortis du Manteau de Gogol. » Gogol (1809-1852) était ukrainien et il écrivait en russe ; ses œuvres sont saturées d’histoires, de folklore, de paysages ukrainiens. » | Serge Rolet, Professeur de russe à l’université de Lille | vendredi 5 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Bee Gees : Too Much Heaven | Remastered in HD

Views on YouTube: 78,634,651 | Jan 10, 2017

Iles grecques | Invitation au voyage | ARTE

Aug 4, 2022 Trois reportages pour découvrir les îles grecques : Corfou, l'île promise de Lawrence Durrell - L'art de la diète méditerranéenne - À Olympie, les femmes entrent dans le jeu.

Corfou, l'île promise de Lawrence Durrell

Embrassées par la mer, les îles de l'archipel ionien s'étalent le long de la côte occidentale de la Grèce. Parmi elles, Corfou est un petit paradis. Dans les années 1930, ses eaux scintillantes et ses baies idylliques séduisent l'écrivain britannique Lawrence Durrell alors qu'il n'a qu'une vingtaine d'années. Là-bas, il se rapproche de la nature et se soumet à une intense introspection qui va donner naissance à "L'île de Prospero", un récit évoquant son voyage.

En Grèce, l'art de la diète méditerranéenne

Au cœur de l'archipel des Cyclades, les reliefs accidentés et arides de Sifnos cachent des terres fertiles peuplées de brebis et de chèvres. Sur ces sols chauffés par un puissant soleil s'épanouissent des fruits et légumes d'une qualité rare. Des produits précieux qui alimentent depuis des siècles un art de vivre unique et ont contribué à façonner la gastronomie saine et savoureuse de l'île grecque.

À Olympie, les femmes entrent dans le jeu

Au pied du mont Cronion, les vestiges du site d'Olympie rappellent l'importance d'un lieu qui fut l'un des plus grands sanctuaires religieux et sportifs de Grèce. C'est ici qu'eurent lieu les premiers Jeux olympiques. Et là que le sport féminin fit ses premiers pas...

Iles grecques | Invitation au voyage
Magazine (France, 2022, 38mn)

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Worst Economic Prediction for a Generation - as UK Heads for Recession

Sandi Toksvig Says ‘Lives at Stake’ after Anti-gay Anglican Church Declaration

THE GUARDIAN: Broadcaster appeals to archbishop of Canterbury to reverse decision, saying: ‘Let me talk you round’

‘It was a sin in 1998 and you just wanted to make clear in 2022 that no one in your finely frocked gang has moved on from that,’ wrote Toksvig (centre). Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA

The lives of LGBTQ+ people are at stake, the broadcaster and author Sandi Toksvig has said, after the archbishop of Canterbury affirmed the validity of a 1998 resolution that gay sex is a sin.

In a letter to more than 650 bishops attending the once-a-decade Lambeth conference on Tuesday, Justin Welby, who is also leader of the Anglican church, said the resolution, known as Lambeth 1.10, was “not in doubt”.

“It was a sin in 1998 and you just wanted to make clear in 2022 that no one in your finely frocked gang has moved on from that,” wrote Toksvig in her letter published on Twitter on Wednesday evening. “Seriously, with the state the world is in, that is what you wanted to focus on?”

Responding to the latest knot the Church of England has tied itself into, Toksvig laid bare the facts, including that suicide is contemplated by young LGBTQ+ people at higher rates than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. She said she had faced death threats herself, and questioned the Church of England’s interpretation of Jesus’s views on homosexuality.

“The lives of LGBTQ+ people are at stake here,” Toksvig wrote. “Jesus doesn’t mention sexuality at all. It clearly wasn’t a big deal for him.” » | Geneva Abdul | Thursday, August 4, 2022

Related article.

Lebanon: An Economic Crisis and the Aftermath of the Beirut Port Explosion | DW Documentary

Aug 4, 2022 Lebanon is now going through the worst economic crisis in its history. 80 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line. In one year, food prices have jumped 500 per cent due to galloping inflation.

Lebanon was long regarded as the Switzerland of the Middle East. But those days are gone. A series of crises have plunged the nation into the abyss. And its people are suffering.

For Riad, who runs a grocery store in the suburbs of Beirut, business has become hellish. Every morning, calculator in hand, he changes the labels of his products according to the day’s exchange rate. An operation made all the more complex by the fact that his store is plunged into darkness, due to a lack of electricity. The Lebanese government no longer provides more than two hours of electricity per day in the country. It is impossible for the population to heat, light or use their refrigerators. Taking advantage of the situation, a network of private generators has emerged.

The Lebanese pound, the local currency, has lost 90 per cent of its value. The only people unaffected are those paid in dollars. The greenback, which can be exchanged for a small fortune against the local currency, has created a new privileged social class in the country. A salesman in an international pharmaceutical company, Joseph lives like a king in a ruined Lebanon. Thanks to his new purchasing power, he repaid his mortgage in two months, instead of... twenty years!

In a bankrupt state, plagued by corruption, six out of ten Lebanese now dream of leaving the country. In Tripoli, in northern Lebanon, Mohammed and his son set out for Germany by sea. Even though the trip was cut short off the Turkish coast, the young father is still ready to take all possible risks to reach the European Eldorado.

Schweizer Liebesgeschichten aus aller Welt | Best of Hin und weg 2021 mit Mona Vetsch | SRF Dok

Aug 4, 2022 Im «Hin und weg» Best of zeigt SRF nochmals die Highlights der Staffel 2021. Mona Vetsch besucht Schweizerinnen, die aus Liebe ihre Heimat verlassen haben und ans andere Ende der Welt gezogen sind - Es sind Liebesgeschichten aus aller Welt.

Patti LaBelle : On My Own | Official Music Video ft. Michael McDonald | Reupload

Views on YouTube : 83,751,363

La vie est belle quand on est amoureux.

Das Leben ist großartig, wenn man verliebt ist. / Life is great when you're in love.

Mes remerciements vont à Style Me Pretty sur Pinterest pour cette photo affectueuse.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 4, 2022

TyskySour : Liz Truss Wants to Make People Poorer

French Cooking Academy with Stephane : Humble but Tasty Sautéed Chicken in Tomato Sauce

Poulet à la tomate

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 to 6 pieces chicken (thighs and breast)
2 tbsp flour to coat the chicken
2 tbsp olive oil
20 g butter
1 bay leaf
1 sprig of thyme
1 large onion
3 garlic cloves
50 ml white wine or red wine if you prefer
100 to 150 ml white chicken stock
1 can chopped tomatoes
salt and pepper to season
chopped parsley plus a few slices of lemon to
decoration for the grilled tomatoes (only do this if you have ripe tomatoes that are in season)
salt and pepper
a drizzle of olive oil on each half tomato
1 tsp. dry oregano
1 tsp. per half tomato
1 pinch of chopped parsley per half tomato


As shown in video.


La météo du jeudi 4 août : les deux tiers du pays en alerte canicule

LE FIGARO : Les conditions météo atteignent un pic d'intensité dans l'est de la France. Les fortes chaleurs allant jusqu'à 39°C s'installeront durablement, toujours en épargnant les régions près de la Manche.

Tandis que les fortes chaleurs persévèrent dans l'Est et le Sud, la baisse de l'anticyclone laisse passer un courant d'air frais avec peu de pluie dans le Nord-Ouest, selon La Chaîne Météo* . La vague de chaleur persiste dans le Midi avec des températures allant jusqu'à 39°C. » | Par Le Figaro | Publié : mercredi 3 août 2022 ; mis à jour : jeudi 4 août 2022

Bank of England Raises Interest Rates to 1.75% in Biggest Hike in 27 Years

THE GUARDIAN: Policymakers increase base rate by 0.5 percentage points, the sixth rise in a row as the cost of living soars

The Bank of England has raised interest rates by 0.5 percentage points to tackle the soaring cost of living, despite concerns that the economy is heading for a recession. » | Phillip Inman | Thursday, August 4, 2022


Bank of England warns the UK will fall into recession this year: The Bank of England has warned that the UK will fall into recession this year as it raised interest rates from 1.25% 1.75% in a bid to curb soaring prices. »

Bank of England hikes interest rates and says inflation will hit 13%: Base rate raised by 0.5 percentage points to 1.75%, as Bank predicts prolonged recession starting later this year »

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Barbra Streisand:- Guilty (Official Audio) ft. Barry Gibb | Reupload

Views on YouTube : 8,150,415

Jung, schwul, gläubig - Geht das für Christen, Juden und Muslime? | SWR Doku | Reupload

May 3, 2020 Unsere Reportage begleitet drei junge Menschen, die sich entschlossen haben, sich nicht mehr zu verstecken, sondern offen schwul und gläubig zu sein.

Vorbehalte, Ressentiments oder Ausschluss aus der Religionsgemeinschaft – diesen Problemen müssen sich gläubige Schwule stellen, wenn sie sich outen. Wie vereinbaren homosexuelle Christen, Juden und Muslime in Deutschland ihren Glauben und ihre sexuelle Ausrichtung in oft repressiven und konservativen Religionsgemeinschaften? Wie kämpfen sie für Anerkennung und Gleichberechtigung?

Die Reportage, gedreht 2019, erzählt die Geschichte dreier junger Menschen, die sich entschieden haben, Glauben und Homosexualität nicht mehr als Widerspruch und unvereinbar hinzunehmen. Alle drei sind Mitbegründer von Selbsthilfegruppen, die Betroffenen ein Sicherheitsnetz geben. Sie zelebrieren gemeinsam ihre Feiertage, leisten Aufklärungsarbeit, scheuen keine Konflikte und suchen selbst den Dialog zu konservativen Gläubigen.

Leo ist Mitbegründer von ‚Keshet‘, dem ersten queeren jüdischen Verein in Deutschland. Auf einer Tagung der jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland vertritt er als Pionier zum ersten Mal die jüdische LGBTQ-Gemeinde.

Tugay kämpft für die Rechte queerer Muslime – und wird deshalb bedroht. In der liberalen Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee in Berlin betet er nicht nur, sondern verfechtet sogar in einer Predigt das Recht, als Muslim lieben zu können, wen er will.

Timo brach aus der Enge seiner Wuppertaler Freikirche aus, in der er aufwuchs. Er veröffentlichte das Buch „Nicht mehr Schweigen“, in dem er queere Christen und Christinnen jeder Glaubensrichtung zu Wort kommen lässt. In seinen Lesungen trifft er auf Empathie, aber auch auf Skepsis und Kritik.

Diese Doku von Uri Schneider aus der DAS ERSTE-Reihe "Echtes Leben" trägt den Originaltitel: Jung, schwul, gläubig - Geht das für Christen, Juden und Muslime?, Ausstrahlungsdatum: 26. April 2020. #swrdoku

Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Dr Michael Shermer | “God Does NOT Exist”

Dec 21, 2012 Dr Michael Shermer gives his argument against the existence of God.

Dr Michael Shermer begins by saying that 84% of the world's population believe in some kind of organised religion and how do those who believe in a particular religion know that they have chosen the right one and everyone else has got it wrong?

He proceeds to explain two pieces of evidence that proves that humans made up God and religion and not the other way around. He starts with evolutionary theory saying that we are all descendants from cautious creatures who creator false positive rather than false negatives.

The creation of an agency (an omnipotent being) within a religion is a powerful force of social control. Then the second line of evidence is the what ever social environment were born into we would be exposed to the dominant religion in that environment i.e. India -- Hinduism, Europe -- Christianity.

Filmed on Thursday 8th November 2012
ABOUT Dr MICHAEL SHERMER: Author and Founder of the Skeptics Society.
Views on YouTube: 2,133,420

UK Inflation Will Soar to ‘Astronomical’ Levels over Next Year, Thinktank Warns

THE GUARDIAN: The rise will force the Bank of England to hike interest rates higher and for longer than previously expected, says NIESR

Inflation will soar to “astronomical” levels over the next year forcing the Bank of England to raise interest rates higher and for longer than previously expected, according to a leading thinktank.

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research also forecast a long recession that would last into next year and hit millions of the most vulnerable households, especially in the worst-off parts of the country.

NIESR said gas price rises and the escalating cost of food would send inflation to 11% before the end of the year while the retail prices index (RPI), which is used to set rail fares and student loans repayments, is expected to hit 17.7%.

Stephen Millard, the institute’s deputy director, said the economy would contract for three consecutive quarters, shrinking the 1% by the spring of next year.

He added there will be “no respite” for British households and businesses from “astronomical inflation” in the short term and “we will need interest rates up at the 3% mark if we are to bring it down”. » | Philip Inman | Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Boris Johnson’s CORRUPT Plan to Pack Lords

Anglican Church Still Tying Itself in Knots over Same-sex Marriage

THE GUARDIAN: Analysis: leader Justin Welby has sought to hold together polarised wings of church over last decade

It goes back to the Book of Leviticus and its declaration that a man lying with another man is “an abomination”. Fast forward 3,500 years and the reverberations are still being felt within the global Anglican church.

The issue of same-sex relationships, and more recently same-sex marriage, has caused bitter divisions among Christians. Conservatives argue for faithful adherence to the teachings of the Bible, saying there can be no questioning of its words.

Liberals and campaigners for LGBT+ equality say that such a rigid approach to biblical teaching should also mean adulterers being put to death and a ban on wearing wool and linen at the same time. The constant reference to Leviticus 18:22 is demeaning and hurtful to LGBT+ people, they say.

The Anglican Communion, the umbrella organisation of the 65 provinces of the global Anglican church, has been in combat over sexuality for at least four decades. To complicate matters, the divisions fall broadly along the lines of the global north and the global south. » | Harriet Sherwood | Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Divisions in Anglican church on show as Lambeth conference opens: Gathering likely to descend into acrimony over polarised views on same-sex relationships »

Powerful Anglican bishops call on ‘homosexual practices’ to be rejected because gay sex is a sin: A influential group of Anglican bishops are calling for “homosexual practice” to be “rejected” at the Lambeth Conference, insisting that “God’s power” will help gay people with the “ordering of relationships”. »

Zelensky Says Ukraine’s Government May Allow Civil Partnerships for Same-sex Couples.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Volodymyr Zelensky, responding on Tuesday to a citizen petition that called for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Ukraine, raised the prospect of “civil partnerships,” but said the Constitution’s definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman could not be changed during wartime.

A Pride parade in Kyiv, Ukraine, last year. The war has spurred efforts to secure equal rights for L.G.B.T.Q. Ukrainians, including the right to marry. | Efrem Lukatsky/Associated Press

Mr. Zelensky was responding after the petition garnered support from more than 25,000 Ukrainians. Ukraine does not recognize marriage rights for same-sex couples, nor does it have a statute allowing them to enter into civil unions. Calls to grant those couples equal rights have grown in part because of the sacrifices of L.G.B.T.Q. soldiers helping the country fight Russia’s brutal invasion.

Under Ukrainian Ministry of Defense regulations, the military must inform the parents and spouse or other close relatives of a soldier who is killed. But those rules do not apply to same-sex couples who are unable to legally wed.

In Ukraine, same-sex couples do not have the automatic right to visit a hospitalized partner, to share property ownership, to care for a deceased partner’s children, to claim the body of a partner killed in war or to collect death benefits from the state. The petition urging Mr. Zelensky to support marriage rights for same-sex couples was initiated by Anastasia Sovenko, 24, an English teacher from Zaporizhzhia, in southern Ukraine, who identifies as bisexual. » | Michael Levenson | Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

George Michael : One More Try | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 150,290,524

Jacob Rees-Mogg: I Was Wrong to Say Brexit Would Not Cause Dover Delays

THE GUARDIAN: Minister blames France for recent problems and suggests Britons might go to Portugal instead

Jacob Rees-Mogg: ‘Why should we go and spend our hard-earned money in France if the French don’t want us?’ Photograph: Henry Nicholls/Reuters

Jacob Rees-Mogg has admitted he was wrong to say there would be no delays at the port of Dover caused by the UK leaving the EU.

But the Brexit opportunities minister maintained the government line that the French, not Brexit, had caused the recent delays, in a radio interview on Tuesday.

LBC radio replayed a claim from 2018 when he insisted “there will be no need for checks at Dover” and he was clear that “the delays will not be at Dover, they will be at Calais”.

Rees-Mogg blamed Paris for the “French-created delays” witnessed recently before he was asked if he would apologise for getting it wrong. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Trotz Drohungen aus Peking: US-Spitzenpolitikerin Nancy Pelosi trifft in Taiwan ein | DW News

Aug 2, 2022 Ungeachtet aller Drohungen aus Peking hat die Vorsitzende des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, auf ihrer Asienreise auch Taiwan angesteuert. Am Sungshan-Flughafen in der Hauptstadt Taipeh wurde sie von Außenminister Joseph Wu empfangen.

Nach ihrer Ankunft erklärte die 82-Jährige auf Twitter, der Besuch unterstreiche "Amerikas standhaften Einsatz, um die lebendige Demokratie in Taiwan zu fördern". Die geplanten Gespräche mit der taiwanischen Führung konzentrierten sich darauf, "unsere gemeinsamen Interessen" zu fördern und im Bemühen um eine "freie und offene Indopazifik-Region" voranzukommen.

Dominic Cummings Says Don't Pay Campaign Could Be HUGE

Justin Welby ‘Affirms Validity’ of 1998 Declaration That Gay Sex Is a Sin

THE GUARDIAN: Archbishop indicates he won’t seek to punish churches allowing same-sex marriage, in balancing move at Lambeth conference

In a letter to more than 650 bishops attending the conference, Welby said the 1998 resolution was ‘not in doubt’. Photograph: Hollie Adams/Getty Images

Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the global Anglican church, has sought to mollify conservative bishops by “affirming the validity” of a 1998 declaration that gay sex is a sin.

But, as a balancing gesture, he also indicated that he would not seek the authority to punish churches – including those in Scotland, Wales and the US – that allow same-sex marriage.

In a letter sent to more than 650 bishops attending the once-a-decade Lambeth conference just two hours before a potentially rancorous discussion on sexuality, Welby said the 1998 resolution, known as Lambeth 1.10, was “not in doubt”.

Campaigners for LGBTQ+ equality within the church responded to Welby’s attempt to reconcile polarised views with anger. Jayne Ozanne said: “I feel deeply angry and frustrated that yet again priority has been given to saving a manmade institution over protecting LGBTQ+ people’s lives.

“Let us be clear that Lambeth 1.10 encourages ‘conversion therapy’ and negates the God-given love between two individuals. It is a stick with which many of us have been beaten and will continue to suffer under around the world.”

Welby’s letter was issued as conservative church leaders from the global south called on bishops at the conference in Canterbury to reaffirm the 1998 declaration in defiance of a decision by organisers to drop voting in favour of “supportive applause”. » Harriet Sherwood | Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Goodbye, Anglicanism! Auf Nimmerwiedersehen! Adieu pour toujours ! Apropos of this nonsense, my next move could well be to atheism. Well done, Mr. Welby! By the way, you affirm that "gay sex" is a sin. What about gay love? 'Having sex' outside of marriage has always been a sin in Christianity, even in the heterosexual community. But it has to be said that only animals 'have sex'. Observe dogs copulating! That is 'having sex'. But civilised people shouldn't be 'havng sex' anyway; rather, they should be 'making love'! What does the Bible say about two men/two women 'making love'? – © Mark Alexander

Peking droht Amerika wegen Pelosis Taiwan-Besuch

Menschen laufen in Taipeh am 2. August 2022 an einer Werbetafel vorbei, auf der die „Sprecherin“ des Repräsentantenhauses Nancy Pelosi begrüßt wird. | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die „Sprecherin“ des amerikanischen Repräsentantenhauses ist in Taipeh gelandet. China wirft der Regierung in Washington ein „Spiel mit dem Feuer“ vor.

Die „Sprecherin“ des amerikanischen Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, ist am Dienstag in der taiwanischen Hauptstadt eingetroffen. Ihr Flugzeug landete am Abend (Ortszeit) in der Hauptstadt Taipeh. Es ist der ranghöchste Besuch aus den USA in Taiwan seit 25 Jahren, das die Führung in Peking als Teil der Volksrepublik China ansieht. Pelosi setzte sich mit ihrer Reise über Warnungen aus Peking hinweg – ihren genauen Reiseplan hatte sie bis zuletzt geheim gehalten.

Nach ihrer Ankunft in der taiwanischen Hauptstadt schrieb die 82 Jahre alte Politikerin auf Twitter, „Amerikas Solidarität mit den 23 Millionen Taiwanern ist heute wichtiger denn je, da die Welt vor der Wahl zwischen Autokratie und Demokratie steht“. Ihr Besuch stehe nicht im Widerspruch zu der seit langem geltenden amerikanischen Taiwan-Politik.

„Wer mit dem Feuer spielt, wird darin umkommen“

China warf der Regierung in Washington nach Pelosis Landung ein „Spiel mit dem Feuer“ vor. Die amerikanischen Aktionen in Taiwan seien „extrem gefährlich“, hieß es in einer Erklärung des chinesischen Außenministeriums. „Wer mit dem Feuer spielt, wird darin umkommen“, erklärte das Ministerium weiter. » | Von Friederike Böge, Peking, Politische Korrespondentin für China, Nordkorea und die Mongolei | Dienstag, 2. August 2022

My Husband Rejects Me after Sleeping with Me! | Gay Romance | The Family Tree

Warning! This short movie clip is NOT suitable for children. – Mark

Roast Goose & Gingerbread : Traditional Christmas Fare | Germany | Euromaxx

Dec 6, 2019 For some, the most important part of Christmas is the food. In our series ‘Traditional Christmas Fare’ we’re finding out how a number of festive dishes are prepared. In this episode we’re in the Bavarian city of Nuremberg to see how a traditional roast goose is prepared, and how world-famous German gingerbread is made.

Kaum zum Glauben! Schon anfangs August wird von Weihnachtsfesten die Rede! Was man zu Weihnacht essen wird. Schon spricht man sogar über die Weihnachtsgans! Letze Woche sprach man von Hitzewellen und Dürren; diese Woche kümmert man sich, wie man seinen Hunger am Weihnachtstisch stillen wird! Deswegen möchte ich Ihnen allen „Prost!“ wünschen. Es ist nie zu früh einen Drink zu genießen! – © Mark Alexander

Eagles : Hotel California | 2013 Remaster | Reupload

Nov 1, 2018 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra | Views on YouTube: 176,035,612

How This Chef Runs a 2-Star Michelin Restaurant in Dubai

Aug 2, 2022 Stay by Yannick Alleno is one of two restaurants in Dubai to be awarded two Michelin stars. We visited this French restaurant at the Palm to find out how the Chef achieved the Stars and how it impacts the restaurant.

Phil Collins : If Leaving Me Is Easy | 2016 Remaster

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 2, 2022

Former Christian Music Singer Jon Steingard: I No Longer Believe in God

Aug 13, 2020 Jon Steingard was lead singer for the CCM band Hawk Nelson. On May 20, 2020, he posted on Instagram that he no longer believed in God, and his story went viral. Jon joins Seth Andrews for a candid conversation about his former faith, the word "atheist," the Christian Music industry, and the path forward.

Please note that I do not post these videos by ‘The Thinking Atheist’ up on my blog because I am pushing atheism, I am not. I post them because the discussions are always interesting and thought-provoking.

Actually, I am not an atheist; I am still a believer. Just! I do have many unanswered questions, however; and I certainly would not categorize my Christian belief system as resembling anything I hear from fundamentalist Christian America.

I was raised in the Anglican tradition. The Anglican tradition is Christianity-lite! My own version of Christianity is perhaps ‘liter’ still. But it is there; and I have always clung very closely and very seriously to living by Christian principles, which are very good principles to live by. They have been strong, civilising influences on the world. But increasingly I find myself asking one simple question: If God exists, does our belief in Him have to be anthropomorphic? The parts of Christianity I struggle with are the myths that have grown up around the religion. – © Mark Alexander

Liz Truss Dismissal of ‘Attention Seeker’ Sturgeon Will Horrify Scots, Says SNP

THE GUARDIAN: Tory activists cheered leadership favourite when she said first minister should be ignored

Liz Truss says she would ignore 'attention seeker' Nicola Sturgeon – video

Liz Truss has been accused of tarnishing the unionist case against Scottish independence after calling Nicola Sturgeon an “attention seeker” who ought to be ignored.

John Swinney, the deputy first minister and Sturgeon’s closest political ally, said Scottish voters would be “absolutely horrified” by Truss’s “obnoxious” remarks, made during a Conservative leadership hustings in Exeter on Monday evening.

“Unionist campaigners suggest that Scotland should be at the heart of the United Kingdom. How Scotland can be expected to be at the heart of the United Kingdom when the democratically elected leader of our country is, in the view of the person most likely to be the next prime minister of the UK, somebody that should be ignored is completely and utterly unacceptable,” he told BBC Scotland.

“So, I think Liz Truss has with one silly intemperate intervention fundamentally undermined the argument that she tries to put forward that Scotland somehow can be fairly and well treated at the heart of the United Kingdom.” » | Severin Carrell, Scotland editor | Tuesday, August 2, 2022

If Nicola Sturgeon is an “attention seeker”, what are you, Ms. Truss? Not only are you an attention seeker, but you are also a turncoat. You were raised in a Labour-voting household, became a staunch Liberal Democrat, pro-EU, and a Remainer to your very core. Then, when you saw that it might be to your advantage to join the Conservatives, you turned coat yet again and became a staunch Conservative Brexiteer! And you have the nerve to call Nicola Sturgeon an attention seeker. It would seem to me that it is indeed you, Madame, who are the attention seeker, not Nicola Sturgeon.

That comment about Nicola Sturgeon was extremely unwise. In a few words, you have alienated many Scots. Moreover, if I am not greatly mistaken, you have given Nicola Sturgeon an enormous boost in her quest to separate from this England-dominated Union.

It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that if you win this Conservative leadership race, we Brits have a very rough, stony and bumpy road ahead. We Brits would all be well-advised to fasten our safety belts. – © Mark Alexander

Brexit: an Update (with Anna Ford)

Aug 2, 2022

Brexit was asinine from the very start; and those politicians who pushed for it, many of whom are in this very video, were liars, fools, clowns and jesters. Brexit will never, I repeat NEVER, be to our advantage. Our economy from here can go only in ONE direction: south. We have traded in our prosperity on the altar of ideology, nostalgia and a false sense of superiority. – © Mark Alexander

U.S. Drone Strike Kills Ayman al-Zawahri, Top Qaeda Leader

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — An American drone strike killed Ayman al-Zawahri, a key plotter of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks who took over as the leader of Al Qaeda after Osama bin Laden’s death, at an urban safe house in Afghanistan, President Biden announced on Monday night.

The early-morning strike in the heart of downtown Kabul over the weekend capped a 21-year manhunt for an Egyptian radical who more than anyone besides Bin Laden was deemed responsible for the deadliest foreign attack on the United States in modern times and never gave up targeting Americans.

“Now justice has been delivered and this terrorist leader is no more,” Mr. Biden said in a seven-minute nationally televised address from the White House. “We make it clear again tonight,” he added, “that no matter how long it takes, no matter where you hide, if you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out.”

American intelligence agencies tracked down al-Zawahri in Kabul earlier this year and then spent months determining that it really was him hiding out in a house in a crowded section of the Afghan capital. After receiving authorization from Mr. Biden a week ago, the C.I.A. fired two Hellfire missiles and killed al-Zawahri on a balcony of the house without killing anyone else, including members of his family or any nearby civilians, American officials said. » | Peter Baker, Helene Cooper, Julian E. Barnes and Eric Schmitt | Monday, August 1, 2022

Ayman Al-Zawahiri, une vie entière dévouée au djihad : Le chef d’Al-Qaida, tué dans une frappe de drone américain, annoncée, lundi, par Joe Biden, était sorti de l’ombre après les attentats du 11-Septembre. Des Frères musulmans à « la base », son parcours épouse toutes les mutations du djihadisme contemporain. »

Al-Qaida-Chef al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan getötet: Mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September töten die USA Bin Ladens Nachfolger mit einem Drohnenangriff in Kabul. Präsident Bidens Afghanistan-Strategie kommt das gelegen. »