Monday, October 31, 2022

'We Need Lula': Brazilians Celebrate Leftist Leader's Narrow Victory

Oct 31, 2022 | Brazil’s former leftist president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has sealed an astonishing political comeback, beating the far-right incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, in one of the most significant and bruising elections in the country’s history.

With 99.97% of votes counted, Silva, a former factory worker who became Brazil’s first working-class president exactly 20 years ago, had secured 50.9% of the vote. Bolsonaro, a firebrand who was elected in 2018, received 49.10%.

Addressing journalists at a hotel in São Paulo, Lula vowed to reunify his country after a toxic race for power which has profoundly divided one of the world’s largest democracies. Lula stages astonishing comeback to beat far-right Bolsonaro in the Brazil election

After Defeat, Bolsonaro is Silent, and Brazil Braces for Turmoil: President Jair Bolsonaro has not yet recognized his election defeat after months of warning, without evidence, that opponents would rig the vote. »

Election présidentielle au Brésil : la joie des partisans de Lula après la victoire sur le fil de leur champion face à Bolsonaro : Le champion de la gauche obtient 50,9 % des suffrages au terme d’une journée de vote pleine de tensions. »

Eine knappe Entscheidung gegen Bolsonaro: In einer äußerst knappen Wahl schafft es der frühere Präsident Lula da Silva zurück an die Macht. Er hat sich vorgenommen, das entzweite Land zusammenzuführen – eine enorme Herausforderung, wie er selbst sagte. »


The Guardian view on Lula’s comeback: good for Brazil and the world: The once-and-future leftwing president of Brazil has a chance to redeem the promise of democracy in his divided country »

Brazil’s LGBTQ+ politicians herald new age of hope as Bolsonaro consigned to ‘sewer of history’: After left-wing former president Lula toppled Jair Bolsonaro in the Brazilian election, campaigners are hopeful for the future of human rights. »