Monday, July 18, 2022

‘Worth Waiting for’: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Get Married in Las Vegas

THE GUARDIAN: Lopez and Affleck married in a small ceremony on the weekend, culminating a relationship that has stretched over two decades and two engagements

Bennifer wedding: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck married at a drive-through chapel in Las Vegas. Lopez and Affleck pictured here at a screening of her film Marry Me in February.Photograph: Momodu Mansaray/Getty Images

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck got married in a Las Vegas drive-through chapel late on Saturday night, culminating a relationship that stretched over two decades in two separate romances and headlined countless tabloid covers.

Lopez announced their marriage on Sunday in her newsletter for her fans, On the J Lo, with the heading “We did it”. Lopez initially made their engagement public in April on the same newsletter.

“Love is beautiful. Love is kind. And it turns out love is patient. Twenty years patient,” she wrote in a message, signed Jennifer Lynn Affleck. » | Associated Press | Monday, July 18, 2022

‘It’s like young love with the brakes off’: Bennifer and the couples who get back together: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are back together after 19 years – and they aren’t the only ones. Why do some pairings work better the second time around? »

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Conservative Leadership Race

All of the candidates running to lead the Conservative Party are lacklustre, boring, and clueless. They have shown me that they have absolutely no understanding of economics or geopolitics. If I were able to assess them I would give none of them a grade above C-.

Is this truly the best that the once proud Conservative Party has to offer? Can’t the Party do better than this? Has it been reduced to such mediocrity?

I am old enough to remember leaders in the Conservative Party who were not only sound and able, but formidable too. One could look up to them. One felt that one’s country was in good hands in their hands. Do any of these contenders make YOU feel that way?

Not one of the contenders to lead the Conservatives, and by extension this country, have shown me that he/she understands economics, and still less geopolitics. Not one of them! All they come out with are platitudes to mollify the old dears in the Home Counties and Shires.

This is NO WAY to run a modern country.

Penny Mordaunt is one of the few contenders who has any presence as a leader. But who is this woman really? What does she really stand for. Apart from being a devoted Brexiteer? And for me, that proves that she understands no economics at all!

Moreover, all the candidates have come up with the same ol’, same ol’ line of “cutting taxes”. The Conservatives have been peddling this poppycock since Maggie was in power. That was circa forty years ago! One would be forgiven for thinking that if the success of the economy rested solely on cutting taxes, then the British economy would be in the stratosphere by now! Flying high. We have had lots and lots of tax cuts in the past forty years. And what have they achieved? Our economy has never been in a direr state than it is today! Never in my lifetime have I had to read about people, families having to go to foodbanks to be able to put food on the table for their children. Never! When I was growing up, this phenomenon was unheard of. Homelessness was almost unheard of.

The fact of the matter is this: Nobody with an ounce of common sense and/or understanding of economics or geopolitics would have walked away from the largest single market in the world: The Single Market. Any economist that would advocate such a stupid, idiotic move would not be worthy of the nomenclature 'economist'. Walking away from a ready market of 500,000,000 plus consumers is not only a nonsense; it is economic suicide. And this from a party which prides itself on being the party of business! The business-friendly party. Go figure!

I heard not one word from the lips of these lacklustre, uninspiring ne'er-do-wells, our so-called potential leaders, potential prime ministers, that he/she would make any move to reverse the madness of Brexit. I therefore declare that they are all—ALL—unfit for the office they are aspiring to hold. Conservatives need to go back to the drawing board.

© Mark Alexander
Sunday, July 17, 2022

L'apparition des religions | Aux origines des civilisations (3/4) | ARTE

Jul 17, 2022 En quatre volets, cette série documentaire remonte aux sources de notre civilisation. Troisième volet : l'apparition des religions. On peut aujourd'hui faire remonter l’origine de toutes les religions organisées à un unique site : Nabta Playa, dans le désert égyptien.

Entre religion et civilisation, le lien semble indissoluble. Il s'est tissé pour la première fois dans l'Égypte antique, civilisation à la longévité inégalée à ce jour. Toutes les sociétés postérieures ont emprunté quelque chose de son modèle. On peut aujourd'hui faire remonter l’origine de toutes les religions organisées à un site unique : Nabta Playa, dans le désert égyptien. Là, il y a huit mille ans, des éleveurs ont construit un lieu de culte, avec cercles de pierre et mégalithes, préfigurant un temple. Une fois ces ancêtres égyptiens sédentarisés, ses élites émergentes tireront aussi prétexte de la religion pour justifier leur statut. Ses souverains – les premiers pharaons – s’attribueront ensuite un pouvoir divin pour se nommer eux-mêmes "Dieux-Rois". L’étape suivante verra apparaître des monuments dignes d’un dieu, des pyramides à degrés de Saqqarah jusqu’à la Grande Pyramide de Gizeh, destinés aussi à créer une cohésion politique… Au travers de l'exemple égyptien, ce troisième épisode montre comment la religion était – et reste en partie – le ciment social d'une civilisation.

Comme pour Quand Homo sapiens peupla la planète, cette série fait alterner avec fluidité des évocations historiques, par le biais de reconstitutions sobres, et des entretiens avec des chercheurs, dont de nombreux archéologues rencontrés sur leurs terrains d'investigation. Parcourant les continents et les époques, des sites archéologiques au présent survolté des mégapoles contemporaines, le spectateur voyage à travers l'espace et le temps au fil de superbes images. Une éclairante vision panoramique de la "brève histoire" de l'humanité.

Aux origines des civilisations
Série documentaire (Royaume-Uni, 2018, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 16/08/2022

Marco: A Film by Saleem Haddad | 2019 | Reupload

Chopin: Complete Mazurkas | Full Album

Views on YouTube: 3,697,256

Robert Redford Cutting a Dash in The Great Gatsby

Robert Redford as Jay Gatsby in the movie

Very many thanks to Getty Images (United Arab Emirates) for this superb image and flashback to a wonderful film/movie based on the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald’s tragic novel, The Great Gatsby (1925), set on Long Island during the Jazz Age. It’s the quintessential American success story of a man who rises from obscurity and poverty to immense wealth.

Extreme Elegance; Extreme Simplicity

Classic and beautiful: a gown with a difference

With thanks and appreciation to simge on Pinterest for this gorgeous image.

Bee Gees : You Win Again (1987) | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 57,048,595 | Exciting sounds from exciting and optimistic times. When people had a better understanding of joie de vivre than they do today. As I said in my own quote recently, ‘Nowadays, people know the dangers in everything, but the pleasures in nothing.’

You can join the Bee Gees on Facebook here, on Twitter here and on Instagram here.

Defiantly Queer. Defiantly Happy.

Cocking a snook at senseless, cruel and unnecessary tradition. Love is an extremely strong emotion; probably the strongest of all emotions. When it hits you, you are defenseless. You can do nothing about it; and nor can one deny it without causing much grief , pain and misery. ‘Love is love.’ For the benighted ones who still have a problem with it, get over your prejudices! Eeveryone deserves happiness. – Mark Alexander

Very many thanks to Dawn Photo (in Oregon) for this tender and expressive photo of two young men so obviously in love.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Aus dem Nichts an die Downing Street? Die Überraschungskandidatin Penny Mordaunt mischt das Rennen um Boris Johnsons Nachfolge auf

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Glaubt man den Wettbüros, ist Penny Mordaunt die Favoritin für die Nachfolge Boris Johnsons. Die 49-Jährige ist zwar wenig bekannt, überzeugt aber mit Charisma und unorthodoxen Positionen. Sie erfreut sich in der Parteibasis enormer Beliebtheit.

Penny Mordaunt hatte unter Theresa May und Boris Johnson mehrere Ministerposten inne und gilt doch als Kandidatin des Aufbruchs. | Wiktor Szymanowicz / Imago

Wenn ein britischer Premierminister in Ungnade gefallen ist, ersetzen die Tories diesen gerne mit einem Nachfolger von gegensätzlichem Charakter. Auf die eiserne Lady Margaret Thatcher folgte der sanfte John Major, auf die biedere Theresa May der flamboyante Boris Johnson. In der Ausmarchung um Johnsons Nachfolge ist nun aber mit Penny Mordaunt eine Frau zur Überraschungskandidatin avanciert, die dank ihrer unkonventionellen Art gewisse Ähnlichkeiten mit Johnson aufweist.

Wegen einer verlorenen Wette benutzte die Junior-Handelsministerin einmal in einer Rede im Unterhaus so oft wie möglich das Wort «cock», das im Englischen nicht nur für Hahn steht, sondern auch eine vulgäre Bezeichnung für das männliche Geschlechtsorgan ist. Für Aufsehen sorgte sie auch 2014, als sie in der Reality-TV-Show «Splash» im Badeanzug von einem Sprungturm ins Wasser sprang. In den Wettbüros gilt sie als Favoritin für die Nachfolge Johnsons, obwohl die meisten Briten wenig über sie wissen. Der Satz «Wer ist Penny Mordaunt?» gehört momentan zu den häufigsten Suchanfragen auf Google. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Samstag, 16. Juli 2022

Tory MP Penny Mordaunt’s gay brother says the Conservative Party is ‘pushing LGBT+ rights backwards’: The gay twin brother of British Conservative Party MP Penny Mordaunt has condemned the Tories for “pushing LGBT+ rights backwards”. »

Europe Heatwave: Deadly Wildfires Spread in Mediterranean

Baiao, Portugal: The fires in the north are Portugal's worst since 2017 | EPA

BBC: Thousands of firefighters are battling wildfires in Portugal, Spain and southwestern France, in the grip of a heatwave that shows no sign of easing.

In northern Portugal, a pilot died when his waterbombing plane crashed in the Foz Coa area, near the Spanish border.

Fires are ravaging areas of France's Gironde region, where more than 12,000 people have been evacuated.

In southern Spain, near the Costa del Sol, about 2,300 people had to flee a wildfire spreading in the Mijas hills.

Holidaymakers on the beach in Torremolinos saw big plumes of smoke rising in the hills, where several aircraft were tackling the blaze. » | Laurence Peter, BBC News | Saturday, July 16, 2022

NZZ LIVE BLOG: Hitzewelle: Grossbritannien bereitet sich auf Rekordtemperaturen vor +++ Hunderte von Hitzetoten in Spanien und Portugal: Hitzewellen in der Schweiz und Deutschland, Dürre in Norditalien und Waldbrände in Südeuropa: Der Sommer 2022 geizt nicht mit Extremen. »

Ein leidenshaftlicher Kuß

Leidenschaftlich, entzückend und begeistert!

Mein Dank geht an die Daily Mail auf Pinterest fürs schöne, entzückende Bild dieser beiden Männer.

Well, I Do Declare! It's a Queer Grapefruit!

Proud and colourful.

Many thanks to Woman Shops World on Pinterest for this unusual image. It’s a hoot!

How Not to Select a New Prime Minister

Jul 16, 2022 The process is under way to pick a new prime minister. The original nine candidates are now down to five with another two likely to be leaving shortly.

Under the Tory rules, two names will go forward to the Conservative party membership from which they will select the new party leader and Prime Minister.

Approximately 160,000 Tory members who are not at all representative of the population at large will decide the new prime minister on behalf of 67 million people. Much of our electoral system including 'First Past The Post’ [FPTP] is outdated and Democratic in Name Only (DINO).

Made for Each Other!

« Tu mano encaja en la mía, como si hubiera sido hecha solo para mi. » / “Your hand fits in mine, as if it would have been made just for me.”

Many, many thanks to T.E.B. on Pinterest for this superb, loving, photo of two delightful, handsome sweethearts.

France’s Saint-Emilion: A Red Wine Lover’s Paradise

Dec 16, 2016 The French medieval town of Saint-Emilion is a stunning UNESCO world heritage site, but is better known to connoisseurs for being the home of an exceptional red wine. FRANCE 24's "You are here" takes you to one of its most prestigious vineyards, the Château Angélus estate.

Élégance pour la dame au-delà de la canicule : élégance pour l'hiver à venir.

Une création très simple, très élégante, très pratique, mais aussi très chaleureuse.

Mes remerciements vont à TF Knitwear sur Pinterest pour cette superbe photo d'une création tricotée.

Biden in Saudi Arabia: Oil Trumps Justice for Khashoggi Murder | DW News

Jul 16, 2022 US President Joe Biden says he has confronted Saudi Arabia's crown prince over the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Biden is in the Kingdom on a highly-anticipated but controversial visit. When he arrived he bumped fists with Mohammed Bin Salman, the crown prince and de facto leader. Biden had refused to speak to him after Khashoggi was killed in a Saudi consulate in 20-18. US intelligence says the Crown Prince approved the killing.


La France entre dans un week-end de canicule : les températures vont commencer à remonter, des incendies toujours en cours dans le Sud

LE MONDE : Les 40 °C devraient être atteints dans le quart sud-ouest et des « niveaux exceptionnels » dans l’ouest de la France. En Gironde, plus de 9 000 hectares sont partis en fumée dans deux gigantesques brasiers.

Des pompiers mobilisés contre les feux de forêt près de Tarascon, dans les Bouches-du-Rhône, vendredi 15 juillet 2022. CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / AFP

La France, où des records de température devraient être enregistrés ces prochains jours, entamait un week-end de canicule généralisée, samedi 16 juillet, tout en subissant de multiples incendies dans le Sud et notamment en Gironde, où le feu a dévasté plus de 9 000 hectares.

Après avoir salué dans la journée la « mobilisation » des services de l’Etat, Emmanuel Macron a rendu hommage sur Twitter, vendredi soir, au « courage » et à « l’engagement » des « trois mille pompiers venus de toute la France » pour lutter « contre les incendies qui frappent le sud du pays ».

Pour cette deuxième vague de chaleur de l’année, seize départements ont été placés en vigilance orange canicule par Météo-France jusqu’à dimanche :
la Gironde (33), les Landes (40), le Lot (46), le Lot-et-Garonne (47), le Tarn-et-Garonne (82), le Gers (32), les Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64), les Hautes-Pyrénées (65), la Haute-Garonne (31), le Tarn (81), les Pyrénées-Orientales (66), l’Ardèche (07), la Drôme (26), le Gard (30), le Vaucluse (84) et les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04).
Alors que le mercure a atteint 35 °C à Toulouse et 39,6 °C à Apt (Vaucluse), vendredi après-midi, l’institut météorologique prévoit que « les températures commenceront à remonter doucement sur la moitié nord » à compter de samedi après-midi, tout en restant « très élevées » sur la moitié sud. Cette hausse se poursuivra dimanche, en particulier dans le Sud-Ouest, « où les 40 °C seront plus souvent atteints ».

Des « niveaux exceptionnels » de température devraient même être enregistrés dimanche et lundi dans l’ouest de la France, avec de nombreux records absolus attendus, surtout lundi, selon Olivier Proust, prévisionniste pour Météo-France. Un symptôme sans équivoque du réchauffement climatique. » | Le Monde | samedi 16 juillet 2022

DW Food : Haggis - The Most Scottish Thing You Can Eat

May 8, 2022 For non-locals, this dish might sound a bit out-there, but in its homeland of Scotland, haggis is an absolute classic. Haggis is inexpensive, tasty, and very nourishing. The savory pudding is prepared with minced sheep's pluck, oatmeal and spices. In Scotland it was once a typical rural meal, but these days haggis is often served up with no small ceremony – even to bagpipe accompaniment! – particularly on Hogmanay, the Scottish New Year. We took a closer look at the ingredients, how it's served, and the myths surrounding it.


Report: Dina Osinski
Camera: Scott Johnson
Edit: Steffie Prietzsch

Thomas kocht: Cremige Pasta mit Pilzen und Rukola

Jul 16, 2022 Wunderbar cremiges Pasta Rezept mit gebratenen Pilzen und Rukola. Diese Pasta unglaublich lecker und ganz nebenbei auch noch vegan.


Rezept für 2 Personen:

- 300 g Nudeln (z.B. Penne)
- 1 Schale Pilze nach Wahl (z.B. Champignos, Kräutersaitlinge)
- 100 g Cashewkerne
- Salz, Pfeffer aus der Mühle
- etwas Olivenöl zum Braten
- 1 Spritzer Zitronensaft
- 2 Handvoll Rukola

Viel Spaß beim Nachkochen!

Jan Lisiecki: Portrait of a Charismatic Piano Virtuoso

Jul 14, 2022 He’s one of the piano greats. This Canadian musician of Polish heritage dazzles audiences both with his virtuosity and with the maturity of his interpretations. He comes across as a pianist with decades of experience. But Jan Lisiecki is just 27 years old.

Lisiecki is a modest interviewee; he speaks candidly about his love for the piano and how he manages his huge workload, as well as how he values his personal life. A multi-faceted picture emerges of an extraordinary pianist known for his capacity for profound self-reflection. And of course, we get to hear him play throughout the video, with excerpts from some of his most powerful performances.

We met Jan Lisiecki during his performance with the New York Philharmonic in Peenemünde on the German island of Usedom in May 2022.

Biden’s Fraught Saudi Visit Garners Scathing Criticism and Modest Accords

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In the most politically problematic trip of his presidency, Mr. Biden’s critics accused him of helping rehabilitate the reputation of a tarnished prince in exchange for numerous, but limited gains.

During a private meeting in Jeddah, the president said he was “straightforward and direct” with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about the murder of American journalist Jamal Khashoggi. | Doug Mills/The New York Times

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia — President Biden exchanged the shaken fist for a fist bump on Friday as he abandoned his promise to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” and sat down with the crown prince he deemed responsible for the grisly killing and dismemberment of a columnist who lived in the United States.

In the most fraught foreign visit of his presidency to date, Mr. Biden’s encounter with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave the de facto Saudi leader a measure of the international rehabilitation he sought, while securing steps toward closer relations with Israel and an unannounced understanding that the kingdom would soon pump more oil to relieve high gas prices at home.

Mr. Biden’s discomfort was palpable as he avoided a handshake with the prince in favor of a fist bump that in the end proved no less problematic politically. While cameras recorded the opening of their subsequent meeting, the president made no mention of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post columnist assassinated in 2018 by Saudi operatives, and the prince smiled silently when a reporter asked if he owed an apology to the family.

But Mr. Biden later told reporters Mr. Khashoggi’s murder was “outrageous” and said he had confronted the crown prince privately. “I raised it at the top of the meeting, making clear what I thought at the time and what I think of it now,” he said. “I was straightforward and direct in discussing it. I made my view crystal clear.”

He reported that Prince Mohammed, often known by his initials M.B.S., had denied culpability. “He basically said that he was not personally responsible for it,” Mr. Biden said. “I indicated that I thought he was.”

Saudi officials contradicted his account. Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs, told reporters that he did not hear Mr. Biden tell the crown prince that he was responsible, describing instead a brief and less contentious exchange that focused on human rights without dwelling on the killing.

Mr. Jubeir called the Khashoggi murder “a terrible mistake,” but added that the two countries have moved on and he showed no interest in looking back. “People were put on trial,” he said, referring to underlings convicted in the case. “We have individuals who are paying the price.” » | Peter Baker and David E. Sanger | Friday, July 15, 2022


Ivana Trump’s Death Is Ruled Accidental

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ms. Trump, an ex-wife of former President Donald J. Trump, died by blunt impact injuries, according to New York City’s chief medical examiner.

Ivana Trump, who was a fixture on New York City’s social scene for decades, was found dead at her home on the Upper East Side on Thursday. | Jason Decrow/Associated Press

Ivana Trump, the ex-wife of former president Donald J. Trump, died accidentally of blunt impact injuries to her torso, according to New York City’s chief medical examiner.

The office, which announced its determination in a news release on Friday afternoon, said it would have no further comment on the death of Ms. Trump, 73.

Two law enforcement officials with knowledge of the matter had said on Thursday that the police were investigating whether Ms. Trump had fallen down the stairs at her Upper East Side home. One of the officials said there was no sign of forced entry at the home.

Ms. Trump and Mr. Trump, who had three children together, married in 1977 and divorced 13 years later. During their marriage, they formed a quintessential 1980s power couple and reigned jointly over New York’s tabloid culture. She was credited with giving him the nickname “The Donald.” » | Ed Shanahan | Friday, July 15, 2022

Ivana Trump died of blunt force injuries to her torso, medical examiner says: Donald Trump’s first wife died aged 73 at her Manhattan home and the fatal injuries are believed to be unintentional »

Related links in English, French & German.

Tender Love

Zarte Liebe / Amour tendre

Many, many thanks go to Wattpad on Pinterest for this truly delightful photograph.

Biden warnt Kronprinz bin Salman vor künftigen Gewaltakten

Der amerikanische Präsident Joe Biden und der saudische Kronprinz Muhammad Bin Salman am Freitagabend in Dschidda | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Eine weitere Tat wie die Ermordung des Regierungskritikers Khashoggi im Jahr 2018 hätte eine „Antwort“ der USA zufolge, sagte Biden dem saudischen Kronprinzen. Dieser weist jegliche Verantwortung von sich.

US-Präsident Joe Biden hat nach eigenen Worten den saudi-arabischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman bei ihrem Treffen in Dschiddah vor künftigen Gewaltakten gegen Regierungskritiker gewarnt. Er habe dem Thronfolger deutlich gemacht, dass eine weitere Tat wie der Mord an dem Journalisten und Regierungskritiker Jamal Khashoggi im Jahr 2018 eine „Antwort“ der Vereinigten Staaten zur Folge hätte, sagte Biden am Freitagabend nach seinen Beratungen mit bin Salman in der saudi-arabischen Hafenstadt. Der Mord an Khashoggi habe „an der Spitze“ der Gesprächsthemen gestanden.

Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman habe jedoch jede Verantwortung zurückgewiesen. „Er sagte im Grunde, dass er nicht persönlich dafür verantwortlich sei. Ich deutete an, dass ich glaube, er ist es“, sagte Biden am Freitag bei einem Besuch in Saudi-Arabien. Er habe das Thema direkt zu Beginn des Treffens mit der saudischen Führung „glasklar“ angesprochen. „Ich bereue nichts, was ich gesagt habe. Was mit Khashoggi passiert ist, war empörend“, so Biden. » | Quelle: dpa/AFP | Freitag, 15. Juli 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022

What a Sinking Euro Means for Europe and the US | DW Business

Jul 15, 2022 The euro has taken a major beating against its US peer since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February, falling to its lowest level in 20 years. While a weakened euro should worry European consumers, US travelers visiting Europe could benefit.

Opiacés : les États-Unis en overdose | ARTE

Jul 11, 2022 En cinq ans seulement, les overdoses d’antidouleurs ont causé quelque 200 000 morts aux États-Unis. Ces substances à base d’opioïdes (de la morphine de synthèse) redoutablement efficaces pour calmer la douleur s'avèrent très addictifs. Faute de suivi, une épidémie s'est déclarée outre-Atlantique, ravageant des familles et des communautés entières, jusqu'à peser sur l'économie du pays.

Tous les âges et toutes les couches sociales sont concernés. Depuis le pic de l'épidémie, les plaintes se sont multipliées contre des médecins, cliniques et pharmaciens qui ont prescrit et délivré ces molécules sans discernement, mais surtout contre les laboratoires pharmaceutiques qui dopent leurs ventes à coups de publicités mensongères. Celles-ci minimisent le caractère addictif des opioïdes. En première ligne : le laboratoire Purdue, dont le produit phare, l'OxyContin, lui a rapporté plus de 35 milliards de dollars selon des chiffres de 2017. Si le marché est mieux contrôlé, c'est désormais auprès de dealers et sur le Darknet que les consommateurs s'approvisionnent, avec des conséquences parfois dramatiques. Cette crise des opioïdes n'est pas circonscrite à l'Amérique. En Allemagne, les prescriptions ont grimpé d'un tiers entre 2006 et 2015. Et il semblerait que la France soit aussi touchée par ce phénomène.

Documentaire de Carmen Butta (Allemagne, 2018, 53mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 31/08/2022

In Full: Conservative Party Leadership Election - Online Debate

The five remaining candidates in the Conservative leadership race go head-to-head in an online debate hosted by Conservative Home, which sees the Tory leader hopefuls dial in on Zoom to answer questions

This is like the song of the cuckoo! Every year it sounds just the same! Haven't these people got any creative brain cells? They continue to peddle the same ol' solutions year after year. Thatcher's ghost stalks the Party. Maggie was good for the 1980s. But the 1980s was roughly forty years ago! We had different problems to solve back then; today we have very different ones to solve. All these candidates are as dull as ditchwater! – © Mark Alexander

Fist Bumps as Joe Biden Arrives to Reset Ties with ‘Pariah’ Saudi Arabia

THE GUARDIAN: Oil markets top of the agenda for US president who receives subdued welcome three years after Jamal Khashoggi comments

Three years after Joe Biden vowed to make Saudi Arabia a pariah state over the assassination of a prominent dissident, the US president greeted Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with a fist bump as his administration attempts to reset relations and stabilise global oil markets.

Whereas Donald Trump was personally welcomed to the conservative Gulf kingdom on his first presidential visit by King Salman, Biden was met on the tarmac on Friday evening by the governor of Mecca and the Saudi ambassador to the US in a subdued ceremony before travelling to the city’s al-Salam palace, where he held talks with the 86-year-old king and his powerful heir, Prince Mohammed, before a working meeting.

Oil, human rights, Iran, Israel and the war in Yemen are all on the agenda for what is likely to be a thorny 24-hour trip. Saudi Arabia has been a key strategic ally for the US for decades, both selling oil and buying weaponry, but when he was running for president, Biden vowed to turn the kingdom into a “global pariah” over the 2018 murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. » | Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem | Friday, July 15, 2022

Peebo Bryson : If Ever You're in My Arms Again

Nov 6, 2014 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra | Views on YouTube: 33,079,972

George Benson : Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You

Feb 28, 2015 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Warner Records | Views on YouTube: 18,808,987

Phil Collins : Do You Remember? | Remastered 2016 | Reupload

Jan 25, 2020 Provided to YouTube by Laika Network | Views on YouTube: 25,792,684

Ivana Trump, la première épouse de Donald Trump, est morte

LE MONDE : Cette ancienne skieuse de fond et mannequin d’origine tchèque fut mariée au milliardaire républicain de 1977 à 1992. Elle avait 73 ans.

Ivana Trump aux côtés de sa fille, Ivanka, le 4 août 2001 à Monaco. VANINA LUCCHESI / AFP

Ivana Trump, la première femme de l’ancien président américain Donald Trump et mère de trois de ses enfants, est morte à 73 ans, a fait savoir le milliardaire républicain, jeudi 14 juillet.

« Je suis très triste d’annoncer à tous ceux qui l’aimaient, et ils étaient nombreux, qu’Ivana Trump est morte chez elle à New York », a écrit Donald Trump sur son réseau social, Truth Social. L’ancien locataire de la Maison Blanche a salué la vie « formidable » de cette ancienne skieuse de fond et mannequin d’origine tchèque, qui fut son épouse de 1977 à 1992. « Sa fierté et sa joie venaient de ses trois enfants, Donald Jr, Ivanka et Eric », a-t-il ajouté.

« Notre mère était une femme incroyable », ont assuré ses enfants dans un communiqué. « Elle a fui le communisme et a adopté ce pays », soulignent-ils. » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 14 juillet 2022

FAZ BILDSTRECKE: Donald Trumps frühere Frau Ivana Trump ist gestorben »

„Umwerfend. Blond. International.“: Die Ex-Frau von Donald Trump ist in New York verstorben. Berühmt war sie nicht nur wegen ihres Ehemannes: Als Skiläuferin und Home-Shopping-Königin machte sie sich auch selbst einen Namen. »

Requiescet in pace – Mark

Sables and Minks and Chinchillas Galore: Ivana Trump’s Opulent Style: Dennis Basso, a longtime friend and furrier, recalls his many collaborations with the first Ms. Trump. »

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Exciting Designs…

…by Renee Rodriguez. Renee is completely infatuated with beautiful paper, art, divine interiors, color, weddings, fabulous fashion and sensational shoes!

Many thanks to renee rodriguez designs on Pintereest for this unusual, creative and exciting image.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World News – July 15, 2022

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday, 8-9 a.m. ET.

Des chaleurs extrêmes font suffoquer l’Espagne, la France, la Grèce, le Portugal et bientôt le Royaume-Uni

LE MONDE : Des incendies ont brûlé quelque 17 000 hectares dans la péninsule Ibérique et environ 7 000 dans l’Hexagone.

Des milliers de pompiers continuaient vendredi 14 juillet leur lutte contre les flammes en France, en Grèce et dans la péninsule Ibérique, où les températures restent suffocantes. Plus au nord, le Royaume-Uni se prépare à vivre ce week-end une chaleur « extrême ».

Dans le sud-ouest de la France, où deux incendies ont brûlé plus de 7 000 hectares depuis mardi, notamment près de la très touristique dune du Pilat, sur la côte Atlantique, la situation « est toujours défavorable », a annoncé la préfecture du département de la Gironde. Ces feux, qui mobilisent un millier de pompiers, ont entraîné depuis mardi l’évacuation de 10 000 personnes. Déclenché jeudi après-midi par le passage d’un train, un autre incendie a ravagé au moins 300 hectares près d’Avignon, dans le Sud-Est, avant d’être fixé.

45 °C enregistré dans la péninsule ibérique

Dans la péninsule Ibérique, confrontée depuis plusieurs jours à des températures suffocantes, le thermomètre a atteint pour le deuxième jour consécutif des valeurs extrêmes, avec un pic de 45 °C enregistré à 17 heures près d’Avila, dans le centre-ouest de l’Espagne, non loin de Madrid. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 15 juillet 2022

LIRE AUSSI : La Gironde confrontée à des feux de forêt violents et à une forte chaleur : Plus de 7000 hectares ont déjà brûlé, et les incendies sont encore actifs. »

Bjoern Templ : Méditation sur le premier Prélude de J. S. Bach - Ave Maria von Johann Sebastian Bach

Dec 5, 2020 Ave Maria – Johann Sebastian Bach

Hier spielt Bjoern Templ meisterhaft ein Stück von Schubert.


Ein schwules Eis für einen heißen und schwülen Sommertag.

Mein Dank geht an RainbowColorfulBrghtful auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild.

Heat Emergency Declared in England as Temperature Expected to Hit 40C

THE GUARDIAN: Heatwave arriving on Sunday expected to bring most extreme hot weather ever recorded in UK

The UK government has issued the first ever national emergency red alert for heat ahead of expected record temperatures on Monday and Tuesday, with the hottest areas set to be in central and eastern England.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has increased the “heat-health warning” alert for England to level 4 – the highest possible – for the first two days of next week, when the Met Office has forecast 40C (104F) for the first time.

The red alert, issued at 10.29am on Friday on the Met Office website, explains the level means a “national emergency”. It says it is “reached when a heatwave is so severe and/or prolonged that its effects extend outside the health and social care system. At this level, illness and death may occur among the fit and healthy, and not just in high-risk groups.” » | Robert Booth, Peter Walker and Gwyn Topham | Friday, July 15, 2022

The REAL Reason Putin's Gone Fascist

Mar 22, 2022 As Putin's brutal Ukraine invasion goes on, this video explores Putin's recent fascist turn. What does it mean for Russia, for Ukraine, and for the entire world? What kind of fascist has Putin become? And, what is a good explanation of fascism?

Why Russians CHOOSE to Deny Reality »

Why Russians CHOOSE to Deny Reality

May 8, 2022 As Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine continues, we look at the role and predicament of the Russian people.

What happens to the Russian people affects not just Russia and Ukraine, but the world. Putin's war is part of a bigger pattern of escalation, and this includes escalation of global nuclear risk. Specifically, in this video I analyse why the Russian people don't value liberty, or freedom as a political value.


Why I Left Russia and Can't Go Back »

DW Food: Jamón Ibérico - How the Most Expensive Ham in the World Is Made | Food Secrets Ep. 6

Jan 9, 2021 Did you know that a single leg of ham can cost up to $13,000? That’s the world record for the highest price ever paid for one Jamón Ibérico. Iberian ham is one of the most expensive meats in the world. On average, one ham of the highest quality costs around $500,00. It takes three to 14 years for the ham to mature perfectly. But the taste is worth the effort put into it: It’s said that one leg alone of the Spanish delicacy has seven different flavors.

NZZ: Verbotene Liebe - Homosexualität im NS-Regime | Reupload

Sep 29, 2015 Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe war in den Augen der Nazis entartete Sexualität. Tausende schwule Männer kamen in den Konzentrationslagern ums Leben. Das schwul-lesbische Filmfestival Pink Apple in Zürich widmete im Mai 2015 diesen verboteten Liebesgeschichten einen Schwerpunkt.

DW Food: 3000 Types Of Bread - What Makes German Bread So Special? | Food Secrets Ep. 7

Jan 23, 2021 Germans are crazy about bread. There are more than 3000 different types of bread in Germany. Unlike France or Italy, which are famous for baguette or ciabatta respectively, Germans are known for their dark bread variations made from rye, spelt and wheat flour. In many recipes, sourdough plays an important role - but it's just one factor among many that characterize German bread.

Tut Nichtstun gut? | Sternstunden Sommerspecial| SRF Kultur

ul 15, 2022 Hach, Ferien! Endlich abschalten, nichts tun, die Seele baumeln lassen. Paradiesisch, diese Vorstellung – oder doch eher die Hölle? Und wenn schon nur chillen: dann im kühlen Norden? Oder doch im hitzigen Süden? Darüber und über andere Ferien-Fragen denken die «Sternstunden»-Moderierenden in unserer YouTube-Reihe unter Sonnenschirm nach.

In dieser Folge diskutieren Milad Karimi und Olivia Röllin: Ist Nichtstun in den Ferien toll? Und wie geht Nichtstun überhaupt?

Redaktion: Danja Nüesch, Mara Schwab, Alexis Amitirigala
Sternstunde Sommerspecial vom 08.07.2022

Astrologues et médiums au secours de « l’opération spéciale » russe en Ukraine

LE MONDE : Le succès de l’ésotérisme répond à l’angoisse profonde qui traverse la société russe dans une période troublée.

L’astrologue russe Pavel Globa parle du futur de la Russie lors d’une conférence à Moscou, en décembre 2007. DMITRY KOSTYUKOV / AFP


Vous pensiez que le conflit en Ukraine avait quelque chose à voir avec l’impérialisme russe ? Avec les ambitions personnelles du président Vladimir Poutine ? Avec l’expansion de l’OTAN ? Erreur ! « Ce qui se passe entre la Balance Vladimir Poutine et le Scorpion Joe Biden est tout à fait typique des relations zodiacales. On observe souvent chez Poutine la tentative de maintenir un équilibre, de chercher un accord. Et seulement quand c’est impossible, il passe à l’offensive. Le Scorpion, lui, frappe délibérément, après avoir trouvé le point faible de son adversaire. »

Pas convaincus par cette explication fournie par l’astrologue russe Tamara Globa ? Essayez Svetlana Dragan, « astrologue géopolitique » : « Ce qui se passe, c’est une tentative de la Russie de se libérer de son statut de colonie et des modèles imposés par l’Ouest, le transhumanisme, l’extrémisme économique, et en général la suppression de l’homme. C’est une bataille entre un ancien monde et un nouveau monde, c’est toute la pyramide cosmique qui se modifie. » » | Par Benoît Vitkine (Moscou, correspondant) | vendredi 15 juillet 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Ivana Trump, Ex-Wife of Donald Trump and Businesswoman, Dies at 73

THE NEW YORK TIMES: She helped build his real estate empire, though she was better known for being one half of the quintessential 1980s power couple.

Donald and Ivana Trump in the living room of their Manhattan apartment in 1979. Throughout their marriage, Mrs. Trump commanded almost as much media attention as her husband. | Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

Ivana Trump, the glamorous Czech American businesswoman whose high-profile marriage to Donald J. Trump in the 1980s established them as one of the era’s quintessential New York power couples, died on Thursday at her home in Manhattan. She was 73.

Mr. Trump announced her death in a statement on Truth Social, the conservative social media platform he founded.

The New York City police were investigating whether Ms. Trump fell down the stairs at her townhouse on the Upper East Side, according to two law enforcement officials with knowledge of the matter. One of the officials said that there was no sign of forced entry at the home and that the death appeared to be accidental. A spokeswoman for the city’s chief medical examiner’s office said it would investigate the death.

Throughout their marriage, Ms. Trump commanded almost as much media attention as her husband as they helped define the 1980s as an era of gaudy excess among the elite, an image that Mr. Trump used to fuel his turn as an outsize television personality before his 2016 run for the White House. » | Clay Risen | Friday, July 15, 2022

Ivana Trump, In and Out of the Spotlight: There was an Ivana Trump sighting in Manhattan the other day, and then, almost faster than you can say “surely she flew private,” she was off to Saint-Tropez, a sun-washed playground in the French Riviera, for air-kissing among V.I.P.s with security entourages close by and yachts in the distance. »

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Against All Odds • Take a Look at Me Now • Phil Collins

Oct 18, 2015 Soundtrack from the 1984 Taylor Hackford film "Against All Odds" with Rachel Ward, Jeff Bridges, James Woods, Alex Karras, Jane Greer, Dorian Harewood, Swoosie Kurtz, Saul Rubinek & Richard Widmark.

You can support this film channel by following this link to 'HD Film Tributes'. It's a great YouTube channel and I feel sure that even a small donation would be appreciated. I cannot put up a direct link to PayPal because the link given appears to be broken. – Mark

Ivana Trump, First Wife of Donald Trump, Dies Aged 73

THE GUARDIAN: Czech-born skier and model, and mother to Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric, praised by ex-president as ‘beautiful and amazing woman’

Ivana Trump with Donald Trump in New York in 1982. The couple were prominent figures in Manhattan society during the 1980s. Photograph: Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images

Donald Trump has announced the death at 73 of Ivana Trump, his first wife and the mother of his three oldest children, Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric.

In a post to his Truth Social platform, the former president said: “I am very saddened to inform all of those that loved her, of which there are many, that Ivana Trump has passed away at her home in New York City.

“She was a wonderful, beautiful and amazing woman, who led a great and inspirational life. Her pride and joy were her three children … She was so proud of them, as we were all so proud of her. Rest In Peace, Ivana!”

Ivana Trump was born in Zlin, in what is now the Czech Republic, in 1949. She became a skier, ski instructor and model, and married Donald Trump, then a New York real estate magnate, in 1977. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Thursday, July 14, 2022

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Have Scientists Found the Breakthrough Cure for Depression? | 60 Minutes Australia

Jul 14, 2022 | It's the hardest thing in the world for a man to do. To admit he's scared - that he needs help. All the more reason to admire the courage of the men in this story - among them, footballer Mat Rogers, who lost his father Steve to depression earlier this year. And the Rogers family isn't alone. One in four Australians will suffer from depression - five Australian men take their own lives every day. Five suicides a day. But there is good news. Scientists now say they've isolated the gene that actually causes depression. And there's a bold new prevention programme aimed where it can do the most good - at the most vulnerable, our teenage kids.

DW Food: How Swiss Milk Chocolate Is Made | Food Secrets Ep. 9

Mar 31, 2021 Switzerland is world-famous for its delicious chocolate. The Swiss invented milk chocolate and had some other genius ideas how to improve the taste of this popular treat. In this episode of “Food Secrets” we’ll let you in on the secrets of chocolate making– from cocoa beans to the finished bar.

Message to Blogger: The Restoration of the Sidebar

I would like to thank the team at Blogger for being so helpful as to restore the sidebar for me. The team’s kindness is deeply appreciated.

Mark Alexander

Sri Lanka President Resigns after Fleeing Country Following Mass Protests - BBC News

Jul 14, 2022 Gotabaya Rajapaksa has resigned as president of Sri Lanka after fleeing to Singapore in the face of mass protests at home over his rule.

He is believed to have wanted to leave Sri Lanka before stepping down in order to avoid the possibility of arrest under a new administration.

The cost of food, fuel and other basic supplies has soared for Sri Lankans.

In the capital Colombo, delighted demonstrators greeted news of the president's departure with dancing.

”Prince Andrew Should Not Be Forgiven (This Queen’s Jubilee)”

Views on YouTube: 35,780 | Jun 4, 2022 #TyskySour is broadcast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7PM here on the Novara Media YouTube channel.

Prince Andrew is super-privileged. He has had a life that most people could only dream of. But he still allegedly misbehaved!

Where was his self-discipline? Does he have none? Facts are: Prince Andrew is super-privileged, but also super stupid!

What is the matter with all these superrich, super-privileged men? Why can’t they control themselves? Why are so many of them oversexed, or even supersexed? It is high time that they learn that good morals are the same for them and their rich, privileged friends as they are for everyone else. Being superrich doesn’t, or at least shouldn’t, give anyone a pass, be he royal or be he commoner. But whether Prince Andrew should be forgiven or not is for others to decide. What I do know is this: Behaviour at the top everywhere needs to change. The super-privileged right across the world are misbehaving in so many ways. Enough already! – © Mark Alexander

You can support Novara Media here should you wish to do so.

Related article and video.

Der Krieg aus Sicht der russischen Medien | Fake News | ARTE

Jul 14, 2022 Die russische Doschd-Redaktion – derzeit im Exil in Georgien – betreibt seit 2018 den erfolgreichen YouTube-Channel "FAKE NEWS".

Jede Woche wühlt sich das Team hier durch Stunden an russischen Staats-News und Propaganda-Shows, und zerrupft sogfältig jede einzelne Lüge, bis auch der letzte Putin-Propagandist nackt dasteht.

In dieser Folge zeigt Masha, wie der Krieg gegen die Ukraine im russischen Fernsehen dargestellt wird.

>English version.

Macron will Rüstungsindustrie auf „Kriegsproduktion“ umstellen

Emmanuel Macron bei den Feiern zum Nationalfeiertag am Donnerstag in Paris. | Bild: AFP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Präsident Macron stimmt seine Landsleute auf Entbehrungen ein. Frankreich stehe in einem hybriden Krieg mit Russland. Einen dritten Weltkrieg gelte es zu vermeiden.

Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron hat die Franzosen zum Nationalfeiertag auf einen langen Krieg in der Ukraine eingestimmt. Im traditionellen Interview nach der Militärparade sagte er am Donnerstag, Frankreich stehe in einem hybriden Krieg, sei aber nicht auf seinem Boden angegriffen worden. „Wir haben eine Armee, die jederzeit bereit ist“, so Macron. Er verwies auf Frankreichs Stellung als europäische Atommacht. Der Verteidigungshaushalt werde weiter steigen. Es gelte, mehr Munition und Ausrüstung auf Vorrat zu haben. Die Rüstungsindustrie werde auf „Kriegsproduktion“ umgestellt und mehr und schneller produzieren. Macron betonte die Bedeutung der europäischen Verteidigungsanstrengungen innerhalb der NATO. „Wir wollen den Krieg stoppen, ohne selbst Krieg zu führen“, sagte er. Frankreich sei in der Lage, der Ukraine langfristig mit Waffen und Ausrüstung zu helfen. Eine Ausweitung des Konflikts müsse vermieden werden. „Wir wollen keinen Weltkrieg“, sagte Macron, der zugleich französischer Armeechef ist. » | Von Michaela Wiegel, Paris | Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2022

Heatwave Sweeps across Europe | 5 News

Sex, Revolution and Islam | Trailer | Coming Soon

ul 14, 2022 Follow Seyran Ateş, one of the first female imams in Europe, as she fights for a sexual revolution. Ateş believes the only way to fight against radical Islam is through Islam - after being shot and threatened, she now lives under constant police protection. What's next in her fight for a more egalitarian interpretation of Islam?

Nazijäger Fritz Bauer | Nach einer wahren Geschichte | ARTE

ul 14, 2022 In seinem Film "Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer" (2015) porträtiert Lars Kraume den hessischen Generalstaatsanwalt und maßgeblichen Initiator der Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozesse von 1963-1965. Er erklärt die Rolle von Fritz Bauer bei der Verhaftung Adolf Eichmanns und der Ahndung der in Auschwitz begangenen Verbrechen.

In einem Nachkriegsdeutschland, das die Gräuel des Nationalsozialismus am liebsten aus seinem kollektiven Gedächtnis löschen wollte, setzte ein junger hessischer Staatsanwalt alles daran, die Schuldigen zu finden und zu verurteilen. Er war entschlossen, in seinem Land eine neue, demokratische Justiz aufzubauen.

Fritz Bauer wurde 1956 an die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt am Main berufen und begann sogleich mit den Ermittlungen gegen den Auschwitz-Arzt Josef Mengele sowie gegen Adolf Eichmann, den Kopf hinter der sogenannten „Endlösung“. Infolge der Nachforschungen von Fritz Bauer konnte Adolf Eichmann in Argentinien aufgespürt werden. Er wurde anschließend vom israelischen Geheimdienst verhaftet und verurteilt.

Eine echte Konfrontation des deutschen Volkes mit seiner Vergangenheit gelang Fritz Bauer durch einen historischen Prozess. Schon seit den frühen 50er Jahren ermittelte er gegen ehemalige SS-Mitglieder, die an den Verbrechen in Auschwitz beteiligt gewesen waren. Nach jahrelangen hartnäckigen Recherchen und Zeugenbefragungen wurden 1963 endlich die Auschwitz-Prozesse eröffnet, die einen Wendepunkt in der Verurteilung der nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen darstellen sollten.

Dokureihe (F 2021, 27 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 06/01/2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – July 14, 2022

"Nicolas II et Alexandra de Russie. Une tragédie impériale"

Nov 30, 2015 Les destins du Tsar Nicolas II et de son épouse Alexandra de Russie sont bouleversants. Dans une biographie très illustrée, le célèbre écrivain Jean des Cars raconte la vie de cette prestigieuse famille impériale, de leur couronnement à leur massacre. Une tragédie qui a marqué l’histoire du monde.

Europe Heatwave Fuels Wildfires in Portugal, France and Spain - BBC News

Jul 14, 2022 A heatwave is fuelling wildfires in Portugal, France and Spain.

Around 3,500 firefighters in Portugal are battling dozens of blazes, as temperatures break records in various parts of the country.

Heatwaves have become more frequent, more intense, and longer-lasting because of climate change.

Prince Andrew’s Newsnight Interview to Be the Subject of a New Film

THE GUARDIAN: Scoop to tell the behind-the-scenes story of the extraordinary BBC encounter which saw the Duke of York discuss his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein

Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, in 2021. Photograph: Neil Hall/PA

A new film will tell the story of how producers at Newsnight, the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme, secured and executed their interview with Prince Andrew.

According to Deadline, Scoop, which will begin shooting in November, is being written by Peter Moffat, whose previous credits include the Bryan Cranston series Your Honor and the 2004 film Hawking, which won acclaim for star Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Hawking.

It is adapted from Scoops: Behind the Scenes of the BBC’s Most Shocking Interviews, a nonfiction book which gives insider information on how some of the broadcaster’s keynote interviews came about. » | Catherine Shoard | Thursday, July 14, 2022

Nuova eleganza dell'uomo


Many thanks to Adele T. on Pinterest for this expression of cool, Italian elegance.

Genesis, White Jesus, and Debating the Resurrection (with Dr. Bart Ehrman)

Mar 29, 2022 Dr. Bart Ehrman is a New Testament scholar, author, and educator. In advance of his upcoming debate with apologist Dr. Mike Licona, he joins us to talk about the Bible, Christ, and the April 9th online debate: "Did the Resurrection of Jesus Really Happen?"

Revealed: Queen’s Sweeping Immunity from More Than 160 Laws

THE GUARDIAN: Monarch enjoys extraordinary exemptions under law – which extend to her private estates and even a royal fishing business

Laws have been written or amended to specify immunity for the Queen’s conduct as a private citizen, along with her privately owned assets. Composite: Guardian/AP/Rex

Personalised exemptions for the Queen in her private capacity have been written into more than 160 laws since 1967, granting her sweeping immunity from swathes of British law – ranging from animal welfare to workers’ rights. Dozens extend further immunity to her private property portfolio, granting her unique protections as the owner of large landed estates.

More than 30 different laws stipulate that police are barred from entering the private Balmoral and Sandringham estates without the Queen’s permission to investigate suspected crimes, including wildlife offences and environmental pollution – a legal immunity accorded to no other private landowner in the country.

Police are also required to obtain her personal agreement before they can investigate suspected offences at her privately owned salmon and trout fishing business on the River Dee at Balmoral, where anglers are charged up to £630 a day to fish. » | Severin Carrell, Rob Evans, David Pegg and Mario Savarese | Thursday, July 14, 2022

What does the Queen’s legal immunity mean?: Explainer: exemptions have been written into law to protect the monarch as a private citizen – but are they necessary? »

In Celebration of Mature Queers: Two Gentlemen Proud to Be Themselves

Two older gentlemen putting the ‘Q’ into LGBTQ+ !

Very many thanks to Pinterest for this delightful image of two older gentleman embracing their sexuality.

‘When My Wife Fawned over Richard Gere, I Was Secretly Thinking, Phwoar!’: The People Who Come Out in Later Life

THE GUARDIAN: Olympic athlete Kelly Holmes spoke openly about her sexuality last month for the first time at the age of 52. But she is not alone. We meet five people who embraced their true selves in their fifties and beyond

Norman Goodman: ‘When my wife died in 2017, part of me went with her. But at last I could shout about my sexuality.’ Photograph: Richard Saker/The Guardian

There is no right age or time to come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans. These days, it is a rite of passage associated with the young; over generations, the average age for coming out has fallen. For some, though, it takes a little longer: last month, after 34 years in the public eye, the Olympic athlete Dame Kelly Holmes came out at the age of 52, for the first time speaking openly about her sexuality. She is by no means the only one. For some, it is a self-realisation that comes out of the blue; others may have spent a lifetime grappling with prejudice, with memories of a time when homosexuality was still criminalised, or a culture that once encouraged silence. Here, five LGBTQ+ people who came out later in life share their stories, proving that there is always time to embrace and explore identity or your sexuality.

Norman Goodman, 72, Manchester

When I was very young, I thought I was gay. It’s why, in the 1950s, I found school rather uncomfortable. Being Jewish meant being gay was never a possibility in my mind, even if our family wasn’t particularly orthodox or religious. With nowhere to turn, I became confused about my gender and sexuality. I was taken to doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. I was admitted into a psychiatric unit and given a course of electroconvulsive therapy. Later, I had aversion therapy. … » | Michael Segalov | Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Beach Boys : California Saga | On My Way To Sunny Californ-i-a | Visualizer | Reupload

Jul 6, 2022 The official visualizer for “California Saga (On My Way To Sunny Californ-i-a)” from ‘Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of The Beach Boys’ Expanded Edition.

Genau die richtige Musik zum Hören während einer Hitzewelle! Welche Musik ist sommerlicher als Musik aus sonnigem Kalifornien? Genießen! / Juste la bonne musique à écouter pendant une canicule ! Quelle musique est plus estivale que la musique de la Californie ensoleillée ? Prendre Plaisir ! / Just the right music to listen to during a heatwave! What music is more summery than music from sunny California? Enjoy! – Mark

Bjoern Templ - Schubert: Impromptu No. 3 in G-Flat Major, Op. 90, D. 899

I have just discovered this musician’s channel on YouTube. He is Austrian. His playing is divine. You might like to follow him on YouTube. You can do so here. – Mark

Seth Andrews: The Ultimate Question

Jul 8, 2014 On April 12th, 2014, Seth Andrews spoke in San Diego, California to a standing-room-only crowd at the VisionPulse Creative Event & Meeting Center. His presentation, titled "The Ultimate Question," dealt with religion, indoctrination, curiosity, fear and the liberation from superstitious chains.

This is an excellent video: a must watch in my opinion. However, be warned: It is very controversial, especially for a believer that entertains no doubt; it also has just a little strong language in it. Viewer discretion is therefore advised. It is not suitable for children. For those willing to be challenged, enjoy this masterclass in how to be an iconoclast! It is well worth your time. Thank you Seth Andrews!– © Mark Alexander