Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Remembering JFK on the 60th Anniversary of His Assassination | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Nov 22, 2023 | On the 60th anniversary of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassination, Steve Schmidt remembers the impact of the 35th President of the United States, the lessons our country can learn from his short life and how the fallout from his assassination is still felt today.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rick Santorum: I Regret Saying John F. Kennedy Speech on Religion Made Me Want to Throw Up

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: Santorum's opponent and fellow Catholic, Newt Gingrich, said the strict social conservative 'strongly overreacted'

Rick Santorum probably wishes he could turn back time.

The Republican presidential candidate said he regrets saying a 1960 John F. Kennedy speech on religion made him want to throw up.

"I wish that I had that particular line back," the former Pennsylvania Senator — who's also a Catholic — admitted on the Laura Ingraham radio show on Tuesday.

Santorum, who came in second place to Mitt Romney in Arizona and Michigan's primaries Tuesday night, came under fire from critics after he ripped the legendary democrat's speech on separation of church and state earlier this week. » | Aliyah Shahid / New York Daily News | Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Was JFK Intern ‘Raped’? Professionals Debate

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Woman Reveals ‘Dark Side’ of JFK Affair

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Monday, August 02, 2010

Two Found Guilty of JFK Airport Bomb Plot

THE TELEGRAPH: Two Islamist militants have been found guilty of plotting to bomb New York’s John F Kennedy International Airport.

Left, courtroom sketch of Russell Defreitas. Right, Abdul Kadir. Both men have been found guilty of plotting to bomb John F Kennedy International Airport in New York. Photo: The Telegraph

Russell Defreitas, 67, a US citizen born in Guyana, and Abdul Kadir, 58, of Guyana conspired to blow up buildings, fuel tanks and pipelines at the airport in the New York City borough of Queens. The men, who were arrested in June 2007, face up to life in prison.

Defreitas, who had worked at the airport, provided knowledge of its facilities and layout, US prosecutors said, while Kadir, an engineer, helped with technical aspects such as how to blow up the buried fuel pipelines.

Defense attorneys for the men portrayed them as all bluster and no substance. Prosecutors said Defreitas and Kadir did more than just talk and “took concrete steps to make this plan a reality.”

Officials have said the plot was nowhere near being operational when the men were arrested.

This was the first case involving a plot against New York to go before a local jury since 2006. >>> | Monday, August 02, 2010

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

NYPD Arrests Two Would-be Terrorists at JFK Heading to Somalia

The Faces of Hate

NEW YORK POST: Jersey jihadis junior hellions

These are the faces of evil.

Officials last night released the mug shots of New Jersey terror suspects Mohamed Alessa, 20, and Carlos "Omar" Almonte, 24.

They were taken after the two hate-spewing terrorist wannabes were captured as they headed to Somalia, allegedly to wage holy war on Americans.

Their neighbors weren't surprised -- they said jihad started early for the two.

They were terrors in their suburban communities years before they were busted last Saturday at Kennedy Airport.

Not a single school could handle Alessa. He openly talked of blowing up his schools in the name of Islam.

Almonte was picked up by cops several times for increasingly violent behavior.

The duo are due back in Newark federal court today for a bail hearing on charges of plotting to murder, maim and kidnap people overseas. >>> Carolyn Salazar, Perry Chiaramonte and Chuck Bennett, AP | Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dallas se souvient de JFK 
et prie pour Obama

Photo de JFK grâce aux Google Images

LE FIGARO: L'anniversaire de l'assassinat de John Fitzgerald Kennedy ravive les inquiétudes avec l'arrivée à la Maison-Blanche d'un jeune élu noir qui lui est souvent comparé.

Pour Kenneth Salyer, le souvenir de l'assassinat de John Fitzgerald Kennedy le 22 novembre 1963 n'a jamais été si vivant que depuis la victoire de Barack Obama. Il partageait ses impressions cette semaine au 6th Floor Museum de Dallas, le musée érigé à la mémoire de JFK dans l'entrepôt de livres, d'où Harvey Lee Oswald tira depuis une fenêtre du 6e étage sur le président.

Ce n'est pas tant le souvenir de son impuissance face au président mourant qui fait surgir des larmes dans ses yeux, que le sentiment d'avoir vu disparaître à ce moment-là «l'espoir» que JFK symbolisait pour l'Amérique et qu'il retrouve aujourd'hui en Barack Obama. «Ce fut le jour le plus triste de ma vie, mais les deux hommes m'inspirent de la même façon, confie-t-il, tout comme Kennedy, Obama porte en lui cette promesse que l'esprit américain est bien vivant, qu'on peut construire un monde meilleur».

Kenneth Salyer était de garde au Parkland Hospital de Dallas, lorsque le président mortellement blessé arriva aux urgences peu après 12 h 30. Placé sur sa droite, du côté où une partie du crâne avait disparu, il avait pour mission d'enlever un corset que JFK portait en permanence, afin de pratiquer un massage cardiaque. Celui-ci s'avéra très vite inutile. Le plus jeune président des États-Unis fut déclaré mort à 13 heures. «Contrairement à ce qui se dit, Jackie Kennedy était bien restée dans la salle tout ce temps-là», tient à préciser le chirurgien. «Ce jour-là, dit-il avec émotion, je me suis promis que la ville de Dallas ne resterait pas seulement dans les mémoires pour avoir été celle où a été assassiné John Kennedy.» >>> Par Adèle Smith, envoyée spéciale du Fugaro à Dallas | 21. November 2008

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