Showing posts with label Hillary Rodham Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Rodham Clinton. Show all posts
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
‘We Have Him on the Run Now’: Hillary Clinton Slams Trump during DNC Speech
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Hillary Rodham Clinton Receives Honorary Doctorate from Swansea University
Monday, August 03, 2015
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Außenministerin Hillary Clinton bietet in einer Grundsatzrede den aufstrebenden islamischen Parteien in Staaten des „arabischen Frühlings“ die Zusammenarbeit mit den Vereinigten Staaten an. Sie fordert aber die Einhaltung rechtsstaatlicher Prinzipien.
Die Vereinigten Staaten wollen mit den aufstrebenden islamischen Parteien in den Ländern des „Arabischen Frühlings“ zusammenarbeiten. Der Gedanke, dass gläubige Muslime nicht in einer Demokratie leben könnten, sei „beleidigend, gefährlich und falsch“, sagte Außenministerin Hillary Clinton am Montag in einer Grundsatzrede in Washington. Die Vereinigten Staaten wollten die islamischen Parteien nicht nach ihren Namen, sondern nach ihren Taten bewerten. » | Quelle: AFP/AP | Dienstag 08. November 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The 92-year-old mother of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton died early on Tuesday after her health took a turn for the worse, causing the chief US diplomat to cancel foreign travel plans.
Dorothy Rodham, who was born in Chicago on June 4, 1919, died shortly after midnight on Tuesday surrounded by her family, the family said in a short statement.
"Her story was a quintessentially American one, largely because she wrote it herself," the statement said. » | Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
ARAB NEWS: DUSHANBE: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Tajikistan on Saturday that efforts to crack down on religious freedom might backfire and increase sympathy for radical views that could threaten stability in the Central Asian country.
Clinton, who met Tajik President Imomali Rakhmon on a trip to thank two Central Asian states for their cooperation in the US-led war in neighboring Afghanistan, said freedom of religious expression was tied to the region’s future security.
“I disagree with restrictions on religious freedom and shared those concerns,” Clinton told a news conference after meeting Rakhmon.
She said efforts to regulate religion “could push legitimate religious expression underground, and that could build up a lot of unrest and discontent.” » | ANDREW QUINN | REUTERS | Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, June 09, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been in discussions with the White House about leaving her job next year to become head of the World Bank, sources familiar with the discussions said on Thursday.
The former first lady and one-time political rival to President Barack Obama quickly became one of the most influential members of his cabinet after she began her tenure at State in early 2009.
She has said publicly she did not plan to stay on at the State Department for more than four years.
Associates in the USA say Mrs Clinton has expressed interest in having the World Bank job should the Bank's current president, Robert Zoellick, leave at the end of his term, in the middle of 2012.
"Hillary Clinton wants the job," said one source who knows the secretary well.
A second source also said Clinton wants the position.
A third source said Mr Obama has already expressed support for the change in her role.
It is unclear whether Obama has formally agreed to nominate her for the post, which would require approval by the 187 member countries of the World Bank.
The White House declined to comment. » | Thursday, June 09, 2011
Another job for the boys (or girls)! For top jobs, experience seems not to matter. It’s all about strings being pulled. – © Mark
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Was schenkt man als Bundeskanzlerin einer amerikanischen Außenministerin beim Staatsbesuch? Angela Merkel enthüllte eine gerahmte Ausgabe der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. Hillary Clinton amüsierte sich köstlich.
Lesen Sie den kurzen Artikel » | F.A.Z. | Mittwoch 08. Juni 2011
Thursday, June 02, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, has said that the death of the 13-year-old Syrian boy, Hamza al-Khatib was symbolic for many of the "total collapse of any effort by the Assad government to work with their own people."
A video purporting to show the mutilated body of the boy who activists say was killed during a government crackdown on protests has stoked even more fury against a regime the opposition says has lost all legitimacy.
Clinton commented on al-Khatib's death during a joint news conference with visiting Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, adding that if Assad could not put an end to the violence against his own people, and take "meaningful steps" to start a process of reform, then he should resign. (+ video) » | Thursday, June 02, 2011
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
Friday, May 27, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Pakistan needs to to understand that anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories will not end its problems, according to Hillary Clinton.
Mrs Clinton, the US secretary of state, on the first visit to Pakistan of a member of the Obama administration since the death of Osama bin Laden, said on Friday that both Washington and Islamabad need to do more to battle Islamist militancy and that relations between the two allies had reach a turning point.
"Pakistan should understand that anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories will not make the problem disappear," Mrs Clinton told a news conference following talks with Pakistan's military and civilian leaders.
Pakistan was left humiliated and angry after an American raid that killed bin Laden took place only two hours from the capital on May 2.
The unilateral operation has fuelled widespread anti-American sentiment in the country, which has long been high over a covert CIA drone war against militant commanders in the country's northwestern tribal belt.
Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, who accompanied Mrs Clinton in her meetings pleaded for greater co-operation between the two wary allies in the war against the Taliban and al-Qaeda. » | Friday, May 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
LE MONDE: Les Etats-Unis ont imposé, mardi 24 mai, de nouvelles sanctions contre "sept entités étrangères", dans le cadre de l'effort pour contenir le programme nucléaire controversé de l'Iran. Par cette décision, la secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Clinton "adresse un message clair aux entreprises du monde entier : ceux qui continuent de soutenir de façon irresponsable le secteur énergétique iranien et aident l'Iran à échapper aux sanctions américaines s'exposent à des conséquences graves", indique un communiqué du département d'Etat.
Sont visés l'entreprise Petroleos de Venezuela (Pedevesa), PCCI (Jersey/Iran),Royal Oyster Group (Emirats), Speedy Ship (Emirats/Iran), Tanker Pacific(Singapour), Ofer Brothers Group (Israël) et Associated Shipbroking (Monaco). Présentant les sanctions, Jim Steinberg, le numéro deux du département d'Etat, a parlé d'une "pression accentuée sur l'Iran pour qu'il respecte ses obligations internationales" en faisant la transparence sur son programme nucléaire.
L'Union européenne avait décidé, lundi, de sanctionner plus de cent entreprises soupçonnées d'être liées au programme nucléaire et balistique de l'Iran, et cinq personnes, en majorité des responsables d'entreprise. Les pays du groupe des Six (Allemagne, Chine, Etats-Unis, France, Royaume-Uni et Russie) soupçonnent l'Iran, qui s'en défend, de vouloir se doter de l'arme nucléaire sous couvert d'un programme civil. » | | Mardi 24 Mai 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In an interview with The Atlantic, Mrs Clinton also called the nation's human rights record "deplorable".
She defended US dealings with Beijing, saying: "We live in the real world."
The BBC's Kim Ghattas in Washington says Mrs Clinton seemed to suggest the Chinese system itself would collapse and that democracy was inevitable.
The article quotes Mrs Clinton as saying last month that China's leaders were "worried" that the wave of pro-democracy protests overtaking the Middle East would spread east to China.
"They're trying to stop history, which is a fool's errand," she said. "They cannot do it, but they're going to hold it off as long as possible." » | Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Thursday, May 05, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Hillary Clinton has said she has "no idea" what she and the rest of Barack Obama's national security team were watching at the precise moment a photographer snapped what has become the defining image of the Osama bin Laden operation.
Mrs Clinton said the raid was "38 of the most intense minutes" in her life, but her expression and the fact that her hand is covering her mouth might not convey any special significance.
The US secretary of state, who suffers from allergies, says she was embarrassed that her hand gesture may have only been her trying to stifle a cough or sneeze. » | Thursday, May 05, 2011
Now, Mrs. Clinton, if you expect us to believe that… – Mark
REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND: Abbottabad/Rom - Pakistan erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen die USA:
Das auf Osama bin Laden angesetzte US-Kommando habe den unbewaffneten Al-Kaida-Chef und vier seiner Vertrauten kaltblütig erschossen, erklärten zwei Vertreter pakistanischer Sicherheitsbehörden am Donnerstag mit Blick auf die Erstürmung des Anwesens von bin Laden in der pakistanischen Stadt Abbottabad. "Die Bewohner des Hauses waren unbewaffnet. Es gab keinen Widerstand", sagte einer. Damit widersprach er US-Darstellungen, mehrere Bewohner der Anlage seien bewaffnet gewesen und einer habe das Feuer auf die Spezialeinheit eröffnet. US-Außenministerin Hillary Clinton erklärte in Rom, weitere Details der Kommando-Aktion würden nicht veröffentlicht.
Die zwei Vertreter pakistanischer Sicherheitskräfte, die das Geschehen in dem Anwesen in der Nacht zum Montag untersuchen, erklärten dagegen, es habe kein Feuergefecht gegeben. Die Bewohner seien kaltblütig umgebracht worden. Beide Männer wollten nicht sagen, wie sie zu diesen Erkenntnissen gekommen sind. Allerdings haben die Sicherheitskräfte die überlebenden Bewohner der Anlage festgenommen. Von Reuters erworbene Fotografien aus dem Gebäude zeigen Nahaufnahmen von drei Männern in Blutlachen. Waffen sind nicht zu erkennen. Die Aufnahmen wurden von einem Mitglied pakistanischer Sicherheitskräfte kurz nach Ende des US-Einsatzes gemacht. » | Reuters | Donnerstag, 05. Mai 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
Osama bin Laden,
Thursday, April 07, 2011
NZZ ONLINE: Die amerikanische Aussenministerin Clinton hat den Appell des libyischen Machthabers al-Ghadhafi, die Nato-Luftangriffe zu stoppen, zurückgewiesen. Ghadhafi hatte sich in einem Brief an Amerikas Präsidenten Obama gewandt.
Libyens Machthaber Muammar al-Ghadhafi ist beim amerikanischen Präsidenten Barack Obama mit einem persönlichen Bittschreiben abgeblitzt. US-Aussenministerin Hilary Clinton wies Ghadhafis Appell zurück, die Nato-Luftangriffe zu stoppen, und forderte ihn auf, ins Exil zu gehen.
«Es ist überhaupt kein Geheimnis, was derzeit von Herrn Ghadhafi erwartet wird», sagte Clinton bei einer Pressekonferenz. Je früher «das Blutbad aufhört, desto besser ist das für alle». » | sda/Reuters/afp | Donnerstag, 07. April 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has said that Col Gaddafi may be exploring options for leaving Libya.
Mrs Clinton told ABC News that it was unclear if the Libyan leader would seriously contemplate stepping aside, but that US officials were aware of people reaching out "allegedly on Gaddafi's behalf" to assess exile options.
"Some of it is theatre," she said. "A lot of it is just the way he behaves. It's somewhat unpredictable. But some of it, we think, is exploring. You know, what are my options, where could I go, what could I do. And we would encourage that."
The secretary of state also said that the US government had received unconfirmed reports that at least one of Col Gaddafi's sons may have been killed in air strikes.
It was reported earlier this week that Khamis Gaddafi, 27, had been killed by an air force pilot who undertook a "kamikaze" mission on the Libyan leader's compound.
The reports said that head of the Khamis Brigade had died of burns in hospital following the attack, but were derided as a "nonsensical piece of news'" by the regime. » | Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
FORBES: NEW YORK -- Morocco's foreign minister is warning that the current "Arab spring" can quickly end if the transitions in Egypt and Tunisia don't lead to real democracy.
Taieb Fassi-Fihri says he plans to tell U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at a meeting Wednesday in Washington that the Group of Eight major industrialized countries should launch a new initiative to ensure that democratic principles and institutions are entrenched in Tunisia and Egypt. » | Associated Press | Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
REUTERS: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday Bahrain was "on the wrong track," but the United States may have little leverage as the Gulf kingdom presses a deadly security crackdown.
The United States has responded cautiously to the turmoil in Bahrain, saying this week it understood why the country's Sunni Muslim rulers called in reinforcements from Saudi Arabia as they face spreading anti-government protests by the country's Shi'ite Muslim majority.
But Clinton's tougher comments, made in TV interviews in Cairo while on a trip to the region, reflected what analysts said was growing U.S. concern that the situation could boil over into a full-blown confrontation between Sunni Gulf Arab states and Shi'ite-ruled Iran.
"We find what's happening in Bahrain alarming. We think that there is no security answer to the aspirations and demands of the demonstrators," Clinton told CBS, urging Bahrain to negotiate a political agreement with demonstrators.
"They're on the wrong track and we think that the wrong track is going to really affect adversely the ability of the Bahraini government to bring about the political reform that everyone says is needed," she told NBC. » | Andrew Quinn | WASHINGTON | Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
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