Thursday, December 15, 2022

Former Twitter Employee Jailed for Spying for Saudi Arabia - BBC News

Dec 15, 2022 | A court in California has sentenced a former Twitter manager to three-and-a-half years in jail for spying on behalf of Saudi Arabia. Ahmad Abouammo handed over the personal details of critics of the Saudi government, including email addresses and phone numbers. In return, he received hundreds of thousands of dollars.

MacKenzie Scott Reveals Details of Her $14bn in Donations to 1,600 Non-profits

THE GUARDIAN: Billionaire whose wealth largely comes from her divorce from Jeff Bezos has signed pledge promising to give away over half

MacKenzie Scott has not given any interviews about her donations, opting to discuss her reasons in essays posted on Medium and now on Yield Giving. Photograph: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

The billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott’s donations have yielded more than $14bn for about 1,600 non-profits since 2019, according to her new website Yield Giving, which was unveiled on Wednesday night.

Scott’s wealth largely comes from her divorce from the Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos. She has signed the Giving Pledge, promising to give away more than half. Forbes currently estimates her net worth at $27bn.

Scott has not given any interviews about her donations, opting to discuss her reasons in essays posted on Medium and now on Yield Giving.

Until now, Scott and her team secretly contacted organizations they were interested in, then offered donations after receiving data. On Wednesday, Scott announced plans to introduce an “open-call process”, to allow non-profits to send information for evaluation. » | Associated Press in New York | Thursday, December 15, 2022

Yield Giving.

Cash from Qatar? European Parliament Rocked by Corruption Scandal • FRANCE 24 English

Dec 12, 2022 | Just when the on-field drama of the football finally seemed to be eclipsing all else coming out of Qatar, the World Cup hosts back in the headlines for all the wrong reasons: Doha denies any part in the piles of cash uncovered by Belgian police or the arrests that include a vice-president of the European parliament. The greasing of the wheels came as the EU started to ponder visa-free travel to Qatari citizens. Why would the Gulf emirate even want the waiver?

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 15, 2022

Zu Tisch ... in den französischen Westalpen | ARTE

Dec 10, 2022 | Villar-d‘Arêne liegt im französischen Teil der Westalpen, im Naturschutzgebiet Les Ecrins. Dort wird seit dem 15. Jahrhundert einmal im Jahr das "pô buli", das gekochte Brot, zubereitet. An einem einzigen Wochenende backen die Einwohner mehrere Hundert Roggenbrote in der Backstube der Gemeinde. Gearbeitet wird im Schichtbetrieb und rund um die Uhr ...

Das abgelegene Bergdorf Villar-d‘Arêne liegt zwischen Grenoble und Turin im Schatten des Berges La Meije, der „Königin der Alpen“, einer fast 4.000 Meter hohen Granitwand. Die Familie Rousset gehört zu den alteingesessenen Familien des Ortes. Jedes Jahr am dritten Wochenende im November lassen die Dorfbewohner eine Tradition wiederaufleben. Sie backen Hunderte „pô buli“, große Schwarzbrote aus Roggenmehl. Diese Tradition stammt aus einer Zeit, als es kaum genug Brennholz gab, um den Winter zu überstehen. Im Gemeindebackhaus wurde daher einmal im Jahr, kurz vor Wintereinbruch, für alle gebacken. So sparte man Feuerholz, den Rest brauchte das Dorf zum Heizen. Auch wenn die Dörfer heute im Winter zu erreichen und Gas- und Ölheizung längst Standard sind – die Tradition blieb lebendig: Die Einwohner treffen sich am alten Backhaus und bereiten zusammen das sogenannte gekochte Brot zu, essen, trinken und erzählen Geschichten. Die Tradition verbindet die Gemeinschaft und sorgt für Kontakt unter den Nachbarn. Um die Hitze des Backofens effektiv zu nutzen, arbeiten die Dorfbewohner abwechselnd in Schichten und rund um die Uhr. 400 Brote werden so an einem Wochenende gebacken, außerdem zahllose Aufläufe, Kuchen und Pasteten. An diesem Novemberwochenende besucht Caroline Rousset ihre Eltern zusammen mit ihren beiden Töchtern. In Villar-d‘Arêne wird vor allem mit Produkten aus der Region gekocht. Gerne handfest und deftig mit Kartoffeln und Kohl. Ein typisches Gericht der Region ist ein salziger Kuchen, der zusammen mit den Broten sieben Stunden lang im Ofen garen muss.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Marie Villetelle (D 2018, 27 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 10.01.2023

Bank of England Raises Interest Rates to 3.5% in Ninth Increase in a Year

THE GUARDIAN: Majority of MPC rate-setters back hike of 0.5 percentage points despite fears UK is entering a long recession

The Bank of England has raised interest rates by 0.5 percentage points to 3.5% in an effort to combat double-digit inflation that has caused a widespread cost of living crisis.

Members of the central bank’s monetary policy committee (MPC) voted to increase the cost of borrowing after the consumer prices index in November showed annual inflation of 10.7%.

A majority of the Bank’s rate-setting committee said the ninth increase in the base rate over the past year was necessary to bring down inflation by 2025 to its 2% target. » | Phillip Inman | Thursday, December 15, 2022

UN Expels Iran from Women's Rights Panel

Dec 15, 2022 | Iran was ousted from a United Nations Commission on the Status of Women on Wednesday. 'It's a technical move,' said Damon Golriz, lecturer at the Hague University, as he joined Power & Politics to discuss the protests in Iran.

Peru Declares Nationwide State of Emergency as Crisis Deepens

Dec 15, 2022 | Peru has declared a nationwide state of emergency, amid a week of protest and political upheaval following the removal and detention of former President Pedro Castillo. Peruvian defence minister Alberto Otarola announced the new 30-day measure, which he said involved “the suspension of freedom of movement and assembly” and could include a curfew, on Wednesday due to “acts of vandalism and violence”, including roadblocks. “The National Police with the support of the Armed Forces will ensure the control throughout the national territory of personal property and, above all, strategic infrastructure and the safety and wellbeing of all Peruvians,” the minister said. Al Jazeera’s Mariana Sanchez reports from Lima, Peru.

Mutmaßlicher Pelosi-Angreifer hatte auch Tom Hanks im Visier


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In einer Anhörung vor Gericht hat der mutmaßliche Pelosi-Attentäter zugegeben, auch den Schauspieler Tom Hanks ins Visier genommen zu haben – sowie weitere Prominente.

Der mutmaßliche Angreifer des Ehemanns der amerikanischen Spitzenpolitikerin Nancy Pelosi hat nach eigener Aussage auch andere prominente Persönlichkeiten ins Visier genommen. Der 42 Jahre alte Mann habe Ermittlern gesagt, dass er unter anderem Hollywoodstar Tom Hanks, den demokratischen Gouverneur von Kalifornien, Gavin Newsom, sowie den Präsidentensohn Hunter Biden habe angreifen wollen, sagte eine Polizistin laut Medienberichten in einer Gerichtsanhörung am Mittwoch in San Francisco. Es sei aber unklar, ob der Verdächtige bereits konkrete Angriffspläne geschmiedet habe. » | Quelle: AFP | Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022

Michel Houellebecq, la radicalisation à l’extrême droite d’un écrivain à succès

LE MONDE : L’auteur s’est livré récemment dans la revue « Front populaire », dénonçant la perte de l’identité des Français, menacés par « les musulmans ». Sa dérive apparaît d’autant plus sincère qu’il s’exprime dans un entretien croisé et amical avec Michel Onfray, le fondateur de cette publication.

Michel Houellebecq est familier de la polémique, ses romans dressent un portrait sombre et grinçant de la société française. L’antiféminisme des personnages ou le franc rejet de l’islam mis en scène dans Soumission (Flammarion, 2015) peuvent relever de la licence de l’écrivain. Il use néanmoins, comme d’autres, de sa notoriété pour intervenir régulièrement dans le débat public, ce qui vient abattre toute distance littéraire. Dans un récent hors-série de la revue Front populaire (« Fin de l’Occident ? », 144 pages, 13,90 euros), il livre, sans fard, ses observations sur la situation sociale et politique de la France. La virulence du propos marque une étape supplémentaire dans la radicalisation à l’extrême droite d’un auteur à succès. Cette dérive apparaît d’autant plus sincère que l’écrivain s’exprime dans un entretien croisé et amical avec l’essayiste et fondateur de cette publication, Michel Onfray, lui aussi obsédé par « la chute du christianisme » et par l’idée que les Français, qui cultivent « la détestation de soi », sont complices de la perte de leur identité. » | Par Marc-Olivier Bherer | jeudi 15 décembre 2022

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Michel Houellebecq : « C’est avec les bons sentiments qu’on fait de la bonne littérature » : L’écrivain, star mondiale de la littérature française contemporaine, se confie au « Monde » en exclusivité, peu avant la parution, le 7 janvier, d’« Anéantir », son nouveau roman. Premier volet d’une rencontre en deux parties. »

Michael Bolton

Drift Away

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Saudi Prince Threatens the West on the Backlash to OPEC

Check out this.

Boris Johnson Makes £1m from Speeches after Leaving Downing Street

THE GUARDIAN: Former prime minister, who is still a sitting MP, travelled across globe in two months after stepping down

Johnson does not appear to have stuck to the rule that he should wait for three months after leaving office before taking up paid employment. Photograph: Sedat Suna/EPA

Boris Johnson made more than £1m from four speaking engagements in just two months after leaving No 10, travelling across the globe to give paid speeches while still sitting as an MP.

The former prime minister also accepted more than £40,000 in free accommodation from Tory donor Lord Bamford and his wife after moving out of Downing Street and Chequers in September, according to an update to the register of members’ financial interests.

Johnson’s speeches include £277,723 from Centerview investment bankers in New York, £261,652 from the Hindustan Times in India, and £215,275 from Televisão Independente for a speech in Lisbon. He also accepted £276,000 from insurance brokers in the US in September. » | Rowena Mason, Whitehall editor | Wednesday, December 14, 2022

BoJo didn’t make it to become “king of the world” as he so dearly wished to become, but he is able to earn a king’s ransom for peddling claptrap. Not bad for a buffoon! Pretty good for a clown! Truth is, it seems, the bigger the screw-up, the bigger the monetary reward. – © Mark Alexander

Bank of England Poised to Raise Borrowing Costs to Combat Inflation

THE GUARDIAN: Financial markets expect 0.5 percentage point increase as fears mount that UK is about to enter long recession

The Bank of England is poised to increase the cost of borrowing for households and businesses at its interest meeting today, as fears mount that the UK economy is about to enter a long recession.

Financial markets expect a 0.5 percentage point increase in the central bank’s base rate to 3.5% as the monetary policy committee seeks to combat inflation.

The consumer prices index (CPI) fell back from 11.1% in October to 10.7% last month, according to data released Wednesday, mainly from weaker increases in petrol, clothing and food, but remains well above the BoE’s 2% target.

Jeremy Hunt has indicated he will welcome a tough stance on rates by officials at Threadneedle Street after he said bringing down inflation was his main mission. » | Phillip Inman | Wednesday, December 14, 2022



To Stay Young …

… one needs a musical…


This Is a Picture Especially for the Undemocratic Prime Minister of New Zealand. (I Think Her Name Is Jacinda Ardern.) | Reupload

I hope she fails in her ridiculous, autocratic, extreme anti-smoking policy. She is known to have once been a person who enjoyed cannabis, yet she has a visceral dislike of tobacco. Clearly, she is no history buff; otherwise she would know what the Prohibition (of alcohol) in the United States was like and how it ended. These do-gooders do more harm than the good they wish to bring about. Such people are pains in the butt! – © Mark Alexander

Many thanks to Wattpad on Pinterest for this truly delightful photo of a handsome young man enjoying a smoke which, of course, in a truly democratic country is his birthright.

Genau was man braucht an einem ganz kalten Wintertag: einen schönen, heißen, sinnlichen Kuss, um einen aufwärmen zu können. | Reupload

Just what you need on a really cold winter's day: a nice, hot, sensual kiss to warm you up. / Exactement ce dont vous avez besoin lors d'une journée d'hiver très froide : un bon baiser chaud et sensuel pour vous réchauffer.

Man bedankt sich bei Tumblr auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 14, 2022

I find New Zealand's tobacco ban disgusting and undemocratic. These so-called democrats are behaving rather more like autocrats. They should be SHUT UP, once and for all! (I write as a non-smoking ex-smoker.) Thank God I don't live in New Zealand. It has aready become a nanny state. – © Mark Alexander

My Gay Husband: King's Gay Cousin Lord Ivar Mountbatten on Dynamic between His Husband and Ex-wife

Attitude meets the King's gay cousin Lord Ivar Mountbatten, his husband James Coyle, and ex-wife Lady Penny Mountbatten (who walked him down the aisle on his wedding day).

Tories Make Billionaire Ex-Mubarak Minister Senior Treasurer

THE GUARDIAN: Mohamed Mansour, who served under Egyptian autocrat, given role fundraising in run-up to election

Mansour’s company Unatrac has donated more than £600,000 to the Tory party. Photograph: Xinhua/Alamy

The Conservatives have appointed an Egyptian-born billionaire and former minister under the Hosni Mubarak regime to be one of their senior fundraisers before the next election.

Rishi Sunak made the announcement that Mohamed Mansour would be the senior treasurer of the Conservative party at a reception for a group of donors on Monday night.

Mansour’s company Unatrac has donated more than £600,000 to the party. He was also last year given a role on the government’s advisory investment council as founder of his family-owned investment firm Man Capital.

He is a former politician who served as a transport minister from 2006 to 2009 in the government of the then president, Hosni Mubarak, who was removed from office in 2011 as part of the Arab spring. » | Rowena Mason, Aubrey Allegretti and Clare Rewcastle Brown | Wednesday, December 14, 2022

WTF is this corrupt Tory administration trying to turn this country into? Is this what the dudes meant by “talking back control” when we had that ridiculous Brexit referendum? Rishi Sunak’s administration is no better than the clowns’ administrations before his! The direction that this once proud nation is now going in is troubling indeed. Soon, we won’t have a country to call our own. Sunak should ask himself one simple question: Would Egypt repay the compliment by appointing a Brit into an equivalent position in Egypt? Is there any reciprocity? I think we all know the answer to that question! The Tories are playing a dangerous game. – © Mark Alexander

Homosexualität in Russland: Ein Tabu wird zementiert | DW Deutsch | 2017

Oct 9, 2017 | Immer wieder sind Lesben und Schwule in Russland Repressalien ausgesetzt. Tschetschenische Milizen setzten zuletzt über hundert Homosexuelle fest und misshandelten sie. Viktor ist einer von ihnen. Er wurde zudem gezwungen, seine Heimat zu verlassen.

Homosexualität: "Ich dachte, meine Tochter sei ein Monster" »

FTX Boss Sam Bankman-Fried Charged with Defrauding Investors by US - BBC News

Dec 13, 2022 | Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has been charged with defrauding investors of billions of dollars by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC said Mr Bankman-Fried, who was arrested in the Bahamas on Monday, had “built a house of cards on a foundation of deception”. It is alleged Mr Bankman-Fried used FTX customers’ funds for his privately-held crypto hedge fund, Alameda Research LLC. A court filing shows FTX owed its 50 largest creditors almost $3.1bn.

Related article here.

Vivien Leigh: Die Frau hinter Scarlett | Doku HD | ARTE

Dec 11, 2022 | In "Vom Winde verweht" war sie eine unvergessliche Scarlett O'Hara. Schönheit, zweifache Oscar-Preisträgerin, gefeierter Hollywoodstar und großartige Shakespeare-Interpretin – all das war Vivien Leigh. Hinter der Berühmtheit verbarg sich jedoch eine fragile Person. Ihre bipolare Störung trübte ihren Erfolg und ihr privates Glück.

Vornehme Lady, Femme fatale: Vivien Leigh zählt bis heute zu den außergewöhnlichsten und faszinierendsten Schauspielerinnen ihrer Zeit. Die in den USA noch unbekannte Schauspielerin aus Großbritannien ergattert die damals begehrteste Rolle Hollywoods: die weibliche Hauptrolle in „Vom Winde verweht“. Über Nacht wird sie zum Star und von da an für immer und ewig Scarlett O'Hara bleiben: biestig, grausam, egoistisch, unerträglich, aber auch unbeugsam, mutig, heißblütig und hinreißend schön – einfach unwiderstehlich. Ein wahrer Triumph für Vivien Leigh, die mit dieser Rolle 1940 den Oscar als beste Hauptdarstellerin gewinnt. Im selben Jahr heiratet sie die große Liebe ihres Lebens, den britischen Schauspieler Laurence Olivier. Bald wird das Paar fast ebenso berühmt wie die Windsors. Die Aufmerksamkeit, die sie auf sich zieht, rührt nicht nur von ihrem Schauspieltalent. Ihr Äußeres wird als magisch beschrieben. Doch das Letzte, was sie will, ist auf ihr Aussehen reduziert zu werden. Sie zieht das Bühnenlicht so oft dem Scheinwerferlicht von Hollywood vor und arbeitet hart für die Anerkennung ihres Talents. Für ihre erschütternde Darstellung der Blanche DuBois in Elia Kazans „Endstation Sehnsucht“ bekommt Vivien ihren zweiten Oscar. In der letzten Szene des Films wird sie in Zwangsjacke in eine psychiatrische Heilanstalt überführt. Eine bedrückende Koinzidenz, wenn man weiß, dass Vivien Leigh ihr ganzes Leben lang unter einer manisch-depressiven Störung litt. Wer war die Frau, in deren Leben sich Ruhm und Tragik so oft vermischten? Wer war Vivien Leigh? Anhand von privatem und öffentlichem Archivmaterial, von Filmausschnitten und Zeichnungen erschließt die Dokumentation ihre viel zu wenig bekannte Welt.

Dokumentation von Priscilla Pizzato (Frankreich 2019, 52 Min)
Auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 16/02/2023

Ce documentaire est également disponible en français. Voici le lien vers celui-ci.

Barbados Scraps ‘Buggery’ and ‘Serious Indecency’ Laws in ‘Resounding Victory’ for LGBTQ+ People

PINK NEWS: Barbados scraps ‘buggery’ and ‘serious indecency’ laws in ‘resounding victory’ for LGBTQ+ people

It’s now hoped more countries, where being gay is still illegal, will follow in Barbados’ footsteps.

On Monday, 12 December, the High Court of Barbados further undid its colonial-era homosexuality laws by scrapping Sections 9 and 12 of the Barbados Sexual Offences Act.

Also known as “buggery” and “serious indecency” laws, which criminalised consensual same-sex intimacy, punishment ranged from life imprisonment under Section 9, and up to 10 years in jail under Section 12.

Chief executive of the Human Dignity Trust, Téa Braun, said: “This is a resounding victory for LGBT people in Barbados, which is the third country in the region to decriminalise through the courts this year. » | Chantelle Billson | Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Senator Bernie Sanders: Why the United States Must End Its Involvement in the Devastating Saudi-led War in Yemen.

Dec 14, 2022

Biden Signs Same-Sex Marriage Equality Bill Into Law

The Respect for Marriage Act, which passed Congress with bipartisan support, mandates federal recognition for same-sex and interracial marriages.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 13, 2022

Chris Snowden on the Ever-growing Nanny State | Reupload

May 31, 2021 | Gary sits down with Christopher Snowdon, author of the Nanny State Index. They discuss vaping; smoking; sugar taxes; Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for alcohol; the drive towards increased nanny statism coming from NGOs; & what consumers can do to fight back.

En Israël, le futur ministre de la sécurité nationale Itamar Ben Gvir électrise la jeunesse

LE MONDE : Le meneur d’extrême droite séduit les conscrits de l’armée en plaidant pour un assouplissement des règles d’ouverture du feu.

Le législateur israélien d’extrême droite Itamar Ben Gvir, lors d’un meeting de campagne au marché Mahane Yehuda de Jérusalem, le 28 octobre 2022. MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP

Itamar Ben Gvir sait parler à la jeunesse israélienne. Ce suprémaciste juif, raciste, a puissamment contribué à la victoire de la droite aux législatives du 1er novembre, en attirant des jeunes électeurs qui votaient pour la première fois. Futur ministre de la sécurité nationale, il séduit les conscrits en exigeant l’assouplissement des règles d’ouverture du feu, pour la police qu’il dirigera, mais aussi pour les militaires.

Condamné en 2007 pour incitation à la haine et soutien à une organisation terroriste, il inquiète les hauts gradés et des cadres du Likoud – le parti du futur premier ministre Benyamin Nétanyahou, qui tarde à former son gouvernement. Mais il électrise la jeunesse, qui se dit à 73 % de droite, soit 10 points de plus que la moyenne nationale.

« C’est un homme neuf et une sorte de célébrité. Pendant la campagne, lorsqu’il s’est rendu dans une école de Ramat Gan [une banlieue plutôt laïque de Tel-Aviv], des jeunes l’ont applaudi dans la rue. Son message est bref et clair, facile à diffuser sur TikTok. Cela a séduit des primovotants », relève Or Anabi, chercheur à l’Institut d’Israël pour la démocratie (IDI). » | Par Louis Imbert (Jérusalem, correspondant) | mardi 13 décembre 2022

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Die elegante Dame in Pelz

L'élégante dame en fourrure / The elegant lady in fur

Für dieses wunderschöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Elmo Vicavary auf Pinterest.

Korruption in Ungarn: Europäische Union friert Milliardengelder ein | DW Nachrichten

Dec 13, 2022 | Der Rechtsstaat in Ungarn ist wegen Korruption in Gefahr, befindet die EU und kürzt dem Mitgliedsland erstmals Gelder. Die Botschafter der EU-Staaten haben in einer nächtlichen Sitzung beschlossen, 6,3 Milliarden Euro der geplanten 22 Milliarden aus dem Kohäsionsfonds zur Angleichung der Lebensverhältnisse in den Jahren 2023 bis 2027 zurückzuhalten. Die EU-Kommission hatte eigentlich eine Summe von 7,5 Milliarden zurückhalten wollen, was etwa einem Drittel der bislang eingeplanten Auszahlungen entspricht. Zwei Drittel sind also von dem Verfahren nicht berührt.

Eva Kaili Removed from Office after Corruption Allegations | DW News

Dec 13, 2022 | An overwhelming majority of European Parliament members voted to strip Eva Kaili of her position as the body's vice president on Tuesday. The motion to end her term early was backed by 625 MEPs, while one voted against and two abstained. A two-thirds majority was required for her to cease being one of the body's 14 vice presidents. The 44-year-old Greek Social Democrat was arrested in Belgium on Friday over allegations she was part of a group accepting bribes from Qatar in exchange for promoting policies friendly to the Gulf state.

Related links here, here and here.

5 Gründe für Hitlers Reichtum | Terra X

Nov 22, 2020 | Selbstlos, asketisch, immer im Dienst seines Volkes - so inszenierte sich Adolf Hitler. Er habe sich aus Armut emporgearbeitet, sei immer ein Mann aus dem Volk geblieben. Doch seine Steuerakte zeigt einen anderen Hitler: Millionenschwer und nicht gewillt, Steuern zu zahlen. Wie reich war Hitler wirklich und woher hatte er seine Millionen?

Der NS-Agitator verfügte viel früher und umfassender über Geldquellen, als noch lange nach dem Ende der NS-Zeit angenommen. Er hatte mächtige Gönner, nicht nur im In-, sondern auch im Ausland. Als er 1945 Selbstmord beging, war er ein schwerreicher Mann. Schon zu Beginn seiner „Karriere“ verfügte Hitler über genügend Einkünfte – wohlhabende Spender finanzierten ihn heimlich. Zum Beispiel die Gattin des Piano-Herstellers Bechstein, oder Amerikas Autokönig Henry Ford.

Als er an der Macht war, schien der Geldstrom kein Ende mehr zu nehmen: Acht Millionen Reichsmark flossen als Tantiemen für sein Buch „Mein Kampf“ – das Machwerk wurde vom Staat als Geschenk an alle Neuvermählten überreicht. Anteile am Verkauf von Briefmarken mit Hitlers Porträt, Einnahmen von Fotos, auf denen er abgebildet war – all das floss in die Taschen des Reichskanzlers und „Reichspräsidenten“, der zudem ab 1934 für beide Ämter Vergütungen kassierte. Zahlreiche deutsche Großunternehmen versuchten, sich mit Zuwendungen die Gunst des Diktators zu erkaufen. Die "Adolf Hitler-Spende der deutschen Industrie" brachte zwischen 1933 und 1945 insgesamt 700 Millionen Reichsmark in einen Fonds, der zur "persönlichen Verfügung des Führers" stand. Daraus stammten die 100 Millionen Mark, mit denen Hitler das "Führergebiet Obersalzberg" ausbauen ließ.

Dieses Video ist eine Produktion des ZDF, in Zusammenarbeit mit History Media GmbH

Hitler, It Seems, Loved Money and Died Rich

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Hitler died wealthy.

According to a new [new in 2002] German television documentary, Hitler liked money, both for the luxuries it bought him and the loyalties it ensured, and he amassed a lot of it.

In all the continuing fascination with Hitler since his suicide on April 30, 1945, in his Berlin bunker as the Soviet Army closed in, little attention has been paid, until now, to his personal finances.

Abstemious in his public image, Hitler liked to live grandly. He paid much attention to his income from his own writing and from the copyright fees for his photographs, said Ingo Helm, a 47-year-old freelance journalist and filmmaker, who spent over a year making ''Hitler's Money,'' which will be shown later this month on a state-owned station, ARD.

''Hitler saw himself as an unrecognized genius, and in order to change this situation he was very interested in power, money and social advancement,'' Mr. Helm said in an interview today, after word of his film was made public in German media. ''All this was balsam for the tortured soul of the unrecognized genius.''

Hitler himself described at great length his poverty and hardship as a struggling artist in Vienna before World War I, although he had a small inheritance. His poverty embarrassed him deeply. In ''Mein Kampf,'' from which he would make millions, he emphasized the hard struggle for existence of the ''upstart'' who had risen ''by his own efforts from his previous position in life to a higher one,'' that ''kills all pity'' and destroys ''feeling for the misery of those who have remained behind.''

Last year [2001], there was another flurry of attention, this time to a more serious work of history trying to make the case that Hitler was gay. The book, ''The Hidden Hitler,'' by Lothar Machtan, suggests that Hitler ordered the killing of several high-ranking Nazis to protect his secret, including Ernst Röhm, the head of the Sturmabteilung, or Brownshirts.

Röhm was gay, and Mr. Machtan writes that he tried to blackmail Hitler by threatening to reveal his sexuality, one reason that Hitler supposedly ordered ''the night of the long knives'' in 1934, when he purged more than 100 of his most embarrassing and threatening followers.

Even the Nazi persecution of gay men, many of whom were sent to concentration camps, was a function of Hitler's self-hatred and effort to disguise his own sexual preferences, Mr. Machtan argues. » | Steven Erlanger* | Thursday, August 8, 2002


* Steven Erlanger is the chief diplomatic correspondent in Europe for The New York Times, a position he assumed in 2017. He is based in Brussels.

FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Is Arrested in the Bahamas

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A statement by the government of the Bahamas said Mr. Bankman-Fried was arrested after prosecutors in the United States filed criminal charges.

Sam Bankman-Fried in the Bahamas in April. | Erika P. Rodriguez for The New York Times

Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced founder of the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was arrested in the Bahamas on Monday after U.S. prosecutors filed criminal charges.

“S.B.F.’s arrest followed receipt of formal notification from the United States that it has filed criminal charges against S.B.F. and is likely to request his extradition,” the government of the Bahamas said in a statement.

The arrest was the latest stunning development in one of the most dramatic falls from grace in recent corporate history. Mr. Bankman-Fried, 30, was scheduled to testify in Congress on Tuesday about the collapse of FTX, which was one of the most powerful firms in the emerging crypto industry until it imploded virtually overnight last month after a run on deposits exposed an $8 billion hole in its accounts.

Prosecutors for the Southern District of New York confirmed that Mr. Bankman-Fried had been charged and said an indictment would be unsealed on Tuesday. Separately, the Securities and Exchange Commission said in a statement that it had authorized charges “relating to Mr. Bankman-Fried’s violations of our securities laws.” » | David Yaffe-Bellany, William K. Rashbaum and Matthew Goldstein | Monday, December 12, 2022

Greek MEP Stripped of EU Vice-President Role amid Qatar Scandal

THE GUARDIAN: Parliament’s senior leaders agree to remove Eva Kaili, a decision that will later be voted on by all 705 MEPs

Eva Kaili is one of four people charged but has not been officially named. Photograph: Eric Vidal/European parliament/AFP/Getty Images

The European parliament has voted to strip a Greek MEP implicated in a bribery and corruption scandal of her role as one of the body’s vice-presidents.

MEPs voted by 625 votes to one against, with two abstentions, to remove Eva Kaili as one of the parliament’s 14 vice-presidents, following a decision in favour of the move by the assembly’s senior leaders.

“The group chairs in the European parliament unanimously voted for the removal of vice-president Kaili” tweeted the German MEP Terry Reintke, co-president of the Green group, ahead of the vote. “We also agreed to a full inquiry into the matter and taking further preventative measures.” » | Jennifer Rankin in Brussels and Helena Smith in Athens | Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Leo Varadkar Nightclub Footage Triggers Privacy Debate in Ireland

THE GUARDIAN: Leaked clip of deputy leader also fuels moves to tighten social media regulation

Leo Varadkar has said he does not wish to comment on a personal matter. Photograph: Morgan Treacy/Inpho/Rex/Shutterstock

A video of Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s tánaiste, socialising in a nightclub has triggered a debate about the right to privacy and regulation of social media.

The brief clip of the deputy prime minister was clandestinely recorded in a Dublin nightclub earlier this month and has racked up millions of views on multiple platforms.

Varadkar told reporters this week he did not wish to comment on a personal matter but hinted at regret. “Everyone makes errors in judgment. You wouldn’t be a human being if you didn’t.” He defended his record in office, saying he got the big calls – the Covid pandemic, Brexit, the economy – right.

The taoiseach and Fianna Fáil leader, Micheál Martin, branded the video a violation of his colleague’s right to a private life. » | Rory Carroll, Ireland correspondent | Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Nazi Billionaires: German Big Business and Antisemitism

Magda Goebbels - First Lady of the Third Reich | Documentary

Dec 12, 2022

Gene Therapy Offers Hope for Untreatable Cancers | DW News

Dec 12, 2022 | A teenager in Britain has been cleared of cancer after a revolutionary new treatment for leukaemia. The treatment is called base editing, and involves genetically engineering a patient's DNA. Doctors have hailed its success as a breakthrough and say could be used to treat a wide range of other diseases.

Twitter feuert alle Mitarbeiter der Pressestelle in Deutschland


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Seit Elon Musk Twitter übernommen hat, baut das Unternehmen Personal ab. Auch das Team in der deutschen Pressestelle wurde aufgelöst, wie durch einen Arbeitsprozess jetzt bekannt wird.

Die Kommunikationsabteilung von Twitter in Deutschland existiert nicht mehr, seit Elon Musk den Social-Media-Konzern übernommen hat. Das erklärte der ehemalige Leiter der Abteilung, der gegen seine Entlassung vor dem Hamburger Arbeitsgericht klagt.

Der einstige Chef der Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sagte bei einem Gütetermin vor dem Gericht, die Auflösung des Teams – die an die der Niederlassung in Brüssel erinnert – beeinträchtige den Betrieb von Twitter in Deutschland. Es sei „sehr schwierig“, die externe Kommunikation auf Deutsch über die EMEA-Zentrale in Dublin abzuwickeln.

Der Anwalt von Twitter erwiderte, die Entlassung sei eine Folge von mehreren Umstrukturierungen des Unternehmens unter der neuen Führung. » | Quelle: Bloomberg/dpa | Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2022

Monday, December 12, 2022

Gustavo Dudamel - Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 - Mvmt 1 | Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar

Premiered 6 hours ago | Gustavo Dudamel leads the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela in a performance of Beethoven Symphony No. 4 at the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, Spain in March 2017.

For movements II, II and IV, please click here and then click on “show more”.

CALLEkocht: Rinderfilet Wellington. Lecker & rosa gebraten im Blätterteig.

Dec 9, 2022 | Filet Wellington ist ein wunderschönes und klassisches Rezept mit einer Champignonfüllung und knusprigen Blätterteig. Die genaue Zubereitung und viele nützliche Tipps findest Du in diesem Video.

Zutaten für 6 Pers.:

1 Rinderfilet
600 g Champignons
1 Zwiebel
2 TL Tomatenmark
Salz und Pfeffer
2 Bögen Blätterteig
Ei zum Bestreichen

New York a soif de vins fins et rares

LE MONDE : Si les Etats-Unis aiment le vin, la Grosse Pomme en raffole. Ici, les clients ont les moyens de s’offrir les plus grands crus, et l’audace de tout goûter : flacons du monde entier, vins bio, nature, orange… Reportage chez ses cavistes renommés.

Avec 3,3 milliards de litres bus en 2020, les Américains sont les champions du monde en matière de consommation de vin. Mais aussi d’importation de bouteilles. Autant dire que, plus qu’aucune autre ville des Etats-Unis, New York – cité cosmopolite, mondialisée, aisée – est à la pointe du phénomène.

A New York, quand on aime, on aime fort. Quel que soit le prix, car les habitants de Manhattan ont les moyens de leurs plaisirs. Issus de cultures variées et accédant à toutes sortes de gastronomies, les New-Yorkais n’avaient qu’à se prendre de passion pour le vin pour que leur ville se retrouve à l’avant-poste de tout ce que la planète viticole est capable de produire en crus rares. » | Par Ophélie Neiman n(New York, envoyée spéciale) | lundi 12 décembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Iran Crackdown: Second Man Executed over Anti-regime Protests

Dec 12, 2022 A second man has been executed in Iran for taking part in anti-regime protests. This time, the execution is reported to have taken place in public in the Holy city of Mashhad. Majidreza Rahnavard was hanged after the authorities accused him of killing two members of the security forces.


Seth Andrews: Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot | Reupload

Jun 20, 2017 | Seth Andrews gave this speech June 3, 2017 in Toronto at the Imagine 7 conference. It's a humorous (and perhaps therapeutic) romp through Seth's religious past...and the often bizarre words and attitudes that reflected his Christian faith.

Just Another Angry Scotsman: On Sir Keir Starmer’s Despicable and Opportunistic Stance on Immigration

Nov 22, 2022

Qatar Bribery Probe Rocks EU Parliament | DW News

Dec 12, 2022 | A vice president of the European Parliament has been charged with corruption over allegations that World Cup host Qatar paid huge bribes to influence EU policy. Eva Kaili has been stripped of her powers after investigators reportedly found bags of cash in her home. She's one of four people arrested so far in connection with the scandal.

Une eurodéputée accusée d’avoir reçu des valises de billets du Qatar

Dec 12, 2022 | Dans une intervention devant les députés le 20 novembre 2022, la vice-présidente du Parlement européen défendait vigoureusement le Qatar. Elle a depuis été incarcérée en Belgique pour corruption et est soupçonnée d’avoir reçu de l’argent de la part de l’émirat.

Elle vantait un pays « à la pointe en matière de droits du travail, abolissant la kafala [un système de tutelle des employeurs sur les travailleurs] ». Des ONG alertent pourtant depuis plusieurs années sur la situation des travailleurs migrants au Qatar. Le 2 novembre dernier, le ministre du travail qatari, Ali Ben Samikh Al-Marri, avait rejeté l’appel de plusieurs ONG à créer un fonds d’indemnisation pour les travailleurs migrants tués ou blessés sur les chantiers de construction des infrastructures du tournoi, dénonçant un « coup de communication ».

Dimanche, les enquêteurs ont saisi plusieurs centaines de milliers d’euros chez Eva Kaili et son compagnon et assistant parlementaire, Pier Antonio Panzeri.

A Hot Kiss for a Cold Day

Ein heißer Kuss für einen kalten Tag / Un baiser chaud pour une journée froide

Many thanks to johnbxy on Pinterest for this great photo.

The Secret Diaries of Women Protesting in Iran – BBC News

Dec 12, 2022 | Iran has been rocked by daily protests since a young woman, Mahsa Amini, died in custody after being detained by Iran's morality police for not wearing her headscarf correctly. Both women and men, who want a life free from the strict rules of the Islamic Republic, have been taking part. We know Mahsa Amini's story, but what about the everyday risks and dangers that women face, as they continue to protest? Over two and a half months, women have been sending their thoughts as voice notes, writing and drawings to the BBC's Saba Zavarei. Here are their diaries, with names changed for their safety. This report contains disturbing scenes.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 12, 2022

Beyond the Wall: Part 1 - The Rise of Germany's Far Right; Part 2: From Germany to Bulgaria, What Happened to Hope? | People & Power

'Institutional Gaslighting': Harry's Latest Dig at the Royal Family in New Netflix Trailer

Dec 12, 2022

Related links in German and in in English.

Königreich Deutschland: Reichsbürger auf Expansionskurs | SPIEGEL TV

May 25, 2022 | Für Millionenbeträge haben Reichsbürger um Peter Fitzek, den selbsternannten »König von Deutschland«, Schlösser in Sachsen gekauft. Dort wollen sie eine Art Parallelstaat errichten. Die Gelder dafür haben sie offenbar von treuen »Untertanen«. Innenansichten aus dem »Königreich Deutschland«.

How Is Iran's Brutal Crackdown Impacting the Protest Movement? | DW News

Dec 12, 2022 | Demonstrations have been called across Iran after a second protester was executed by the regime. Majidreza Rahnavard was detained during anti-government protests. He was convicted for allegedly stabbing two security officers to death during demonstrations. Human rights activists say nearly 500 people have been killed in the nationwide protests that began in mid-September. They estimate at least a dozen people are facing the death penalty for taking part in the protest movement.

Related links here.

Three Children Die after Falling into Icy Lake in Solihull, UK – BBC News

Dec 12, 2022 | Three boys, aged eight, 11 and 12 have died after falling into a icy lake near Solihull in the UK. The boys were rushed to hospital after being pulled from the water on Sunday. A fourth boy, aged six, remains in a critical condition in hospital. Warnings of ice, fog and snow are in place for much of the UK.

Iran Carries Out Second Execution over Protests – BBC News

Dec 12, 2022 | Iran said it has carried out a second execution linked to the anti-government protests engulfing the country. Majidreza Rahnavard was hanged "in public" early on Monday in the city of Mashhad, the judiciary announced. A court convicted him of the charge of "enmity against God" after finding he had stabbed to death two members of the paramilitary Basij Resistance Force. Human rights groups have warned that protesters are being sentenced to death after sham trials with no due process.

Related article here.

Iran Carries Out Second Execution Linked to Nationwide Protests

THE GUARDIAN: Majidreza Rahnavard accused of fatally stabbing security force members early in protests sparked by Mahsa Amini’s death in custody

Majidreza Rahnavard is the second person to have been executed in relation to the protests in Iran. Photograph: social media

Iran has publicly hanged a man accused of killing two members of the security forces in its second use of capital punishment against anti-government protesters.

Majidreza Rahnavard’s family were woken early on Monday morning to be informed that he had been executed and that his body had been buried in a lot in the local cemetery.

Rahnavard, a 23-year-old wrestler, had been sentenced to death by a court in the city of Mashhad for allegedly killing two members of the Basij volunteer force and wounding four others. The Basij force, affiliated with the country’s Revolutionary Guards, has been at the forefront of the state crackdown on protests.

The judiciary’s Mizan news agency reported that he was arrested on 19 November while trying to flee the country. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Monday, December 12, 2022

Snowstorms and Blizzards across Europe - BBC News

Dec 12, 2022 | Freezing temperatures have lead to travel disruption to parts of Europe. Dozens of flights have been cancelled in the UK due to snow and ice – with travel warnings in place in parts of the country. Some countries such as Poland are also dealing with snowstorms and blizzards.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Friend of Giorgia Meloni among Three Dead in Rome Coffee Shop Shooting

THE GUARDIAN: Suspect, 57, opens fire on a meeting of apartment block residents but police yet to comment on motive

A man who opened fire on a meeting of apartment block residents in a coffee shop in northern Rome has killed three people, including a friend of the Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni.

The suspect, 57, had been in a series of disputes with the residents’ association, a witness told Italy’s Rai News.

“He came into the room, closed the door and shouted ’I’ll kill you all’ and then started to shoot,” Italian news agency Ansa quoted another witness as saying. Residents managed to overpower and disarm him before police arrived.

Three other people were wounded in the shooting, with at least one of them suffering serious injuries. » | Oliver Holmes and agencies | Sunday, December 11, 2022

CALLEkocht : Weihnachtsgans ohne Stress zubereiten & tranchieren! Füllung - Rezept

Nov 27, 2022 | Eine knusprige Gans zu Weihnachten ist das perfekte Weihnachtsessen. Ohne Stress säubern, füllen, im Ofen braten und dann tranchieren. Gans einfach erklärt. Zum Gänsebraten eine eine leckere Füllung mit einem kleinen Trick.

Für eine vollständige Liste der in diesem Rezept verwendeten Zutaten klicken Sie bitte hier.

What Does the Case Say about the European Parliament At Large? | DW News

Dec 11, 2022 | Four people who have been arrested by Belgian police as part of a corruption investigation involving the EU Parliament have now been charged with criminal offenses. These include: participating in a criminal organization, corruption and money laundering. In total, six people have been arrested, including MEP Eva Kaili who was a Vice President of the Parliament.

The Signs Are Clear. Our Destiny Lies with Europe, Not a ‘Sovereign Global Britain’ Fantasy

THE OBSERVER – OPINION: There is a path out of this prosperity-killing shambles and Labour can lead the way

It’s now official. Brexit has caused lasting damage to the UK economy and, with the Tories in denial, Labour needs to lead the way with a new policy agenda.

Yet it’s almost a taboo topic: the Tory government won’t admit it and Labour is understandably reluctant to rekindle old Brexit flames.

The governor of the Bank of England, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) all agree that, notwithstanding Covid or the Ukrainian war, Brexit is the main reason why the UK is the only economy in the G7 still below its pre-pandemic size. » | Peter Hain | Sunday, December 11, 2022

Police Stormed Shopping Center Where the Man Held Two Hostages | DW News

Dec 11, 2022 | German police say a man suspected of killing his mother and later taking two people hostage at a mall in the eastern city of Dresden has died. Authorities shot the 40 year old suspect after he had barricaded himself inside a mall with his captives.

Related links here.

Bugatti - A Thirst for Speed I Documentary

Dec 10, 2022 | The Bugatti name is associated with beauty, luxury and speed. This documentary reveals the eccentric family behind the legendary carmaker. Available until the 14/08/2023

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Cuba: High Prices, Lines and Shortages | DW Documentary

Oct 22, 2022 | In Cuba, the socialist project begun by revolutionary hero and former president Fidel Castro is teetering on the verge of failure. The nation is sinking deeper into crisis, with many people’s daily lives marred by shortages of food, medicine and electricity.

Cuba has been subject to sanctions for decades. Despite recent attempts at reform, the country is increasingly isolated and economically dependent. A currency reform enacted in 2021 is also causing major problems, with inflation soaring and prices skyrocketing. Food is scarce, and lines in front of the few state-run stores are getting longer and longer.

Poverty is on the rise. Even the famous ingenuity of the Cuban people is reaching its limits as they try to cope with the day-to-day effects of the crisis. Images of bygone revolutionaries are fading in the streets the capital, Havana, and all over the island. Official voices continue to broadcast the state’s ideology, but ordinary people are losing hope that things will improve.

Related article here.

Nach dem Megxit die Selbstdemontage

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Harry und Meghan verzichten in den ersten Folgen ihrer Netflix-Doku auf Attacken gegen das Königshaus. Dafür beschädigen sie sich selbst.

Harry und Meghan | Bild: DPA


Irgendwann mitten in der ersten Folge von „Harry & Meghan“, als schon reichlich Tränen geflossen waren, kommt eine Szene, in der Meghan mit ihrem Söhnchen im Arm vor einem Foto von Prinzessin Diana steht und ihm zuflüstert: „Wer ist das? Grandma! Hi, Grandma!“ Es ist ein schwer erträglicher Moment, da er so intim ist, dass man sich wünschen würde, die Eltern hätten ihn für sich behalten. Und gleichzeitig ahnt man, dass er einer der vielen Bausteine ist, die es braucht, um die Zuschauer sechs Folgen lang bei der Stange zu halten. » | Von Anke Schipp | Samstag, 10. Dezember 2022

Michael Lambert: UK Becoming an Authoritarian State?

Dec 10, 2022 | The UK is gradually becoming an authoritarian police state. The economy is collapsing and there is a massive cost of living crisis. People are angry and more and more unions are striking or planning to strike causing even more damage to the economy.

The government will find it difficult to concede to any wage demands and will, therefore, have to confront the unions. The former Home Secretary, Priti Patel, introduced Draconian new laws giving the police extensive powers to stop and search without cause, or ban protests for trivial reasons such as making too much noise.

A new bill going through Parliament will give the current Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, even greater powers including being able to restrict those who she even suspects of intending to attend protests and which could also be used to prevent picketing.

We should be very concerned indeed that these powers are leading us towards becoming a police state.

Michael Lambert’s book 'BREXIT - It's not going too well, is it?' is available from his website here.

How Do European Countries Respond to the First Execution of a Protester in Iran? | DW News

Dec 10, 2022 | Britain has placed new sanctions on Iran, including numerous government officials, for their part in a crackdown on anti-regime protesters. This comes as the European Union announced it too is planning further sanctions. International condemnation has followed Tehran's execution of a protester. Mohsen Shekari was hanged on Thursday, and activists are warning that at least a dozen more Iranian protesters face the same fate.

Breaking: Authorities Reportedly Arrested the Hostage-taker in Large Police Operation | DW News

Dec 10, 2022 | Police in the eastern German city have reported that an armed man has taken people hostage in a shopping mall. The body of the suspect's mother was also found earlier in the day. …


‘Cuba Is Depopulating’: Largest Exodus Yet Threatens Country’s Future

THE MEW YORK TIMES: The pandemic and tougher U.S. sanctions have decimated Cuba’s economy, prompting the biggest migration since Fidel Castro rose to power.

BARACOA, Cuba — Roger García Ordaz makes no secret of his many attempts to flee.

He has tried to leave Cuba 11 times on boats made of wood, Styrofoam and resin, and has a tattoo for each failed attempt, including three boat mishaps and eight times picked up at sea by the U.S. Coast Guard and sent home.

Hundreds of homemade, rickety boats have left this year from the shores of Baracoa, a fishing village west of Havana where Mr. García, 34, lives — so many that locals call the town “Terminal Three.”

“Of course I am going to keep on throwing myself into the sea until I get there,” he said. “Or if the sea wants to take my life, so be it.”

Living conditions in Cuba under Communist rule have long been precarious, but today, deepening poverty and hopelessness have set off the largest exodus from the Caribbean island nation since Fidel Castro rose to power over half a century ago. » | Ed Augustin and Frances Robles | Saturday, December 10, 2022

Geiselnahme in Dresdner Innenstadt


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In der Dresdner Innenstadt gibt es eine Geiselnahme. Das teilte die Polizei am Samstag mit. Betroffen sei der Bereich rund um die Altmarkt-Galerie.

In der Dresdner Innenstadt gibt es eine Geiselnahme. Das teilte die Polizei am Samstag mit. Betroffen sei der Bereich rund um das Einkaufszentrum Altmarkt-Galerie.

In diesem Zusammenhang seien das Einkaufszentrum und angrenzende Bereiche evakuiert worden. Auch der berühmte Striezelmarkt bleibe geschlossen.

Medienberichte, wonach ein Mensch in dem Einkaufszentrum erschossen wurde, wollte die Polizei zunächst nicht bestätigen. Die Lage sei noch sehr unübersichtlich, sagte ein Sprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

Die Polizei bat wegen der Geiselnahme, die Dresdner Innenstadt zu meiden. Der Bereich rund um die Altmarkt-Galerie sei abgesperrt. » | Quelle: dpa | Samstag, 10. Dezember 2022

Die Situation ändert sich fortwährend. Schon jetzt ist eine tote Frau in einem Mehrfamilienhaus gefunden worden. – Mark

Friday, December 09, 2022

For the Benighted Ones! Men Loving Men Has Been Going On Since Time Immemorial. Disabuse Yourselves of the Ignorant Notion That Gay Love Is Something New and Western! It Is Not! Gay Love Is Natural and Beautiful! It Has Also Been Around Forever.

Pour les non éclairés ! Les hommes aiment les hommes depuis des temps immémoriaux. Détrompez-vous de la notion ignorante que l'amour gay est quelque chose de nouveau et d'occidental ! Ce n'est pas ! L'amour gay est naturel et beau ! Il existe également depuis toujours. / Für die Unaufgeklärten! Männer lieben Männer seit Menschengedenken. Befreien Sie sich von der ignoranten Vorstellung, daß schwule Liebe etwas Neues und Westliches ist! Es ist nicht! Homosexuelle Liebe ist natürlich und schön! Das hat es auch schon immer gegeben.

For this delightful vintage image of two men expressing their love for each other, I thank ’Remarkably Retro’ on Pinterest.

Democracy Now!: Top US News & World Headlines — December 9, 2022

What an Extraordinarily Beautiful Beard!

The ultimate expression of manhood: A real beard!

My thanks for this lovely photo go to C. Laran on Pinterest.

Celebrity Chef among Suspects in Germany Rightwing Coup Plot

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-police officer once tasked with protecting Jewish communities also linked to foiled Reichsbürger plan

A celebrity gourmet chef whose daughter is the girlfriend of the Real Madrid footballer David Alaba and an ex-police officer once tasked with protecting Jewish communities from terror attacks are among the latest figures to have been linked to the foiled Reichsbürger coup plan in Germany, with further arrests expected as investigations continue.

Details emerging after the biggest ever national police operation against rightwing extremism indicate that suspects may have been informed in advance of the raids, in which 3,000 police officers targeted more than 150 addresses across Germany, and in Austria and Italy, making 25 arrests.

The number of suspects had risen to 54 by Friday, with more arrests expected. Weapons were found at more than 50 locations, including rifles and ammunition, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Friday, December 9, 2022

Elon Musk Could Lose World’s Richest Person Title as Tesla Value almost Halves

THE GUARDIAN: Founder’s net worth down about $70bn after fall in electric car maker’s share price since he bid for Twitter

Tesla has lost nearly half its market value since its founder, Elon Musk, bid for Twitter in April, reducing his net worth by about $70bn and putting his title as world’s richest person at risk.

Shares in the electric car company traded at $340.79 on 13 April, the day before Twitter revealed in a securities filing that the billionaire had made a hostile bid to buy the social media company for $43.4bn. Since then the Tesla share price has plunged by 49% to $173.44 (£141.29), also due to concerns around disruptions at one of its factories in Shanghai. » | Julia Kollewe | Friday, December 9, 2022

Rumänien ruft Botschafter in Österreich zurück

Die österreichische Europaministerin Karoline Edtstadler verteidigt die Entscheidung ihrer Regierung. | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nachdem Wien den rumänischen Schengen-Beitritt mit einem Veto blockiert hat, protestiert Bukarest scharf. Es gibt in Rumänien sogar Aufrufe, österreichische Produkte zu boykottieren.

Rumänien hat am Freitag seinen Botschafter in Wien zu Konsultationen auf unbestimmte Zeit zurückgerufen. Zu diesem unter EU-Partnern ungewöhnlich scharfen Mittel hat die Regierung in Bukarest ausdrücklich als „politische Geste“ gegriffen, um die Kritik am österreichischen Veto gegen den Schengen-Beitritt Rumäniens und Bulgariens auszudrücken. Die österreichische Europaministerin Karoline Edtstadler wies die Kritik zurück: Das Veto richte sich nicht gegen die beiden Mitgliedstaaten, sondern „gegen ein System, das derzeit nicht funktioniert".

Kritisch äußerte sich allerdings auch der österreichische Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen. Er bedaure „außerordentlich“ das Veto Österreichs, das Wien gemeinsam mit den Niederlanden auf dem EU-Innenministerrat eingelegt hatte. Österreich befinde sich wegen des Zustroms von Flüchtlingen und Migranten zwar in einer äußerst schwierigen Situation, äußerte Van der Bellen am Freitag. „Aber die Verbindung, die Verknüpfung dieses Problems mit dem Schengen-Beitritt Rumäniens und Bulgariens, muss ich leider gestehen, die sehe ich nicht", sagte er. » | Von Stephan Löwenstein, Wien | Freitag, 9. Dezember 2022

Sam Harris on Whether Religion Really Does Make Everything Worse | The Good Fight with Yascha Mounk

Nov 8, 2022 | Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, author, and the host of the Making Sense podcast. He rose to prominence as a member of the “Four Horsemen” of New Atheism, which also included Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens.

WIKIPEDIA: Yascha Mounk »

Seth Andrews*: [Life] Is Awesome without Allah

Nov 29, 2020 | "I was able to generate my own sense of purpose instead of having my life spoon-fed to me." For Seth Andrews, between the safety of the “religious cocoon” and the “goodness, love and beauty” he discovered upon leaving it? There’s no comparison.

You can donate to EXMNA here.

* Please note that Seth Andrews is NOT an ex-Muslim but an ex-Christian. Also note, though, that Arabic-speaking Christians also call ‘God’ Allah. Their understanding of the nature of God will be different, but the name for Him is the same. – Mark

Morocco: The Kings of Rif I Documentary

Dec 9, 2022 | Morocco has long been one of the world's largest producers of cannabis resin, but it's a trade that was illicit and unregulated. For decades, authorities cracked down on the hashish trade, one of the few industries open to the impoverished people of the Rif. But now, restrictions around cannabis have been relaxed for medicinal, cosmetic, and industrial uses – opening the way for a whole new growth industry. | Available until the 18/09/2025

Iran Carries Out First Known Execution over Protests | DW News

Dec 9, 2022 | Iran has announced the first execution of a protester, who was convicted of injuring a member of the security forces. Twenty-three-year-old Mohsen Shekari was hanged in Tehran after what human rights groups condemned as a sham trial.

Iran has seen mass anti-regime protests since the death of a young Kurdish woman, the 22-year-old Jina Mahsa Amini, in the custody of "morality police," who had arrested her for allegedly not wearing the hijab, or Islamic head scarf, appropriately.

According to human rights organizations, about 18,000 protesters have been arrested so far. At least 11 of them have been convicted of "war against God."

Related BBC video here.


En Iran, un premier manifestant de 23 ans exécuté, des dizaines d’autres condamnés risquent la mort : Selon Amnesty International, vingt-huit personnes dont trois mineurs, arrêtées depuis le début de la contestation iranienne, risquent le même sort. »

What's behind China's Focus on the Arab World? | DW News

Dec 9, 2022 | Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh on a "pioneering trip" to "open a new era of China's relations with the Arab world' - in Xi's own words. The visit is Xi's first to the kingdom in six years. The two countries affirmed their ties and signed a series of strategic deals - including one with tech giant Huawei. The Chinese leader is expected to meet more Gulf oil producers later.

Un article lié à cette vidéo ici.

What Was Normal Life Like in Pompeii before Its Destruction? | Pompeii with Mary Beard | Timeline

Jun 29, 2021 | The destruction of Pompeii came at the hands of one of the most famous volcanic eruptions in history. We know how its victims died, but this film sets out to answer another question - how did they live?

Gleaning evidence from an extraordinary find, Cambridge professor and Pompeii expert Mary Beard provides new insight into the lives of the people who lived in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius before its cataclysmic eruption.