Friday, December 17, 2021

Offices Shut and Holiday Parties Dim as a Familiar Feeling Sinks In

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Employers mandate boosters, postpone return dates and brace for an Omicron surge.

Many financial firms, like Morgan Stanley, had employees returning to the office this summer. | Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

It was three words that workers don’t hear every day from their bosses: “I was wrong.”

Morgan Stanley’s chief executive, James Gorman, asked this week about employees returning to the office, said his projection about the pandemic subsiding was off. “I thought we would have been out of it past Labor Day,” Mr. Gorman said on CNBC. “And we’re not.”

Office workers this week watched as events unfolded that were once familiar and jarring in their persistence: Covid case counts ballooned, and employer plans deflated. The United States is reporting an average of more than 120,000 new Covid cases each day, up 40 percent from two weeks ago, according to a New York Times database. New York City is experiencing a spike in cases larger than any since last winter. Employers that had been growing bolder in their plans — reopening offices, mandating or strongly suggesting that workers report back, promising holiday blowouts — are now scaling back their ambitions for in-person business and socializing. » | Emma Goldberg and Lananh Nguyen | Friday, December 17, 2021

People Are Angry – and Now We’ve Shown That Johnson’s Tories Can Be Beaten Anywhere

THE GUARDIAN - OPINION: The brilliant Lib Dem victory in North Shropshire is part of a trend; the default setting of ‘vote Tory’ has been broken

‘In Helen Morgan, voters in Shropshire saw a community activist who shared their anger at an underfunded health service and at soaring ambulance waiting times.’ Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

As the nights draw in and the days grow shorter, the people of North Shropshire have lit a flame of hope to brighten our nation.

The Liberal Democrats have defeated Boris Johnson in Shropshire, just as we did in Buckinghamshire in June. Two heartland Tory constituencies, more than 150 miles apart, written off as foregone conclusions at every past election. Until now.

My party has shown that the Conservatives can be beaten anywhere – because across the villages, towns and cities of our country, people are fed up and angry.

Throughout the North Shropshire campaign, I spoke to lifelong Conservative voters who had decided enough was enough. Many told me loud and clear – they will never vote Tory again.

In North Shropshire and earlier this year in Chesham and Amersham we have seen a fundamental realignment of British politics, a generational shift, in which the default setting of “vote Tory” has been reset. » | Ed Davey, the leader of the Liberal Democrats and MP for Kingston and Surbiton | Friday, December 17, 2021

Boris Johnson accepts responsibility for North Shropshire byelection mauling: PM says he hears what voters are saying, but blames media for focusing on politics and politicians »

North Shropshire, Peppagate and partygate put Boris Johnson in peril: Analysis: a series of self-inflicted reversals is steadily undermining the prime minister’s hold on power »

NastassjaCanCook: Zabaglione / Zabaione, Italian Egg Custard with Marsala | Special Celebration Dessert.

Dec 17, 2021 • The Italians love their desserts, but when there is a special gathering or celebration, then the special effort is made. So, for that Christmas Dinner, we are making Zabaglione!


5 egg yolks
100g/3½oz caster (superfine) sugar
100ml (or less)
½ cup Marsala or sweet sherry
Amaretto cookies to serve.

(Please keep in mind that Marsala has a very strong flavor, so if you not familiar with it, use less in this recipe)

This dessert has some variations:

Variation #1: Any other type of liqueur can be used instead of Marsala. Use 1tbsp of Amaretto or Frangelico.

Variation #2: Serve with berries like raspberries or strawberries and add whipped cream on top.


Separate the eggs. (We only need ythe olks.) Add sugar and start whipping the egg yolks until the mixture is pale yellow, doubles in size and all the sugar has dissolved (about 5 minutes).

Gradually add the Marsala and mix. Bring water to a simmer in a pot that will fit your mixing bowl. (The bowl should not touch the water.) Place mixing bowl on the bain-marie (double boiler) and continue mixing. Cook the egg custard until it thickens (about 10 minutes).

Spoon out into clear glasses and refrigerate for 30 minutes (or you can enjoy it warm).

Decorate and serve with Amaretto cookies! What a beautiful dessert! Enjoy!

German Government Considering Classifying UK 'Virus Variant Area', Meaning Travellers Would Be Required to Quarantine

THE GUARDIAN: The German government is looking into whether the UK should be classified as a “virus variant area”, reports Reuters, following the rapid rise of Omicron in the country.

Classification as a virus variant area would mean that travellers arriving in Germany from the UK would be required to quarantine for two weeks, even if they are vaccinated.

A spokesperson for the health ministry said the government is expected to make a decision later today. » |Miranda Bryant (now); Jedidajah Otte and Samantha Lock (earlier) | Friday, Dece,ber 17, 2021

Boris Johnson - Dishonesty, Incompetence and Self-obsession Are Finally Bringing Him Down

Dec 11, 2021 • Boris Johnson may well be remembered as the worst prime minister ever. A self-deluded, dishonest and incompetent showman who fooled a nation into backing his disastrous Brexit and whose buffoonery, lack of seriousness and failure to pay attention to detail resulted in chaos. His lying has finally caught up with him and the general public, the press and many of his backbenchers have turned against him. Once seen as a massive electoral asset he has now become a liability and there seems to be no road back. It is just a matter of time before he is gone.

North Shropshire Byelection: Liberal Democrats Win Former Safe Tory Seat in Blow to Johnson

THE GUARDIAN: Helen Morgan wins seat the Conservatives have held for almost 200 years in a byelection called after environment secretary Owen Paterson resigned

The Liberal Democrats have won a stunning victory in the North Shropshire byelection, taking what had previously been a safe Conservative seat by a margin of nearly 6,000 votes, and capping a disastrous few weeks for Boris Johnson.

Helen Morgan, the Lib Dem candidate, won 17,957 votes, ahead of the Conservatives’ Neil Shastri-Hurst, on 12,032, a majority of 5,925. Labour’s Ben Wood was third, with 3,686 votes. Turnout was 46.3%.

The calamitous collapse in Conservative support – a 34% swing in a seat where they had a near-23,000 majority in 2019 – will prompt significant jitters among many Tory MPs, and is likely to raise questions about Johnson’s future.

It was a swing even greater than the 25% seen last June when the Lib Dems won the Chesham and Amersham byelection.

North Shropshire was seen as a notably greater challenge for the party, given it is a largely rural and strongly pro-Brexit constituency, one which has been Tory for all but two of the past 189 years, from 1904 to 1906. Morgan fought the seat in 2019 and came third, with 10% support. With video » | Peter Walker Political correspondent | Friday, December 17, 2021

At last, some good news! A drubbing for BoJo, the corrupt clown! Get these Brexit-loving, anti-EU Tories out of office! Kick them into the long grass! They belong to a bygone age and they are destroying this once proud nation. They are unpatriotic, over-privileged chancers! – © Mark

Tories lose North Shropshire seat they held for nearly 200 years: The Conservatives have lost the North Shropshire seat they held for nearly 200 years to the Liberal Democrats in a by-election blow to Boris Johnson. »

Royaume-Uni: le parti de Boris Johnson largement battu lors d'une législative partielle : La candidate du parti libéral démocrate Helen Morgan s'est imposée avec près de 6.000 voix d'avance dans ce fief conservateur. Un camouflet pour le premier ministre britannique. »

Schlappe für Boris Johnson und die Tories: Wie sehr der britische Premier nach einigen Affären um seine Partei und Regierung im Stimmungstief steckt, zeigt die Neubesetzung eines Parlamentssitzes. Eine Liberaldemokratin erobert den sonst stramm konservativen Wahlkreis. »

Britain’s Conservatives Lose ‘Safe’ Seat, Dealing Blow to Boris Johnson »

Debakel für Boris Johnson: Die Tories verlieren einen Wahlkreis nach über 200 Jahren an die Liberaldemokraten »

North Shropshire byelection earthquake delivers unhappy Christmas for Boris Johnson: Analysis: PM’s aides will be alarmed by the outcome and his MPs will be wondering: if the Tories can lose such a safe seat, what does it mean for them? »

Au Royaume-Uni, le parti de Boris Johnson sévèrement battu dans une législative partielle : Le LibDem, parti europhile, l’emporte dans le North Shropshire, une circonscription rurale normalement acquise aux conservateurs. »

'One more strike and Boris is OUT': Christmas nightmare for 'failed' PM as he faces Tory meltdown after by-election 'earthquake' saw 23,000 majority in true-blue, Brexit-backing North Shropshire routed by Lib Dems: Tories turn on Boris Johnson after 'earthquake' by-election defeat in previously rock-solid North Shropshire / MPs say result a 'referendum' on PM and warning he will face a leadership challenge unless things improve / Owen Paterson held seat with a huge 23,000 majority in 2019 and it was strongly Leave in 2016 referendum / But in a stunning turnaround Lib Dem Helen Morgan was elected to heap more pressure on the Prime Minister »

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 2,418,269

A Beautiful Kiss before the Pandemic.

Un beau bisou avant la pandémie. / Ein schöner Kuß vor der Pandemie.

With many thanks to 8bithero on Pinterest for this lovely, sensual photo.

Assaut contre le Capitole: l’étau se resserre sur Donald Trump

Le président américain Donald Trump et son chef de cabinet, Mark Meadows, le 8 mai 2020 à la Maison-Blanche (Washington). MANDEL NGAN/AFP

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - La commission d’enquête veut entendre Mark Meadows, son ultime chef de cabinet.

Mark Meadows pensait avoir évité le pire en partageant près de 9000 documents personnels avec le Congrès. Le dernier chef de cabinet de Donald Trump espérait ainsi éviter une convocation en bonne et due forme devant la commission d’enquête sur l’attaque du Capitole, le 6 janvier 2021, par des centaines de supporteurs du président sortant et de militants d’extrême droite (9 morts, dont 4 suicides ultérieurs).

Lors d’un vote réunissant mardi soir 220 démocrates et 2 républicains, la Chambre des représentants l’a accusé d’entrave au Congrès et a saisi le ministère de la Justice de son cas. Si l’Attorney general, Merrick Garland, suivait cette recommandation, des poursuites pénales seraient engagées contre Meadows, à l’instar d’un autre témoin clé récalcitrant, Steve Bannon, condamné le 12 novembre, incarcéré le 15 puis libéré sous caution en attendant son procès. » | Par Maurin Picard | jeudi 16 décembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés


Comment Donald Trump a assisté imperturbable à l’assaut du Capitole : GRAND RÉCIT - Alors que ses partisans donnaient l’assaut au siège du Parlement américain, le président sortant était fasciné face aux images de télévision. »

Wie Corona Gesellschaft und Politik verändert | Im Gespräch | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Apr 6, 2020 • Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie werden unsere Freiheiten empfindlich eingeschränkt. Was bedeutet das für die Demokratie, die Politik und die Gesellschaft? Wie viel Freiheit darf uns der Staat nehmen? Barbara Bleisch im Gespräch mit der Ökonomin und Publizistin Karen Horn und dem Publizisten Roger de Weck.

Camille Saint-Saëns - Der Unergründliche | Doku HD | ARTE

Dec 9, 2021 • Camille Saint-Saëns galt als Wunderkind und war ein begnadeter

Jeremy and Randy | Excommunicated for Falling in Love

Being gay and married in the Mormon Church, the Church of Latter Day Saints

Van Drivers in UK Will Need New Operating Licences to Enter EU from May

THE GUARDIAN: Latest Brexit red tape will come into force alongside a series of further checks at Dover and other ports

Van drivers will be required to get new international operating licences if they want to travel back and forth to the EU from May next year, the government has announced.

The additional red tape will come into force next year alongside a series of further checks at Dover and other ports that were delayed three times in 2021 because of lack of preparation for Brexit in Great Britain.

According to updates on the website, anyone driving a van, a light commercial vehicle or any car towing a trailer will be required to have a “goods vehicle operator licence” to enter the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland from May.

The licence will cost van drivers up to £1,100, a significant burden for solo operators, industry leaders said.

Drivers will have to fork out £257 in an application fee and a further £401 for the licence. Another £401 “continuation fee” will be payable every five years to retain the licence, according to » | Lisa O'Carroll Brexit correspondent | Thursday, December 16, 2021

Those Brexit “sunny uplands” aren’t so sunny after all, Brexiteers, are they? But don’t worry! At least you’ve got your blue passports back. – © Mark

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 16, 2021

Queen Cancels Pre-Christmas Family Lunch as Covid Cases Soar

THE GUARDIAN: Decision understood to be precaution to prevent putting people’s Christmas plans at risk

This Christmas is the Queen’s first since the death of Prince Philip. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA

The Queen has cancelled her traditional pre-Christmas family party for the second year running, as the Omicron variant sends Covid cases soaring.

The 95-year-old monarch was reported on Wednesday to be determined to press on with the lunch at Windsor Castle, at which she was expected to host 50 or so members of her extended family, including Prince Charles and Camilla.

But on Thursday, she agreed that it would be irresponsible to go ahead, with a source suggesting the party could put too many people’s Christmas arrangements at risk.

This Christmas is the Queen’s first since the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, her husband of 73 years. Last year’s gathering was also scrapped because of the Covid crisis. » | Amelia Hill | Thursday, December 16, 2021

Queen Elizabeth cancels traditional pre-Christmas lunch as cases surge in England. »

Covid-19 : la France va restreindre l'accès aux voyageurs en provenance du Royaume-Uni

LE FIGARO : LE POINT SUR LA SITUATION - Nouvelles mesures, nouveaux bilans et faits marquants : Le Figaro fait le point sur les dernières évolutions de la pandémie de Covid-19.

Restrictions pour les voyageurs en provenance du Royaume-Uni, le Maroc ferme ses frontières, un nouveau retard pour le candidat vaccin Sanofi et 93 milliards de dollars pour soutenir les pays les plus pauvres... Le Figaro fait le point ce jeudi 16 décembre sur les dernières informations liées à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Nouveau tour de vis. La France va durcir les conditions d'accès pour les voyageurs en provenance du Royaume-Uni afin de limiter la propagation du variant Omicron, a annoncé jeudi le porte-parole du gouvernement Gabriel Attal. Concrètement, les voyageurs devront s'enregistrer et la validité des tests pour se rendre en France depuis le Royaume-Uni va être réduite de 48 heures à 24 heures. Les motifs de voyage seront en outre «limités aux résidents (français) et à leurs familles», a-t-il précisé sur BFMTV et RMC. Les déplacements de «tourisme ou professionnels pour des personnes qui ne sont pas résidentes en France seront limités». » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | jeudi 16 décembre 2021

France to tighten Covid restrictions on travel from Omicron-hit UK: Government says travel will be limited to ‘essential purposes’ for vaccinated and unvaccinated »

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Seong-Jin Cho - Chopin: Ballade No.1 In G Minor, Op.23 | Yellow Lounge

Dec 1, 2016 • Winner of the 17th International Chopin Piano Competition 2015, one of the most prestigious titles in all of classical music, Seong-Jin Cho presents his first ever studio recording on DG.

Fed Eyes 3 Rate Increases in 2022; Slows Stimulus as Prices Rise

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Federal Reserve officials suggested as many as three interest rate increases in 2022 as the economy heals and inflation persists.

“I think the risk of higher inflation has increased,” Jerome H. Powell, the Federal Reserve chair, said while testifying before Congress last month. | Sarahbeth Maney/The New York Times

Federal Reserve policymakers on Wednesday said they will cut back on their stimulus more quickly at a moment of rapid inflation and strong economic growth, capping a challenging year with a pronounced policy pivot that could usher in higher interest rates in 2022.

A policy statement and a fresh set of economic projections released by the central bank detailed a more rapid end to the monthly bond-buying that the Fed has been using throughout the pandemic to keep money chugging through markets and to bolster growth.

Officials are slashing their purchases by twice as much as they had announced last month, a pace that would put them on track to end the program altogether in March. That decision came “in light of inflation developments and the further improvement in the labor market,” according to the policy statement.

Fed Chair Jerome H. Powell, speaking at a news conference following the Fed’s meeting, said a “strengthening labor market and elevated inflation pressures” prompted the central bank to speed up the reductions in asset purchases. » | Jeanna Smialek | Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Mark Meadows Held in Contempt of Congress as Jan. 6 Probe Expands. How Long Can Trump Hold Out?

Dec 15, 2021 • The U.S. House voted to recommend the Department of Justice charge former President Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows with criminal contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack. The vote came after the committee released a series of text messages from Republican lawmakers and Fox News hosts to Meadows on January 6 that begged him to convince Trump to tell his followers to leave the Capitol. The messages show that Trump and his inner circle were "in the know" in the plot to overturn the election, says Daily Beast reporter Jose Pagliery.

«Die Mehrheit der Priester im Vatikan ist schwul» | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur

Mar 31, 2020 • Mit seiner These, wonach die Mehrheit der Prälaten, Bischöfe und Kardinäle des Vatikans schwul seien, generierte der französische Soziologe und Journalist Frédéric

WIKIPEDIA: Frédéric Martel

Lionel Richie : Don't Stop

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Ach, wie schön! Spürbare Liebe und Zuneigung.

Oh, comme c'est beau ! Amour palpable et affection. / Oh , how beautiful ! Palpable love and affection.

Ich bedanke mich bei O Verdoso auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild.

Silvio Berlusconi rêve de la présidence italienne

Silvio Berlusconi, le 3 octobre, après avoir voté lors de l’élection municipale à Milan. FLAVIO LO SCALZO/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Âgé de 85 ans, l’ex-président du Conseil fait campagne dans l’espoir d’être élu président de la République en janvier prochain.

À Rome

Alors que Silvio Berlusconi, 85 ans, est dit mourant à chaque convocation devant le juge pour ses affaires de mœurs, l’élection du président de la République fin janvier par les 1 008 grands électeurs a réveillé ses ambitions et sa vitalité. Il n’est pas encore officiellement candidat, pour ne pas se faire «griller».

«Mais les opérations séduction qu’il lance depuis des semaines à l’égard de tous les partis, y compris vers le Mouvement 5 étoiles (M5S) dont il a toujours dit le plus grand mal, sont bien le signe qu’il s’y prépare très activement», décode Giovanni Orsina, politologue spécialiste de la droite italienne et du président de Forza Italia à l’université Luiss. Il ajoute: «Silvio Berlusconi, qui estime être l’homme politique italien le plus important de la fin du XXe et du début du XXIe siècle, considère que l’Italie n’a pas reconnu son importance dans l’histoire. Se faire élire président de la République en fin de carrière serait pour lui une réhabilitation de son rôle et de sa personne.» » | Par Valerie Segond | lundi 13 décembre 2021


La famille Berlusconi: les cinq héritiers du Cavaliere : SUCCESSIONS (5/6) - Entre les enfants de l’ancien premier ministre italien, issus de ses deux premiers mariages, c’est l’entente cordiale. Au nom du père. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 15, 2021

Malta to Legalise Cannabis for Personal Use in European First

THE GUARDIAN: Move by EU’s smallest member state likely to be followed by reform across rest of continent in 2022

Malta will this week become the first European country to legalise the cultivation and possession of cannabis for personal use, pipping Luxembourg to the post, as the continent undergoes a wave of change to its drug laws.

Possession of up to seven grams of the drug will be legal for those aged 18 and above, and it will permissible to grow up to four cannabis plants at home, with up to 50g of the dried product storable.

A vote in favour of the legislation in the Maltese parliament on Tuesday will be followed by the law being signed by the president in order for it to be enacted by the weekend, Owen Bonnici, the minister responsible, told the Guardian.

The move by Malta, the EU’s smallest member state, is likely to be followed by reform across Europe in 2022. Germany recently announced a move to establish a legally regulated market, following announcements from the governments of Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. A referendum in Italy is planned, while Canada, Mexico and 18 US states have already enacted similar legislation. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Monday, December 13, 2021

This is crazy. Nuts! – © Mark

Why Rishi Sunak Would Be a Terrible Prime Minister. Truth To Power

The Government Just Took Away Your Freedom | George Monbiot

Dec 15, 2021 • “Boris Johnson is the most dangerous Prime Minister we’ve had in the entire democratic era.”

‘A Rudderless Outfit’: Conservative Press Turns on Boris Johnson

THE GUARDIAN: After Christmas party revelations and possible byelection defeat looming, loyalty for prime minister is waning

‘There may be no path back for Mr Johnson,’ wrote the Times in a leader column. Photograph: Reuters

The bad headlines for Boris Johnson began with an attempt to rewrite sleaze rules to protect the backbench MP Owen Paterson, progressed through a series of revelations about Christmas parties, and are now focused on a massive backbench rebellion and questions about the prime minister’s personal authority.

With a possible byelection defeat in Paterson’s previously safe seat on the cards this week, it is safe to call this the most difficult period of Boris Johnson’s premiership – and the Conservative press, which has long been loyal to him, is increasingly expressing its unhappiness. Here are extracts from coverage of the prime minister in right-of-centre outlets on Wednesday. » | Archie Bland | Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Lionel Richie : My Love

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Bitcoin Could Become ‘Worthless’, Bank of England Warns

THE GUARDIAN: People investing in the cryptocurrency should be aware of risks, central bank says

Bitcoin peaked above $67,000 a piece in early November but could ‘practically drop to zero’, said the Bank of England’s deputy governor, Sir John Cunliffe. Illustration: Dado Ruvić/Reuters

The Bank of England has said that bitcoin could be “worthless” and people investing in the digital currency should be prepared to lose everything.

In a warning over the potential risks for investors, the central bank questioned whether there was any inherent worth in the most prominent digital currency, which has soared in value this year to close to $50,000 (£37,786) a piece.

The cryptocurrency peaked above $67,000 in early November, but suffered a sell-off after news first broke of the Omicron variant of coronavirus, before stabilising around its current level in the past week.

The Bank’s deputy governor, Sir Jon Cunliffe, said it had to be ready for risks linked to the rise of the crypto asset following rapid growth in its popularity. “Their price can vary quite considerably and they [bitcoins] could theoretically or practically drop to zero,” he told the BBC.

The market capitalisation of crypto assets has grown tenfold since early 2020 to about $2.6tn, representing about 1% of global financial assets. About 0.1% of UK households’ wealth is in bitcoin and similar crypto assets, such as ethereum and Binance coin. As many as 2.3 million people hold crypto assets, at an average amount of about £300 each. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Delia's Classic Christmas | Parts 1, 2 & 3

Ray's Coming Out Story (2010)

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 14, 2021

Valérie Pécresse: Part-Thatcher, Part-Merkel and Wants to Run France

Valérie Pécresse (left) currently heads France's most populous Île-de-France region | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: France's traditional right-wing Republicans party is preparing to fight for its life in the presidential election next spring. Its surprise choice of Valérie Pécresse as candidate has boosted the party, with a new opinion poll suggesting she could beat Emmanuel Macron to become France's first female president.

You know you're making headway as a female politician when people start analysing your clothes.

For Valérie Pécresse, it began with a red jacket, worn for her victory speech after winning the nomination for Les Républicains.

One daily newspaper even asked fashion historians to decrypt it.

"This red jacket was chosen to distinguish her from the crowd," one said. "It's the colour of power."

Another described it as evoking "warrior spirit [and] blood".

Just a few days later, a poll by Elabe suggested that, if the election were held today, Valérie Pécresse would beat President Macron in a run-off vote by 52% to 48%.

That's encouraging news for a party that's been out of power for nine years, eaten away from one side by Mr Macron and from the other by France's far-right leader, Marine Le Pen. Her close ally and senator for Hauts-de-Seine, Roger Karoutchi, says Mrs Pécresse is a reassuring figure, because of her experience in running the Paris region with its 12 million inhabitants.

"It's not enough to be a woman; you have to be a stateswoman," he said. "[She] has been a minister, a deputy, a regional president. She has a proven track record on issues like secularism and security. She's extremely pugnacious: when she has a goal, she goes for it." » | Lucy Williamson, BBC Paris correspondent | Saturday, December 11, 2021

Présidentielle 2022 : la popularité de Valérie Pécresse en forte hausse, selon un sondage : La candidate LR à l'élection présidentielle est la deuxième personnalité préférée des Français, selon le baromètre Odoxa-Mascaret pour LCP-Assemblée nationale, Public Sénat et la presse régionale. »

Commentary: I Don’t Defend Using Cigarettes or Tobacco. I Defend the Individual Freedom to Use Them.

This Dec. 17, 2019 photo shows a group of cigarettes in New York. About 14% of U.S adults were cigarette smokers last year, for the third year in a row. Meanwhile, the adult vaping rate still appears to be rising, according to a new government report. (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE: The once-glorified cigarette graced the silver screen and could be seen in almost every magazine. Lucky Strike advertisements were as American as apple pie. Joe Camel was a four-legged hero and probably more popular than Spuds MacKenzie. Who didn’t want to look as cool as James Dean with a cigarette between their lips? On the battlefield, a cigarette provided tranquility even if just for a moment. Taking a few drags in a foxhole on a French battlefield while German soldiers were heard yelling or reloading was a little reminder of home.

For decades, cigarettes were a normal part of life. People smoked in every setting. From dinner parties, at the office, on airplanes or in the kitchen after a long day. It was normal and accepted. Then we started learning about the negative health implications. Americans became aware smoking cigarettes can have long-term negative effects on our bodies. We learned a lot of about nicotine and its addictiveness. Cancer was then linked to tobacco use. Long-term cigarette or cigar smoking could cause lung cancer. As people became aware, folks changed their behavior. Tobacco use, naturally, started to decline. » | Jess Nuñez | Wednesday, November 25, 2020

As far as I am concerned, the problem of obesity, as brought out in this German documentary started at around the time that the authorities and do-gooders started waging a war on cigarette-smoking and smokers.

I am going to stick my neck out here and state that there is a DIRECT CORRELATION between the decrease in the use of tobacco and the increase in obesity and the incidence of type-2 diabetes. When people smoked cigarettes more, both obesity and type-2 diabetes were far less prevalent in society.

Further, the authorities keep pushing vaping and e-cigarettes as alternatives to smoking real, traditional, combustible cigarettes, yet they have absolutely no reliable data on the long-term health consequences of vaping. This is grossly irresponsible on the part of medical people and governments worldwide.

People have been fed fairy stories, myths and lies about smoking cigarettes. If you listen to what they say about the dangers of smoking, if you dare indulge in the pleasurable habit, you will end up wrinkled, bald, toothless and you'll cough your lungs up! This is all balderdash, of course. I have smoked for most of my adult life and have very few wrinkles, a full mouthful of healthy teeth, a headful of thick, dark hair and I NEVER EVER cough! Moreover, I am not fat and I DO NOT suffer from diabetes. I believe that being a moderate smoker has helped me stay relatively slim and keep diabetes at bay. So, if I wish to do so, I shall continue to smoke real cigarettes despite the nonsense being talked about them. I am as proud to be a smoker as I am to be gay! I make absolutely no excuses for either!

As it happens, I have not smoked a cigarette for about ten days now. I had no intention of giving up smoking—and maybe I haven't long-term—but due to inclement weather, it was too wet to go out and buy cigarettes; so I didn't and did without. I haven't bothered to buy any cigarettes since that time.

Despite having a twenty-a-day habit for most of my adult life, I find it very easy to stop smoking when I wish to do so. Hence, I do not believe thaat smoking is half as addictive as they say it is. In my opinion and experience, smoking cigarettes is a habit rather than an addiction. Smoking is addictive only if one allows it to become so. Personally, all my adult life, I have refused to allow myself to become addicted to anything. When it comes to cigarettes, addiction is a choice: one becomes addicted if one allows oneself to become so. Basta!

At this point, I should add that I find it both maddening and stupid that at the very time that they are clamping down so much on smoking cigarettes, they are relaxing laws on smoking cannabis and other soft drugs. It is maddening because they have made the life of a smoker so difficult and expensive; it is stupid, because they are replacing one habit they say is so unhealthy with an even unhealthier one: smoking cannabis!

I would be the first person to admit that it is far better not to smoke at all. But only if the person doesn't replace smoking cigarettes with a habit which is even unhealthier than smoking cigarettes has ever been.

There is much more I could say about this subject, but for now, I shall leave it at that. – © Mark

Drei Jahre nach dem Khashoggi-Mord sieht die Welt den saudischen Kronprinzen wieder als Geschäftspartner

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Saudi haben Khashoggi ermordet und führen einen grausamen Krieg in Jemen. Joe Biden hatte sie im Wahlkampf deshalb als Parias bezeichnet. Heute verkauft er Riad Waffen. Anmerkungen zu einem bemerkenswerten diplomatischen Comeback.

Der saudisch Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman und der französiche Präsident Emmanuel Macron vor dem Élysée-Palast in Paris. | Christophe Ena / AP

Am 2. Oktober 2018 wurde Jamal Khashoggi auf dem saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul erstickt, zerstückelt und dann so gründlich beseitigt, dass bis heute jede Spur von ihm fehlt. Zwei Versionen zirkulieren seither. Die Türken, die CIA und die Briten sagen, Khashoggi sei vorsätzlich ermordet worden, den Auftrag habe höchstwahrscheinlich der Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman gegeben. Die Saudi geben den Mord zu, sagen aber, er sei nicht von oben befohlen worden, schon gar nicht vom Kronprinzen.

Die Glaubwürdigkeit der saudischen Aussagen tendiert gegen null, selbst eingefleischte Feinde Amerikas verlachen sie. Es gab anfangs denn auch so etwas wie moralische Entrüstung, vor allem von amerikanischer Seite. Nicht von Donald Trump, der damals regierte. Trump verlangte «Transparenz», aber er wies die CIA-Version zurück und verteidigte den Kronprinzen. Doch Joe Biden zeigte sich empört. Als Präsident werde er dafür sorgen, dass Amerika seine Prinzipien nicht mehr «an der Garderobe abgebe, nur um Öl zu kaufen oder Waffen zu verkaufen», sagte der Demokrat als Präsidentschaftsaspirant. Im November 2019, ein gutes Jahr nach dem Mord, bezeichnete Biden Saudiarabien als Paria-Staat, den man büssen lassen müsse für die Ermordung Khashoggis. Amerika dürfe zudem den Saudi keine Waffen mehr verkaufen, die im Krieg in Jemen eingesetzt werden könnten. » | Ulrich Schmid, Tel Aviv | Montag, 13. Dezember 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021

Lionel Richie : Ballerina Girl

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Pourquoi mon père s’habille comme un jeune?

Dans La Vie aquatique de Wes Anderson (2004), Bill Murray incarne Steve Zissou, un capitaine de marine fantasque. Ned, joué par Owen Wilson, est persuadé d’être son fils. ©Touchstone Pictures/Everett/ Bridgeman images

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Alors qu’ils flirtent avec la soixantaine, bien des hommes portent sneakers et tee-shirts quand leurs fils trentenaires se réfugient dans un vestiaire plus traditionnel.

On le lui a maintes fois répété: David, 27 ans, ressemble beaucoup à Renaud, son père, 57 ans. De la forme de leur nez à l’implantation capillaire, les points communs sont nombreux. Pourtant, dès le premier coup d’œil, une différence saute aux yeux: quand le fils porte le blazer, la chemise rentrée dans le pantalon de flanelle et les mocassins, le père préfère les tee-shirts, les jeans (parfois artificiellement délavés et déchirés) et les baskets à la pointe de la mode - en ce moment, des React Vision, modèle de Nike qui s’arrache chez les adolescents fans de streetwear. » | Par Matthieu Morge Zucconi | lundi 2 novembre 2020

Réservé aux abonnés


Vestiaire de plein air pour citadins élégants : Des pardessus en tweed de la révolution industrielle aux parkas en Gore-Tex qui arpentent aujourd’hui le bitume, comment les vêtements d’extérieur sont devenus des standards en ville. »

En Israël, les ultraorthodoxes marginalisés par Naftali Bennett

Des milliers de juifs ultraorthodoxes manifestent, le 5 novembre, dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem pour protester contre pour l’égalité des sexes sur le site du Mur occidental. EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Le nouveau gouvernement israélien veut briser les monopoles, tabous et avantages acquis par les haredim en trente-sept ans.

Correspondant à Jérusalem

Coiffé d’une kippa, Matan Kahana, le ministre israélien des Affaires religieuses, respecte le shabbat, est fidèle aux règles de la casherout, le code alimentaire du judaïsme, respecte les traditions et veut renforcer l’identité juive d’Israël qui, selon lui, aurait tendance à se dissoudre. Ce conservateur bon teint est l’un des ténors de Yamina, un parti sioniste religieux ancré à droite dont le chef, Naftali Bennett, dirige le gouvernement de coalition en place depuis juin. Son profil pourrait rassurer les milieux religieux. Il déclenche au contraire une vague de colère dans le camp des haredim, les «Craignant Dieu» en hébreu. » | Par Thierry Oberlé | lundi 13 décembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés


La rébellion des juifs ultraorthodoxes tourne à la violence en Israël : Une partie marginale de la population israélienne n’accepte pas les consignes sanitaires. »

How to Make Glühwein : German Mulled Wine | MyGerman.Recipes

Dec 19, 2019 • Glühwein is the name of the German mulled wine that one can buy at the Christmas markets. Its name means "glow wine" and it really makes you feel like you are glowing from the inside.

Get the recipe here.

Delia Smith's Christmas Pudding

Oct 10, 2020 • First broadcast November 1990 - Delia will show you how to make a traditional Christmas Pudding

Get the recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 13, 2021

Turkey Faces Threat of Financial Crisis after Lira Plunges against Dollar

THE GUARDIAN: Central bank forced to defend currency as traders respond to interest rate cut with sharp selloff

A customer at a bureau de change in Istanbul over the weekend. The lira was trading at almost 15 to the dollar at one point on Monday. Photograph: Serkan Senturk/Zuma Press Wire/Rex/Shutterstock

Fears that Turkey is on course for a full-scale financial crisis have intensified after the lira plunged to fresh lows against the US dollar.

Turkey’s central bank was forced to step in to defend the ailing currency – selling US dollars for lira – after the latest sharp selloff.

The lira was at one stage trading at almost 15 to the dollar as currency dealers contemplated the prospect of the latest in a series of interest rates cuts demanded of the central bank by the country’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Erdoğan’s insistence that the central bank should keep reducing the cost of borrowing despite annual inflation running at 20% has led to the value of the lira halving during 2021. » | Larry Elliott, Economics editor | Monday, December 13, 2021

New Jersey Conducts First Gay Weddings (2013)

Oct 21, 2013 • Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark, marries seven same-sex couples and two straight couples in a ceremony at City Hall to commemorate New Jersey legalising gay marriage. The first couple to be married are Joseph Panessidi and Orville Bell, both 65. Booker had refused to officiate at wedding ceremonies until the state legalised same-sex marriage

Coming Out: This Is a Hoot!

Old Gays Share Their Coming Out Stories

The Golden Guys! »

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Agne Radzeviciute Plays Chopin Étude Op. 25, No. 1 in A Flat Major

Covid: UK Alert Level Raised to Four due to Omicron Spread

BBC: The UK's coronavirus alert level has been raised from three to four due to the spread of Omicron, the UK's chief medical officers have said.

The last time the UK was at level four was in May.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to make a televised statement on Covid at 20:00 GMT on Sunday.

He is expected to provide an update on the booster programme. The BBC has been told there will not be any more new rules announced. » | Francesca Gillett, BBC News | Sunday, December 12, 2021

Royaume-Uni : le niveau d'alerte Covid relevé en raison d'une forte poussée du variant Omicron : Le niveau passe de trois à quatre, ce qui est le deuxième niveau le plus élevé et indique que «la transmission est élevée et que la pression sur les services de santé est généralisée et importante ou en augmentation». »

How Traditional Panettone Is Made in Italy | Regional Eats

Dec 8, 2021 • Panettone is famous for its tangy flavor and yellow, soft and gooey dough that is like no other. The secret behind it is an Italian yeast called lievito madre, or mother yeast. It gives panettone a tangy flavor and the just perfect texture. But it’s not an easy yeast to work with: you need time and patience to master it. In Milan, the birthplace of panettone, lievito madre is the one and only yeast bakers are allowed to use. We visited Pavé, a local bakery, to find out what else makes Milanese panettone so special.

Saumon fumé : Quel vin boire avec ce mets de fêtes ?

Saumon fumé Adobe Stock

LE FIGARO : Quel vin choisir pour un accord mets-vin idéal avec le saumon fumé, ce mets de fêtes qui affiche une belle intensité aromatique ?

Qu’est-ce que le saumon fumé ?

La technique du fumage apporte au saumon une intensité aromatique importante. En bouche, le goût est plutôt gras, légèrement amer et de forte persistance. » | Par Enrico Bernardo | vendredi 10 décembre 2021

Is South Africa Really a Beacon of LGBTQ+ Rights? | DW News

Dec 12, 2021 • It's been exactly a quarter of a century since Nelson Mandela signed South Africa's new constitution and made the rainbow nation into a beacon on the continent when it comes to LGBT rights. The document forbids discrimination on grounds of sexual identity. And so far, South Africa is the only African nation to allow same-sex marriage. All this means one thing for LGBT people in the region: hope. But: there is also anti-LGBT violence in the rainbow nation: a survey by South African rights group "Out" revealed that half of black respondents knew someone who had been killed because of Ngutjinazo reports from Cape Town.

Wie sollen wir lieben? | Philosophie | Bleisch & Bossart | SRF Kultur

Dec 12, 2021 • Liebe wird oft als das stärkste Gefühl beschrieben und ist dabei äusserst ambivalent und vielfältig. Sie macht glücklich, manchmal todunglücklich, sie festigt Bindungen und geht manchmal ganz unkonventionelle Wege. Barbara Bleisch und Yves Bossart fragen: Wie viele Menschen liebt man? Welche Formen der Liebe gibt es? Polyamorie oder Zweierkiste, was macht glücklicher? Gibt es «die eine grosse Liebe»? Und können wir unser Lieben überhaupt beeinflussen?

The Observer View on Boris Johnson

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: The prime minister is unfit to govern the UK in its worst postwar crisis

Prime Minister Boris Johnson at a press conference in Downing Street to announce new restrictions in response to the Omicron variant. Photograph: Adrian Dennis/PA

Every month of Boris Johnson’s premiership brings a new reminder of his rank unfitness for office. As the country is on the verge of an Omicron wave that could pose a profound challenge to the NHS, the government is mired in a deep political crisis entirely of its own making, after a week in which yet more of Johnson’s hypocrisy and corruption have been exposed.

A year ago, citizens made huge sacrifices in obeying Covid restrictions to limit the number of individuals who lost their lives in the second wave. As in the first wave of the pandemic, Johnson left it far too late to introduce social restrictions last autumn, with the result that thousands died needlessly and more damage than necessary was inflicted on the economy. But public compliance with restrictions when they were eventually brought in was high, as people did their bit to ease pressure on the NHS and save lives. Relatives missed saying final goodbyes to loved ones with Covid; grandparents missed first Christmases; more people than usual spent Christmas alone. Yet we have discovered that individuals working for the government held Christmas parties across Whitehall, including in No 10, in flagrant breach of the government’s own regulations that so many people abided by, at great personal cost.

It is a national misfortune that we have a man who is by far and away the worst postwar prime minister in office at the time of the worst postwar crisis. Johnson lacks any shred of integrity, is driven by ego and self-interest and has been prepared to mislead voters over and over again. He is incompetent and embodies the entitled politician who sees politics as a game rather than a duty. He is utterly unfit to govern Britain. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, December 12, 2021

Assange Extradition: UK Court Rules in Favor of US | DW News

Dec 10, 2021 • The US government has won its appeal against a court decision that halted the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The case will now go back to the Westminster Magistrates Court , where the matter will be heard again. Assange can still request permission for a final ruling on Friday's verdict from the UK's Supreme Court. The 50-year-old has been in custody since April 2019, when he was sentenced to 50 weeks behind bars. He was ordered to remain in custody pending the outcome of the High Court's decision over concerns he would abscond. Before the sentence, he was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy by British authorities after his citizenship was revoked. Assange's fiancée, Stella Moris, said their legal team would appeal "at the earliest possible moment," while saying it was a "grave miscarriage of justice." Before proceedings Moris expressed hope that he would be home for Christmas in a post on Twitter. "I hope the High Court will bring this abusive and vindictive extradition to an end today so that that our children will be able to spend Christmas with their father." DW spoke to the UNHCR Special Rapporteur Nils Melzer, who is monitoring Assange's case very closely.

Sailing Away: Superyacht Industry Booms during Covid Pandemic

THE GUARDIAN: Record-breaking number of vessels being built or on order worldwide, despite environmental concerns

More than 1,200 superyachts are slated to be built – a rise of 25% on last year. Photograph: Albert Gea/Reuters

In an era of environmental awareness and conspicuous displays of sustainability, you might not expect a rise in the number of people with the means and appetite for a £50m floating fortress of solitude.

But, in part because of the coronavirus crisis, the superyacht industry is booming – and the number of vessels under construction or on order worldwide has hit a new record. According to figures revealed in the latest edition of Boat International’s Global Order Book, more than 1,200 superyachts are slated to be built – a rise of 25% on last year.

“The market’s never been busier,” said Will Christie, a superyacht broker. “And I’ve been in the industry 20 years. A lot of people say they appreciate the safety of being on a yacht during the pandemic. But it’s also because whereas in previous eras the people with enough money were too busy in the office to justify the purchase, these days they can work from anywhere.

“I had one client who sent his trading terminals by plane so he could use them onboard – he’d be kitesurfing in the afternoon and then go back to his desk.”

Christie said shipyard order books were typically full until 2025 – meaning clients are prepared to pay a premium to take over someone else’s slot if it can be delivered years earlier. He argued that the ability to transport your holiday home to a different location at a moment’s notice was deeply appealing. » | Archie Bland | Sunday, December 12, 2021

Un jour de 79 : La destruction de Pompéi | Quand l'histoire fait dates | ARTE

Dec 12, 2021 • Patrick Boucheron revisite l’histoire à travers le prisme des grandes dates. En 1748, la redécouverte de Pompéi marque le commencement de l'histoire de l’archéologie, et de la construction d’un imaginaire du monde romain. Ne fait-on pas fausse route en cherchant dans la ville exhumée des cendres du Vésuve la conservation miraculeuse d’une cité romaine idéalisée ?

Série documentaire de Denis van Waerebeke et Patrick Boucheron (France, 2018, 27mn)

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Please Forgive Me for Playing This Wonderful, Energizing Video Yet Again…

Justin Timberlake : Can't Stop The Feeling(

Phil Collins: Everyday | 2016 Remastered

Jan 25, 2020 • Provided to YouTube by Laika Network

Israel denkt laut über einen Angriff auf die iranischen Atomanlagen nach

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die israelische Armee deckt sich mit neuen Waffen ein, die Luftwaffe plant eine grossangelegte Militärübung, und Politiker verschärfen ihre Rhetorik gegenüber Iran. Doch innerhalb Israels gibt es auch viel Kritik am Kurs der Regierung.

Der israelische Ministerpräsident Naftali Bennett fordert von den Amerikanern, der «nuklearen Erpressung» der Iraner nicht nachzugeben. | Gil Cohen-Magen / Pool / Reuters

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die israelische Armee deckt sich mit neuen Waffen ein, die Luftwaffe plant eine grossangelegte Militärübung, und Politiker verschärfen ihre Rhetorik gegenüber Iran. Doch innerhalb Israels gibt es auch viel Kritik am Kurs der Regierung.

Bombastische Erklärungen hinsichtlich Irans, wie sie unter dem israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanyahu üblich waren, sollte es unter dessen Nachfolgeregierung mit Naftali Bennett und Yair Lapid nicht geben. Stattdessen versprach die Regierung, gegenüber den Amerikanern auf stille Diplomatie zu setzen, um allfällige Meinungsverschiedenheiten mit ihren wichtigsten Verbündeten aus der Welt zu räumen. Davon kann mittlerweile kaum noch die Rede sein.

Immer offener reden israelische Vertreter über einen Militärschlag gegen Iran – notfalls auch im Alleingang. Sprich: ohne Unterstützung von Washington. «Iran wird niemals in den Besitz von Atombomben gelangen», sagte David Barnea, der Leiter des Auslandgeheimdienstes Mossad, vergangene Woche. «Nicht in den nächsten Jahren, niemals.» Gemeinsam mit den Streitkräften werde der Geheimdienst alles tun, um die Gefahr eines nuklear bewaffneten Iran zu unterbinden. » | Inga Rogg, Jerusalem | Samstag, 11. Dezember 2021

A Denver Man from Jordan Opens Up about His Struggles as a Gay Man in the Middle East

Jun 25, 2021 • The thought of holding another man’s hand in public was once a far-fetched dream for Luai Qubain, a man raised in the Middle East; but those days are behind him as he gives his husband a kiss while sitting on a bench in Cheesman Park.

Being Gay in Warsaw, Poland

Apr 28, 2019 • In Poland, roughly 50% of the population does not believe that homosexuality is normal. As an openly gay man living in Warsaw, Tom Shay'an is reminded of this everyday.

Deadly Overnight Tornadoes Leave Dozens Dead In Midwest

Dec 11, 2021 • At least 50 people are feared dead after an outbreak of tornadoes that tore through Kentucky and surrounding Midwestern states overnight. Kentucky Gov. Andy Bashear announced the death toll from the event will exceed 50 Kentuckians and "probably end up closer to 70 or 100 lost lives."

First Fires, Then Floods: Climate Extremes Batter Australia

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Many of the same areas that suffered through horrific bush fires in 2019 and 2020 are now dealing with prodigious rainfall that could leave some people stranded for weeks.

WEE WAA, Australia — Two years ago, the fields outside Christina Southwell’s family home near the cotton capital of Australia looked like a dusty, brown desert as drought-fueled wildfires burned to the north and south.

Last week, after record-breaking rains, muddy floodwaters surrounded her, along with the stench of rotting crops. She had been trapped for days with just her cat, and still didn’t know when the sludge would recede.

“It seems to take for bloody ever to go away,” she said, watching a boat carry food into the town of Wee Waa. “All it leaves behind is this stink, and it’s just going to get worse.”

Life on the land has always been hard in Australia, but the past few years have delivered one extreme after another, demanding new levels of resilience and pointing to the rising costs of a warming planet. For many Australians, moderate weather — a pleasant summer, a year without a state of emergency — increasingly feels like a luxury. » | Damien Cave Photographs and Video by Matthew Abbott | Saturday, December 11, 2021

'It's Been Very Hard after 35 Years': Tom Ford Admits He's 'Struggled' to Adjust to Being a Single Father after His Husband Richard Buckley's Death

MAIL ONLINE: Tom Ford has admitted it's been 'a struggle' adjusting to life as a single father following the death of his husband Richard Buckley's death. The fashion designer, 60, shared rare insight into coping without his partner after he passed away in September at the age of 72.

In a candid interview Tom explained: 'It's been hard after 35 years, very hard,' while discussing the challenges he's faced since becoming the sole parent to their son Jack, nine.

Speaking to WSJ he shared: 'I keep thinking, ''Oh, God, I have to call Richard,'' or I need to send him a note about this. And he's not here.'

He said: 'Until recently, I had Richard to help me out in the mornings. It's been a little bit of a struggle the last month because he would normally get [Jack's] breakfast on school days while I was getting dressed.'

He went on to say it has been a challenge adjusting to the new routine however getting up earlier for the school run means he has a 'good start to the day.' » | Ellen Coughlan and Deirdre Simonds for MailOnline | Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Guardian View on the US Pursuit of Julian Assange: Set Him Free

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The attempt to extradite the WikiLeaks founder is an assault on the press freedom that the Biden administration promises to promote

Supporters of Julian Assange gather outside the high court in London on Friday. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Opening his Summit for Democracy this week, Joe Biden urged his guests to “stand up for the values that unite us”, including a free press. The US president boasted of his new initiative for democratic renewal, including measures to support an unfettered and independent media: “It’s the bedrock of democracy. It’s how the public stay informed and how governments are held accountable. And around the world, press freedom is under threat.”

Yet the US government itself is endangering the ability of the media to bring to light uncomfortable truths and expose official crimes and cover-ups. On Friday, the high court ruled that Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, where he could face up to 175 years in prison. The decision is not only a blow for his family and friends, who fear he would not survive imprisonment in the US. It is also a blow for all those who wish to protect the freedom of the press. » | Opinion | Friday, December 10, 2021

No Ho Ho: Italian Church Apologises over Bishop’s Claim about Santa Claus

THE GUARDIAN: Antonio Stagliano was trying to focus on the story of Saint Nicholas when he told children Santa did not exist, says church in Sicily

A man dressed as Santa Claus rides past a crowd in Rome. An Italian bishop was forced to apologise after telling children there is no Santa. Photograph: Matteo Nardone/Pacific Press/REX/Shutterstock

A Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily has publicly apologised to outraged parents after its bishop told a group of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

Bishop Antonio Stagliano didn’t mean the comments, and was trying to underline the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Saint Nicholas, a bishop who gave gifts to the poor and was persecuted by a Roman emperor, said the Rev Alessandro Paolino, the communications director for the diocese of Noto.

Italian news reports quoted Stagliano as saying during a recent religious festival that Santa doesn’t exist and that his red costume was created by Coca-Cola for publicity. » | Associated Press | Saturday, December 11, 2021

Scott Morrison Urged to End ‘Lunacy’ and Push UK and US for Julian Assange’s Release

THE GUARDIAN: Independent MP Andrew Wilkie says UK a ‘lackey’ of US and journalism is not a crime

The Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, has been urged to advocate for the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Photograph: Bianca de Marchi/AAP

Australian parliamentarians have demanded the prime minister, Scott Morrison, intervene in the case of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, after the United States won a crucial appeal in its fight to extradite the WikiLeaks founder on espionage charges.

“The prime minister must get Assange home,” the Australian Greens leader, Adam Bandt, told Guardian Australia on Saturday.

“An Australian citizen is being prosecuted for publishing details of war crimes, yet our government sits on its hands and does nothing.”

The independent MP Andrew Wilkie called on Morrison to “end this lunacy” and demand the US and UK release Assange. » | Lane Sainty and AAP | Saturday, December 11, 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021

George Michael : Father Figure | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 81,842,167 . This is one for Jacinda Adern!

George Michael : One More Try

Views on YouTube: 135,313,847

The History of Balenciaga

Nov 8, 2021 • Balenciaga is one of the most prolific brands in fashion, and in this video we look at its history dating back to the very beginning. We learn how Cristóbal Balenciaga defied the odds to start his own couture house, the Nicolas Ghesquière years, the Alexander Wang years, and of course the arrival of Demna Gvasalia. In talking about Demna, we’ll discuss how he founded Vetements and went on to revolutionize Balenciaga, which is now one of the most popular brands in world (even among major stars like Kanye West).