Friday, November 04, 2022

Uncovering LGBTQ Londinium

A screenshot taken from the article.

MUSEUM OF LONDON: London’s queer history starts much earlier than you might guess. Curator Francis Grew explores how recent scholarship reveals the presence of same-sex love in Roman London, and how different those relationships were from modern LGBTQ+ lifestyles.

2022 will mark the 1900th anniversary of the Roman Emperor Hadrian’s visit to Londinium. When Hadrian visited the city in the year 122 CE, his entourage included young men with whom he was clearly intimate.

He would have been entirely open about it, and many bystanders will have thought his behaviour quite normal, if only because they themselves had same-sex relationships. But it is only recently that scholars have come to accept that such attitudes prevailed in Roman London.

Forty years ago I was a university student, reading Greek and Latin literature. Since then not only have our attitudes to LGBTQ+ issues changed, but so has our understanding of Roman London. In those days many archaeologists believed that metropolitan Roman culture had little impact upon so distant a province as Britain. This may be true for many regions of Britain, but writing tablets discovered during recent digs in London show that society here was organised in much the same way as in Rome itself, for at least the first century of the city’s existence. » | Francis Grew, Senior Curatorof Archaeology | Friday, February 14, 2020

Neue italienische Ministerpräsidentin Meloni zu Besuch in Brüssel

Nov 4, 2022 | Die neue italienische Ministerpräsidentin kündigt bei ihrem Brüssel Besuch an, dass ihre rechtsgerichtete Partei eine stärkere Rolle in der EU spielen soll. © REUTERS

Inside Brexit: How Britain Lost Europe | FT Features

Dec 21, 2016

Israel Elections | Netanyahu in Coalition Talks with anti-LGBTQ Party, Could Walk Back Conversion Therapy Ban

HAARETZ: After securing a majority in the Israeli elections, Netanyahu’s Likud looking to expedite coalition talks and bring the anti-LGBTQ Noam party into the governing coalition

Officials in Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party’s plan to negotiate a coalition agreement with the anti-LGBTQ Noam faction of Religious Zionism with the aim of bringing Noam into the new government coalition – potentially walking back recent civil rights gains such as a ban on conversion therapy.

A number of policy changes instituted by the outgoing government of Prime Minister Yair Lapid are expected to be reversed by the new Netanyahu-led government, including policies benefitting the queer community, a senior Likud official told Haaretz. They mainly came from the Health Ministry, where Nitzan Horowitz, who is openly gay, is currently the minister. » | Michael Hauser Tov and Bar Peleg | Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Israel We Knew Is Gone »

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Economy Latest: Interest Rates Up as Bank of England Warns of Long Recession

Nov 3, 2022 | People are already struggling with soaring costs and a tax burden, the highest since World War Two.

Just Two Gay Men Expressing Their Love for Each Other.

Juste deux homosexuels exprimant leur amour l'un pour l'autre. / Nur zwei schwule Männer, die ihre Liebe zueinander zum Ausdruck bringen.

Many thanks to on Pinterest for this lovely and expressive photo.

Bishop of Oxford Says Church Should Marry Gay Couples

The Right Reverend Dr Steven Croft said his own views on same-sex marriage were "slow to change" | DIOCESE OF OXFORD

BBC: The Bishop of Oxford has said Church of England clergy should be able to bless and marry gay couples.

The Right Reverend Dr Steven Croft said he was sorry his views on same-sex marriage were "slow to change" and had "caused genuine hurt, disagreement and pain".

In an essay, he said clergy should also be allowed to marry a same-sex partner if they wished.

By law no Church of England minister can bless or marry gay couples.

He is the most senior cleric in the Church of England to so far speak out in favour of same-sex marriage.

The essay, Together in Love and Faith, sets out the ways Bishop Croft's own views on same-sex relationships have changed over the last decade.

"I need to acknowledge the acute pain and distress of LGBTQ+ people in the life of the Church," he wrote.

"I am sorry that, corporately, we have been so slow as a Church to reach better decisions and practice on these matters.

"I am sorry that my own views were slow to change and that my actions, and lack of action, have caused genuine hurt, disagreement and pain." » | BBC | Thursday, November 3, 2022

Senior bishops join chorus of calls for Church of England to allow same-sex marriage: Bishops across the country have called for the Church of England to allow same-sex marriage, after the Bishop of Oxford became the highest ranking church official to do so. »

Israel’s Yair Lapid Congratulates Benjamin Netanyahu on Election Victory

THE GUARDIAN: Longest serving prime minister, who is still facing corruption charges, is expected to lead far-right coalition

Israel’s prime minister, Yair Lapid, has called Benjamin Netanyahu to offer his congratulations on the opposition leader’s election win following the conclusion of vote counting in this week’s election.

Netanyahu, the chair of the conservative Likud party and Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, is expected to begin an unprecedented third term as PM after holding coalition negotiations with his religious and far-right allies on forming a government.

The bloc, which includes the extremist Religious Zionist party and two ultra-Orthodox parties, won a comfortable majority in Tuesday’s election, the country’s fifth in four years. » | Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem | Thursday, October 3, 2022

Législatives en Israël : Benyamin Nétanyahou et ses alliés de droite remportent une nette majorité des sièges : Selon le décompte final de la commission électorale, le bloc de droite de l’ancien premier ministre l’emporte sur celui du sortant, le centriste Yaïr Lapid. »

Lapid gratuliert Netanjahu zum Wahlsieg: Zwei Tage nach der Wahl in Israel steht das Ergebnis fest: Der frühere Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu hat wieder eine sichere Mehrheit erlangt. Seiner Rückkehr an die Macht steht nun nichts mehr im Weg. »

The Nazi Persecution of Gay People | 2020 | Reupload

Jun 3, 2020 | Before the Nazis came to power, Berlin was home to a vibrant gay community. Within weeks of their rise in March 1933, the Nazis drove this population underground and waged a violent campaign against homosexuality. Over the next 12 years, more than 100,000 men were arrested for violating Germany's law against "unnatural indecency among men.” During this time, proof was often not required to convict an individual. Some were sent to concentration camps and subjected to hard labor, cruelty, and even medical experiments aimed at “curing” them.

Gay Pride: Kitty Fischer on Gay Male Rescuer in Auschwitz | 2015 | Reupload

Jun 18, 2015 | For National Gay Pride Month USC Shoah Foundation is featuring a testimony clip every week in June of eyewitnesses to the Nazi persecution of Gay men in the Holocaust. Kitty Fischer recounts her time in Auschwitz-II Birkenau when as a young girl she encounters for the first time a gay male prisoner who will turn out to save her life.

The Sinister Origins of The Nazi Party | Germany's Fatal Attraction | Timeline

Jan 16, 2021 | Explores the genesis of the National Socialist Party, and how a failed artist and career soldier of the First World War would become one of the most prolific dictators and of modern history. You can sign up to History Hit, an excellent history documentary service. It's like Netflix for history. You'll get 50% off by using the code 'TIMELINE'. Click here to take advantage of the offer: History Hit.

Gay Pride: Albrecht Becker on Queer Life in 1934 Germany | USC Shoah Foundation

Jun 3, 2015 | For National Gay Pride Month USC Shoah Foundation is featuring a testimony clip every week in June of eyewitnesses to the Nazi persecution of Gay men in the Holocaust. This is the first clip in the series. Albrecht Becker recounts the atmosphere for gays in Nazi Germany while Röhm was still in charge of the SA and how the relative freedom he enjoyed during that time changed dramatically after Röhm's assassination in June 1934.

EXMNA: Mubarak Bala - A Nigerian Humanist's Imprisonment

Nov 3, 2022 | The crime? Insulting Islam. The means? Humanist activism. The effort to silence of one of Nigeria’s most prominent defenders of human rights and secular values, Mubarak Bala, began from the moment he declared his apostasy from Islam—and it continues today as he suffers an unjust, heinous, and outrageous imprisonment.

The Economist: Why Belgium Is Now the Cocaine Capital of Europe

Nov 3, 2022 | With record seizures of cocaine at Belgian ports, the country has become Europe’s cocaine-trafficking capital. As the flow of drugs increases, local authorities are struggling with corruption and violence.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 3, 2022

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Homosexuell: «Bei Razzien wurden die Leute halbnackt bis nackt ausgezogen»

Jun 7, 2019 | Die Zurich Pride feiert dieses Jahr ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen. Der 79-jährige Peter Rubli blickt zurück und erzählt von seinen Erfahrungen in den letzten 50 Jahren.

Dieses Video wurde in Schweizerdeutsch aufgenommen. – Mark

Imran Khan Shot in 'Assassination Attempt' during Pakistan March

Nov 3, 2022 | Imran Khan, the former Pakistani prime minister, has reportedly been injured in a shooting attack during a march on the capital Islamabad with his supporters. At least three other people were injured when unidentified gunmen opened fire on the vehicle carrying Mr Khan as it passed through Wazirabad, about 110 miles south-east of Islamabad, local media reported. Mr Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party called the attack an “assassination attempt”, adding that PTI leader Faisal Javed had also been injured. The PTI’s Imran Ismail has said Mr Khan was shot in the leg "three to four" times by an attacker wielding an AK-47. He told Pakistan’s Bol TV that he was standing next to the former Pakistani leader when the attack occurred. A PTI spokesman said Mr Khan was “safe” and that a suspect has been arrested.

Bank of England Hikes Interest Rates to 3% in Biggest Rise since 1989

THE GUARDIAN: Bank fears 0.75 percentage point rise may push UK economy into longer and deeper recession than the 1930s

The Bank of England has increased the cost of borrowing by 0.75 percentage points to 3%, despite predicting that higher interest rates would push the economy into the longest recession since the 1930s.

In a split vote, the central bank’s monetary policy committee (MPC) voted by a 7-2 majority for the biggest increase in rates since 1989 to combat an inflation rate that hit 10.1% in September.

The Bank blamed higher energy prices and a tight labour market for the decision to increase interest rates, matching rises in the last week by the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. » | Phillip Inman | Thursday, November 3, 2022

Bank of England warns of longest recession since the 1930s: Interest rate rise to 3% is biggest since 1989 and fears UK economy may go into longer, deeper recession »

How Stable Is the Iranian Regime Right Now? | DW News

Nov 3, 2022 | Protests in Iran have been taking place across the country, following the death of a woman in police custody. Iran's so-called morality police arrested her for not wearing her hijab correctly. Demonstrators refuse to back down, despite a brutal response by authorities. The fundamentalist Shiite government is calling on people to stop the protests, but so far, the calls have had little effect.

Cuba’s First LGBTQ Hotels - BBC News

Feb 14, 2022 | The Rainbow Hotel, described as Cuba's first LGBTQ hotel, reopened in December following Covid restrictions. While guests enjoyed the five-star service by the pool or a walk along the pristine sands, Cuba has not always been so welcoming to the gay community. In the early part of communist leader Fidel Castro's rule, homosexual men and women were sent to work camps for supposed "re-education". Attitudes on the island have markedly improved since then but outside of tourist hotels the Cuban government has clamped down on recent protests and some LGBTQ activists say that the hotel is an attempt by the state to mask its poor human rights record.

A New Crusade: Poland's Embrace of Catholicism and Anti-LGBT Ideology | Foreign Correspondent | 2020 | Reupload

Apr 28, 2020 • When Poland’s Archbishop of Krakow talks about fighting a plague, he’s not talking about the new coronavirus. He’s talking about gay rights.

“A certain ideology is a threat to our hearts and minds…so we need to defend ourselves just like against any other plague”, says Archbishop Jedraszewski.

In the 1980s Poland played a central part in liberating the world from communism. Now there’s a push to wind back many of those hard-won freedoms.

The Catholic church and the Polish government are forming a holy alliance, joining forces to denounce Western-style liberalism as the new enemy.

“From the very beginning the history of the Polish state and Polish nation were connected with the history of Christianity”, says Archbishop Jedraszewski. “Christianity, nation and state were so tightly connected, they were almost inseparable.”

In today’s Poland, the church is supporting government moves to discriminate against gay people, wind back sex education and outlaw abortion.

But feminists, gays and liberals are fighting back.

Foreign Correspondent’s Eric Campbell reports on a deeply divided nation in the throes of a culture war.

He meets the Archbishop of Krakow who likens gay activists to the much-reviled Soviets who occupied Poland after the Second World War.

“This time it is not a red but a rainbow plague”, says Archbishop Jedraszewski. Regional governments across Poland have declared about a third of the country ‘an LGBT free zone’.

Eric interviews critics of the current government, including Lech Walesa, the father of Polish democracy, who warns “our Constitution is being broken, the separation of powers has been violated and we have to do something about it.”

He meets a gay mayor in a small town who says the rhetoric from church and state is leading to an “increase in hatred spreading against homosexual people.” And he films at a far-right rally in Warsaw where Catholic extremists are co-opting the church in their bid to push their nationalist agenda and vision of Poland as a new theocracy.

While many Poles believe a religious revival will lead their country to the light, others fear it is opening the gates to something darker.

La démocratie américaine menacée de délitement

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : Nourrie par la lâcheté des responsables républicains, la fièvre antidémocratique portée par Donald Trump depuis sa défaite en 2020 n’est jamais retombée. Elle fait aujourd’hui peser de réelles menaces sur les élections de mi-mandat du 8 novembre.

Après le discours solennel prononcé par Joe Biden le 2 novembre, dans lequel il a décrit une démocratie en péril aux Etats-Unis, ses adversaires républicains ont immédiatement dénoncé un alarmisme de circonstance. A la veille d’élections de mi-mandat, le 8 novembre, traditionnellement défavorables au parti qui occupe la Maison Blanche, cet argument d’opportunisme électoral peut s’entendre. Il ne saurait cependant occulter les menaces, réelles, qui pèsent désormais sur les institutions américaines. » | Éditorial « du Monde » | jeudi 3 novembre 2022

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Panzerschokolade - Crystal Meth bei der Wehrmacht | Doku | Reupload

Nov 22, 2016 | Pervitin war innerhalb der Wehrmacht weit verbreitet: Von den Frontsoldaten über Panzerverbände bis hin zu den Piloten der Luftwaffe schluckten nicht nur kleine Soldaten-Trupps die Tabletten, sondern ganze Bataillone. Schnell nutzen Soldaten Pervitin auch zur Entspannung, wie Alkohol und Zigaretten - die "Panzerschokolade" wird für sie zur Droge.

Auch diese Geschicte über die Wehrmacht.

I Finally Quit Monogamy – and Found a Romance I Never Expected

THE GUARDIAN: I used to think open relationships were not for me because I would have to give up my romantic side. That just wasn’t true

When you have rules you agree on openly and honestly, as we do, no party feels hurt as long as they are followed.’ Photograph: Lev Dolgachov/Alamy

If you asked me a few years ago whether I’d ever quit monogamy, I would have laughed in your face. I identified as a classic romantic before I even knew I was gay. The idea that someone was out there somewhere, waiting for me to find them and become their everything, got me through my (often unbearable) adolescence.

In conservative Poland, where I’m from, many bigots see being queer as a purely sexual thing. Even the more liberal ones view it as something that should remain “in the privacy of their own homes”. As if being gay was a fetish that doesn’t make any sense outside a sexual context. Deep inside, I knew that wasn’t true. I had my first crushes in primary school, and the purely sexual portrayal of queerness made me want a truly romantic relationship even more. And what’s more romantic than only having eyes forone person only, right?

Despite this desire for a fairytale love story, gay men in my circles never quite shared the excitement. One of my first ever hookups, an established orchestra conductor, told me that the older a gay man gets, the less realistic monogamy seems to be. Before moving to the UK in 2016, when I was 20, I had my heart broken by several young gentlemen who all promised me a happily ever after, only to then hook up with someone in a club or invite a guy over to stay when I was away. » | Tomasz Lesniara | Wednesday, November 2, 2022

UN Poverty Envoy Tells Britain This Is ‘Worst Time’ for More Austerity

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Olivier de Schutter says cuts could violate human rights laws, calling instead for higher taxes on rich

Demonstrators take part in a protest against the government's austerity measures last month.Photograph: Warrick Page/Getty Images

The United Nations’ poverty envoy has warned Rishi Sunak that unleashing a new wave of austerity in this month’s budget could violate the UK’s international human rights obligations and increase hunger and malnutrition.

Olivier de Schutter, the UN rapporteur on extreme poverty, said he was “extremely troubled” by likely multibillion-pound spending cuts – including possible real-terms reductions in welfare payments to millions of the nation’s poorest families.

The government is due to unveil a crunch budget on 17 November to fill an estimated £40bn black hole in the public finances using tax rises as well as spending cuts.

Speaking to the Guardian, the UN-appointed official, who has recently been investigating extreme poverty in Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon and Nepal, said: “This is the worst time to impose such cuts. You do not impose austerity measures when the whole population is facing a cost of living crisis. What you do is you raise taxes on the rich, you raise taxes on corporations.” » | Robert Booth, Social affairs correspondent | Wednesday, November 2, 2022

We’ve had years and years of Tory austerity already. Cameron and Osborne introduced the “age of austerity” in 2009. (Of course, we were all in it together!) And a fat lot of good it has done us! A worse outcome would be hard to imagine!

Even though I disliked the man at the time, he has been proven right. I speak of Denis Healey, the one-time Labour chancellor of the exchequer. He once said, “I want to squeeze the rich until the pips squeak.”. That is exactly what we need to do right now! Forget about inflicting even more pain on the poor! Tax the rich instead – until their pips squeak, as he said! (Source of quotation: The Guardian).

Moreover, if you don’t wish to tax the superrich, then we might need to talk about whether we can afford the luxury of royalty.

I am not anti-royal; I am no republican. But it seems ludicrous to me that we lavish limitless amounts of money on royalty to keep them in the lap of luxury, when so many ordinary people cannot put food on the table for their children. That is not only wrong, it is also unconscionable. – © Mark Alexander

More austerity, more division, more decline: Sunak is merely a sequel in a tired Tory franchise: The new prime minister’s main redeeming quality is that he is not his predecessors. What a sorry waste of 12 years in power »

Offensichtlich ist Freude ein schwuler Kuss

De toute évidence, la joie est un baiser gay / Obviously joy is a gay kiss

Für dieses wunderschöne Foto möchte ich bei shalb258 auf Pinterest (und Tumblr) bedanken.

Under Threat: Cantonese Speakers Worry about Their Language's Future | DW News

Nov 2, 2022 | Although Cantonese is spoken by 80 million Chinese around the world, its influence is waning due to pressure from Beijing to favor Mandarin as the official language in China. But the decline has stirred some people to try to preserve the language, for example, in the US.

Brutal Torture of Gay Men under Nazi Regime - Rape, Castration & Medical Experiments - Nazi Germany

Cross-dressing among Nazi-era German Wehrmacht Soldiers | DW Feature

Nov 24, 2018 | Homosexuality was a crime in Nazi Germany. Still, artist Martin Dammann found so many Nazi-era photos of Wehrmacht soldiers in drag that he published an entire book of them. What do the photos tell us about sexuality in the Wehrmacht? Why was cross-dressing so prevalent among Nazi-era soldiers?

Der Zweite Weltkrieg (2): der Westfeldzug | SPIEGEL TV

May 1, 2020 | Mit dem Angriff auf Frankreich am 10. Mai 1940 startet Adolf Hitler den sogenannten "Westfeldzug". Die Offensive richtet sich auch gegen die Niederlande, Belgien und Luxemburg. In die Geschichte wird der Feldzug auch als "Blitzkrieg" eingehen. Er endet mit dem Inkrafttreten des Waffenstillstands von Compiègne am 25. Juni. Das ist Teil 2 der SPIEGEL TV-Reihe zur Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkrieges.

Wie wir alle wissen, hat die Nazi-Ideologie zu keinem guten Ende geführt und wird dies auch nie tun. Putin sollte dies ebenso gut wissen wie jeder andere. – © Mark Alexander

How Hitler's Third Reich Terrified Europe | Impossible Peace | Timeline | Reupload

Aug 13, 2020 | The power in Europe has shifted to the terrifying and unstable hands of Germany, with the Third Reich being the dominant force. It's like Netflix for history... Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service, at a huge discount using the code 'TIMELINE' Hstory Hit

Putin’s Secret Neo-Nazi Armies | Decade of Hate

Aug 22, 2022 | Putin has long claimed that he is “denazifying” Ukraine, but these claims are hypocritical. In the early 00s, a wave of revolutions swept across countries in the former Soviet Union, calling for democratic reform and changing of political leadership. Fearing a similar uprising could start in Russia, Putin’s Kremlin clandestinely fostered relationships with far-right groups and ultra-nationalists in a policy that has been dubbed “managed nationalism”. These groups proved vital in turning Russia into the authoritarian regime that we see today. However, these relationships also proved useful in Russia exerting its power abroad, and have cultivated groups that will now fight abroad, and train foreign white supremacists – all with deadly consequences.

Brazil: Bolsonaro Breaks Silence But Does Not Acknowledge Defeat | DW News

Nov 2, 2022 | Brazil's outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro has made his first address since being defeated in Sunday's presidential polls. In a very short statement with no concession of defeat or congratulations to leftist former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva who triumphed, Bolsonaro said that he would "comply" with the constitution while thanking those who voted for him. Shortly after the release of the statement, Brazil's Supreme Court said that Bolsonaro had recognized the result of the election by authorizing the start of a transition to a government by Lula.

This Is a Hoot

So clever, so funny, so true!

Thanks to on Pinterest for this delightful qquote.

A Cool Smoker

Cool is as cool does.

Many thanks to on Pinterest for this truly delightful image.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 2, 2022

Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu Set to Win Election, Exit Polls Say - BBC News

Nov 2, 2022 | Israel’s former prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is expected to make a dramatic comeback and win the country’s general election, exit polls suggest. Mr Netanyahu told supporters “we are close to a big victory”, as projections gave his right-wing bloc a slim majority over his centre-left opponents, led by current Prime Minister Yair Lapid. The election was widely seen as a vote for or against the former PM’s return, who was toppled last year after 12 straight years in power.

“Of Boys and Men:” Why the Modern Male Is Struggling | Amanpour & Company

Oct 12, 2022 | From the classroom to the workplace, many American boys and men are struggling. According to author Richard Reeves, decades of government efforts to empower women and girls have produced results -- but males are being sidelined by the modern economy. Reeves joins Hari Sreenivasan to explain how this issue might be addressed.

Massentourismus in den Alpen: Wie Südtirol um seine Zukunft kämpft | DokThema | Doku | BR

Oct 29, 2022 | Touristen überschwemmen das Weltnaturerbe Dolomiten und belasten die Region für die Einheimischen so sehr, dass die Diskussion um eine Begrenzung entfacht ist. Auf rund 500.000 Einwohner, zumeist in kleinen Dörfern, kommen 33 Millionen Übernachtungen im Jahr - aber auch unzählige Tagestouristen. Ein Bergführer und eine Architektin kämpfen gegen den Ausverkauf an. Bayerischer Rundfunk. Autor: Georg Bayerle, Kathrin Denk

WIKIPEDIA: Dolomiten/Dolomites:

E. D. F.

Russian Billionaire Speaks Out against Putin

Nov 2, 2022 | Oleg Tinkov is the latest Russian billionaire to show his opposition to Russian president Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine. CNN's Matthew Chance reports

Related article here.

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Wunderschöne Blumen für Ihren schwulen, herbstlichen Hochzeitsstrauß

Belles fleurs pour votre bouquet de mariage gay d'automne / Beautiful flowers for your gay autumn wedding bouquet

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei auf Pinterest.

Iran Vows Tough Stance on Dissent in Public Trials | DW News

Nov 1, 2022 | Protests have gripped Iran since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody on September 16. She was arrested in Tehran for allegedly wearing her hijab incorrectly. What began as outrage over her death soon evolved into a popular uprising against Iran's leaders.

Students and women have been particularly active in the protests, burning their veils and cutting their hair in a show of defiance against the repressive regime.

Dozens of people have been killed over the past several weeks amid a brutal crackdown by ecurity forces. Hundreds more have been arrested.

Death to the mullocracy that is Iran! Freedom for the people! Theocracy? What a sick joke! Iran is no more a theocracy than it is a Disneyland! How can it possibly be called a theocracy when it is so cruel, so brutal? Is this what God, Allah, wants? If it is, then He is not worthy of worship! Down with this sham theocracy! Restore the Peacock Throne! Bring back the Shah! – © Mark Alexander

Une touche de sensualité

Ein Hauch von Sinnlichkeit / A touch of sensuality

La source pour cette photo Inspirante est Pinterest et je tiens à Pinterest remercier pour cela.

Chris Brown : Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 302,373,355

Listen to this great, uplifting song here and refrain from boogieing if you can! – Mark.

The Oldest Pub in Britain | Journeyman Pictures

Nov 1, 2022 | Very short description which packs in a lot of key search terms and repeats them a few times. No longer than three lines!

The do-gooders in politics spoilt the British pub by banning smoking in them. So many went out of business as a result of that stupid law; and the ones that didn't were turned into glorified kindergartens. Personally, I think it has led to a lot of loneliness in the UK, too. BTW, I write this as an ex-smoker; so I have no skin in the game. – © Mark Alexander

Worauf kommt es bei der Cannabis-Legalisierung an? | DW Nachrichten

Oct 26, 2022 | Erwachsene sollen in Deutschland künftig Cannabis kaufen, besitzen und konsumieren dürfen. „Es ist dann nicht mehr Teil des Betäubungsmittelgesetzes“, sagte Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) bei der Vorstellung eines Eckpunktepapiers für ein Gesetz zur Legalisierung. Die Cannabis-Legalisierung soll laut Lauterbach aber nur weiterverfolgt werden, wenn die Pläne einer nun folgenden europa- und völkerrechtlichen Prüfung standhalten. Lauterbach, der selbst Mediziner ist und in der Vergangenheit gegen die Freigabe von Cannabis war, wollte die geplante Legalisierung ausdrücklich nicht als «großen Durchbruch in der Drogenpolitik verkaufen». Eine Entkriminalisierung solle besseren Kinder- und Jugend- sowie Gesundheitsschutz im Vergleich zu heute ermöglichen. Ist die Legalisierung von Cannabis der richtige Schritt? Und welche Folgen hat er? Darüber diskutieren wir mit zwei Expert*innen.

Seit Jahren herrscht ein Krieg gegen das Tabakrauchen, der es in vielen Ländern schwierig macht, überhaupt noch in der Öffentlichkeit zu rauchen. Jetzt kommt die deutsche Regierung mit diesem Unsinn: Die Legalisierung des Rauchens von Gras, das weitaus gefährlicher sein wird als das Rauchen einer Zigarette. Die westliche Welt scheint verrückt geworden zu sein. Das Rauchen von Gras für Freizeitzwecke zu legalisieren ist eine wirklich dumme Idee, wobei seine Legalisierung für medizinische Zwecke ist eine ganz andere Sache. Übrigens schreibe ich diesen Kommentar als Ex-Zigarettenraucher. – © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 1, 2022

Keine Zigarette danach: 100 Jahre im Dunstkreis der Tabakindustrie in Deutschland und den USA | Doku

Jan 21, 2022 | „Die Zigarette ist das vollständige Urbild des Genusses: Sie ist köstlich und lässt uns unbefriedigt.“ Oscar Wilde

Die Zigarette: Mit ihr hat eine ganze Generation ihr Lebensgefühl ausgedrückt. Mit ihr verband man gleichzeitig Geselligkeit, Lebensfreude und Genuss. Für Frauen wurde sie zum Zeichen eines neuen Selbstbewusstseins, die Zigarette danach wurde zum fast schon obligatorischen Ritual.

In 100 Jahren hat die Zigarette wie kaum ein zweites Produkt die Herzen - oder besser gesagt die Lungen – der Menschen im Sturm erobert. Doch die Freude um den blaue Dunst hatte ein dunkles Geheimnis. Lange Zeit wurden Gefahren des Rauchens unterdrückt, verschwiegen und verleumdet.

Es sollte lange dauern, bis die Menschen das hohe Gesundheitsrisiko wirklich begriffen und ihr liebgewonnenes Hobby in einem neuen Licht betrachteten.

Doch Tabakkonzerne scheuten keine Kosten und Mühen – nicht nur ein möglichst positives Bild der Zigarette zu zeichnen. Jahrzehntelang haben sie gesundheitliche Risiken heruntergespielt, verleumdet und unter den Teppich gekehrt. Systematisch wurden Zweifel am wissenschaftlichen Konsens gesät, um das Bild der harmlosen Zigarette zu bewahren.

Für Experten sorgte die Lobby schon selbst. Sie kaufte Wissenschaftler, übte Druck auf die Politik und vernebelte über Jahrzehnte hinweg die öffentliche Meinung. Wir blicken in diesem Video auf die Geschichte des Rauchens in den USA und auch hier in Deutschland. Denn der Aufstieg und der Fall der Zigarette ist auch eine der aufsehenerregendsten Geschichte der Massenmanipulation.

Italia Squisita: Pastrami Sandwich by Michelin Chef Claudio Sadler with Lorenzo Sacchi

Sep 2, 2022 | Chef Claudio Sadler together with Lorenzo Sacchi, executive chef of the Circolino, a brand new upcoming restaurant in Monza, accompany us to the discovery of the pastrami sandwich: a historic recipe that comes from Romania, passes through New York, to become a planetary gastronomic phenomenon. The meat is marinated for a long time and then cooked. Then there are several steps and technical tools for the cosmopolitan recipe that enthusiasts can replicate at home with great pleasure.

For a full list of the ingredients and method of preparation, please click here and then click on on “show more”. You will find the list and the instructions in both English and Italian.

Giorgia Meloni Appoints Minister Once Pictured Wearing Nazi Armband

THE GUARDIAN: Brothers of Italy politician Galeazzo Bignami says he feels ‘profound shame’ over wearing swastika in 2005

After the photo initially emerged in the press in 2016, Bignami shrugged the gesture off as a bit of ‘lighthearted’ fun.

A Brothers of Italy politician who was once photographed wearing a Nazi swastika armband is among the junior ministers appointed in Giorgia Meloni’s government.

Galeazzo Bignami, named undersecretary at the infrastructure ministry, caused controversy after a photograph of him wearing the armband was published by an Italian newspaper in 2016. The photo dated back to his stag party in 2005, and after it initially emerged in the press he shrugged the gesture off as a bit of “lighthearted” fun.

Bignami, a 47-year-old lawyer, secured a second term in parliament in the late September general election won by a coalition led by Meloni’s Brothers of Italy – a party that traces its origins back to the neofascist Italian Social Movement (MSI).

On Monday Bignami said he felt “profound shame” over the Nazi armband photo while firmly condemning “any form of totalitarianism” and describing nazism as “the absolute evil”. » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Tuesday, November 1, 2022

USA: Rot vs. Blau - Die Midterms spalten das Land I auslandsjournal

Nov 1, 2022 | Die Vereinigten Staaten sind politisch zutiefst gespalten. 25 der 50 Bundesstaaten werden traditionell von der demokratischen Partei regiert, die andere Hälfte - vor allem im Landesinneren - eher von den Republikanern. Die ideologischen Unterschiede werden immer größer. Es wirkt, als gäbe es in Wahrheit zwei Amerikas, die sich wirtschaftlich, gesellschaftlich und politisch immer weiter voneinander entfernen: Rotland und Blauland.

Am 8. November wird gewählt, es stehen die Midterms, die Zwischenwahlen, an. Der Ausgang dieser Wahl lässt sich schwer prognostizieren. Das Rennen ist offen. Die Abstimmung gilt als Schicksalswahl für Joe Biden. Zeitgleich nutzt Donald Trump die Midterms als Stimmungstest. Eine weitere Präsidentschaftskandidatur 2024 schließt er nicht aus. Seine Anhänger sind fest davon überzeugt, dass Trump noch Präsident ist. Sie glauben seine Wahllüge, die er weiterhin verbreitet. Nicht einmal ein Untersuchungausschuss, geleitet von einem republikanischen Senator, der Trumps Lügen widerlegt, kann die Trumpisten überzeugen.

Themen wie Abtreibung, Rassismus, Waffenbesitz und Inflation spalten das Land. Kompromisse scheinen hier kaum möglich. Auch Biden hat es nicht geschafft, die Gräben zu überwinden. Sein Versprechen, das Land zu einen, konnte er nicht umsetzen.

Im Wahlkampf verbreiten Trumps treue republikanische Kandidaten seltsame Theorien, die USA sei keine Demokratie, sondern eine konstitutionelle Republik. Selbst bei staatspolitischen Grundsätzen herrscht in Amerika keine Einigkeit mehr. ZDF-Korrespondent Elmar Theveßen ist der Frage nachgegangen, in welcher Verfassung die amerikanische Gesellschaft kurz vor den Midterms ist. Es steht viel auf dem Spiel: Rotland oder Blauland - die Amerikaner haben die Wahl.

Fascism Is Rising Where Media Fails - Economic Update with Richard Wolff

Nov 1, 2022 | Ana Kasparian joins Economic Update to discuss how media fails the country by focusing on cultural issues that divide and purposely misinforming Americans on economic issues that affect us all. …

'Words Fail': Tapper Breaks Down Conspiracy Theories about Paul Pelosi Attack

Nov 1, 2022 | CNN's Jake Tapper breaks down the conspiracy theories surrounding the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul Pelosi, and says that the smears are an attempt to justify the violence.

Related links here.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Czech MP Comes Out as Gay after Slovakia LGBTQ+ Bar Shooting: ‘Society Is Being Radicalised’

Jiří Navrátil. (Facebook/Jiří Navrátil)

PINK NEWS: A Czech Republic MP has come out as gay in the wake of an apparent anti-LGBTQ+ shooting in neighbouring Slovakia.

Jiří Navrátil discussed his sexuality and his experiences as a gay man in an interview for Seznam, the Republic’s most used search engine.

A member of the Christian and Democratic Union in the Chamber of Deputies, he said he was prompted to come out after reports of a gun attack in Slovakia on 12 October, where two gay men were fatally shot.

The killings led to several protests in the Czech Republic, with thousands of people gathering on Prague’s Wenceslas Square on Wednesday (26 October) to protest against homophobia and calling on the government to take more action against hate.

Protesters also placed blame on governments in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia for not moving fast enough on protecting LGBTQ+ people. » | Theo Burman | Monday, October 31, 2022

Oleg Tinkov, Former Banking Tycoon, Renounces Russian Citizenship Over Ukraine.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The multimillionaire said on Instagram that he “can’t and won’t be associated with a fascist country.”

Russian business tycoon Oleg Tinkov in 2019.Credit...Maxim Shemetov/Reuters

Oleg Y. Tinkov, the former banking tycoon who broke with the Kremlin over the war in Ukraine, said on Monday that he had renounced his Russian citizenship.

“I can’t and won’t be associated with a fascist country, that started a war with their peaceful neighbour,” Mr. Tinkov, who is also a citizen of Cyprus, wrote on Instagram. “It is a shame for me to continue to hold this passport.”

Mr. Tinkov became the latest Russian-born mogul to renounce his citizenship, a move that critics say may not only be a statement of principle but also an effort to avoid sanctions or soothe potential business partners who are wary of dealing with Russians.

Nikolay Storonsky, the co-founder of the London-based financial start-up Revolut, renounced his Russian citizenship and finds the war in Ukraine “totally abhorrent,” the company said recently. Yuri Milner, the billionaire tech investor, posted on Twitter on Oct. 10 that he and his family had “completed the process of renouncing our Russian citizenship” after leaving Russia “for good” in 2014. » | Anton Troianovski | Monday, October 31, 2022

Iran to Hold Public Trials for Up To 2,000 Detained amid Protests

THE GUARDIAN: The country’s judiciary says those marching against the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini to be tried

Mahsa Amini died in police custody after being beaten by Iran’s morality police for wearing an inappropriate hijab. Thousands of people are to face trial for protesting over her death.Photograph: Twitter

Iran’s judiciary has announced it will hold public trials for as many as 1,000 people detained during recent protests in Tehran alone – and more than a thousand others outside the capital – as international concern grew over Iran’s response to the protests that began with the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after her arrest.

The German chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was shocked by the number of innocent protesters that were being illegally and violently arrested. Germany’s foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, has already announced she is to ask the European Union to sanction the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation.

Canada meanwhile announced a fourth round of sanctions against senior Iranian officials and its law enforcement forces, which Canada accuses of participating in the suppression and arrest of unarmed protesters.

Ukraine has meanwhile formally asked for Iran’s football team to be banned from the World Cup starting next month in the wake of Iranian manufactured drones being used by Russia to hit civilian and infrastructure targets inside Ukraine. » | Simon Jeffery | Monday, October 31, 2022

Dimitra’s Dishes : Classic Greek Moussaka

Get the recipe here.

Rishi Sunaks steiler Aufstieg ist kein Zufall – in Grossbritannien ist kaum eine Bevölkerungsgruppe erfolgreicher als die Inder

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die indischstämmige Minderheit, der auch der neue Premierminister angehört, zählt zu den wirtschaftlich und sozial erfolgreichsten Gemeinschaften Grossbritanniens. Die Gründe dafür liegen in ihrem Fokus auf Ausbildung, aber auch in der ganz spezifischen Migrationsgeschichte.

Auftritt mit der ganzen Familie: Rishi Sunak an einer Wahlveranstaltung der Konservativen Partei im vergangenen Juli. | Peter Nicholls / Reuters

«Ich finde es grossartig, dass der Premierminister ein Inder und Hindu ist», sagt der 21-jährige Arun. Seine gleichaltrige Kollegin Shyla ergänzt: «Wir sind stolz, aber am wichtigsten ist, dass Rishi Sunak die Wirtschaft wieder in den Griff bekommt.» Die beiden Studenten der Ernährungswissenschaften stehen auf der Strasse vor dem Vishwa Hindu Mandir Temple in Southall im Westen Londons unweit des Flughafens Heathrow – jenem Quartier, das auch als «Little Punjab» oder «Little India» bekannt ist.

In den geschäftigen Einkaufsstrassen kreuzen sich Sikhs mit Turbanen, Musliminnen mit Kopftuch und Hindus mit Segenszeichen auf der Stirn. Restaurants reihen sich an allerhand Kleidergeschäfte, Discountläden, Wechselstuben und Imbissstände. Sunak und seine Gattin, die Tochter eines indischen IT-Milliardärs, sind vermögender als König Charles III., weshalb sie mit der Lebensrealität der Einwohner von «Little India» wenig gemein haben. Und doch betont eine ältere Dame, sie sei «sehr, sehr stolz auf Rishi und sehr, sehr glücklich», bevor sie zum Gebet im Tempel entschwindet. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Montag, 31. Oktober 2022

Elon Musk’s Paul Pelosi Tweet Proves He Has No Business Running Twitter

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: If Musk’s tweet doesn’t raise bright red warning signs all over the world about his judgment and character, I don’t know what will

‘Musk just demonstrated his willingness – no, eagerness – for Twitter to become a free-for-all hellscape.’ Photograph: Frederic J Brown/AFP/Getty Images

Just three days after Elon Musk bought Twitter, he posted a tweet promoting the baseless allegation that Paul Pelosi, the husband of the speaker of the House, who was assaulted on Friday at the couple’s home, had been drunk and in a fight with a male prostitute.

The police found Paul Pelosi, 82, attacked with a hammer inside his home by a man, David DePape, who had entered through the back door, seeking the speaker.

Musk’s tweet, later deleted, came in response to a tweet posted on Saturday by Hillary Clinton, attacking Republicans for spreading “hate and deranged conspiracy theories” that she said had emboldened the man who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband. » | Robert Reich | Monday, October 31, 2022

Elon Musk Spreads False Homophobic Conspiracy Theory About Paul Pelosi: While the Speaker of the House's husband was recovering from a violent attack, the richest man in the world was spreading false anti-LGBTQ+ conspiracy theories about him. »

Doku in HD | Fluppe, Filter und f6 * - Die Zigaretten-Story von Dresden

Mar 11, 2017 | "In den Schützengräben rauchen nicht nur die Gewehre, sondern auch die Soldaten: Von Türken und Russen schauen sich in den Kriegen des 19. Jahrhunderts Westeuropas Männer das Zigarette-Paffen ab. Und weil Dresden über die Elbe mit dem Meer und durch die Schiene via Balkan mit dem Orient vernetzt ist, wird die barocke Residenz ab 1862 zur unumstritten führenden Tabakstadt im Deutschen Reich: Rund 1500 Fluppen dreht eine Facharbeiterin seinerzeit von Hand an einem Tag!

Dann kommen die Zigaretten-Maschinen. Bis zu 70 Dresdner Firmen produzieren in der Hohezeit vor dem ersten Weltkrieg Millionen Glimmstengel: Zwei Drittel aller in Deutschland gerauchten Fluppen stammen von hier, ebenso die Erfindung der modernen Filterzigarette. Ein Viertel aller Dresdner lebt von der Zigarette. Die Branche gönnt sich repräsentative Industriebauten wie den Stadtspeicher (heute ein Fünf-Sternehotel) oder die sogenannte Tabakmoschee ""Yenidze"" - beide in der damals ultramodernen Stahlbeton-Skelettbauweise ausgeführt.

Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg werden die Reste der Dresdner Zigaretten-Industrie in Volkseigentum überführt. Ein Hintergrund, den die DEFA im verwegenen Lustspiel ""Karbid und Sauerampfer"" mit Erwin Geschonneck zum Kinohit münzt. Ebenso abenteuerlich gerät die Beschaffung des Rohtabaks zwischen Brasilien und Brandenburg. F6, Karo, Cabinet oder JUWEL 72 heißen bekannte Marken, die teils noch heute - nunmehr innerhalb des Philip Morris Weltkonzerns - an der Elbe produziert werden.

"Der Osten - Entdecke wo du lebst": "Fluppe, Filter und f6" erzählt die Zigarettenstory von Dresden mit faszinierendem Archivmaterial, in Begegnungen mit ehemaligen Tabakwerkern, Tabakeinkäufern, Sammlern und Historikern, begibt sich auf Spurensuche: Was ist vom blauen Dunst in Dresden noch zu ""schnuppern""?"

* f6 war eine Zigarettenmarke aus Dresden. Auskuft darüber finden Sie hier auf Wikipedia.

Erna, Helmut et les nazis | Chronique d'une famille allemande | ARTE

Oct 28, 2022 | En 1929, Helmut, jeune doctorant, et Erna, étudiante en médecine à Berlin, tombent fous amoureux. Les tourtereaux semblent promis à un avenir radieux, jusqu’au jour où Erna se découvre une ascendance juive, gardée secrète par sa mère. Le couple se marie cependant et donne naissance à trois fils. Avec l’arrivée au pouvoir de Hitler, la famille se retrouve confrontée aux persécutions de plus en plus brutales du régime.

Helmut, empêché de travailler, s’engage alors comme médecin dans l’armée du Reich, dans l’espoir d’obtenir pour sa famille un certificat de "sang allemand". Un engagement paradoxal qui sauvera les siens de la déportation. Des centaines de lettres et des vidéos d’archives font revivre au plus près cette tragédie familiale au temps du nazisme.

Documentaire de Jutta Pinzler (Allemagne, 2021, 1h)
Rediffusion disponible jusqu'au 11/01/2023

Die deutsche Version finden Sie hier unter dem Titel Eine Familie unterm Hakenkreuz

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 31, 2022

Verschollene Filmschätze: 1915 - Zwei US Reporter im Kaiserreich | ARTE Doku

Oct 31, 2022 | Sammlung bedeutender historischer Aufnahmen. In dieser Folge: 1915. Seit knapp einem Jahr führt Deutschland Krieg gegen Frankreich, das Vereinigte Königreich und Russland. Die US-amerikanischen Reporter Wilbur Durborough und Irving Ries machen sich auf den Weg nach Deutschland, um die Kriegs-Ereignisse zu fotografieren und zu filmen. Mithilfe eines offenen Rennwagens ...

1915. Seit knapp einem Jahr führt Deutschland Krieg gegen Frankreich, das Vereinigte Königreich und Russland. Die US-amerikanischen Reporter Wilbur Durborough und Irving Ries machen sich auf den Weg nach Deutschland, um die dortigen Ereignisse zu fotografieren und zu filmen. Für ihren sechsmonatigen Aufenthalt haben sie ihren Stutz mitgebracht: einen luxuriösen, nicht überdachten Rennwagen, den sie über den Atlantik nach Rotterdam überführt haben. Von der niederländischen Hafenstadt führt die Reise weiter nach Berlin, wo die beiden Reporter einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten wie Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg, Kaiser Wilhelm II. und Prinz Maximilian von Baden filmen, Militärmanöver dokumentieren und Aufnahmen in Internierungslagern machen. Sie erhalten zudem die Erlaubnis, vom Krieg zerstörte Gebiete in Ostpreußen und im Weichselland zu bereisen. So entstehen Aufnahmen in Warschau sowie von der imposanten Festung Modlin, die nach Belagerung durch deutsche Truppen von der Zarenarmee aufgegeben wurde. Warum durchstreiften die beiden Reporter das im Krieg befindliche Deutschland in einem so unbequemen und unpraktischen Rennmobil? Durften sie sich frei bewegen und nach Belieben filmen? Was geschah mit ihrer knapp zweistündigen Reportage, nachdem die USA Deutschland offiziell den Krieg erklärten?

Dokureihe, Regie: Serge Viallet (F 2018, 27 Min)

Will the City Lose Its Euro Clearing Business?

Oct 31, 2022 | In this latest Federal Trust video, the financial analyst Graham Bishop and the Chairman of the Trust, John Stevens, discuss the likelihood and the significance of the City of London losing its approximately €100 trillion Euro derivatives clearing business to the Eurozone by 2025. Among other implications, the loss of its status as the main Euro clearing centre might also put in jeopardy its role as the leading global US Dollar hub.

Graham Bishop is an independent consultant on European political, financial, economic and budgetary integration as well as the founder of He is also a member of the Council of the Federal Trust and, he says, a 'dedicated Europhile'. He has been a fixture in the City since 1972, beginning with Phillips & Drew and ending with Citi where he was a European bond analyst. Adviser to the Co-Chief Executives in Europe on European Financial Affairs.

Thriller | Tory Remix - Jacob Rees-Mogg x Michael Jackson

Deutschland aus Sicht der russischen Propaganda | Fake News | ARTE

Jun 30, 2022 | Die russische Doschd-Redaktion – derzeit im Exil in Riga – betreibt seit 2018 den erfolgreichen YouTube-Channel "FAKE NEWS". Jede Woche wühlt sich das Team hier durch Stunden an russischen Staats-News und Propaganda-Shows, und zerrupft sorgfältig jede einzelne Lüge, bis auch der letzte Putin-Propagandist nackt dasteht. Aber wie haarsträubend sind die Lügen wirklich, worauf fußen sie, wie werden sie konstruiert? Um dem europäischen Publikum das näherzubringen, produziert die Doschd-Redaktion wöchentlich eine internationale Ausgabe ihres „Fake News“-Formats, exklusiv für den Arte TRACKS YouTube-Channel - kompakt und für Einsteiger und Einsteigerinnen geeignet.

Hier finden Sie die englische Sprachversion.

Kevin Rudd Launched a Passionate Defence of Gay Marriage in 2013

Sep 3, 2013 | Australia's prime minister, Kevin Rudd, a devout Christian, stared down a pastor on live television and cited scripture while delivering a stirring defence of gay marriage. …

This is something that all Christians (and people of other faiths and none) should listen to. Well done Kevin Rudd! His reasoning is a joy to listen to. – © Mark Alexander

'We Need Lula': Brazilians Celebrate Leftist Leader's Narrow Victory

Oct 31, 2022 | Brazil’s former leftist president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has sealed an astonishing political comeback, beating the far-right incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, in one of the most significant and bruising elections in the country’s history.

With 99.97% of votes counted, Silva, a former factory worker who became Brazil’s first working-class president exactly 20 years ago, had secured 50.9% of the vote. Bolsonaro, a firebrand who was elected in 2018, received 49.10%.

Addressing journalists at a hotel in São Paulo, Lula vowed to reunify his country after a toxic race for power which has profoundly divided one of the world’s largest democracies. Lula stages astonishing comeback to beat far-right Bolsonaro in the Brazil election

After Defeat, Bolsonaro is Silent, and Brazil Braces for Turmoil: President Jair Bolsonaro has not yet recognized his election defeat after months of warning, without evidence, that opponents would rig the vote. »

Election présidentielle au Brésil : la joie des partisans de Lula après la victoire sur le fil de leur champion face à Bolsonaro : Le champion de la gauche obtient 50,9 % des suffrages au terme d’une journée de vote pleine de tensions. »

Eine knappe Entscheidung gegen Bolsonaro: In einer äußerst knappen Wahl schafft es der frühere Präsident Lula da Silva zurück an die Macht. Er hat sich vorgenommen, das entzweite Land zusammenzuführen – eine enorme Herausforderung, wie er selbst sagte. »


The Guardian view on Lula’s comeback: good for Brazil and the world: The once-and-future leftwing president of Brazil has a chance to redeem the promise of democracy in his divided country »

Brazil’s LGBTQ+ politicians herald new age of hope as Bolsonaro consigned to ‘sewer of history’: After left-wing former president Lula toppled Jair Bolsonaro in the Brazilian election, campaigners are hopeful for the future of human rights. »

Rishi Sunak: The First Ever Oligarch Prime Minister | George Monbiot

Oct 31, 2022 | A historic moment for diversity: Britain's FIRST EVER oligarch Prime Minister!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sviatoslav Richter Rachmaninov – Piano Concerto No. 2 (1959/Reissue Esoteric 2013) | Reupload

Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra / Conducted by Stanislaw Wislocki /L ocation: Philharmonic Hall, Warsaw

Lula Stages Astonishing Comeback to Beat Far-right Bolsonaro in Brazil Election

THE GUARDIAN: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the former leftist president, has reclaimed the leadership and vowed to reunify his country

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers’ party (PT) won the election in a run-off on 30 October. Photograph: André Penner/AP

Brazil’s former leftist president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has sealed an astonishing political comeback, beating the far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in one of the most significant and bruising elections in the country’s history.

With 99% of votes counted, Silva, a former factory worker who became Brazil’s first working-class president exactly 20 years ago, had secured 50.8% of the vote. Bolsonaro, a firebrand who was elected in 2018, received 49.1%.

A few streets away on Paulista Avenue, one of the city’s main arteries, ecstatic Lula supporters gathered to celebrate his victory and the downfall of a radical rightwing president whose presidency produced an environmental tragedy and saw nearly 700,000 Brazilians die of Covid. » | Tom Phillips in São Paulo | Sunday, October 30, 2022

Thousands Attend South Africa Pride March Despite Terror Warning

THE GUARDIAN: US embassy identified Sandton district as potential target, but event went ahead after South African authorities insisted it was safe

President Cyril Ramaphosa called the US embassy warning ‘unfortunate’. Photograph: Michele Spatari/AFP/Getty Images

Thousands of people gathered for the Pride march in South Africa’s largest city Johannesburg on Saturday despite a warning from the US embassy of a possible terror attack.

The event took place under heavy security in the upmarket district of Sandton, identified by the US embassy as a potential target.

South African authorities had assured organisers it was safe to proceed with the march, returning after a two-year break because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The US warning angered Pretoria. President Cyril Ramaphosa called it “unfortunate” and said it was causing “panic” in the country. » | Agence France-Presse | Saturday, October 29, 2022

Talking about Grief with Anderson Cooper

“If you want to be the most human you can be, then this is part of that,” Cooper says, of grief. “Grief enables you to love more fully, to experience things more fully.” | Photograph by Diana Markosian for The New Yorker

THE NEW YORKER – INTERVIEW: After my husband died this summer, I found comfort in Cooper’s podcast about death and loss, “All There Is.”

When the CNN anchor Anderson Cooper was ten, he lost his father, Wyatt, to heart disease; when he was twenty-one, his older brother Carter died by suicide. In 2019, his mother, the artist and clothing designer Gloria Vanderbilt, passed away at ninety-five, of stomach cancer. (Vanderbilt had watched, desperate and helpless, as Carter leapt from the terrace of the family’s fourteenth-floor apartment in Manhattan.) For Cooper, who is now fifty-five, loss has become an unexpected beacon in his life—a way of constantly reaffirming his humanity. “My mom and I would talk about this a lot,” Cooper said recently. “No matter what you’re going through, there are millions of people who have gone through far worse. It helps me to know this is a road that has been well travelled.” » | Amanda Petrusich | Sunday, October 30, 2022

Queer, Affectionate and Jocose

Queer, affectueux et enjoué / Queer, liebevoll und scherzend

Many thanks to The Calders - Wedding + Elopement Photo And Video on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

Multigay | Stand by Me

Song: Stand by Me - Boyce Avenue

Ruth B [Dandelions]

Annie Lennox: A Whiter Shade of Pale (Tradução) | Reupload

„Hier zählt nur, wer du draußen auf dem Schlachtfeld bist“

Aktivist und Soldat: Mit seinem Coming-out wurde Viktor Pylypenko zur Symbolfigur der queeren Bewegung in der Ukraine. | Bild: PRIVAT


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der Hass auf Homosexuelle ist zentraler Baustein in Putins Propaganda. Für schwule Soldaten aus der Ukraine steht auch deshalb viel auf dem Spiel.

Die Verbindung ist schlecht und wird immer wieder unterbrochen. Es klingelt – zwei-, drei-, viermal. Da ist er wieder. Ein kurzes „Hello!“, bevor das Standbild wieder einfriert. Dann stundenlang nichts. Neuer Versuch am späten Abend. „I’m sorry“, sagt Viktor Pylypenko. Seit Tagen schon haben sie dort, wo er sich gerade aufhält, kaum Netz. Jetzt aber, nach vielen vergeblichen Versuchen, haben wir Glück – die Verbindung hält.

Viktor Pylypenko kämpft, wie so viele andere Frauen und Männer, seit der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine für die Freiheit seines Landes. Für sie alle steht viel auf dem Spiel, für Pylypenko womöglich besonders viel: Er ist ein offen schwuler Mann. Zum Zeitpunkt unseres Gesprächs befindet er sich an der Front, irgendwo in der Nähe der ostukrainischen Stadt Donezk. Seine genaue Position nennt er natürlich nicht: „Zu gefährlich.“ Wochenlang hat er uns über seine aktuelle Lage auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Foto- und Videomaterial zeugen von kräftezehrenden Wochen im Kampf gegen den russischen Aggressor. » | Von Natalia Wenzel Warkentin | Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022

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Möge Gott diesen Soldaten und alle anderen queeren Soldaten in der Ukraine beschützen. – © Mark Alexander

Gladiator • Now We Are Free • Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard | Reupload

Apr 8, 2014 | Soundtrack from the 2000 Ridley Scott film "Gladiator" with Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielson, Oliver Reed, Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hounsou & Richard Harris

Inside Russia – Konstantin: Russian Economy Collapsing

Oct 26, 2022