Showing posts with label New Jersey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Jersey. Show all posts
Monday, December 13, 2021
New Jersey Conducts First Gay Weddings (2013)
Sunday, May 07, 2017
In Beijing Ballroom, Kushner Family Flogs $500,000 'Investor Visa' to Wealthy Chinese
That was the message delivered Saturday by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner's sister to a ballroom full of wealthy Chinese investors, renewing questions about the Kushner family's business ties to China. Jared Kushner is married to Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka.
Over several hours of slide shows and presentations, representatives from the Kushner family business urged Chinese citizens gathered at the Ritz-Carlton hotel to consider investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a New Jersey real estate project to secure what's known as an investor visa.
But President Donald Trump's vow to crack down on immigration, as well as criticism from members of Congress, has led to questions about the future of a program known here as the "golden visa". » | Emily Rauhala | Sunday, May 7, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
NJ Parents Concerned about Islam Emphasis in Curriculum
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
MAIL ONLINE: White supremacist turns up at court in full Nazi regalia to fight for custody of his children – including one who he named Adolf » | Daily Mail Reporter | Tuesday, June 04, 2013
New Jersey,
white supremacists
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der öffentliche Verkehr ist zusammengebrochen, Teile New Yorks sind überflutet: Nur allmählich kehrt Leben zurück in die Straßen der Stadt. Hurrikan "Sandy" dürfte Zerstörungen von historischem Ausmaß verursacht haben; besonders dramatisch ist die Lage im Bundesstaat New Jersey, sagte Gouverneur Christie.
New York - Es war vor einem Sturm der Superlative gewarnt worden, nun werden die Ausmaße seiner Zerstörungskraft allmählich messbar: Ersten Schätzungen zufolge beläuft sich die Schadenssumme auf zehn bis 20 Milliarden Dollar. Damit wäre "Sandy" eine der teuersten Naturkatastrophen in der Geschichte der USA.
Millionen Menschen an der Ostküste der USA waren am Montagabend zu Bett gegangen, ohne zu wissen, wie die Welt vor ihren Fenstern am nächsten Tag aussehen würde. Wenn sie denn überhaupt Schlaf finden konnten: Gegen acht Uhr am Abend war das Zentrum von "Sandy" auf die Küste New Jerseys getroffen, es folgte eine extrem stürmische Nacht.
Der Gouverneur von New Jersey, Chris Christie, zeigte sich bei einer Pressekonferenz schockiert über die Schäden in seinem Staat. "Das Ausmaß der Zerstörung an der Küste von New Jersey ist unvorstellbar", sagte er CNN. Die Behörden seien weit davon entfernt, den meisten Bewohnern die Rückkehr zu gestatten, sagte der Politiker. » | bim/dpa/Reuters/AP/AFP | Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012
Hurricane Sandy,
New England,
New Jersey,
New York
Monday, October 29, 2012
Eastern Seaboard,
New England,
New Jersey,
Thursday, September 08, 2011
WIKI: Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey »
New Jersey,
sharia law
Sunday, March 13, 2011
New Jersey,
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
NEW YORK POST: Jersey jihadis junior hellions
These are the faces of evil.
Officials last night released the mug shots of New Jersey terror suspects Mohamed Alessa, 20, and Carlos "Omar" Almonte, 24.
They were taken after the two hate-spewing terrorist wannabes were captured as they headed to Somalia, allegedly to wage holy war on Americans.
Their neighbors weren't surprised -- they said jihad started early for the two.
They were terrors in their suburban communities years before they were busted last Saturday at Kennedy Airport.
Not a single school could handle Alessa. He openly talked of blowing up his schools in the name of Islam.
Almonte was picked up by cops several times for increasingly violent behavior.
The duo are due back in Newark federal court today for a bail hearing on charges of plotting to murder, maim and kidnap people overseas. >>> Carolyn Salazar, Perry Chiaramonte and Chuck Bennett, AP | Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Islamic terrorists,
New Jersey,
New York,
Monday, March 22, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Police in New Jersey have arrested a 16-year-old boy after a Wal-Mart store broadcast an order for 'all black people' to leave the building.
The boy has been charged with bias and intimidation after the racist message was relayed via the store's public address system last week.
According to police, the boy picked up a public-address telephone in the Wal-Mart in Washington Township and said: "All black people, leave the store now."
A store manager apologised for the announcement, and police reviewed CCTV footage to find the boy.
Rafael Muñiz, the Washington Township police chief, said that while the cameras did not record anyone speaking on the public-address system, images showed three people – the suspect, a young man and a woman – standing near the phone just before the announcement, and rushing from the store just after it.
If convicted, the boy, from Atlantic County, New Jersey, could face a year in a juvenile detention centre. >>> | Tuesday, March 22, 2010
Wal-Mart Announcement Tells 'All Black People' to Leave Store >>> | March 17, 2010
New Jersey,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: A branch of Wal-Mart is being investigated after an announcement was made via the store's loudspeakers for 'all black people' to leave.
Customers and staff at the Wal-Mart superstore in New Jersey were shocked after a man used the public address system to tell "all black people" to leave.
On Sunday evening at the Washington Township store, a male voice calmly announced: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now."
Officials from Wal-Mart Stores are reviewing security tapes to try to determine who made the announcement. >>> | March 17, 2010
New Jersey,
Friday, January 08, 2010
LE FIGARO: Pour être définitivement adopté le projet de loi du gouvernement socialiste doit désormais passer entre les mains du chef de l'Etat, le conservateur Aníbal Cavaco Silva, qui dispose d'un droit de veto.
Un feu vert, mais pas encore une victoire pour les socialistes. Le Parlement a adopté vendredi en première lecture le projet de loi du gouvernement autorisant le mariage entre homosexuels, mais a rejeté en revanche les propositions de l'extrême gauche et des verts en faveur de l'adoption. Pour être définitivement validé, le texte doit désormais passer entre les mains d'une commission puis être ratifié par le président portugais, Aníbal Cavaco Silva.
Le projet de loi, défendu avec ferveur par le premier ministre José Socrates, a été voté par la quasi totalité des élus de gauche - majoritaires au parlement -, tandis que la droite a massivement voté contre. Il faut «réparer des décennies d'injustices faites aux homosexuels», à défendu le premier ministre à la tribune, rappelant que jusqu'en 1982, l'homosexualité était considérée comme un crime au Portugal. Un veto présidentiel possible >>> Flore Galaud ( | Vendredi 08 Janvier 2010
NJ.COM: What happened this week in the New Jersey state Senate was an absolute disgrace. There's no explanation for it that makes any sense. It never makes sense when elected officials sworn to uphold not only the Constitution, but the rights of each citizen to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do just the opposite. >>> Steve Adubato, PhD | Friday, January 08, 2010
Lissabon - Im streng katholischen Portugal hat das Parlament für die Einführung der Homosexuellenehe gestimmt. Die Abgeordneten nahmen den Gesetzentwurf der sozialistischen Regierung mit 125 zu 99 Stimmen an. Zuvor waren konservative Parteien mit einem Antrag gescheitert, über eine Eheschließung gleichgeschlechtlicher Partner in einer Volksabstimmung zu entscheiden.
Der Entwurf schließt allerdings aus, dass gleichgeschlechtliche Paare Kinder adoptieren können. Grüne und kleinere Linksparteien hatten versucht, homosexuellen Paaren auch dieses Recht einzuräumen.
Homosexuellenverbände merkten daher an, der Gesetzentwurf ginge nicht weit genug. Die Bewegung "Rosarote Panther" sprach wegen des Adoptionsverbots von einer "Ehe zweiter Klasse" und forderte ein Gesetz wie im benachbarten Spanien, wo die Homo-Ehe 2005 eingeführt wurde. Dort dürfen gleichgeschlechtliche Eheleute Kinder adoptieren. >>> hut/dpa/AP | Freitag, 08. Januar 2010
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
ADVOCATE.COM: Republican Chris Christie unseated Democrat Jon Corzine in New Jersey’s gubernatorial race, taking nearly 50% of the vote to Corzine’s 44%.
Corzine supports same-sex marriage while Christie backs amending the state’s constitution to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
Despite Christie’s win, the New Jersey legislature is widely expected to vote on a same-sex marriage bill during the lame-duck session between Tuesday’s vote and January. If it passes, Corzine has pledged to sign the bill. [Source:] | Tuesday, November 03, 2009
THE TELEGRAPH: American voters have delivered a sharp rebuke to Barack Obama by rejecting his allies in Virginia, the swing state that helped deliver him the White House almost exactly a year ago, and the Democratic stronghold of New Jersey.
Bob McDonnell, the Republican candidate, trounced his Democratic opponent Creigh Deeds, for whom Mr Obama had campaigned, by 17 points to become Virginia governor. Republicans also won the races in Virginia for lieutenant governor and attorney general.
Governor Jon Corzine, the incumbent Democrat, was defeated by Chris Christie in New Jersey, where no Republican had won state-wide since 1997.
It was a sobering night for Mr Obama, who had campaigned ferociously for Mr Corzine, appearing at two of his rallies on Sunday. A sole consolation was an unexpectedly close race in upstate New York, where it seemed that the Democrat might overcome a Conservative party candidate after the Republican withdrew. >>> Toby Harnden in McLean, Virginia | Wednesday, November 04, 2009
THE TELEGRAPH: Updated: Republican wins in Virginia & New Jersey wins equal miserable night for Barack Obama >>> Toby Harnden | Wednesday, November 04, 2009
TIMES ONLINE: Obama suffers poll blow a year after taking office >>> Giles Whittell in Washington | Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Barack Obama,
New Jersey,
US politics,
Saturday, August 29, 2009
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: NEW YORK | Le numéro un libyen Mouammar Kadhafi a accepté de ne pas planter sa tente de bédouin le mois prochain dans le New Jersey.
Il devait s'installer dans une banlieue de New York où résident des parents de victimes de l’attentat de Lockerbie.
Le dirigeant libyen a prévu de participer fin septembre à New York à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, pour la première fois depuis 40 ans, et les habitants d’Englewood, 30 000 habitants, craignaient qu’il ne s’installe pendant la durée de son séjour sur un terrain que possède la Libye dans la commune.
"Je suis très heureux que Mouammar Kadhafi ait apparemment renoncé à venir à Engelwood", a affirmé vendredi le parlementaire Steve Rothman, notant que "sa présence aurait posé des problèmes de sécurité pour les habitants d’Englewood et les diplomates libyens".
Englewood abrite plusieurs familles de victimes de l’attentat de Lockerbie, qui avait fait 270 morts en 1988, et qui ont été choquées par l’accueil triomphal réservé récemment par M. Kadhafi à Ali Mohamed al-Megrahi, condamné pour l’attentat et libéré pour raisons de santé. >>> AFP | Samedi 29 Août 2009
NZZ ONLINE: Libyens Staatschef verzichtet auf Camping während Uno-Vollversammlung
Nach Protesten von amerikanischen Politikern will der libysche Staatschef Muammar al-Ghadhafi während seines Besuchs bei der Uno-Vollversammlung sein Beduinenzelt offenbar nicht in einem New Yorker Vorort aufschlagen. >>> sda/afp | Samstag, 29. August 2009
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