Showing posts with label John F Kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John F Kennedy. Show all posts
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Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Remembering JFK on the 60th Anniversary of His Assassination | The Warning with Steve Schmidt
Sunday, February 05, 2012
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: The teenage mistress of President John F Kennedy has written a memoir describing how he both abused and confided in her during an 18 month affair which ended only with his death.
Mimi Alford says she was a 19-year-old virgin just a few days into an internship at the White House when Kennedy seduced her in his wife’s bedroom following a pool party with two close aides and other young women.
“I was in shock,” she wrote. “He, on the other hand, was matter-of-fact, and acted as if what had just occurred was the most natural thing in the world.” They kept up the affair after she left Washington to go to college, and she last slept with him just three days before his fatal trip to Dallas when he told her: “I wish you could come with me to Texas. I’ll call you when I get back.” Read on and comment » | Rosa Prince, New York | Sunday, February 05, 2012
MAIL ONLINE: JFK Took the Virginity of White House Intern » | Lee Moran | Sunday, February 05, 2012
NAEGELE BLOG: John F. Kennedy: The Most Despicable President In American History » | Timothy D. Naegele | Saturday, April 10, 2010
John F Kennedy
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
John F Kennedy
Friday, September 16, 2011
John F Kennedy
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: This week's release of interviews with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy has revealed a new side of the demure fashion icon. Among the unsparing criticism of her husband's political contemporaries were also a few comments about the Germans, who were apparently the source of great aggravation.
She said Martin Luther King was "phony," called former French President Charles de Gaulle an "egomaniac" and had harsh words for her husband's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. In a new book that unveils private interviews for the first time with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, unpleasant opinions about a number of political figures are revealed´-- and the Germans aren't spared, either.
Released this week, "Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life With John F. Kennedy" documents previously unheard conversations with the grieving widow in the spring and summer of 1964. Recorded in her Washington home by historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., they offer an intimate glimpse into the personal and political lives of the Kennedy family during their three years in the White House.
With a frankness uncharacteristic of her discreet public persona, Mrs. Kennedy offered up humorous -- though sometimes prickly -- descriptions and private reflections, which can also be heard on audio discs that come with the book or are provided digitally with the e-book. Among her unflattering comments about other world leaders -- such as the "kind of pushy, horrible" future Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi -- she also revealed that her husband had often been exasperated by relations with Germany. » | kla | Thursday, September 15, 2011
John F Kennedy
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

THE TELEGRAPH: Playing John F Kennedy's grieving widow Katie Holmes recreated a spookily realistic image of the former US president's funeral.
The actress, who is playing Jackie Kennedy in The Kennedys, looked uncannily like the First Lady during filming in Toronto, Canada.
Child actors played John F Kennedy Jnr, then aged three, and his sister Caroline, five. >>> Laura Roberts | Wednesday, August 18, 2010
John F Kennedy
Monday, January 25, 2010
MAIL ONLINE: Adolf Hitler was a product of his era and Americans are in denial about who really shot JFK, according to Oliver Stone.
The Hollywood filmmaker, who is working on a 10-part documentary called The Secret History Of The United States, said the German dictator was ‘enabled by Western bankers’.
Giving a lecture to high school students on the role of film in peace-building, Stone told how ‘psychopath’ Hitler rose to power thanks to big business leaders and other supporters who appreciated his vow to destroy communism.
Stone, who is in Bangkok for a visit organised by the Vienna-based International Peace Foundation, also told the 300 pupils his movie JFK was his most controversial to date as explores other theories into who killed U.S. president John F Kennedy.
Hitler was and managed to ‘seduce’ Germany's military industrial complex.
He said: ‘Hitler is a monster. There is no question. I have no empathy for Hitler at all.
‘He was a crazy psychopath. But like Frankenstein was a monster, there was a Doctor Frankenstein. He is product of his era.’
Stone said the aim of his documentary, which two historians are helping him with, was to offer a fuller understanding of the 20th century and how some of those lessons may be relevant to President Barack Obama.
‘What has America become? How can we in America not learn from Germany in the 1930s?’ the Oscar-winning director asked. >>> Mail Foreign Service | Monday, January 25, 2010
Adolf Hitler,
John F Kennedy
Saturday, November 22, 2008
LE FIGARO: L'anniversaire de l'assassinat de John Fitzgerald Kennedy ravive les inquiétudes avec l'arrivée à la Maison-Blanche d'un jeune élu noir qui lui est souvent comparé.
Pour Kenneth Salyer, le souvenir de l'assassinat de John Fitzgerald Kennedy le 22 novembre 1963 n'a jamais été si vivant que depuis la victoire de Barack Obama. Il partageait ses impressions cette semaine au 6th Floor Museum de Dallas, le musée érigé à la mémoire de JFK dans l'entrepôt de livres, d'où Harvey Lee Oswald tira depuis une fenêtre du 6e étage sur le président.
Ce n'est pas tant le souvenir de son impuissance face au président mourant qui fait surgir des larmes dans ses yeux, que le sentiment d'avoir vu disparaître à ce moment-là «l'espoir» que JFK symbolisait pour l'Amérique et qu'il retrouve aujourd'hui en Barack Obama. «Ce fut le jour le plus triste de ma vie, mais les deux hommes m'inspirent de la même façon, confie-t-il, tout comme Kennedy, Obama porte en lui cette promesse que l'esprit américain est bien vivant, qu'on peut construire un monde meilleur».
Kenneth Salyer était de garde au Parkland Hospital de Dallas, lorsque le président mortellement blessé arriva aux urgences peu après 12 h 30. Placé sur sa droite, du côté où une partie du crâne avait disparu, il avait pour mission d'enlever un corset que JFK portait en permanence, afin de pratiquer un massage cardiaque. Celui-ci s'avéra très vite inutile. Le plus jeune président des États-Unis fut déclaré mort à 13 heures. «Contrairement à ce qui se dit, Jackie Kennedy était bien restée dans la salle tout ce temps-là», tient à préciser le chirurgien. «Ce jour-là, dit-il avec émotion, je me suis promis que la ville de Dallas ne resterait pas seulement dans les mémoires pour avoir été celle où a été assassiné John Kennedy.» >>> Par Adèle Smith, envoyée spéciale du Fugaro à Dallas | 21. November 2008
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Relié) >>>
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