Showing posts with label assassination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assassination. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Remembering JFK on the 60th Anniversary of His Assassination | The Warning with Steve Schmidt
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Nijjar Killing Accusation No Surprise to Surrey, B.C., Temple Members
Canada Links Indian Government to Sikh Leader's Murder
Justin Trudeau Accuses India of a Killing on Canadian Soil
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Canadian leader said agents of India had assassinated a Sikh community leader in British Columbia in June. India called the accusation “absurd.”
Justin Trudeau said it was “unacceptable,” and the Canadian foreign minister said Ottawa had expelled a top Indian diplomat. | Blair Gable/Reuters
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said on Monday that “agents of the government of India” had carried out the assassination of a Sikh community leader in British Columbia in June, an explosive allegation that is likely to further sour relations between the two nations.
Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr. Trudeau said that he had raised India’s involvement in the shooting of the Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, directly with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Group of 20 summit meeting earlier this month “in no uncertain terms.” He said the allegation was based on intelligence gathered by the Canadian government.
“Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty,” Mr. Trudeau told lawmakers. He said Canada would pressure India to cooperate with the investigation into the killing of Mr. Nijjar, who advocated Sikh separatism.
Mélanie Joly, the foreign minister, later announced that Canada had expelled an Indian diplomat whom she described as the head of India’s intelligence agency in Canada. » | Ian Austen and Vjosa Isai, Ian Austen reported from Ottawa, and Vjosa Isai from Toronto. | Monday, September 18, 2023
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said on Monday that “agents of the government of India” had carried out the assassination of a Sikh community leader in British Columbia in June, an explosive allegation that is likely to further sour relations between the two nations.
Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr. Trudeau said that he had raised India’s involvement in the shooting of the Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, directly with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Group of 20 summit meeting earlier this month “in no uncertain terms.” He said the allegation was based on intelligence gathered by the Canadian government.
“Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty,” Mr. Trudeau told lawmakers. He said Canada would pressure India to cooperate with the investigation into the killing of Mr. Nijjar, who advocated Sikh separatism.
Mélanie Joly, the foreign minister, later announced that Canada had expelled an Indian diplomat whom she described as the head of India’s intelligence agency in Canada. » | Ian Austen and Vjosa Isai, Ian Austen reported from Ottawa, and Vjosa Isai from Toronto. | Monday, September 18, 2023
diplomatic relations,
Friday, August 11, 2023
The Guardian View on Murder in Ecuador: A Tide of Violence Reaches New Heights
THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The killing of a presidential candidate has highlighted soaring homicide levels, as the cocaine trade booms in Latin America
The assassination of the Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio on Wednesday marked a frightening new moment, even in a country where homicide levels are rocketing. Rising violence and crime are the central issue of the election in which the former journalist fought. The 59-year-old, shot dead as he left an event in Quito, was a courageous whistleblower who campaigned on the slogan: “It’s time for the brave”. » | Editorial | Friday, August 11, 2023
The assassination of the Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio on Wednesday marked a frightening new moment, even in a country where homicide levels are rocketing. Rising violence and crime are the central issue of the election in which the former journalist fought. The 59-year-old, shot dead as he left an event in Quito, was a courageous whistleblower who campaigned on the slogan: “It’s time for the brave”. » | Editorial | Friday, August 11, 2023
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Presidential Candidate in Ecuador Is Assassinated During Rally
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, had been vocal about ties between the state and organized crime, in a country roiled by violence tied to drug trafficking.
A presidential candidate in Ecuador who had been outspoken about the link between organized crime and government officials was assassinated Wednesday evening at a political rally in the capital, just days before voting begins in an election that has been dominated by concerns over drug-related violence.
The candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, a former journalist, was gunned down outside a high school in Quito after speaking to young supporters. A suspect was killed in the melee that followed, and nine other people were shot, officials said. » | José María León Cabrera, Julie Turkewitz and Genevieve Glatsky, Reporting from Quito, Ecuador, and Bogotá, Colombia | Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Leer en español.
A presidential candidate in Ecuador who had been outspoken about the link between organized crime and government officials was assassinated Wednesday evening at a political rally in the capital, just days before voting begins in an election that has been dominated by concerns over drug-related violence.
The candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, a former journalist, was gunned down outside a high school in Quito after speaking to young supporters. A suspect was killed in the melee that followed, and nine other people were shot, officials said. » | José María León Cabrera, Julie Turkewitz and Genevieve Glatsky, Reporting from Quito, Ecuador, and Bogotá, Colombia | Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Leer en español.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Inside Story - What Are the Implications of the Shooting of the Russian Ambassador in Ankara?
Monday, December 19, 2016
‘We Need to Know Who Gave the Orders’: Putin Comments on Ambassador Assassination in Ankara
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Chokri Belaid, a campaigning politician who warned of the dangers of Islamist groups, has been shot and killed in Tunisia.
Thousands of people flocked to protest outside the interior ministry in Tunis, in the aftermath of the execution-style assassination. The offices of Ennahda, the government, have also been attacked, according to attacks.
The demonstrators accused the governing Ennah[a]da party of failing to prevent the proliferation of violent fundamentalist factions inspired by al-Qaeda.
Shokri Belaid was shot in the head and chest as he left his home in Tunis.
Belaid was part of the secular opposition Popular Front movement that opposes the Islamist-led government that emerged in the wake of the Arab Spring revoluton.
“My brother was assassinated. I am desperate and depressed,” Abdelmajid Belaid, brother of the dead leader said. “I accuse [Ennahda leader] Rached Ghannouchi of assassinating my brother,” he said. » | Damien McElroy | Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In a statement given to the New York Times, the sons asked why their father "was not arrested and tried in a court of law so that the truth is revealed to the people of the world."
"We maintain that arbitrary killing is not a solution to political problems," it said. In a separate statement posted on jihadist sites, the sons also slammed the "criminal mission" ordered by US President Barack Obama which "obliterated an entire defenceless family."
Bin Laden was killed by US forces on May 2 after being tracked down to a Pakistani compound where the architect of the September 11, 2001 attacks is believed to eluded capture for years, despite a massive global hunt.
The statements denouncing his father's killing are said to have been prepared at the direction of Omar bin Laden, 30, and also called for Pakistani authorities to release the al-Qaeda leader's three wives and children.
The United States is keen to question the three women in hopes of finding out more details of al-Qaeda's reach and organisation, as well as details of bin Laden's final years. » | Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In a statement written by the Bin Laden family but signed only by Omar, 30, the United States is accused of breaking international law by killing the unarmed terrorist leader without a trial. That is, they said, if the mission was indeed successful.
Omar bin Laden began the statement by saying that he and the family do not believe that the Al Qaeda leader is dead and, like the so-called deathers in this country, want to see photographs and/or video evidence as proof. » | Andrew Malcolm | Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND: Abbottabad/Rom - Pakistan erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen die USA:
Das auf Osama bin Laden angesetzte US-Kommando habe den unbewaffneten Al-Kaida-Chef und vier seiner Vertrauten kaltblütig erschossen, erklärten zwei Vertreter pakistanischer Sicherheitsbehörden am Donnerstag mit Blick auf die Erstürmung des Anwesens von bin Laden in der pakistanischen Stadt Abbottabad. "Die Bewohner des Hauses waren unbewaffnet. Es gab keinen Widerstand", sagte einer. Damit widersprach er US-Darstellungen, mehrere Bewohner der Anlage seien bewaffnet gewesen und einer habe das Feuer auf die Spezialeinheit eröffnet. US-Außenministerin Hillary Clinton erklärte in Rom, weitere Details der Kommando-Aktion würden nicht veröffentlicht.
Die zwei Vertreter pakistanischer Sicherheitskräfte, die das Geschehen in dem Anwesen in der Nacht zum Montag untersuchen, erklärten dagegen, es habe kein Feuergefecht gegeben. Die Bewohner seien kaltblütig umgebracht worden. Beide Männer wollten nicht sagen, wie sie zu diesen Erkenntnissen gekommen sind. Allerdings haben die Sicherheitskräfte die überlebenden Bewohner der Anlage festgenommen. Von Reuters erworbene Fotografien aus dem Gebäude zeigen Nahaufnahmen von drei Männern in Blutlachen. Waffen sind nicht zu erkennen. Die Aufnahmen wurden von einem Mitglied pakistanischer Sicherheitskräfte kurz nach Ende des US-Einsatzes gemacht. » | Reuters | Donnerstag, 05. Mai 2011
LE POINT: La haut commissaire de l'ONU aux droits de l'homme estime que "le monde a le droit de savoir exactement ce qui s'est passé".
La haut commissaire de l'ONU aux droits de l'homme Navi Pillay a demandé jeudi la "divulgation complète des faits précis" sur les circonstances dans lesquelles le chef d'al-Qaida, Oussama Ben Laden, a été tué. » | Source AFP | Jeudi 05 Mai 2011
Oussama Ben Laden
THE ECONOMIST: THE Jerusalem Post reports:
[Israel's] Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman MK Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) on Tuesday said that the killing of Osama bin Laden bears witness to the fact that the US has adopted the Israeli strategy of targeting terrorist leaders. In an interview with Israel Radio, Mofaz said that the strategy was originally employed by Israel following the murder of nine Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Mofaz called on the government to increase targeted killings of Palestinian terrorist leaders. The former defense minister said that targeted killings have been successful in curtailing terrorist activities.Evidently the killing—some would say assassination or "targeted killing"—of Osama bin Laden is seen as legitimatising other countries' pro-assassination policies.
Moreover, celebrity legal eagle Alan Dershowitz argues that the non-response to Mr bin Laden's assassination from governments with a record of condemning the practice reveals the shady substance of these objections. Noting that "a US national security official has confirmed to Reuters that 'this was a kill operation' and there was no desire to capture Bin Laden alive", Mr Dershowitz correctly infers that "those who have opposed the very concept of targeted killings should be railing against the killing of Osama Bin Laden". But they aren't. » | IOWA CITY | Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Osama bin Laden,
Monday, March 07, 2011

Dr Rowan Williams said the murder of Pakistan's only Christian cabinet minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, could not be "managed or tolerated".
Writing in London's Times, he said Mr Bhatti was a martyr and Pakistan was being blackmailed by extremists.
Mr Bhatti was killed in an ambush by Taliban gunmen as he drove away from his mother's home on 2 March.
He had been the Pakistan government's only Christian cabinet minister until his assassination in Islamabad.
The minister was an outspoken critic of Pakistan's controversial blasphemy laws which Dr Williams, who leads the Church of England and the senior bishop of the worldwide Anglican Church, also attacked in his article. >>> | Monday, March 07, 2011
Thursday, March 03, 2011
REUTERS.COM: Pakistan vows to battle extremism after minister slain: Pakistan must not buckle to extremism, President Asif Ali Zardari said on Thursday, a day after Taliban militants killed his government's only Christian minister for challenging a law on blasphemy toward Islam. >>> Zeeshan Haider | Thursday, March 03, 2011
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: One of Pakistan's most outspoken politicians was shot dead in Islamabad on Tuesday by one of his own guards in a killing that police are linking to his controversial campaign to reform the country's blasphemy laws.
Witnesses said Salman Taseer, 56, the governor of Punjab province, was killed by a gunman in a police uniform at a small market close to his home in the capital.
His death is the most high-profile political assassination since the murder of Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister, in December 2007.
Last night the government appealed for calm as members of Taseer's Pakistan People's Party staged demonstrations in the Punjab city of Multan.
The country's government is already on the brink of collapse, following the defection of a key coalition ally, and further unrest would deepen the sense of political crisis.
Eyewitnesses said Taseer was a familiar figure at Kohsar Market, an arcade popular with expat aid workers, diplomats and journalists. >>> Rob Crilly, Islamabad | Tuesday, January 04, 2011
blasphemy laws,
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: WikiLeaks: guilty parties 'should face death penalty' – Leading US political figures have called for the death penalty to be imposed on the person who leaked sensitive documents to whistle-blower website WikiLeaks as anger intensified against those responsible for the international relations crisis. >>> Nick Collins | Wednesday, December 01, 2010
death penalty,
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Auf den iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ist offenbar ein Anschlag verübt worden. Ahmadinedschad kam dabei nicht zu Schaden.
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