Thursday, November 03, 2022

Israel’s Yair Lapid Congratulates Benjamin Netanyahu on Election Victory

THE GUARDIAN: Longest serving prime minister, who is still facing corruption charges, is expected to lead far-right coalition

Israel’s prime minister, Yair Lapid, has called Benjamin Netanyahu to offer his congratulations on the opposition leader’s election win following the conclusion of vote counting in this week’s election.

Netanyahu, the chair of the conservative Likud party and Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, is expected to begin an unprecedented third term as PM after holding coalition negotiations with his religious and far-right allies on forming a government.

The bloc, which includes the extremist Religious Zionist party and two ultra-Orthodox parties, won a comfortable majority in Tuesday’s election, the country’s fifth in four years. » | Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem | Thursday, October 3, 2022

Législatives en Israël : Benyamin Nétanyahou et ses alliés de droite remportent une nette majorité des sièges : Selon le décompte final de la commission électorale, le bloc de droite de l’ancien premier ministre l’emporte sur celui du sortant, le centriste Yaïr Lapid. »

Lapid gratuliert Netanjahu zum Wahlsieg: Zwei Tage nach der Wahl in Israel steht das Ergebnis fest: Der frühere Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu hat wieder eine sichere Mehrheit erlangt. Seiner Rückkehr an die Macht steht nun nichts mehr im Weg. »