Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Côte d’Azur : Love, Luxury, Passion

May 11, 2022 • The Côte d'Azur stands for glamour and luxury, for film festivals and stars, for yachts and villas. The most famous personalities of the last century met here. The Côte owes its unique mythos to their loves and passions.

The Côte d'Azur boasts a breathtakingly gorgeous landscape. But its mythos is more than the sum of it beautiful parts. The whole world associates the narrow coastal strip on the French Mediterranean coast with sun, stars and scandals.

In Saint Tropez, a former fishing town, a new and newly sensual art of living was popularized thanks to the young Brigitte Bardot. On the eastern part of the coast, Oscar winner Grace Kelly conquered the principality of Monaco with her marriage to Prince Rainier. The matchmaker? The Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis, who wanted to burnish the dwarf state’s image.

One of the most glamorous film festivals in the world was established in Cannes. After that, it seemed everyone came to the Côte. At the Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Antibes, the paths of the famous crossed again and again. For 150 years the hotel has been home to artists, queens and kings, divas and stars. Since 1969, the hotel has been owned by the German industrialist family Oetker. Maja Oetker describes her personal memories of the past 50 years.

To this day, the Côte d'Azur has lost none of its appeal. It is more than just a place: it is an entire mythos.

EuroMillions: Claim Received for Record £184m UK Win, Says Camelot

THE GUARDIAN: Lucky ticket-holder matches all seven numbers to become Britain’s biggest National Lottery winner

The winning numbers were 3, 25, 27, 28 and 29, plus the Lucky Star numbers 4 and 9.Photograph: Joel Saget/AFP/Getty Images

A claim has been received for the record-breaking £184m EuroMillions jackpot prize won by a single UK ticket-holder on Tuesday, Camelot has said.

The lucky ticket-holder matched all seven numbers to win £184,262,899.10, instantly making them the UK’s biggest National Lottery winner. The record was previously held by an anonymous ticket-holder who banked £170m in October 2019.

The winning EuroMillions numbers were 3, 25, 27, 28 and 29, plus the Lucky Star numbers 4 and 9. » | PA Media | Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Lord Browne: Coming Out of the Glass Closet

Jun 27, 2014 • Lord John Browne, former BP CEO, explains why business would benefit if it was more welcoming of openly gay employees.

Die Zukunft des Rauchens – wie schädlich sind E Zigaretten wirklich? | Einstein | SRF Wissen

Mar 21, 2022 • Die Tabakindustrie investiert in tabakfreie Produkte – Trendwende oder falsches Spiel? Einerseits sollen E-Zigaretten den Rauchstopp erleichtern. Andererseits lockten sie in Amerikas Schulen Tausende Jugendliche in die Nikotinsucht. «Einstein» geht dem Rauchen und seiner Zukunft auf den Grund. Die Sendung ist vom 9.5.2019

I smoked my last cigarette on April 10th. I had been a smoker for many years. I used to enjoy smoking a lot. I can honestly say that I smoked out of pleasure, not out of addiction. (Only the few believe me when I say that; but it happens to be true.) I smoked exactly twenty cigarettes a day for most of my adult life.

Truthfully, I don't miss smoking at all. I have given up because I wanted to do so and because it has become a very expensive habit. I therefore started asking myself if I was really getting enough pleasure from the cigarettes I smoked by comparison with the amount of money I was spending on them. Clearly, I wasn't.

Furthermore, smoking today has become such a hassle: one cannot smoke anywhere indoors in public. Not even in friends' homes. The only place left to smoke is in one's own home. I have never smoked in the street. It wasn't the "done thing" when I was growing up, so I never got used to doing that. (It sounds a little old-fashioned, I know; but that's how it was back in the day.)

The biggest problem for me of not smoking is weight gain. That happens not so much because one eats that much more, though that can happen because smoking is an appetite suppressant, but it also happens because smoking increases one's metabolism. So after giving up the habit, the metabolism slows down.

E-cigarettes have never appealed to me. In any case, I have no intention, or desire, to rid myself of one habit only to replace it with another. Further, I don't trust e-cigarettes. Scientists can say all manner of things about them being safer, but the fact of the matter is clear to me: Nobody knows the long-term cpnequences of vaping. And for one simple reason: We haven't got long-term data on the habit.

I hope my new-found smoke-free existence lasts. – © Mark


May 10, 2022 • The freedom to learn and grow is under attack. How will this story end?

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Le Sri Lanka plonge dans le chaos

LE MONDE : Au terme d’une journée d’affrontements très violents dans l’île de l’océan Indien, le premier ministre, Mahinda Rajapaksa, a présenté sa démission.

Des manifestants anti-gouvernementaux ont mis le feu à la maison du ministre Sanath Nishantha, membre du cabinet du Premier ministre Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sril Lanka le 9 mai. Reuters STRINGER / REUTERS

Après deux mois de manifestations ininterrompues, et au terme d’une journée totalement chaotique, le premier ministre sri lankais, Mahinda Rajapaksa, a démissionné, lundi 9 mai. Son gouvernement a été dissous.

Les partisans du pouvoir avaient organisé à Colombo, la capitale historique, une action punitive contre les opposants au régime, qui réclament le départ des frères Rajapaksa – le président Gotabaya et le premier ministre Mahinda –, jugés responsables d’une crise économique et financière d’une ampleur inédite. Pour tenter de reprendre la main, le président Rajapaksa avait décrété, le 7 mai, l’état d’urgence, pour la deuxième fois en cinq semaines, et déployé des militaires en renfort de la police. » | Par Sophie Landrin (New Delhi, correspondante) | mardi 10 mai 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

The rise and fall of a political dynasty that brought Sri Lanka to its knees: At the height of their power, four brothers from Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksa dynasty held the presidency and the prime minister’s office as well as the finance, interior and defence portfolios, among others. But just when the Rajapaksa clan seemed invincible, an economic crisis of their own making led to their undoing. But does that spell the end of South Asia’s most powerful political family? »

Donald Trump: Der frühere Präsident soll wieder twittern dürfen, sagt Elon Musk

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Trotz seiner Niederlage im Kampf um eine zweite Amtszeit ist Donald Trumps Einfluss auf die amerikanische Politik immer noch enorm. Wie gross ist seine Chance auf ein Comeback? Und welche Gefahr droht ihm durch die Ermittlungen der Justiz? Ein Überblick.

Donald Trump, damals in seinen letzten Wochen als amerikanischer Präsident, am Ende seiner Rede am 6. Januar 2021. Kurz darauf stürmten seine Anhänger das Capitol. | Jim Bourg / Reuters

Elon Musk will Trump wieder auf Twitter zulassen: Bei einer Podiumsdiskussion der «Financial Times» sagte Elon Musk am Dienstag (10.5.), dass die Entscheidung, das Twitter-Konto des früheren Präsidenten zu sperren, «moralisch falsch und schlichtweg dumm» gewesen sei. «Ich würde die Sperrung aufheben - aber mir gehört Twitter noch nicht», sagte Musk. Er begründete die Sicht damit, dass Trumps Sperrung grosse Teile der Bevölkerung vor den Kopf gestossen habe. Die Kontosperrung würde Trumps Stimme nicht verstummen lassen, sondern «sie unter der politischen Rechten sogar noch verstärken». Die neusten Entwicklungen » | Meret Baumann, Andreas Rüesch, Marie-Astrid Langer, San Francisco | Samstag, 7. Mai 2022

Musk plant Trumps Twitter-Verbannung aufzuheben: Dass Trump von der Plattform ausgeschlossen wurde, sei für Musk „moralisch falsch und schlicht dumm“ gewesen. Sollte der Milliardär die Plattform übernehmen, steht dem Ex-Präsidenten die Tür offen. »

Elon Musk pledges to overturn Twitter’s ban on Donald Trump: Tesla boss says decision in January last year was ‘morally bad and foolish in the extreme’ »

Russia Tells Citizens West Will ‘Open Concentration Camps’ If War Is Lost

May 10, 2022 • Russia held its annual "Victory Day" parade--Russia's celebration of the Soviet Union's role in the defeat of Nazi Germany--where Vladimir Putin once again tried to justify his murderous attack on Ukraine by baselessly framing it as a continued fight against the Nazis. The military parade came as Russia is in actuality not doing well in this war. A senior U.S. Defense official tells NBC News that Russia's progress in the Donbas is "somewhat anemic." Maksym Borodin, a Mariupol, Ukraine city council member, joins Joy Reid to discuss.

Liens connexes.

Bobby Flay's Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto with GreenPan

May 10, 2022 • Featuring meaty shiitake mushrooms and bright green asparagus, this spring-fresh farrotto was created by chef and cookbook author Bobby Flay. He relies on the same technique used for making risotto but swaps out the traditional Arborio rice for farro. The result: a nutritious, whole-grain dish that boasts a slightly nutty taste and wonderfully chewy texture. It’s prepared in the GreenPan Essential Pan, an electric cooking pot that heats quickly and evenly to ensure delicious results every time.

Thank You from Idit Klein - Keshet's Dare to Dream Campaign

May 10, 2022 • Keshet's Idit Klein thanks the hundreds of donors who contributed over $575,000 to its special ‘Dare to Dream’ campaign in honor of her 20 years of leadership at the organization.

Criminalising Our Right to Protest’: Green Groups’ Anger over Public Order Bill

THE GUARDIAN: Measures in Queen’s speech would have outlawed protests that won votes for women and legalisation of unions, say critics

Environmental campaign groups have hit out at the “draconian” protest crackdown bill announced in the Queen’s speech.

The new law appears to be targeted at groups such as Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil and Insulate Britain who have used disruptive methods to draw attention to the climate crisis.

Announcing the bill, Priti Patel said: “As the Queen’s speech outlined, the public order bill backs the police to prevent antisocial protests from disrupting people’s lives.” The home secretary hailed the “new criminal offences for ‘locking on’ and interfering with national infrastructure, and serious disruption prevention orders for reoffenders”.

The new criminalisation of “locking on” is aimed at protesters who handcuff or glue themselves to infrastructure, a favourite tactic of green protest groups. Insulate Britain demonstrators made headlines last year after glueing themselves to major roads, and Extinction Rebellion members have previously handcuffed and glued themselves to trains, causing disruption.

People who go equipped to lock themselves or others to buildings, roads or printing presses will also be committing an offence under the new bill. Extinction Rebellion members have previously targeted printing presses, delaying deliveries of national newspapers including the Telegraph, the Times and the Sun. » | Helena Horton, Environment reporter | Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Inane and Orwellian: a Queen’s speech to improve the life of Boris Johnson: Prince Charles cut a pathetic figure, selling a flimsy, sinister package designed to protect the prime minister, not to address Britain’s problems »

In full: Prince Charles delivers Queen’s Speech for the first time »

Video: Keir Starmer responds to meagre Queen's Speech »

Queen’s Speech ohne Queen: Erstmals lässt Elizabeth II. das Programm der Regierung in London von Thronfolger Charles vortragen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Preissteigerungen im Königreich. »

Der Premierminister muss jetzt liefern: Boris Johnson wollte etwas für die „kleinen Leute“ tun. Viel hat er noch nicht geschafft – was auch an der Pandemie lag. Aber zur Halbzeit der Legislaturperiode muss der Premierminister allmählich liefern. »


The Guardian view on the Queen’s speech: Boris Johnson fails to deliver for voters: The prime minister’s programme seeks fights to mobilise his base instead of tackling the cost of living crisis »

Why Did So Many German Officers Flee to Argentina after WW2?

Views on YouTube: 5,952,015

Cérémonies du 9-Mai : Vladimir Poutine, un chef de plus en plus isolé sur la scène internationale

LE MONDE : Pour les cérémonies du 9-Mai, le président russe a consacré la majeure partie de son discours à justifier, une nouvelle fois, l’offensive en Ukraine, pays dont il n’a pas une seule fois prononcé le nom.

Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, lors du défilé militaire du Jour de la victoire, sur la place Rouge, dans le centre de Moscou, le 9 mai 2022. KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP

Lundi 9 mai, pour la première fois de son long règne, Vladimir Poutine était seul dans la tribune présidentielle placée sur la place Rouge, entouré uniquement de ses généraux et de vétérans, pour donner le coup d’envoi des célébrations du 9-Mai marquant le 77e anniversaire de la victoire soviétique dans la seconde guerre mondiale. « La Russie n’a que deux alliés, sa flotte et son armée », dit l’adage attribué à l’empereur Alexandre III.

Le Kremlin avait indiqué qu’aucun chef d’Etat étranger n’avait été invité, disant voir dans cette première un non-événement. Mais l’enjeu était bien d’éviter une rebuffade plus insultante encore que lors de l’édition 2015, quand les refus s’étaient accumulés, un an après l’annexion de la Crimée et en pleine guerre du Donbass. » | Par Benoît Vitkine (Moscou, correspondant) | lundi 9 mai 2022


The Guardian view on Putin’s Victory Day speech: justifying the unjustifiable: As Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine stutters and stalls, the Russian president looked to shore up the home front »

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 10, 2022

Ukraine Bid to Join EU Will Take Decades Says Macron

BBC: It will take decades for Ukraine to be accepted into the European Union, France's Emmanuel Macron has said.

In a speech to the EU's parliament in Strasbourg, he instead suggested Ukraine could join a "parallel European community" while it awaited a decision.

This would allow non-EU members to join Europe's security architecture in other ways, said President Macron.

His words came as fierce fighting continued in the eastern Donbas region, where Russia is trying to make gains. » | BBC | Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Zarah Sultana Destroys Rishi Sunak – Again!

May 10, 2022 • “Rishi Sunak is STILL taking the piss”

Monday, May 09, 2022

Der unwahrscheinliche Propagandist – Russlands früherer Präsident Dmitri Medwedew ist vom liberalen Hoffnungsträger zum Kriegstreiber geworden

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Dmitri Medwedew steckt auf dem Abstellgleis der russischen Politik fest. Jetzt nutzt er den Krieg in der Ukraine, um wieder aus der Deckung zu treten und sein Profil zu schärfen. Sein Verhalten steht auch für den dramatischen Wandel in Russland.

Ganz oben, aber doch nie ganz an der Macht: Dmitri Medwedew war Präsident und Ministerpräsident Russlands – und immer im Dienste Wladimir Putins. | Getty

Besondere Zeiten schaffen zuweilen unerwartete Karrieren. Dmitri Medwedew, von 2008 bis 2012 Russlands Präsident und anschliessend bis 2020 Ministerpräsident, schien auf dem extra für ihn geschaffenen Posten des stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des Sicherheitsrates in Vergessenheit zu geraten. Plötzlich macht der langjährige Weggefährte Wladimir Putins jedoch fast täglich mit Ergüssen in seinem Telegram-Kanal auf sich aufmerksam. Staatliche Medien nehmen seine Kommentare zum Geschehen auf. Er ist zu einer der lautesten Stimmen der «Partei des Krieges» in Russland geworden – jener Adepten Putins, die in ihrer Wortwahl oft noch weitergehen als der Präsident.

Drastische Vorschläge und Pöbeleien

Bereits wenige Tage nach Russlands Einmarsch in der Ukraine am 24. Februar denkt Medwedew laut über die Vorzüge nach, die ein Austritt aus dem Europarat für Russland hätte. Unter anderem erwähnt er die Möglichkeit, die Todesstrafe wieder einzuführen. Er greift die Versatzstücke der antiukrainischen Propaganda auf, etwa die angeblichen, gegen Russland gerichteten biologischen Laboratorien der USA im Nachbarland. Die Sanktionen des Westens vergleicht er mit der Inquisition und betont immer wieder, wie sehr sich der Westen damit selbst schade. » | Markus Ackeret, Moskau | Samstag, 7. Mai 2022

Queen Hands over to Charles for State Opening of Parliament

The Queen, seen at last year's State Opening of Parliament, will miss it for the first time in 59 years | CHRIS JACKSON

BBC: The Queen has pulled out of this year's State Opening of Parliament and the reading of the Queen's speech, Buckingham Palace has announced.

This will be the first time since 1963 that the Queen will have missed this constitutional ceremony, which sets out the government's legislative plans.

Prince Charles will deliver the speech on Tuesday for the Queen.

The 96-year-old monarch has mobility problems and has had to cancel a number of recent public appearances.

Until Monday evening Buckingham Palace had been saying the Queen hoped to attend, but has now confirmed she will not go the ceremony in Westminster, because of "episodic mobility problems". » | Sean Coughlan, Royal correspondent | Monday, May 8, 2022

Royaume-Uni : la reine absente pour le discours du trône et remplacée par le prince Charles : En raison de «problèmes de mobilité», le palais de Buckingham a annoncé que la monarque avait décidé «à contrecœur» de ne pas se rendre devant le Parlement britannique. »

Why Republicans are NOT the Party of Freedom | Robert Reich

May 9, 2022 • Why is the party of "freedom" trying to ban abortion? Because it's not actually about freedom. It's about power.

François Fillon condamné en appel à quatre ans de prison, dont un ferme dans l’affaire des emplois fictifs

LE MONDE : L’ex-premier ministre a également été condamné à 375 000 euros d’amende et dix ans d’inéligibilité par la cour d’appel de Paris. Son épouse, Penelope, est condamnée à deux ans de prison avec sursis et 375 000 euros d’amende.

L’ancien premier ministre François Fillon et son épouse, Penelope, au Palais de justice de Paris, le 27 février 2020. STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

La justice s’est prononcée une seconde fois dans le dossier qui avait plombé la campagne pour l’Elysée du candidat de la droite en 2017. La cour d’appel de Paris a condamné, lundi 9 mai, l’ancien premier ministre François Fillon à quatre ans de prison, dont un ferme, et son épouse, Penelope, à deux ans de prison avec sursis et 375 000 euros d’amende, dans l’affaire des soupçons d’emplois fictifs.

François Fillon, 68 ans, et Penelope Fillon, 66 ans, qui contestent depuis l’origine tout emploi fictif, n’étaient pas présents au prononcé de la décision, pas plus que l’ancien suppléant du premier au poste de député dans la Sarthe, Marc Joulaud, 54 ans. Ils ont tous trois annoncé leur intention de se pourvoir en cassation, afin d’étudier « l’atteinte à la séparation des pouvoirs, la conduite inéquitable de cette procédure ou encore l’acquisition de la prescription », selon leurs avocats. » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 9 mai 2022

Gericht bestätigt Haftstrafe für François Fillon: Ein Pariser Berufungsgericht hat das Urteil gegen Fillon im Grundsatz bestätigt, der seine Ehefrau zum Schein beschäftigt hatte. Allerdings haben die Richter das Strafmaß herabgesetzt – ins Gefängnis muss der frühere Premier vermutlich nicht. »

Russian Ambassador to Poland Pelted with Red Paint at VE Day Gathering

THE GUARDIAN: Police escort Sergey Andreev away after protesters prevent him laying wreath at Soviet cemetery in Warsaw

Russia’s ambassador to Poland has been pelted with red paint thrown at him by people protesting against the war in Ukraine as he went to lay flowers at the Soviet military cemetery in Warsaw on the anniversary of the allied victory over Nazi Germany in 1945.

Video footage released by Russian news agencies showed Sergey Andreev and several other men with paint on their clothes and faces surrounded by a crowd, some holding Ukrainian flags. In other videos of the incident circulating online, anti-war activists can be heard chanting “fascists” and “murderers”.

Andreev told the Russian news agency Tass that he and his team had not been seriously hurt in the incident. The protesters prevented the ambassador from laying flowers at the cemetery and Polish police escorted him away.

Russia’s foreign ministry responded to the incident by demanding Warsaw organise a new wreath-laying ceremony immediately and saying Poland should “ensure complete protection against any provocations”. » | Pjotr Sauer | Monday, May 9, 2022

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 9, 2022

Putin Ties Ukraine Invasion to Second World War in Victory Day Speech

THE GUARDIAN: Soldiers ‘fighting for same thing their fathers and grandfathers did’, says president as he seeks to justify war

Vladimir Putin (centre) watches the Victory Day military parade in Moscow’s Red Square on Monday. Photograph: Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/AFP/Getty Images

Vladimir Putin has told Russian soldiers they are “fighting for the same thing their fathers and grandfathers did” as he used his Victory Day speech to tie the war in Ukraine to the memory of the second world war and justify his invasion.

Prior to the speech, foreign officials had said Putin could use it to launch a full mobilisation of Russian troops or formally declare war in Ukraine, but there were no large policy announcements.

Instead he suggested Russia was “forced” into the war by Nato and pledged to provide aid for the families of soldiers who had died in what the Kremlin is calling a “special operation”. » | Andrew Roth, Moscow correspondent | Monday, May 9, 2022

Sunday, May 08, 2022

The Unforgettable “First Kiss”

A screenshot taken from the target video.

To our gay American friends: Make sure nobody takes your kissing pleasure away from you! Meanwhile, enjoy this wonderful ”First Kiss”.

Turkey Now Has World's 6th Highest Inflation Rate | DW News

May 6, 2022 • Prices in the country rose by almost 70 percent in April, according to new official statistics. The new figure gives Turkey the dubious honor of having the sixth highest inflation rate in the world. It comes as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues to insist interest rates be cut to stem inflation, the opposite of what conventional economists recommend. The rising prices are putting further pressure on Turks, who are struggling to make ends meet. We asked some people on the streets of Istanbul how inflation is impacting their lives.

If Roe Falls, Is Same-Sex Marriage Next?

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The leaked draft opinion that would eliminate the constitutional right to abortion sent mixed signals about what other precedents might be at risk.

Celebrations outside the Supreme Court in 2015 after it ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. Supporters of gay rights worry the final opinion in the Mississippi case could imperil hard-won victories, like same-sex marriage. | Doug Mills/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — When the Supreme Court heard arguments in December over the fate of the constitutional right to abortion, it was already clear that other rights, notably including same-sex marriage, could be at risk if the court overruled Roe v. Wade.

The logic of that legal earthquake, Justice Sonia Sotomayor predicted, would produce a jurisprudential tsunami that could sweep away other precedents, too.

The justices’ questions on the broader consequences of a decision eliminating the right to abortion were probing but abstract and conditional.The disclosure last Monday of a draft opinion that would overturn Roe, the 1973 decision that established a constitutional right to abortion, has made those questions urgent and concrete.

The opinion, by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., provided conflicting signals about its sweep and consequences. On the one hand, he asserted, in a sort of disclaimer that struck a defensive tone, that other rights would remain secure.

“To ensure that our decision is not misunderstood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right,” he wrote. “Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.”

On the other hand, the logic of the opinion left plenty of room for debate. » | Adam Liptak | Sunday, May 8, 2022

Real Spaghetti Carbonara | The Late Antonio Carluccio

Mar 27, 2014 • The legendary Antonio Carluccio (R.I.P.) finally makes his debut on Food Tube! We are honoured to have this incredible chef, author, restauranteur and old friend of Gennaro Contaldo share with us - and you - his authentic Italian carbonara recipe. So simple. So tasty.

WIKIPEDIA: Pasta alla carbonara.

Michael Bolton : Now That I Found You

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 582,829

Après plus de deux mois de silence, l’Iran se dit contre la guerre en Ukraine

LE MONDE – LIVE EN COURS : Le pays n’avait, jusqu’ici, pas condamné l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine, le 24 février. L’Iran a, finalement, déclaré être contre la guerre en Ukraine, souhaitant une solution politique au conflit.

Des propos tenus par le chef de la diplomatie, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, lors d’une conférence de presse commune à Téhéran avec son homologue polonais Zbigniew Rau. M. Rau a entamé, samedi soir, une visite à l’invitation de la partie iranienne, la première depuis 2014. Son pays apporte une aide militaire à l’Ukraine.

« Nous sommes contre la guerre en Ukraine, tout comme nous sommes contre la guerre au Yémen, en Afghanistan, en Syrie, en Irak ou dans n’importe quelle partie du monde », a déclaré le ministre iranien lors de la conférence de presse commune. » | dimanche 8 mai 2022

Wer nicht mitfeiert, wird zum Feind erklärt

Am „Tag des Sieges“ im Jahr 2000 gerade einmal drei Tage Präsident Russlands: Wladimir Putin | Bild: PICTURE ALLIANCE


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Am 9. Mai gedenkt Russland des Sieges über die Nazis. Der symbolträchtige Tag wird in diesem Jahr mit besonderer Spannung erwartet. Geschieht etwas Besonderes?

In seiner Rede am Morgen des Überfalls auf die Ukraine hat der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin eine direkte Verbindung zwischen Geschichte und Gegenwart hergestellt. Indem er die „militärische Spezialoperation“ eine „Entnazifizierung“ der Ukraine nannte, stellte er den Krieg als Fortsetzung des Kampfes gegen Nazideutschland dar. Putin begründete den Angriff mit Lehren aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: In den Jahren 1940 und 1941 habe die Sowjetunion auf alle mögliche Weise versucht, den Kriegsbeginn zu verhindern oder wenigstens hinauszuzögern. Aber der Versuch, „den Aggressor am Vorabend des Großen Vaterländischen Kriegs zu besänftigen“, habe sich als Fehler herausgestellt, für den das russische Volk einen schrecklichen Preis bezahlt habe. „Ein zweites Mal lassen wir einen solchen Fehler nicht zu, wir haben nicht das Recht dazu.“

Die russische Propaganda hat dieses Motiv auf vielfältige Weise aufgegriffen. Die von russischen Truppen kontrollierten Gebiete im Süden und Osten der Ukraine werden als „vom Nazismus befreit“ bezeichnet. Vor öffentlichen Gebäuden wurde dort in den vergangenen Tagen oft nicht die weiß-blau-rote Flagge Russlands hochgezogen, sondern das „Banner des Sieges“ – Kopien der roten Fahne mit Hammer und Sichel, die sowjetische Soldaten am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs im Mai 1945 auf dem Reichstag in Berlin gehisst haben. » | Von Reinhard Veser, Redakteur in der Politik | Sonntag, 8. Mai 2022

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Rede an die Nation: Kanzler Olaf Scholz – "Putin wird Krieg nicht gewinnen – Ukraine wird bestehen"

Kanzler Olaf Scholz hat die historische Verantwortung Deutschlands zur Unterstützung der Ukraine gegen den Angriffskrieg Russlands hervorgehoben. «Aus der katastrophalen Geschichte unseres Landes zwischen 1933 und 1945 haben wir eine zentrale Lehre gezogen», sagte der Scholz laut Redetext in einer Ansprache zum 77. Jahrestag des Weltkriegskriegsendes in Europa am 8. Mai 1945.

Johannes Brahms : Piano Concerto 2 – Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra / Emil Gilels / Eugen Jochum

British Scientist Says US Anti-abortion Lawyers Misused His Work to Attack Roe v Wade

THE OBSERVER: Giandomenico Iannetti, a pain expert at UCL, angrily denies that his research suggests foetuses can feel pain before 24 weeks

Giandomenico Iannetti, a professor of neuroscience, says his work was used in ‘a very clever way to prove a point’. Photograph: Giulio Origlia/Getty Images

A University College London scientist has accused lawyers in the US of misusing his groundbreaking work on the brain to justify the dismantling of Roe v Wade, the landmark ruling that legalised abortion nationally in America.

Giandomenico Iannetti said his research, which used imaging to understand the adult brain’s response to pain, had been wrongly interpreted to make an anti-abortion argument.

Last week an unprecedented leak of a draft legal opinion showed a majority of supreme court judges support overturning Roe v Wade and ending federal protections for abortions, in a move that could result in 26 states banning it. The court is considering a case, Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organisation, which challenges Mississippi’s ban on abortion after 15 weeks gestation.

Anti-abortion lawyers in that case argued that scientific understanding has moved on since the court’s 1973 ruling that enshrined the constitutional right to abortion, and it was no longer accurate to say foetuses cannot feel pain before 24 weeks.

Their argument relied heavily on a controversial discussion paper on foetal pain published in the Journal of Medical Ethics in 2020 by Dr Stuart Derbyshire, a British associate professor of psychology at the National University of Singapore. » | Anna Fazackerley | Sunday, May 8, 2022

Women who fought for US abortion rights in the 70s call for mass global protests: Veteran activists say the overthrow of Roe v Wade would equate to murder, and should send warning signals around the world »

Le patron de l'OMS lance un appel en faveur du droit à l'avortement : Le directeur général de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a lancé mercredi 4 mai un appel en faveur du droit à l'avortement, au moment où la juridiction suprême des États-Unis semble prête à le remettre en cause. »

Abortion in Jewish Law: The traditional Jewish view does not fit conveniently into the major "camps" in the current debate. »

It Was a Coup: Jan. 6 Investigator Says Panel Will Prove Riot Plot

May 7, 2022 • Jan. 6 committee member Rep. Zoe Lofgren joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber to discuss the state of the probe after Rudy Giuliani bailed on his scheduled interview with the committee. Lofgren asks Melber, “what is he afraid of?”

Boris Johnson’s Tories Exhibit the Morbid Symptoms of a fin-de-siècle Regime

THE OBSERVER – OPINION: Intellectual exhaustion and rampant sleaze often characterise parties which have been squatting on power for too long

The only guiding principle of this government is to keep a disgraced law-breaker in office.’Photograph: Daniel Leal/PA

At the next general election, the Conservatives will be making a very big ask. They will be seeking a fifth consecutive term in power, a privilege that has never been granted to any party since the Great Reform Act of 1832. Assume the election is held in the spring of 2024. Imagine that the Tories receive the answer that they are looking for. We could then be contemplating 19 uninterrupted years of Conservative prime ministers.

For those who shudder at this future, the consoling news is that the Tories are working extremely hard to ensure that this does not happen. It is not entirely their fault that they are presiding over the most severe squeeze on living standards since the 1950s. They are to blame for deciding that this is the appropriate time to be cutting welfare support and hiking taxes. Voters can be willing to make sacrifices when persuaded that it is in service of a noble cause, but the only guiding principle of this government is to keep a disgraced law-breaker in office. There is no sense of a strategy to address the many economic and social challenges confronting Britain. Nor any expectation, even among Tory MPs, that the government will suddenly reveal an invigorating mission in this week’s Queen’s speech.

Levelling up has not graduated from slogan to substance. Promises of a huge house-building programme have collapsed on contact with resistance to planning reform. The energy security plan blinked at the big questions. The failure of Brexit to deliver the opportunities claimed for it is now so evident that Jacob Rees-Mogg has been told to go looking for them. Don’t hold your breath. There is no discernible ambition to tackle the chronically poor economic growth that has been a feature of this era of Tory rule. » | Andrew Rawnsley | Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Glass Closet | Lord John Browne | Talks at Google

Mar 18, 2015 • Arjan Dijk joins Lord Browne, former BP CEO and author of The Glass Closet: Why Coming Out is Good Business for a fireside chat on October 30, 2014.

Lord Browne spent his entire career at BP and served as CEO from 1995 to 2007, transforming it from a medium-sized oil company to a “supermajor”. He resigned when a former boyfriend sold a story to a tabloid newspaper, pulling Lord Browne very publicly out of the closet. He is now the author of The Glass Closet: Why Coming Out is Good for Business, a commentary on LGBT inclusion in the corporate world and the steps companies need to take so that employees feel able to bring their whole selves to work. I met Lord Browne some months ago in London and really think that he has very interesting perspectives and experience (and his book draws from very similar research that Sheryl Sandberg used in her "Lean-In" book).

During the hour long discussion, we’ll have a candid conversation around inclusion and diversity in the workplace. We’ll save the second half of the session for Q&A from the audience.

Sinn Féin Assembly Victory Fuels Debate on Future of Union

THE OBSERVER: Leader Mary Lou McDonald raises issue of unification as nationalists become biggest party in Northern Ireland

Michelle O'Neill (centre left), first minister elect of Northern Ireland, takes a selfie with Sinn Féin party president Mary Lou McDonald at the Meadowbank sports centre in Magherafelt, County Derry. Photograph: Paul Faith/AFP/Getty Images

Northern Ireland has slipped into political crisis after Sinn Féin’s triumph in the assembly election triggered calls for a referendum on a united Ireland and the Democratic Unionist party vowed to block the formation of a new power-sharing executive at Stormont.

Jubilant Sinn Féin supporters celebrated across the region on Saturday when final vote counts confirmed a historic victory that turned the former IRA mouthpiece into the biggest party, with the right to nominate the first minister.

Sinn Féin won 29% of the first preference vote and will be the biggest party in the Stormont assembly, a seismic moment for a state that was designed a century ago to have a permanent unionist majority. » | Rory Carroll and Lisa O'Carroll in Magherafelt, and Toby Helm | Saturday, May 7, 2022

With Sinn Féin’s victory, tectonic plates have shifted in Northern Ireland: In Yeats’s words, ‘all changed, changed utterly’ »

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Dimitra’s Dishes: Delicious Pistachio Baklava: Easy to Prepare

Fistíki baklavá | φιστίκι μπακλαβά

Get the recipe here.

Where Does the Anti-Abortion Movement Go after Roe?

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Supreme Court draft opinion signals a new era for the 50-year effort to end the constitutional right to abortion. Next goals include a national ban and, in some cases, classifying abortion as homicide.

Anti-abortion activists at the 49th annual March for Life in January. The movement to restrict or banish abortion is entering a new era. | Kenny Holston for The New York Times

For nearly half a century, the anti-abortion movement has propelled itself toward a goal that at times seemed impossible, even to true believers: overturning Roe v. Wade.

That single-minded mission meant coming to Washington every January for the March for Life to mark Roe’s anniversary. It required electing anti-abortion lawmakers and keeping the pressure on to pass state restrictions. It involved funding anti-abortion lobbying groups, praying and protesting outside clinics, and opening facilities to persuade women to keep their pregnancies. Then this week, the leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion that would overturn the constitutional right to abortion revealed that anti-abortion activists’ dream of a post-Roe America appeared poised to come to pass.

The court’s opinion is not final, but the draft immediately shifted the horizon by raising a new question: If Roe is struck down, where does the anti-abortion movement go next? » | Elizabeth Dias and Ruth Graham | Saturday, May 7, 2022

If this draconian ban on abortions is passed in the USA, we will have to look to Saudi Arabia for some enlightenment on the question of abortions! Abortion in Saudi Arabia. Whoever would have ‘thunk’? – Mark

Florida Pension Fund Sues Elon Musk and Twitter to Stop Buyout

THE GUARDIAN: The class-action lawsuit argues that the deal cannot close before 2025

Florida’s state pension fund invests in Twitter and stands to gain $15m to $20m from the buyout. Photograph: Dado Ruvić/Reuters

Elon Musk and Twitter were sued on Friday by a Florida pension fund seeking to stop Musk from completing his $44bn takeover of the social media company before 2025.

In a proposed class-action lawsuit filed in Delaware chancery court, the Orlando police pension fund said Delaware law forbade a quick merger because Musk had agreements with other big Twitter shareholders, including his financial adviser Morgan Stanley and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, to support the buyout.

The fund said those agreements made Musk, who owns 9.2% of Twitter, the effective “owner” of more than 15% of the company’s shares. It said that required delaying the merger by three years unless two-thirds of shares not “owned” by him granted approval.

Morgan Stanley owns about 8.8% of Twitter shares and Dorsey owns 2.4%.

Musk hopes to complete his $54.20 a share Twitter takeover this year, in one of the world’s largest leveraged buyouts. » | Guardian staff and agencies | Friday, May 6, 2022

Could Bitcoin Be Used to Circumvent Sanctions against Russia? | DW News

May 7, 2022 • In a financial first for Africa, the Central African Republic has adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. Lawmakers unanimously approved a law legalizing the cryptocurrency alongside the CFA franc. But on the streets of Bangui, there's Bitcoin bafflement. And the political opposition rejects the new law and plans to challenge it in the constitutional court. CAR already has a currency: It is one of six central African countries that share the CFA franc – backed by France and pegged to the euro. Some members of parliament argue that the move is simply intended to gut this common currency. Others have speculated that Bitcoin might be used to funnel money from CAR to Russia, bypassing international sanctions.

Taliban Chief Orders All Afghan Women to Wear the Burqa in Public • France 24 English

May 7, 2022 • The Taliban on Saturday imposed one of the harshest restrictions on Afghanistan's women since seizing power, ordering them to wear the all-covering burqa in public.


Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 15 - Maurizio Pollini

Feb 20, 2017 • Maurizio Pollini, piano. Christian Thielemann, conductor. Staatskapelle Dresden.

By the way, today is Johannes Brahms’ birthday! Happy Birthday, Joannes Brahms! Click here to leave a comment. – Mark

Why Latinos Are Converting to Islam

Jan 17, 2019 • Latinos are one of the fastest growing groups within Islam in America. VICE's Lee Adams travels to Houston Texas, the home of America's first Islam in Spanish center, to investigate what’s behind this phenomenon and how America’s current political climate might be related.

As a former gang leader, Jaime "Mujahid" Fletcher claims that Islam saved his life, inspiring him to found the Islam in Spanish center. He dedicated himself to translating Muslim texts for a Spanish-speaking audience.

We spoke to Jaime and other recent Latino Muslim converts to find out why two of America’s most discriminated groups are coming together.

How Berlin's LGBT-friendly Mosque Deradicalises Muslim Youth

Boris Johnson face aux conséquences du Brexit

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL: Le parti conservateur a subi un sérieux revers lors des élections locales britanniques du 5 mai. Le premier ministre paye là le mécontentent lié à la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’UE. La situation pourrait devenir très tendue en Irlande du Nord si les résultats définitifs confirment une victoire du Sinn Fein.

Ni la popularité du premier ministre Boris Johnson ni celle du Brexit n’étaient au centre des élections locales britanniques qui ont eu lieu jeudi 5 mai. Mais, six ans après le référendum qui a décidé du divorce avec l’Union européenne (UE), leurs résultats reflètent à la fois un certain désamour des Britanniques à l’égard de leur bouillant dirigeant et le mécontentement lié aux conséquences économiques néfastes de la sortie de l’UE. Le Parti conservateur de M. Johnson a perdu des centaines de sièges dans les assemblées locales, un certain nombre de ses électeurs ayant préféré les travaillistes ou les libéraux-démocrates.

A Londres, dont M. Johnson fut un maire populaire, plusieurs « boroughs » lui ont tourné le dos tandis que, dans le sud de l’Angleterre, les lib-dem, pro-européens, ont séduit d’anciens électeurs conservateurs. Les déboires des tories sont moins nets dans les régions ouvrières du nord de l’Angleterre converties au Brexit par M. Johnson, qui ne retournent que très partiellement au Labour. » | Éditorial | samedi 7 mai 2022

Taliban führen Burka-Pflicht ein

Frauen in Burka warten in Kabul am 25. April auf Lebensmittelrationen. | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Acht Monate nach ihrer Machtübernahme in Afghanistan führen die Taliban eine Burka-Pflicht für Frauen in der Öffentlichkeit ein. Es ist der bislang strikteste Schritt in einer Reihe an einschränkenden Maßnahmen für Frauen.

Taliban-Chef Hibatullah Achundsada hat den Frauen in Afghanistan das Tragen einer Burka in der Öffentlichkeit vorgeschrieben. Sie sollten die Ganzkörperbedeckung tragen, „da dies traditionell und respektvoll ist“, erklärte Achundsada in einem Erlass am Samstag. Es ist die bislang strikteste Einschränkung für das Leben afghanischer Frauen seit der erneuten Machtübernahme der Taliban. » | Quelle: AFP | Samstag, 7. Mai 2022

Ungarn: Der Fall Orbán | ARTE Info Plus

May 7, 2022 • Viktor Orbán war einst liberal. Heute kennt man ihn als autoritären Regierungschef Ungarns. Erstmals gewählt wurde er 1998, und dann, seit 2010, immer wieder neu. Über 12 Jahre hat Orbán eine gewisse Machtpraxis entwickelt. Europa wirft ihm grassierende Korruption und autoritäre Auswüchse vor. Die EU zeigte sich lange ohnmächtig, plant nun aber finanzielle Sanktionen. Wir schauen uns den "Fall Orbán“ genauer an.

Voici la même vidéo en français.

Friday, May 06, 2022

Local Elections 2022: PM Says Tories Had ‘Tough Night’

Lawrence: Samuel Alito's Lies Did Not Stop in His Confirmation Hearing

May 6, 2022 • MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell details the years of lying and hypocrisy from Republicans and Republican-appointed Supreme Court Justices on abortion rights.

Why It's Harder to Earn More Than Your Parents | The Economist

Nov 25, 2021 • In the 21st century it's got harder to earn more than your parents and to climb the social ladder. What's gone wrong, and what can be done to change this? Film supported by @Mishcon de Reya LLP

Abortion and the Supreme Court: What’s at Stake? | The Economist

May 6, 2022 • A leaked draft opinion suggests the Supreme Court is poised to overturn the right to abortion in America. If this ruling goes ahead, women's rights are in danger.

This is one of the most ridiculous, retrograde steps I have ever heard of in a so-called first-world country. If this is passed, if abortions are made illegal, women will have to return to less scientific methods such as the use of hot baths, bottles of gin and knitting needles, or else go to some back street joint to get fixed up! America is truly falling into darkness. Sad! – © Mark Alexander

Biden Warns LGBTQ+ Children Could Be Next Target of Republican ‘Maga Crowd’

THE GUARDIAN: President warns of new attacks by Trump-dominated political party after supreme court ruling draft leak on abortion

Joe Biden has warned of new attacks on civil rights as the supreme court prepares to strike down the right to abortion, telling reporters at the White House that LGBTQ+ children could be the next targets of a Trump-dominated Republican party he called “this Maga crowd” and “the most extreme political organisation … in recent American history”.

“What happens,” the president asked, if “a state changes the law saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children? Is that legit under the way the decision is written?”

Biden’s remarks, at the end of a brief session on deficit reduction, referred to a leaked draft of a ruling by Justice Samuel Alito. One of six conservatives on the supreme court, Alito was writing on a Mississippi case which aims to overturn both Roe v Wade, the 1973 ruling which guaranteed the right to abortion, and Casey v Planned Parenthood from 1992, which buttressed it. » | Martin Pengelly | Wednesday, May 4, 2022

U.S. Congressman Introduces Bill to Censor LGBTQ+ Content in Schools: A Republican lawmaker wants parental consent for lessons that deal with sexual orientation or gender identity — and could let parents quash them altogether. »

Our Response to Overturning Roe v. Wade Is Crucial: It will determine whether or not we wake up in a country resembling Gilead of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. »

GUARDIAN EDITORIAL: The Guardian view on what follows Roe v Wade: it doesn’t stop here: Further attempts to restrict rights should be expected following state abortion bans. And they won’t be limited to women in the US »

“I Was Raped by My Father. Abortion Saved My Life”: Prof. Michele Goodwin on SCOTUS & New Jane Crow

May 6, 2022 • As the Supreme Court is poised to strike down Roe v. Wade, we speak with law professor Michele Goodwin, who has written extensively about how the criminalization of abortion polices motherhood. She discusses how on the eve of the court’s oral arguments in the Dobbs case in November, she wrote about how an abortion saved her life. She describes how the U.S. has historically endangered and denied essential health services to Black and Brown women, and calls new abortion restrictions “the new Jane Crow,” warning that they will further criminalize reproductive health and encourage medical professionals to breach their patients’ confidentiallity and report self-administered abortions to law enforcement.

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 6, 2022

„Russlands Aggression ist die größte Katastrophe unserer Zeit“

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) spricht während der Festveranstaltung "100 Jahre Übersee Club" im Rathaus. | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Olaf Scholz nennt den russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine eine Zäsur. Waffenlieferungen verteidigt er – denn Putin dürfe diesen Krieg nicht gewinnen. Der Bundeskanzler plant außerdem eine zeitnahe Fernsehansprache.

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) hat den russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine als singuläres Ereignis herausgestellt. „Russlands Aggression gegen die Ukraine ist die größte Katastrophe unserer Zeit“, sagte er am Freitag während einer Veranstaltung des Übersee-Clubs Hamburg. „Die Welt nach diesem Angriffs- und Vernichtungskrieg wird nicht mehr dieselbe sein wie davor. Sie ist es schon jetzt nicht mehr.“

„Russlands grausamer Angriffs- und Vernichtungskrieg“ markiere einen radikalen Bruch mit der europäischen Friedensordnung nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges, konstatierte Scholz. Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin„ und sein Regime“ würden zugleich „auch in zivilisatorischer Hinsicht einen Bruch“ vollziehen. Es handele sich um „einen mutwilligen Ausstieg aus der Weltgemeinschaft, wie ihn nur wenige im 21. Jahrhundert für möglich hielten“. » | Quelle: AFP | Freitag, 6. Mai 2022

Tories Lose Wandsworth and Westminster in Symbolic Local Election Defeats

May 6, 2022 • The Conservative Party has lost control of Wandsworth and Westminster, its two flagship London councils, in a symbolic defeat for Boris Johnson in the local elections. Wandsworth, which has been held by the Conservatives since 1978 and was reportedly Margaret Thatcher’s favourite council, fell to the Labour Party early on Friday morning. Its outgoing Tory leader said voters had concerns about the Prime Minister.

The Conservative Party has lost control of Wandsworth and Westminster, its two flagship London councils, in a symbolic defeat for Boris Johnson in the local elections.

Wandsworth, which has been held by the Conservatives since 1978 and was reportedly Margaret Thatcher’s favourite council, fell to the Labour Party early on Friday morning. Its outgoing Tory leader said voters had concerns about the Prime Minister.

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Es ist Zeit zum Kuscheln!

It’s time to snuggle up! / Il est temps de se blottir !

Vielen Dank an auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild.

Recession: The Price Britain Will Pay to Control Inflation

THE GUARDIAN: Analysis: As the Bank of England raises interest rates the message is clear – the 1970s are back

Unemployment rising. Inflation above 10%. Energy prices soaring. Living standards squeezed. The message from the Bank of England was crystal clear: the 1970s are back.

The word stagflation was not to be found in the 100-plus pages of Threadneedle Street’s monetary policy report. Yet a period of weak growth and rapidly rising prices is precisely what the Bank says is in store for the UK. The current post-lockdown bounce will be short-lived and, in a real blast from the past, the economy will be driven into recession to bring inflation under control.

Nor is the pain likely to be over quickly. The economy is expected to contract by 0.25% in 2023 and remain weak in the next two years. Unless things take a marked turn for the better, the next general election will take place against a backdrop of weak growth and lengthening dole queues. » | Larry Elliot, Economics editor | Thursday, May 5, 2022

Bank of England raises interest rates as it warns of recession and 10% inflation: Rise to 1% is fourth successive increase and highest level since February 2009 »


Der König macht sich nackt

König Felipe mit seiner Familie im Juni 2019 | Bild: AFP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Immer mehr Spanier wenden sich von der Monarchie ab. Um die Krone zu retten, greift König Felipe VI. zu ungewöhnlichen Maßnahmen.

König Felipe VI. hat den Spaniern ungefragt und auf den Cent genau mitgeteilt, wie viel er auf dem Konto hat: Es sind 2.573.392,80 Euro, wenn man noch Antiquitäten, Kunst und Schmuck dazurechnet. Ein Kommentator der konservativen Zeitung „El Mundo“ lobte, der „wirtschaftliche Striptease” ehre den König und stütze die Krone. Schon seit seiner Thronbesteigung veröffentlicht er jedes Jahr, was er, seine Frau Letizia und seine Eltern aus Steuermitteln „verdienen“. Der Kontrast zu seinem Vater Juan Carlos I. könnte kaum größer sein. Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Grecia, wie sein Taufname lautet, möchte der erste Beamte seines Staates sein, und dem will er sich als nützlich erweisen.

Wegen der finanziellen und amourösen Affären seines Vaters versucht er seit 2014 zu retten, was kaum noch rettbar erscheint. Juan Carlos I., der nach dem Tod des Diktators Francisco Franco eine wichtige Rolle beim Übergang zur Demokratie spielte, hat seinem Sohn ein vergiftetes politisches Erbe hinterlassen: Immer mehr Spanier wenden sich von der Monarchie ab. Je mehr die Erinnerung an die Verdienste des emeritierten Königs verblasst, desto größer wird der Wunsch nach einem Systemwechsel. » | Von Hans-Christian Rößler. Politischer Korrespondent für die Iberische Halbinsel und den Maghreb mit Sitz in Madrid. | Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2022

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Former Anti-Abortion Activist Regrets Role in Creating Pro-life "Propaganda" | Amanpour & Company

May 5, 2022 • Americans on both sides of the abortion issue are fired up following the leak of a draft opinion that shows the Supreme Court has voted to end a women's right to choose after nearly 50 years. The Governor of Oklahoma has now signed a law banning abortion after 6 weeks. It's modeled on a controversial Texas law that allows citizens to collect pay for helping with enforcement. Abortion is at the center of America's culture wars. How did it become so divisive an issue? Evangelical Christian groups have rallied to limit access to abortion for years. Francis Schaeffer is an evangelical scholar whose son Frank encouraged him to campaign against Roe v. Wade with Christian literature and movies. Frank joins Christiane from Boston to explain why he now regrets his role in the controversy. Originally aired on May 5, 2022.

These far-right, Evangelical Christians are bloody nutcases! Dangerous people. – © Mark

Boris Becker Could Face Deportation from UK, Home Office Confirms

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-tennis star may have to represent himself in potential case that could set post-Brexit legal precedent

Boris Becker was jailed for two years and six months for hiding assets after being made bankrupt. Photograph: Alastair Grant/AP

Boris Becker will be considered for deportation, the Home Office has confirmed, as experts said the potential battle could set a legal precedent and Becker may have to represent himself in court if he wants to remain in the UK.

Last week, the former tennis star was jailed for two years and six months for hiding millions of pounds’ worth of assets after being made bankrupt in June 2017. Becker, sentenced under the Insolvency Act, will serve half the full prison term.

A Home Office spokesperson said that while it did not routinely comment on individual cases, “any foreign national who is convicted of a crime and given a prison sentence is considered for deportation at the earliest opportunity”. » | Amelia Hill and Rajeev Syal | Thursday, May 5, 2022

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 5, 2022

Les droits des femmes menacés aux Etats-Unis

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : Le projet de revenir totalement sur la légalisation de l’avortement porté par la version non définitive d’un arrêt de la Cour suprême placera les Etats-Unis dans le camp des rares pays rétrogrades en la matière.

La valeur d’un pays ne se mesure pas seulement à son produit intérieur brut. Le sort qu’il réserve à ses citoyens compte tout autant, sinon plus, lorsqu’il s’agit des personnes les moins favorisées. A cette aune, la version non définitive d’un arrêt de la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis consacré à l’avortement publié par le site Politico, le 2 mai, est de nature à asséner un coup sévère à l’image du pays.

Le projet de revenir totalement sur la légalisation de l’avortement dont l’appréciation redeviendrait du ressort des Etats est une atteinte à la liberté des femmes, qui portera principalement préjudice aux plus pauvres, aux plus marginalisées. Ces dernières ne pourront pas disposer des ressources financières, juridiques et morales pour contourner la prohibition qui sera rapidement mise en place dans les Etats les plus conservateurs. » | Éditorial | mercredi 4 mai 2022

Read in English :

Women's rights under siege in the United States: The plan to completely reverse the legalization of abortion, which is supported by the draft version of a Supreme Court ruling, will place the United States in the camp of the few regressive countries on this issue. »

Près de la moitié des jeunes LGBTQ aux Etats-Unis ont pensé au suicide en 2021, selon un sondage

KOMITID: Le sondage du Trevor Project, mené auprès de 34 000 jeunes de 13 à 24 ans qui s'identifient comme LGBTQ, montre que 45% ont "sérieusement envisagé une tentative de suicide en 2021".

Près de la moitié des jeunes LGBTQ aux Etats-Unis ont “sérieusement envisagé une tentative de suicide” en 2021, selon un sondage publié le 4 mai.

Selon Amit Paley, directeur exécutif de The Trevor Project, l’association de prévention du suicide chez les jeunes LGBTQ qui a réalisé le sondage, celui-ci “montre que les taux de pensées suicidaires sont à la hausse depuis ces trois dernières années parmi les jeunes LGBTQ”.

Le sondage, mené auprès de 34 000 jeunes de 13 à 24 ans qui s’identifient comme LGBTQ, montre que 45 % ont “sérieusement envisagé une tentative de suicide en 2021”, et que 14 % du total ont fait une tentative de suicide au cours de l’année.

Sur la tranche d’âge 13 à 17 ans, le chiffre s’élève à 50 %. » | La Rédaction avec AFP | jeudi 5 mai 2022

Severe Flooding Hits Spain's East Coast after Record Rainfall - BBC News

Interest Rate Rise: Now UK Faces Prospect of a Recession

May 5, 2022 • Sky's Economic Editor Ed Conway says the Bank of England is warning a recession could be ahead, and this, combined with double-digit inflation and stalling growth, means a toxic cocktail for the economy.

Warning of economic downturn as interest rates rise: The Bank of England has warned the UK faces a "sharp economic slowdown" this year as it raises interest rates to try to stem the pace of rising prices. »

Ukraine War: Putin in 'An impossible Position', Says Former UK Ambassador to Russia

May 5, 2022 • Former British Ambassador to Russia Sir Andrew Wood says Moscow has already lost more troops than died in Afghanistan, where 15,000 were killed.

He added that "the Russians do not care about the number of deaths, and they lie about it anyway."

May 9th marks Victory Day to commemorate the end of the Second World War, a day when Vladimir Putin would aim to have signs of a "victory" to show the Russian people.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

En Russie, Moscou prépare son défilé militaire célébrant la victoire sur l'Allemagne nazie en 1945

May 4, 2022 • La fête du 9 mai est chaque année l'occasion d'un grand défilé militaire à Moscou, sur la Place Rouge. Et d’après les renseignements ukrainiens, la Russie préparerait le défilé militaire du 9 mai, jour où Moscou célèbre la victoire sur l'Allemagne nazie en 1945, dans le port longtemps assiégé de Marioupol. Sur ces images, les avions russes forment un «Z», lettre devenue symbole de ce que la Russie appelle «opération militaire spéciale» en Ukraine.

Overturning Right to Abortion in US an Attack on Freedoms, Says VP Kamala Harris - BBC News

May 4, 2022 • Overturning the legal right of all Americans to abortion would be an attack on freedoms, the US Vice President Kamala Harris has said. …

Robert Reich : The End of Roe v Wade?

What does the leaked opinion mean for abortion access right now? Will it affect other privacy rights? What can be done to protect abortion? Here's what we know.