Showing posts with label taxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taxes. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


MAGA Republicans don’t want wealthy people to be audited. Who’d have guessed it?

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Michael Lambert: Net Immigration Reaches 754,000 as Taxes Are Highest since the 1950's

Nov 25, 2023 | In 2022 immigration into the UK reached 1.2 million whilst 508,000 people left giving a net immigration total of 754,000. This compares with a total 0f 226,000 in 2019 which Boris Johnson promised to reduce in the Conservative Party manifesto. 91% of these immigrants are from non-EU countries headed by India, Nigeria and China.

Jeremy Hunt , the chancellor of the exchequer, in his autumn statement, announced a cut in the rate of National Insurance of 2p which will cost approximately £19 billion. He also confirmed that government departments with the exception of Defence and Health will have their budgets frozen thereby saving around £19 bilion.

Income tax thresholds are also being frozen which will result in most people paying more tax and the Treasury benefitting to the tune of around £10 billion per annum.

This was all hailed as the biggest tax cut since the 1980's and Hunt claimed that the UK economy had turned a corner.

Rishi Sunak has told the Covid19 enquiry that scientist were consulted including Chris Witty and Patrick Vallance before he announced his Eat Out To Help Out scheme which is believed to have been responsible for thousands on unnecessary deaths.

Willy, Vallance and Jonathan Van Tam have all given evidence under oath that they were not advised in advance and would have opposed the scheme had they been asked.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Chris Snowden on the Ever-growing Nanny State | Reupload

May 31, 2021 | Gary sits down with Christopher Snowdon, author of the Nanny State Index. They discuss vaping; smoking; sugar taxes; Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for alcohol; the drive towards increased nanny statism coming from NGOs; & what consumers can do to fight back.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Super-rich Call for Higher Taxes on Wealthy to Pay for Covid-19 Recovery

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Group of 83 wealthy individuals demands ‘immediate, substantial and permanent’ higher taxes ‘on people like us’

A group of 83 of the world’s richest people have called on governments to permanently increase taxes on them and other members of the wealthy elite to help pay for the economic recovery from the Covid-19 crisis.

The super-rich members, including Ben and Jerry’s ice cream co-founder Jerry Greenfield and Disney heir Abigail Disney, called on “our governments to raise taxes on people like us. Immediately. Substantially. Permanently”.

“As Covid-19 strikes the world, millionaires like us have a critical role to play in healing our world,” the millionaires said in a letter shared with the Guardian. “No, we are not the ones caring for the sick in intensive care wards. We are not driving the ambulances that will bring the ill to hospitals. We are not restocking grocery store shelves or delivering food door to door.

“But we do have money, lots of it. Money that is desperately needed now and will continue to be needed in the years ahead, as our world recovers from this crisis.” » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Monday, July 13, 2020

Sunday, March 09, 2014

America – From Freedom To Fascism (2011)

Is there a law which requires you to pay the Federal Income Tax? Is the Federal Reserve a part of the United States Government, or is it a private bank owned and operated by multinational corporate interests? Do they have our nation's best interests at heart? Unless something changes, what does the future of the United States look like?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

High Taxes and Crime Blamed for Britons Leaving the Country

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: More than a third of wealthy British residents are considering leaving the country because of high taxes, the weather and crime.

A study by of 1,000 people with more than £250,000 in savings and investments found 35pc may move abroad because of high tax rates, while 44pc blamed the weather and 43pc want to avoid antisocial behaviour.

Recent changes in tax rules have proved controversial for many Britons, including a combination of the 50pc income tax rate on those earning more than £150,000, increases in national insurance and a reduction in personal allowances. » | Myra Butterworth, Personal Finance Correspondent | Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Greek Doctors and Dentists Who Evaded Tax Are Named and Shamed

TIMES ONLINE: Greece has published details of scores of doctors, dentists and surgeons who, it says, evaded tax as it attempts to shame the nation into replenishing the State’s depleted coffers.

The Finance Ministry revealed the names of 57 of the worst offenders, including a self-employed dentist who reportedly declared a paltry income of €300 (£250) for the year. It is common practice for medical professionals across Greece, especially the more established, to accept money for treatment even when working for the State. This is often paid in the form of what Greeks refer to as fakelakia; envelopes stuffed with cash that are not declared as income by the recipients. >>> Philip Pangalos, Athens | Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Portugal Approves Tax Increases, Salary Cuts

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: LISBON -- Portugal Thursday followed in Spain's footsteps by announcing new austerity measures to shore up investor confidence and avoid a Greece-style financial crisis.

Just days after European Union leaders put together a giant euro-zone financial backstop that was designed in part to ease investor concern about their debts, Portugal and Spain delivered on commitments to accelerate deficit reduction efforts.

"These additional measures are fundamental to defend Portugal and our economy, and to reinforce our credibility in international markets," Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates told journalists after a weekly cabinet meeting.

The Socialist prime minister said he agreed on the measures with Pedro Passos Coelho, leader of the country's biggest opposition party, the Social Democratic Party.

The government approved a value-added tax increase of 1 percentage point across all categories, to 6% for necessities, 13% for restaurants and to 21% for most other goods and services. Companies with profits of more than €2 million ($3.6 million) will pay an extra 2.5% tax on their profits.

Government ministers and other top state employees will have their salaries reduced by 5% starting this year. All the new measures will last until the end of 2011. >>> Jeffrey T. Lewis and Jonathan House | Thursday, May 13, 2010
News Hub: South Carolina Votes Cigarette-Tax Hike

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Death Tax for All Shock

DAILY EXPRESS: LABOUR wants to hammer every home owner in Britain with a spiteful 10 per cent death tax, it emerged yesterday.

The levy would be charged on all estates up to the current inheritance tax threshold of £325,000.
Any amount above the existing threshold is already taxed at 40 per cent. But the extra charge would add a huge £32,500 on top of the tax bill for such properties.

It means people with an estate valued at £500,000 would find their relatives hit with a bill of £102,500 after their death. >>> Sarah O’Grady | Thursday, March 11, 2010